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Utopia Talk / Politics / Ukraine mega thread 2
Thu Mar 28 09:24:00
Ukrainians are monsters:


But we will bring them civilization!

Thu Mar 28 09:41:53
Didn't a story just come out about Russia executing Ukrainian POWs?
Thu Mar 28 10:41:39
Yes but Ukrainians are Nazis so Russia is allowed to execute them.

Thu Mar 28 10:44:22
So what? From now on it is okay to kill pows and civilians.
Thu Mar 28 11:04:12
Paramount is correct, the gloves are off after what Ukraine did in the concert hall terror attack.
Thu Mar 28 11:21:51
I was thinking more about what Israel and USA are doing in Gaza. They have set a new precedent.
Thu Mar 28 11:25:24
Looks like Russian soldiers have run out of shovels now also. If he had had a shovel he could have smashed the drone.

First they ran out of ammo, and now they have run out of shovels too. Maybe Seb was right after all… Russia is collapsing.
large member
Thu Mar 28 12:07:41
Russia has found a money trail to Ukraine it says:

large member
Thu Mar 28 12:08:18
Re concert hall.
Mon Apr 01 16:09:26
Unexpected Death of Polish General

The Polish Armed Forces are mourning the loss of Brigadier General Adam Marczak, the Chief of Staff of the EU Althea Operation Command in Mons, who passed away on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. The announcement was made via Twitter by the Operational Command of the Armed Forces.

In a statement, the term “unexpected death” was used to describe the passing of General Marczak, indicating that his demise occurred due to natural causes during his off-duty hours.


”natural causes during his off-duty hours”

His arms, legs and head were torn apart from his body naturally while in Ukraine?
Mon Apr 01 16:14:16
Lazy communist is a bit redundant, like wet water.
Mon Apr 01 20:23:49

"Unexpected Death of Polish General"

The Russians killed him with Havana Syndrome.

Tue Apr 09 09:04:09
A desperate move. If that's all the US has to offer then our victory over Ukraine and NATO is for sure!


U.S. Central Command@CENTCOM

U.S. Government Transfers Captured Weapons

On Apr. 4, 2024, the U.S. government transferred over 5,000 AK-47s, machine guns, sniper rifles, RPG-7s and over 500,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces. This constitutes enough materiel to equip one UKR BDE with small arms rifles. These weapons will help Ukraine defend against Russia’s invasion.

The government obtained ownership of these munitions on December 1, 2023, through the Department of Justice’s civil forfeiture claims against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

These munitions were originally seized by U.S. Central Command and partner naval forces from four separate transiting stateless vessels between 22 May 2021 to 15 Feb 2023. The munitions were being transferred from the IRGC to the Houthis in Yemen in violation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2216. U.S. CENTCOM is committed to working with our allies and partners to counter the flow of Iranian lethal aid in the region by all lawful means including U.S. and U.N. sanctions and through interdictions.

Iran’s support for armed groups threatens international and regional security, our forces, diplomatic personnel, and citizens in the region, as well as those of our partners. We will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop Iran’s destabilizing activities.
Tue Apr 09 14:25:59
Zelensky says he wants 25 Patriot systems with 6-8 batteries each.

I think the US has 16.
Germany has 11.

So maybe if the US and Germany send all their Patriot systems to Ukraine, then Ukraine can defend itself.
large member
Tue Apr 09 18:02:01
The problem is not the systems. The math does not work. 600 missiles a year is project production rates. 2 a day. How many 8 missile capable launchers do you actually need?
large member
Tue Apr 09 18:12:25
There are other ways to argue the point, but exactly how many Ukrainians need to be semi employed manning patriot systems without missiles while the front line is in dire need of regular infantry?

It is hard to see the clamour for more patriots launchers as anything other than a corruption jig.

Of course people will pay good money for slots at least 100 km from the frontline. The question is how to creats such slots?
large member
Tue Apr 09 18:19:10
What people dont understand is that Patriot is mainly a deterrent system:

"You wish to attack us? Haha, the first 1000 missiles you use will be futile!".

It runs into trouble with an opposition that says:

large member
Tue Apr 09 18:30:46
In case you dont get it. If deterrence fails then doctrinal use follows a sunk cost fallacy. Sure, let use 2x4 million to shoot down 1x2 million.

