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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit72 - #HappyPotatoPajamasFriendly
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 15:21:36
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 15:22:25
Another series of helpful responses to a photoshop request:
"photoshop him out!"
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 15:33:33
New Zealand teen teaches cow to horse:
(as per YouTube video recommendations, this happens pretty frequently)
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 16:00:16
Motorcycle/car head-on in Czech Republic:
No serious injuries, but the rider edits his video with some depressing piano music which is directed mostly at a deep despair over his totaled motorcycle.. which is kind of funny :D
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 16:06:13
People who post under the video of "Slow Motion Night Footage of Adult Male Deer Running" have thought about posting under this cheetah video instead:
I'm not sure that it has the same trend power.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 28 18:54:35
a good photoshop series... i think i'd go with the dancing sharks

'cows charging into battle' doesn't seem to yield good search results so maybe a yet undiscovered tactic
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 20:07:08
"'cows charging into battle' doesn't seem to yield good search results so maybe a yet undiscovered tactic"

I wonder if we can somehow add that to the Emu War story... hmm..
Maybe in the first set of Aussie attempts to kill the emus, there's a scene like: "The Aussies tried every tactic they could, even battle cows" [animation of dozens of Aussies wearing slouch hats, riding across a field towards emus]

..I'm partial to any Nic Cage edit, so the first one was my fave :p

This was strange:

the wanderer
Wed Jun 28 21:54:57
don't get too ambitious :p unless you have a lot of drive or whatever... 'unfinished projects' is my middle name :p

interesting dance routine
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 21:55:37
YouTube couple succeeds at becoming Internet famous for the low price of one desert eagle handgun, one bullet, one encyclopedia, and one dead boyfriend — no test shots necessary.
"Natural selection in the 21st century"
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 22:12:38
"interesting dance routine"
Very kewl :D .. I stopped watching once they finished the dance portion, but based on the sad music that was starting I'm guessing that someone died and this was a tribute to them ;D

"don't get too ambitious :p unless you have a lot of drive or whatever... 'unfinished projects' is my middle name :p"
I think I can do it!! :D
Just need to get going!

Have also been meaning to find the source for this spinning cat gif so that I can edit space scenes behind it:
..had a source video saved on my previous harddrive, but that crashed :(
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 28 23:02:17
kitty pile
the wanderer
Thu Jun 29 09:28:00
here's one version... prob not original based on views #
the wanderer
Thu Jun 29 17:58:33
dog gets people to watch an orchestra video
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 30 05:45:05
People really needed to stop laughing and just quietly accept it ;)

kitty bounces around in zero G:
the wanderer
Fri Jun 30 18:35:13
fun use for drones

guy @ 0:25 chose direction poorly

i think just poor editing that makes it look semi-fake (clipped/sped-up video during falls)
the wanderer
Sat Jul 01 00:05:20
“Pedophilia does not stop with sodomizing children. It goes straight into terrorizing them to adrenalize their blood and then murdering them. It also includes murdering them so that they can have their bone marrow harvested as well as body parts.”

and then the story gets weird... (@ ~2:20)

...NASA has denied the story
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 01 02:34:09
"fun use for drones"
Should we have seen this drone application coming? ;D ... wows..

"guy @ 0:25 chose direction poorly"
He must have thought he was faking it out or something?

"i think just poor editing that makes it look semi-fake (clipped/sped-up video during falls)"
Looks real to me! And it demonstrates again why no one should go outside ever ;)

"and then the story gets weird... (@ ~2:20)"
Oh neat! I knew that that "Brett O'Keefe" character from Homeland was an Alex Jones caricature, but I didn't realize that Homeland sampled Jones' format so *much*.. and X-Files' "Tad O'Malley" character also used that format of a bunch of screens behind him while he sits at a desk with a fancy microphone..

Def weird though :D .. the Mars colony slavery part was an interesting.. "theory" ;D .. that crazy person was somewhat correct about bone marrow being useful for anti-aging, though. Bone marrow stem cells can differentiate into a lot of helpful cell lines — something useful not just when it comes to bone marrow cancers; it's helpful too for general immune system repair and potentially even for neural repair. If a rich person could harvest&transplant young bone marrow, that would be a good way to prolong life... though blood transfusions from young people might go under the radar a little better ;D
...Still, not sure how this person thinks that pedophile rings have been harvesting bone marrow, lol. Or was he saying that the Vatican has been doing that? I mean, maybe? ;D

