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Utopia Talk / Politics / TRUMP WINS!!
Wed Nov 06 00:12:37
HA! Trump inauguration parade should consist of Jan 6 followers.

Harris is underperforming in every state.

Republicans have secured the Senate and looking ahead Dems have no chance of getting it back for a decade.

Also fun fact Trump/Cruz won the majority of Hispanics in Texas.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 06 00:34:57
"Harris is underperforming in every state."

The fact that NEW JERSEY was close was flabbergasting.
Wed Nov 06 00:59:43
The one part of Trump 2.0 that I will at least watch with some train wreck style amusement, no matter how good or bad everything else is going for us with Trump's chaos, is our new Oligarch Elon Musk gutting the US government employee base.

Think will see anything like millions fired out of the 20+ million US gov employee/contractor numbers?

Holy shit, Putin and the Russian Oligarchs are jizzing so hard today.
large member
Wed Nov 06 01:13:29
Congratulations to those of you that wanted this outcome. I did the grief stages a few weeks ago (posted in this forum even), so am fine with it.

Ultimately, it does not really matter much for us allies abroad. I doubt we will internalize the need for independent capability, so that pipedream can be discarded.
Wed Nov 06 01:48:45
Who adds his name to the list?
Wed Nov 06 03:41:29
I am totally depressed and sickened. I guess I'll just wait for the MAGA shirts to come and haul me away to the internment camps. Unless I die first. It won't be long before they scour the internet of any sites that allow opposing views.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 05:27:32
lol, patom. "This is MAGA Country!" hoaxes inbound XD ;D ;D
It will be hilarious to scour the Internet to see people who really believe dumbass dipshit things like that.

Like, there really are fucking idiots out there who think that Kamala Harris was some kind of example for their daughters (lol!). I guess they'll have to fall back to their secondary heroines who exist on the same value system: Only Fans whores.

A lot of sick people out there need to get back on their meds. I suspect that even williamthecoward was taking more Ritalin than usual and is going to need downers for a while.
Greedy Jew
Wed Nov 06 06:51:36
Think of that, all the military aid that was given to Ukraine will now be given to Israel. This means the end of "Palestine" and maybe Iran, too.

Or will he nuke Houthistan first?
large member
Wed Nov 06 06:53:51
I dunno. Trump is pretty transactional and does not really need anyone anymore. What exactly has Israel done for Trump lately?
large member
Wed Nov 06 06:54:59
CC should be onboard with that thought at least :).
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 06:56:57
This "Greedy Jew" multi doesn't even realize that BlackRock (a jewish-led organization) is managing the aid to both Ukraine *and* Israel. I.e., Larry Fink just magically stepped in to manage all the Western wealth that was sent to Ukraine, Israel, China's belt-and-road, *and* the G20's Belt-and-road alternative project. Funny how that works.

It's all the same project.
Wed Nov 06 07:04:37

For someone who is apt to criticize the left and their tendency to wrap all issues into a single omnicause, you are the most proficient person I've ever met when it comes to tying every single last political issue, story, and person into your grand tale of the Manichean struggle between good conservatives and evil slave morality Jewish Global South world elite :)
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 07:14:53
I realize that you're retarded on the jewish question, Rugian, but I literally just stated facts.

It is an absolute *fact* that Larry Fink is managing the wealth that was sent to Ukraine. The jewish Zelensky and the jewish Fink announced this:

This was lauded by the WEF and by the UN, and it should go without saying that Western leaders — most particularly those with AIPAC connections which I have itemized in my threads — fully supported these aid packages.

Similarly, Larry Fink *factually* appeared at G7 with Biden and euro leaders to announce BlackRock's partnership on a belt-and-road alternative:

Similarly, Larry Fink has *factually* shown to be funneling Western wealth to China's belt-and-road:

Similarly, Larry Fink *factually* has announced BlackRock's commitments with Israel, which are ongoing since (at least) 2016:

Similarly, Larry Fink *factually* is the prime mover behind ESG/DEI, which is the reason for the anti-White propaganda that we've been experiencing in Hollywood over the last decade+, the reason that nearly every corporation and industry has been captured with DEI imperatives and "sustainability" governance.

