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Utopia Talk / Politics / UK general election on July 4th
Wed May 22 11:48:10
UK PM Rishi Sunak is crafty as hell. He knows the left won't turn out to vote because they will be out celebrating their independence from the US. ;o)

Wed May 22 12:01:33
Wed May 22 12:01:54
Also, thank fuck this is finally coming to an end.
Sat May 25 12:27:06
Rofl, da rats are fleeing da sinking ship

Gove joins rats leaving sinking Tory ship as Sunak visits Titanic Museum

Sat May 25 12:31:01
Why on earth would Sunak visit the Titanic museum at this time?
Sat May 25 12:37:14
The Tories became full blown leftists and are about to get obliterated for it. Turns out the occasional anti-immigrant rhetoric won't make people forget that you drove the economy into the ground with a massive tax and spend programme.

Also kudos to Starmer for plausibly posing as a moderate to the voters (even though he isn't).

The British people will suffer immensely under a Labor government...but when the Cons were basically operating as Labor Lite, who cares.
Sat May 25 12:40:49
Here's Sunak looking absolutely pathetic as he's getting rained on while announcing the election...and also, some troll is playing Tony Blair's old theme song in the background. lol

Sat May 25 12:43:16
The UK is seriously still living in the 19th century. Have you motherfuckers not learned how to use studios yet?
Sat May 25 16:46:42
"Why on earth would Sunak visit the Titanic museum at this time?"

I think his press office hate him.

They started him off in a brewery, then titanic, then Morisons where the press obviously snapped him standing in front of the sign covering the i and s.
Sat May 25 16:47:01

Lol. The sheer cope.
Sat May 25 16:48:42

There's a giant press studio 50m from that podium.

They thought it looked more macho to do it this way, and when it was raining they thought an umbrella looked unmanly.

Basically they were trying to appeal to the Rugian demographic.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 26 03:20:24
Conservative Party platform: "[Give us Zero Seats]":

For those unfamiliar, the reality here is that the Tories have long been outed as controlled opposition traitors; they conserve nothing and have opened the borders to migrant hordes, playing into the global plan to annihilate the West. Evil subversives such as sebgul pretend that the Tories are truly "conservative" (they're not; this is a lie), that the Regime in the UK is therefore right-wing (it's not; this is a lie), and that it's just a shame that those wicked "far right" English are trying to push the Tories into actually stopping the annihilation of England (twisted logic). In the minds of destroyers and subversives, Tories should just continue to reflect the wishes of the left while wearing the skinsuit of the right. Ah! "Our democracy"!

But no more.
Zero seats.

By giving the conservatives zero seats, the illusion is shattered. The conservatives do not represent native English; they represent the global totalitarian Regime (not a mere local Regime) while pretending to have the blessings of the right. They do not have the blessings of the sovereign English. Rishi Sunak is a pretender and an Indian infiltrator who represents Global South interests. Without the conservatives falsifying this image of consent ("[Look! We have a brown! We 'conservatives' are totally 'with it' despite pandering to left-wing racialism!]"), the totalitarian Regime is laid bare; they do not have consent and merely do what they want, using propaganda in the aftermath to pretend that they reflect popular will.

But no more.
Zero seats.
Sun May 26 07:03:22
^ I can't actually say that video is fake, given Sunak's latest big-brain move:

"UK’s Sunak promises mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if elected"


Good job Rishi, motivate all of those youth voters to the polls!


"Basically they were trying to appeal to the Rugian demographic."

There are zero things about Sunak that are appealing. He makes Theresa May look like a goddamn superstar in comparison.

CC is correct, it's actually laughable that you think the Cons are a right-wing party under him.
Sun May 26 12:00:40

He keeps cutting taxes and public spending.

The fact the tax burden as a percentage of gdp increases should tell you something about the importance of public investment in driving gdp growth, and the success of the signature policy (which you endorsed) of raising massive trade barriers with our biggest trading partner. Turns out that's a major disincentive for private investment (why build factories that can't bring raw materials in from the EU or sell the product into the EU without customs checks when you can build them in the EU instead?).

Sun May 26 12:01:14
Fraction go up when denominator go down rugian. That's how you cut taxes, but find tax as a proportion of GDP goes up.
Sun May 26 12:04:31
TL;Dr - this is the natural conclusion of 15 years of right wing policies in the UK. They don't fucking work, and saying the policies aren't right wing because they don't lead to the outcome you expect is just pure Tanky cope. "The Soviets weren't communist, real communism is a post scarcity utopia with total political freedom! I know because we all agreed that amongst each other! If sticker Russia is a piss poor hell hole dictatorship, that means it can't be doing communism."
Cherub Cow
Sun May 26 13:39:08
[seb (traitor to the West)]: "and saying the policies aren't right wing"

Zero. Seats.
Traitors such as sebgul will keep saying, "[muh GDP]" and "[muh conservatives are right-wing]" because the Tories ultimately serve the global uni-party, and sebgul can claim that the right is getting what it wants and that what it wants is "bad", yet the right does. not. want. an Indian slave boy who attends WEF parties but was given one. The right does not want infinite immigration for GDP yet was given it.

Deport every fucking one of them, including Sunak. Fuck your GDP false arguments. GDP does not get to be an excuse for the annihilation of the West. We all know that sebgul is a traitor who speaks in poison. He can follow the slave boy back to India.

Zero seats.
Sun May 26 13:41:17

"an Indian slave boy"

Totally not racist.

Cherub Cow
Sun May 26 13:44:28
Oh no! Saving the West might be.... rrrr rrrr.. rrrrrrracist! D: D: D: ....
Oh, I don't care about your bullshit thought-terminating clichés, you subversive and thoughtless hack:

Zero seats.
Sun May 26 13:53:08

You're not "the west" and you're not a citizen of the UK.

And if you want to save the west ... use the door.

Cherub Cow
Sun May 26 13:54:58
Take your own advice, faggot. Leftists only subvert the West. Flipping the script with jergul's schoolyard tactics isn't fooling anyone but yourself.
Sun May 26 15:25:27
Its hilarious - they've literally created a scheme involving deporting immigrants to Rwanda with no appeal, and a law that breaks separation of powers, and it's still not right wing enough.
Sun May 26 15:26:27

You aren't the west. You're of the east - dangerous totalitarian fringe.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 26 17:32:52
[seb (traitor to the West)]: "created a scheme involving deporting immigrants to Rwanda with no appeal"

That's cute. Now how many were successfully sent back under that "scheme" (the necessary millions?), and tell us why London has so many of the Caliphate's infiltrators, you transparent traitor.

[seb (traitor to the West)]: "You aren't the west. You're of the east"

This pathetic projection again.
Sebgul, I'm sure that this obvious projection is impressive to the other extra-chromosome-having fucktards in the yellow section of the pool, but I am not the one who advocates for globalist totalitarian bureaucracy schemes such as sustainability. It is *you* and the other traitors who advocate for open borders, anti-populism, infinite immigration for GDP, and policies which claim that there is no difference between a Bengali pundit who openly hates the West (but has a British passport! Her Bengali parents birthed her on English soil!) and a White Englishman who has no country but England going back through his family's entire recorded history. Low-IQ bureaucrats see reality in terms of paperwork and therefore see no distinction, but we the living see how your paperwork-based reality always seems to (accidentally, of course!) result in the ethnic replacement of White people and the dispossession of Westerners from their homes on behalf of the Global South.

Your moral inversions are pathetic and transparent subversions which hold no sway beyond the echo chamber of some Regime-owned cubicle farm where reality can be falsified using suicidal groupthink. But outside, you will see Marie Antoinette's Varennes visitors are increasingly no longer convinced by your lies. In fact, your unwillingness to drop your lies in the face of insurmountable evidence — while endearing you to your circle of Regime sycophants — will serve only to harden the hearts of these enemies that you yourself create. That is a sad state of affairs, since the empathy that you too long abused in them is the only thing that might have convinced them that your treason could find some leniency.
Sun May 26 17:45:12

"but we the living see how your paperwork-based reality always seems to (accidentally, of course!) result in the ethnic replacement of White people and the dispossession of Westerners from their homes on behalf of the Global South."

You need replacing by whatever race is less unhinged.

Cherub Cow
Sun May 26 18:52:34
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "You need replacing by whatever race is less unhinged."

Good to see you admitting that you are indeed a sycophant to the global totalitarian Regime's plan, since it yet again proves that you psychopaths are anti-Western destroyers.

They are actively replacing the West with more compliant slave castes — people who do not kick up a fuss when the Regime does things like mandate medical treatments or minimize life to living pods with no possessions. Useful idiot leftists think that it is the right who will be punished on their behalf (Justice for past wrongs such as colonialism! Revenge upon their superiors!), yet it seems not to occur to these useful idiots that the Regime is replacing the Western left as well. Your suicidal impulse does not just take your own local civilization with it; it gives civilization not just to the most dysgenic goblins within your particular nation — but to the most dysgenic goblins in the *world*. You do not rank among them, despite how sickly your current goblin ideology is.

You will inherit nothing from the slave revolt, and you will find that whatever level of survival you think is so sad and impossible for you now will be considered a fantastical reality and a delusion by the slaves who replace you — just as the current left denies that Western society was ever great, since in Celebration Parallax these leftists simultaneously deny the decline is happening while encouraging its acceleration.

There is nothing of the West in you degenerates. As I pointed out once before, I can celebrate the West's great history, but you dysgenic freaks shy away from it like vampires from the sun, since virtue itself is your enemy.
Mon May 27 11:21:20

Oh I see, it's not right wing because it's incompetent!

Look, they come up with dumb, unworkable ideas to appeal to idiots like you, then you get mad when the ideas don't work, and surprised that the only politicians standing on the right are incompetent weird idiots.

The reason is because only incompetent weird idiots are stupid enough to stand in a platform of obviously stupid and unworkable policies to win the vote of swivel eyed idiots.
Mon May 27 11:22:32
A circle jerk of morons collapsing into a circular firing squad when their delusions hist reality.
Tue May 28 13:12:05

Taxes have been rising recently due to frozen allowance thresholds and rising sales tax in a high-inflation environment.

Bumping people into higher marginal rates after you turbocharged inflation through Chinese Communist Party-style governance during the pandemic is straight up idiocy.

I'm not even counting Boris Johnson's previous absolute joke of a tax policy which was to raise rates on fucking everything.

It's anecdotal, but the Murdoch-owned conservative WSJ has lately been cautiously cheering the incoming Labour government, with its pragmatists in Starmer and Lammy, and roasting the Conservatives as failed dumbasses. If that doesn't tell you something about the state of the Tories at the moment...
Tue May 28 13:14:38

One does not need to abscribe Sunak's idiocy to his Indian ancestry. The British education system does a fine job on its own of turning today's scions of society's elites into tomorrow's globalist fuckmonkeys.

