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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit75 #Dyselxic
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 16 01:53:58
Imgur user makes another Super Saiyan gif:
the wanderer
Sat Sep 17 14:23:49
creepy stuff: 911 call by kidnapped woman in room w/ the sleeping guy, then later bodies found

Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 17 15:57:43
That's no good D: ... Sounds like she was able to stay on the phone like that for a while. Must have been a scary wait..
.. That was a heavy-looking family in the press conference ;p
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 17 20:07:14
Cat monitors your noise levels:
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 17 20:18:09
How to deal with cell-phone recorders:
the wanderer
Sun Sep 18 13:43:06
that seemed like Russia just from circumstance
weird how countries have such true stereotypes :p

Jon Snow is in a car commercial... but he knows nothing... what a weird choice for an endorsement
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 18 23:22:57
Fall from tree house:
the wanderer
Sun Sep 18 23:45:40
chimp playing ping pong
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 19 01:27:04
Seems to be pretty good at that :D
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 19 02:27:59
I have a feeling that this will be one of the most spooktacular Halloweens on record.
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 19 02:42:12
The source link is under the gif, but the video title ruins the surprise:
(1:2 scale RC jet)
the wanderer
Mon Sep 19 12:21:04
the video is good for sound & anguished head grab
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 19 14:16:29
Should be edited to show dollar signs evaporating in the debris ;)
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 19 22:25:19
Sometimes I wonder if there's more to life than accumulating unfinished projects ;p
the wanderer
Mon Sep 19 23:02:10
there's always cat videos :p

best part of Emmys
MATT DAMON makes everything better

also Kate McKinnon's win for SNL
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 20 00:50:59
lol, that was good :D
the wanderer
Wed Sep 21 00:26:40
the crazy guy stung by a velvet ant (cow-killer) just before the 10 min mark
the wanderer
Wed Sep 21 00:27:42
here's a pain chart... ^that ones a lvl 3... can't wait for the lvl 4 bullet ant :p
(& the tarantula hawk visibly looks really nasty...)
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 21 02:30:58
ah D:
Wait so the ones in the chart represent his intended projects? :D

"What WWI really looked like"
the wanderer
Wed Sep 21 09:12:01
for chart, sort of :p he said this ant was ranked #4 on a pain index chart & he felt he should work his way up to the bullet ant... probably not doing all tho

he did mention the tarantula hawk tho, so should see that sometime :p
the wanderer
Wed Sep 21 10:52:54
unobservant dog

no payoff at end tho :/
the wanderer
Wed Sep 21 11:03:28
pokemon go mugging

kinda looked like mugger live-streaming too... whats on his head?...

not much to see after mugging beyond the conversation on the right, guy factory resets phone about half way through
Wed Sep 21 14:02:42
A wild dinduchu lol
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 21 14:03:08
Some peeps in comments think it was a GoPro, but I see a lot of people walking around wearing climber's headlamps now, so that could be it?... I first saw it on cyclists, but now just walkers.. kind of a weird trend.
And I thought that modern phones brick after theft now? Isn't smart-phone theft pretty pointless?

Poor dawgie :p ... a friend's dog (dog being a cocker spaniel I think) is basically blind so she finds everything by scent... Kind of think hide and seek would be impossible with that dog :)
the wanderer
Thu Sep 22 23:36:30
i shall assume anyone wearing one is a mugger since its my only association :p

this video isn't that interesting but i like how the dog's face looks... i'd call him Falcor
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 23 01:26:24
looks so happy about it :)
the wanderer
Fri Sep 23 10:36:22
maybe had an itchy snout

more practical physics
the wanderer
Fri Sep 23 10:37:36
kitten playing with squirrel eating graham cracker
the wanderer
Fri Sep 23 11:11:11
giraffe sexually assaulting reporter
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 23 14:28:20
First dolphins, now giraffes! When will these animals stop molesting with impunity??