"Different fighting styles"
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 01 02:41:26
Simon was not impressed by these "acrobats" :p
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 01 05:57:40
"...NASA has denied the story"
Wow.. I didn't realize that they *actually* had to deny the story D: ... (just caught up to the news)

I've thought of doing this to house kitty, but I think it would just make the meowing increase ;D
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 01 06:04:36
Fun gamer maneuver from "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds"
the wanderer
Sat Jul 01 09:45:43
does terrorizing the children before taking the marrow help? asking for a friend >.>

i think the Mars thing is a good idea... if you take the kids young enough, control their education and never let them outside they basically wouldn't know they were being used... but libtards & cuckservatives may object for some reason

you can really see Simon losing respect for his fellow judges as the video goes on :p
the wanderer
Sun Jul 02 10:10:30
in Soviet Russia portable toilets chase you!:
(...i can't do Yakov jokes)
the wanderer
Sun Jul 02 15:55:12
neat scarecrow
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 03 04:17:29
"in Soviet Russia portable toilets chase you!:"

"does terrorizing the children before taking the marrow help? asking for a friend >.>"

... it actually does though D: ... adrenaline can induce leukocytosis (more white blood cells than usual; a normal stress response) ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8039518 ). Disease aside, simple things like exercise can trigger mild leukocytosis — it's usually a way to prepare the body for repairs. Leukocytosis also increases total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, which makes bone marrow collections more successful (LDH via leukocytosis can mobilize stem cells; http://www.nature.com/bmt/journal/v40/n10/full/1705851a.html ). So... umm... this guy is crazy, but he's apparently citing good science D:

"but libtards & cuckservatives may object for some reason"

lol, totes ;D .. I guess a variation of that kind of worked for that 2009 "Moon" movie. Trips to and from a space destination could be too costly, so *someone* has to stay there and do it ;p
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 03 04:17:37
BTW: This is years old now, but peeps have been posting about automated machines that can make bricks and glass from Mars materials... that really opens up some cool possibilities for creating structures in advance of a colony :D
And someone posted this recently:
(solar-powered 3D printer that uses sand)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 03 04:27:50
"recently", oops ;D .. that was a 2011 article

"Skyrim IRL"
the wanderer
Mon Jul 03 09:23:02
so presumably the Queen is terrorizing children for their marrow? i mean what reason is there to believe she isn't... she has the means and opportunity

i would feel better if there were at least some slave children supervising the robot construction on Mars
the wanderer
Mon Jul 03 09:24:23
maybe all these open world 'survival' games around are conditioning people to want to start out with nothing and build up a place
the wanderer
Mon Jul 03 14:20:53
water buffalo being all bull-like
toss @ ~1:20 in first video, second video shows action better @ ~0:35
the wanderer
Mon Jul 03 14:25:16
seagull doing barrel roll (except for its head)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 03 16:59:19
"And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there"
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 04 08:40:21
Notice how that eagle grabbed the GoPro with its talons... just like a flock of birds!
the wanderer
Tue Jul 04 14:46:11
^a highly quotable movie :p

bull treats old guy like Trump treats a small-time prime minister
the wanderer
Wed Jul 05 18:59:41
dog pedaling
Anarchist Prime
Wed Jul 05 21:08:07
That time that Donald Trump and Ross Perot stood in line together to meet Mikhail Gorbachev.

the wanderer
Thu Jul 06 00:09:51
maybe that's who he's thinking of on the 50% of the time that he says he's met Putin before
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 06 00:32:12
..I mean, if you go back far enough, *everyone* is going to have file footage of them meeting Gorbachev ;p

"bull treats old guy like Trump treats a small-time prime minister"
To me at first it looked like the old man was flung off camera, so I was waiting for him to fall back down :D

"dog pedaling"
awww :D ❤ .. that led to an image search for "cat bjorn".. seems to be mixed participation from them ;D

Apparently the solution to traffic is Skynet's systematic destruction of humanity:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 06 06:42:45
From a couple days ago:
"Mark Cavendish out of Tour and Peter Sagan disqualified after horror crash"
[video at link]
the wanderer
Thu Jul 06 09:46:46
the self-driving intersection resembled a chinese intersection if slowed to ~10 mph
Anarchist Prime
Thu Jul 06 17:25:05
What was this man doing when Mount Vesuvius erupted?

the wanderer
Thu Jul 06 22:52:47
^^maybe one of DL's past lives

A Connecticut judge has ordered a Trump supporter to stay away from a Hartford elementary school after police say he vandalized the playground with anti-Trump messages. Steven Marks, 32, allegedly told police he wanted the graffiti to look like it was made by liberals.