Cherub Cow
Tue May 28 18:26:10
[Seb (traitor to the West)]: "Oh I see, it's not right wing because it's incompetent! [/] Look, they come up with dumb, unworkable ideas to appeal to idiots like you"

Notice how sebgul must again lie (misrepresenting my position) in order to fight the disingenuous straw man that he prefers. His false claim of me is that "[hur hur, right-wing positions just weren't effected *competently* enough!]" but did I say that? Absolutely not. In fact, the people actively undermining right-wing positions in the "Conservative" party seem competent enough to oppose these positions. But he is again obfuscating my position so that he can avoid the truth: sebgul is a traitor.

And what is the deeper truth behind sebgul's treason?
Sebgul, being a traitor, would never support a position which actually achieved the needed goals. The needed goal is mass-remigration of treasonous elements within the West (e.g., the racialist and cultural infiltrators within London), but sebgul realizes that this would mean that the global totalitarian regime would lose power, so he instinctively opposes this. But, a traitor must continue to operate within society, so he obfuscates *why* he opposes it by appealing to the Overton Window.

And it is in the Overton Window that sebgul exposes himself.

sebgul calls "far right" anything that successfully counters the global totalitarian regime which he supports. Notice again, for instance, that he opposes the Rwandan strategy:
[Seb (traitor)]: ""created a scheme involving deporting immigrants to Rwanda with no appeal""
That is, he codes the deportation of immigrants without appeal as "bad thing". And yet, did he respond to the core issue which exposes him (I responded to that with, "the necessary millions?"), of course not — he would prefer that everyone forget that and he instead shifts frame to his latest straw man fallacy knowing that a straw man hijacks the discourse away from a position where he unmasked his own treason.

And how does it unmask his treason?
sebgul opposes the Rwanda plan as "[too far right! unworkable! idiots!]" because "[ermagerdz, no appeal! muh empathy for foreigners!]", yet Regime media admits that it would affect a maximum of 52,000 asylum seekers (BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-61782866 ). That is, at only 52,000 (itself an over-estimate), it is unacceptable to sebgul.

So this is the crux. *Millions* must be remigrated, but sebgul would call anything beyond a few rejected applications "far right". And sebgul will defend the appeals process because he knows that the global totalitarian regime controls the bureaucracy and that asylum applications which enter the bureaucracy ultimately favor the Regime's strategy of ethnic replacement of Whites in Western lands. This same exact Bolshevik strategy is being used by U.S. Bolsheviks such as Mayorkas. They *want* to field those applications because the process itself favors the infiltration, whereas, a person whose concern were actually the security of the West would realize that the bureaucracy must not even be allowed to admit *any* applications from any non-European stocks.

In short, sebgul's deception works within the Regime's controlled framework and Overton Window:
(The Regime's Goal of Western destruction)

[We should accept infinite migration but satisfy the public with propaganda saying that the bureaucracy is doing a fine job in this controlled demolition. There is no cause for concern that England is overrun with high-level government officials who largely seem to form an anti-White coalition of BRICS+ migrants and that these officials advocate for more of their ethnic brethren to infiltrate the West] (the central deception; central obfuscation)

[Effective policies against the West's destruction are super bad, guise!!! Don't you want GDP?? Don't you want the NHS to be a health program by, for, and of the migrant invaders??] (soft tactics which accept Western destruction)

[The Conservative Party is "right-wing", but the right-wing simply doesn't work!] (a lie; the Regime denies the right-wing power and controls the opposition with a false right)

[The elements further right than the "Conservative" party are "incompetent weird idiots" and "stupid" and have "unworkable policies" and no one should appeal to these "swivel eyed idiots" because the Regime codes them as low-class and "dumb", and you wouldn't want to be low-class would you?? since being coded as low-class means that you do not love the global totalitarian Regime!!]

(Western civilization's survival)

Even more shortly, sebgul will always code as "bad" and "low class" anything that is an effective means of stopping the destruction of the West. He will throw pathetic projections about *others* being "totalitarian" or "incompetent weird idiots" when they offer these solutions which would indeed save the West. He will appear more "reasonable" only when your positions satisfy the Regime's prestige network, since the Regime's prestige network ultimately satisfies sebgul's affinity for treason.

It is the Regime's prestige network which itself is a false Overton Window. It is within this Window that the Conservative Party fell, passing policies which ultimately serve the objectives of the Global Totalitarian Regime but with a sticker that these policies satisfy the English people ("[Certified 'right wing' (controlled opposition) by Regime apparatchiks!]"). Their lies have long been exposed, and the people are not falling for these deceptions anymore. The people want millions to be remigrated. Anything short of that is treason.

Zero seats.

[Rugian]: "One does not need to abscribe Sunak's idiocy to his Indian ancestry. The British education system does a fine job on its own of turning today's scions of society's elites into tomorrow's globalist fuckmonkeys."

For the global totalitarian Regime, these are one in the same (i.e., Sunak's racialist positions are the Regime's racialist positions — as indoctrinated through Regime-captured education).

This is the essence of sustainability governance. Through captured education, many such useful idiots such as Sunak and sebgul were activated as resentful destroyers of the West. Of those successfully indoctrinated, the Regime elevates those who most thoughtlessly accept Regime dogma and the Regime prestige network. The Regime's primary goal is to elevate racial categories of the Global South who possess Regime dogmas, hence, in government service we see an over-representation of racial categories who actively hate the West.

• If you are White and love the West, you will not be selected.
• If you are brown and love the West, you will not be selected.
• If you are White and hate the West, you *might* be selected or grandfathered into your position up until a brown person can overtake your position.
• If you are brown and hate the West, you will be elevated to the highest levers of power.

The Regime chain-links these destroyer client-groups. If, for instance, a female in a position of power takes too much personal blame for Regime policies (e.g., Jacinda Ardern), the Regime may replace that person with an identical Regime apparatchik who satisfies the next "lower" intersectional category (Ardern was replaced with the White Christopher Luxon, whose policies were actually more extreme that Ardern's during COVID). The same strategy was done with Hillary Clinton. She was meant to chain-link the next client group (a black/brown female president), but because she failed the Regime used the puppet Biden.

So Sunak was plucked from a client group which is more *likely* to adopt slave morality (Indians), though it is, of course, true that there exist Indians who would oppose the Global Totalitarian Regime (they just are not selected). But, it is indeed Sunak's Indian ancestry which is being used here. The Regime employs a dysgenic operation, and as a client group Indians occupy a normal distribution which is more likely to impose dysgenics within the West (bringing down Western ethnic strength, outnumbering Western sovereigns, being a multitude more likely to adopt slave morality).

This is why people such as murder will pretend that you are "racist" for opposing their resentful brown candidate, but they will simultaneously call a non-resentful and sovereign brown candidate a "white supremacist" if this candidate opposes the Regime. Their goal across all (apparent) contradictions is dysgenics. sebgul even openly opposes eugenics because "[muh far right, muh Godwin's law]" and stupidly failed to realize that the Western project is eugenic because of these thought-terminating clichés. But *dys*genics? They have no problem with this and even celebrate it. They want the most sickly goblin to be in charge because the most sickly goblin assures the destruction of the West.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 05 04:26:37
"Tories who thought it was a great idea to coup both Boris and Truss and to install the first non-white PM will take from this election the lesson that they were too rightwing."
Wed Jun 05 05:23:43

Rishi Sunak destroyed the Conservative Party in 18 short months!

Rishi is about to find out that the only reason Conservatives handed him package is because it was about to blow up and they wanted to blame the colored guy.

Cherub Cow
Thu Jun 06 20:36:00
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Rishi is about to find out that the only reason Conservatives handed him package is because it was about to blow up and they wanted to blame the colored guy."

Now apply this standard to the global left.
I.e., do the left's oligarchs use DEI as part of a strategy to blame the slaves for the effects of the slave revolt? Would these left-wing oligarchs intentionally put these DEI slaves/destroyers in power to distract from *who* put them in power (international Bolsheviks)?

Short answer: yes.
The left uses DEI and empowers a slave revolt because these dimwitted slaves — who could never hope to achieve power due to competency (they lack competency) — can become puppets for market-wide catastrophe. This is the Bolshevik strategy. The slave revolt is always deceived into dysgenic annihilation of their wider society, making the remaining population easier for Bolshevik oligarchs to control.

That said, murder has made the argument for us. The so-called "conservatives" are using the same global totalitarian scheme in the appointment of a slave caste into their leadership. This is because the "conservatives" are part of the global totalitarian Regime; they are *not* right-wing opposition to this Regime.

"The Case For Zero Seats"
[Lotus Eaters; June 6th, 2024]
"The Tory Party as they exist now, exist solely to control the discourse and stop the discourse [from] getting... too 'radical', as they put it."

A comment re-iterates:
"There's also messaging to think about. A good chunk of people only think in the two-party paradigm, and so if things are going badly when "Conservatives" are in power, then conservatism is bad. This is not good for the right-wing because the conservative party is no different than Labor policy-wise, basically destroying the country whilst also tarnishing the image of conservatism or right-wing politics as a whole, and also demoralizing a large part of the voting block."

I.e., this messaging tactic is exactly what we see sebguls doing. The Tories are not "conservatives", but liars such as sebgul can pretend that the results of "conservatives" in power has been "bad thing", whereas, in reality, the "conservatives", being more Regime-sponsored traitors, have opened the doors for mass-immigration and all the things that the right **did not want**.

Parvini's estimation is that Zero Seats for the Tories will mean a monumental Labour Party win followed by the dissolution of both the Tory and Labour Parties as they have both failed to disguise their scheme of manufacturing consent through these sorts of sebbish distortions.
Fri Jun 07 00:52:26

Inflation rising primarily due to:
1. Energy costs (which party slashed investment in energy efficiency, blocked onshore wind and left us more exposed to gas?)

2. Rising costs of imports due to trade friction (which party imposed customs checks on imports from our biggest trade partner?)

3. Decline in the value of sterling (which party oversaw the longest and most protracted decline in FDI and relocation of export industries overseas as a consequence of imposing friction on manufactured goods and services to our biggest market for them?)

Murdoch press cosy up to Labour because it's winning, so as to preserve access and influence, not because they prefer them to the Tories.


Nah, you can see it in the polls. Liz Truss and Boris killed the Tory party. Sunak's not been able to revive it.


