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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit111 #SimpleBinaryCodeTransmitdByC
the wanderer
Sat Feb 01 00:50:21
so, i turned on an "Oldies" station & U2 - 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' was playing (possibly has been going on for a long time, i don't listen to radio much)

this seems wrong... oldies should be defined as songs before I personally was born

...and those kids better get off my lawn
the wanderer
Sun Feb 02 00:54:39
the wanderer
Sun Feb 02 01:04:57
we should be using

- YYYY-MM-DD date format
- metric system
- no daylight savings

why isn't it happening?

Spock would agree
Sun Feb 02 01:13:39
Why not throw a universal language in that pot?
the wanderer
Sun Feb 02 02:18:29
good idea... sadly, probably shouldn't be English as not the most logical
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 02 02:54:06
But English and French have the highest efficiency rates! :D

..I at least use the YYYY-MM-DD date format.. essential for file-sorting. And metric system at work (though at work we do not use YYYY-MM-DD :( ..). It would be nice to see metric out in the wild U.S., but I admit to liking mph more than kph since mph means hot nasty speed ;D

"this seems wrong... oldies should be defined as songs before I personally was born"
"It'll happen to you!!"
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 02 02:54:09
I think I'd be more into SNL politics if they had this guy parodying Trump instead of Alec Baldwin:
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 02 13:25:49
Happy Groundhog Day! Enjoy your mandatory viewing of the 1993 movie :p
And today Punxsutawney Phil called for an early Spring, so that's a climate change win ;)
the wanderer
Sun Feb 02 13:57:12
'essential for file-sorting'
that's how it came to my attention :p

Spanish seems more logical than English... i like the 'always pronounce each vowel the same way' thing... i don't know French, but spelling seems completely random to the pronunciation (but perhaps it makes sense if looked into :p)

i'd also like a calendar w/ 13 months of 28 days... all months would look identical, same 4 rows over & over & the numbers would always fall on same day each month... so clean & organized :p (that's 364 days, so that's only problem... speeding up the earth slightly seems best solution)

...i used to have to remake a company's custom calendars every year... pain in the ass shifting #'s around & holidays... i had 7 different # layouts to apply differently to the 12 months each year... then erasing the 31's as needed... & February issues... it's stupidly annoying when you have to work with it :p
the wanderer
Sun Feb 02 15:33:28
a clean window claims another

perhaps he just stole something & deserved it
the wanderer
Sun Feb 02 21:08:59
there was a Bill Murray Groundhog Day super bowl commercial, probably the best one of the game
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 02 22:52:03
That must be this one? :D
lol'ed at the "It's not personal" part :D
I wonder if the same peeps who made the animatronic raccoon in that 1998 Twinkie commercial also made the animatronic groundhog for this Jeep commercial. They abandoned their website, though (animatedfx.net)

lulz@sprinting into glass

"(but perhaps it makes sense if looked into :p)"
It does! :D

"...i used to have to remake a company's custom calendars every year..."
Yikes D:
It would be kind of interesting to see a more standardized calendar, but I guess we'd need another revolution ;)

Yay, sports ball! ;D
the wanderer
Mon Feb 03 00:00:25
the calendar also had mini last month / next month versions at the bottom... so i basically was updating 36 months each year... all in one Illustrator file, you had to keep focused :p

yeah that's right Bill Murray one

this Jason Momoa commercial was decent too:
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 03 00:17:43
lol!! XD
He really sold the distress in that "Take it, take it, take it!"
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 04 01:45:35
Funny video of rollerblader trying to do a cool cruising video :p
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 02:00:38
i want a video showing how it was filmed


someone's observation:
"If the telephone had been invented after email, we would have thought it was a vast improvement in communication."

seems right to me (& telegraph doesn't count as email)
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 04 05:44:12
"i want a video showing how it was filmed"

It looks like he was using the GoPro MAX with a selfie-stick. Think this came up with that jet pack guy? The GoPro MAX automatically films in all directions, then in post-production you can edit out the stick and just pan around in the software to get the angles you want... or you can leave it as 360 footage for people with VR sets :)

