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Utopia Talk / Politics / how da colaaoorz invasions work
Sat May 25 01:14:37

so 13 high school kidz was gonna take over and form da new govurnment...

u cant make dis shit up!
Sat May 25 12:14:18
”Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun”

Benjamin Reuben… I don’t know but it kinda sounds like a jewish name.

The operation was probably not planned by the Mossad though. More like by Genocide Joe and the CIA.
Sat May 25 12:21:35
”U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered help from the U.S. with the investigation”

Rofl… yeah let the CIA help investigate. Congo should demand that the USA and its leader, Hamas Joe, hand over every single piece of information that they have on the terrorists and their families and friends with no delay.
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