On June 15, Marks went to the playground at Morley Elementary School to play fetch with his dog. He spotted a green Sharpie on the ground, and allegedly used it to scribble messages like “Kill Trump,” “Left is best,” “Bernie Sanders 2020” and “Death to Trump” on a objects that included a bench, a “Little Free Library” book shelter and on the playground’s welcome sign.

Mark said he was motivated by ”anger towards liberals and they are breaking major laws everyday and being disrespectful towards our government” according to the warrant for his arrest.

The incident was caught on surveillance camera and released to the media. When Marks saw it on the news, he called detectives and turned himself in.

“He admitted to doing the criminal act and said he regretted it,” Lt. Rocheleau told Buzzfeed. “He said the reason he did do it was to show support towards Trump by having the other side bash him, to show how the other side is basically crazy enough to go and write stuff on a school playground.”

ok then
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 19:42:01
Oh noes... false flags have gotten weirdly popular for graffiti peeps. The media misinformation committees seem to be inspiring a lot of people ;)

"What was this man doing when Mount Vesuvius erupted?"
lulz :D
..sounds like experts in flash burns want to give him the benefit of the doubt ;p

"the self-driving intersection resembled a chinese intersection if slowed to ~10 mph"
Totes! African too! I kind of like those "everyone yield and figure it out" situations, actually :D

I haven't really been getting extra stuff done.. feel like I'm on a plateau... I need to start abusing caffeine again \:D/

I think this video is real.. but anyways
Man with really slow reflexes tries to attack skateboarders
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 19:52:22
tactical dinosaurs ;D
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 20:37:42
Random person who has probably been having a better summer than we've been having ;D
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 20:57:36
lol... fun Imgur comment :D
"Mother cat snatches crying kitten from toddler"
[spacesickvenus]: "Apparently kids don't understand death until they're 4 years old"
[Mack1986]: "Not true. Some 5 year olds didn't quite understand the predicament I put them in"
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 21:16:03
"Bear Charges Car in Alaska"
[apparently from July 6, 2017]
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 07 22:02:20
Or more correctly.. :p
*"Published on Jul 6, 2017
Occurred on July 2, 2017 / Yakutat, Alaska, USA"

motorcyclist encounters a professional driver ;)
..apparently he had difficulty claiming this incident on his insurance: "I was on the phone with the other's insurance company and told them I had a video and they had to hang up and call back. When they did, it was all in my favor. Conveniently, they're email system doesn't allow videos to be received. Also, the police wrote it as the other driver being at fault and that they never denied it. It was just an insurance co. tactic, I guess." ( http://imgur.com/gallery/oSiq9xp )
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 08 03:57:43
A good pet choice:
the wanderer
Sat Jul 08 09:52:07
maybe those tactical dinosaurs are closer to reality than we may think...

ALEX JONES: Folks, I have hundreds of articles I see every week about human-animal chimeras with no rights. You talked about people you know in research labs, I’ve talked to them too. You see humanoids, they’re like 80 percent gorilla, 80 percent pig, and they’re talking.


We need to make this illegal. This needs to be illegal. They’re talking about making it illegal to make child pedophile robots. Ok. Ok, make that illegal. But what about the humans spliced with animals? I mean this is beyond pedophilia.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 08 10:02:54
Miss Alicia stuffs her cheeks with banana
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 09 03:06:49
lulz.. Miss Alicia is adorbs ;p

..and Alex Jones seems thoroughly crazy XD

This headline might be directed at that trans-woman who "surprisingly" has done well against non-trans-women in MMA:
"Man Who Identifies as 6-year-old Dominates CrossFit Kids Class"
[July 7, 2017; fitness-Onion?]
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 09 03:16:54
I didn't see a source for this, but it seems like a good way to make money:
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 09 23:23:31
Apparently Leticia Astacio (a Rochester City, New York Court Judge) has been slowly imploding in the news for the last few months.
TLDR version:
- Received a DUI citation after hitting some things with her car and refusing a police breathalyzer
- Went to court and accepted a no-drinking probation
- Violated the probation (evidence of her drinking at parties. Also evidence of her alcohol content when she activated her car with one of those breathalyzer ignition systems)
- Went on vacation to Thailand and continued drinking; apparently she posted lots of free evidence on Facebook
- Returned to New York after a warrant was served
- Just got sentenced to 60 days jail (which includes time served, so a month more of jail) and 3 years probation which includes a no-drinking stipulation
- Said that she would probably violate her probation