This happened in 2015:
(Cyclist hit from rear by passing truck)

More info:

- This took place on European route E18 southbound to St. Petersburg
- It is *not* a highway like people keep saying; the speed limit on this road is 60 kph (37.3 mph) and by Russian classification is a local route in this area; cyclists are allowed there and use it frequently (kept seeing cyclists in the Google street view, and a Redditor confirms)
- The cyclist was *not* "in the middle of the road"; he was riding as far right as was allowed by the presence of a turning lane
- The truck driver blew past from the turning lane (tried to pass on the right when he was in a mandatory right turn only lane)
- Only some of the conversation was translated. The driver blames the cyclist; DailyMail translates "Don't complain, it's your own fault. I was driving normally, bro"
- Cyclist doesn't look over his right shoulder, though that doesn't put him at fault..

So, no fault on the cyclist, but! I will say that I avoid roads like this while cycling — roads where you're forced to cross right turn lanes or merge-from-right lanes like that. Highway 101 in the States makes a good example. Super bike friendly, but it has some dicey spots. The only fixes while riding seem to be:
- Do the same thing that this cyclist did, but just know that you have to check for crazy people
- Go to the shoulder even though there's a right turn only lane, and just cut across the lane when it's safe

Both situations can feel dangerous, which is a reason that I sprint through dangerous roads while looking around a lot — less time in the danger zone ;)
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 12:44:05
"...then in post-production you can edit out the stick..."
ah, i forgot about that ability... that checks out

yeah, truck definitely screwed up sneaking through the turn lane
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 21:46:53
probably a protester being 'quarantined'
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 05 04:28:56
All of that seems to be on the up and up ;D
the wanderer
Wed Feb 05 12:14:07
A traffic stop for unlawful speed on I-10 yesterday bagged two drug traffickers and their not so inconspicuous drug paraphernalia. Troopers seized meth, GHB, cocaine MDMA and fentanyl.

<photo of the bag full of drugs>:
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 07 05:55:23
Aww.. you'd think they'd get off with a warning for being ironic ;)

Base jumping, Russian doll style:
the wanderer
Fri Feb 07 12:21:52
extra effective video by them seeming close to that bldg roof when not really

heroic sheep dispatches intruder & tries to push the others back from the threat:
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 08 06:36:16
A true hero indeed!! If they can tell each other apart, that one will lead them to victory :D

Imgur has started improving their sorting a bit. It had been for a long time that I'd only browse for real life videos (Car accidents, neat things, etc.) and cats, and I'd have to go through lots of garbage to find them (they removed crowd-sourced tagging, which made it worse).. but they've started advertising their Caturday which gets people to actually *use* the cat tags.. :D

TLDR: Eternal Caturday spam! \:D/
the wanderer
Sun Feb 09 12:21:44
a train at capacity
the wanderer
Sun Feb 09 17:08:39
a short story about a coffee table
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 09 20:40:29
Not sure I would have stopped laughing like that running guy did :D
..I'd probably see that no one was hurt and then walk to the closest broom while giggling ;D
Incidentally, not a fan of glass coffee tables. Maybe because of that scene in "Lost Highway" where the Andy character has his head partially cleaved when he falls into one ;D

I couldn't see anything about this in UP, but it's a funny confirmation that peeps in the upper echelons (here, Trump and some supporters) were aware that the DNC ruined their chances of winning by sabotaging Sanders in favor of Clinton in 2016. And it seems the DNC may be making the same choices again for 2020 via Biden, Warren, and Buttigieg, so that's not good:
(4-minute Sh0eOnHead/Brainlet commentary video from 2 weeks ago)
Audio also has some background chatter about how Millenials would have shown up for a Bernie vote, which I think MSM underestimates when they pretend that Bernie wouldn't be "electable"
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 09 21:32:19
If this 2017 video of a cyclist being aggressively cat-called/harassed seems outrageously over-the-top, it's may be because it (allegedly) was staged and sent to a Viral outlet for those sweet sweet rage up-votes:
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 09 21:38:49
BBC story in the comments that looks into why it may be staged:
- "Jungle Creations said the video, posted on its Facebook channel [February, 2017], failed to meet its usual standards and "may be factually incorrect"."
- Redditors also point out that the cyclist tears off a side mirror which may have had its bolts loosened for effect (i.e., the mirror comes off way too easily for reality)