Cost is here a placeholder for complexity and time to produce. A mighty service sector has small impact on missile production rates.
large member
Tue Apr 09 18:36:02
That in sum is why the West is reluctant to transfer more Patriot batteries to Ukraine.
large member
Tue Apr 09 18:38:37
Grade A analysis right there. In a folksy format even. I impress myself.
Wed Apr 10 01:27:46

tough but yea prolly true

Wed Apr 10 03:44:03
TC we got order to no longer link to videos from Scott Ritter, because it is now widely known that he is a paedophile, that could be used against us by western propaganda minions.

Of much greater importance is that we just released an alpha version of a new tank that has protection against drones. Nazis laugh about this tank and it has already been destroyed, BUT it is just a prototype and every time one of these gets destroyed we will learn from it and release a better version.
Soon we will have the best tank armor of the whole word.


Russian tank crews may have unconventionally adapted their vehicles in the hopes of fending off persistent Ukrainian explosive drone strikes, new footage appears to show.

Russia has started fitting a fixed, shell-like metal structure around its tanks rolling out along the frontlines in Ukraine, video clips circulating online suggest.

One video, shot by an airborne drone, appears to show a Russian tank encased in a turtle-like contraption moving through a field around the Donetsk town of Krasnohorivka in the past few days. Krasnohorivka has long been on the frontlines in eastern Ukraine, west of the Russian-controlled regional capital, Donetsk City.

The video clip appears to show the metal casing partly covering the tank's main gun as it leads a handful of vehicles without the same, shell-like protection. The tank is T-72, a Russian military blogger said on Monday.

The footage quickly garnered attention online, jokingly labeled a "turtle tank" or, even more specifically, a "Russian Ninja Turtle tank."

Russia has suffered heavy tank losses since it invaded Ukraine. Estimates from U.K.-based think tank, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, earlier this year suggested Russian tank losses stood at around 3,000 since February 2022.

Newsweek has reached out to the Russian Defense Ministry for comment via email.

Photos of the new contraption provoked bemused reactions on social media, where people responded by posting images of a medieval siege engine and of the visor on a Darth Vader helmet being snapped down.

A new design, but one with precedent. Russia has long attached improvised armor onto its tank fleet in an attempt to shield against Ukrainian strikes. Roof screens have also popped up on Russian rocket launchers.
large member
Wed Apr 10 04:59:02
I saw that. It looked my like glassfiber plates than thin sheetmetal. It did not bemuse me very much and did seem to deter FPV drones, so mission accomplished I guess.
Wed Apr 10 05:25:05

"Of course people will pay good money for slots at least 100 km from the frontline. The question is how to creats such slots?"

Are there a lot of wealthy Ukrainian soldiers trying to get out of frontline assignments?

Wed Apr 10 05:33:45

"Of much greater importance is that we just released an alpha version of a new tank that has protection against drones."

The Russians drawing inspiration from Dark Helmet from Spaceballs.

large member
Wed Apr 10 09:03:03
Sweet Summer Child
Not quite like that. More that a new battery is announced for transfer, then people talk to people. Deferments are waived, a new uniform is put on and of for 8 weeks Patriot training in Germany the person goes. Why would boot camp be needed for a technical job?

Its just a cope cage that visually obscures weak points. The only downside I see it turning a tank into a self-propelled gun due to turret rotation limitations.
Wed Apr 10 10:47:35

Yeah, other than massively reducing visibility and not really allowing the turret to move freely, it's still a stupid idea.

Not that moving the turret is that important when you can't see anyway.

But are we sure this wasn't just some ancient Soviet tank with the shit put over it so the Ukrainians couldn't tell that the armor was rusted all the way through?
Fri Apr 12 13:48:35


American drones are glitching and getting lost in Ukraine, giving way to a flood of Chinese drones

American drones aren't performing as well as those from other countries, like China's, in Ukraine.
The drones are glitchy, expensive, and get lost during flight, sources told The Wall Street Journal.
Those problems are opening the door for Ukraine to buy drones from other manufacturers.

The drone war in Ukraine is constantly evolving and forcing both sides to innovate quickly. But for Ukraine, a key partner is having trouble keeping up and letting rivals fill the void.

American-made drones haven't excelled on the battlefield, prompting Ukraine to turn to buying Chinese-made drones.