"more practical physics"
D: ...
wonder if texting was involved. That's why I try to monitor the rear-mirror when on highways and interstates with variable speeds.. it might give a chance of evading that sort of thing.. though that was full speed, and only the person farthest back might have benefited from that awareness.. :/

doggie halps:

the wanderer
Fri Sep 23 14:36:53
doggieS... the other one opened the door :p

florida shootout
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 23 16:15:36
Must be video shootout day! :D

"VIDEO: Woman exchanges gunfire with home invaders, fatally shooting one"
the wanderer
Fri Sep 23 17:11:04
"fatally shooting one"

what are all the CC boxes?... the awoken guy seems a bit casual... must be brazilian
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 23 17:47:23
My knowledge of crime from the Fast&Furious movie tells me that this was a criminal operation (maybe stealing bunches of stereos or something?) and that these home defenders were criminals defending stolen property from other criminals. The invaders were part of Vin Diesel's group ;)
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 24 21:19:17
Mom in accident with son:
the wanderer
Sun Sep 25 00:48:58
could've used a "watch the language, boy!" *swat*
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 27 02:29:22
Glad the forums came back! I got in another debate with an Imgur person and it was super sad. They were trying to say that as much as 80% of cycling statistics were unreported. I don't think that this person realized that there don't even exist that many cyclists on the road, but telling them that was like talking to a brick wall, so..
the wanderer
Tue Sep 27 21:12:39
is there a typo in there or was that a joke? :p
the wanderer
Tue Sep 27 21:54:02
seems unsafe:
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 27 22:29:07
..not sure that melting someone's face off when they sleep is a good prank, but I still lol'ed XD

What typo? :D The 80% thing? Because towards the end of the debate they changed their estimate to 90% unreported <:D
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 27 22:30:22
"Straight ahead we have a little debris. And if you look to the left of the tour bus, the world is ending."
[An Imgur post by AbortedFetusNecrophiliac]
the wanderer
Tue Sep 27 22:31:09
"80% of cycling statistics were unreported"

i don't know what this means... 80% of what incident
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 27 22:39:52
Oh sorry, 80% of cycling accident statistics: things like collisions or deaths. This person's supposition was that 80-90% of cyclists who get in accidents either flee the scene or don't tell anyone, including the hospitals and police who collect that sort of information.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 27 23:29:27
well maybe they do... :p

i saw one of those headlight joggers tonight... seeing the light bobbing above a dark figure reminded me of the batman bomb scene... which i guess is better than assuming a mugger
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 01:14:08
desert donkeys encountering grass
but unsatisfying ending... i would've watched for many more minutes/hours to see them get comfortable
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 28 02:48:37
Aw :D .. yeah where's the additional footage? :( .. I want to see them invent a new grass-based culture with a sand-based economy :(

Now that I've seen that mugger video it will for sure be difficult to trust headlamp peeps for a while :p .. also not a fan of those because I've been blinded by peeps wearing them in the past..

And yeah! Totes possible that 80-90% go unreported -- I did float the possibility that there's a mass conspiracy that allows all cyclists to commit three or four accidents a day in order to make up for the relative rarity of cyclists on the road compared to cars ;D
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 10:16:23
maybe you were talking past each other... were they saying just '80% of cycling incidents go unreported'? or was there some claim that most road accidents (either cycling or auto) were cycling-related (and the 80% was related to that)

cause i still am confused as to how quantity of incidents is relevant to the 80%... sorry :p
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 10:18:02
that damn clock kid is in the news again for filing defamation lawsuits

i had completely forgotten about him & why exactly i hate him so much, but the rush of hate still came back :p
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 12:17:02
i gave $10 to the Nat'l Wildlife Federation two years ago... (and they sent me many a calendar & address stickers since)

however i moved several months ago & did not notify them... yet they tracked me down and are still sending me stuff... why do they have my new address? who sold me out?

i'm not against calendars & address stickers, (although they provide enough stickers to send mail daily) rather than the twice a year or so that i actually do... just have no idea who shared my info with them... only the gov't and the electric company should have it...

i just stopped at the wikipedia page to see if maybe its run by gov't & its corrupted w/ Trump info... seems an odd place to mess with, i wonder how many other pages are

(currently says this stuff on right if fixed by time anyone looks)
The Wall to Keep Mexicans Out
Founded: 2000 BC
Founder: Donald Trump
Location: Hell, Virginia, United States
Revenue: A small loan of a 1,000,000 USD (2015)
Slogan: "To steal your money."
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 12:54:07
yet another product is exploding...