Some people in the comments say the old refrain, "This one is staged, but it is not an unreasonable narrative," but the problem with that (and many faked videos) is that they do not clear the air. When someone makes a movie, it may follow that logic (fictional, but possible or from a place of truth), but by outright falsifying a scenario it's just adding to an unreasonable rage. So, like, yes, women *do* get cat-called, but a fake video is not a valid vindication.
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 09 21:46:18
Well-fed trash pandas:
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 09 21:54:40
Looks like several people safety-checked this poorly planned scenario XD
(back flip attempt on car)
the wanderer
Sun Feb 09 22:38:49
glass coffee tables are good for upskirt cat pics


i'm not confident on Bernie... as was noted on Bill Maher, Britain did a Bernie vs Trump and their Bernie crushed

Trump would've feared him as he judges every candidate by crowd sizes (& enthusiasm -is- important, but not everything)


is Parasite actually a good movie? or is this some woke or whatever stuff? :p (Oscars)

Joaquin Phoenix had an unusual speech (he had an odd one in a prior show too)... i'd worry about him suiciding at some point
the wanderer
Sun Feb 09 22:41:02
glass table cats
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 09 23:53:41
So cute :D
Another good case for cat walkways all over a living space.

"is Parasite actually a good movie? or is this some woke or whatever stuff? :p (Oscars)"

Not sure... I usually like Korean horror, but I put off seeing that one. I don't think they do woke stuff there though.. hmm..

Yeah, hopefully Phoenix doesn't feel pressured into method acting his own self destruction just to compete with Ledger ;)
If Joker wins a lot, it deserves it. Very good movie.

Bourgeois food review vlog gets interrupted by the realities of the street:
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 10 03:51:49
"‘You’re Allowed To Be Naked Sometimes, But Not Other Times,’ Says Brad Pitt In Baffling Oscars Acceptance Speech"
[Onion: News in Brief]
"LOS ANGELES—Eschewing traditional topics such as thanking colleagues or speaking out about political issues, Brad Pitt delivered a baffling Oscars acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actor Sunday explaining that you’re allowed to be naked sometimes, but not other times. “Sometimes you have no choice but to wear clothes, and sometimes it’s okay to take them off. It really just depends,” said Pitt in a six-minute speech to a fidgeting, uncomfortable audience who had grown silent and were nervously eyeing the exits as the orchestra began trying to play him off the stage. “There are occasions where being nude is actually preferable, like in the shower. Right now would be an inappropriate situation for being naked, but in a few hours, who knows. That said, there are situations where it’s a sort of dealer’s choice where you can decide for yourself whether or not you want to be naked.” At press time, the cast and crew who worked with Pitt on Once Upon A Time In Hollywood were tearing up and giving him a standing ovation."
the wanderer
Mon Feb 10 12:14:17
yeah, that was an odd speech too :p

& for the record, i'm not against Joaquin's message (but probably won't give up milk), just noting unusual

but Crispin Glover is still alive, so seeming off isn't fatal i guess (see his old Dave Letterman interviews if unfamiliar :p) ... i don't think he was just acting
the wanderer
Mon Feb 10 14:10:22

so awhile ago i logged in & it said i had received money w/ an 'accept money' button so i did & i think it xfered to my bank (i wasn't expecting to receive money) & i can't see me having a remaining balance anywhere

so it seems to me it doesn't just store money like it used to, & that money was my priorbalance

anyone know anything about this?
the wanderer
Mon Feb 10 14:17:22
i think i found an article saying you were supposed to change to a 'PayPal Cash' account last year or something if you wanted to store cash

not asking anyone to investigate, just if you happen to know, feel free to answer :p
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 10 21:34:03
Wish I knew :(
I've only used PayPal to make payments. I haven't used it to receive payments. I finally have Venmo, but I haven't used that yet either.
Do you think it was just trying to clear its ledgers so it wouldn't be holding onto your money anymore? ;)