Your position is exactly as I describe. It's simply not credible to claim a govt that's been pursuing all the right wing shibboleths as a policy platform, less by a dyed in the wool Thatcherite is somehow "not right wing" simply because these policies haven't delivered the utopia you expect.

Claiming the Tories "couped" Johnson and Truss completely ignores their own failings.

One very obviously lied, flouting rules he himself brought in, earning the loathing of the population. The second one blew up the economy pursuing massive unfunded tax cuts in the most hamfisted way ever, spiking everyone's mortgage costs and nearly taking down the pension funds.

If either of them were leading the Tories now they would be doing worse in the polls.

You are just in complete denial at the fact that your policy platforms are unworkable and unpopular when actually put into practice.
Fri Jun 07 01:28:03
I'm very much happy with the idea that the conservative party should get no seats and it's successor should try even more extreme "authentic" policies.

We can compare them to the policies the conservatives pursued and at if they are, in fact, any different and more likely to work.

See where that gets you, loons.
Fri Jun 07 01:29:31
The purity of eternal opposition where you never need to make a compromise to practical reality sounds like what you want, and what we all need.

Right wing equivalent of the Tankies and communist hold outs such as Corbyn. Good luck! You'll need it!
Fri Jun 07 01:30:29
Dissolution of the conservative party will just make the lib Dems the official opposition. They'll mop up the centre right.
Fri Jun 07 01:34:10
The truth is almost the exact opposite of what you've claimed.

The Tories being traditionally centre right have dragged the entire country far more to the right than the electorate would have tolerated had it not been done by reasonable sounding centre right folks like Cameroon. The Tories fear of ever being outflanked on the right let them bend over backwards to insurgents like Farrage and extreme views like CC and Rugians. Eventually that's killed their credibility as a centrist party.

A more purely focused far right party will have limited appeal and electoral prospects, not because they have been discredited by association with the centre right, but the precise opposite.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 07 01:48:48
[Seb (traitor to the West)]: "Your position is exactly as I describe. It's simply not credible to claim a govt that's been pursuing all the right wing shibboleths as a policy platform, less by a dyed in the wool Thatcherite is somehow "not right wing" simply because these policies haven't delivered the utopia you expect."

More straw man fallacies and lies from sebgul the deceiver. Why do we suppose seb must always lie for his positions? It's simple, of course: his positions cannot survive without lies.

To his latest lies: sebgul pretends that it's not "the utopia you expect", which — in quite liarly fashion — presumes that the policies themselves were fine but simply did not result in good things (a category error built on a false premise) whereas, in reality, the policies were never fine and *that* is why they resulted in a sebbish left-wing destroyer society *rather* than granting any right-wing victories.

sebgul's freeness with lies shows that he is exactly as I describe: a traitor to the West.
I have already enumerated the penalties for traitors: public flogging, hangings, crucifixion, and flaying. Softer penalties could include deportation to Madagascar — the new home of the Jew, the Lutheran, the Calvinist, and the traitor. seb simply does not realize that all of his lies are coming to an end. No one is buying them anymore. No one is deceived. They see how the lies always result in the destruction of the West.

Zero seats.

That is the start. sebbish lies will come to an end, and the broader public will see these sebbish treasons plainly in how the full-left policies of Labour are nearly identical to the former positions of the dissolved Tories. "Why did nothing change?" they will ask. And they will know: because the entire government was captured. Not a single politician in the existing government can be trusted and must — at the very least — be re-screened for subversive activities.

And guess what?
If Labour and the Tories do not start mass-deportation, citizenship revocation of migrants, and the *actual* policies of the sensible centrists (those centrists that the Regime codes as "far right"), then all of government will be bypassed by sovereign citizens since government will have proven itself to be the foreign occupation-force that we who see past your lies know it to be. It will come to this limit for the sebguls since they could not grant a single victory to the right's soft power. The sebbish could not simply deport all the migrants. They could only pretend that the right got what they wanted (they didn't; the migrants are still in the West), and that because they got what they wanted (they didn't) that their policies must be "utopian" (another lie).

As I've said, those continuing sebbish lies merely make the sentencing of their treasons that much easier. If they can manage a word of truth, perhaps they will see Madagascar or public flogging. If not, the spectacle of the scaffold will return.
Fri Jun 07 04:21:42

The problem is that your basic idea of politics in a democracy is fundamentally wrong.

In your mind, it's about opposing factions trying to win control and thus imposing a comprehensive vision on society. Within this model, democracy is a "fair" means of determining who gets to set their vision.

The reality is that politics is a mechanism for agreeing compromises, where whichever faction in govt must nevertheless take account of the broader views of society beyond their immediate factional supporters. There will still be winners and losers of course.

The truth of the matter is the right in the UK won a number of elections very narrowly and proceeded to indulge the most extreme fantasies of their base.

You lament the increase in migration post Brexit.

Well, of course! What did you think would happen if you adopted a points based immigration scheme, something the right have been screaming for for ages because the right in Australia do it? Points based migration schemes are for managing high rates of immigration to ensure it's focused on filling jobs. Couple that with taking every step possible to curtail both public (austerity) and private investment (erecting trade barriers husky shrinking the market access UK based business can directly sell to) - you greatly reduce productivity and create huge demand for unskilled workforce which, due to demographics mean either immigration or massive economic decline.

What do you think would happen if you stop processing refugees - sure some no longer get accepted, but also none get rejected and deported either. They just stay in limbo.

This is all a consequence of knee jerk, ill thought out policy positions the Tories adopted because their members are full of people like you; and then falling to adapt policy positions in govt to address concerns from other stakeholders in society.

In 15 years, all the right has achieved is to run the country into the ground.

And now you say "no, no, the problem wasn't that these policies didn't work and achieved the opposite of what we thought, the problem is they clearly weren't actually right wing policies in the first place. If they were, we would have had the outcomes we wanted."

I'm sorry but it's just bullshit.

You can't simultaneously erect trade barriers to Europe, slash public investment, have a declining and ageing native population, and also pursue low immigration and also be wealthy. Except perhaps by discovering some huge reserve of valuable natural resource in high demand.

Fri Jun 07 04:23:17
Oh wait, the UK had huge gas and oil reserves! which lefty wokey traitor to the west flogged it all off to the private sector and splurged the royalties on tax cuts?

Margret fucking Thatcher, the goddam commie witch!
Fri Jun 07 04:29:25
Cc, you should really stop make pronouncements about what will happen here. You aren't a citizen of this country.

We just spent yesterday commemorating a pivotal moment of the 80th anniversary of the defeat of your side.
Fri Jun 07 04:33:37
The idea that the conservatives adopted points based migration schemes and stopped refugee processing because of the demands of the left rather than the loony right members of the party (who think very much like you) is really quite tragic.

The fact that it turns out points based migration schemes are more lax than the old visa regimes, and that not processing refugees means not deporting them either is just a testament to your fucking stupid you right wing folks are.
Fri Jun 07 04:57:38
Here is where things look to be heading:

Labour will have a landslide.

Reform will split the conservative vote

The conservatives will end up with below 150 seats they need to survive.

They may even fall below the number required to be the official opposition.

The conservatives will be subject to an attempted takeover/merger by Farrage/reform.

Contrary to belief, this will not help them - the popular support for further right wing policies is very limited, their core vote is an age groups that are literally dying out of old age. Further, Brexit is increasingly seen as a terrible mistake and Farrage is an architect of that.

The remains of the centre right will split from the conservatives and, most likely join the lib Dems.

To the extent that Labour will suffer if it tries to be continuity Cameroonism, yes that's a risk. But I suspect that will simply push them to more radical social democratic policies rather than Blair/Cameroon era neo-liberal post thatcher consensus, leaving more space for the lib Dems to establish themselves as a party of liberal economics with a social policy, vs labour as a more social democratic party.

The future of UK politics well be between centre liberals with support of the one nation Tory type voters who are disgusted by Farrage and the current Tory party, and centre left Labour.

The far right rump of English nationalists and ethno nationalist culture warriors like yourself don't have a big enough, efficiently distributed vote to have significant representation in a FPTP system. Disillusioned labour voters will not look to them as a new vehicle for representation.

And before you whine about that, I supported PR, and it was the backlash from the far right that prevented the coalition adopting that as policy.

Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 07 05:02:45
[Seb (traitor to the West)]: "The problem is that your basic idea of politics in a democracy is fundamentally wrong."

Oh, look, another straw man fallacy. Seb has outright admitted to his illiteracy for my political writings, but that doesn't stop him from projecting lies about those positions.

More lies:
• "The reality is that politics is a mechanism for agreeing compromises" (false framing)
• "The truth of the matter is the right in the UK won a number of elections very narrowly and proceeded to indulge the most extreme fantasies of their base." (false)
• "What did you think would happen if you adopted a points based immigration scheme," (false framing)
• "In 15 years, all the right has achieved is to run the country into the ground." (false)

In reality, politics in a **captured society** is about the central totalitarian Regime capturing all parties and making them move in the direction of the totalitarian Regime. All actions exist entirely within the totalitarian state's Overton Window, and all promises outside of this window are lies told by "conservatives" (liars and destroyers wearing the skinsuit of the right) which are abandoned the moment the Regime believes that they have manufactured enough consent to obfuscate how much their will diverges from that of their own people. This is distinct from "compromise" within a functioning society, since functioning societies do not have to compromise with traitors such as yourself.

Even your lie of "the right in the UK won" is pathetic, since you have continued to straw-man rather than address my itemization of your lies above. The right in the UK has not won — it has only been betrayed. Your hideous example of points-based immigration post-Brexit is a perfect example. You very stupidly think that the right was given what they wanted with Brexit, but this is outright false. The right wanted immigrants out, and points-based immigration was the Regime getting what *it* wanted.

Your one truth also carries a mis-frame:
[Seb (traitor to the West)]: "You can't simultaneously erect trade barriers to Europe, slash public investment, have a declining and ageing native population, and also pursue low immigration and also be wealthy."

And here's the thing Seb: the people that you think that you're representing with your absolute lies do not care about "wealthy", since that too is a lie of totalitarian sycophants and destroyers such as yourself. "Wealthy" to the Regime means that the banking elites and corrupt oligarchs see a rise in GDP which translates to larger mansions and deeper bunkers — for themselves. They achieve this through infinite immigration, which they assure the public helps GDP, but the public is deceived if they believe it. This rise in GDP comes with a lower standard of living for native Westerners, subverted "compromise" in the legislature (those invaders need representatives, after all!), sustainability governance which destroys Western sovereignty, and welfare and an NHS for foreigners and terminal parasites — all issues which sink the value of that supposedly "increasing" GDP.