U.S. regulators on Wednesday warned owners of certain top-loading Samsung washing machines of "safety issues" following reports that some have exploded.
Wed Sep 28 14:05:51
Sometimes I worry about you, CC. Getting into imgur arguments again? Tsk tsk. At least stay off the youtubes.
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 28 14:41:16
"maybe you were talking past each other... were they saying just '80% of cycling incidents go unreported'? or was there some claim that most road accidents (either cycling or auto) were cycling-related (and the 80% was related to that) [/] cause i still am confused as to how quantity of incidents is relevant to the 80%... sorry :p"

No worries! Here's most of the conversation as an image:
The full debate itself was here (if you want to read past the end of the image):
Under comment "Why do people care" >> "show bad replies" >> then look for my screen name :p

But the summary: I started by saying, "Availability heuristic: auto drivers break more laws and cause more serious accidents. Cylists tend to risk only themselves but are noticed", which transformed into him accidentally confirming this by posting a study that said that <10% of all road accidents involve a bicyclist (a UK-specific statistic, since he lives there). But, he then was saying that even though <10% of *reported* accidents involve a cyclist, based on overestimate conjectures he thinks that 80-90% of the actual cycling accidents that occur have *not* been reported. His end argument was that there is a 1:1 auto:cyclist ratio of accidents; i.e., cyclists get in as many accidents as cars. I tried to explain that it's ridiculous to infer that that many accidents go unreported — particularly because cars far outnumber cyclists — but his position was that no claims at all can be made about how many accidents cyclists get into simply because there's a potential for unreported statistics. I told him that that last point of his was a complete misunderstanding of how to interpret data; you don't completely dismiss a data set simply because you *think* there could be more data. 80-90% would also be on the extreme end of "unreported" estimates, which equates to statisticians covering their reports with general error evaluations (i.e., any good report must state the potential for error).

Anyways, the funny thing about that 80-90% thing was that I kept telling him that even if that much went unreported, it would still mean less than auto accidents — he disagreed, saying "1:1". And in cycling-related accidents it is still the cyclist who takes on the bulk of the injury burden; a cyclist hitting or being hit by a car will be more injured than the auto driver — he did not respond to this point. The best he did there was peripherally mentioning that a driver would be subjected to psychological trauma after killing a cyclist, which I said was a nonsense comparison because [driver psyche]≠[cyclist physical injuries].
TLDR: Pretty difficult to have a discussion about this sort of thing if the other person disregards reported data, over-extrapolates the potential for unreported data, and does not address the cost of the data — who that data (reported or unreported) affects. I wasted a few days on that discussion and had Seb "5x5" flashbacks ;D
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 28 14:41:53
"Sometimes I worry about you, CC. Getting into imgur arguments again? Tsk tsk. At least stay off the youtubes."

Yeah see! This is what happens when Utopia has problems! I end up engaging with the mediocre masses ;D
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 28 14:53:48
"that damn clock kid"

ugh. That kid needs to become irrelevant .. just like the quality of his clock in any real science experiment :p

I wonder if the Wildlife people had your card information? I found out from my Hulu subscription that if they ever have one card then they can update your address and card number if those things change — even without your manual input. I think they just ping your bank and banks don't protect the info ( these just theories; I'm projecting my suspicions here :D )

Did Trump say something about the Wildlife fund during the debate or something?

Selfie sadness:
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 16:06:38
ok, i get it... the relative to car thing is indeed crazy... unless in some 3rd world country :p

hmm, didn't consider the credit card, it's probably how i did pay... diabolical

no Trump didn't mention it... just a weird occurrence i guess, it was fixed within minutes of me noticing

that selfies photo could be edited to put an interesting person on the left
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 18:56:49
more proof women hate each other
Wed Sep 28 19:22:32
Well if women hate women, it's only equal for men to also hate women!
the wanderer
Wed Sep 28 22:33:41
they are kinda annoying when they complain about you staring at them

CNN just did a segment on white supremacist Pepe the frog... (because Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a pic with him in it)
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 28 23:10:58
lulz.. I can't believe they've been running with that :D
.. of course, in the UK anyone who posted the Pepe memes would be facing racism fines already, so I guess it's better? ;D

