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Utopia Talk / Politics / Getting O'Donnell Straight
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 12:48:58

Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 11:13 PM

By: Christopher Ruddy

Perhaps the biggest earthquake of the political season already has happened.

The aftershocks of Christine O'Donnell's surprise win in Delaware are still being felt. Election Day in November may just turn out to be one of those aftershocks.

The Washington political establishment, including GOP insiders, appears to be completely befuddled and beside itself that an unknown newcomer with the political sensitivities of Ann Coulter just won the GOP nomination in a very blue state, beating a moderate Republican House member who had served as governor of the state.

There must be some mistake!

But there was no mistake . . . because there was a "little" thing we call an election.

And in this election there was no goof up, no accident that caused O'Donnell to beat the establishment favorite.

Indeed, voters knew clearly who she was, what she stood for, and all of her apparent liabilities.

Despite the fact that opponent Mike Castle outspent her, that the state party backed Castle, and the local media gave him favorable coverage, O'Donnell not only won but also won big â?? beating Castle handily by more than six percentage points.

This upset has caused much handwringing in Washington.

The Beltway insiders may not like the result, but Delaware Republicans are no country bumpkins.

They are like many Republicans in the New England states, fiscally conservative, a tad liberal on social issues, and sophisticated.

And in a hotly contested primary, they went strongly for the upstart.

Few seemed to grasp the significance of O'Donnell's win. One person who did was Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh immediately pounced on Karl Rove and other Republicans for sniping at the GOP's Delaware Senate nominee.

"Why not fight for it?" Limbaugh asked on his show the day after Rove hit O'Donnell hard on Fox News.

"Why not fight for it? Castle's OK as the 51st vote, but this woman isn't?" Limbaugh asked.

"Everyone I know that saw this was just â?? they were perplexed and said, 'What's going on? Why is he so mad at a Republican?'" Rush complained of Rove's move.

"Where was this anger directed at a Democrat ever?" Rush asked again.

Can you ever remember a Democrat leader urging fellow Democrats not to support Al Franken when he won his Senate seat â?? despite a blizzard of oddities he provided over his long career?

The media seems intent on smearing O'Donnell. The latest "revelation" â?? she admitted to a little "witchcraft" as a teenager while appearing on Bill Maher's comedy show more than 10 years ago.

If this was a criteria for public office, almost every teenage girl in America who touched a Ouija board or played tarot cards would be ineligible for office.

Fortunately, many in the heartland saw the double standard, and conservatives like Rush exposed it.

Rush urged his radio audience to back O'Donnell and visit her website to donate to her campaign.

After his call to arms, O'Donnell's site crashed as it was swamped with visitors. O'Donnell's campaign coffers swelled to more $2 million this past week, thanks largely to Rush.

When Rush first gained prominence in the '90s, there was no Fox News, no Web, no nothing, except Rush. Today, there are many more conservative outlets, but as Rush's stance in favor of O'Donnell proves, he remains the most relevant conservative on the national scene today.

The day after O'Donnell's win, Barry Goldwater Jr., the former congressman and son of the conservative legend, visited Newsmax. Barry reminded me that, when his dad won the 1964 Republican primary for president, many Republicans said the same things about him that are being said about O'Donnell.

Barry Goldwater Sr. didn't win that election, but his efforts laid the groundwork for the rise of Ronald Reagan.

You can never go wrong backing the true conservative in the race.

Milton Bradley
Mon Sep 20 12:58:07


Mon Sep 20 12:58:28
"Can you ever remember a Democrat leader urging fellow Democrats not to support Al Franken when he won his Senate seat â?? despite a blizzard of oddities he provided over his long career? "

Like what? Anything as odd as having a date on a "satanic altar", while running as a super-Christian candidate? Not that I consider O'Donnell unqualified, not at all, being odd is not a crime. I know Franken did coke in the 70s, but thats not odd. What else did he do that was so odd?
General Public
Mon Sep 20 12:58:29
"You can never go wrong backing the true conservative in the race."

Truer words have never been spoken.
Mon Sep 20 13:02:39
"Indeed, voters knew clearly who she was, what she stood for, and all of her apparent liabilities. "

Really? All her liabilities?