"& for the record, i'm not against Joaquin's message (but probably won't give up milk), just noting unusual"

Yikes.. just watched it:
He's good at ultra-awkward. I think he and Kristen Stewart need to interview each other ;D
Interesting mix.. he was trying not to alienate people by getting too specific (e.g., an inevitable Trump jab; though he sort of made one in a veiled way, and he used the word "cancel" so he probably was referencing cancel culture), so he was talking about a common goal of justice, but then he got *super* specific about cow's milk... He must be considering a particular type of milk collection, because field-raised milk cattle (those not factory-fed and not used also for beef slaughter) raise their own young on their own milk... So I wonder if he was talking about ethical treatment (preferring field-raised cow's milk) or if he's on the vegan track of not wanting to use animals for *anything*... (I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian, so I don't go that far; purchasing the field-raised products has been enough for me)

Also sad to hear him reference River Phoenix via some early '90s romanticism. Validation for me never taking my RP posters down ;)

I think Joaquin is safe... The way he reflected on River (thoughts of community and support) makes it seem like he doesn't want to hurt anyone by dying dramatically. That's a Christian suicide counselor's trap, though! They try to make peeps feel guilty about making others sad ;D
the wanderer
Tue Feb 11 01:12:07
i used paypal for buying/selling on ebay (but don't do either often)

buying seems like should still work, not sure what will happen if i sell (receive money)


i didn't even make the River / Joaquin connection... seems so long ago (and was, i guess)

yeah, definitely attacking cancel culture, & maybe he is unaware of his cow options, i didn't know the options either :p

this was his golden globes speech (the prior odd one i mentioned)
i thought maybe pharmaceuticals at play at the time, but perhaps not
the wanderer
Tue Feb 11 01:23:05
A Christmas Story 3:

A teenager who was accidentally shot in the eye with a BB gun by an 8-year-old has died from his injuries, Tampa police said.

Family friends identified the teen as 17-year-old Ivan Johnson, CNN affiliate Bay News 9 reported.
Johnson was riding in the front passenger seat of an adult male friend's car on February 1 with the driver's 8-year-old son and 10-year-old stepson riding in the back, police said. The driver got out of the car to use an ATM.

The 8-year-old accidentally discharged a loaded Daisy 800 BB/pellet rifle while attempting to move it and shot Johnson in the left eye, according to the police.


i'm going to guess no accident... everyone knows kids want to shoot people in the eyes, & that kids lie to avoid getting in trouble
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 11 02:22:14
Yeah :D
He probably didn't know how serious BB guns could be so he got stupid, maybe pumping it up in the vehicle even though he should have stored it without a charge... or he's a Dexter D:
..but death? Wow.. Close range will do that, I guess. :'(

"this was his golden globes speech (the prior odd one i mentioned)"

Oh, yeah, looks like he's an eco-vegan... that line about animal-raising being connected to climate change has been around for a long time (particularly the inefficiency of raising meat for protein and the heat and pollution caused by methane-waste animals).. environment was part of my original decision to stop eating meat around 1996, so I'd guess PETA has been talking about it since the '80s..

hawk beat up by chickens:
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 11 02:26:24
This starts like a waste of time, but I thought it was funny :p
Tue Feb 11 04:07:43
don't forget to mention you have to watch it with sound on, I didnt had the sound on and I was like where's the fun what did I miss...
the wanderer
Tue Feb 11 18:52:02
yeah, i had sound off too... but the stool push triggered my memory of other Chewbacca furniture vids, like:

Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 12 05:45:28
lulz, that last pull of the chair was especially accurate for whiny/sad Chewy :D

"don't forget to mention you have to watch it with sound on"
Oops! Good call. I've tried to do that in the past. Sound crucial for that one :D

On the Chewy subject, this video made the rounds recently. I hadn't seen it before..
("Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) speaking 'galactic standard' English in behind the scenes footage from Star Wars.")
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 12 05:45:31
Tornado hunter getting a good shot:
Cherub Cow
Thu Feb 13 05:48:40
Somehow I missed one of SNL's best digital shorts EVAR ;D
"The Race" (2017); Saoirse Ronan host
the wanderer
Thu Feb 13 22:59:35
i missed it too, i tend to just watch Weekend Update


an article said scientists named a new T-Rex related dinosaur:

"Thanatotheristes degrootorum"

so i assumed a Marvel connection, but apparently not: "the first word is Greek for “reaper of death”. It is also named after John and Sandra De Groot, the couple who found the fossils on the shore of Bow River in Alberta, Canada."

Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 14 05:04:04
Seems like they stretched the logic there to hide their spicy meme ;D

Speaking of spicy memes, I also had not seen this Jeopardy! question from 2017:
the wanderer
Fri Feb 14 16:19:18
i would have low confidence whatever is being sprayed here is safe to be exposed to :p
the wanderer
Fri Feb 14 16:38:47
good prank to play on your friends... if you want to potentially paralyze them
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 15 04:50:25
Imagine being that stupid, lol :D
(More?) Peeps definitely going to go blind or die if this escalates.

"i would have low confidence whatever is being sprayed here is safe to be exposed to :p"

Yeah, "children of thalidomide" and DDT come to mind ;D

Articles that showed trucks driving around Chinese streets showing the same spray say it's just bleach, which will not do a great deal even if Coronavirus is present in the places sprayed ( http://www...ks-to-spray-down-cities-2020-2 ). A suspicion I've read in comments is that it's just theater on the Chinese side.. trying to look like they're doing something to help their image problems.
the wanderer
Sun Feb 16 12:09:17
a fake show is best case scenario probably :p

our future
the wanderer
Mon Feb 17 14:52:08
impressive Wheel of Fortune solve (AVOID READING TITLE, they spoil for some reason)


...i got the 'ing' part
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 17 19:53:26
Wow, she either got really lucky or is really good at guessing based on omitted letters :D

This was made in 2018, but it reminds me of that 9/11 Back to the Future video I've posted a couple times:
Details he miss include that it would be an *unofficial* sequel, and Chris Evans wouldn't necessarily know anything (he's just an actor). Instead of Evans, this YouTuber would need to ask the authors of the original work (Jacques Lob and Jean-Marc Rochette, « Le Transperceneige ») and/or writer/director Bong Joon Ho, depending on how much Bong changed the source material (I haven't read it, so I don't know).
the wanderer
Tue Feb 18 00:24:57
i haven't seen Snowpiercer but he made a compelling case from the clips he showed

not sure he noted that brown paneling in Ed Harris' room (12:20) looked like a chocolate bar :p
Cherub Cow
Tue Feb 18 03:33:01
Good catch :D

Definitely compelling :D
I thought it would just be a pure joke at first, but he showed a lot of good parallels. And Snowpiercer was worth at least one watch (and I want to watch it again now). It was hyped up a bit too much on Imgur, but it was good :)

Someone at ucsusa.org went into power plant data based on U.S. region and gave average mile per gallon ratings of electric vehicles depending on grid charge source:
TLDR: Even in regions using "dirty" energy (coal and oil -fueled plants), EVs still get higher mpg ratings than even the most fuel efficient all-gasoline vehicles.

Interesting to see the data put together. It doesn't mention anything about the energy cost of creating EV batteries or pollution costs of disposing of the batteries, but it at least answers this question.
Wed Feb 19 17:43:15
Snowpiercer was pretty meh
Anarchist Prime
Thu Feb 20 10:02:23
The Room Next Door - Priti Patel

the wanderer
Thu Feb 20 12:17:56
^maybe she's just pro terrorism

try Burger King's new aged whopper
the wanderer
Fri Feb 21 22:15:55
i finally watched Chernobyl... it has all the horrible stuff you'd expect, plus horrible stuff you wouldn't expect

but i suppose it was good overall :p
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 22 05:58:42
I know, right?? :D :D
The first two episodes especially it's watching character actions like, "Holy crap, seriously? Do you not know how bad of an idea that is??" And then gradually they put reasonable people in power.. albeit a fragile power.. And just amazing how out of control some of those projects can become.. how a government has the resources to push for nuclear power while putting policy in place without being aware of the reasons that things will fall apart because of that policy..

