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Utopia Talk / Politics / shit about P01135809 +his shit assocs#45
the wanderer
Sat Apr 20 16:02:30
leader of the cult, 2:36pm:

oh no!... the immunity he never had... i'm sure that will scare someone into changing things...


as never happened so far

"A President of the United States must have Full Immunity in order to properly function and do what has to be done for the good of our Country. A Nation-destroying ruling like the one handed down by the D.C. Circuit cannot be allowed to stand. If not overturned, as it should be, this decision would terribly injure not only the Presidency, but the Life, Breath, and Success of our Country. A President will be afraid to act for fear of the opposite Party’s Vicious Retribution after leaving Office. I know from personal experience because I am going through it right now. It will become a Political Weapon used for Election Interference. Our Elections will be corrupted and under siege. So bad, and so dangerous for our Nation. SAVE PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY!"

yep... was just a lucky coincidence Trump did incredibly clear wrongdoing... & on one of the issues given over a year to comply in fact, but they totally tricked him into being a criminal by not complying & even hiding shit

"REMEMBER, if I don’t have Presidential Immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t have it either

<ah, that thing you just said 40 mins prior>

and he would certainly be Prosecuted for his many ACTUAL CRIMES, including illegally receiving massive amounts of money from Foreign Countries, including China, Ukraine, and Russia, paying off Ukraine to fire an unfriendly prosecutor,

<yes, shit that happened before he was president thus already would be charged for if your side could actually prove they happened but obviously can't... not even enough for a political impeachment...>

allowing millions of people to illegally Enter and Destroy our Country, SURRENDERING in Afghanistan, with Hundreds Dead, many Americans Left Behind, and handing over Billions of Dollars Worth of the Best Military Equipment anywhere on Earth [a very often repeated false claim], the Decimation of American Wealth through the Green New Scam, and so much more. REMEMBER, Crooked Joe Biden and his CORRUPT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, D.A.’s and A.G.’s, has attacked his Political Opponent at a level never seen before in this Country, and wants desperately to PUT “TRUMP” IN PRISON. He is playing a very dangerous game, and the great people of America WILL NOT STAND FOR IT. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"

<good luck establishing those as crimes, i'm sure your cult will try in revenge...>

3:08 pm
A President has to be free to determine what is right for our Country without undue pressure. If there is no Immunity, the Presidency, as we know it, will “no longer exist.” Many actions for the benefit of our Country will not be taken. This is in no way what the Founders had in mind. Legal Experts and Scholars have stated that the President must have Full Presidential Immunity. A President must be free to make proper decisions. His mind must be clear, and he must not be guided by the fear of retribution!

yup, keep shouting that nonsense belief... the founders clearly wanted the president to be above the law, hence why they didn't put it anywhere & spoke out against it

still 3:08pm
Legal Scholars are extremely thankful for the Supreme Court’s Decision to take up Presidential Immunity. Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function, or make decisions, in the best interest of the United States of America. Presidents will always be concerned, and even paralyzed, by the prospect of wrongful prosecution and retaliation after they leave office. This could actually lead to the extortion and blackmail of a President. The other side would say, “If you don’t do something, just the way we want it, we are going to go after you when you leave office, or perhaps even sooner.”

as never happened before, & happens to no one else in any other position of power...

always such fucking idiotic arguments...

3:09 pm
Of course I was entitled, as President of the United States and Commander in Chief, to Immunity. I wasn’t campaigning, the Election was long over. I was looking for voter fraud, and finding it, which is my obligation to do, and otherwise running our Country. If I don’t get Immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t get Immunity, and with the Border Invasion and Afghanistan Surrender, alone, not to mention the Millions of dollars that went into his “pockets” with money from foreign countries, Joe would be ripe for Indictment. By weaponizing the DOJ against his Political Opponent, ME, Joe has opened a giant Pandora’s Box. As President, I was protecting our Country, and doing a great job of doing so - Just look around at the complete mess that Crooked Joe Biden has caused. The least I am entitled to is Presidential Immunity on Fake Biden Indictments!

well, that outta do it... any of the people brainwashed by his massive repetitions should now have the stupid belief he deserves full immunity from the law (& was just doing his duties finding voter fraud... which he didn't... and was in proven fact just telling states to switch electoral votes based on the none found but to just take his word for it...)

blah blah blah, i'm sure no one read all that, but jesus he's fucked in the head & a total piece of shit poisonous lying fraud toddler...


TLDR: Trump saying over & over how he should be immune from the law...

one of those arguments only he seems to make & his 'party' doesn't mention & just stick their heads in the sand pretending they don't hear it (like his 'Presidential Records Act let me take any doc i wanted' claim)


TLsDR: Trump is ridiculously unfit for office & is leading a fucked up cult
Sat Apr 20 20:05:28

Fact check: Trump is the one who surrendered in Afghanistan.

the wanderer
Sat Apr 20 21:40:24
true... and he tried to rush the withdrawal to be on his watch after losing the election... but he didn’t issue the order properly, so it was ignored (& not for the first time)
the wanderer
Mon Apr 22 14:12:19
Just so everyone knows, especially the young people, Crooked Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok. He is the one pushing it to close, and doing it to help his friends over at Facebook become richer and more dominant, and able to continue to fight, perhaps illegally, the Republican Party. It’s called ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Young people, and lots of others, must remember this on November 5th, ELECTION DAY, when they vote!

"Crooked Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok"

it isn't banned, & it would be Congress passing it


"He is the one pushing it to close, and doing it to help his friends over at Facebook become richer and more dominant, and able to continue to fight, perhaps illegally, the Republican Party"



"Young people, and lots of others, must remember this"

...and must forget Trump's desire to ban TikTok when he was 'president'
the wanderer
Mon Apr 22 14:23:46
another blast of posts w/ his crazy fucked up immunity shit that none of his 'party' seems to endorse:




"No Immunity for a President would make it very difficult for him or her to do the job of protecting our Country...[yadda yadda]"


"A key Constitutional issue is whether or not a President should have Immunity. The answer is YES!...[blah blah]... If for any reason it were held that a President doesn’t have Immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden, after he leaves Office, could be charged for the horrible and dangerous job he is doing on the Southern Border, the Afghanistan Disaster with all of its Death, Destruction, and “Surrender,” or his quid pro quo on Ukraine, where he said, on tape, that if they don’t get rid of an Unfriendly Prosecutor"

border -> Biden not committing any crime, people crossing illegally & claiming asylum is permitted under existing law (& the negotiated bill would've helped... which Trump smeared before it came out & even could read it, then continued after w/o reading, never once citing anything in it when claiming bad)

afghanistan disaster --> no one even alleges some criminal negligence on Biden, a ridiculous claim that he could be charged

ukraine prosecutor --> incredibly clearly obviously didn't happen while Biden president so no fake immunity applies anyway... it hasn't been charged as no evidence of any crime found after 6 years of scouring


anyway, back to the blitz:





"The Supreme Court will address the historic question of Presidential Immunity on Thursday, but unfortunately, I will not be able to attend..." [boo hoo... not like you'd be addressing the court...]