"They are like many Republicans in the New England states, fiscally conservative, a tad liberal on social issues, and sophisticated. "

Which is why they went with the candidate that is conservative on social issues and a inept?

""Why not fight for it? Castle's OK as the 51st vote, but this woman isn't?" Limbaugh asked. "

I don't think that it's that she isn't ok as the 51st vote, it's that she doesn't give them as good of a chance in Delaware.

"After his call to arms, O'Donnell's site crashed as it was swamped with visitors. O'Donnell's campaign coffers swelled to more $2 million this past week, thanks largely to Rush. "

Will they keep donating after the witchcraft/financial scandals play out?

Funny that, the article doesn't even mention her history of financial issues.
Milton Bradley
Mon Sep 20 13:03:16
Dunning-Kruger effect
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which an unskilled person makes poor decisions and reaches erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to realize their mistakes.[1] The unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their own ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority. This leads to the situation in which less competent people rate their own ability higher than more competent people.

The hypothesized phenomenon was tested in a series of experiments performed by Justin Kruger and David Dunning, then both of Cornell University.[2][9] Kruger and Dunning noted earlier studies suggesting that ignorance of standards of performance is behind a great deal of incompetence. This pattern was seen in studies of skills as diverse as reading comprehension, operating a motor vehicle, and playing chess or tennis.

Kruger and Dunning proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:

1. tend to overestimate their own level of skill;
2. fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
3. fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy;
4. recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they can be trained to substantially improve.

Dunning has since drawn an analogy ("the anosognosia of everyday life")[10][1] to a condition in which a person who suffers a physical disability due to brain injury seems unaware of or denies the existence of the disability, even for dramatic impairments such as blindness or paralysis.

Studies on the Dunningâ??Kruger effect tend to focus on American test subjects. Similar studies on European subjects show marked muting of the effect; studies on some East Asian subjects suggest that something like the opposite of the Dunningâ??Kruger effect operates on self-assessment and motivation to improve:

Regardless of how pervasive the phenomenon is, it is clear from Dunning's and others' work that many Americans, at least sometimes and under some conditions, have a tendency to inflate their worth. It is interesting, therefore, to see the phenomenon's mirror opposite in another culture. In research comparing North American and East Asian self-assessments, Heine of the University of British Columbia finds that East Asians tend to underestimate their abilities, with an aim toward improving the self and getting along with others.[14]

Mon Sep 20 13:04:01
Who votes in Primaries?

The rabid members of a party.

Who votes in elections?

Everyone else.
General Populace
Mon Sep 20 13:04:37
Too bad there is no concept of a "true" conservative.
Mon Sep 20 13:06:54
Why do people insist on calling Rush a conservative? He's an entertainer that happens to mostly incorporate Republican politics into his show.

Pundits != conservative or liberal.
Mon Sep 20 13:08:26
"Too bad there is no concept of a "true" conservative. "

Sure there is. Thats when you believe in 6000-old earth and Laffer Curve.
Mon Sep 20 13:08:54
Both are amazing myths.
Mon Sep 20 13:09:31
Much like humans riding dinosaurs, a laffer curve has never been observed : )
Mon Sep 20 13:27:53
"Why do people insist on calling Rush a conservative?"

Because that's what he is?
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 13:31:19
Aeros - Much like humans riding dinosaurs, a laffer curve has never been observed : )

"The alligator is notorious for its bone crushing bites. In addition, the alligator has been described as a "living fossil", having been extant for 200 million years, beginning in the Mesozoic Era."

"The Mesozoic Era is a period from about 250 million years ago to about 67 million years ago. It is called the Age of Dinosaurs because most dinosaurs developed, and went extinct, during that time. The Chicxulub impact and other events ended the era when a majority of species on earth went extinct."

Mon Sep 20 13:33:20
An alligator isn't a dinosaur.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 13:43:42
1) Alligators and caimans are archosaurs, species of crocodilians and form the family Alligatoridae (sometimes regarded instead as the subfamily Alligatorinae).

2) Archosaurs (Greek for 'ruling lizards') are a group of diapsid amniotes whose living representatives consist of modern birds and crocodilians. This group also includes all extinct dinosaurs, many extinct crocodilian relatives, and pterosaurs (although their inclusion has been disputed).

3) Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles. They were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous period (about 65 million years ago),

4) Reptiles are animals in the (Linnaean) class Reptilia. They are characterized by breathing air, laying tough-shelled amniotic eggs, and having skin covered in scales and/or scutes. Reptiles are classically viewed as having a "cold-blooded" metabolism. They are tetrapods (either having four limbs or being descended from four-limbed ancestors). Modern reptiles inhabit every continent with the exception of Antarctica, and four living orders are currently recognized:

* Crocodilia (crocodiles, gavials, caimans, and alligators): 23 species
Mon Sep 20 13:47:27
So they aren't dinosaurs. You could've just agreed without posting that.
Milton Bradley
Mon Sep 20 14:00:14

Are mice with human brains dinosaurs?

Mon Sep 20 14:10:26
Member Mon Sep 20 13:27:53
"Because that's what he is?"

No, he's not. He's whatever he thinks his viewers want him to be.
Mon Sep 20 14:13:21
So we first have Valishin who believes that injecting stem cells into a mouse will cause it to grow a human brain and we now have retard Rod who thinks alligators are dinosaurs.

And of course both support a retard who plays with witchcraft.
Milton Bradley
Mon Sep 20 14:14:33
...and believes that if you support the separation of church and state, you are a liberal nazi...

Mon Sep 20 14:36:41
Dinosaurs were the warmblooded common ancestors of birds. They were not Reptiles.

Mon Sep 20 14:38:01
Please, shut up Aeros.
Mon Sep 20 15:14:11
"Which is why they went with the candidate that is conservative on social issues and a inept?"

Has she said she is going to legislate as a social conservative? That would be reason to kick her to to curb.

"Will they keep donating after the witchcraft/financial scandals play out?"

The financial issues will be a problem for her and she deserves that if she didn't follow the rules. I think the witchcraft thing will actually help her though. For those that don't care about religon they are going to sympothize with her for being attacked unfairly. For the religous people she is an example of someone who turned to and embrased Christianty, that's a strong stance among them.

"Much like humans riding dinosaurs, a laffer curve has never been observed : )"

People reviewing economic history in the US and the reduction of tax rates from those in the during and prior to the Carter era to the lower over all rates during and after the Reagan era might disagree with your claim about the laffer curve having never been observed. The problem with the laffer curve is the inability to accurately calculate on which side of the desired apex point the current system falls. This is especially difficult because the tax rate is not the only contributing factor. The laffer curve is an entirely legitimate representation of impact of human decision making in the process, what it is not is particularlly predictable. However, any claims as to which side of the optimal point the current system is on are just guesses. This was very much observable in the above mentioned tax reduction because of the severity of the reduction. It was pretty much a given that we were to the right of the apex point with extremely high tax rates. The question of where we stand now or even if we had crossed that apex point at any point in recent history is an interesting question for theorists but I don't know how you might go about proving it.

"So we first have Valishin who believes that injecting stem cells into a mouse will cause it to grow a human brain and we now have retard Rod who thinks alligators are dinosaurs."

Correction, Valishin claimed that the statement about mice as related to scientific efforts involving human stem cells injected in the brains of mice as an attempt to grow brain cells is not evidence of the person making the statement being bat shit crazy. I never once said I agreed with said individual. I only defend the honesty issue as some of you seem intent on making unsubstantiated claims as a means of attacking a politican you don't like. But hay, why let the truth get in the way of a good story.

I think she should not be elected because she has yet to distance her political agenda from her social conservative views. That however does not make her crazy.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 15:17:35
3) Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles.

4) Reptiles are animals in the (Linnaean) class Reptilia.

* Crocodilia (crocodiles, gavials, caimans, and alligators): 23 species

How you people can ignore absolute proof when it is placed before you I will never understand.
Mon Sep 20 15:26:10
You are absolutely, 100% wrong Hot Rod. I know you've been out of School for awhile, so I'll bring you back up to speed.

modern taxonomy is moving towards a major reclassification of hundreds of known species, and the argument now is for the order "Dinosauria" be moved to Class Aves, or else given its own class. Evidence now points that Dinosaurs had major differences with Reptiles, in that they were usually warmblooded, with many either possessing feathers or similar structures. Their skeletal structure also resembles birds more then they do lizards.