In short, your latest lies have two central lies within them:
1) That "compromise" itself is a proper function of "democracy"

Ignoring that democracy is itself a subversive's word, this is false because the Overton Window can be hijacked by subversives such as yourself so that all "compromises" ultimately favor the global totalitarian Regime and the traitors that it appoints within Western governance (i.e., the "compromise" always benefits the *left* and the destroyers)

2) That the "right" got what it wanted because it took part in this "compromise"

This is false because the compromise itself was a false choice; it made sure that the right did *not* get what it wanted. It was not the "right" that got what it wanted, it was the global totalitarian Regime.

And guess what, sebgul? The right is aware of this now.

Zero seats.

The new Overton Window will *only* be the "right" (the sensible centrists), and this will reflect not the "democratic" will of all of the treasonous bureaucrats and their imported migrants who predictably vote for "compromises" which give the Regime more power. No. Instead, the new "compromise" will be the "right" bargaining with the "right".

I.e., the new choice will not be:
• Labour wants infinity migrants +1
• Tories want infinity migrants -1

"Compromise" has it! The people have spoken!
We shall receive infinity migrants!
"Somehow" the Regime has gotten what it wants!

The new choice will be:
• The Magnificent Sun Party wants no new migrants and -500,000 previous migrants per year
• The Astonishing Lightning Party wants no new migrants and the revocation of *all* citizenship and voting rights for non-Western stock.

"Compromise" has it! The *true* people of the UK have spoken!
We shall receive no new migrants, and half of all citizenship will be removed, all voting rights will be removed for migrants, and no-less-than 500,000 migrants must be removed per year.

And be ready for it, Seb. You totalitarian sycophants have set the stage for this. You cannot make a totalitarian state — with all of its consolidated powers and levers of destruction — and expect not to see them used against you when the pendulum swings. A lot of bankers are going to be hanging by their necks.
Fri Jun 07 12:32:42
"British PM Sunak sparks outrage after leaving D-Day memorial early"


This has to be intentional at this point. Dude is determined to have the Cons finish behind Reform.
Fri Jun 07 13:12:41

So much ranting and raving.

"Zero seats."

Mate, you seem to be under the impression I support the conservatives. I've been saying for a long time the Brexit delusion and culture was crap would kill the Tories, and it has.

What's hilarious is you think this is a good thing for the right. I can only say please, please continue. Zero seats. It's what I want to see.

"The new choice will be:
• The Magnificent Sun Party wants no new migrants and -500,000 previous migrants per year
• The Astonishing Lightning Party wants no new migrants and the revocation of *all* citizenship and voting rights for non-Western stock."

Nope. What's going to happen is that Labour will take power. Labour will start processing refugees abroad crack down on gangs, so there will be no boats arriving and no pictures of hotels full of refugees. Labour will abolish the points based system and improve the economic relationship with Europe and reduce the need for massive immigration inflows to make the economy work.

Starved of resources and media attention, the conservatives will be unable to create histeria around immigration, which will drop rapidly down the list of voters concerns and saliency.

That's what is going to happen.

Fri Jun 07 13:14:56

No, he's just clueless like the rest of the Tories.

Brexit and subsequently Johnson/Cummings meant all the good, clever people left the conservative party.

Only idiots are willing to try (cynically or in good faith) to implement the batshit policies you and people like you support, so you naturally end up with incompetent folks.

Bear in mind, Sunak is at the high end of the conservative MP talent pool.

Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 10 05:32:56
[seb (traitor to the West)]: "Nope. What's going to happen is that Labour will take power."

You're too fucking stupid to even read anything I wrote. Absolutely pathetic. This shows that you only read a few weeks into the future without understanding the total timeline I presented. You really are retarded; talking to you is always to talk to a brick wall.

And if you truly believe that Labour intends to stop immigration by stopping the boats and improving the economy, then

1) You're still too retarded to understand that "[muh economy]" and "[muh birthrates]" is *never* an excuse to flood a nation with non-European immigrants. If you *ever* advocate for those policies then you are — by definition — an absolute enemy of the West who is taking part in its subversion and destruction.

2) But, if you truly are against immigration to the extent that you think Labour will reduce it, then agree publicly now: do you agree with
• a *total* pause on immigration,
• mass-*re*migration (>500,000 per year), and
• the mass-revocation of citizenship for the non-European stock and their families granted citizenship in the last 80 years?

Probably not, since by *any* measure that you *pretend* to be against immigration, it is *only* as a matter of optics, just as you admitted when you said, "no pictures of hotels full of refugees". I.e., you are *only* against people *knowing* about your treason — **not against the treason itself taking place**. (This representation technique is definitionally Marxist, by the way.)

sebgul is such treasonous swine that the best offer he can ever give is to stab you in the back *slowly* or semi-imperceptibly.

[seb (traitor to the West)]: "Only idiots are willing to try (cynically or in good faith) to implement the batshit policies you and people like you support, so you naturally end up with incompetent folks."

You might want to turn this on yourself, you fucking idiot.

Why is it that totalitarian sycophants and overt and self-stated pedophile-supporters such as yourself need to form a coalition of slaves and degenerates and place those destroyers into positions of power in order to effect your goals? Simple: your goals are the degradation, enslavement, and destruction of the West. You are a traitor. It is not complicated.

Why was an incompetent career bureaucrat and pedophile elected to governance in these United States? Because he is a perfect puppet: totally incompetent, braindead, easily blackmailed, and easily owned by foreign interests. Similarly, the many puppets and Bolsheviks within UK governance are there explicitly because they are incompetent mental weaklings whose entire purpose is subversion on behalf of foreign/Jewish interests.

We all know for a fact that sebgul is a fucking retard. We have seen him behave stupidly for far too long to think that there is anything of an intellect anywhere within him. His only "gifts" are those of liars, conmen, and compliant slaves:
• zero morality / no sense of right and wrong,
• no conscience,
• no memory for the past (his memory is almost as shit as tw's),
• total aversion to honesty,
• easily falls for all manner of semantic distortions so long as they are Regime-sponsored distortions (e.g., he is an LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA supporter),
• so averse to having concrete and principled positions that he will slime his way away from anything that can be used to pin him down with specifics; this is because his only ideology is cowardice and sycophancy (globalist leftism).

seb is spiritually jewish. All he has is lies.

It is no surprise that the slaves that have taken over governance are similarly and artificially promoted. The Regime's top puppets are the definition of "failing upwards": Jews, Lutherans, Calvinists, and their client groups: low-IQ blacks, race-baiting liars, Indian tech infiltrators, resentful Bengalis.

In other words, while sebgul disingenuously claims that "only idiots" support policies which would actually save the West from his treasons (this being the Regime-sponsored strategy of coding the opposition as "low class"), it is, in reality, projection, since only traitors such as himself support policies which oppose these so-called "idiots". But actual fucking idiots such as sebgul will pretend that having a university-sponsored traitor wearing a suit from Gordon Brown's favorite suit store means that their policies are better than an actual English patriot who can tell you point blank that the nation is overrun with traitors who need to be re-migrated.

It is not unlike the midwit chart:
• Low-IQ person that the Regime codes as "low class": "We need mass remigration."
• Midwit and Regime acolyte (the sebguls): "Don't be racist! Diversity is our strength!!"
• High-IQ person: "We need mass remigration."

But again, there will be a reckoning. People are not falling for your lies anymore — and I do not just mean here in UP. People in UP have known that you, sebgul, are a liar for as long as you have spoken here. I mean that the world is becoming aware of the lies of your stock character — your multitude of sycophants, bureaucrats, and subversives. It is a simple chain of causality that weaklings such as yourself are setting in motion, and it leaves you with a simple choice: either stop coding as "low class" the opinions of those who are trying to save the West (accepting the soft power of these positive changes), or accept the ultra-violence which follows from your constant appeal to the policies of global totalitarianism.

Past all of sebgul's attempts at obfuscating his positions with non-committal responses, semantic games, argument-avoidance, straw-man fallacies, and lies; *that* is always the single most persistent factor in what we can glean of his politics: seb is absolutely a Regime sycophant and a traitor who supports global totalitarianism. seb is evil — absolutely.
Mon Jun 10 06:15:25

^ totally not racist

Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 10 07:43:54
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "totally not racist"

Your pathetic thought-terminating cliché means nothing. You and slavish cretins like yourself have played too many semantic games. Your empire of lies is crumbling.

"Farage: One more gaffe and Tories could lose all their seats"
[Telegraph; Juny 9th, 2024]

Mon Jun 10 08:11:12

"Your empire of lies is crumbling."

What lie? You're a racist. You're an anti-semite. You're a white nationalist.

And amusingly ... you're a misogynist.

Where is the lie?

Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 10 08:23:32
murder (a leftist and therefore much more likely to be a sexual predator, drug-addicted, and possessing mental health issues) seen here following a girl who is not interested. When she does not comply with his sick advances, he calls her a racist — even though *he* first identified *her* by race.
Many such cases:

The left uses these thought-terminating clichés to avoid the fact that they are dysgenic goblins. "Racist" is coded as "low class", just as sebgul codes "right wing" as "incompetent weird idiots" and "swivel eyed idiots". But it is all a smokescreen for the fact that they are dysgenic goblins who want the total annihilation of their betters. They hate beauty itself — they resent it because they can never have it nor create it.

But the smokescreen vanishes when you see what they want.
This Indian simply wants this girl to have sex with him — all of the words are just a pathetic smokescreen for this, and he can barely hide it for one minute. The leftist (i.e., the rapist-predator and dysgenic goblin) similarly wants only one thing: death. They are in a death cult whose doctrine is compliance, enslavement, and annihilation. To the leftist, anything which operates outside of this framework exists within an unacceptable Overton Window. murder wants to get his rape on, and sebgul wants to destroy Western society.

They will never say anything which indicates any intent to accomplish anything distinct from this. At best, they will pretend that they do not even know what "the West" even "is". And they blink.
Mon Jun 10 09:06:55

It's literally not possible to stop immigration at this point without collapsing the economy and society. There are not enough young people to support the old people both in terms of providing care services not economically.

If racist grandpa doesn't like that, racist grandpa should have had more kids and not voted for successive right wing govts that failed to recruit and train enough health and care home staff or pay enough for those to be filled by Brits, while doing everything they could to delay their kids generation having their own. So that's just locked in, unless the retiree's want to do a voluntary Logan's run and walk into the sea.

The only question is where these immigrants are coming from, however they decided they didn't want them coming from Europe, so now they are coming from non white counties instead.