The problems with many US-made drones, particularly some of the smaller ones, are that they often don't function as advertised or planned and easily glitch when targeted by Russian jamming, sources told The Wall Street Journal.

They are fragile and vulnerable to electronic warfare. For some of the systems that were sent to Ukraine, issues included not taking off, getting lost and not returning home, or simply failing to meet mission expectations.

Part of the problem is that US technology isn't evolving fast enough, in part due to restrictions on sourcing. Georgii Dubynskyi, Ukraine's deputy minister of digital transformation, told The Journal that "what is flying today won't be able to fly tomorrow," adding that the innovation window in this conflict is small.

"The general reputation for every class of US drone in Ukraine is that they don't work as well as other systems," Adam Bry, the chief executive of American drone company Skydio, told WSJ, acknowledging that his own drone is "not a very successful platform on the front lines."

US drones are also typically far more expensive than comparable models. And at the rate Ukraine is burning through them, it wouldn't be feasible. Instead, Ukraine is turning to systems made by Chinese companies for cheaper and often more reliable alternatives.

Chinese DJI drones have long played a role in the war, with Ukraine buying many of the retail models. Ukrainian forces sometimes strap bombs directly on them for a makeshift one-way attack drone or use them to drop grenades.

Ukraine has often manufactured its own drones through crowdfunding. While that's been successful, the sheer volume of drones being used in the war means both sides need to rely on several outlets to get what they need. There is also state-level support.

Russia has also relied on government support and private outfits, but it also gets unmanned systems from partners, such as the Iranian-made Shaheds. Russia has even developed its own domestic version of this system. But Russia has also bought Chinese-made drone technology.

Tue Apr 16 11:22:35
There are reports on that Ukrainian troops are mass surrendering. They want to save their lives. To get out of the war with their lives intact must be considered as a win for them.
Tue Apr 16 11:54:54
Seen on the internet:

”French Legion troops bombed on arrival in Slaviansk. 80 casualties out of 100 men on one of two sites hit. Numbers unknown on the other site.”

Maybe the French didn’t get the chance to wave the white flag before they were hit. Now Macron has to send more Legion troops. Is it Macron who is in charge of the French Legion?
Tue Apr 16 12:44:32
I've seen that, too, do we use the same internet?
Tue Apr 16 14:12:04

Tue Apr 16 15:01:41
Hm… it would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.
Tue Apr 16 15:35:07
The Donetsk front has collapsed and there is mutiny in NATO’s Ukraine army.

large member
Wed Apr 17 01:29:57
Ukraine has begun trading small slices of ground for time, equipment and lives. That does not a collapse make. Wake me up if Russia ever does a 100 mile penetration in 3 days.
Thu Apr 18 11:36:05
Zelenskyj was asking for air defence systems.

Putin deploys new air defence systems to Ukraine.

large member
Thu Apr 18 11:46:58
Its been there since the start. Gibka is what came after igla.
Thu Apr 18 11:55:28
Okay, so it is not a new system.
Thu Apr 18 11:56:59
That shows that the loss of a S-400 yesterday does not matter at all to us, we have so many air defence systems, NATO can never destroy them all!


Ukraine said Thursday it had damaged a number of Russia's prized S-400 Triumph air defense systems, radar stations and a control center during an attack on a large air base in annexed Crimea.

The attack, which took place on Wednesday at a military airfield in the city of Dzhankoy, is reported to have killed up to 30 Russian personnel and wounded a further 80 people. Ukraine's military intelligence said the strike damaged four S-400 air defense systems, three radars, an air defense command-and-control center, and other surveillance equipment.
Thu Apr 18 18:19:37

LazyCommunist working overtime to keep us informed. :o)

large member
Thu Apr 18 20:05:00
Its almost like it is a complete different entity from Ruggy :D.
Sam Adams
Thu Apr 18 23:40:14

Scratch an ivan heavy
Sat Apr 20 05:31:15
RIP communist american hero!

He has been executed by our people, but I would still call that friendly fire and shit happens, yeah.


A US citizen known to have fought with pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine between 2014 and 2017 has been killed in Moscow-occupied Donetsk, according to Russian media reports.

Russia-installed authorities in eastern Ukraine had earlier this month reported the American – 64-year-old Russell Bentley – as missing.

