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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit71 - #OneKickMan
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 15 02:00:41
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 15 02:00:57
@this video in last thread:
That was an effective way to get a TKO! Maybe fights should just allow that and make it a competition to see who will kick there the fastest ;D
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 15 02:01:32
the wanderer
Thu Jun 15 10:13:22
^ time to flee the scene & blame it on hooligans

and maybe not just kicks... JCVD wasn't ashamed to go there (which was perhaps just a vehicle to get another split in)
(intentionally @ 1:20)
the wanderer
Thu Jun 15 10:32:52
pizza iguana... with some impressive wall climbing at the end
the wanderer
Thu Jun 15 10:59:34
when sticking your head in a crocodile's mouth goes wrong
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 15 17:35:19
It's good to see that pizza is so cross-species, though I wouldn't have suspected reptiles :)

I like this LL comment on the crocodile video:
"Well, you get your baht's worth at a Thai crocodile show"
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 16 04:57:53
"When a Ferrari brakes on carpet"
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 16 05:00:07
long skateboard manual:
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 16 05:46:39
Posted the actual video before, but someone made this "remix" in 2016 :D
"guy hits head on stove remix"
the wanderer
Fri Jun 16 13:07:53
ah, that was a good one :p had forgotten him
the wanderer
Fri Jun 16 13:12:29
that girl that kept encouraging that boy to kill himself has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter

so a warning to all of us out there doing that kinda thing...
the wanderer
Fri Jun 16 18:52:35
cops are such buzz-kills
the wanderer
Fri Jun 16 20:22:48
preview of Michael Phelps racing a great white shark
the wanderer
Fri Jun 16 22:13:18
some people interrupt that Julius Caesar play (or the 'Trump Assassination Play' as it is known by some):
'you are all Goebbels'
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 17 04:48:26
From comment links, apparently this production by "The Public Theater" (NYC) was done in modern dress and overtly portrayed Caesar in Trump attire — Caesar's wife even has an Eastern Bloc accent — but also from the comments, another production company did the same when President Obama was in office ( http://www...nspired-Julius-Caesar-20170612 ). I think it was two different production companies (I could be wrong); this current (Trump) production is by "The Public Theater", whereas the 2012 (Obama) production was by "The Acting Company". Without having seen either portrayal, kind of difficult to make a good observation, but it does highlight that there's some partisanship/[ideological inconsistency] here by the protestors. Their "normalizing violence against the right"/Goebbels narrative may have truth ("Punch a Nazi" comes to mind), but this was likely not a good example case for that cause..

Public Theater also added this to their page:
"Our production of JULIUS CAESAR in no way advocates violence towards anyone. Shakespeare's play, and our production, make the opposite point: those who attempt to defend democracy by undemocratic means pay a terrible price and destroy the very thing they are fighting to save."
(They're referring to how Caesar's assassins all met poor fates and arguably made Rome even worse by using violence to stop Caesar)

"so a warning to all of us out there doing that kinda thing..."
I think it's still safe for a casual "kill yourself!".. just can't be like an FBI entrapper and explain step-by-step how to do it, how to get motivated, etc. ;D

"cops are such buzz-kills"
Could be some kind of trend! This recent video came up while I was trying to get backstory:
(similar, but in Houston this time)
(it's also a white car but looks like a different type?)
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 17 05:10:06
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 17 05:16:15
"'zombie' high on synthetic street-drug Serenity tries to [bite] a police officer [after] he is repeatedly [tasered]"
Maybe the next zombie movie will just feature zombie cosplayers taking over the world?
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 17 05:19:32
college student trolls street preacher:
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 09:37:08
Alex Jones' tweets about the play interruption:

Woman protesting public murder of Trump is arrested by police at Julius Ceacar in the park!

Brave protestor takes over play simulating Trumps assignation!

Patriots take over liberal Trump murder ritual!