Which transitions well to this!
This Imgurian has been posting updates on the Coronavirus:
2251 estimated deaths so far — I remember just a couple weeks ago being surprised to learn that the death toll went over 100.. so 2251.. wow.
And the way it connects to Chernobyl is that there has been some suspicion (possibly just apocryphal thoughts and conspiracy theories) that China has been hiding its real numbers by having medical staff immediately incinerate victims. I'm doubtful of that myself because of the potential for leaks (lots of people would have to be involved and complicit), but it's not totally impossible if they could minimize who knows what (Chernobyl style; just a few people seeing the body count).

Another suspicion was that ground zero was near a Chinese bio-weapons testing site, which calls back to Russia's Sverdlovsk-19 closed city, which had a major Anthrax outbreak in 1979 after negligent handling protocols. China specializes in negligence, so I would not doubt that a Chinese state bio-weapons scientist introduced a weaponized virus into the local population.

"The Room Next Door - Priti Patel"

Yikes D:
I had to watch the unedited version to confirm that she really did say that garbage over and over again. That's a bright star right there ;)

I see what they're going for with the aged whopper, as comments point out that McDonald's ingredients last dangerously artificially long.. but yeah.. they probably could have framed that differently ;D
the wanderer
Sat Feb 22 16:55:03
w/ Chernobyl, i hope they had a back-up plan for those 3 guys that went in to drain the water... seemed like some pretty dire consequences if that had failed (or maybe that was extra dramatized)


i imagine it would be hard to live in China and not want to release a weaponized virus into the local population :p


pole vaulter snags scrotum:
the wanderer
Sat Feb 22 17:30:43
a good run of half-court shooting
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 22 20:28:08
Good time to suicide.. cash out high ;D

"i hope they had a back-up plan for those 3 guys that went in to drain the water..."
I'd guess that in real life they had some non-volunteers ready to get forced in there to do the same job :D

"‘Cuss Collar’ swears every time your dog barks"
Warning: it's one of those annoying web pages where you have to keep scrolling down to see any content instead of them just condensing the content to one page. Their demo video takes attention away from the collar itself by focusing on some bad comedians, but it seems like a fun idea.
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 23 02:19:17
Gandalf raving:
(WARNING! Bad audio. Maybe put on the Blade "Blood Orgy" audio instead?)
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 23 02:19:50
Blade Blood Orgy music for easy clicking:
the wanderer
Sun Feb 23 12:06:33
^could be where he went after fighting the Balrog

an old-fashioned fire delivery truck:
that's how it was before matches invented
the wanderer
Sun Feb 23 23:47:50
South Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the "highest level" as confirmed case numbers keep rising.
Meanwhile, Italy and Iran have announced steps to try to contain worrying outbreaks of the virus.

In Italy, strict quarantine restrictions are in force in two northern "hotspot" regions close to Milan and Venice.


Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 24 01:14:34
Yikes D:
Deaths now at 2,619 ( http://gis...a7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 ). #TeamCorona could *really* grab the sun if it got more hits in India. They don't exactly sanitize.

Woohoo! Fire truck! \:D/
It wasn't playing the fire truck song :(
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 24 02:30:07
Cat adopts van-living couple:
(Dodo video from the olden days: July, 2019)
the wanderer
Mon Feb 24 14:37:19
then we learn they fund their nomad lifestyle via robbery &/or murder

i hope the cat maintains its willingness to follow them on hikes & whatever :p i can't imagine setting a cat loose in unfamiliar grounds
the wanderer
Mon Feb 24 14:40:24
porch pirate nabbed... not terribly exciting video (Canadians) but nice to see some comeuppance:

Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 24 16:03:18
Nice :D
Googling, looks like Canada has punishments similar to those of the U.S. in place for package theft: "Everyone who [steals mail] ... is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years; or ... is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction" ( http://law...ction-356.html?wbdisable=false ). Not sure how that compares to felony convictions in the States exactly, but it's considered serious..