"When you see your best friend at the traffic lights"
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 29 00:18:16
"The Contractions"
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 29 02:32:25
Has Michael Moore been reading UP? I (and others too I think) have mentioned this possibility a number of times and months ago, but this was from August 16th:
"Michael Moore: Trump Is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted the Job in the First Place. He's running for president to get a better deal for 'The Apprentice'"
Thu Sep 29 06:56:04

I'd rather have Michael Moorcock reading the board!
the wanderer
Thu Sep 29 11:13:51
i hope Moore is right but kinda doubt it... both candidates dropping out would be nice

i assumed Moorcock was going to be a porn star

A builder in Australia has been bitten on his penis by a poisonous spider for the second time this year.

The two-time loser, known only as “Jordan,” was bitten Tuesday while sitting on a port-a-potty at a worksite in Sydney, according to the BBC.

It marked the first time he had used a portable toilet since April 27 when he was ― yes, you guessed it! ― bitten on his penis by a poisonous spider.

“I was sitting on the toilet doing my business and just felt the sting that I felt the first time,” Jordan told the BBC. “I was like ‘I can’t believe it’s happened again.’ I looked down and I’ve seen a few little legs come from around the rim.”

The first time, Jordan was bitten by a redback spider, the Aussie cousin of the infamous black widow spider.

However, he is not sure if the same type of spider bit him on Tuesday.
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 29 13:54:38
A fear of spiders in those toilets probably makes more sense than my fear of the little person from that X-Files episode who leaps into peoples' bodies in a disturbing way (S8-E10: "Badlaa"; Deep Roy's character "beggar man") ;p

I think Trump's free press for a new season of Apprentice passed the point of an escape plan a *while* ago, so Moore is really late to the table with this theory. Now Trump potentially gets a better business deal with a victory (like negotiating government contracts like Dick Cheny to source his private business after term), so probably Trump has to take credit for being crazy just because he's crazy as opposed to acting crazy to get dropped. If anything the GOP would be sabotaging him by letting his train wreck so that *they* can replace him. That is, Trump probably isn't in control of his situation anymore.
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 29 15:22:58
Someone who shares my political views ;D
Thu Sep 29 15:42:59
Hey cc. Story.

/Cracks whip
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 29 15:46:53
Oops! :D
I have time tonight, so it should be impending :p
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 29 16:06:57
This statistic fits my personal experiences ;)
"Report: 38% Of Road Trips End With Burying Friend In Shallow Grave In Desert"
[Onion News in Brief: September 29, 2016]
"PHILADELPHIA—A report published Thursday by sociologists at the University of Pennsylvania has determined that 38 percent of all road trips end with the traveling group of companions burying one of their members in a shallow grave in the desert. “According to our data, more than a third of road trips conclude with several individuals gathering in the darkness miles from the main road and solemnly digging a 2-foot-deep burial pit in the sand for a friend they just put out of his misery with a lug wrench,” said the study’s lead researcher, Molly Lashker, adding that within the particular subset of cases, 63 percent of the travelers draw lots to determine who will retrieve the body from the trunk, 79 percent rush to turn off the car’s headlights when they hear the sound of an engine in the distance, and 98 percent make a pact to never speak of what happened again. “The proportion of journeys that end in a rushed late-night desert burial appeared to be consistent across all types of road trips, whether it was a spur-of-the-moment two-day retreat or a week-long cross-country adventure. We also found that in nearly every instance, the outing begins with each of the friends happily singing along to the radio and declaring that it was going to be the best trip ever.” Lashker went on to note that only 2 percent of road trips involve the supposedly deceased friend frantically clawing their way out of the grave and stalking the others."
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 29 18:28:04
Sometimes I wonder if there's more to life than hunting hobos for sport. :(
Thu Sep 29 18:42:40
It's only fun if you give them flamethrowers
the wanderer
Thu Sep 29 23:13:01
if you gave the meat to local shelters is it even morally wrong?

kid shoved:
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 30 00:55:03
It's the circle of life! ;p