This argument is helped by the size of the creatures. An animal such as T-Rex for example, could not have been a successful hunter if it was cold blooded. The size of the animal meant it would have to spend more time looking for food then controlling body temperature. Ditto for many other Dinosaurs.
Milton Bradley
Mon Sep 20 15:26:23

Sparrows are dinosaurs according to hotrod! Hooray for hotrod education!
Mon Sep 20 15:28:07
This is further complicated by the fact that animals that were NOT Dinosaurs often get lumped in with them, like super-reptiles that resembled the Alligator.
Adolf Hitler
Mon Sep 20 15:29:22
So lets review:
dinosaurs never became extinct and are all around us, there are mice with fully functioning human brains, masturbation is a sin and if you believe in the separation of church and state you are a liberal nazi.

yes, these are the intelligentsia, these are the teabaggers. Vote for teabaggers, we must stop mice with human brains and dinosaurs today!
Adolf Hitler
Mon Sep 20 15:33:35
hahaha Hot Mental Patient actually thinks he just proved without a doubt that dinosaurs never became extinct. rofl. Your brain would be improved with a bullet in it, you fucking moron
Mon Sep 20 15:45:03
"Correction, Valishin claimed that the statement about mice as related to scientific efforts involving human stem cells injected in the brains of mice as an attempt to grow brain cells is not evidence of the person making the statement being bat shit crazy. I never once said I agreed with said individual."

I am happy to hear that you have backpeddled to take a slightly less idiotic stance (but still a wrong one) from your previous assertion that Irving Weissmen is growing a "human brain" inside of a mouse.

You are still pretty dumb though.
Mon Sep 20 15:51:04
Go back and reread my statements, no backpeddling there. You guys just kept making assumptions that were not reflective of my statements. Which is odd because I could not have been more clear.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 15:52:22
Aeros - and the argument now is for the order "Dinosauria" be moved to Class Aves...

Until the argument is resolved they are classified as reptiles that have survived for 200 million years which classifies them as dinosaurs.

When they are *reclassified& as birds, then you will be correct. The operative word being 'When'.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 16:06:50
Valishin, sometimes I think that is all they can do to win a discussion. Misconstrue their opponents statements.
The Politician
Mon Sep 20 16:07:35
Which you do all the time...


statements by other politicians
Mon Sep 20 16:16:21
"Go back and reread my statements, no backpeddling there. You guys just kept making assumptions that were not reflective of my statements. Which is odd because I could not have been more clear."

So, here is the conversation:

Valinshin: I inserted the word "trying" thus making the statement logical

MF: Which lab and which American scientist is trying to do that, Valinshin?

Valinshin: Stanford University, Researcher Irving Weissman


That's the conversation. You said you magically put a word into O'Donnell's quote on scientists creating a animal-human hybrid brain. And when I asked who is doing it, you referenced Irving Weissman.

You and retard Rod showed how conservatives' relentless attacks on education have created a constant supply of retards who believed that brains could be grown in mice and that dinosaurs are alligators.
Adolf Hitler
Mon Sep 20 16:19:54
"Until the argument is resolved they are classified as reptiles that have survived for 200 million years which classifies them as dinosaurs. "

So hot bastard actually thinks dinosaurs never became extinct...just when you thought it wasnt possible to get stupider without being shot in the skull...lol you fucking mental spastic cunt.
Bullet. In your fucking head. You fucking genocidal disgrace to humanity
Adolf Hitler
Mon Sep 20 16:26:02

"That kind of adept gnawing seemed to evolve later, long after the dinosaurs went extinct"


oh oh oh foxnews is lying! Hate Rod, what to do, what to do??? I know! Just continue to vomit out the stupidest excuses ever heard by human ears, completely denying anything and everything that resembles the simplest facts that even the average 10 year old knows and you'll be just fine! The pain in your head that you get from facts and truth will just melt away as always!

Mon Sep 20 16:52:06
Let's be clear, I inserted the word when reading her statement and it makes the statement make since and is a logical accidental exclusion. As such, I give her the benefit of the doubt. You then asked who was doing it, I then pointed you to the research that could be described by someone with her concerns using the language she used. I then pointed out the concerns are valid as even the researcher shared those concerns. The point of all that was that her statement was being used to claim her insanity. I was pointing out that even though I don't agree with her level of concern her conclusion is a reasonable all be it a bit paranoid description of where the research might be headed.