Then again, nowadays the police probably jumpy on the social media train by making fake sting videos just to make people afraid to do crimes, so who knows if anyone really got convicted from this ;D

"i hope the cat maintains its willingness to follow them on hikes & whatever :p i can't imagine setting a cat loose in unfamiliar grounds"

Totes. That cat can't be willing to travel too far before being picked up. A mile, sure.. but a long hike? Back pack time ;)
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 24 16:13:11
A good old (2016) collection of those "StopClickbait" stories:
Cherub Cow
Mon Feb 24 20:29:19
From only a couple of weeks ago. Took place in Canada:
"If it weren’t for my dash cam I would have been at fault, driver and witness said I ran a red."
Cherub Cow
Wed Feb 26 05:38:36
Extra dank meme :D
Cat vs. Dog, Street Fighter style:
the wanderer
Wed Feb 26 17:51:23
mini robot tanks have entered the fight
...probably doing more harm than good, but still kinda neat
the wanderer
Thu Feb 27 15:08:34
javenlina running to 'Holding Out For A Hero' music (has been put to lots of different music on that twitter account)
the wanderer
Thu Feb 27 15:13:41
A former Utah teacher pleaded guilty Friday to murder charges in the shooting death of her ex-husband’s girlfriend, who was killed in front of the former couple’s 3-year-old twins.

Chelsea Watrous Cook slipped inside her ex-husband’s apartment and killed Lisa Vilate Williams while she and the children decorated a Christmas tree in 2018, prosecutors said.


good luck enjoying Xmas again, Dexter & Brian
the wanderer
Thu Feb 27 15:18:36
A Florida woman is facing a second-degree murder charge after she allegedly zipped up her boyfriend in a suitcase and then taunted him before leaving him to die.

Sarah Boone, 42, was arrested Monday afternoon after police responded to a call from a home in Winter Park.

Investigators said they found Boone’s boyfriend, Jorge Torres Jr., dead inside a suitcase that he had been zipped into several hours earlier.

Boone told deputies she and Torres had been drinking on Sunday evening when they decided to play hide-and-seek.

Boone said at one point she and Torres decided it would be funny if he got inside a suitcase that was in the living room and she zipped him inside it.

However, she went upstairs and passed out, forgetting Torres was still inside the luggage.

Boone said when she woke up several hours later, she didn’t see Torres anywhere and “then realized that he was possibly still inside the suitcase,” according to an arrest affidavit.

When Boone unzipped the suitcase, Torres was inside but wasn’t breathing and was pronounced dead a short time later.

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Boone gave deputies both verbal and written consent for a search of her phone.

Investigators found two videos, one showing the victim yelling at Boone that he can’t breath while she taunts him.

“Yeah, that’s what you do when you choke me,” Boone said in the video, according to court records.

Deputies said Torres repeatedly told Boone he could not breathe.

Her response:

“That’s on you. Oh, that’s what I feel like when you cheat on me,” Boone reportedly said in the video.

The sheriff’s office also said the video showed Torres pushing on the suitcase in an attempt to get out of it.

Officers arrested Boone based on the “inconsistencies” between her statements and the videos in her phone.

She was booked into the Orange County jail and is due in court on Wednesday.


don't film your crimes!
the wanderer
Thu Feb 27 17:55:32
in wheee! news:
the wanderer
Thu Feb 27 18:13:35
blackmailing monkey
the wanderer
Fri Feb 28 01:36:43
anteater getting the koala treatment
(pretty awful video work though)
notable moments
0:10 - the standing pose
0:40 - drink from bottle
3:00 - roll on back / shower

2nd video seems to be just a black & white of first

(i was worried he was going to pee on it given title plus liveleak plus seeing the loose belt early...)
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 28 06:20:09
aww :)
Mr. Anteater really enjoyed that. Bummer that he may go the rest of his life in the wild without a gift that great ;p

"...probably doing more harm than good, but still kinda neat"

Looks like one of those things that's not helpful now but could be in the robot wars ;)

"good luck enjoying Xmas again, Dexter & Brian"


"Investigators found two videos, one showing the victim yelling at Boone that he can’t breath while she taunts him."