Top comment: "This, essentially, is how a bill becomes a law."
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 30 01:03:06
HowToBasic needs to redo this, but anyways ;p
"How to Shoot an Anvil 200 Feet in the Air"
the wanderer
Fri Sep 30 12:03:14
i like his men/women commentary :p

we are simple folk
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 30 14:24:58
But it's not true! Watching things blow up can be shared by all! \:D/ .. that's half of what science does, from what I've seen — he just didn't pretend that it was a proof of some principle ;p
the wanderer
Fri Sep 30 19:49:17
maybe its women with maternal instincts who don't appreciate detonating objects for detonation's sake

wouldn't work as well w/ kid safety
the wanderer
Fri Sep 30 22:11:50
heard another good Trump sons comparison... that they look like villains from Miami Vice

the wanderer
Sat Oct 01 18:59:42
roadkill you don't ever think of probably...
the wanderer
Sat Oct 01 22:42:56
SNL debate:

they had Hillary do the Willy Wonka's pretend to be decrepit then somersault intro :p

...which i only recall cause it was noted Gene Wilder insisted on doing that for the part in one of the memoriam articles

the rest of skit was quite good too
the wanderer
Sat Oct 01 23:01:42
here's the skit... link may die
the wanderer
Sun Oct 02 12:40:30
this link should be more stable as official, not sure if SNL still cracks down on 3rd party posters
Sun Oct 02 12:58:13
First link is already gone, so yeah they do.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 02 17:37:47
Sexologist Ahmed Shafik of Cairo made 60 lab rats wear pants for a year, and he determined that they saw less action when wearing polyester shorts (vs wool or cotton).

the link since you may want more information...
the wanderer
Sun Oct 02 22:15:23
Hip-hop star Kanye West had to cut his set short at a New York City festival Sunday night due to an unknown family emergency.

the wanderer
Sun Oct 02 22:24:25
butterfly on a koala's nose
the wanderer
Sun Oct 02 22:27:15
"Kim Kardashian West was held up at gunpoint inside her Paris hotel room this evening, by two armed masked men dressed as police officers. She is badly shaken but physically unharmed," Kim Kardashian West spokesperson Ina Treciokas tells CNN.
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 02 23:16:37
No homicide? :(
Actually that's probably for the best. People who emulate them a lot more if they became celeb martyrs or whatever :p

awwww@butterfly koala

"made 60 lab rats wear pants for a year"
Was hoping for more than just a drawing of the lab rats :(

cat stuck in pole is given captions:
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 02 23:33:33
Greta Van Susteren blocks a Haiti expert on Twitter for contradicting her?
Cherub Cow
Sun Oct 02 23:59:54
Mon Oct 03 00:02:26
Greta is an awful name.

Also that cat video-turned-into-gif was hilarious.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 03 00:04:00
you're supposed to get paid a quarter to do that^

kinda funny anecdote about our next president

technically a he-said/she-said

...but he said it
the wanderer
Mon Oct 03 00:04:43
(a quarter for the caterpillar thing)
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 03 00:09:25
Trump is so classy!
..Really hoping the U.S. finds a way out of these two terrible options..

"you're supposed to get paid a quarter to do that^"
He may have done it for free D:

"Also that cat video-turned-into-gif was hilarious."
Can't believe the cat didn't pay for their help ;p

"Looks like an average family ....till you look at the couch and realize the guy in the middle is the 'mountain'"
Cherub Cow
Mon Oct 03 00:18:46
Apparently it's possible to stack toads if you rub their bellies first..
the wanderer
Mon Oct 03 11:18:08
there should be a list of animals who become docile when turned upside down... seems semi-common... maybe there is a list even :p

♪♫ <romantic music> ♫♪
the wanderer
Mon Oct 03 13:01:37
guy goes all DiCaprio

weird comment :p
the wanderer
Mon Oct 03 19:19:17
"i probably should've checked for pedestrians"
~me after every time i make a turn

the wanderer
Mon Oct 03 22:46:45
trash pandas getting some help
i don't really buy the nod claim, but do like the board grabbing & flipping :p
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 04 00:37:17
That's great :D

Maybe something to do with pack animals caring for each other? ;)

"i probably should've checked for pedestrians"
Around here it's essential! Have to check mirrors before making right turns especially. When I'm cycling the closest I've come to crashes involved people making right hooks in front of me :p

The ancient hoomans of the early 2000s worshipped kitties:
Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 04 02:09:40
how to be Darth Vader?
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