The entire point of that exercise was to illustrate that the statement in no way indicates a mental issue with this individual. Disagreeing with you and I about the severity of concerns about research is not a sign of insanity no matter how much some of you like to point to someone disagreeing with you as a disqualifying factor. It may be reason not to vote for her, but it is not reason to question her mental aquity

"So hot bastard actually thinks dinosaurs never became extinct..."

Actually, if you follow the logic that birds are direct decendents of dinosaurs that would be a true statement. Although I admit not exactly what he was saying. In taxonomy, all descendants of a common ancestor must be included in the group. As such birds being decendents of dinosours are technically dinosours and thus dinosours are not extinct.

As for the crocodilians, correct me if I am wrong but aren't they technically at the same level as dinosaurs not under that classification. Both belonging to Archosaurs thus they would be brothers/sisters of the same parent thus sharing a common ancestor but not in the same line themselvse.
Mon Sep 20 17:00:19
"You then asked who was doing it, I then pointed you to the research that could be described by someone with her concerns using the language she used. I then pointed out the concerns are valid as even the researcher shared those concerns."

You believed that statements concerning stem cells could create a human brain inside of a mouse are valid.

Irving Weissmen did not have this concern. His research team does not share this concern. His collaborators also do not share this concern. The funding agencies supporting his work do not share this concern. Stanford University also does not share this concern.


Good luck being stupid.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 17:13:55
"Rise of the dinosaurs

The finding has implications for our understanding of ancient life-forms, because alligators and birds share a distant common ancestor.

After a mass extinction event that occurred 251 million years ago â?? called "the Great Dying" â?? a group of creatures called archosaurs (Greek for "ruling lizards") became the dominant land animals on Earth. This group eventually evolved into two major lineages: crocodilians, the ancestors of modern crocodiles and alligators, and the branch that produced flying pterosaurs, dinosaurs and eventually birds.

If both alligators and birds have unidirectional airflow in their lungs, that would imply that such a breathing pattern evolved in their common ancestor, the archosaurs, before the two major branches split around 246 million years ago."

The Politician
Mon Sep 20 17:16:00
Are they dinosaurs?
Mon Sep 20 17:50:49
"This group eventually evolved into two major lineages: crocodilians, and dinosaurs."

Your own links slap you in the face.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 17:57:39
"the ancestors of modern crocodiles and alligators, and the branch that produced flying pterosaurs, dinosaurs and eventually birds."
The Politician
Mon Sep 20 17:58:52
Are they dinosaurs?
Mon Sep 20 18:07:12
One branch called crocodilians, and one other branch that included "dinosaurs and eventually birds."

Separate branches. As in, crocodilians were not dinosaurs, they didn't evolve from or into dinosaurs, and they certainly aren't dinosaurs now.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 18:13:53
To heck with it.

I gave you proof that alligators belong to the family of dinosaurs and you deny it like you always do.

You are wasting mny time.
The Politician
Mon Sep 20 18:15:55
Are they dinosaurs?

We belong to apes. Are we apes?
Mon Sep 20 18:16:37
No, you gave proof that alligators belong to a branch of animals that evolved from a different branch of animals that also had evolved into dinosaurs.

It's like claiming humans evolved from monkeys. No. We didn't. Monkeys and humans evolved separately from a single ancestor species.
Mon Sep 20 18:25:44
Alligators are not dinosaurs, just as birds are not dinosaurs.
Mon Sep 20 18:32:16

That is not what I said. You keep trying to reword my statements build your strawmen. I said that her concern in the issue was legitimate and based on what he was doing her description of the situation while not entirely accurate is understandable. I don't have to agree with her assessment of the situation, the point is that this does not illustrate a disconnection from reality. It may show that her ability to describe the details of scientific research to be in question, but that's true for nearly everyone to some degree or another and is hardly in and of itself enough to question her sanity. Focus your arguement on her sanity as that is the focus of mine.

"I gave you proof that alligators belong to the family of dinosaurs and you deny it like you always do."