"Without Immunity, the Presidency, as we know it, will no longer exist..." [yep, obviously]


"Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function... "


^all of those immunity posts were over the last 20 mins... not sure if the toddler is done... but just another blast of saying same shit over & over that he apparently thinks will influence the Supreme Court
the wanderer
Mon Apr 22 14:31:16
...and on the Biden 'crimes', if R's actually believed Biden committed a crime (for border or afghanistan), they'd be impeaching him on it... which is way easier than a criminal trial, but they can't even fake a case for impeachment on it

thus, yet again, the entire 'party' knows their leader is talking -complete- bullshit, yet can't say a word, as it's a cult
the wanderer
Mon Apr 22 22:45:19
Jesse Watters (Faux host):
"Trump has been on the move his whole life. Golf, rallies, movement, action, sunlight, fresh air, freedom. This isn’t lawfare, it's torture. They’re making 77 year-old man sit inside a dingy room for 8 hours straight, four days a week. And if he moves or talks, jail"

by god, won't someone put a stop to this!!!
Wed Apr 24 10:47:37

8 hours a day? More like 4 hours.

the wanderer
Wed Apr 24 19:09:31
Trump is an unindicted coconspirator in new criminal filings against various henchmen & cultists in Arizona


one snippet just about Trump being a dangerous criminal (& relevant to the 'immunity' bullshit coming up):
[AZ Speaker of the House] Bowers received a call from the White House on November 22, 2020. In that call, [redacted] explained he understood there was a law in Arizona that would allow the legislature to meet and if there was sufficient doubt about the legality of the election, the legislature could vote to disallow Biden's electors and put in Trump's electors. [Redacted] alleged Arizona had 14,000 dead people voting, 4,000 or 5,000 military ballots stolen, and 200,000 non-citizens voting. Bowers asked for evidence, [redacted] said he had the names and would give the names to Bowers. [which obviously never happened]

those who paid attention to the J6 hearings (or just read public Trump posts) know he was doing this shit, and very obviously he's not merely trying to reveal any election fraud (as he claims), but trying to get people to just take his worthless word for it & vote to change based on a feeling there was significant fraudulent votes

everyone in the country should hate this disgusting filth over this behavior & so much else
the wanderer
Thu Apr 25 10:04:12

Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country [total fucking lie], has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him “Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy” (New York Post!). Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word “Lethargic” from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA2024!

(& Barr never wholeheartedly endorsed the embarrasing child... :

During the interview, Barr was directly asked if he would be voting for Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

"I’ve said all along, given two bad choices, I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think would do the least harm to the country," said Barr.

"And in my mind, I will vote the Republican ticket. Trump may be playing Russian roulette, but a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide in my opinion."

not a 'wholehearted endorsement'... obviously...
Thu Apr 25 11:26:42

I'm surprised that Trump would even acknowledge Barr.

the wanderer
Thu Apr 25 12:02:02
he wanted to lie about the endorsement (& childishly jab him more)
the wanderer
Sat Apr 27 16:38:05
total fucking idiot:

RFK Jr. is a Democrat “Plant,” a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected. A Vote for Junior’ would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way [so fully undermining the prior sentence]... < blah blah blah in 3 posts of shit > ... His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy. Let the Democrats have RFK Jr. They deserve him!

so much stupid
Sat Apr 27 16:48:02

I guess internal polling is making him nervous.

the wanderer
Sat Apr 27 19:14:58
It’s just so insane people tolerate the total dumbfuckery

a “plant” where unclear who he draws more from...

and RFKs years of comments on vaccines were just fake... um, why...

and sadly, claiming dumb fucking nonsense is extremely regular for him, all he does really... yet he’s Rs chosen nominee for 3 cycles...

fucking. nuts.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 29 11:27:35
obvious tyrant:
(^was the whole post)

no protests allowed

(there's also another: "...October 7th WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IF I WERE PRESIDENT - NOT EVEN A SMALL CHANCE!!!"... why? never once any mention of what he'd be doing differently)
the wanderer
Tue Apr 30 12:08:55
this mature image is on the feed of a once-'president' & crazily possible future 'president'


his arguments against Smith so substantive...


fuckhead also claims:
"Wow! It looks like Deranged Jack Smith, a sick PSYCHO, got caught. BIG “STUFF!” See story in Rob Schmitt opening on NEWSMAX. AMAZING — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

w/ video of a non-serious Hannity-style host talking w/ Tom Fitton (a shitbag who who told Trump to keep the classified docs...oops...)

anyway, let me know when a real news outlet reports how "sick PSYCHO Smith got caught" over "BIG 'STUFF'"... nothing fucking embarrassing here at all... (or any of the other 'bombshells!' Trump ever mentions... he's like National Enquirer as a person... & the 3 news outlets he's had nothing but praise for are: OAN, Newsmax & National Enquirer... OAN just retracted (after a lawsuit) their story that Michael Cohen had an affair w/ Stormy & extorted Trump rather than Trump ever having an affair (which makes no sense)... & was a story based on nothing)

constant. bullshit.
the wanderer
Tue Apr 30 13:38:11
well, the judge is giving Trump the day off to go to Barron's graduation (the judge had never declined it, despite the barrage of bullshit)

so let's see who retracts their bullshit stories/comments... i'll guess no one
the wanderer
Thu May 02 21:47:54
fuckhead liar claiming he's not allowed to testify because of the gag order:


he repeated the same terminology several times in a row (not shown in clip) so was definitely intentional

not sure if being a total fucking idiot in not understanding the order, or being a total fucking liar about the order... or just setting up an excuse when he doesn't testify after saying he would

'oh... when you asked if i would testify i meant talking to the press... not under oath... why would you think i meant under oath when i said i would testify at the trial?'

anyway, can't think of any non-deceitful piece of shit reason for him to be claiming this stupidity

deceitful piece of shit is all he ever is
the wanderer
Fri May 03 12:27:30
DOJ indictments of Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX) expected soon supposedly

his office & home raided in JAN 2022...


or shit always takes annoyingly long...

the wanderer
Fri May 03 12:29:00
the judge in the trial apparently spent time explaining to Trump the gag order doesn't prevent him from testifying (after his total idiocy/lying yesterday)

everyone constantly having to treat him as a toddler
the wanderer
Fri May 03 12:30:26
or maybe it will turn out his lawyer told him that to trick him from stupidly taking the stand & the toddler believed it
the wanderer
Fri May 03 22:50:34
fucking insanity:
w/ link to article by shit 'news' site

"Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with "

w/ story being the order of documents in the boxes has changed from original order

apparently henchman Nauta wants a delay citing the docs not being in the same order (even he isn't demanding case be dismissed)

anyway, the explanation provided by the good side:

"Since the boxes were seized and stored, appropriate personnel have had access to the boxes
for several reasons, including to comply with orders issued by this Court in the civil proceedings noted above, for investigative purposes, and to facilitate the defendants’ review of the boxes. The inventories and scans created during the civil proceedings were later produced in discovery in this criminal case. Because these inventories and scans were created close in time to the seizure of the documents, they are the best evidence available of the order the documents were in when seized. That said, there are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans.3 There are several possible explanations, including the above-described instances in which the boxes were accessed, as well as the size and shape of certain items in the boxes possibly leading to movement of items. For example, the boxes contain items smaller than standard paper such as index cards, books, and stationary, which shift easily when the boxes are carried, especially because many of the boxes are not full. Regardless of the explanation, as discussed below, where precisely within a box a classified document was stored at Mar-a-Lago does not bear in any way on Nauta’s ability to file a CIPA Section 5 notice."

yes, arrest Jack Smith!!!!!!


earlier post by so-fucking-obviously-unfit-for-office guy on same topic:

"...Now, Deranged Jack has admitted in a filing in front of Judge Cannon to what I have been saying happened since the Illegal RAID on my home, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida - That he and his team committed blatant Evidence Tampering by mishandling the very Boxes they used as a pretext to bring this Fake Case. These deeply Illegal actions by the Politicized “Persecutors” mandate that this whole Witch Hunt be DROPPED IMMEDIATELY. END THE “BOXES HOAXES.” MAGA2024!"

yes obvious evidence tampering!... surely this will cancel the case... and definitely must've been headline news on all of Fox's real news show...
the wanderer
Fri May 03 22:53:08
^and i've seen absolutely no mention of this -pure insanity- on CNN

this is just accepted & normal

...& if someone planning to defend Trump's posts, please note the "ARREST DERANGED JACK SMITH. HE IS A CRIMINAL!" part & include in your defense
the wanderer
Fri May 03 22:54:06
& the post link for whomever it works for
Sat May 04 11:02:50

"the judge in the trial apparently spent time explaining to Trump the gag order doesn't prevent him from testifying (after his total idiocy/lying yesterday)"

Sure it does. The judge is basically permitting him to take the stand and read an court approved script.

the wanderer
Sat May 04 11:20:10
it doesn't apply at all & if Trump actually was confused, his lawyer would've explained it (zero chance his lawyer would be confused)... & there's no way he would never have discussed it w/ the lawyer, especially when he was claiming he would testify
Sat May 04 11:37:40
Former President Donald Trump was greeted with cheers Thursday as he delivered pizzas to a Manhattan firehouse after spending the day in court.