Humanity strikes back! Protestors storm Julius Caesar play promoting Trumps death!

and there's a #FreeLaura defense fund for the girl who jumped on stage (facing trespassing and disorderly conduct supposedly)... and that's being promoted by wild-eyes cuck-hating Katie as a call-back to our last thread
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 09:47:52
i like the skunk family... would be nice if less animals were nocturnal, but we'd probably just kill them off if they weren't
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 09:51:04
*fewer >.>

...Stannis Baratheon would've corrected me
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 10:23:22
girl overjoyed at Rogue One's transition to A New Hope
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 10:37:31
another (presumably) drug tasering... how on topic... more effective this time

(Warning: this video contains strong language, nudity)
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 10:55:38
America's dad/rapist has slipped through the cracks with a hung jury mistrial
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 13:45:04
Will Ferrell:

“The first version of Anchorman is basically the movie Alive, where the year is 1976, and we are flying to Philadelphia to celebrate the Bicentennial, and also, all the newsmen from around the country are flying in from their affiliates to have some big convention.

Ron convinces the pilot that he knows how to fly the charter jet, and he immediately crash-lands it in the mountains. And it’s just the story of them surviving and trying to get off the mountainside. They clipped a cargo plane, and the cargo plane crashed as well, close to them, and it was carrying only boxes of orangutans and Chinese throwing stars.

So throughout the movie we’re being stalked by orangutans who are killing, one by one, the team off with throwing stars. And Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate) keeps saying things like, ‘Guys, I know if we just head down we’ll hit civilization.’ And we keep telling her, ‘Wrong.’ She doesn’t know what we’re talking about.

So that was the first version of the movie.”
the wanderer
Sat Jun 17 21:55:05
male giving birth... like a boss
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 07:12:56
A lot of worried commenters on that post XD
..like peeps trying to re-sell the mothers-only sexism:
[sunglass cat]: "Human Men couldn't ever go thoroug a [] pregnancy let alone giving birth!!!"
[kaddywumpus]: "Now if only male humans could experience this once there would be justice in this world. And probably a lot better understanding of women."

lol. Umm, Arnold Schwarzenegger has already done this, so like, relax, peeps ;p

"and there's a #FreeLaura defense fund for the girl who jumped on stage"

I can't imagine that she could be in jail for something like that for more than a night :D .. pretty curious. Actually it looks like she tweeted "I'm out of jail" on June 16th ( http://twitter.com/LauraLoomer ).. so when was she in jail? The night of June 15th? ;D
..hmm.. sounds like that protest was June 16th.. so she got out of jail on the same night. So yeah, a "defense fund" like you said already; she posted this, "Please support my legal defense fund. I am facing charges of trespassing and civil disobedience." I can't imagine that petty crimes cost too much to defend :p

"and that's being promoted by wild-eyes cuck-hating Katie as a call-back to our last thread"

I'm disappointed that Katie Mc-AntiCuck doesn't have more original content! ;D .. it's mostly just re-tweets and approvals. Even short thoughts like, "ha! cucked!" would be great next to those re-tweets — at least it's *something*! ;D

"girl overjoyed at Rogue One's transition to A New Hope"
That basically confirms my bias as my perceived target audience for Rogue One ;D

lol@"drug tasering" .. the comments about the no-nonsense veteran cop seem on point :D (e.g., "NEVER fuck with a veteran cop that's dealt with this kind of garbage day in and day out for almost two decades."). In the best way possible he really did handle a naked man wearing only socks charging him :D

"America's dad/rapist has slipped through the cracks with a hung jury mistrial"
Totes looks like it'll come down to the jury split! (Like, 11 v 1, or 6 v 6, etc.) Still, even if it was just one juror, it'll take the prosecution a while to build a fresh case — and still with zero forensic evidence, just testimony.. at 79 years old, Cosby might not have to worry about it; Dave Chappelle's rape superhero might get a long enough reprieve ;p

I hope Will Ferrell's "Alive" version of Anchorman still makes it to the screen in some way :D
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 07:13:04
vegetable isle
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 07:18:19
kitty in crazy mode
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 18 07:52:36
More of the good (neat) type of drone footage:
(tornado destruction path)
the wanderer
Sun Jun 18 09:52:02
yeah Laura was released same day... & scored a Hannity appearance too

i wish i could watch star wars girl watch the whole movie.... and episode 7... she enhances emotions like x100, surely had a great reaction the Falcon first showing up... and Han/Chewie...

people don't think tornadoes be like it is, but it do
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 19 04:21:44
"& scored a Hannity appearance too"
Oo! I look forward to that (apparently happens today (Monday)).