Your wording on this one is technically incorrect. They evolve from the same parent but the point that they became crocodilians is the same point that other side branched off and became dinosaurs. So they share the same evolution chain but the point that the distinction of dinosour comes about is the point that the crocs went a different direction. As such crocs wouldn't be decendents of dinosaurs. However, I would argue that they would be the most accurate representation because unlike birds the crocs have seen the least alteration of any line from that time frame. As such they are most likely the closest representation of the parent from which crocs and dinos evolved. Thus likely being the most accurate physical representation of either.
Mon Sep 20 22:00:39
"I said that her concern in the issue was legitimate"

Exactly. And why you don't think this is indicative of your intelligence is beyond me. You believe that concerns over the possibility that stem cells injected into a mouse can potentially become a human brain is a LEGITIMATE concern.

Mon Sep 20 22:03:11
" I don't have to agree with her assessment of the situation, the point is that this does not illustrate a disconnection from reality."

Only if you are a retard.

" It may show that her ability to describe the details of scientific research to be in question"

Only if you don't do research in stem cells, in which case, you ought to shut up about it.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 22:15:01
I concede on the alligators, I thought sure they were direct descendants of a dinosaur.
General Populace
Mon Sep 20 22:18:29
I'm certain if Valishin had not come in and burst your bubble. You would have continued with your nonsense.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 22:28:29
Probably, because I thought I was right and everyone was giving me opinion without proof.
Mon Sep 20 22:30:49
Instead of trolling and then conceding, why don't you stop posting and read a few books for a change, molester Rod?

The fact that you actually claimed victory and then conceded immediately when you found out that even your conservative buddies think you are idiot, you really ought to think about your life.
General Populace
Mon Sep 20 22:31:00
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Mon Sep 20 22:34:28
"Probably, because I thought I was right and everyone was giving me opinion without proof."

Your basis for making a scientific argument is whether or not you get support from your conservative buddies online?

Get a life.
Dickhead UPer
Mon Sep 20 22:36:21
All I can say is that GED was a good investment....right HR?
Dickhead UPer
Mon Sep 20 22:37:51
"Your basis for making a scientific argument is whether or not you get support from your conservative buddies online?"

Your basis for any argument is wheter or not you get support from your conservative buddines online?

Dickhead UPer
Mon Sep 20 22:39:13
And yes, I don't care about the typos. I'm tired.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 22:50:35
I was referencing my points, it was just I misunderstood my references.

Instead what I get from you people is,

"We belong to apes. Are we apes?"

"Alligators are not dinosaurs, just as birds are not dinosaurs."

"This is further complicated by the fact that animals that were NOT Dinosaurs often get lumped in with them, like super-reptiles that resembled the Alligator."

At least I admitted my error when I heard from a source I trust, but when you people are proven you wrong about something you refuse to admit it.

So yeah, I'm ahead of you by far.
Dickhead UPer
Mon Sep 20 22:51:50
It's fucking knowledge that most of us known since fucking grammar school man. Seriously, really?
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 22:53:30
I was in grammar school before your parents were even born man.
Dickhead UPer
Mon Sep 20 22:54:51
It doesn't dismiss the fact that this is pretty much basic knowledge that an average person should know. I can't believe how long you wanted to fucking refute them.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Sep 20 23:00:53
Age is no excuse for ignorance.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 23:05:48
BS, you are still denying subjects I proved you wrong on. Hell they obviously don't enen teach you people simple comprehension skills.

Now go away.
Mon Sep 20 23:44:28
The link between birds and dinosaurs if a fairly recent theory, so I doubt anyone here learned about it is grammer school.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 20 23:57:57
And I doubt it is a field I consider necessary for me to follow.
Tue Sep 21 00:19:46
Humans are apes, actually, yes.

But alligators aren't dinosaurs, as HR has figured out by now. I'm glad you did and conceded too. Didn't have time to post links and such, but tbh I thought you were just trolling at the time.
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 00:37:11
Nope, I really thought they were descended from dinosaurs.

When you get to be my age I think you will find yourself carrying around a lot of misconceptions that you always thought were true. :)
Tue Sep 21 00:45:51
Oh I'm sure... though mind you descended from dinosaurs still wouldn't make them dinosaurs either. Otherwise birds would be dinosaurs and I'm sure you could dig up a picture of a kid on an ostrich or something as well :)

The tricky thing about these things is that naming species (and families and whatnot) is a pretty arbitrary process, as the very gradual process of evolution includes a bunch of intermediates that luckily for taxonomists aren't around anymore.