However, Labour will stop the cross channel irregular migration. But ze great racial purity plan isn't viable thanks to you Muppet right wing fucktards.
Mon Jun 10 09:08:40

Yes please.

Reform will get under 5.

Let's have a parliament with as close to zero representation for folks like you.
Mon Jun 10 10:04:01

"murder (a leftist and therefore much more likely to be a sexual predator, drug-addicted, and possessing mental health issues) seen here following a girl who is not interested. When she does not comply with his sick advances, he calls her a racist — even though *he* first identified *her* by race."

All I've ever asked you for is a sandwich, and you couldn't even do that.

But that's not what makes you a racist. You're a racists because you think that being white makes you better than other people.

Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 10 11:12:35
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "All I've ever asked you for is a sandwich, and you couldn't even do that."

And therein is your inherent hypocrisy.
You outed yourself very early as a racist and sexist here (the very moment that you thought you had an «ad hominem»), so it was incredibly obvious when you started projecting these terms as though it would hold any rhetorical power. As I pointed out when you started using that angle, it is always telling that — to a leftist — any "brown" race that does not comply with your totalitarian psychopathy is immediately open for your overt racism and claims of "white supremacy" (as in your ridiculous thread here http://uto...hread=92880&time=1717760886700 ). No one is ever closer to using the n-word than a leftist who sees a black person voting Republican, and no one is ever more sexist than a leftist who sees a woman who does not want to be a slave to the death cult. "[But muh Handmaid's Tale!]"

[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "You're a racists because you think that being white makes you better than other people."

So you claim "racist" (a term which has no meaning anymore because you've abused its semantics) because of [incredibly obvious straw man argument which is counter to anything I've ever said here]?

It is not at all surprising that even when you attempt to define your terms you violate your fake definition in your own usage. I have never said that white people are inherently better. I *have* said that not being a dysgenic goblin makes me better than you, and I *have* pointed out that White Westerners — statistically — have shown that they are more *likely* to oppose global totalitarian Bolshevism and are more *likely* to fight for the West (e.g., serving in the West's infantries). But all races have their nobility and their dysgenic goblins. You and the sebguls here just happen to be the goblins of your race. I think that the West could happily keep a coalition of races that do not possess your goblin theology.


[seb (traitor to the West)]: "It's literally not possible to stop immigration at this point without collapsing the economy and society."

Case closed.
You didn't even try to disguise this one, since you really are such a totalitarian sycophant that you cannot see a way out of proudly proclaiming that you are a treasonous swine. You truly see no issue in importing a population to fund the lie of "[muh GDP. Muh pensioners]". This is absolute slave morality, you being a slave, which you have merely taken to its conclusion in the slave's quest for "master" status. I.e., you are totally fine with importing slaves so that you can sustain your "master" status — because your ideology is an enslaving ideology. The thing is that you are enslaving your own people.

It simply does not occur to you that the entire slaver racket would stop if psychopaths and pedophile sycophants such as yourself stopped believing in this "[muh GDP]" formula. It does not occur to you that those pensioners would live a far higher *quality* of life if they were not in an occupied nation of hostile foreigners. It does not occur to you that a betrayed globalist shithole nation with a higher GDP is a far worse place than a sovereign nation whose people do not need the banker's scam of "GDP" to help their elders. But that is why the bankers will be hanged by their necks until dead — the lie is over, and those who pushed "sustainability" will feel this rope. This same scam was pulled in Rome, and the same mistake will not be made again.

[seb (traitor to the West)]: "however they decided they didn't want them coming from Europe"
[seb (traitor to the West)]: "However, Labour will stop the cross channel irregular migration. But ze great racial purity plan isn't viable thanks to you Muppet right wing fucktards."

Is this where you very faggotly pretend that it was the "right" that preferred infinity sub-Saharans? Give us a fucking break with the lies, sebtard. Your projections are so transparent that it would make liars like jergtard feel embarrassed for you. You cannot even pretend that you're not a multicultural cuck.

Or are you going to pretend that you *do* want "ze great racial purity plan" but those pesky "right wing" people are preventing it?
Of course not. You're just being a disingenuous faggot again. You *want* mass-immigration and you *prefer* that it come from conquering nations. Because, again, you are a traitor.
Mon Jun 10 12:52:05

"You didn't even try to disguise this one, since you really are such a totalitarian sycophant that you cannot see a way out of proudly proclaiming that you are a treasonous swine."

I find it hilarious that you would rather see the country collapse and die as long as it cleaved to some notion of racial purity. To be loyal to the nation, you'd kill it. That's what I call treachery.

I'd rather have had immigration from Europe - simply because integration is easier. But it was your lot that decided French, Spanish and Poles were unacceptable. And it's your lot that having enacted all the immigration policies they've wanted to for years, literally discovered that if they didn't issue more visas the economy would implode: crops left to rot in fields, patients left to die untreated in hospitals, and the elderly left to fester in shit.

These were choices made decades ago, choices I warned you and your ilk about.

Mon Jun 10 12:56:35
It's not "muh GDP", a high volume low skill economy is shit for GDP per capita.

I'd prefer a high skill, high wage one.

But for forty years we've had an excessively neo-liberal approach such that British capital invested overseas not domestically and public investment is seen as the root of all evil.

Then we've had the lunacy of Brexit.

All while pursuing policies that favour Boomer's and older Gen X and penalise younger generations, driving down fertility rates.

The result is what it is. We are now locked into much higher migration until we can reverse the economic stupidity if the last 15 years of being governed by people like you.

Mon Jun 10 13:01:43
"does not occur to you that those pensioners would live a far higher *quality* of life if they were not in an occupied nation of hostile foreigners"

No they wouldn't - where are they going to get food from? One of the big drivers of migration is because we need cheap labour to bring in the crops. Food imports are suffering from "sovereignty" of doing checks at the border delaying shipment and increasing spoilage and the cost of food imports is increasing due to deteriorating terms of trade due to declining investment in export industries.

Meanwhile the care sector is struggling with massive lack of personnel, so delays in getting health and other forms of care are literally causing people to die.

Quality of life is deteriorating as it is, and your proposal would make it worse.

The only way to reverse this is massive public investment but that needs the tax base, which means immigration for the medium term.

The inevitable consequences of actually enacting all your shitty policies.

Mon Jun 10 13:24:38
"You *want* mass-immigration and you *prefer* that it come from conquering nations"

That's incorrect.

I'm relaxed about immigration, I don't really care either way. There's a visa program and it's broadly right.

Your mistake is to think that because *you* are obsessed with immigration everyone else must have a strong view on it. To you, it's an end in itself: if the economy must collapse in on itself throwing everyone into poverty - so be it - the most important thing is racial purity at all costs. They shall live, you tell us, shorter, less comfortable lives but at least they will not have to see foreigners (whether white or brown) which means so much more to them than an extra five years of healthy life, being able to get a doctor's appointment etc. I don't believe that at all.

And this wishful thinking is why the Tories are imploding. More people care more about cost of living than immigration, and the people who care about immigration as their number one priority absolutely aren't prepared to be poorer as a result and are furious.

What I care about is that the county and the people in it have ever increasing standards of life, and I've no problem letting people come to live here if they can integrate to that end.
Mon Jun 10 13:26:28
Anyway, you are a dirty foreigner from a would be conquering nation. Fuck off onto the sea and respect our fucking sovereignty.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 11 01:31:42
[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "I find it hilarious that you would rather see the country collapse and die as long as it cleaved to some notion of racial purity. To be loyal to the nation, you'd kill it. That's what I call treachery."

That is absolutely subversive doublethink bullshit, sebgul.
• Having infinity migrants take over your country is the treason.
• *Not* having infinity migrants take over your country is *not* treason — definitionally it *cannot* be. You cannot pretend that opening the gates of Toledo is anti-treason when it is so obviously treason. Your slavish inversion is predictable and pathetic.
• Pretending that infinity migrants taking over your country saves the country is an obvious lie, and people such as yourself will face judgment for these treasons when the New Troubles begin
• Realizing that mass re-migration is the sensible centrist position will indeed save Western nations — Western nations *not* merely being economic zones for banking elites, who will also need to face judgment in the New Troubles

[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "I'd rather have had immigration from Europe - simply because integration is easier. But it was your lot that decided French, Spanish and Poles were unacceptable."

False. You are a liar.
1) You do indeed *prefer* foreign immigration and defend them as an absolute, chastising anyone who wants otherwise as seeking "ze great racial purity plan" which you already declared as not "viable". Your deceptions know no limits, you fucking liar.
2) It was not "[my] lot" that decided to import infinity foreign migrants. That was you leftist scum of the sustainability racket. You are an absolute liar. Your deceptions have no power.

[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "And it's your lot that having enacted all the immigration policies they've wanted to for years, literally discovered that if they didn't issue more visas the economy would implode: crops left to rot in fields, patients left to die untreated in hospitals, and the elderly left to fester in shit."

More lies. All sebgul does is lie.
sebgul's lies in this thread can be summed as such:

• sebgul the liar deception #1:
"[Hur hur, the 'right'...]"
False. The "conservative" party is *not* right-wing, and anyone who claims that it is right-wing is a liar who cannot be trusted with power and thus needs to be treated as an absolute traitor (denied the franchise, flogged, deported to Madagascar, crucified, hanged, etc. as is fitting for their level of treason).
Seb speaks out of both sides of his mouth on this point. He will pretend that the "right" is in power (a lie) and simultaneously say that the right (whom he identifies as people such as myself, Rugian, and "swivel eyed idiots") are out of power and must always be kept out of power. I.e., despite the lies that he tries to tell about the "conservatives" being conservative or right, he knows that they are not conservatives or right. I.e., sebgul is knowingly lying for power. He is a liar and a conman and a traitor to the West. This is entirely about sebgul lying to achieve power for the global totalitarian Regime.

• sebgul the liar deception #2:
"[Hur hur, the right wanted this shitty policy!]"
The right did not want that policy. sebgul the liar knows that the right is not in power and that the elites wearing the skinsuit of the "conservative" Party are not the right. The elites who coopted the right with their leftist messages got what *they* wanted. The right never got what it wanted. Again, sebgul admits this when he says that he wants the right never to achieve power, since he knows what the right actually wants and he wants to prevent them from getting it. Again, because he is a traitor.

• sebgul the liar deception #3:
"[Governance is about compromise!]"
There is no compromise with traitors. Traitors get the rope. The Tories and Labour have falsified compromise in the global totalitarian Regime's favor. That must end. The right that you code in your liar's airs as "low class" must take over the entire Overton Window. Their "compromises" will then serve Western nations whereas two captured parties serve only foreign nations.

[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "These were choices made decades ago, choices I warned you and your ilk about."

