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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit81 #CuteWhenAlive
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 16 22:18:04
Cat that is now dead (and likely unattractive) was cute when it was alive:
the wanderer
Wed Jan 17 11:59:43

The confusion that was hers ↑
Belongs now to the baby down the hall ↓

woman gives birth to cat:
Anarchist Prime
Wed Jan 17 13:52:54
Anarchist Prime
Wed Jan 17 17:22:24
the wanderer
Thu Jan 18 11:10:57
i have a crippling irrational fear of fiberglass insulation thanks to my parents

as usual, Wendy messes up a good caper with her clumsiness:
the wanderer
Thu Jan 18 13:34:07
beware of suspiciously happy dog
the wanderer
Thu Jan 18 19:06:09
Mediaite (News): "Stormy Daniels Reportedly Spanked Trump With A Copy of Forbes Magazine"

Charles Blow (Trump nonfan): *throws phone out window of taxi*


Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 18 19:50:32
lulz :D
That's a ferocious doggo ;p

I'm kind of surprised that this hasn't gotten to UP yet:
"Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism"
It's a 30 minute video, but it's a good listen/watch. The interviewer tries to constantly misrepresent Peterson (a Canadian clinical psychologist who has apparently been getting attention in feminist debates) either in bad faith or in poor comprehension — kind of like Seb does in UP — but Peterson stays analytical and is able to communicate a few of the problems with how people still perceive the gender pay gap and with how authoritarian activists have tried to control language via gender pronoun usage.
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 18 20:54:51
Kitty demands that its fire-ravaged owner rebuild their home in tribute to its cuteness:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 18 20:59:37
kitty with broken is in a water
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 18 21:05:02
Star Wars: Uganda
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 18 21:17:01
Another fantastic e-mail:
Text: I am contacting you in good faith. I'm Dennis S Jefferson, am 59-years-old widower.Following my ill health, I have just been informed by my doctor that I only have few months to live due to cancer illness. I have decided to donate the sum of US$8, 000, 000 to you for charity work.Let this be my last offering, respond with this Ref: SOULWINNING2018 so I will know you got this. God bless you abundantly
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 18 23:21:47
:D :D :D
"My brother and sister-in-law got my cats harnesses for Christmas (as a joke). I told them I’d risk a clawing to put them on once, then throw them away. This is the result."
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 18 23:36:03
A few good Onion headlines from today:
• "Aspiring Actor Dreams Of One Day Publicly Voicing Regret For Working With Woody Allen"
• "Man Wishes Women In Crowded Bar Would Let Him Read Jane Austen Novel In Peace"
• "Tearful Elon Musk Warns About Dangers Of AI After Having Heart Broken By Beautiful Robotrix"
the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 11:20:48
i enjoy all lightsaber videos... that should be a specific tool in AfterFX or something

big boat eats little boat
the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 12:51:27
drone lifeguard
pretty accurate drop
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 17:59:40
I am a little suspicious that it wasn't staged (the comments point out a few things), but that could def be a good idea for making long-distance saves :D

"i enjoy all lightsaber videos... that should be a specific tool in AfterFX or something"

Yeah! I think it's currently like 3 different tools (motion tracking, 3D mapping, and masking), but there should just be a tool that automatically lightsabers an object :D

"big boat eats little boat"

Someone posted the aftermath in the comments:
..I didn't watch after the minute mark because it looked like they were getting ready to reflect on life or something ;p
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:00:11
Steve-O shows up in Peru with a bag of money and decides which dog shall live:
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:19:06
I downvoted this because of the selfie, but there's still a cute kitten involved, so..
(kitten rescued)
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:32:53
Cute cow??? :D :D
the wanderer
Sat Jan 20 00:14:03
^a bit of an Adm. Ackbar face when viewed straight on... who deserved much better than he got in episode VIII... hopefully they will have a remembrance ceremony for him in IX
the wanderer
Sat Jan 20 00:40:42
'Impractical Jokers' is a pretty good show... 4 guys compete challenging each other to do uncomfortable/embarrassing things in public situations

loser has to do something especially awkward at end of the show

here's one loser who has to give a wedding toast written for him (the bride/groom in on it unbeknownst to him, but no one else... can skip to 1:10 to get to speech)
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 06:21:54
lol :D
Love that show! Haven’t seen it in a while, but they have a good thing going :D
the wanderer
Sat Jan 20 10:30:48
i've probably been watching re-runs... it's been airing at 1:30am :p
the wanderer
Sat Jan 20 12:51:26
...but using the power of the internet, it seems to still be making new shows... new season starts Feb
Sat Jan 20 15:37:54

