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Utopia Talk / Politics / Haiti: Kenyan led stabilization force
Sat May 25 13:12:53
Kenya has committed to lead an international "police" force that includes forces from the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Chad, and Jamaica, to help the government in Haiti stabilize the country.

But why the fuck would Kenya want any part of this mess? Multinational forces are by definition crap, and this one is just lol bad. This makes no sense to me at all. Kenyan forces are going to have to fly over a dozen crises in Africa just to get to the one in Haiti 7500 miles away.

There must be corruption involved, right?
Sat May 25 13:38:57
The USA is running out of ammo and other supplies, and does also not wanna risk their lives in Haiti, so they ask an African country to step in instead.
Sat May 25 13:49:27

Yeah I understand that we don't want to get mired in Haiti again ... the question is wtf is in it for Kenya or at least for their president.

Sat May 25 14:40:20
Maybe Blinken threatened Kenya with sanctions if they didn”t.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sat May 25 18:02:25
I already posted on this. We are paying Kenya's President. This is also incredibly unpopular in Kenya.
Sat May 25 20:24:49
Well, it's racist for non-blacks to help Haiti...so this is a good answer.
Sat May 25 20:41:09

The cluster fuck potential is off the charts.

They better hope Haitian gangs haven't figured out how to make IEDs.

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