"she enhances emotions like x100, surely had a great reaction the Falcon first showing up... and Han/Chewie..."
Defs! I kind of rolled my eyes in those scenes, but maybe it's all about seeing those scenes through the eyes of a child ;D

Apparently those peeps who put out a craigslist add for a BBQ father figure actually got several father figures to show up:
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 19 04:50:55
kitten squeeks:
the wanderer
Mon Jun 19 15:28:45

elephants rescuing their child from the pool... instead of duct-taping her and tossing her in the woods:
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 19 15:40:33
They would have tossed their child in the woods if there were any dope elephant parties to go to ;D

"Sunsets reflection make neighbors house look like it's on fire."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 20 05:21:03
I won't ruin the plot of this video from February ;D
"How not to make a lane change."
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 20 05:23:54
"Thai Cop Hugs Knife Dude"
via http://imgur.com/gallery/she85
In Brazil, I think fifteen people would have shot this man to death :p
the wanderer
Tue Jun 20 09:17:33
kinda looked like he was plunging the knife into the guys back :p
the wanderer
Tue Jun 20 10:01:05
some blast footage, seems pretty successful even with all the fleeing
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 20 16:04:56
Surprising number of people running directly away instead of turning right around buildings and cover... leaves a lot of questions! ;p

"kinda looked like he was plunging the knife into the guys back :p"

Yeah he probably should have put the knife down somewhere instead of quietly murdering the man ;D
the wanderer
Tue Jun 20 18:28:57
weatherman introducing activity #101 of Canada’s “ParticiPACTION 150 Play List” of the day ― a list of physical activities the nation’s residents are encouraged to try

the wanderer
Tue Jun 20 18:53:34
Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire (Historically Accurate Almanac)

were definitely some misheard lyrics in there for me :p

like i was confused by the woman for 'bob dole'... but its 'Bardot' :p

and by the Pepsi ad for 'color wars'... which is apparently 'Rock & Roller cola wars'

(i was assuming a reference to red v. blue gang wars that were all the rage)
the wanderer
Tue Jun 20 21:32:15
batter takes out stadium light (in a remarkably less exciting fashion than Robert Redford)
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 01:44:22
Oh cool! Don't think I've seen that movie before :D
The clip referenced: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i94ldGNNSQ0

"weatherman introducing activity #101 of Canada’s “ParticiPACTION 150 Play List” of the day ― a list of physical activities the nation’s residents are encouraged to try"

Guess the producer overlooked the potential innuendo .. or didn't :D

"Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire (Historically Accurate Almanac)"

Dammit! I've seen that before with pictures timed to the lyrics, but I was hoping to be the one who eventually got around to making it with video clips! I've gotta get proactive about that stuff!! ;p

"'Rock & Roller cola wars'"
I had known those lyrics, but I had no idea that *that* was what it was referring to.. pretty neat! Random trivia: the little boy in the Michael Jackson Pepsi ad was Carlton from Fresh Prince.

"How To Make "Dude Perfect" Videos"
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 01:46:40
how to am become the meme, memer of memes:
"Forever Spinning Kid On Go Kart"
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 03:03:42
Preview of the new Mario game:
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 03:17:19
"Robot Fights Sumo Style"
(Might have to take some ritalin before watching)
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 03:31:14
person accidentally adopts duck army
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 03:35:50
"WWE Staff Forced To Shoot Aggressive Wrestler After Child Climbs Into Steel Cage"
[Onion Full Article]
"“An innocent wrestler has paid the ultimate price for a mistake made by someone else,” said Sam Carter, a 25-year-old protester who objected to what he called WWE’s inhumane activities. “When you look at everything these wrestlers are subjected to, it clearly amounts to cruelty. We must put an end to this immoral practice before another Big Show dies.”"
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 10:03:46
oooh... didn't realize The Natural was yet another 1984 movie
those sumo robots are moving uncomfortably fast... this will kill us all
"Some witnesses blamed Big Show’s death on the boy’s mother"

the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 10:07:28
apparently the Han Solo movie dodged a bullet, firing two directors mid-production

Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that the style and vision of Lord and Miller clashed with that of Lawrence Kasdan, the legendary screenwriter behind the classics Empire Strikes Back and ‪Raiders of the Lost Ark, who also wrote, with his son, Jon Kasdan, the script for the Han Solo stand-alone set (for now) to be released in 2018. Lord and Miller (21 Jump Street, The Lego Movie) have a comedic sensibility and improvisational style while Kasdan favors a strict adherence to the written word — what is on the page is what must be shot. The creative clash, according to one insider, also came down to differences in understanding the character of Han Solo. “People need to understand that Han Solo is not a comedic personality. He’s sarcastic and selfish,” said that source.

a slapstick Han would've required killing sprees
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 10:19:55
knife vs bat

unfortunately the otherwise enjoyable scene reminded me of that horrible Star Wars line "It's over Anakin, I have the high ground." :/
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 14:41:07
eagle's precision snatch... good wing control
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 14:56:15
i watched Sacha Baron Cohen's 'the Brothers Grimsby' (was the kind of humor you'd expect from him :p)... was kinda disgusted to see Trump in it, but it turned out well... not sure if i had heard about his appearance before, i did remember this Kimmel audience reaction vid :p

Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 21:11:34
Kewl! So Trump has AIDS I guess ;D
I was definitely looking out for that Kimmel scene when watching the movie. Did you think the movie was funny? :D

"unfortunately the otherwise enjoyable scene reminded me of that horrible Star Wars line "It's over Anakin, I have the high ground." :/"

I could see that :D .. looks like the one on the porch gave away the higher ground though! He starts crouching (for maneuverability?), which gives the advantage back to the bat — classic Darth Maul error! ;p

From Jimmy Kimmel again:
(High school student criticizes authoritarian staff. Authoritarian staff cuts his mic and pulls him off stage. Kimmel lets him finish his speech for a national audience)
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 21 21:21:06
cone kitty gets pupper consolation:
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 21:33:16
yeah, I enjoyed the movie... I like soccer hooliganism and most of Sacha's stuff in general
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 01:00:15
Awesome! It was def lots of fun. I can't believe how much of it Mark Strong was willing to go along with.. most actors seem too vain for that kind of self-debasement :D

Some "uncomfortable" and common situations ;)
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 10:43:52
Sacha may be a bit too obsessed with his own ass :p... seems to show up a lot

Loki the cat... who may need more tail awareness
good comment: "KILL ALL MUSLIMS."
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 12:48:40
Canadian sniper killed ISIS suicide bomber from over 2.1 miles away, half a mile further than previous record

A member of Canada’s Joint Task Force 2 killed the insurgent with a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle during an operation last month in Iraq, according to reports.

new olympic event? lower security and the targets may show up on their own
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 12:57:50
guy in baby elephant suit chasing birds
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 13:06:14
avocado mustache squirrel
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 15:16:06
Ron Howard is the new director of the Han Solo film
...best known as the director of Willow >.>
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 15:30:39
Toothpick crossbow that can shoot iron nails more than 20 metres (65 feet) the latest must-have toy in China


alert the pope!
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 19:48:22
a Claire Dunphy-esque marriage proposal
(and if you don't know who Claire is, you should be watching Modern Family... the awards are deserved)
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 19:59:05
Pope is doomed! A 12-year-old will blind him from some random parade, and then the pope will change his policies on genocide ;)

"good comment: 'KILL ALL MUSLIMS.'"
I guess people don't even need to make that comment on a relevant video anymore XD
..do you think this person sought out cat videos for that comment, or was it just random clicking and posting it wherever that led? ;D

"new olympic event? lower security and the targets may show up on their own"
Could work! They just need to get them to walk in a predictable line or stay still for long enough ;)

so clumsy in his elephant suit ;D

..liked that squirrel's 8-second pause starting at 0:39 .. probably an existential crisis ;p

"Ron Howard is the new director of the Han Solo film"
He probably has the right style for a Disney Star Wars... could work! Not that I personally expect to like it, but it could create some fun reaction videos ;D