Seems like they could have gotten first degree for that... 2nd was probably the safe bet, but wow... and yeah, "don't film your crimes!" Drunk hide and seek by her non-video testimony may not have even been manslaughter. This city deserves a better class of criminal!

And I'm curious about the suitcase. Maybe he was not flexible or in an awkward position.. because most suitcases can be opened even if the two zippers get locked together. Must have been a rigid suitcase? Can't find pics of the case in any articles

Not many dank memes on Imgur lately. It's been weeks without anything super interesting.. but here's this article that further confirms why TikTok is awful:
"Reddit CEO calls TikTok "spyware" and "fundamentally parasitic""
"“Because I look at that app as so fundamentally parasitic, that it’s always listening, the fingerprinting technology they use is truly terrifying, and I could not bring myself to install an app like that on my phone.”

“I actively tell people, ‘Don’t install that spyware on your phone,'” he later added."
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 28 06:26:28
Lots of trust here to hug a turkey:
the wanderer
Fri Feb 28 12:53:26
yeah it would be interesting to see the suitcase

i did find this photo of 'victim'... which appears to be a shirtless mugshot... i would guess most people w/ a shirtless mugshot are not positive members of society (plus there's the accusation of him choking her)


nice turkey hug :p probably not usual behavior
the wanderer
Fri Feb 28 14:30:15
quarantine breaker (supposedly)
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 28 16:07:01
..hmm.. I wonder if China would just starve a chunk of its citizens just so they wouldn't have more Corona deaths. Maybe they'd think that starvation deaths look better?

From 2017,
"Video shows Porsche crashing into crowd at Boise car show"
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 28 16:07:54
Another angle (this video was part of someone's vlog, so only this part was relevant):
the wanderer
Fri Feb 28 22:21:50
cha-ching! was my first thought about getting hit by someone who can afford a porsche


python swallowed a beach towel:
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 29 08:06:26
That was a *lot* of towel :o

"getting hit by someone who can afford a porsche"
Just like that person who won the university lottery by getting hit by a campus bus ;D

This must be two peeps refusing to yield? ;D
the wanderer
Sat Feb 29 13:02:53
definitely pays to get hit by gov't vehicles (or commercial vehicles)


not sure what this is, but seems like it should be a full length feature:
the wanderer
Sat Feb 29 23:47:51
Jif is dead to me (although i never bought Jif anyway):

Cherub Cow
Sun Mar 01 02:47:39
They've made the right choice >:D
..and I almost live off of Jif PB&Js, so this validates my choices ;D

That Chinese dog video was confusing. Prime meme material for green-screening :)

Super cute orange kitten meowing a lot:
the wanderer
Sun Mar 01 12:03:51
that makes Giphy -> Jiffy? madness
and graphics -> giraffics? i'm ok w/ that maybe

Lebron brutally attacked
the wanderer
Sun Mar 01 12:18:32
the hunted becomes the hunter
Cherub Cow
Sun Mar 01 18:18:36
lol. She made herself prey by running. Amateur mistake ;D

and double lol; is Lebron a soccer flopper? :D

"that makes Giphy -> Jiffy? madness
and graphics -> giraffics? i'm ok w/ that maybe"

Oh, wait.. I thought they were saying something else. I only looked at the picture in the article. Now I'm confused.. In the picture, it says "Gif"/"Hard g" and "Jif"/"Soft g", but then the article says the opposite: "Jif is partnering with GIPHY, a GIF search engine, to "put a lid on this decade-long debate": Both GIF and the peanut butter are pronounced "Jif.""

The article is heresy, the picture is how I treat it. And going to the actual Jif website ( http://www.jif.com/JIFvsGIF ), they back up the picture, which means the article falsely reported. If CNN had a filthy peasant comment section, they may have had users correcting them directly and so would have fixed their error. ;) .. Jif.com says this: "When is it OK to call a Gif a “Jif”? Never."
Cherub Cow
Sun Mar 01 18:19:01
They also created a fake villain of the opposing camp who pronounces all hard g's as soft g's to show how ridiculous a soft g argument is :D
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