The white guy is what I envision McKobb to be.
the wanderer
Sat Jan 20 18:54:47
Ice Cube's good day determined:
Sat Jan 20 22:07:58
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 23:57:17
Today was National Good Day Day and I *WASTED* it at work????? :( :( :( :(

:D @envisioned McKobb
Anarchist Prime
Sun Jan 21 07:58:26
the wanderer
Sun Jan 21 12:33:08
^i was going to guess no, but apparently there may be in the Nordic region or something

new Fresh Prince opening
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 21 17:18:15
lol@ending :D
Nice change :D

Coincidentally, before I checked UGT I found a sub-Reddit that changes movies..
"Rey Hates Porgs"
the wanderer
Mon Jan 22 10:50:18
porgs could've been the original jedi masters, who created the texts and taught the first non-porg jedi... kinda like Nibbler from Futurama
the wanderer
Mon Jan 22 10:51:23
i wish i could get out of the water like this guy
Anarchist Prime
Mon Jan 22 12:15:49
the wanderer
Mon Jan 22 14:14:50
crow eating with cats
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 15:32:11
People need to film these things for longer :(

Kind of wonder if it's confusing for them to see people seemingly breaking the rules of nature (like, not having to worry about predators), but then they go right back to having to worry about being eaten by leopard seals ;p

..confusing link, swordtail :D

"Report: Girl Who Called You A Slut In High School Posting Passionate Status About Women’s March"
"CHICAGO—Recalling how the former classmate would ruthlessly prey on insecurities, sources confirmed Monday that the girl who repeatedly called you a slut in high school was posting a passionate Facebook status about the Women’s March. “I had the most amazing time out there with my sisters, and it really proved that when women stand together, we can change the world,” wrote the woman who made your life a living hell for four years and once called you a skank in front of the entire cafeteria. “It’s now important more than ever for women to be great role models for every young girl. The progress we make today will change the lives of women for generations to come.” At press time, your former tormenter, who had scrawled the phrase “blowjob bitch” on your locker after noticing you sat next to her ex-boyfriend during a school assembly, posted an impassioned reminder for all women to stay strong in the face of adversity."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 23 02:49:12
Oo, I didn't notice these Onion "News in Photos" headlines yesterday :D

• "Furloughed Bison Pour Back Into National Parks After Government Reopens"
• "Nonessential Government Employee Gets Back To Work"
[picture of Chuck Schumer]
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 23 03:42:10
Something familiar about this, so maybe it's been posted before?
Goose vs cows:
Anarchist Prime
Tue Jan 23 08:55:03
the wanderer
Tue Jan 23 10:45:20
^with numbers so specific, it's gotta be right

i think i saw goose/cows w/ ozzy man, but seems more impressive w/ just the music... especially standing up to the dirt-kicking brownie

some powerful water-tossing by Aquaman
see 3:15, 3:50, 4:35
Anarchist Prime
Tue Jan 23 13:44:44
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 23 14:36:59
He really managed to get all of the water out of those glasses :D

doggos in a pool:
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 23 15:03:02
overturning rocks in the wild can reveal all sorts of wildlife, and overturning sheets in the bedroom can reveal a pupper nest:
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 23 15:08:20
kitty cat sprawled out by fireplace
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 23 15:56:08
The stupidity here probably speaks for itself:
"A man bites an iPhone [to test its authenticity] and the phone explodes"
the wanderer
Tue Jan 23 16:40:54
so does that mean it's not authentic? being in a chinese store seems like enough evidence

i'm not sure that cat is paying enough attention to politics
the wanderer
Tue Jan 23 16:45:40
baby/toddler takes a punch... looks like right in the face (@0:26)
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 24 00:52:34
Was that a TKO? I hope this doesn't go to points ;D

..but wow... have to wonder a lot about that.. like you'd think that a father with a baby in his arms would avoid conflict and would try to be nice to deescalate things, but it looked like he was squaring up.. and was the conversation about who would get the last Rice Krispies Treat? We all know from that commercial that they keep more behind the counter:

"being in a chinese store seems like enough evidence"

Yeah exactly :D
If you're at a large electronics market with things that cost far less than they're supposed to... good chances that none of it is real :D
..comments were pointing out that biting things for "authenticity" is also one of those weird Chinese things.. almost like it's medieval times and people still bite gold coins to see if it's gold all the way through XD
Anarchist Prime
Wed Jan 24 08:45:52
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 11:16:13
nice tree-felling

what if the big hair guy had struggled to keep fighting the baby instead of the father :p
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 11:18:47
a small compilation of animals biting Coyote Peterson

the snapping turtle at 5:20 is good... not sure how the wood was supposed to work, maybe prevent full bite down or something
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 11:53:20
Reminder: trains are wider than the tracks
(i think this is different from the last one) :p
Wed Jan 24 13:14:10
Hmm, I don't think that he's okay
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 24 13:54:05
This comment made me lol :D
“This was the happiest suicide i've ever seen. 10/10”
He was *so* confident that he’d get a great selfie vid :p ...