Interesting fact:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 20:07:03
"a Claire Dunphy-esque marriage proposal"
I wonder if she said, "yes," only because of the.. implication? I mean, they're out in the middle of nowhere, she looks around and what does she see? Nothing but open air. "Ahh, there's nowhere for me to run. What am I gonna do? Say, 'no'?"
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 20:07:58
This seems like an accurate portrayal of Frontier's policies:
"Frontier Airlines Tells Customers To Just Fucking Deal With It
‘You’re Uncomfortable For A Few Hours And Then You Get To Be Somewhere Else,’ Says CEO"
[Onion News in Brief]
"DENVER—Noting that some discomfort should be expected while traveling to a faraway place in just a few goddamn hours, officials from ultra-low-cost carrier Frontier Airlines reportedly told customers Thursday to just fucking deal with it. “I get that you’re cramped and miserable, but if you just shut the hell up and sit there for a few goddamn hours, you’ll soon be at your destination,” said CEO Barry L. Biffle, urging passengers to suck it up and quit whining so the flight could get on its merry fucking way. “Who gives a shit if you have no leg room and the seats are stiff? Soon you’ll be 800 miles from where you are now, and it’ll be like the last two hours of your life never even fucking happened. You’re the ones who wanted to save $150, so you’re welcome, assholes.” Biffle added that he didn’t want to hear any bitching and moaning about wanting in-flight food options, because everyone can just stuff their stupid faces when they land."
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 20:28:10
toss in some 'snowflake' name-calling & a 'MAGA' at the end & a real airline might be able to get away with that
hmmm... 'the implication'... could be :p
Han Solo is the best character of all time, so it better be a good film
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 20:30:27
A father is facing charges after he allegedly picked up a child at a day care center in Shelton, Connecticut, yelled at him and pinned him to the ground.

Lance Churchill, 33, was arrested June 16 for the alleged incident, which started when a group of dads came to the Apple Tree Day Care for a Father’s Day celebration.

All the children, including Churchill’s son, made cards for their fathers. Churchill was looking at the card when another kid at the center playfully grabbed the card out of his hands, according to Shelton Police.

The child ran around the room while the 6-foot-4-inch, 270-pound suspect chased him. When Churchill finally caught up with the kid, he picked up the child and lifted him over his head, police said.

Then he pinned the kid to the ground and screamed at him in front of the other children

Day care staff managed to rip the kid away from Churchill and called police.

When police arrived, Churchill asked them to arrest the 5-year-old boy. Instead, they arrested Churchill on charges of risk of injury to a minor and disorderly conduct.
the wanderer
Thu Jun 22 20:38:01
found the Modern Family scene i was thinking of... in subtitled still frames rather than video...
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 20:52:59
lol@Modern Family scene
Okay I might have to watch that show :D

"Han Solo is the best character of all time, so it better be a good film"
But is that because young Harrison Ford was awesome, or because the character itself was awesome? ;) .. right now Alden Ehrenreich is supposed to play Solo.. he was in that Young Adult novel➜movie "Beautiful Creatures", so I'm already annoyed ;D

..that father might be a little Aspy :p

Apparently these crazy people decided to dress up like nuns and make marijuana for a living. Then to support Aubrey Plaza's nun-related movie, they smoke weed with her:
"Aubrey Plaza Smokes Pot with the Weed Nuns"
[June 21st, 2017]
..at about 3:27 they sing a song that I haven't heard since maybe 1992: "The Earth is our mother, we must take care of her"
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 20:57:10
*3:19 into the video, actually