Trump, 77, arrived at FDNY’s Engine Co. 8, Ladder Co. 2 in Midtown with two Xeno’s Pizza boxes in hand at around 5:30 p.m.

The campaign had dropped off 10 boxes of different pizzas, including pepperoni, for the hungry first responders prior to his arrival.

“You gotta win!” one firefighter told Trump as he met with the battalion.

“Sir, save us please,” another implored.

The presumptive Republican nominee for president chatted with the firefighters, posed for photos and signed a daybook and other items during the 10 minute campaign stop.

“I love you all – special people,” Trump wrote in the daybook, above his signature.

The pizza was long gone before The Post caught up the first responders that met Trump.

“It was good, we enjoyed it,” a firefighter told The Post. “It’s always special when a president shows up at your place of work.”

“He’s a nice guy for coming by,” he added, describing Trump as “very personable.”

“He speaks to you not at you,” the firefighter said of the former president.

When asked his opinion of President Biden, the firefighter responded, “He tries.”

The FDNY presented Trump with two hats before his departure, one with an “8” – in reference to the engine company – and one with a “2,” for the ladder company.

In stark contrast to Trump’s reception, New York Attorney General Letitia James was met with a chorus of boos during a speech at an FDNY promotion ceremony in March.

Chants of “Trump” broke out as James, a Democrat, addressed the crowd of firemen and their families.


He's not only a great president, he's a swell guy in general.
Sat May 04 11:45:51

"it doesn't apply at all & if Trump actually was confused, his lawyer would've explained it (zero chance his lawyer would be confused)... & there's no way he would never have discussed it w/ the lawyer, especially when he was claiming he would testify"

So he could take the stand and say that these are trumped up charges and make the case that this trial and others to come are part of a Democratic conspiracy to steal the 2024 election?

He could say that the D.A. and the judge are agents of the Democratic Party and they are working on behalf of the Biden administration?

the wanderer
Sat May 04 13:44:24
he can't just give speeches, but he can give whatever answers he wants to the questions of his lawyer (& on cross)... though the same objections still apply as they would to anybody

the gag order has exactly ZERO effect on testimony, it's entirely his conduct outside of court & there was never any ambiguity about it
(& -he- never misunderstood... he was never complaining (amongst his multi-daily complaining) that he couldn't testify until just that one time w/ him saying it multiple times in a row... a fucking fraud piece of shit deceiver)
the wanderer
Sat May 04 13:54:02
and as far as:

So he could take the stand and say that these are trumped up charges and make the case that this trial and others to come are part of a Democratic conspiracy to steal the 2024 election?

He could say that the D.A. and the judge are agents of the Democratic Party and they are working on behalf of the Biden administration?

the gag order isn't even about any of that commentary, & he still says all of that multiple times day

the gag order is about going after witnesses, jurors, & various court staff* & their families - all of which he's crazily done (*but not including the DA or judge)... & reasonable given it -does- create death threats & harassment for them (for which Trump never once has told his cultists to not do over the years of them doing it & him knowing it)... plus he's known to intimidate witnesses like when he suggested he knew of Cohen's father committing crimes & should be investigated the day before Cohen testified (and that was w/ Trump as sitting 'president'... fucking insanity)

the gag order only slightly unfair about Michael Cohen as he harasses Trump (though said he'd stop)... but it's not like Trump gives any substantive attacks ever anyway (& he could say whatever the fuck he wants when testifying about Cohen... not that he'll testify)... plus Trump has that clear obvious witness intimidation habit
the wanderer
Sun May 05 00:34:32
more evidence he's legit retarded:

All of the so-called “evidence” being presented in Court by the Crooked Joe Biden Fascist Prosecutors has NOTHING to do with the phony, no crime case, against me. The Judge is letting things into this Witch Hunt that would NEVER be let in by a fair Judge —Like a decades old event that was already adjudicated by the voters in the 2016 Election — A LONG TIME AGO. MAGA2024!

he's talking about the 'grab em by the pussy' reveal...

"already adjudicated" nice choice of word... voters still voted for him so how can it show up at trial???? uh... what kind of mentally fit adult would make this argument...

& "A LONG TIME AGO"... yet the same time period as the hush payments & what made them ever more important to hush pay, thus why relevant

(also eyeroll at "Crooked Joe Biden Fascist Prosecutors" but he says that shit multiple times a day, can't really comment on the ridiculousness)
Sun May 05 06:27:51
Macron is just butthurt that his grand ambition of becoming the Napoleonic Emperor of a united Europe is dead as a doornail and that he's been overshadowed by Giorgia Meloni of all people in terms of shaping the direction of the union. His party is also set to get wiped the fuck out in the European parliamentary elections and his own clout at home has been severely damaged as a result of his neoliberal reforms.

It's too bad that we still have to deal with this fuck for three more years, but at least his career is now on the downswing.

Sun May 05 06:28:05
Oops wrong thread
the wanderer
Sun May 05 22:09:44

Biden just Indicted Henry Cuellar because the Respected Democrat Congressman wouldn’t play Crooked Joe’s Open Border game. He was for Border Control, so they said, “Let’s use the FBI and DOJ to take him out!” This is the way they operate. They’re a bunch of D.C. Thugs, and at some point they will be paying a very big price for what they have done to our Country. CROOKED JOE BIDEN IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!

the National Enquirer personified candidate

so fucking ridiculous
the wanderer
Tue May 07 15:04:53
guy R's think is the best choice for head of executive branch:

This Witch Hunt is FALSE ANCIENT HISTORY that was fully adjudicated by the Voters in the 2016 Presidential Election. It only has to do with Election Interference, and trying to help Crooked Joe Biden get elected because he can’t do it by himself. It is a vicious attack by the Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, in strict coordination with the D.O.J. and the White House, on Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. IT IS ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, AND STRICTLY THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!

using "adjudicated" again... yes... 'how can it be mentioned in a trial... double jeopardy!!! nothing fucking idiotic about this position regarding false history...'


ideal for the head of the executive branch to have absolutely no concept of law & order nor our constitution (& of course the laws of the constitution can be terminated whenever Trump feels appropriate, & R's cool w/ that comment too)

btw... have any Faux hosts or R's joined Trump's call to charge Jack Smith w/ evidence tampering?

so. fucking. ridiculous.
the wanderer
Tue May 07 18:54:06

WHY ARE THEY NOT ABIDING BY HIS PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the wanderer
Tue May 07 22:34:42
possible next 'president':

"I spotted Ratings Challenged Lawrence O’Donnell, of MSDNC, in the Courthouse today. I haven’t seen him in years. He looks like shit, a real loser! DJT"
Wed May 08 06:19:34
So we can all agree that the Stormy Daniels testimony was completely irrelevant to the facts of the case and was only there to personally humiliate Trump, right?

Even the Democratic judge conceded as much after the fact (even though he was the one to greenlight it in the first place, because he's been nothing but an ally to the prosecution so far)

This isn't a trial, it's a circus
Wed May 08 11:01:51

I can't agree because I'm not really paying much attention to the trial and have absolutely no idea what her testimony was.

But humiliating Trump is a good onto itself. :o)

the wanderer
Wed May 08 11:45:23
"even though [the judge] was the one to greenlight it in the first place"

false, he told them to keep it limited & not go to areas she went, plus the judge made some of his own objections when Trump's lawyers failed to do so
the wanderer
Wed May 08 12:17:53
-if- Trump wasn't pretending there was never any sex, -then- her testimony probably wouldn't have been needed at all
Wed May 08 12:24:35

It doesn't matter if there was sex. Only that there was a story.

Wed May 08 14:11:11

Trump admitted that he paid Stormy off over half a decade ago.


This trial is about whether the NDA & payment constitute election interference, not what the NDA was meant to conceal.