There also seems to be some bonus stuff, like she has "supporters" who show up for her in court and call people "racists" on her behalf. Seems like she's just an alcoholic, spiraling towards some healthy self-destruction ;)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 10 09:46:49
we should've stuck with prohibition... #MAGA
the wanderer
Mon Jul 10 10:03:23
Brazil down another robber... ~200 million to go
the wanderer
Mon Jul 10 10:13:24
another 'out of my way, i'm a motorist' vid:
...the green guy was probably in on it
the wanderer
Mon Jul 10 10:25:23
If Inception was made in 2017
the wanderer
Mon Jul 10 11:38:10
Asleep in the mountains northwest of Boulder, Colo., a teenage camp counselor was awakened Sunday morning by a loud crunching sound.

The noise was the sound of large teeth scraping against his skull, he told Denver ABC-affiliate KMGH. A black bear, the teen realized, was trying to pull him out of his sleeping bag by his head.

“It grabbed me like this and pulled me, and then it bit the back of my head and dragged me,” the teen, identified only by his first name, Dylan, told KMGH. “When it was dragging me, that was the slowest part. It felt like it went forever.”

Fellow staffers and campers were roused by the commotion and tried to scare the bear away as Dylan fought back. The bear dragged Dylan about 10 feet, then dropped him and walked away.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 10 16:44:57
dog using complex physics to allegedly get french fries
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 10 18:32:03
@"Brazil down another robber... ~200 million to go"
Fun top comment :D
"He was as cool as the other side of the pillow."

@"...the green guy was probably in on it "
Suspiciously quick reflexes! ;) .. pretty impressive that the driver missed that that was ahead of her.. #TextForMDK

"If Inception was made in 2017"
Oh noes XD ... those things have gotten everywhere. But they sell them at convenience stores by the register, so this trend is set to explode and then die quickly ;p

"Eating Junk Food On A Roller Coaster! - The Dudesons"
[2014 video]
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 10 18:34:56
"dog using complex physics to allegedly get french fries"
They have adapted! D:

In Finland they don't let bears start eating their head before yelling at them:
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 10 21:53:53
kayaking with an orca
..I know that there exist no documented cases of killer whales eating peeps, but that could just be because they're such intelligent killers that they hide all evidence ;)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 01:33:14
*"no documented cases of killer whales eating peeps [in the wild]"

A very fast Heineken crate:
[2015 video]
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 09:25:14
yeah, i wouldn't feel comfortable with a killer whale... something about its name concerns me
...plus we're roughly seal size

i was expecting a transformers scenario from that Heineken video title :p
did he have little wheels on his heels? seems like a heel snag on the ground would've been serious trouble
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 14:08:10
Germans being German
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 15:12:36
A top Vatican cardinal recently dismissed by Pope Francis struck back this week, calling the Pope's treatment of him and other Vatican employees "unacceptable."

"I cannot accept this way of doing things," Cardinal Gerhard Muller said in an interview with German newspaper Passauer Neue Presse.

"As a bishop, [the Pope] cannot treat people in this way."

Fight! Fight! Fight!
...i assume it would involve staff combat and lightning bolts
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 16:23:36
black cop keeping the Shia down
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 16:44:05
Chinese researchers have teleported a photon from the Gobi desert to a satellite orbiting five hundred kilometres above the earth.

This is achieved through quantum entanglement, a process where two particles react as one with no physical connection between them.


this will kill us all
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 18:04:53
"teleported a photon"
One step closer to the secret behind Starfleet's teleportation mechanism? — Where they weren't actually teleporting people, just killing them on one side and making a copy on the other? ;)

"Germans being German"
lulz.. the LL comments took the officer's side, but I don't know if I dislike police brutality more or less than overly-disruptive protestors. Nobody wins? ;)

"I cannot accept this way of doing things,"
"As a bishop, [the Pope] cannot treat people in this way."