“Russell Bentley, known as ‘Texas’, a real American, truly from Texas, was killed in Donetsk,” Margarita Simonyan, head of the pro-Kremlin RT TV channel, said on social media.

“He was fighting for our guys,” she said. Simonyan gave no details on how he died.

The “Vostok” battalion with which Bentley fought confirmed his death, calling for “exemplary punishment for those who killed Russell Bentley”, suggesting he did not die in a Ukrainian attack.

Police in Donetsk said on 8 April that Bentley had gone missing after going to help victims of a Ukrainian strike on Donetsk.

On a Telegram channel previously run by him, Bentley’s wife, Lyudmila, said he had been “abducted” by Russian soldiers from a tank battalion, and called on them to let him go.

The self-declared communist joined pro-Moscow separatists in Ukraine to fight Kyiv in 2014. He later also worked for the state-owned Russian news agency Sputnik and was given Russian nationality.
Sat Apr 20 07:15:41

*kicks a little dirt on the steaming pile of Russell Bentley*

Sat Apr 20 16:41:27
Every American is now much poorer
Turtle Crawler
Sun Apr 28 14:41:05
It sounds like they are getting all those atacms rockets, but they are largely just shot down
large member
Sun Apr 28 14:56:13
That is the maine reason the US has been unwilling to supply them. ATACMs are vulnerable and not suited to saturation attacks that allow the smaller missiles demonstrate some success.
large member
Sun Apr 28 14:57:23
Imo. The idea "cant give them to ukraine because Russia territory" was always bs. There is a 500 mile stretch of border that Ukraine could spit across if it wanted to.
Turtle Crawler
Sun Apr 28 16:24:20
Gotta keep some hopium in reserve.

Once I realized that they were hitting Russian refineries because that's all they could do. That they have no military significance. That they are also repaired and operational again in a few weeks.

It's not 400 atacms or 30 Abrams they need to equal the scale of the war. It's that much every week. They need 10,000 new soldiers every week. Dozens of new artillery pieces and a hundred thousand rounds every week.
Mon Apr 29 14:20:35
4D chess man, Putin is the master


Kremlin Disputes Report Putin Didn’t Order Navalny’s Death

Russia has dismissed a report claiming Vladimir Putin did not order the killing of famed dissident Alexei Navalny, who died in an Arctic prison in February.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told Russia’s state-run media on Saturday that he had seen the Wall Street Journal report, which cited an assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies, and that there was little reason to believe it. He derided its logic and said it wasn’t worth looking into.

“I would not say that this is high-quality material that deserves any attention. Some very empty reasoning,” Peskov said.

The Kremlin’s rejection of the U.S. report oddly puts them in agreement with Navalny’s allies, who have also disputed its findings.

Thu May 02 15:08:14
American weapons are useless!


Have Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs Been ‘Thrown Aside’ By Ukraine?
A senior Pentagon official has alluded to a recently deployed long-range ground-launched weapon suffering from Russian jamming and other issues.

A U.S.-supplied air-to-ground munition transformed into a ground-based strike weapon has been performing very poorly in Ukraine due to jamming and other factors, according to a senior Pentagon official. Though the weapon system in question has not yet been confirmed, there are strong indications that it could be the Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB).
Tue May 14 14:01:00
First they deindustrialized and de-energized, and now they are disarming. A difficult decision but worth it, according to the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

”Germany's decision to transfer the third Patriot system to Ukraine proved to be a challenging one. However, it sets an example for other countries that should follow suit, according to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.”

"As you know we decided to submit now a third Patriot system to Ukraine, which was a decision that was not that easy because we don't have too many of them, but it was important to do so," said Scholz.”

Tue May 14 14:02:29
” Polish President Andrzej Duda said that Poland is currently receiving the first Patriot systems ordered seven years ago. Therefore, Warsaw cannot transfer air defense systems to Ukraine.”

Can not, or do not want to?
Tue May 14 14:03:15
The USA should send its Patriot systems to Ukraine.
Tue May 14 14:04:51
USA should send all of its Patriot systems ”for as long as it takes”.
Thu May 16 10:51:44
Apparently US intel believes Ukraine will be able to push back once the weapons comes in.

Russia success is built on going commando so to speak. Their officer corps and experienced battle groups were all decimated by the first years of the war so now they send in small squads to penetrate and link up in giant swarms.