Lies and subversion.
You impress no one except other liars with these claims of "[muh GDP, muh pensioners]", sebgul the liar. Again, it was not the right that "literally discovered [muh GDP]" — that is "sebgul the liar deception #1". The reality is that the right knows that sovereignty is not being reflected in the lies of "[muh GDP]". They know that "[muh GDP]" is merely pretext for liars like yourself to justify infinity migrants. They know that the banking elite is commanding these decisions to establish global totalitarian governance, and thus the banking elite will know the rope.

It is simple: the Merchant class is making a move for power. This includes bureaucrats and other cowards whose vision for society is degradation and enslavement for "[muh GDP]". The Noble Lion class thus will need to re-assert power, annihilating the Merchant Class and bringing them back under the control of sovereigns. The treason of "sustainability" governance must be eradicated — and all the bureaucrats who supported it will know the measure of their own treason through their judgments.

[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "The result is what it is. We are now locked into much higher migration until we can reverse the economic stupidity if the last 15 years of being governed by people like you."

This is again "sebgul the liar deception #1".
It's very important for sebgul the liar to claim that people such as myself were ever in power post WWII. Meanwhile, the Regime has managed to keep out of power the majority of anyone that I have ever voted for. Funny, that. sebguls will claim that the right is getting what it wants using deception #1, and simultaneously they will use deception #3 to justify 91 falsified suits against their opposition candidate to keep him out of power.

But sebgul the liar will use these groundless claims because he knows that lying is his best defense against reality. The reality is that a nation is composed of a particular people, and sebgul the liar is a traitor to those people.

[CC]: "does not occur to you that those pensioners would live a far higher *quality* of life if they were not in an occupied nation of hostile foreigners"
[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "No they wouldn't - where are they going to get food from?"

Yes, the would have, sebgul the liar, who is lying again.
Food security is directly undermined by the traitorous policies of sustainability governance, which is directly supported by sebbish liars such as yourself. Sustainability governance has local farmers collapsing their own industries, causing food insecurity within Western nations to reduce emissions. Meanwhile, the West imports infinity migrants to mill about and stab people, and racist lunatics such as yourself are sitting there repeating Kelly Osbourne's ludicrous claim: "If you kick out [migrants], then who is going to be cleaning your toilet [and picking your cotton]?"

Hilariously, disingenuous liars such as yourself pretend that the NHS is run entirely by infinity migrants... and yet these infinity migrants exist to serve... infinity migrants. In other words, liars such as yourself are asking, "[How are infinity migrants going to be fed, housed, and kept in good health without infinity migrants feeding those infinity migrants, housing those infinity migrants, and working in the NHS for those infinity migrants?]"

*If* this formula is true (and perhaps it is!) then would not this formula work with *zero* migrants? I.e., could not investments in English people feeding, housing, and working in the NHS support the English people who need food, housing, and NHS support? Oh no!! It couldn't possibly work!! "[Muh GDP! Muh pensioners!]" We *need* infinity migrants for the formula to work, and when the infinity migrants start drawing pensions, then infinity migrants will pay *those* pensions too!! (Absolute subversion).

The simple reality is that endless economic growth "[muh GDP]" is not the measure of prosperity. A people with their own nation does not need infinity migrants for its prosperity. Anyone who says differently is a traitor.

[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "What I care about is that the county and the people in it have ever increasing standards of life, and I've no problem letting people come to live here if they can integrate to that end."

lol. You are a liar.
You — definitionally — do not care about "the country" (you cannot even say "my country" since you're such a fucking traitor and subversive; you sound like a dual citizen). And those "ever increasing standards of life" are therefore not even for "the country" — they're for the subversives and destroyers who are infiltrating "the country". You do not care about integration, since you do not even care about Western culture. You yourself have undermined Western culture every chance you've had ("[King Arthur isn't even totally English! hur hur! What even *is* "White"? hur hur]"), so what would they even be integrating *towards*? Integration towards more kebab stands and vape shops? Towards the lie of "diversity is our strength"? Towards the lie of "[basically whatever you did where you came from is fine here]"?

And let's check the balance of this, sebgul! Since you are pro-infinity-migrant ([muh GDP!]) and therefore pro-slavery within Rome, would you balance this by being anti-enfranchisement for *any* migrant?
Of course not! They "integrated" towards "[doing whatever they want]" so, in your mind, of *course* they should be citizens and therefore erode national sovereignty! They did their part! lol

Everything you say has lies built into it. You hate the West and wish for its destruction.

[CC]: "You *want* mass-immigration and you *prefer* that it come from conquering nations"
[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "That's incorrect."

It is absolutely true, and you are a liar. You even admit it in your response:
"To you ... the most important thing is racial purity at all costs."

I.e., you code as "low class" any indication of a racialist strategy which serves Western people. You *prefer* the racialist strategy of the conquering foreigner, being as you are a traitor and a leftist. Leftists, by definition, support the foreigner over their own people. It is written into your very psychology. You think that decreasing birthrates at home means importing foreigners for your cuck fantasies. The very idea that there is a racial distinction which defines a nation is so "low class" to you that you oppose it with every fiber of your being.

[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "Anyway, you are a dirty foreigner from a would be conquering nation. Fuck off onto the sea and respect our fucking sovereignty."

lol, more lies.
You *want* the "global citizen" in a borderless world — the Kalergi "race of the future" that is a homogeneous and interchangeable slave. You do not care about "sovereignty" and you have mocked me for caring about it — in particular with respect to my absolute right to wield weapons of ultra-violence against the state. And even rhetorically you lie through "respect our fucking sovereignty" since you yourself have no issue intruding into American politics with your anti-2A bullshittery and your having fallen for every Trump hoax under the sun.

You want globalism, which means infinity migrants voting in the elections of "the country" (not *your* country; *their* country) and changing it into a homogenized economic zone indistinct from the amalgamation of nations from which they came. You want enslavement. Your own nation means so little to you that you cannot even define it as "yours" in the possessive. How can you believe in the sovereignty of your nation if you do not even believe it to be *yours*, you fucking coward? You cannot, because once you realize that it is indeed *your* own nation for *your* own people, then you would realize the full measure of *your* treason against it — an unbearable cognitive dissonance for the actions which have given *your* nation to foreigners who overtly and loudly mean to destroy it.

[sebgul the liar (traitor to the West)]: "And this wishful thinking is why the Tories are imploding."

No, sebgul the liar. The Tories are going down because people see through the deception. The game is over. They know that the Tories are not the right; they will no longer fall for sebgul the liar deception #1.

"Nigel Farage Endorses Zero Seats"

And, btw, we can see that sebgul the liar's talking points are quite common:
• "immigration is already extremely low" (overt lies)
• "low IQ rightoid, sad" (code the opposition's wants as "low class")
• "cool thanks la racist" (use a thought-terminating cliché to control the Overton Window against reform)

I'll reiterate for anyone confused:
1) The "conservative" Party is *not* conservative and is *not* right-wing
2) Anyone disagreeing with #1 is a sebbish liar
3) Only the Global Totalitarian Regime is in power
4) The "conservative" Party is controlled opposition; the exercise of their power — even when unchecked — always favors the Regime
5) The Overton Window of "compromise" is (currently) a lie that favors the Regime (i.e., the Regime always gets what *it* wants in a "compromise" — even when the "Conservative" Party has a majority)

Zero Seats.

The Zero Seats experiment works like this:
• Alternative Hypothesis: Labour and Tories are both Regime-captured.
• Test: If the Regime gets victories when the Tories are in power (as they have), then they should still get victories when Labour is in power. If the English people are *still* betrayed under Labour, then the people will know that both parties are indeed captured (i.e., no meaningful distinction between all Tories or all Labour).
• Null hypothesis: If Labour begins mass-deportation of *all* migrants, commits to Net Zero immigration, stops DEI practices and sustainability, and begins revocation of the franchise for non-European foreigners, then perhaps Labour is indeed the benevolent agent that sebbish leftists claim and the alternative hypothesis was incorrect.

The idea behind Zero Seats is that sebbish liars are no longer given a controlled opposition to blame. They out themselves as traitors not just for those of us who have long known of their treason but for all of the West — the common Westerner will see plainly that their governments are truly captured.
Tue Jun 11 04:20:58

"Having infinity migrants take over your country is the treason."

Murdering the population as you clearly and explicitly propose is far more treasonous!

(Oh look, we can all make up hyperbolic straw man lies!)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 11 05:39:51
[seb the liar (traitor to the West)]: "(Oh look, we can all make up hyperbolic straw man lies!)"

I certainly see that *you* are capable of straw men and lies. You are a liar of the lowest class. No one is fooled when you project your slavish conditions onto others, since they have dealt with you themselves and seen what lies you tell in your constant deceptions, semantic distortions, and fallacious reasoning.

When you call *others* "totalitarian" and pretend that *others* are working in "straw man lies", then it is plain to see that you are proving them correct about *you*, since any argument that is correct about *you* (e.g., that you are a liar, that you are a traitor) you recognize in their argument the force and truth of it (e.g., *knowing* that you are *indeed* a liar and a traitor), and you hope that by projecting it upon your opposition that it will have the same convincing force — yet when it comes from you it comes out as more whimpering lies since that is your nature.

Seb, you are absolutely pathetic, and everyone knows what you are: a slave, a traitor, a weakling, a coward, a child without conscience, a judaistic/lutheran/calivinist subversive. Were you capable of reform I might think that some terrible punishment could evade you by my natural and noble empathy, but I see nothing good within you because goodness does not exist within you. All of the terrible things I have warned you will befall your civilization due to your own hubris, you have shrugged at, and therefore I have no mercy for you.
Tue Jun 11 05:51:23
"a certain level of migration is necessary to support a large number of retirees"


^that's simply a lie CC.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 11 05:58:00
That's not a lie, you fucking faggot, since that's not something I said. Notice how you had to lie about what I said, whereas I can cite you directly. This is because I am strong and you are weak.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 11 06:08:49
And for those not as retarded as sebgul who want to know why sebgul is lying again:

sebgul *never* said, "a certain level of migration is necessary to support a large number of retirees". Feel free to search for that quotation. He manufactured that quotation, then set up a false response to it (that all-caps monstrosity). I.e., in order to produce that argument, he had to falsify it. He cannot even engage with what I *actually* said to him within context, because it would show what a fucking liar he is.
large member
Tue Jun 11 22:29:38
Why do you keep using the term "West"? It has been deprived of meaning. Surely you recognize that most of the "West" is to the left of the US democratic party? Bernie would be a pretty typical center politician in Norway for example.

