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Utopia Talk / Politics / Israel declared war on the World
Fri May 10 11:23:34
UN agency closes East Jerusalem HQ after arson attack by ‘Israeli extremists’

Unrwa chief says compound has faced a number of attacks, with lives of UN staff at serious risk

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has temporarily closed its East Jerusalem headquarters after weeks of attacks.

“This evening, Israeli residents set fire twice to the perimeter of the Unrwa headquarters in occupied East Jerusalem,” the head of the agency, Philippe Lazzarini, tweeted, lamenting that it was the second attack on the compound within days.

“A crowd accompanied by armed men were witnessed outside the compound chanting ‘Burn down the United Nations’.”


The attack came after two months of “Israeli extremists staging protests outside the Unrwa compound”, he said. One protest this week “became violent when demonstrators threw stones at UN staff and at the buildings of the compound”.


Thursday’s arson attempts marked “an outrageous development”, Lazzarini said. He added: “Once again, the lives of UN staff were at a serious risk. In light of this second appalling incident in less than a week, I have taken the decision to close down our compound until proper security is restored.”

“Our staff cannot move freely in the West Bank; they are unable to reach our headquarter in Jerusalem from the West Bank. Even 12- to 13-year-old children throw stones at our vehicles in the streets. While we were attempting to extinguish the flames, people protesting against us were throwing large rocks at the building.

“The police present did nothing to stop it. In fact, the words released to the press by the deputy mayor of Jerusalem continue to fuel the fire.”


Not only does the Israeli military (IDF) attack the United Nations, Israeli citizens (terrorists) also participate in attacks on the UN.

“A crowd accompanied by armed men were witnessed outside the compound chanting ‘Burn down the United Nations’.”

Burn down the United Nations? This attack is a decalaration of war against all countries on the world. An attack on humanity and human decency. Burn down the United Nations? They must have grew tired of massacring Palestinian women and children and now they want to genocide the entire world.

As I said, this is an attack on the entire civilized world. The world should not waste any time to respond. Burn down the fascist Nazi Israel.
Fri May 10 12:18:21

They shouldn't have attacked Israel.

Fri May 10 12:20:00

btw you were at the Eurovision protest yesterday, weren't you? :o)

Fri May 10 13:14:42
No I wasn’t. I’m not interested in the Eurovision or to protest on the streets.
Fri May 10 16:46:24
We gotta remember. Paramount is a keyboard jihadist. The times the real world actually interacts with them he is decidedly red pilled.

(Recall his rant some time ago about how ineffective the police in his area are when it comes to anything serious but are great at enforcing bullshit mandates.)
Tue May 14 05:22:55
Israel has attacked a convoy of United Nations vehicles. Killed one international UN employee and wounded at least another.

Is the United Nations just gonna sit and do nothing as Israel attacks them continously? Maybe the countries of the world has not got it yet that Israel has declared war on them?
Tue May 14 12:04:37
Jews loot and destroys aid for starving children.

Thu May 16 21:13:55

Yeah but it's for starving children holding Israeli hostages.

Tue May 21 07:31:57

A International Criminal Court prosecutor asked the court to issue an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This may be a good time for Israel to test a nuke.

Tue May 21 07:57:19
Unwara didn't attack Israel.

Israel claimed this, but has provided no proof that any specific individual employed by UNWARA was involved in the attack.

Further, UNWARA sends files of all potential employees to Israel for vetting before hiring.

Basically, the IDF lies to secure strategic objectives. This is not unsurprising, it's a technique called propoganda or sometimes "psyops". It is not uncommon.

Dissolution of UNWARA has been a long term objective of Israel for two reasons:
1. The existence of UNWARA helps cement the status of Palestinans as a distinct, stateless nationality, which is an obstacle to Israel cementing claim to all the territory between the river and the sea (a long stated objective, and one put in those terms, which I believe you all agreed was genocidal a few weeks ago) without also accepting Israeli nationality for the Palestinan occupant's or formally adopting apartheid.

2. UNWARA distributes materials necessary for survival and provides critical services that make Gaza habitable. The objective of Israeli strategy at present is to make Gaza so inhospitable that the Palestinan's flee to neighbouring countries, reducing they population and facilitating future Israeli settlement. UNWARA, like the numerous hospitals, water treatment facilities, and other key facilities, utilities and infrastructure, needs to be degraded to achieve that end.

Tue May 21 08:06:55
ICC certainly signed its own death warrant. Good luck getting US funds from the incoming Trump administration after pulling that stunt.
Tue May 21 08:49:42
The US isn't a member and doesn't fund the ICC and already has a US law prohibiting any US funding of it.