doggo in Mexico knows freedom only as long as its endurance sustains it:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 22:13:33
Road rage in Santa Clarita
(pretty neat wreck)
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 22:33:27
You might sympathize with the person who posted this, but the comments didn't XD
(Not really any pictures, so this is the fun part of the conversation):
[Original Poster, squishybaker]: "shit happens when you're desperate, and applied for over a hundred jobs. Stupidly got my hopes up over a job interview for my dream job. Ended up crying on the phone while the interviewer was saying I didn't get the job. at least she said it wasn't down to me fucking up the interview.
It was for a material science lab tech position, with a pretty sick electron microscope if anyone was interested."
[Top Comment, Marvelous1]: "Hey!!! That sounds like the job I just got!!!"
[squishybaker]: "well have fun dealing with year old food which has been kept at 45c the entire time."
[Frizoggy]: "Are you talking shit about the job you cried about not getting?"
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 22:33:42
Oops! Here's the link:
Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 22 23:14:57
This commercial gets a little out of hand:
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 01:25:35
Steam summer sale underway!
Time to stock up on games you'll never play! ;D
the wanderer
Fri Jun 23 08:52:50
well i _have_ advocated for cloning Harrison Ford, but i think the character is also great even though he didn't :p
that dog video was intense! :o ...like the worst nightmare as a pet owner
the motorcycle guy sure got all he could hope for out of that kick
ok... off to wade through the Steam Summer sale
the wanderer
Fri Jun 23 08:58:14
gah!... i have 62 items on my wishlist and almost all on sale...

(in my defense i tend to add a lot of early access games that show promise just to monitor them... or stuff that sorta looks interesting but don't have time to research at the time)
the wanderer
Fri Jun 23 09:36:59
spinning gorilla
the wanderer
Fri Jun 23 20:26:06
Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies say they accidentally shot and killed a teenager while trying to ward off a dog that had bitten a deputy in Palmdale, California, early Thursday.

Officials said a ricocheting bullet hit the teen after deputies opened fire on the aggressive dog, according to an incident report that the sheriff’s department released.

Friends and family members later identified the victim as 17-year-old Armando Garcia-Muro who was entering his senior year of high school.

The deputies were responding to reports of loud music when they arrived at the Palmdale apartment complex at 3:47 a.m. on Thursday. As the deputies approached the building, a dog that officials described as a “60 to 65 pound pit bull,” “aggressively charged” at the deputies, biting one of them in the left knee.

Garcia-Muro reportedly appeared from behind the apartment complex and restrained the dog, taking it to the rear end of the building. Deputies retreated back to the street where they waited for paramedics.

While the deputies waited, the dog became loose and charged at the deputies a second time. As the dog approached, deputies said they shot at it from a distance of 5 to 7 feet.

When deputies returned to the building to restrain the dog, they found Garcia-Muro on the ground in the carport area. He had a gunshot wound to the chest. Garcia-Muro was transported to a local hospital after the shooting, where he died of his injuries.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 20:38:58
Yikes D:
..so even when the dog does seem to actually be violent and attacking, police can still mess it up.

@spinning gorilla
lol. I had to send that to a lot of peeps :D .. so good!

"well i _have_ advocated for cloning Harrison Ford, but i think the character is also great even though he didn't :p"
He's a scoundrel! :D .. We do need to get the ban lifted on human cloning, at least for important celebrities like Ford. Holograms and CGI stand-ins just won't cut it in a future where an overpopulated planet demands physical interactions with its limited icons ;)
..but hopefully the ban is lifted after Elizabeth II and Betty White have gone. Could you imagine them having *another* chance to outlive everyone? ;D

"that dog video was intense! :o ...like the worst nightmare as a pet owner"
Someone posted that the dog had stamina, so these Jezabels lyrics came to mind and kind of work for the video: "I yearn to speed with nothing protecting me ... Nothing that we need except one thing: stamina" (Run free!!!)

"gah!... i have 62 items on my wishlist and almost all on sale..."
Gabe!!! ;D
I haven't been too good about populating that list :p .. had three games listed and went ahead and got "Alien: Isolation" finally (can't wait to be terrified ;D ) ... also looks like "Goat Simulator" has fallen to $2, so I might have to get that too! Any suggestions? :D

That timid/oppressible person on Imgur who was having trouble with his neighbors has decided to start trolling co-workers:
TLDR: He decides to player "Stayin' Alive" on repeat in a vent over his co-worker's head at low enough volume that his coworker is the only one who can hear it. "Before he left, he said 'you'll fucking regret this on Monday.'"
Top Comment: "24 June 2017 Eye Witness News: A coworker at a distribution warehouse went on a killing spree. He was heard saying "Stay alive now bitches""
the wanderer
Fri Jun 23 20:44:54
the more recent Alien vs Predator is ~$3.75... i picked it up but can't vouch for it, haven't tried yet

hmm... i had a coworker who talked me into playing another coworkers most hated song at super low volume... can't remember if she ever noticed it though
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 21:46:25
best pranks are secret pranks? ;D