There is no reason the jury needed to know the sexual position that Trump used to mount that whore.
the wanderer
Wed May 08 14:53:26
no the position didn't matter (i don't disagree she went into things the judge asked her not to), but who is lying matters, & his motivation matters so some testimony matters

if it was a real story (which it almost certainly was) it would be more important to keep her quiet as she'd have more details & wouldn't mess up w/ something that could be disproven
the wanderer
Wed May 08 16:09:42
there seemed like an effort going on by team fraud to paint Cohen as just taking advantage & filing false invoices so those tweets (from Rugian's link) fairly nicely disprove it... Cohen hasn't yet testified, we'll see what direction they go
the wanderer
Wed May 08 16:13:30
him asking to be killed... it's ok by me:

It is a really bad feeling to have your Constitutional Right to Free Speech, such a big part of life in our Country, so unfairly taken from you, especially when all of the sleazebags, lowlifes, and grifters that you oppose are allowed to say absolutely anything that they want. It is hard to sit back and listen to lies and false statements be made against you knowing that if you respond, even in the most modest fashion, you are told by a Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge that you will be PUT IN PRISON, maybe for a long period of time. This Fascist mindset is all coming from D.C. It is a sophisticated hit job on Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME!. Judges Engoron and Kaplan, also of New York, are equally Corrupt, only in different ways. What these THUGS are doing is AN ATTACK ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, AND OUR ONCE GREAT NATION ITSELF. OUR FIRST AMENDMENT MUST STAND, FREE AND STRONG. “GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!’

drama queen as always... also he implied days ago he was willing to go to prison rather than stand for this 'injustice'... yet he isn't violating it, & even quickly deleted a 'tweet' that was probably fine... weird

also weird that gag orders exist at all when they are unconstitutional... seems like that would've been sorted a long time ago...... or maybe they aren't?
Wed May 08 18:32:47
Really shouldn't have had that prostitute on the stand. I know she probably wanted to do it for clout but she opened herself up for some serious humiliation if the defense wants to hit her back.

"How many times have you been paid for sex?"

Wed May 08 20:00:41

"also weird that gag orders exist at all when they are unconstitutional... seems like that would've been sorted a long time ago...... or maybe they aren't?"

Of course they are unconstitutional. Judges just think they are gods.

Wed May 08 20:05:27
"Of course they are unconstitutional. Judges just think they are gods."

Same thing with nationwide injunctions, where a single federal district judge can effectively set nation-wide policy on a given issue...

...tumbleweed doesn't seem to understand that law is by its nature seldom a "sorted" affair...multiple judicial philosophies and legal innovations are always running into conflicts with each other.
the wanderer
Wed May 08 22:31:32
can you honestly say you're aware of no examples of witness intimidation by Trump?

& can you cite anything he's said pre-gag or when violating gags that's been at all significant in your choice to vote for him or in any way at all

i would bet his lawyers are glad for gag orders, just like i'm certain sane R's are very glad he's not on Twitter for many reasons such as not getting asked if they agree w/ their 'party' leader that Jack Smith should be arrested (which Trump once again posted should happen, in meme form this time, as serious people do...) & about so much other constant ridiculousness that he posts
the wanderer
Thu May 09 11:31:37
adding to his long list of hiring or mostly firing advice:

Rupert Murdoch should fire pathetic RINO Paul Ryan from the Board of Fox. Ryan is a loser, always has been, and always will be. He was the WEAKEST & MOST INCOMPETENT Speaker of the House in its History. Fox will sink to the absolute bottom of the pack if Paul Ryan has anything to do with it!

and feel free to cite what legitimate issues he has with Paul Ryan... i'll bet w/ 100% certainty his post is because of:

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday that he does not plan to vote for former President Trump in November, suggesting he would write in another candidate instead.

“Character is too important to me,” Ryan, who left Congress in 2019, told Yahoo Finance at the Milken Global Institute Conference. “And it’s a job that requires the kind of character that he just doesn’t have.”

“Having said that, I really disagree with [President Biden] on policy,” he added. “I wrote in a Republican the last time, I’m gonna write in a Republican this time.”
the wanderer
Thu May 09 12:21:05
from CNN commentary, sounds like the extra cross of Stormy not particularly helpful & likely done just as Trump demanded it rather than his lawyers wanting to do so

but feel free to give me Faux or Newsmax's supposedly amazing moments

apparently one question was 'you do porn so know how to fake sex stories'... Stormy: 'porn not fake'(not sure her whole answer... but hardly a story you need to be too creative to come up with)

& 'you do porn, so how could you be shocked to find Trump sitting on the bed in his underwear'... i don't know her answer, but in porn you know when the job happening, and they (usually) aren't 60-yr-old fat slobs... so yeah, jury, think more about that image: the rich fat old guy dangling a tv job to entice & pressure a 27-yr-old poor girl...
Thu May 09 12:50:51

27 year old girl? Come on! :o)

the wanderer
Thu May 09 14:17:50
an innocent naive young porn star... who Trump said reminded him of his daughter...

very slightly related... one of the many many dumb memes that have shown up on Trump's feed:

how dare the FBI raid innocent young age ~10 Barron!!!

(though Barron was not that age, & incredibly obviously not the target of the 'raid' (search warrant)... but nice of Trump to be able to exploit his ~5th kid)
the wanderer
Thu May 09 17:31:33
rational fact-based arguments as always:
Fri May 10 08:30:48
Biden tells a lie a minute during CNN interview

Published May 9, 2024, 6:09 p.m. ET

The White House rarely allows President Biden to sit down for interviews, and Wednesday’s chat with CNN’s Erin Burnett shows why.

In a brief 17 minutes, Biden told 15 lies — nearly a lie a minute.

From whoppers about the economy to prevarications on Israel, Biden spun a fantasyland of a presidency that voters know is false.

Here’s a rundown:

LIE 1: “I’ve created over 15 million jobs since I’ve been president.”

Biden’s favorite falsehood, told over and over and over again no matter how many fact-checks call him out.

blew a hole in the economy, when lockdown policies wholeheartedly endorsed by Democrats took people out of the office and onto COVID stimulus checks.

He “created” nothing — after the introduction of the vaccine, people returned to the workforce.

If anything, Biden’s policies slowed the recovery — it took until July 2022 for the US economy to regain all the jobs lost due to the pandemic.

LIE 2: “Other than Herbert Hoover, [Donald Trump] is the only president who has lost more jobs than he created.”

The corollary lie.

Trump didn’t “lose” jobs; he was president during a global pandemic.

And liberals were thrilled to put people on government checks and shut down the world during COVID.

They cannot argue that the job market would have been any different in 2020 under a Democrat.

LIE 3: “Look at what he says he’s going to do if he gets elected. Says he’s going to do away with what I’ve done on Medicare, reducing the price of Medicare.”

There’s no basis for this, as Trump has said he “will never do anything that will hurt or jeopardize Social Security or Medicare.”

Further, Trump pursued the exact same executive orders to lower prescription drug prices as did Biden.

LIE 4: “You know we have 1,000 billionaires in America. Know what their average federal tax is? 8.3%.”

Factcheck.org notes, “The top 0.1% of earners, with more than $4.4 million in expanded cash income, pay an average rate of 25.1% in federal income and payroll taxes.”

LIE 5: “We’ve already turned it around [on the economy].”

Burnett quoted some tough figures on the economy, noting that the cost of buying a home had doubled, and “Real income when you account for inflation is actually down since you took office.”

Biden’s response?


LIE 6: “The polling data has been wrong all along.”

Every survey that says people are upset about the economy?

Every poll that puts Biden’s approval rating at historic lows?

They are all of them, from dozens of different sources, wrong?

LIE 7: “There’s corporate greed going out there. And it’s got to be dealt with.”
Labor costs increased 4.2% between 2023 and 2024.

They increased 5.1% from 2021 to 2022.

The costs of everything, from supplies to shipping, rent and taxes, have gone up.


Because of the huge amount of government money injected into the system, minimum-wage increases by California and other states, and pent-up demand by consumers.

How is Biden going to “deal with it”?

Tell companies they can’t raise prices to avoid losing money?

LIE 8: “[Inflation] was 9% when I came to office.”
This is the lie of the night.

Biden continues to pretend that the US was in terrible shape when he took office, when it was already on the rebound — thanks to Trump’s Warp Speed project that vaccinated people quickly against COVID.

Inflation was a measly 1.4% in January 2021.

Then Biden went on a first-year drunken-sailor spending spree, and inflation skyrocketed.

LIE 9: “They have the money to spend. It angers them and angers me that they have to spend more.”