At one point there were animals that we really couldn't classify as either birds or dinosaurs.
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 00:49:39
I think we should have lost interest in the subject as soon as Darwin finished his book. :)
Tue Sep 21 00:52:12
But that's when the subject only just started getting interesting :)
Milton Bradley
Tue Sep 21 02:27:22
and once again hotrod completely hijacks and derails the thread into total off topic retardness

Jesse Malcolm Barack
Tue Sep 21 02:28:54
Well the dude was getting stomped trying to defend his teabagger hero so he turns it into a dinosaur thread
Adolf Hitler
Tue Sep 21 02:45:40
rod is obsessed with defending his religious fundie idols. In his defense though, he does know less than the average 10 year old.
Adolf Hitler
Tue Sep 21 02:47:09
He doesnt just suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect, the Dunning-Kruger effect suffers from Hot Rodism
Tue Sep 21 03:34:50
"Exactly. And why you don't think this is indicative of your intelligence is beyond me. You believe that concerns over the possibility that stem cells injected into a mouse can potentially become a human brain is a LEGITIMATE concern."
Again, not what I said. I am refering to her concern about research going to far, I am not making a statement about a specific example of too far. Stop building strawmen.

As for HR and his dinos, maybe if some of you guys weren't so busy trying to attack but instead to the time and patients to explain your arguement then he would have realized his error without having to wait on my post. You guys did a piss poor job of explaining why he was wrong. Maybe next time you can take the time to break it down in easily understood language, you know the kind you use when teaching, and do it without insults. It also helps if you don't assume they understand a specific point you are trying to make, like the bird connection that was just tossed out there with little explaination, so instead maybe actually make that point in detail. Above all else that was arguablly the most common error in this little exercise.

"It doesn't dismiss the fact that this is pretty much basic knowledge that an average person should know."

The understanding of how the hiarchy works, thus how to interpret the information is basic knowledge. There is no reason anyone outside the industry should have the exact breakdown memorized as to which animal is at which level.

"Oh I'm sure... though mind you descended from dinosaurs still wouldn't make them dinosaurs either. Otherwise birds would be dinosaurs and I'm sure you could dig up a picture of a kid on an ostrich or something as well :)"

Actually by definition that is exacatly what it makes them. Which is why technically as long as birds exist dinosaurs are not extinct. There is a rule that a any decendents of a classification also retains that classification. It's a technicality, but I don't make up the rules. Come to think about it this is a lot like inheritance in object oriented programming. Humm will have to give that connection some more thought to see just how close the logic follows.
Tue Sep 21 03:45:17
Sounds like a bizarre rule to me... would make it pretty hard for any classification to go extinct like that.

Got any link to the use of this rule? Just out of interest, not because I think it's relevant to the thread.
Adolf Hitler
Tue Sep 21 04:16:14
" Tue Sep 21 03:34:50
"Exactly. And why you don't think this is indicative of your intelligence is beyond me. You believe that concerns over the possibility that stem cells injected into a mouse can potentially become a human brain is a LEGITIMATE concern."
Again, not what I said. I am refering to her concern about research going to far, I am not making a statement about a specific example of too far. Stop building strawmen.

As for HR and his dinos, maybe if some of you guys weren't so busy trying to attack but instead to the time and patients to explain your arguement then he would have realized his error without having to wait on my post. You guys did a piss poor job of explaining why he was wrong. Maybe next time you can take the time to break it down in easily understood language, you know the kind you use when teaching, and do it without insults. "

You need to realize that after years of this nonsense every single day, everyones given up on him. One cant bang ones head against a wall for ever without realizing that all it does it give you a headache. Heres the problem with you though: Youre on the same team as him, so youre never going to understand what his lunacy feels like to the non-lunatic side.
Adolf Hitler
Tue Sep 21 04:22:38
After all, youre the one who said about her masturbation is a sin comment that she had a higher moral standard (e.g., you believe masturbation is low morality) and mice with functioning human brains was a valid argument...jesus christ...
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 06:21:47
"I have admitted more of my errors than *ALL* of the liberals combined in the last nine years. You guys just will not admit it when you are wrong.