Fair enough that you have an agenda, but cut your losses, amputate the cancerous limbs. Focus on the body that may yet become a beacon for the values you support. Perhaps immigration of likeminded to the promised land might work?

You are geographically too ambitious is my point. Scale it back to something reasonable.
Tue Jun 11 23:35:11
Why do you struggle with the concept of the West? Is the majority under a unified defense paradigm?

Not to worry. China has no issue with the delineation.
large member
Wed Jun 12 01:44:04
You mean the West = Nato? Or were you speaking of other united defense paradigms the US is party to?
large member
Wed Jun 12 01:45:06
Wed Jun 12 04:46:10
It's a tactic, like "NATO made me invade Ukraine". You point out China, and I'll add, the Axis of Resistance and Putin have no trouble grasping "the west". However, they string words together to gaslight and manipulate. You're dealing with someone who has a degree in Russian language and history and habitually uses Russian/Islamist talking points and propaganda. Whether a useful idiot or a paid digital foot soldier, those are the choices. The term "golden billion" that Jergul uses is a Putinbot talking point, it has near perfect overlap with "the west", Jergul has used this term many times, yet he is still here acting "confused".
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 12 04:54:23
[Forwyn to jergtard]: "Why do you struggle with the concept of the West?"

Yeah, it's the same disingenuous BS I pointed out that seb was doing. This from above:
[Me to seb]: "You do not care about integration, since you do not even care about Western culture. You yourself have undermined Western culture every chance you've had ("[King Arthur isn't even totally English! hur hur! What even *is* "White"? hur hur]"), so what would they even be integrating *towards*? Integration towards more kebab stands and vape shops? Towards the lie of "diversity is our strength"? Towards the lie of "[basically whatever you did where you came from is fine here]"?"

That is, when sebguls are pushed to defend the West (i.e., to give *some* indication of a firm principle — *some* value that is sacred or inviolable and which they will absolutely defend when the Regime invariably begins to erode it), sebguls will revert to the cowardice of a semantic argument and pretend that there isn't even a "West" and there isn't even a "White" people. Jergtard was just following through, since it's his programming and he cannot escape being completely predictable at all times. He demonstrably lacks all physical and mental courage, being a perpetual slave, destroyer sycophant, and subversive.

And for reference, I called jergtard out for it in another thread ( http://uto...hread=92869&time=1717677560186 ), but this deceptive behavior is part of a category error:
"The first example [of a category error] is of a visitor to Oxford. The visitor, upon viewing the colleges and library, reportedly inquires, "But where is the University?" The visitor's mistake is presuming that a University is part of the category "units of physical infrastructure," rather than that of an "institution.""

Midwit leftists are programmed to deconstruct things into constituent elements but "can't see the forest for the trees". It's a tactic of sophistry to avoid seeing a constitutive whole. (Incidentally, in postmodernism this is the aversion to unities and foundations; the goal of postmodernism being to break apart Western civilization with this formula.) They do this since they know that solid definitions of solid things will ultimately betray them and make it more difficult for them to slime away from their former arguments. If the West can define itself, these subversives know that they will be outed as traitors within it. It's like the scene from Gladiator where Commodus realizes that he does not possess any of the chief virtues of Marcus Aurelius and instead tries to save himself by listing other "virtues". Jergfags have no virtue, so they have to invert virtue to feel power — the moral act of slaves.

It's also an opportunity to Trojan Horse poisonous elements into the whole. I.e., if the whole *must* be reconstructed, they will use this as an opportunity to add subversive elements, such as claiming that "the West" includes its foreign invaders — an argument similar to claiming that a human body necessarily includes a fatal dose of cyanide and should therefore accept one without complaint.

-=-=-=- Side note on the other thread =-=-=-=
You can see jergfag doing this in the above-linked thread. Jergfag attempted to liken the COVID shot to Washington's smallpox inoculations. In reality, Washington's smallpox inoculations were part of a limited strategic whole (a specific Army that was all in camp together under direct biological threat which could be addressed with a known but risky cure; they could not break this camp due to war strategy, but there was indeed smallpox within the camp). Whereas, the COVID shot was an inept one-size-fits all approach to all of society (i.e., millions of separate "Army camps" that may or may not be infected, may or may not be susceptible, may or may not benefit, may or may not see the shot itself as a detriment).

So the category error is pretending that Washington's Army (micro-scale) is the same as all of modern society (macro scale), and the deceptive Trojan Horse / poison pill is saying that the smallpox inoculation is the same as the COVID shot (false) and that the whole body of modern society should therefore accept the COVID shot just as Washington's Army accepted the smallpox inoculations. It's fallacious and deceptive. The COVID mandates were attempting to get shots into *all* people not due to health (since any number of places had no exposure, no sickness, no risk, no health concerns) but to fund Pharma donors and demonstrate the state's ability to make the cowardly/sebgul multitude obey them on command — regardless of their individual health concerns. Being slavish, these sebguls now must justify why they got the shots (and probably still got sick) while others did not get the shots and never got sick. It should ultimately have been an individual decision whether or not one got a shot (so getting a shot is not itself the mark of cowardice; it's the reasons), but the Regime wanted it to be a psychological demonstration. Mentally weak sebguls are now the Regime's sunk-cost fallacy prison bitches.

And a practical aspect against this subversion is that the smallpox shot was very risky at that time (1777), and it was not demonstrated to be safe until 1796. In 1777, the fatality rate for the inoculation procedure itself was 5 – 10 %, but Washington was comparing those figures to the British Army, which potentially had more immunity due to prior exposure to variola. Washington was making a specific risk for a specific task. It simply would not have made sense for Washington to see that some of his Army were sick and demand that everyone across the entire colonies be inoculated, since he would have needlessly killed somewhere between 139,018 — 278,037. Were jergfag to be honest (and he is incapable, as is his slavish nature), he would have to account for the fact that it was not until 1840 that the smallpox vaccination was safe enough for population-level mandate. His subversive use of the category error, however, ensures that he will continue trying to poison the founders so that he can destroy any positive concept of Western reason.
-=-=-=- (End) Side note on the other thread =-=-=-=

In short, it is not that the West cannot be defined, and in fact I went to great lengths in another thread to show how thoroughly I can define it (I cannot locate that at the moment). The issue is that sebguls will use fallacious reasoning and deceptive practices to prevent it from being defined or to only define it in terms which allow its subversion.

The true mark of a leftist is how she treats the Ship of Theseus thought experiment. A Westerner would replace damaged pieces of the ship to honor Theseus' vision, whereas a deranged leftist would make every possible effort to dissemble, subvert, and destroy the ship. Were the ship to be "re-made" by the leftist, it would be an abomination. You would see the image of Satan himself, and the leftist would declare, "Behold! The West!"
Wed Jun 12 05:10:10
It is reminiscent of something woke Swedes were doing, when nationalist started talking about the importance of Swedish culture and integration. "There is no Swedish culture", they told us.

So cute, you want to strangle them :)
large member
Wed Jun 12 05:19:10
I am just trying to help you promote your ideas. Scale is back. Try Waco for size. Seems doable.

What would you know about Swedish culture?
large member
Wed Jun 12 05:21:26
Ah, yes

What is your position on nimi incidentally? Raised in the "West" all his life, but from Iran. Should he be sent home or not?

If not, then does he not prove that all people can simply adapt to becoming, well, you. Like nimi has?
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 12 05:30:37
[Nim]: "It is reminiscent of something woke Swedes were doing, when nationalist started talking about the importance of Swedish culture and integration. "There is no Swedish culture", they told us."

Exactly. All they have is subversion. They'll simply take any Western term that has sacred value and deconstruct it until they have destroyed it. They are incapable of positive affirmations. They only affirm death and destruction. It's a death cult.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 12 05:50:10
Wow. Fresh and totally real Conservative Party advertisement:

It's really quite inspiring that they want Zero Seats. <3
Fri Jun 14 06:16:11

"That is absolutely subversive doublethink bullshit, sebgul.
• Having infinity migrants take over your country is the treason"

You are directly saying my treason is having infinity migrants.

That's what you said, and it is a lie.
Fri Jun 14 06:19:23
"Feel free to search for that quotation."

I provided a list of activities that need labour which can only come from immigration.

Those are obviously finite. If you can't figure out that implies a certain amount of migration, and instead insist it means "INFINITY MIGRANTS" that's on you to go and do some remedial economics.
Fri Jun 14 06:22:34

"undermined Western culture every chance you've had ("[King Arthur isn't even totally English! hur hur! What even *is* "White"? hur hur]"), so what would they even ..."

The king Arthur comment was in relation to *Britains* relationship to Europe. You cited him as authentically English, which of course the legend isn't.

Now you expand to "west", I guess implicitly excluding the entire of continental Europe from "the west".

You may be a citizen of a country that's part of the west. Your values and politics aren't.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jun 14 23:28:03
The fun thing about seb being a lying little bitch is that he does it to force you to change the subject from the actual subject to litigating how much of a lying little bitch he is. Now he's telling fresh lies about his previous lies (lies to justify lies) and about what he presumes I think is "the West". All he has is subversion, since he is demonstrably a traitor and a liar. Nothing more needs to be said: he is an absolute enemy, and his absence could only ever improve the world.
Sat Jun 15 05:46:29
You literally just accused me of treason by wanting infinity migrants, and then tried to deny you'd ever said it.

You then changed the subject by lying about things I said in prior conversations, and are now suggesting I'm the one relitigating the past.

Saying you are full of shit would be charitable as it would suggest some part of you comprises a boundary that isn't itself shit.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 15 09:17:44
I remember years ago I tried to explain to sebgul that he should use direct quotations so that he is forced to demonstrate what words mean **in context** and is forced to demonstrate whether or not he is interpreting those words correctly (because he was routinely *not* interpreting those words correctly and would be clearly embarrassing himself if people saw to which statements he was responding).

This is a basic aspect of academic writing that most people in this forum have no issue accomplishing even in this informal setting.

But sebgul does not do this.

I consider at least two possibilities which are not mutually exclusive:

1) sebgul is a fraud and an idiot. I said the same of williamthecoward (that he is a fraud and idiot), and I think the same is true of sebgul. I think that if sebgul learned *anything* in university, his mind is so completely and pathetically dimwitted that — really — he learned nothing. Citation is one of the foundational lessons that students must repeat «ad nauseam» to write even the most basic papers, but sebgul cannot do it. What's sad is that even incredibly stupid people can accomplish this task — but not sebgul! So either sebgul never went to university (a fraud) and/or he is so abysmally stupid that even having attended university he cannot perform as though he did (an idiot). We already know that he's an idiot, but his being a fraud on *top* of this would make him even more pathetic.