With better equipment and adaptation, Ukraine should be able to stop it.
large member
Thu May 16 11:32:26
Ukraine cannot stop Russia from stretching ukrainian forces (which is actually what is happening). The only counter is mobilization and training in sufficient numbers.
Sun May 26 05:20:12
Russia bombs as it pleases!
You don't like it? Then surrender!


Footage of the moment a Russian bomb hits the Epicenter shopping center in Kharkiv. At this time it is known that 14 people have been killed, and many more injured.
Sun May 26 09:49:53
Hahaha Paramount and Nimatzo, there goes your tax money!


Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on Wednesday announced that his country would give Ukraine a further €6.5 billion ($7 billion) in military aid spread over three years to ward off Russia's invasion.

"This support will help fund long term donations of additional military materiel and the purchasing of new materiel for direct supply from the defence sector to Ukraine," Kristersson said addressing Ukrainians as he announced the aid package in Stockholm.

"Ukraine's cause is Sweden's cause," he added in a video shared on social media platform X.

Since the start of the Russian invasion over two years ago, Sweden has already put together 15 packages of military aid for Ukraine, Kristersson said. The new defence aid is to be spread over the years 2024 to 2026.
Sun May 26 10:21:15
It is a misstake. It won’t help Ukraine to win.

It is also amazing how the right-wing government are just throwing out money, grants, to foreigners. Refugees, migrants, and foreigners abroad gets all the moneys, but the Swedes themselves gets nothing because that would be socialism.
Tue May 28 08:42:49

Biden threatens to bomb Ukraine if Russia nukes Ukraine.


large member
Tue May 28 10:50:32
Ukraine may want to stop attacking Russian nuclear installations to avoid being bombed by the US then.
Tue May 28 11:24:44

What fun is that?

Tue May 28 12:01:02
Biden's policies have mostly been pretty good tit-for-tat. Maintaining deterrence with legitimate acts that also don't escalate.

Trump would've unilaterally withdrawn or claimed he already won and Putin promised him peace and then lie and exaggerate when Russia pushes up to Europe's door step.
Tue May 28 13:19:51
Biden threatens to committ suicide if Russia nukes Ukraine.

Fixed it.
Tue May 28 13:43:18

Biden's policies have been garbage. He's chickenshit. He allowed Russia to wreck Ukraine while tying Ukraine's hands behind its back.

large member
Tue May 28 14:21:52
Ah yes, the stab in the back theory. Been a century since the last time, so timely.

Ukraine was never going to win this unless Russian frontline moral collapsed. Never. What was Ukraine thinking?
Tue May 28 14:38:29

How could they? They were facing the mighty Russian military and their best in class weapon systems.

Tue May 28 15:38:04
Shovels and washing machines.
Tue May 28 15:48:38
I’m posting this there because it’s related to Ukraine.

the Germans are moving inch by inch, intellectually, mentally and strategically in the direction of Russia. We are going to see a definitive break between the United States and Berlin the months ahead, because that's the only way Germany can recover economically and hold its society and population together.


Tue May 28 15:49:08
*here, not there
Tue May 28 16:57:18

Macgregor has been wish casting from day 1.

Fri May 31 08:00:22
Some update on Ukraine.

Zelenskyj’s term ended like a week ago and since Ukraine has not hold a general election, Ukraine currently has no president. If Zelenskyj is still pretending to be the president then he is an illegitimate president.

Ukraine has also started to mine their border to Romania to prevent Ukrainians from fleeing Ukraine to avoid military service.

Ukraine is still winning though.

Other news. 12 countries has signed a security pact with Ukraine, and the USA is also expected to sign some kind of pact with Ukraine soon. But since Zelenskyj is not a legitimate president of Ukraine anymore and nor is his government legitimate anylonger, who in Ukraine is gonna sign the pact?
Fri May 31 08:39:46
Paramount, care to explain? It is most likely that the planes will be operated by Swedish personal. How will you protest against your government, what are you plans? You better give a good answer!


Sweden has detailed a plan to donate its in-service airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) assets to Ukraine, and to expand its own replacement fleet of Saab GlobalEye aircraft.

On 29 May, Stockholm announced a new round of assistance for Kyiv valued at SKr13.3 billion ($1.2 billion) – its “largest military support package to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion began”.