Someone in the comments mentioned that he survived but was placed in an induced coma... Daily Mail picked up the video and doesn’t mention the coma but does say he survived.. hmm.. pretty impressive if he lives after that hit to the head...

*savijg bite vid for later tonight* :D
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 22:27:21
if he survives the train hit, maybe he can do a series... like hit by a bus next... then he can claim not an idiot as all for a comedy bit >.>

Laura Dern dog:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 25 15:53:37
Accurate! May have to add purple hair :)

India man could be the Scott Sterling of selfies :D

That was a good recap of Coyote's bites; easy 12 minutes :) .. Yeah it makes sense if the wood was to keep it from clamping down all the way (so it wouldn't take a chunk out and/or to help get the rubbing alcohol in its mouth?). His ending where he had to specifically tell people that he doesn't intend to be bitten by sharks, lions, or tigers was funny :D .. like, yeah, peeps, being gored or having pieces of your body removed by an animal is another level XD

Two good Onion headlines today! :D

"Dazed [Amazon CEO] Jeff Bezos Realizes He Spent Entire Conversation Thinking About How To Automate Person Talking To Him"

"Outback Employees Return From Mandatory 6-Month Walkabout In Australian Wilderness"
[Onion News in Brief]
"NULLARBOR PLAIN, AUSTRALIA—Having completed the ritualistic journey from inexperienced trainees to enlightened servers, hostesses, and line cooks, employees at Outback Steakhouse reportedly returned from their mandatory six-month walkabout in the Australian wilderness Thursday. “This rite of passage, in which participants spend half a year traversing the arid bush and salt pans of Australia’s vast, remote heartland, is required of all trainees before they take on any shifts to ensure they are spiritually in tune with the bold flavors and signature dishes that keep our customers coming back,” said Outback CEO Elizabeth Smith of the miles-long journey that forces those undertaking it to learn the skills necessary to make a Bloomin’ Onion or Kiwi ’Rita while having to live off the land and protect themselves from the harsh climate and dangerous wildlife of the continent’s interior tundra. “Of the 80 who were sent out into the sand plains of the subtropical savannah with nothing but their uniforms and a pair of tongs, 17 unfortunately didn’t make it back due to starvation, dehydration, and snake bites; however, 53 successfully returned, having formed a powerful awareness of our famous Aussie-tizers and Joey Menu. These employees left without the slightest clue about the selection of meats we grill on the barbie, but after spending hours under the blistering sun in the dune fields without a map or compass, they have returned and made the healing transition to fully matured members of the Outback team.” Smith went on to say that, despite their achievements, half of the employees who completed the journey later failed to pass the mandatory drug test."
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 22:24:36
you got me to rewatch Scott Sterling's goalkeeping :p

not to nitpick the Onion copy editor, but 53+17 = 70
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 22:28:46
can we all agree Armie Hammer is a stupid name?
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 08:26:48
That must be why he grew to be 6’5” — to make up for his name ;D

Oh neat! I didn’t notice the missing number in that Onion article. Maybe 10 didn’t die but also didn’t come back? Sounds like an opening big enough for Star Wars fan fiction peeps to write an entire universe ;)

Scott Sterling!!! Incredible!!! \:D/
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 13:03:37
i guess his real name is Armand Hammer, so really it's his parents who should be beaten... but the nickname just changes it to a new problem

dog carrying a stick
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 16:51:14
lol... that dog just peaked ;D

"i guess his real name is Armand Hammer, so really it's his parents who should be beaten..."