Yet here it is, still going fine. I don't think "killing" the ICC is something within US power to do.
Tue May 21 12:55:17

Netanyahu should issue his own wanted posters for Karim Khan.

Tue May 21 18:20:05

Israel is a tiny country with the population of a large city that exists on US military handouts in a time of growing isolationism and the goodwill of Europe in ignoring the normal requirements for market access while stridently criticising European values.

Sure, Netenyahu can keep doubling down. Let's see where that goes.

Tue May 21 18:22:09
The best thing for countries wishing to appear strong is not to reveal their weakness by challenging powers greater than themselves.
Tue May 21 18:52:16
Isn't it time to meet your NATO obligations, Seb?
Tue May 21 20:31:11

"The best thing for countries wishing to appear strong is not to reveal their weakness by challenging powers greater than themselves."

Nothing will happen besides someone collecting the reward.

Wed May 22 01:38:33
We do. But America is too divided to be relied upon as a serious defence partner.


Thing about the EU is that it is a system of laws enforced by a truly independent court and an executive branch with very little conflicting foreign policy interests.

You should check out the trade deal between the EU and Israel.

Fri May 24 14:18:17

Another Hamas Court (UN International Court of Justice or some such mess) "orders" Israel to stop attacking terrorists.

These international organizations are going to defund and sanction themselves right into the dustbin of history.

Sam Adams
Fri May 24 19:13:38
"Thing about the EU is that it is a system of laws enforced by a truly independent court and an executive branch with very little conflicting foreign policy interests. "

Imagine being this naive.
Sat May 25 11:27:04
Hopefully, when Mr Trump becomes president he will not only leave Nato but also the UN.
Sat May 25 12:04:26
7 months and Israel has still not defeated Hamas or located it’s settlers and soldiers that Hamas arrested on 7 oct. Israel is worthless. All they are good at is killing children from their fighter jets that they got from the USA.

By the way, Israel should tell the court and the UN that they are anti-semites.
Sat May 25 13:15:26

"Hopefully, when Mr Trump becomes president he will not only leave Nato but also the UN."

I'd just like to remind you that you are NATO now ... and the Russians are very annoyed. :o)

Sun May 26 10:44:49
After 7 months Hamas is still able to fire missiles at Israel.

If Israel had actually gone after Hamas instead of women and children, hospitals, doctors, medics, humanitarian aid workers, journalists and poets, then this would not be possible. But here we are.
Sun May 26 13:18:17

Policy is controlled by the council of ministers, but once a treaty has been agreed, "Troika always wins".
Sun May 26 13:29:54

"After 7 months Hamas is still able to fire missiles at Israel."

That's the problem with only killing 36,000.

Sam Adams
Sun May 26 13:54:33
"journalists and poets"

Making the world a better place.
Sun May 26 16:10:59
"If Israel had actually gone after Hamas instead of women and children, hospitals, doctors, medics, humanitarian aid workers, journalists and poets, then this would not be possible."

Israel has the iron dome. Hamas has a dome of civilians. Hamas makes sure to always have lots of women and children around them as shields.
Sun May 26 16:53:56

Oh come off it, you've got IDF soldiers posting videos on social media casually spraying heavy machine gun fire into urban areas without even aiming, while clearly not under fire themselves.

You've got videos of snipers shooting civilians who are surrendering, hundreds of meters from any IDF position, with their hands high and no clothing on their top half.

They kill civilians because they intend to.
Sun May 26 17:50:13
Seb nothing you just typed negates what I typed.
Sam Adams
Sun May 26 21:15:58
"Oh come off it, you've got IDF soldiers posting videos on social media casually spraying heavy machine gun fire into urban areas without even aiming, while clearly not under fire themselves.

You've got videos of snipers shooting civilians who are surrendering, hundreds of meters from any IDF position, with their hands high and no clothing on their top half. "

Lol even if any of this actually happened its justified. Don't attack israel.
Sam Adams
Sun May 26 21:21:27
I do like how a few of sebs hamas leaders hid in a refugee tent camp surrounded by "palestinian civilians" at all times so israel just smoked the whole place.

Mon May 27 14:05:01
Really? Netanyahu says it was ”a mistake”.
Mon May 27 16:03:21
Of course it wasn't a mistake.

Israel announced it would punish Palestine (including with additional settlements) for getting itself recognised, then they hit Rafah
Mon May 27 19:13:46

Any comment on the Hamas rocket attack on Tel Aviv?

