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Utopia Talk / Politics / France launch Major Operation
Sun May 19 09:46:42
So apparently, da france is trying to let french citizens vote in the elections at some pacific island on the other side of da globe. The citizens of da island don’t like that, that da french will come to their island and vote who should govern them, so they started to protest for freedom and democracy. da french little napoleon guy, Macron, has launched a major operation to gain control of da island and the locals.

France has blocked social media on da island. Because the Liberals in France are afraid that people will use their right to speak up.

Sun May 19 09:50:39
People has also been killed, and Australian tourists may start to starve soon:

”Joanne Elias, from Australia, who is at a resort in Noumea with her husband and four children, said she had been told to fill a bathtub in case the water ran out.

"The kids are definitely hungry because we don't really have much option of what we can feed them," she said.”

What’s wrong with grass? I hear that’s what people in Gaza eat.
Sun May 19 10:33:48
There riots are a great revenge for the color revolutions, the west will fear us even more now!
Sun May 19 11:26:37

The French really have no business having an empire.

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