Oh interesting... hmm.. the "Interview with the Vampire" book came out in 1976, which was when the Vampire Armand was introduced, and Armie was born in 1986, so it's paw-sible that his parents were Anne Rice fans? He was born in Cally, though, and I don't think they were into the Vampire Chronicles as early as New Orleans was (N.O. was reading it before the movie).. so maybe it's just a family name... I'll download the "Armie Tracker" app and fly to L.A. and stalk him to find out ;D

This should probably be straight to the lol thread, but.. :D :D
"Brad Pitt Stumbles Across Old Cardboard Box With Gwyneth Paltrow’s Head In Attic"
[Onion News in Brief]
"LOS ANGELES—Making the discovery while searching his attic for a pair of rarely worn snow pants, actor Brad Pitt on Friday reportedly stumbled across an old cardboard box containing the severed head of Gwyneth Paltrow. “Oh man, I totally forgot about this up here! Right after we broke up I never wanted to see it again, but now I’m glad I held on to it—really takes me back to some good times,” said Pitt, judging from the missing teeth and dented cranium that movers must have dropped the box at some point. “I remember when I had it up on my mantle for a while, until it was too painful to be around. [Morgan] Freeman is going to get a real kick out of it when I tell him.” At press time, Pitt had decided to bring the head downstairs in case his kids wanted to play with it."
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 17:44:36
i was assuming his name was a baking soda joke :p but possibly other explanations
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 17:46:48
lol!! I didn't even realize that :D
That makes *far* more sense, and it makes the parents look super awful, wow, yeah :D
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 17:51:52
i looked into it... his grandfather was also Armand Hammer...

and found this article about that Armand's name
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 17:54:08
*great grandfather that is

now i know way too much about this guy w/ a stupid name
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 18:02:08
from the wikipedia of the great grandfather...

"Hammer claimed that his father had named him after a character, Armand Duval, in La Dame aux Camélias, a novel by Alexandre Dumas, fils. According to other sources, Hammer was named after the "arm and hammer" graphic symbol of the Socialist Labor Party of America (SLP), in which his father had a leadership role.[9] (After the Russian Revolution, a part of the SLP under Julius' leadership split off to become a founding element of the Communist Party USA.) Later in his life, Hammer confirmed that this was the origin of his given name.[1]"

ok done now on this guy :p ...probably
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 18:23:08
I didn't realize how ridiculous this could get XD .. poor Arm & Hammer, as I will now call him ;p
the wanderer
Sat Jan 27 19:06:12
a dragon mantis
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 16:14:54
Neat! Had to look it up:
..I guess the "Behold a ... dragon" quote in the video is from Revelations, but it always makes me think of William Blake via "The Red Dragon" movie :D
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 16:15:16
"Porch pirate takes a tumble and breaks her leg"
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 18:39:02
So this is awesome. Someone has an Instagram where they dress a cat up in fun situations and films for the few seconds that it works:
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 21:17:25
i know nothing about Blake, but i know Red Dragon/Manhunter :p

that cat thing is pretty impressive... especially the shoe-wearing in many
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 23:42:22
It looks like it's paw-sible to get the paws in the shoes by distracting it with food :D

I think this was a Grammy winner:
(Man serenades/raps /to his cat in the bath tub)
the wanderer
Tue Jan 30 10:34:52
'Woman denied emotional support peacock on United flight'
the wanderer
Tue Jan 30 10:55:37
another dangerous chinese phone exposed

perhaps all smart phones are set to kill their owners at a specific time
the wanderer
Tue Jan 30 11:38:08
kitten attacking bald canadian
really gets going at 0:40
the wanderer
Tue Jan 30 12:27:05
cop vs tron light cycle
the wanderer
Tue Jan 30 12:30:54
smashy smashy
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 30 15:34:20
Getting picked up was made worse by the hype man pointing out that he was in fact picked up ;p

"cop vs tron light cycle"

"The 49-year-old male driver from Kybong is assisting police with their investigations into the matter."

lol, okay.. I certainly hope that the person hauling the flame-engulfed trailer for 20km will be of some assistance in the investigation into why he was hauling a flame-engulfed trailer for 20km XD

"kitten attacking bald canadian"

so hypnotic :o

"perhaps all smart phones are set to kill their owners at a specific time"

That could legit become a thing very soon :D .. battery power has had to increase to support smart phone performance, and that means peeps will be carrying around little energy bombs (almost like that scene in Terminator 3 where he explodes his hydrogen fuel cell, or that scene in real life where the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was banned). And not to go full "River of Blood" with the conspiracy theories, but that was one of the CTs around why heavy-water-powered cars were stopped: too much explosive power in the hands of average consumers (this CT I think from "The Lone Gunmen" S1E04)... which makes you wonder how many peeps will have to be assassinated by phone battery before caps get put on battery capabilities ;D .. I think laptop manufacturers already have to put caps on battery sizes for consumers to be able to bring their laptops on planes...