Hmm.. vague... wonder what the backstory is :D .. I mentioned this in UP once, but I still hope that this pope is slowly preparing religious people for an announcement/admittance that the Catholic Church has always been a false mediator and that the only way to "salvation" is by killing all gods and praising Satan/FSM as an anti-god. If that's true, then this Vatican cardinal was dismissed because he wants the Church to continue siphoning money from the misguided at least until he dies — an old pensioner's strategy ;D

..probably not, though. Maybe more likely it's a SteveJobs/Octavian situation where the pope is cultivating a super positive public image while burning all bridges in private. :D .. we should write pope fan fiction!! :D :D lol

On a similar topic, someone on Imgur asked for a gif that had been reversed to be put back in normal chronology, so I did that but also changed the news ticker at the bottom:
..looks like about 8 people noticed :D

"black cop keeping the Shia down"
lol... So awesome :D .. Shia is difficult to track :D .. like, he makes super anti-Trump comments/protests, but he also makes these "I'm an uhmurrican!" comments and seems fully capable of calling out false racism claims like in the video ("false" if his cigarette story was true)... this makes perfect sense for a normal person (capable of nuance), but I guess I'd expect a young movie star to be full Hollywood-DNC (like, an apologist with no nuance). TLDR: Cannot look away from the Shia ;D
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 18:16:41
"London thief caught after being knocked off Boris Bike"
("Boris" bikes = a London bike-sharing brand)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 18:31:48
i had forgotten Trump & Kushner met the Pope... perhaps he -is- turning evil & will indeed embrace Satan

Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 18:39:54
Not *evil* Satan! Liberator Satan! \:D/ ;p
Pope looks pretty metal right there .. might have to edit it to say "Ramones" or something ;)

"Kit Harington's Never-Before-Seen Game of Thrones Audition"
[Jimmy Kimmel]
..this reminds me that "Tour de pharmacy" came out over the weekend. It looked like the cycling version of Harington and Andy Samberg's "7 Days in Hell" (that tennis movie). Should be funny!
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 18:43:43
Someone posted this video in the comments of that London thief video:
"Arizona officer violently runs down armed man with patrol car"
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 20:19:01
that's on my bucket list
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 21:43:37
"Tide Debuts New Sour Apple Detergent Pods"
[Onion News in Brief]
"CINCINNATI—Calling it the perfect choice for consumers looking to add some tartness to their laundry, Procter and Gamble on Tuesday unveiled a new sour apple Tide detergent pod. “These new stain fighters have the same deep-cleaning formula you’ve come to expect from Tide along with an extra burst of mouth-puckering fruit flavor,” said spokeswoman Amy Gibson, explaining that each pod is equipped with patented Odor Defense technology as well as a sugar coating that adds just a touch of sweetness to the sour apple tang. “The multi-chamber design keeps the key ingredients of detergent, color protector, and a bubble gum center separated until the pod dissolves in the wash. It’s like a trip to the laundromat and the candy store all at once!” Gibson went on to say that while the pods were only scheduled for limited release, they could be added to the permanent line of Tide products along with the s’mores stain-removing pen and the birthday cake detergent with bleach."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 21:48:47
It hasn't been long since the last time.. yet..
"Police report: Dogs 'charged at officer' before being shot in Mpls. yard"
[Story published today: July 11th, 2017]
(Officer kills two dogs after responding to a false alarm; the dogs seem even less aggressive than the one in that last video)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 11 21:50:57
Oops! fake news! ;D .. not *killed* — apparently the dogs survived the shots.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 11 22:26:12
yeah, the tail-wagging dog that meandered slowly in the general direction of the officer

'it's coming right for us!'
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 12 17:19:43
He feared for his life. He thought of his family back home and just reacted. ;D

Imgur has been nothing but Net Neutrality stuff today, but this person managed to sneak in and post some nice drawings of cities:
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 12 18:48:23
cub trying to mew
the wanderer
Wed Jul 12 18:56:48
bush kittens
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 12 19:07:09
Good to see that LiveLeak has an adorbs section ;p
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 12 19:36:36
Looks like we'll be losing another celebrity this year :'(
"Gaunt, Sickly Kirby Takes Leave Of Absence From Video Games Following Stomach Cancer Diagnosis "
[Onion News in Brief]
"“I was so focused on obtaining all the Crystal Shards and ridding Mirror World of Shadow Kirby, I didn’t realize how much I was neglecting my health. I wish it hadn’t gotten to this point before I fully understood that I should cut back on shooting fireballs out of my mouth or maybe take it easy with the Maxim Tomatoes.”"
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 12 22:06:08
The Rock has such a positive public image!
"Heartwarming: After This Teen Died From Cancer, The Rock Stepped Up And Took The Blame For All The Pornography Found On His Computer"
[ClickHole/Onion Article with faked Tweets]
Cherub Cow
Wed Jul 12 22:14:59
For some reason this pizza-place fight video really works if you mute it and play Gary Jules' "Mad World" in the background.