They have the money to spend?

According to Bankrate, 76% of adults making less than $50,000 a year are living from paycheck to paycheck, an increase from 71% the year before that.

Biden need only watch the nightly news to see people cutting back on groceries, gas — even trips to McDonald’s — because their spending power has decreased.

LIE 10: “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs, and other ways in which they go after population centers.”

It’s libel to suggest that Israel is deliberating targeting population centers.

Hamas embeds itself among the civilian population, creating bases inside hospitals and digging tunnels under residential apartments.

Israel has been warning the people of Rafah for more than a week to move to a safe zone outside the city.

They do not “go after” population centers, they work hard to minimize deaths while stopping the terrorists who kidnapped, raped and murdered Israeli civilians.

LIE 11: “We’re not walking away from Israel’s security. We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas.”
But defeating Hamas is integral to Israel’s security.

How does Biden suggest Israel win the war if it leaves the last stronghold of the terrorist group untouched?

LIE 12: “It made no sense in my view to engage in thinking in Iraq they have a nuclear weapon.”

Biden brought this up, saying he warned Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu not to “make the mistakes” we made in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Except Biden voted in favor of invading Iraq.

So Biden may regret that decision today, but it made sense to him back them.

LIE 13: “You can’t only love your country when you win.”

Someone had better tell all the celebrities and elites in the Democratic Party who claim they are going to move if Trump is re-elected, or say they “don’t know their country anymore,” or who burn American flags as they rally for Hamas.

Biden’s chiding of Trump with this line would carry more weight if he said it to his own voters.

LIE 14: “I travel around the world, other world leaders, know what they all say, 80% of them, ‘You gotta win. My democracy is at stake.’ ”

Maybe we can’t say this is absolutely a lie, but it sure sounds like one of those statements for which the press loves to go after Trump.

Are other world leaders really pulling Biden aside after his nap and saying “democracy is at stake” if he loses? Give us a break.

LIE 15: “Then [Trump] is going to put in a 10% tax that’s going to increase average Americans’ cost $1,500 a year.”

Trump has proposed no such tax. Perhaps Biden means Trump’s plan for a 10% tariff on imported goods, which may or may not cost Americans more money.

You know who else is considering imposing tariffs? Biden. Just this week, under the headline “Biden Looks to Thwart Surge of Chinese Imports,” the New York Times notes that China is using unfair business practices and Biden wants to counter it.

the wanderer
Fri May 10 12:28:56
first, i'm not a Biden cheerleader, i'm a whomever-polling-highest-opposite Trump voter

but on job creation lies, Trump did the same exact thing, celebrating huge job #'s while ignoring the huge covid plummet prior

"lie #4" is embarrassing... a significant gap exists between 4.4 million and 1 billion (not saying Biden not lying, just their supposed 'fact check' is retarded & no lie established at all)

polling is not reliable (which occurred right when Trump entered field...), though possibly more related to mass decline in land lines, but also no possible way Biden will mislead about polls more than Trump does

corporate greed is a thing, no lie established at all there

& you're saying Biden can't take credit for job #'s because of covid, but giving him all the inflation blame... there's global inflation... & the supply chain globally affected by covid... this had no effect, Biden's handout (but not Trump's covid handouts, where he fucked-uppedly demanded his name on the checks) caused all our inflation & the globe's (plus nothing to do w/ covid interruptions)?

"It’s libel to suggest that Israel is deliberating targeting population centers"
well their own explanation for bombing a refugee camp was they believed a Hamas guy in a tunnel underneath... then related:

"Hamas embeds itself among the civilian population"
so where are you needing these 2000-pound bombs Biden halted?

"We’re not walking away from Israel’s security. We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas." - Biden

But defeating Hamas is integral to Israel’s security. - NY Post

that's basically arguing they should be allowed to kill every civilian there (& that we must presume they are doing everything they can & make no judgment at all, have blind trust & unquestioning support & give them any & all weapons they request, no questions asked despite all the reports from 'neutral' observers (like aid & doctors) w/ Israel not even letting foreign reporters in)... & what are the odds their treatment of all the innocents isn't creating way more terrorists

LIE 13: “You can’t only love your country when you win.”
these people need to look up the definition of "lie"
& while Biden may file court challenges on a loss, i bet he doesn't try to overthrow the gov't... (as Trump did, & will again if needed)


anyway, as i started w/, Biden isn't my choice, i have plenty of problems with him, yet he's a mental adult so beats Trump right out of the gate, before piling the fucking HEAPS of other issues w/ Trump onto it
(& on lying in particular, NOBODY, probably in forever, will be able to beat Trump, just w/ how often that fuckhead spews words, & which contain lies ~100% of the time... & fucking dangerous ones, like his multitude of mass voter fraud ones that were COMPLETELY made up)
the wanderer
Fri May 10 12:37:20
can you honestly see Trump accepting a loss? & how is that not wholly unacceptable on its own?

it had nothing to do w/ covid rule changes, he was claiming rigging all 2016 primary & general too

he -will- do it again
Sat May 11 06:41:56
"but on job creation lies, Trump did the same exact thing, celebrating huge job #'s while ignoring the huge covid plummet prior"

Taking what you said for granted here (which is a risky option as you and the truth dont have a great relationship), I'm sure you posted at the time about how such conduct made Trump an unfit lying piece of shit, so turnabout is fair play.

""lie #4" is embarrassing... a significant gap exists between 4.4 million and 1 billion (not saying Biden not lying, just their supposed 'fact check' is retarded & no lie established at all)"

Feel free to also complain about Politifact and the Washington Post then, since they also flagged this claim as a lie.



"polling is not reliable (which occurred right when Trump entered field...), though possibly more related to mass decline in land lines, but also no possible way Biden will mislead about polls more than Trump does"

You're right, everyone is absolutely ecstatic about the awesome job that Biden is doing, the polls are just lying to us on that one...


"corporate greed is a thing, no lie established at all there"

Occam's Razor: whats the more likely cause of price increases in the last few years, a group of companies secretly conspiring to gouge consumers, or the fact that the federal government & and Federal Reserve put massive inflationary pressure on the economy by increasing the total currency in circulation by a whopping third in the course of a year or two:


Blaming corporations for what is OBVIOUSLY the federal government's fault is simply totally unjustified.

"& you're saying Biden can't take credit for job #'s because of covid, but giving him all the inflation blame... there's global inflation... & the supply chain globally affected by covid... this had no effect, Biden's handout (but not Trump's covid handouts, where he fucked-uppedly demanded his name on the checks) caused all our inflation & the globe's (plus nothing to do w/ covid interruptions)?"

Biden had little impact on Americans returning to work post-Covid, that was always going to happen regardless.

He had much more impact on inflation, as he been on a massive spending binge (not just for Covid, but on shit like his infrastructure bill etc) since he entered office.

Trump's Covid bills also contributed to inflation, sure, but the effects wouldn't have been nearly as severe if Biden hadn't decided to permanently increase the federal budget by a full third compared to pre-Covid.

"so where are you needing these 2000-pound bombs Biden halted?"

Amazing that you read all that and concluded, not that Hamas are the assholes who are deliberately inserting themselves amid civilians in order to increase the death count, but that Israel is the one at fault for targeting Hamas where they choose to locate themselves.

Name me another country who is held to the ridiculous standard that they can't attack a belligerent that declared war on them if they intentionally hide themselves behind civilians. I'll wait.

"these people need to look up the definition of "lie""

It's a lie because the Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on this issue, they constantly scream election fraud when they lose and undermine the legitimacy of our institutions when they don't have control of them. Hence Russiagate, the cringe "Resistance" under Trump, cheering on Marxist rioters in 2020, erasing & rewriting American history to fit their ideological biases, constantly shitting on the Supreme Court, indoctrinating students in leftwing educational systems to hate their own country, etc.

"& while Biden may file court challenges on a loss, i bet he doesn't try to overthrow the gov't... (as Trump did, & will again if needed)"

His administration is already preemptively crippling Trump's ability to govern next year by putting up a shitload of administrative red tape.