It's hard to take this outrage seriously when people just pretend that Palestinians don't engage in thousands of cases of attempted murder against Israeli civilians.

Clearly not attempting genocide.

Sam Adams
Mon May 27 20:11:32
"Netanyahu says it was ”a mistake”."

Netanyahu is kindof stupid. He should have said "thats what happens to hamas camps"

"Israel announced it would punish Palestine"

Indeed. Palestine obviously has yet to learn. Education is important.
Tue May 28 00:46:25

Punishing palestinans for Spain and Ireland recognising it as a state.

Israel clearly doesn't believe in peace.
Tue May 28 00:46:49
Israel needs to win this war quickly. After all this suffering, Hamas can't be allowed to survive.
Tue May 28 00:54:46

Yeah, those charred headless babies will sure not launch rockets at Israel again!
Tue May 28 05:36:17

Sunk cost fallacy.

Israel had already lost the war.

It's demonstrated that it can't clear and hold the territory. The huge civilian deathtoll just makes more people convinced the only option for them to exist is to destroy Israel, just as so many Israeli political leaders keep talk about how they need to eradicate "Amalak".

The IDF can't hold Gaza without weakening defences against Hezbollah or Iran. And Hamas membership in Lebanon has shot up.

The only path out of this is a two state solution but Israel has never wanted that. They want the land, with the Palestinans gone.
Tue May 28 06:31:08

"Yeah, those charred headless babies will sure not launch rockets at Israel again!"

Their fathers shouldn't have been terrorists ... and they shouldn't have used their families as human shields.

Anyway this goes back to the baby Hitler question.

Tue May 28 06:34:48

"It's demonstrated that it can't clear and hold the territory. The huge civilian deathtoll just makes more people convinced the only option for them to exist is to destroy Israel, just as so many Israeli political leaders keep talk about how they need to eradicate "Amalak"."

That was baked in from the start. Two dogs, one bone. Somebody has to go.

"And Hamas membership in Lebanon has shot up."

That seems odd. I hear that muslims are totally not terrorists. Surely they are joining non-terrorist organizations instead.

Tue May 28 08:07:36
"The huge civilian deathtoll"

It's not huge by any rational measure. Civilian deaths are reasonably proportional to the amount of terrorists killed.
Tue May 28 08:21:56

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

I don't know, but I can 100% guarantee that it will kill 3 Palestinian women and a half dozen children.

Tue May 28 12:18:24

"Their fathers shouldn't have been terrorists ... and they shouldn't have used their families as human shields."

What evidence do you have that their fathers were terrorists?

Israel already explained their targeting algorithm deems anyone who has been in a WhatsApp group with a terrorist as being a terrorist, and accepts 100 civilian casualties as acceptable for one killed terrorist target.

The parameter choices are designed to kill broadly and indiscriminately while maintaining the pretence otherwise.
Tue May 28 12:20:01
"Two dogs, one bone. Somebody has to go."

Nope. But if that's the case I choose Israel to go. The Palestinans were there first and everything stems from the violence unleashed to establish an ethnostate rather than a pluralistic one envisaged by the Balfour declaration.
Tue May 28 12:24:15

"Civilian deaths are reasonably proportional to the amount of terrorists killed"

IDF has been routinely caught lying on its targets for decades.

They published a puff piece about their clever AI which reveals they deem anyone who's ever used WhatsApp is a terrorist (probably any social media) for target queuing.

Their claims of what constitutes a terrorist are not credible, and their spokesman couldn't even asked when questioned how many people they have killed who aren't terrorists, which they would be able to do if they weren't just making shit up.

The IDF places great emphasis on psyops and propoganda - as many militaries do. Don't be an idiot and expect me to take it at face value though.
Tue May 28 12:25:53
You don't need to believe Hamas to know Israel is indiscriminately killing civilians. You just need to believe what the Israeli govt says about it's methodology and see what Israeli soldiers post on their own social media without any repercussions: things that would trigger courts marital in the US.
Sam Adams
Tue May 28 12:58:20
"Punishing palestinans for Spain and Ireland recognising it as a state."

No. Punishing palestinians for murdering israelis and continuing to try
Sam Adams
Tue May 28 13:00:30
"But if that's the case I choose Israel to go. The Palestinans were there first"

Lol london is definitely on the list. You better hope israel is not overrun.
Sam Adams
Tue May 28 13:05:07
"What evidence do you have that their fathers were terrorists?"