It is very frustrating."
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Tue Sep 21 06:25:19
Man it sucks to be hot rod if even mice can get fully functioning human brains when he cant
Dead Rod
Tue Sep 21 06:34:56
"So there you have it. If my caculations are correct I want to get rid of less than one billion Muslims. That would leave in excess of 200 million Muslims to 300 million Muslims according to some and over 1/3 of the world wide Muslim population according to some others.

Since the *MEANING* OF genocide is "The deliberate destruction of an entire race or nation." I obviously do not promote genocide.

Which makes you one ogf the bigges fucking liars on the board because you keep accusing me of wanting to obliterate all of the Muslims based on that quote.

Not to mention it makes you the biggest asshole on this forum. "
Adolf Hitler
Tue Sep 21 06:43:47
Dino Rod - "I have made more errors than *ALL* of the liberals combined in the last nine years. I just will not admit it when I am wrong.

It is very frustrating."

Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 08:26:12
Tue Sep 21 08:35:37
I have to admit, HR does concede his errors when he realizes them and it's happened a lot more often than people give him credit for.
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 08:41:41
Thank you.
Tue Sep 21 08:42:44
"Hot Rod
Member Mon Sep 20 23:57:57
And I doubt it is a field I consider necessary for me to follow."

Indeed. So why make 20 retarded posts on a subject that you admitted to know nothing about?
Tue Sep 21 08:45:06
And "some people" do not make it easy for "some other people" to admit their mistakes here.
Tue Sep 21 08:48:27
"I have to admit, HR does concede his errors when he realizes them and it's happened a lot more often than people give him credit for."

Yes. Because when you claim that "alligators are dinosaurs" and that "separation between church and state is different from separation of church and state," I don't know what else you can do other than conceding.

And of course, concession comes after 50-60 posts of trolling from molester Rod.
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 08:49:41
Milton's favorite hobby is stopping his car and jumping up and down on roadkill.
Tue Sep 21 08:51:23
Hot Rod's favorite hobby is stopping his car and jumping up and down on a young boy. And then abduct and rape him.

Free Lil' Davey!
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 08:53:37
"separation between church and state is different from separation of church and state,"

I never said that liar.
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 08:55:25
Damn mf, did you take originality lesson from AH? Sure looks like it, he copies my posts too.
Tue Sep 21 08:56:02
Yes. And you also never faked your own death or raped lil' Davey.
Tue Sep 21 08:56:30
""separation between church and state is different from separation of church and state."

-pedophile Rod
Tue Sep 21 08:56:53
"I never said that liar."

Yes you did. MF is 100% correct. And before you falsely claim him to be a liar again, I suggest you look up the word "paraphrasing."
Tue Sep 21 08:57:41
"Damn mf, did you take originality lesson from AH? Sure looks like it, he copies my posts too."

Did you take lessons on raping and building crawlspace for Lil' Davey from John Wayne Garcy? Sure looks like it. You copied the design of Garcy's crawlspace too when you murdered Lil' Davey.
Tue Sep 21 08:58:59
"Yes you did. MF is 100% correct. And before you falsely claim him to be a liar again, I suggest you look up the word "paraphrasing."

And since this is not from a semi-retarded conservative like Valishin, we can be sure that rapist Rod will not concede.
Hot Rod
Tue Sep 21 09:01:54
There's your tell,

Here is your sign.

(Sorry karge, but it is a perfect fit here.)
Davey Avenger
Sat Nov 20 09:58:11
set davey free
smart dude
Tue May 08 01:46:45
I wonder if Rod still thinks the crocodilians are dinosaurs. Let us know, buddy.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue May 08 01:52:16

I don't think you are a liberal but you sure act like it sometimes.

They like to dig up stuff from years ago too.

You must have a very boring life.

smart dude
Tue May 08 02:01:39
What are you talking about. I stumbled on this thread and thought it was interesting. Do you still think crocodiles are dinosaurs?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue May 08 02:44:13

No, I think you are.

You must be one to have "stumbled on" a thread as old as this one.

smart dude
Tue May 08 02:47:18
Rod are you drunk. "I think you are." You think I am what, Rod? "You must be one." I must be one what? Lol, what on Earth are you talking about.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue May 08 02:47:29

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue May 08 02:47:44

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