Similarly, it is a *fact* that of the people who were championing ESG in House chambers when GOP reps were exposing ESG/DEI as a massive anti-competitive pyramid scheme and protection racket, more than half of those defending ESG (about 8 of 15) were jewish.

Similarly, where anti-competitive pyramid schemes and protection rackets are typically investigated and shut down by the SEC, the jewish head of the SEC announced that he is pro-ESG and would not investigate (i.e., he will have to be fired and replaced before it is investigated by the SEC).

But you're going to pretend that I'm just imagining all of this. Fucking believable.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 07:16:25
*"fucking [unbelievable]"
Wed Nov 06 07:21:16
^ and this is why people like you will never be of consequence. I'm your ally on 95% of the issues, but I'm "retarded" because I don't partake in your anti-Semitic BS.

Your need for absolute ideological purity, in the absence of which you are willing to trash even your closest allies, means that you ultimately drive away anyone who might have previously listened to you.

By the way, quit it with the sophmoric insults this morning. The other side lost an election, there's no need to be so mean spirited about it. There but for the grace of God go us, and chances are you'll be in the same position come November 2028.
Wed Nov 06 07:29:04
What makes you think that "Greedy Jew" is a multi?
Anyway, I hope he is right and Trump will redirect all aid to us. But you can't trust a goy, Trump may also give our money to the Saudis or Argentina or some European country if they lick his ass.
Wed Nov 06 07:37:32
” I'm "retarded" because I don't partake in your anti-Semitic BS.”

How ia it anti-semitic if Larry Fink is managing the wealth that was sent to Ukraine?

And if Larry Fink appeared at G7 with Biden and euro leaders, how is it anti-semitic?
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 07:45:48
[Rugian]: "I'm your ally on 95% of the issues, but I'm "retarded""

That is not what I said. I specifically said, "you're retarded on the jewish question". There is a *huge* distinction there. Many smart people can be retarded on particular issues. I am not condemning you totally nor throwing out the baby with the bath water. I have repeated much of this information to you previously, so it is annoying and unacceptable for you to adopt a Regime talking point by pretending that this is mere conspiratorial thinking when it is so obviously is not.

[Rugian]: "I don't partake in your anti-Semitic BS."

I'm not "anti-Semitic". That is libel and a lie and a Regime thought-terminating cliché. I am not even anti-jewish.

You might want to examine why I can list a series of absolute and incontrovertible facts and your reply is "anti-Semitic".

[Rugian]: "The other side lost an election, there's no need to be so mean spirited about it. There but for the grace of God go us, and chances are you'll be in the same position come November 2028."

Absolutely not.
Winning the election is the first fight. I want to win all future fights too.

These people have tried to absolutely destroy us. They absolutely want to genocide White people, destroy the West, enslave and sterilize our children, kill our cultures, empower those who hate and resent us, and they think it's funny.

They think it's funny.

If you think that I can listen to someone like jergtard subverting all reasoned arguments or tumblefag calling me a cultist for fucking *years* while I try to deal with him with kid gloves, then try to reach him by telling him all the ways the Biden is an actual pedo and puppet, then finally realizing that he is an absolute enemy who cannot be reached... and that after all of that I'll be nice because their plan to institute a global totalitarian government puppet failed? Are you fucking kidding?

Even on Imgur right now they're calling us Nazis and fascists and claiming that we're "literally Hitler" because we don't want our children surgically and chemically emasculated. They absolutely want to destroy the West, and that did not stop today. There is no reconciliation with many of these cultists. They either drop their cult dogmas or they go to Madagascar. Their pain is necessary if they are to achieve even an ounce of introspection, but if you think that people like jergfag are capable of introspection, then you are merely seeing your own better nature — whereas leftists more often than not have *none*.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 06 09:41:07
"What exactly has Israel done for Trump lately?"

You mean other than fight against the country that is trying to kill trump?
large member
Wed Nov 06 09:43:08
Get your credit card ready sammy. I have a bridge to sell you on the cheap.
Wed Nov 06 09:57:46
My congratulations to the American people for taking one step closer to the precipice instead of two. While I admire the optimism of those who voted, I believe you made a mistake.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 06 11:04:57

Holy shit lol.