Rofl, seb asking for evidence while parroting hamas.
Tue May 28 13:12:44

Nope, they've said very explicitly: for every state that recognises Palestine they will create a new settlement block.

That's their policy.

"seb asking for evidence while parroting hamas"

Nope. Nothing I've said comes from Hamas. It comes from Israel statements or video evidence.
Sam Adams
Tue May 28 13:41:20
"for every state that recognises Palestine they will create a new settlement block."

Israel did not say this. You are parotting hamas lies. Because you are stupid.
Tue May 28 13:45:53
The basis for Seb's claim is that the Finance Minister apparently called for Netanyahu to do the settlement thing.

Which is of course not at all the same thing as official government policy...
Tue May 28 13:46:40

"Nope. But if that's the case I choose Israel to go. The Palestinans were there first and everything stems from the violence unleashed to establish an ethnostate rather than a pluralistic one envisaged by the Balfour declaration."

I'm pretty sure they weren't.

Tue May 28 13:49:09
Seb's Christmas gift this year will be a Bible.
Wed May 29 02:13:01
USA unable to build bridges.

Biden's Gaza bridge has apparently broken down.
Wed May 29 11:33:07

Yup, and then then next day they authorised another 3500k block.

This is as convincing as the continued references to Amalak don't refer to Palestine.

Israel follows a modified Westminster system. Cabinet has collective responsibility and the statement of a cabinet minister it is a statement of govt policy.

The responsibility of settlement policy since Feb 23 falls to the Finance minister.

So this is not only a formal statement by the govt, but by the govt minister that has policy responsibility for settlements and the power to sign them off.

It's clear the finance minister is going to keep signing off large settlement blocks as a punishment.

What he wants Netenyahu to do is formally communicate this policy to foreign govts (PM has ultimate responsibility there). But the policy is clear and clearly being enacted.

Netenyahu is welcome to fire him. He won't.

Sam Adams
Thu May 30 09:10:48

Sebfail that block of homes has been planned for months. Punishment for previous palestinian crimes. Nothing to do with current eu crimes.
Thu May 30 12:26:16

Oh look, you've posted proof that the Israeli finance minister had policy control of settlement and does in fact have a policy of annexing palestinan territory as an act of collective punishment.

Sam Adams
Thu May 30 14:01:11
And? Thats not in response to what you said it was. Besides its just migration seb. Your big into unlimited migration everywhere. Why are you butthurt about israelis migrating to settlements.
Thu May 30 16:22:37

"Yup, and then then next day they authorised another 3500 block."

So they didn't authorise another 3500 block? Your source says he did.

Annexation is not migration.
Sam Adams
Thu May 30 22:48:57
"So they didn't authorise another 3500 block? Your source says he did."

Looks like its just the one.

"Annexation is not migration."

Lol tell that to the residents of london and paris and malmo that got culturally and criminally annexed.
Fri May 31 03:23:59

"Looks like its just the one."

As you say, takes a bit of time to line up.

But here you have the constitutionally appropriate cabinet minister making a statement on behalf of govt who has demonstrably got the power to follow through and already has in similar fashion.

"residents of london and paris and malmo that got culturally and criminally annexed"

Find me some and we can talk.
Sam Adams
Fri May 31 08:20:45

Every day.
Sam Adams
Fri May 31 08:24:17

Closer view of your imported colonizer
Sam Adams
Fri May 31 13:33:24
Biden reiterates that israel should surrender, leave hamas in power, to help his poll numbers.

Fri May 31 20:37:26

I don't know what it's about, but Biden is oddly determined to save Hamas from defeat and destruction.

One minute he and his advisors are saying that Hamas can't be militarily defeated ... and the next they are asserting that Hamas has already been militarily defeated.

Sat Jun 01 01:04:19
If they can’t be defeated there is no point in going on. If they already have been defeated, there is no point in going on.
Sam Adams
Sat Jun 01 22:51:47
Two lesbians were stabbed on a british beach by one of sebs muslim imports. "Annexation is not migration."

Is murder migration?
Sam Adams
Sun Jun 02 14:34:33
One of sebs imported muslims went on a stabbing spree in germany.

A german citizen fought with the muslim.

One of sebs incompetent woke cops attacked the german citizen, freeing the knife-weilding muslim.

The muslim stabbed the woke cop in the neck.

The woke cop died.

Another german cop shot the muslim terrorist.

Germany is now paying for the terrorists healthcare.


"Muslims colonizing europe good, jews colonizing palestine bad" -seb.
Mon Jun 03 13:21:24

Islam is a choice.

A very bad one.

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