"the more recent Alien vs Predator is ~$3.75... i picked it up but can't vouch for it, haven't tried yet"

I saw reviews by "Gggmanlives" on YouTube that panned AvP2 (2001; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fn7kEqjvRs ) and AvP3 (2010; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7c3U2cKFUE ).. but some of the complaints he makes were issues that AvP 1999/2000 had (like that maps were re-used for all three species). Gggmanlives also seems cynical about game quality, and I just don't play enough games to be that cynical about them (my movie reviews come to mind — maybe I *am* jaded ;p lulz)... Like I've enjoyed playing that 1999 one (I've been playing that off and off for the last few weeks). The marine levels were actually pretty scary at first because the aliens would seemingly appear out of nowhere, though the scariness levels off after a while once you start noticing the open vents and can predict how often aliens will spawn.
Anyways, at $3.74 for AvP 2010, I think I'll get it :D
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 21:46:47
Police officer gives someone a break because he broke the law first (apparently a believer in "lead by example"?):
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 23 21:57:21
doggo goes dead weight to stay outside:
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 24 00:43:35
This was labeled "That's right. Bow down to your Wetland Overlord!"
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 24 00:58:07
A potato records a bear swimming with cubs:
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 24 01:00:03
The risky click in the video description does actually lead to more video and a clear picture:
the wanderer
Sat Jun 24 08:39:44
was nice of the eagle not to eat her fingers

why no paddle for the mother grizzly bear?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 25 01:01:22
Maybe because the boat peeps had already sworn allegiance to the eagle?
#CaturdayNight #DrinkyDranks
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 25 08:09:37
"Attempting to feed the local trash pandas"
the wanderer
Sun Jun 25 09:25:52
fake! sorta! he wasn't even holding the bag

nice park job:
the wanderer
Mon Jun 26 09:21:24
Police in Norway are vowing to catch the vandals who hacked off a rock formation that resembled an erect penis.

The fallen Trollpikken (loosely, the “troll dick”) was a popular destination in Eigersund for hikers and climbers. But Olav Magne Egebakken told Norway’s TV 2 that he was running past the formation on Saturday when he noticed the “troll” was no longer aroused.

“It looks like someone has used a drill on top,” Egebakken told the network. “This is vandalism, there is no doubt.”

Whoever vandalized the rock could face up to six years in prison, but so far there are no suspects. Authorities plan to further investigate on Monday.

Eigersund Mayor Odd Stangeland lamented the landmark’s loss.

“This is simply sad!” Stangeland wrote on Facebook, adding that the community had hoped the formation could be used to draw more tourists to the region. He said it had been “created by nature,” but was now “sadly destroyed by humans.”

However, all may not be lost.

Contractor Sverre Garpestad told TV 2 that with the aid of helicopters, it would take about an hour to drill new supports, add bolts and mortar, and replace the rock.

“We have the Viagra it takes,” he was quoted as saying.


...the mayor's name is odd
the wanderer
Mon Jun 26 09:44:46
"Never forget: Democrats and Hillary Clinton voters want to see you dead. And your kids, too."
~Katie cuck-hater
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 27 01:31:48

@"nice park job"

..Some *very* questionable post-crash activity happening..
Comments suggesting stolen and/or drugs seem like good guesses :p

@"Police in Norway are vowing to catch the vandals who hacked off a rock formation that resembled an erect penis."

Has a secret Pope Pius IX started a new "Great Castration"? ;)

Unexpected ending gif:
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 27 01:32:47
I made a how-to gif for parallel parking:
(mostly because the non-edited version of this keeps making the front page — *someone* has to make fun of these things!)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 27 05:21:23
Our favorite insect bite victim decided to take a risk with a black widow spider:
(set to once he puts the black widow in his hand)
Spoiler: he's alive.
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