I won't even go into how Biden pressured his Attorney General in the press to arrest his chief political opponent, or how he screams racism at every Republican election security bill (Jim Eagle!), or how his administration has repeatedly pressured social media companies to censor news they don't like and has tried to browbeat traditional media companies into becoming propagandists for his reelection campaign...

...anyway, want to place a bet on the likelihood that we see leftist riots in the aftermath of a Trump victory? Sure, they might not be on the steps of the Capitol, but they will happen. I'm willing to put up $5 on that if you are.

"yet he's a mental adult"

He's literally senile...plus he's an intellectual weakling who constantly lets himself be led by the nose by the most extreme fringes of his party.

Say what you will about Trump, but his actual political policies have mostly stayed consistent over the years. Biden meanwhile is leading a completely different government from the one he would have led even a decade ago.

I grant you, Biden probably throws out fewer falsehoods than Trump because his handlers don't let him speak in public very often. That doesn't paint him in the positive light you think it does though.
Sat May 11 07:45:27
the wanderer Fri May 10 12:37:20
can you honestly see Trump accepting a loss?"

No. And yes, that's not acceptable behavior. He can credibly argue that the deck was stacked against him with things like unbelievably hostile media coverage, suspension of election security procedures, a hostile political establishment and bureaucracy working against him, etc., but he never actually proved that election fraud resulted in a stolen election and he shouldn't say otherwise.

Here's the important thing though. I also don't believe the Democrats would ever accept a loss either.
the wanderer
Sat May 11 12:04:40
i'm not going to go into all the 'lies' on all the success/failures of policy/administration... yeah, Biden does what they all do... Trump does ALL of that too, w/ more exaggeration, then SOOOO much else... if Biden was my ideal candidate, maybe i'd feel obligated to defend him more, he's not, i didn't want him to run, we have what we have

but on...
"It's a lie because the Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on this issue, they constantly scream election fraud when they lose and undermine the legitimacy of our institutions when they don't have control of them"

first off, the NYPost claimed it was a 'lie' because some 'hollywood elites' say they'll move out of the country... fucking idiotic to claim Biden lying because of that, plus not even accurate on the 'hollywood elites' as moving doesn't mean you ceased loving the country, just wholly disgusted by the person in power

& no i don't see Dems being worse than Trump's cult on accepting results (fairly self-evident since he still hasn't conceded, & they still believe he won, w/ ZERO mass voter fraud shown, & ZERO states shown to have been called wrong... yet they think the opposite has been fully proven as he keeps LYING so) nor on undermining institutions (see his CONSTANT smear of DOJ/courts/judges/prosecutors/etc, which he did even before being criminally charged for his crimes... including the Supreme Court, that is 1/3 his chosen judges, him claiming if they rule against him it's just for appearances rather than the law)

how can you POSSIBLY vote for Trump if you have issue w/ denying election results & undermining institutions... he's the MOST guilty singular person of those in the whole country (+ spreader of his lying poison others)


"I won't even go into how Biden pressured his Attorney General in the press to arrest his chief political opponent"

he didn't... you assume a leak was for that purpose, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, any frustrated person could've leaked it from their own frustration on the delay... whereas Trump flat out says it repeatedly including when 'president'

& the leak wasn't 'i hope Merrick can find a crime to charge Trump with'... it was i hope he makes a decision soon on the crimes already shown to be done by Trump (you really should watch the J6 hearings, feel free to try to poke holes in the evidence if you want, there's incredibly clear wrong-doing... much is undisputed as the Fox/fraud side just avoids ever acknowledging it)

but again, Trump SO MUCH WORSE... constantly claiming people committing crimes, usually unspecified ones, if not going wild w/ claims of 'treason' or something (& running on appointing someone to go after Biden (& many more), just as he did for Hillary)


"how his administration has repeatedly pressured social media companies to censor news they don't like and has tried to browbeat traditional media companies into becoming propagandists for his reelection campaign"

good lord... first off, on Biden censoring, i don't even know what you're referring to beyond when it was alleged covid 'misinformation' or browbeating (if talking about staffers developing relationships w/ reporters & hoping to get good stories put out, it's what they all do)

second, again, how the FUCK can you vote for Trump if you have an issue with this... he is CONSTANTLY doing it right in the open (& can only imagine how much more he does on his phone), he tries to destroy Fox when they put on ANYONE who criticizes Trump, & constantly tells them to stop putting on various people (who obviously he smears w/ his standard childish insults)... the only outlets he has promoted 100% of the time are Newsmax, OAN, Nat'l Enquirer... & he frequently posts shit articles from even shittier outlets than those... he currently is pressuring Fox to fire Paul Ryan (do you think Trump has any fucking idea if Ryan doing a good job at Fox?)... yadda yadda... god there's so many examples of him trying to corrupt the media & steer people into shitty sources

"want to place a bet on the likelihood that we see leftist riots in the aftermath of a Trump victory? "

no... but i'll bet Biden won't inviting them to the pre-riot rally, nor riling them up w/ months of total bullshit lies, or a speech filled w/ purposeful incitement (& lies that the outcome still changeable if their riot targets don't do what they're doing)

*and on the bullshit lies... how do you defend them... when he claimed X thousand dead/undocumented/out-of-state/underage voters (w/ specified X's each time) in multiple states, how do you defend it? if he says 10,000 dead (not 11k, not 9k) that # comes from somewhere, where? what was his sufficient credible evidence for the multitude of these claims, done in multiple states... why was it ~99.99% off what was ever found on all of them...
(then there's the other bullshit, like his Georgia 'suitcases' claim that he'll still say to this day, despite the FBI fully investigating & him told multiple times by DOJ officials & state officials he's completely wrong... how is this shit acceptable?)


"Say what you will about Trump, but his actual political policies have mostly stayed consistent over the years"

he doesn't know any policies... & he's not consistent, but if you mean his general view of 'america first' & non-white immigrants are vermin & loving autocrats & being fully amoral about any other country's behaviors then yes


"Here's the important thing though. I also don't believe the Democrats would ever accept a loss either"

except Biden won't provoke nor lead the revolt

Trump was the main source, no way a crowd as huge would've gone to the Capitol, no way over half the 'party' would think the election stolen, & the cult wouldn't hate Mike Pence... & R's wouldn't be getting ex-communicated if they publicly say Trump lost... etc

& that makes it sooo much worse
the wanderer
Sat May 11 12:12:22
although i appreciate you can make real arguments unlike the totally crazy person who sometimes engages...
the wanderer
Sat May 11 14:46:26

he once again claimed he'd be honored to go to jail (to fight for his supposed loss of free speech)... yet he's not violating the order, but he constantly says the above shit, so presumably he wants his dumb gullible cultists to think he's bravely violating the gag order which has nothing to do w/ anything a normal functioning adult would be saying at their campaign rallies

(& i bet the judge never gets criminally charged... as it's not fucking illegal...)
the wanderer
Sat May 11 14:47:39
*well he -could- get charged if Trump wins... (& the nation ends)
Sat May 11 15:12:05

Trump has no balls. He should violate the gag order all day every day and dare the judge to enforce it.

the wanderer
Sat May 11 15:57:10
the chickenshit fraud also put out:

Judge Juan Merchan REFUSED to put a Gag Order on people that are truly out of control, only on the Presidential Candidate, ME! MISTRIAL!!!

i don't know the law but i can't imagine the judge has the power to put a gag order on Cohen or Stormy (as fuckhead wanted)... that would seem to suggest he could put a gag order on anyone anywhere

he has power over Trump as he's a criminal defendant: you can have your passport taken if a flight risk, you can be jailed w/o bail if a threat, thems the rules

he has no power over witnesses outside of court (that i'm aware of)... certainly would seem weird to me

but who gives a shit, just constantly mislead the cultists, as always, & face no consequences
the wanderer
Sat May 11 17:19:02
from a Trump video (a couple days old, slipped by me as i don't tend to watch the videos & his complete idiocy doesn't make the news much anymore):

...The fact is that crooked Joe hates Israel and he hates the Jewish people, there's no question about that. And if Jewish people are going to vote for Joe Biden they have to have their head examined. He's a disaster for Israel. The problem is he hates the Palestinians also and even moreso, he just doesn't know what to do...