Trumps not even going to want deport hispanics anymore.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 06 11:42:16

This democrat gets it. If the dems and their media learn this lesson as a whole that party can come back strong.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 06 11:45:27
Is this the biggest day of gains for the stock market ever? A solid repudiation of anti-merit woke policies from much of the country last night. Little rioting(i think kamala would actually need supporters for that?) and no threat of civil war.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 12:24:24
The problem with the idea that Democrats could have finally just learned their lesson and will only now just find the introspection to take a step back, calm down, and do what is right by the American people by, for instance, agreeing that immigration should not be used as a political weapon, that anti-White hatred doesn't make sense as a policy in nations founded by White people, and that there is more to life than an oppressor/oppressed false dichotomy... is that the same liars and destroyers still occupy positions of power throughout media and governance, the same anti-White and anti-Western policies were passed into law and require the same continued actions, and the same people who have ethnic hatred and resentment for the West are all still here.

The only way they learn introspection is by deporting all the traitors and reversing all of their treasonous policies. They'll have time to think about why they hate their own former home in the West so much while live permanently outside of it.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 12:26:18
*"They'll have time to think about why they hate their own former home in the West so much while [they] live permanently outside of it."
large member
Wed Nov 06 14:52:15
Awww, are you dropping Madagascar specifically just because I pointed out where Planmadagaskar originated? So sad :(.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 15:05:04
lol, jergfag thinks that his dumbassery had an effect — whereas it took him fucking months to realize what reference I was making XD
large member
Wed Nov 06 15:39:18
Nah, wwii related stuff is my thing. I always knew about Madagaskar. Or Uganda for that matter. Engaging in all your unique takes is just not something anyone has time to do. So I chose what I want from the smorgasbord of special thoughts.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 15:50:52
faggot took fucking months to mention anything about it but is pretending to be an expect now. Absolute fucking loser. XD

This is just like how he claimed to know what I was talking about with Nietzsche, but he walked directly into a dialectical trap and proved that he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, lol XD
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 15:51:41
*"pretending to be an expe[r]t now"
large member
Wed Nov 06 16:21:09
wwii is a guy thing CC. You would not understand.
large member
Wed Nov 06 16:22:29
Nietzshe is a sophomore college student thing on the other hand. So that you do know. We have all been there. Some of us mature out of it is all.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 16:35:48
[faggot]: "Nietzshe is a sophomore college student thing on the other hand. So that you do know. We have all been there. Some of us mature out of it is all."

lol. Little bitchboy faggot is pretending that he just "forgot" all that he learned about Nietzsche. Absolute faggoty cope, especially because even if you pretend that Nietzsche is sophomoric, jergfag just admitted that his memory is such shit that he can't remember his own past XD
What are Nietzsche's four categories again, faggot who admitted to possessing slave morality because he was too stupid and ignorant to realize what he was doing? XD XD XD

jergfag will just keep coming up with ways to cope with how he's a pathetic degen leftist who's too stupid and illiterate to know anything about anything. He was too stupid and ignorant to pick up on Nietzsche references and now just showed that he's too stupid and ignorant to know WWII references. You can literally reference the most obvious things for months before the tiny little brain cell that's struggling to keep him breathing has enough energy to generate the thoughts necessary to recognize the simplest of patterns, lol

And then he'll pretend that "wwii is a guy thing" — lol! I guess jergfag just came out as a woman XD XD XD


Election results:
Wow, I can't believe the jewish and muslim vote is exactly the same as ever:

jewish - 66% Biden
muslim - 63% Biden

How about we just deport those 66 and 63%? It really isn't *all* jews or brown people, so we could just keep the best ones in the West and send the leftists back home ;D
large member
Wed Nov 06 16:50:51
[saviour of mankind] My understanding of N. is fine. I weigh the historical biographical quite heavily though so that thoughts have context. He and his sister were both infected with syphilis. Coincidence? I think not. See? Context.
Wed Nov 06 23:54:44
It's wild how 25 million democrats who voted in 2020 suddenly disappeared in 2024. How can this possibly happen?
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 07 00:26:59
Surprise, surprise. The only thing jergfag can say about Nietzsche is some deconstructivist ad hom faggotry. Like the dung beetle jergfag is, his only perception of the world comes from what flavors of shit he's eaten.
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