“The support package will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890), which will provide Ukraine with a completely new capability against both airborne and maritime targets,” the Swedish defence ministry says.

“Ukraine’s capability to identify and engage targets at long range will be strengthened,” it adds.

In addition to transferring its Saab Erieye radar-equipped Saab 340, Sweden also will provide Kyiv with “training, technical equipment and methodological support for air surveillance and command and control”.

“Sweden’s support will contribute to strengthening Ukraine’s joint military capability,” the defence ministry adds.

The Swedish air force’s ASC 390 system totals two of the modified twin-turboprops. The service has previously said that the type’s Erieye radar has a detection range of more than 243nm (450km) while operating airborne threats, and 173nm for surface ships.
Fri May 31 09:19:53
Sweden only have two AWAC’s. I doubt that the Swedish government will give them away to Ukraine. Although anything is possible with the current Swedish government since they sold out the country and our independence to the mafia in Washington.

More likely (than giving them to Ukraine) is that they will be operated by Swedes in NATO airspace, and likely not in Ukrainian airspace where they would be fairly easy targets for Russia to shoot down.
Fri May 31 09:57:21
You have not answered my question: what are YOU doing to protest against your government? What are YOU doing to overthrow it?
Fri May 31 11:58:53
I’m sending dick picks and angry tweets to members of the government. Just kidding.

I’m gonna use my vote. But the alternatives are not many anymore. I have excluded all of the current governing parties and almost all of the opposition parties.

We need new leaders and new thinking throughout Europe. Europe must free itself from the American mafia rule.

I may have to start my own movement and convince people to vote for my freedom and justice party. I think I can use AI to aid me.
Fri May 31 12:02:20
Another alternative is to move to the future. To China.
Sat Jun 01 16:11:58
China has officially announced that the Chinese army is ready to stand with the Russian army to defend justice in the world.

Sat Jun 01 16:16:07
woot woot! That is da sound of da police!

Maybe the world will finally see justice.
Sat Jun 01 16:19:53
Paramount, do you want Russia or China to invade Sweden?
Sat Jun 01 16:23:12
Why would they want to invade Sweden?
Sun Jun 02 01:56:19
Because Sweden is helping Ukraine and that deserves punishment.

Because Russia needs more territory. Once Russia has conquered all of Europe we can start full communism.
Mon Jun 03 14:08:17

"China has officially announced that the Chinese army is ready to stand with the Russian army to defend justice in the world."

China is waiting for the right time to invade Russia.

Tue Jun 04 05:29:28
Lots of Himars hits on Russian territory in the last few days. Americans: prepare for asymmetric retaliation!!!
large member
Tue Jun 04 06:08:07
By assymetric you mean FABs and massive artillery and missile dominance? Munition use is measured in millions of metric tons, not low 100ds of Himars.
Tue Jun 04 10:28:11


Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Russia's response could be “asymmetrical.”

“This is not the first time that the regime in Kyiv has tried to disrupt the normal functioning of important parts of our military organization, in particular those related to the strategic sphere. These intentions will be stopped by us. Responses may be asymmetrical,” Ryabkov said.

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister also said that the United States, which supports Ukraine and allowed to attack some objects on Russian territory with its weapons, could face “fatal consequences” from Russia.

“As for the US position, it is the most irresponsible. I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For some unknown reason, they are underestimating the seriousness of the response they may receive,” Ryabkov warned.
Tue Jun 04 11:41:22

Actually our leaders are massively overestimating the risks.

Wed Jun 05 19:59:53

Ukraine frustrated with US over F-16 pilot training

Kyiv is increasingly frustrated by the limited training pipeline. The U.S. says it has other customers.

Ukrainian officials are pressing the U.S. and other countries to ramp up their F-16 pilot training, saying the current pipeline isn’t producing enough aviators to fly the jets that will be soon donated to Kyiv.

Ukraine says it has 30 pilots who are eligible to start training in the U.S. immediately. Yet the Biden administration has told Kyiv it lacks the school seats in its Arizona-based program to accept more than 12 pilot trainees at a time, according to three people with direct knowledge of the request. Two other facilities in Denmark and Romania have a similar issue with available training spots.

It’s the latest hurdle in the drawn-out effort to get modern F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Kyiv began pushing for the aircraft in the months following Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, but was repeatedly rebuffed by the Biden administration. In May 2023, President Joe Biden greenlit other countries’ requests to send their F-16s, but logistical challenges repeatedly delayed the training. Further complicating the effort, it took months for Western countries to agree to send their own aircraft to Ukraine.

Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium plan to ship more than 60 U.S.-made F-16 jets to Kyiv this summer. Ukrainians argue that the ability to fly more F-16s will help Kyiv push back Russian forces from the frontlines in places such as Kharkiv, where Moscow has advanced in recent weeks. Yet the U.S. has said it does not expect the jets to be a game-changer on the battlefield.

This story is based on interviews with eight former and current U.S., Ukrainian and European officials and lawmakers, many of whom were granted anonymity to speak about sensitive diplomatic conversations.

In a series of meetings and calls over the last several weeks, Ukraine has officially requested the U.S. train the additional pilots at Morris Air National Guard base in Tucson, Arizona. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill, including Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) and Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the leaders of the House Intelligence Committee, have also pressed the administration to approve the additional training. The pair, along with several other lawmakers, wrote the Pentagon a letter last month asking the administration to prioritize the issue.

But the U.S. has told the Ukrainian military that in addition to limited space, other countries are in line for F-16 training at the base and that it cannot break its commitments to those nations.

“We understand they don’t want to break those contracts, but they could move their American pilots to a different base for training,” said Sasha Ustinova, a Ukrainian lawmaker who has advocated for the training.

The National Guard is planning to train 12 Ukrainian pilots total by the end of September at the Tucson location, according to Air Force spokesperson Laurel Falls. Aside from Arizona, the training facility in Denmark also has limited space and is preparing to shutter in November. A third program, which is located in Romania and will be run by contractors, is not yet up and running.

Read the rest here ... http://www...e-f-16-pilot-training-00161742
Wed Jun 05 20:05:51

If only we'd had years to prepare for this eventuality.

Once again the Biden administration is doing everything it can to frustrate Ukraine's ability to push the Russians back across their border while pretending that he's trying to help.

Thu Jun 06 03:45:32
They have enough pilots. We will shoot down the F-16 after very short time, maybe even on their first flight. And many F-16 will be used as a supply of spare parts for the other F-16 anyway. I don't think that they need more than 10 F-16 pilots and zero after the first year.

They should start Gripen pilot training now, I'm sure that gay Sweden will deliver them next and Paramount is doing NOTHING against that, he is no longer a comrade. How does he think he can earn his Russian passport that way? Now way.
large member
Thu Jun 06 04:13:06
Bad Troll. Stop getting your facts right.

The Gripen would factually be way better. It is designed to use improvised runways.

The F-16s will do a good job with what it is tasked with. It will not be tasked with gaining air parity within Russia's air defence access denial zone.
Thu Jun 06 06:04:28
I'm no troll. I wrote here before about other useless weapon deliveries and I was always right.

What have the American and German tanks changed in Ukraine? NOTHING! We used them for target practice and now most of them are destroyed or disabled.

Isn't it interesting that the greatest Ukrainian success comes from self developed weapons? We have to admit that the Ukraine did drive out the Russian marine from huge parts of the black sea. And they did it with weapons like the Neptune missile and drone boats.

The West should try to buy some Shahed drones for the Ukraine^^
Tue Jun 11 01:47:48
The Ukraine did NOT shoot it down. This is Ukrainian Nazi propaganda.
Other Ukrainians honestly admit that it crashed on its own!


Russia media report that a Su-34 fighter jet crashed in the mountainous area of ​​North Ossetia due to a technical malfunction. The crew members did not survive.
Tue Jun 11 10:21:15

That's actually worse.

Tue Jun 11 17:34:29
Russia needs to start to consider to donate hypersonic missiles to the Houthis and send instructors who can train the Houthis and provide them with the targeting data of US aircraft carriers and other warships outside of Yemen’s coast. The Houthis has the right to defend themselves.

And China needs to stop selling their cheap drones to Ukraine. China and Russia are supposed to be bros. Does China really want Nato to win?
Tue Jun 11 17:44:55
Why doesn’t Britain donate its Harriers to Ukraine? They can start and land vertically.
Tue Jun 11 22:11:15
Forevor war....called it from day 1.
large member
Tue Jun 11 22:17:33
Not a forever war sadly. It is about half over.
Wed Jun 12 06:38:57

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