video: (^that stuff is the 2nd half)

there's no question Biden hates Israel & all Jews... a "fact" you say? hmmm... i'm sure he has a real solid basis for that claim
(under a sane reality these ridiculous claims by a presidential candidate would've been a big news story... like so much else...)

then add the extra weird "The problem is he hates the Palestinians also and even moreso"
trying to pander to the protesters i guess?

transparent idiotic nonsense... as is his way...
the wanderer
Sat May 11 18:29:13
Trump is managing to campaign despite the gag order somehow... & doing so in NJ to not mess w/ his golfing at Bedminster...

anyway some important messaging that slipped thru the gag order:

"Silence of the Lamb! Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lamb? The late great Hannibal Lecter. He's a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene: 'excuse me I'm about to have a friend for dinner' as his poor doctor walked by [chuckle]. I'm about to have a friend for dinner, but Hannibal Lecter, congratulations, the late great Hannibal Lecter. We have people being released into our country..."

ok then...

talking about Hannibal Lecter has been a staple of his rallies (not sure why... he once claimed 'Hannibal Lecter' said he loved Trump, i assume he meant Anthony Hopkins though see no indication Hopkins did so)... & w/ it constantly being about the character Hannibal Lecter (never an actor name) & now about the doctor end scene, maybe the lil boy just saw the movie recently & likes talking about it?

just more fucking weirdness... & not sure why he's "late great" or needs congratulating... Hopkins is still alive (& unaware of the character dying, certainly not in The Silence of the LambS, which is the only movie Trump mentions)
the wanderer
Sat May 11 18:46:54
maybe his made-up bullshit about 'countries around the world are emptying their prisons & mental institutions across our open border' is what makes him think of Hannibal (given that's what he was launching into here & i think that's been his subject around past mentions)

fucking weird no matter what (& also means he really is congratulating & complimenting the character, not an actor... though he did say he fell in love w/ Kim Jong Un, so really weird comments are his thing)
the wanderer
Mon May 13 12:22:56
Cohen has testified that Trump told him it was Melania's idea to go w/ the bullshit 'locker room talk' excuse

and when Cohen asked if Trump was concerned about Melania w/ (regards to Stormy Daniels), that Trump said:
"Don't worry. How long do you think I’ll be on the market for? Not long.”

in other words, wife #4

but yeah, Cohen is a lying scumbag (like anyone has to be to work closely w/ Trump, which he did for 12 years) so who knows

though given Trump is not capable of having real affection, it's a plausible comment from the malignant narcissist sociopath
the wanderer
Mon May 13 18:51:57
this notable document (w/ Weiselberg & Cohen hand-writing right on a doc showing the hush payment) shows calculations being made for reimbursement:


it includes $50k to Red Finch for rigging online polls for Trump... (we heard about that before, but just more ridiculous shit R's -should- have a problem with if they were capable of having a problem w/ Trump)

there's also another doc written by Weiselberg showing similar calculations & how Trump would then pay it back $35k a month

no chance cheap-as-fuck Trump didn't understand what was going on
the wanderer
Sat May 18 18:52:16
And honestly, there's been no president since Abraham Lincoln, perhaps in a certain way including Abraham Lincoln, that has done more for the black individual in this country than Donald J. Trump. There's been nobody. Not even close.

not 100% obviously crazy at all
Sat May 18 21:39:48

And the black individual was Kanye West.

the wanderer
Sat May 18 21:52:25
or Herman Cain’s heir
Sun May 19 11:36:13

Or Tim Scott. That's his African American.

the wanderer
Mon May 20 11:53:26
Trump is ridiculous & a piece of shit:

Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger asked Michael Cohen what Red Finch did for Trump.

Cohen said Trump was polling low in the CNBC poll (on who were the most famous businessmen of the last century).

"And it upset him,” Cohen says."And he had me come to his office and provide me a sheet of paper that showed it."

"I reached out to Red Finch who assured me he was able to go through the acquisitions of IP addresses to create an algorithm that would ensure Mr. Trump would rise and rise significantly into this poll,” Cohen added.

Cohen is now looking directly at the jury as he's answering Hoffinger's question to explain the Red Finch situation. Cohen said Trump wanted to be number one in the poll but after Red Finch's work, he ended up at nine.

The former Trump fixer said "despite cheating" Trump felt he didn't get his money's worth for the work.

Cohen added that Trump did not pay Red Finch because CNBC ended up not moving forward with this poll, "and so he didn’t feel he had gotten the benefit" for the services they had provided.

rigging meaningless internet poll: idiotic & childish

refusing to pay the firm he hired to rig it as they didn't get him to #1 (which they never promised) only to #9: a cheat

(& there have been many anecdotes like that, refusing to pay claiming unhappy w/ the work, it was clearly standard practice, including not paying his lawyers if they lose)

this 'man' needs removed from society
the wanderer
Mon May 20 15:11:44
team fraud has called a clown to the witness stand who is antagonizing the judge... unsurprisingly the judge not pleased & now has cleared the courtroom to learn the clown some manners (w/ violence hopefully)
the wanderer
Mon May 20 15:15:56
apparently the clown was once a respected lawyer, but has gotten the Trump infection that Ronny Jackson did (the once respected doctor, now total clown)
the wanderer
Mon May 20 15:22:01
the clown is Giuliani's unpaid lawyer, possibly performing for Trump in hopes of getting Trump('s PAC) to pay some of the million+ owed
the wanderer
Tue May 21 01:39:58
dumbfuck child mob-boss idiot:

Judge Juan Merchan, who has thus far been the exact Conflicted Democrat Operative his Comrades expected, has a chance to take a real step toward rehabilitating both his Reputation and the Justice System of New York by dismissing the Biden Election Interference Witch Hunt brought by Soros funded D.A. Alvin Bragg. Every serious Legal Expert and Scholar is unequivocally stating that the “prosecutors” have not come close to putting on a case, THERE IS NO CRIME, which means that the right thing to do is to END THIS SCAM NOW AND FOREVERMORE. It would be a Big, Bold, Beautiful, but Highly Unexpected, yet BRILLIANT, step toward Justice in New York, and our Nation as a whole!

'hey judge, sure i've been baselessly smearing you multiple times a day for weeks, but i'll give you ridiculous over-the-top praise if you cancel the trial!... & then maybe you & your daughter can stop sleeping with one eye open...'

if the incredibly obvious mental child had never smeared the judge (& the judge has done nothing corrupt at all, ALL of Trump's claims of corruption & collusion are total bullshit) & he didn't post this idiotic flowery praise offer he'd be in such better shape for the judge to do a directed verdict (skip jury & just declare case not proven)

now, it'd look like the judge was -actually- being corrupt & taking the mob-boss's orders

(also this is the exact same schmoozing he tried on GA's sec of state when trying to get him to 'find' votes... 'you'll be a hero!' yadda yadda... plus he had the accusations of committing crimes intimidation, as he also does regularly)

such constant idiocy & lawless corruptness... & yet the R's choice to lead for 3 cycles...
Tue May 21 07:17:18

"if the incredibly obvious mental child had never smeared the judge (& the judge has done nothing corrupt at all, ALL of Trump's claims of corruption & collusion are total bullshit) & he didn't post this idiotic flowery praise offer he'd be in such better shape for the judge to do a directed verdict (skip jury & just declare case not proven)"

He should be in the exact same shape to get the case dismissed. Any other shape is judicial misconduct.
Tue May 21 10:05:44
"antagonizing the judge"

Lol bro can't stare

Time to eliminate the position of judge in every court system in the nation. The hero worship is fucking crazy
the wanderer
Tue May 21 10:52:11
"He should be in the exact same shape to get the case dismissed"

yes, he should ideally... but it's ridiculous & stupid behavior by Trump that his cult doesn't even notice


"Lol bro can't stare"

he was also making exasperated comments after objection rulings loud enough for even reporters in the back of court to hear (as well as the eye-rolling)

there's no evidence the judge is being corrupt on any Trump-friendly witness (& all but 2 of the prosecution witnesses were still loyal to Trump), so obviously this clown was being a dick & knows better

he's got a taste of being a clown loyalist from appearing on Faux & a loyalist congressional hearing


anyway, the defense has rested, Trump NOT testifying as no one expected him to do & would have been stupid to do... but the embarrassing child just had to sound tough & lie that he would (& then lie the gag order prevented it)

such a disgraceful embarrassing shitbag

not sure if the jury instructions will be public, but that'll be needed to judge whether guilty... didn't seem like as solid case as it should have been under the circumstances

team liar/Faux will paint it as Biden/DOJ/all Democrats setting him up if not guilty... even though all of that false

plus pretend(completely lie) that it has any bearing on the rock solid classified docs case or J6 case (the ones actually by DOJ)
the wanderer
Tue May 21 15:29:29
the cult is going crazy that a policy statement including "law enforcement officers of the Dept of Justice may use deadly force when necessary" was in the order to 'raid' Mar-a-lago (wasn't a raid) & deciding it was a Biden/DOJ attempt to take out Trump

one piece of nutjob focus:

just standard language

(& if it was a corrupt attempt to get him & lie he attacked them or something, pretty sure they would've gone when he was home...)