Cop is totes fired:
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 30 15:45:13
kitten has all 3 toys:
the wanderer
Tue Jan 30 16:36:15
some seriously crazed pupils on that kitten

maybe the trailer was full of killer phones
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 30 19:55:08
It has begun D:

..but until it reaches me..
"Cat adopts orphaned baby hedgehogs"
(from last year)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 30 22:28:17
someone decides to torture a squirrel with RC shenanigans :D
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 30 22:37:39
anti-cyclist kangaroo makes its opinions known:
the wanderer
Tue Jan 30 23:06:02
that research suggests squirrels may not be too reliable in an emergency situation

and viewing it carefully it seems that kangaroo had the right of way
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 30 23:06:11
A highlight from Onion's horoscopes for this week:
You’ll score a bunch of great stereo equipment and furniture from your neighbors, who happen to die when you go into their house and stab them and take all their things."
the wanderer
Wed Jan 31 11:25:28
"This week will teach you that there are certain things that really can’t be faked, such as love, respect, and the human arms."

if i lose my arms i'm blaming you for jinxing me into reading that!

good ad w/ tyrion & god:

i thought it kinda sounded like Dinklage's voice but w/ the Freeman part i suppose probably wasn't
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 31 14:07:12
That was some good Missy Elliott :D
..incidentally I just watched a Dinklage movie called "Rememory" two days ago — it was pretty good, actually..

If you lose your arms you'll regret all the times that you didn't signal for 18-wheelers to honk ;p

stranded juvenile orca is saved, but declares that it won't hesitate to kill again:
the wanderer
Wed Jan 31 14:17:20
aww... the family waited

it really makes you hate the japs... and apparently norwegians & icelandians (large scale whale hunters)
Cherub Cow
Thu Feb 01 13:28:26
..that makes me wonder if one day the orcas will band together and hunt Japanese, Norwegian, and Icelandic swimmers! It could be a nice 90s action movie slogan: "They were peaceful mammals, but enough was enough"

"When virtue signaling goes [wrong]"
(I changed that word in the title because "awry" is lame") ;p
the wanderer
Thu Feb 01 14:24:31
Orcas consider eating some children

(for the record, not sure any of those countries i mentioned hunt Orcas specifically... just looked for top whaler countries & didn't read much :p )
the wanderer
Thu Feb 01 14:53:23
"Actor Robert Wagner, the then-husband to Hollywood star Natalie Wood, has been named a “person of interest” in the suspicious drowning death of his wife that occurred nearly four decades ago, investigators said."

perhaps Peter Rosenthal has sparked renewed interest! ('Coco' review)

(but perhaps not, as the case was reopened in 2011 & has been ongoing since)
Anarchist Prime
Fri Feb 02 09:44:44
Anarchist Prime
Fri Feb 02 10:12:40
the wanderer
Fri Feb 02 10:33:36
i was thinking you could probably trip up a lot of christians if you asked how Jesus died the 2nd time (crucified, reanimated, ?)

found this answer:
It clearly states that Jesus was crucified, given an abnormally large amount of hallucinogens ( invented by jews ), died on the cross, was bitten by Pontius Pilate (later to be known "night walker, lord of zombies"), Arose from the dead still hallucinating heavily, turned all water into blood and all fish into brains (squid and octupus a.k.a. Zombie delight), was side tracked by millions of brightly colored rabbits pooping chocolate eggs and now spends his days permafried collecting rabbit poop for kids. His parents are so proud, Happy Easter!!!
Maybe if YOU would have read the bible YOU would have known this!
the wanderer
Fri Feb 02 20:11:58
sneak attack
(apparently some shenanigans in this video getting 'featured' but still it's a pretty good video)
not sure if that mantis can change color or just evolved for that flower
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 02 20:43:10
Oh yeah.. some of the videos have people complaining about how LiveLeak has been selling out. The top comment on that one was more detailed than the usual complaints..

lulz@Easter :D

"i was thinking you could probably trip up a lot of christians if you asked how Jesus died the 2nd time (crucified, reanimated, ?)"

Yeah that's one of the weird ones :D .. like, in the myth I guess he just re-visited and then disappeared into the sky or something ;p (I'm not going to bother checking the wiki page on this one).. as a historical event, it just makes it sound like there were false sightings.. maybe one of the apostles was hanging out near the grave and someone thought that that was Hey-Zeus? :p

"perhaps Peter Rosenthal has sparked renewed interest!"

I hope so! Rosenthal was right to point out that flaw in the script ;D

Cute aminal begs:
the wanderer
Sat Feb 03 01:23:09
yeah i guess he just ascended to heaven... 'hey, i can come back to life... well seeya'

new porn tech misused for Nick Cage video
only the Picard part worked very well (likely a skin tone/saturation or lighting issue on others)
the wanderer
Sat Feb 03 11:49:01
human candle... for a good 10 secs
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