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Utopia Talk / Politics / The Truth vs Alex Jones
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Apr 09 09:48:03
Its a doc on MAX.

It follows the legal trials of Alex Jones in regards to his claims about Sandy Hook. It's horrifying what the parents are going through constant harassment and death threats.

Something needs to be done about disinformation and fake news.
Tue Apr 09 12:05:57

Well in this particular case something was done. Alex got sued for everything he's worth.

Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 09 12:28:25
Ibty consumed transparent propaganda uncritically. Sweet. Most people would just scroll past transparent Regime propaganda, but ibty was like, "[Oh wow, this title that rhetorically places Alex Jones himself in opposition to "The Truth" seems like a trustworthy source of information. A pathos argument applied to Sandy Hook families sure makes me want to surrender more liberties to a centralized totalitarian state. Ooooo-weee!]"

[ibty]: "Something needs to be done about disinformation and fake news."

Maybe we could make another Ministry of Truth which is tasked with going through the historical record and labeling as "wrongthink" any information which contradicts the Regime's approved narratives? That way, even if the information we're fed is absolutely incorrect, we can at least be assured that it was the Great and Glorious Party which fed it to us, and any actions we took with that information ultimately served the Illustrious and Benevolent Regime!
Wed Apr 10 03:29:32
"Something needs to be done about disinformation and fake news."

Who determines what is fave news, or disinformation?

The government tells more lies and BS than even the church.

And have actively caused worse tragedies (waco for example)

Idk the details, but the gist is that Alex said the shooting was a hoax of sorts, correct?

And then, zealots went and harrassed the parents, correct?

Now lets do "fact checkers"
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Wed Apr 10 16:32:47
Who determines what is fave news, or disinformation?
Not Alex Jones. Yes assholes exist in government thats why you need checks and balances and real oversight.

Idk the details, but the gist is that Alex said the shooting was a hoax of sorts, correct?

And then, zealots went and harrassed the parents, correct?

It goes well beyond "a few zealots" being mean.
Threats of violence and even death threats. Over 20% of US population believe Sandy Hook was staged and at times googling "Sandy Hook" will more likely get Alex Jones Bullshit. Even the non public parents say they get recognized on the West Coast far from Conn.
Losing a child is a horrible and traumatic experience no one should be forced to relive this
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu May 23 22:34:44
anyone else actually see it?
Fri May 24 08:30:02

No. :oP

Fri May 24 17:20:50
I'm not sure Alex Jones and the truth have ever been in the same room together so how they going to throw down?
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