& on the topic, remember when Trump was talking about having footage of the agents wrecking up the place? still not shown... how surprising... & the only specific complaint he ever made was them not taking off their shoes when going in his bedroom...

such a piece of shit

(also incredibly obviously guilty in that case... & not just of the purposeful retention, but the obstruction, taking deliberate effort to prevent recovery... totally insane it's acceptable to R's (but also doubtful many even heard of it)... a lawless criminal)
the wanderer
Tue May 21 22:37:06
& of course fuckhead has jumped on board the TOTAL IDIOCY (as ALWAYS):

WOW! I just came out of the Biden Witch Hunt Trial in Manhattan, the “Icebox,” and was shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their Illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE. NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. HE IS MENTALLY UNFIT TO HOLD OFFICE — 25TH AMENDMENT!

not illegal, not unconstitutional, & the FBI always allowed to 'use deadly force when necessary', a standard policy statement (& Trump conveniently leaving off the "when necessary" to deliberately extra mislead as ALWAYS)

fucking crazy this is the candidate...
the wanderer
Tue May 21 23:44:58
the total nutbag brigade (which includes the fucking candidate for president) also citing this doc text as meaning to attack secret service (& Melania)... as it says "engage"


let's ignore it says "engage with" or also specifically "engage with the secret service point of contact"... guess you have to shoot the designated point of contact before other agents... & Melania
the wanderer
Wed May 22 11:29:54
Charlie Kirk, close Trump ally, head of Turning Point USA (~Hitler Youth), 3 Million twitter followers:

If you are dumb enough to believe it’s standard operating procedure for the FBI to:

- Raid a former president’s home
- Authorize lethal force against "FPOTUS" and staff
- Prepare to confront US Secret Service
- War game possible casualties with a medic on standby
- Because of a documents dispute...

Than you are an enemy of America.
^ total nonsense

Trump & his lying poisonous loyalists are the real threat to America, crystal fucking clear

(& recovering classified docs per search warrant when the mother fucker refuses to return & even evades a subpoena (not by challenging in court, but by hiding the fucking docs) is not wrong at any fucking level)
the wanderer
Wed May 22 15:15:28
Rep Marjorie Greene on the FBI/lethal force/Mar-a-lago complete nutbaggery:

This is grounds for impeachment of Wray and Garland.

Trump and team was cooperating the entire time with the FBI.

Was deadly force authorized against Biden for his docs?

Were they going to shoot SS then Pres Trump, Melania, and Barron too???

Speaker Mike Johnson fully funded the DOJ and FBI plus new building and tied our hands behind our backs to hold them accountable.

We have the power of the purse and Johnson has handed the purse to Chuck Schumer.

All of this is unforgivable.

such pure insanity...

she'd have the FBI shut down i guess? & the cult already thinks half the FBI should be imprisoned for supposedly corruptly going after Trump (which didn't happen, just like the above nonsense)

going to be one fucked up wild ride when these complete nutbags take power one way or another
Wed May 22 15:19:29

"Were they going to shoot SS then Pres Trump, Melania, and Barron too???"

Totally different from the 2nd Amendment crowd arming themselves to the teeth to shoot federal agents in the face.

the wanderer
Wed May 22 15:33:28
one cultist (Ricky Shiffer) even did attack an FBI office (& specifically because of the 100% warranted search of Mar-a-lago)

so even though it was standard lethal force language, even more appropriate when dealing w/ Trump & his obviously dangerous cult
the wanderer
Wed May 22 17:36:33
Nikki Haley:

"I put my priorities on a president who's going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account..."

as part of her explanation of why now supporting Trump...

has the backs of our allies...


i guess Israel is our only ally? or maybe accepting Russia is our ally now? i dunno... no president has attacked our allies more than Trump, nor said they'd root for Russia to take over any NATO country who didn't pay up enough... plus he has never had interest in any world affairs to begin (outside of trade) & generally only supports use of our military if hired as mercenaries

such an embarrassing 'party'
the wanderer
Wed May 22 18:05:57
Steve Bannon: "this was an assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump"

they just forgot to check if he'd be there... then when foiled, quickly switched to pretending to look for classified docs & surprisingly found them

makes sense...
Wed May 22 18:22:00

"as part of her explanation of why now supporting Trump..."

All the Never Trumper Adults in the Room Republicans are going to burst a blood vessel.

No danger of them overwhelming our hospitals though.
the wanderer
Wed May 22 18:43:17
from Julie Kelly (mega cultist, an author for "realclearinvestigations.com" which i don't even want to click... presumably one of the multitude of nutbag propaganda sites masquerading as a news site... she has 600k followers & is one who posted a bunch of the misleading docs that other mega cultists replying to & spreading):

Head of Washington FBI field office when this was executed: Steven D'Antuono.

Recall who authorized the raid: Merrick Garland

The FBI risked the lives of Donald Trump, his family, his staff, and MAL guests for a publicity stunt to make it look like Trump stole national security files.

People need to be arrested for this.

of particular note in this insanity is the "to make it look like Trump stole national security files"


these fucking cultists think it was frame job when he stopped tossing that excuse against the wall over a year ago... his current defense IS that he was allowed to have all of the docs in question as the PRA allowed him to take any doc he wanted
(it's completely false, & presumably he's either being his typical lying moron self, or aiming for a defense of ignorance - which could work normally... though definitely shouldn't here as he was repeatedly told he had to return them, even by his own lawyers, who he then hid the docs from)

this obvious cult is obviously dangerous along with the obviously dangerous poisonous piece of shit fraud cult leader

making America dumber hourly 24/7
the wanderer
Wed May 22 18:48:06
A person familiar with the Hur investigation confirms that the standard Department of Justice policy statement regarding the use of deadly force was also included in the operations order for the searches at President Biden’s residences in Delaware.


there's your answer, Marjorie...
the wanderer
Wed May 22 22:19:25
6 mins ago, Faux News tweet & article:

"Conservatives blast Biden admin authorizing 'deadly use of force' for Trump Mar-a-Lago raid"

it's been fully debunked nonsense all day long

(yet of course Faux hosts Jesse Watters & Maria Bartiromo had both pushed it, probably others)

good job, Faux! stick to the totally proven bullshit

so fucking good for the nation... keep whipping up that dissension...
Thu May 23 12:35:51

Quit blaming FOX and start blaming Obama and Biden for not arresting Rupert Murdoch and his entire family and prosecuting them, stripping them or their citizenship, and deporting their asses to the middle of the ocean.

the wanderer
Thu May 23 22:01:36
Jimmy Kimmel put a compilation of the 'news' channels covering the lethal force obvious nonsense if you want to be thoroughly disgusted (which is the appropriate reaction):

'these people are sick... this is crazy, this is wild, this is dangerous, so dangerous'

i very much agree

every one of those people should make an on-air retraction & apology then be fired as i'm sure it's been standard procedure for all of them (certainly is for all the ones i recognize, like every Faux host shown)

but of course there will be nothing at all, & the dangerous cult will be believing & repeating this nonsense as fact forever
the wanderer
Fri May 24 09:34:04
more responsible language about the immigrants from bag of shit:

"I think they're building an army! They want to get us from within!"
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