2) sebgul is repeating a classic ploy from his variation of the Jergul Method (as listed in the trans threads http://uto...hread=91859&time=1689804046392 ). sebgul is again just *pretending* to be even more retarded than he is so that he does not have to address the topic (i.e., this is yet another ploy caused by sebgul having no conscience or morality, being as he is spiritually jewish). We know already that sebgul is incredibly disingenuous, so straw man fallacies and red herrings are par for the course; pretending that he has zero reading comprehension in order to misrepresent arguments is just normal behavior for him. And he is also using his disingenuous tactic of burying his embarrassments by playing out the clock on the thread (trying to get to 100 so he can pretend this thread never happened). But I can assure sebgul that if he does that before explaining why his comment ("Tue Jun 11 05:51:23") was a lie, then there will be a second thread.

In short, sebgul is an idiot (confirmed), and he has no morality or conscience (confirmed), but is he also a fraud? Probably so. I mean, consider the alternative: did he really think that using quotation marks means something other than direct citation? Does he *really* think that misrepresentation and lies are part of rigorous communication?

Does anyone remember sebgul having a political opinion which defies the global totalitarian order?

Why are all of sebgul's words not unlike so much slime and chicken-skin filled bile? Because he is a traitor, and the time for traitors is ending.

Zero seats.
Sat Jun 15 09:55:25
Shut the fuck up you retard. You write so much and noone cares what you think. Just like in the real fucking world.

Just an imbecile that let their ego get out of check looking for things that confirm their beliefs online like the dumbest of small children.
Sat Jun 15 09:56:55
If anyone ever met you in the real world, we'd put you out of your misery like George did to Lennie at the end of "Mice and Men."
Cherub Cow
Sat Jun 15 10:48:45
More projection from Dukhat!
Now we know that Dukhat looks like Lennie. Sad!
And Dukhat takes great pains to write so little but thinks it's a lot — but still says nothing! Sad!

As always, Dukhat, being the dumbest fucktard in UP, only ever insults himself when he tries to insult his betters. Does anyone feel threatened by a retard with shit-stained pants who says that your words are too complicated and he can't understand them? Well, Dukhat does, and he's the retard who spoke them into the mirror without recognizing his own reflection.
Sun Jun 16 13:13:03

Fact: absolutely nobody is asking for unlimited migration (which is what I take for "infinity migration). Not me, not anyone on this board, not the Labour party, not any of the mainstream UK parties, not anyone.

There's no reasonable way for you to be bringing this up other than as a lie to smear your political opponents.

End of.

And yes, here's to zero seats and the annihilation of the right as a force in British politics.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 16 17:37:05
[seb the liar (traitor to the West)]: "Fact: absolutely nobody is asking for unlimited migration (which is what I take for "infinity migration). Not me, not anyone on this board, not the Labour party, not any of the mainstream UK parties, not anyone."

You're a liar and a deceiver, which is why you can make a distortion like this and blush like a black dog.

The simple consequence is this:
1) if you are a little bitch faggot traitor, then you believe little-bitch faggot things like that immigration is an acceptable way to increase GDP
2) following from "1", if the population continues to increase, then infinitely increasing pensioners means that GDP must infinitely increase via infinity migrants who subsequently create infinity more pensioners (i.e., if immigration is an acceptable means of paying pensioners, then, in the world of immoral destroyers, infinity migration is acceptable. After all, if GDP is sacred, then how would an immoral traitor put a cap on such things?)
3) hence, sebgul, being a little faggot bitch traitor who supports position "1", indirectly supports position "2"

As usual, it's a matter of the consequences of sebgul sliming his way out of having concrete positions. sebgul will outright lie about what he's offering (as he did in comment "Tue Jun 11 05:51:23" and as he is still too chickenshit to admit; there he changed his position to slime his way into appearing "reasonable" yet *still* came off as a liar and a traitor). But, infinity migration is nevertheless the *consequence* of his treasons. It is not a matter of what he "wants" with regards to infinity migration (sebgul's false claim and smear of me). No.

What sebgul *does* want is the annihilation of the West, since sebgul is a traitor. This has been thoroughly demonstrated by sebgul's complete inability to say anything positive about the West (he would fear any *definition* which could give it a firm footing! See my "inviolable" statement above), with his alternative preference being the deconstruction of the West, facilitating its annihilation. Infinity migration is simply a support mechanism of this. If a state-sponsored study found that the West could be destroyed with infinity *re*-migration, then sebgul would slime his way into that rationale. Intuitively, though, he knows that the Regime prefers infinity migration (not *re*migration) principally because it is a weapon to destroy the West by dissolving the votes and sovereignty of ethnic Europeans. sebgul has zero loyalty to his own people ("[What even is 'my' people?]" the traitor would say behind his semantic fortress!), so this strategy is fine for him. Many such traitors believe that various nations are merely "economic zones" to be managed by a banking ploy 'here' or a mass-migration moment 'there', hence his affinity to the merchant class' "[muh GDP! Muh pensioners!]" arguments. sebgul's only allegiance is to the death cult: the global totalitarian Regime which singularly wants to enslave the world.

[seb the liar (traitor to the West)]: "And yes, here's to zero seats and the annihilation of the right as a force in British politics."

lol. Yes, yes, you dumb bitch. Fall into the trap. This is good. Let the people see that the falsely named "Conservatives" were even bigger traitors than Labour. If indeed it is as you say, then migration will go *down* under Labour yet the economy will improve! Yes, yes! Do it big! Do it publicly! Let the people see that the "Conservatives" were controlled opposition. Let yourself be contradicted with your false claims that the "conservatives" were "right wing" when your prediction comes true (in the short term!). Then prepare yourself for the mass-hangings of bankers and the formation of a true right — the ones that you coded as "low class" but who existed as a surprisingly large multitude who merely needed your false dichotomy of Labour/Tories to be exposed to them for them to realize that traitors such as yourself have indeed infiltrated the bureaucracies and — having shown no remorse for your misdeeds — do not deserve a single ounce of leniency.

Yes! \:D/
Tory David Cameron agrees! He is looking for a "moderate" approach to immigration when Labour apparently is not! Why would a "conservative" throw such easy victories to Labour?? Why would "conservatives" so readily "compromise" with the West's destroyers??
If the "right" has such "friends", then who needs enemies?

sebgul agrees!
We all agree then!
Zero seats. >:)
Sun Jun 16 17:39:47

However long a screed you write, you cannot bend reality to your will. Nobody here, not me, nor labour, nor any mainstream UK political party calls for unlimited migration. You are lying through your teeth.

The end.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 16 17:42:58
[seb the liar (traitor to the West)]:"you cannot bend reality to your will. Nobody here, not me, nor labour, nor any mainstream UK political party calls for unlimited migration."

Still sticking to this little-faggot bitch line after I've shown multiple times what a fucking liar you are for floating it, eh? You're absolutely pathetic. If you could read, you would know this deeply.
Sun Jun 16 17:54:21
I am the spirit that negates.
And rightly so, for all that comes to be
Deserves to perish wretchedly;
‘Twere better nothing would begin.
Thus everything that your terms, sin,
Destruction, evil represent—
That is my proper element.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jun 16 17:56:11
— sebgul's very morality, branded into his skin and written above the threshold of the portal to the hell that he calls his "home"

Mon Jun 17 01:22:38

You've shown nothing. Your arguments are circular and beg the question. And you are right up there repeatedly claiming I and other groups support unlimited migration, which there simply aren't. That's a lie, you know it's a lie. Hence your bloviating bluster.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jun 17 03:20:51
[sebgul (retard and traitor)]: "repeatedly claiming I and other groups support unlimited migration"

You keep lying and projecting, you little faggot bitch. Why do you insist on continuing to tell the same lie when I clearly explained that you are a liar for telling it? Is it because you cannot read? I think so. I think you are a fraud, so illiteracy would be a large part of that.

For those not keeping up:
• sebfag lied in comment "Tue Jun 11 05:51:23"
• sebfag now thinks that if he repeats the lie enough times that others will believe the lie
• sebfag is not reading any of my responses which debunk his lie because this allows him to protect his cognitive dissonance and continue to lie (he is a liar)

sebfag is trying to run down the game clock (get to 100 comments) so that his embarrassing performance in yet another thread can be hidden from people who might see what a fuckup he is. But there will be a thread #2.

There will be zero seats.

"Zero Seats shall go on to the end. We shall mail in from France, we shall vote them out on the seas and oceans, we shall vote them out on the beaches, we shall vote them out on the landing grounds, We shall never surrender"
Mon Jun 17 07:02:25

"That is absolutely subversive doublethink bullshit, sebgul.
• Having infinity migrants take over your country is the treason."

Here is you, referring to the nature of the so called treason you accuse me and the mainstream political parties of

Infinity migrants. I assume this means "unlimited migration" as anything else is unphysical.

You can keep saying you have called this out as a lie, but that's just another lie.

It's there in black and white.

Repudiate and adjust your position if that is not what you meant.

But do it concisely. If, buried within your screeds you have done so, tough luck. I'm not wasting my time with disingenuous nonsense and as you start off each thread doubling down on the original accusation I simply assume you have not retracted you obviously mendacious position.
Mon Jun 17 07:04:44
In any case, nobody cares. The conservative party had destroyed itself trying to appease idiots like you, only to set you and them adopt ever more insane positions. Unsurprisingly these policies have become increasingly unworkable and self defeating.

Zero seats, and zero relevance. Nobody cares about your nonsense anymore when you have no political platform.
Mon Jun 17 07:48:27
Seb has a problem with words and concepts. For instance, he did not understand the colloquial usage of "formula," as in "formula for getting published." He explained to me that getting published isn't the product of a mathematical formula! I can only assume he also struggles with "the recipe for a successful marriage." He is very critical of the idea that a marriage can be reduced to a set of instructions on how to prepare a meal.

Lets take a look at the real quote, not the fake one he created:

"It's literally not possible to stop immigration at this point without collapsing the economy and society."

This is, by the conditions set, infinite, since no one wants to get poorer and see old people starve to death. There is no end in sight for the demographic decay of the West, and the Sebs are not even looking in that direction for solutions. Those are the conditions. Immigration is effectively set to infinity. “Indefinite” is a more formal word for the same phenomena; colloquially, however, infinite is perfectly understood, by non-sebs.

This is the butchery of language that Seb is infamous for (and relayed to him by several posters), and he often channels autism as a tool to scratch his way out of the corner he has painted himself into. Complete incoherency is the goal. We know because this is a complete non-issue outside the contentious topics.
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