Mad World:
the wanderer
Wed Jul 12 22:45:12
some bitch must've ordered a Hawaiian pizza

and yeah, really does go well w/ the music :p
the wanderer
Thu Jul 13 16:26:39
former Walking Dead showrunner Frank Darabont emails (coming to light due to him suing show):

In one email Darabont expressed his displeasure with a script he received from a pair of writers. In the email to an exec he wrote, “If it were up to me, I’d have not only fired [them], I’d have hunted down and f---ing killed them with a brick, then gone and burned down their homes.”

In one exchange, he focused his rage on a director who he said had “better wake the f--- up and pay attention. Or I will start killing people and throwing bodies out the door.”


Serenity Now! Serenity Now!
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 13 16:44:48
lol. I knew Darabont was ruining the show until they finally dropped him, but I didn't realize he was also a volatile type :D

"Obvious attempt at insurance fraud caught on camera."
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 13 18:39:44
If you avoid eye contact then you can avoid culpability:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 13 18:51:54
Apparently an over-sized 3D-printed Rubik's cube has a low durability rating:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 13 19:56:58
Warning: Quack hazard
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 13 20:18:13
More indications about how stupid people on Imgur can be :D
This person got *really* far into a PayPal/CraigsList scam before realizing that it was a scam XD
(A reasonable person would have figured it out right at the third text: "I hope this is a legitimate and real post ?? Because am interested buying this item for my cousin in Ontario, So am willing to offer you $160 for it including the shipping and handling fee. and also do you have a Paypal account to receive the payment first??")

The first time I used Craigslist to try to sell books I got a message like this (a request for the items to be shipped and for PayPal to be used), and in a quick Google search found out that it is *very* easy to scam people with these unaffiliated PayPal transfers. Like, all someone has to do is "pay" you, wait for you to give a tracking number, and cancel the payment. PayPal has no buyer protections in place unless the purchase is through a site that *does* have protections (eBay, Steam, etc.)... lulz..
the wanderer
Thu Jul 13 21:31:41
actually i wasn't aware :p but i would only consider craigslist for local shopping and finding victims to murder

if it was something requiring shipping i'd go to eBay
Cherub Cow
Thu Jul 13 23:28:29
That's the spirit! ;D
But yeah, it's not about knowing each individual possible scam so much as knowing that some places generally don't protect against scams. And Craigslist even has warnings on their pages saying to only make sales in person in a safe place, so red flags should have gone off for this person :D

I might be working towards my newest most-downvoted comment on Imgur (currently -10):
"Strong kid prank"
[Awestintatious]: "You see the smiles of those who fell for it? That means this was a good prank. "It was just a prank bro" is just garbage"
[TheCrimsonFukr]: "Good pranks should amuse or confuse."
[CherubCow]: "Good pranks should maim and traumatize."
the wanderer
Fri Jul 14 10:01:41
do you get in trouble if you get downvoted too often? :p

i was thinking how all you ever hear about Craigslist & Brazil is the robbery & murder... so imagine if there's Craigslist in Brazil D:
the wanderer
Fri Jul 14 13:45:51
some good card wizardry if you have 8 mins
the wanderer
Fri Jul 14 16:49:48
Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song
...our president likes this guy
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 15 18:30:29
I love Satan! I wanna eat *BABIES*!!! >;D
Not unlike Kaitlin Olson @about 2:25 in this video:
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 15 18:30:48
"do you get in trouble if you get downvoted too often? :p"

I *wish* I could get that much attention! ;D
Nothing super negative happens, it just affects your imaginary points (which themselves don't even do anything — they may as well be page views on a geocities website that has no advertisements). Some people care a lot about points and will even delete their comments when the downvotes pass a certain threshold, but I just leave them — 'cuz I said it, and I *mean* it! ;p
..This one maxed out at -13. The first 10 happened quickly so I thought it would get further. My third "worst" comment was a photoshop of someone's dead baby — via a picture from when it was alive though: http://i.imgur.com/XAoOl41.png (-36). My worst (-61) made fun of the fourth picture in this gallery: http://imgur.com/gallery/nZySB
Comment: "yeah that one was funny. It's like the future of an ultra-man-child whose parents finally died XD"
..I think I posted that before, though :p
Imgur peeps don't appreciate mean humor ;D

"some good card wizardry if you have 8 mins"
Textured cards maybe? I wonder about that at casino tables where you can't touch the cards.. but they probably don't even need to bother with that since the games all have house-favored probabilities :p
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 15 18:30:50
Well-timed confetti canon for an okay comedian's show:
"2016 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala"
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