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Utopia Talk / Politics / Why I support Trump over Biden, p1
Sat Mar 09 08:54:11
Because Trump is not the leader of a party that pushes absolutely insane shit like this.


Reparations: A Financially Unrealistic Proposal That Will Bankrupt California

Wayne Winegarden
February 2024

With the introduction of its first set of reparations bills, the California legislature is officially considering the recommendations of the California Reparations Report from the state Reparations Task Force.1 Given these introductions, it is imperative to understand the financial implications. Some basic arithmetic demonstrates that the idea of reparations is fiscally unrealistic.

According to the U.S. Census,2 there are 2.5 million “black or African Americans” currently living in California. CalMatters estimates that 80 percent of the current black or African American residents would be eligible for reparations.3 Further, based on the California Reparations Report, CalMatters estimates that reparations should pay $1,381,198 to each eligible person, which does not even include estimates for the unjust property taking issues that the Commission could not estimate due to data constraints.4 Paying 2 million people $1.4 million each creates a $2.8 trillion reparations bill.

This dollar figure is approximately 72 percent of the state’s entire economy, so presumably the Legislature would not consider paying this sum in one year. Assuming the state takes 30 years to pay out the reparations, and ignoring inflation and the time value of money, the annual state cost would be $93.3 billion. However, the value of $93.3 billion paid over 30 years is less than the value of 2.0 million people getting $1.4 million today. To ensure that the value of reparations over 30 years equals the value of receiving $1.4 million today, the annual cost would be $182.0 billion.

To put these excessive sums in perspective, Governor Newsom’s total recommended state expenditures for the 2024-25 budget are $291.5 billion. Reparations would either expand total spending by between 32.0 percent and 62.5 percent (an unprecedented expansion of state government) or require a radical reduction in all other expenditures.

Sat Mar 09 08:56:24
THIS sort of thing is what matters to me. Things like this that could significantly impact my life and the financial health of me and my community.

Don't even try to argue that I should vote for the party that pushes this stuff because Trump had some documents lying around in his house.
Sat Mar 09 09:59:27
In other words you only care about money to the exclusion of everything else.
large member
Sat Mar 09 10:05:56
You are fine with the 34 trillion federal debt however and tax cuts that will speed debt accumulation? Something that actually matters to non-californians?


This could actually be affordable with some tweaks. Years of residency in California as an adult. Payable only to adults Cut off date 2020 to ensure people do not move to california and than young people do not age into the programme Payable as a pension.

15000 dollars a year* 1.5 million qualifying residents. 22.5 billion a year trending towards zero over the next 50 years.

large member
Sat Mar 09 10:08:06
About 1/3rd of what each californian's portion of what the supplemental for Ukraine is supposed to be.
Sat Mar 09 11:23:27

"Because Trump is not the leader of a party that pushes absolutely insane shit like this."

Yeah, whatever followed is surely more insane than trying to overthrow the government and replace it with a white nationalist theocratic dictatorship.

the wanderer
Sat Mar 09 13:38:55
i support literally anyone over Trump as Trump is unfit to make decisions (he doesn't go by knowledge of the issue, as one would expect from anyone at all)... & Trump has no respect for the law... & many many other reasons
Sat Mar 09 18:31:01
I'm a firm believer that the only "reparations" that would actually change the lives and long-term culture of people from generational oppression is higher education.

A public policy that provided career building education to suppressed populations for 2-3 generations would indeed change those populations at cultural level.
Sat Mar 09 18:32:21
"You are fine with the 34 trillion federal debt however and tax cuts that will speed debt accumulation?"

I'll answer for Rugian because some members over the years have been capable of reading and accurately interpreting others stances, unlike unnamed retards.

No. Excessive federal spending has been ardently advocated against here since we were teenagers, when the debt was still south of 20 trillion. Tax cuts must be met with spending cuts, instead of waiting on forecasted revenue growth, which may or may not realistically pan out.
Sat Mar 09 18:33:03
Just giving them a bunch of cash for a while won't change much long term. Just increase their consumption of goods while it lasts.

But there is no way I'd vote for Grandpa Trump over Grandpa Biden because of this topic.
large member
Sat Mar 09 19:43:46
Yah, that is why I would definitely go with a monthly stripend. Education tends to follow lifting people up to the middle class.

Fair enough. But. Well, you know what that means.
Sat Mar 09 20:52:52

"A public policy that provided career building education to suppressed populations for 2-3 generations would indeed change those populations at cultural level."

Or better yet we could make higher education free to anyone studying something useful to society ... because society would benefit from it.

Radical, huh?
Sun Mar 10 10:26:01
Rugina spent so many words repeating falsehoods and making logical jumps when he could have simply said,

“I’m voting for Trump because I’m a good little cuck.”
Cherub Cow
Sun Mar 10 11:49:36
A good alternative to reparations is sending them all to Liberia. They can even keep all the bikes they stole. They'll be kings "again".

[patom (deluded boomer truther)]: "In other words you only care about money to the exclusion of everything else."

This is like that Regime propaganda gas-lighting line we had to hear during the pandemic about how DNC–BLM Insurrectionists were free to riot because COVID magically doesn't affect people acting in accordance with the Regime's political ideology. Boomer truthers such as patom would tell us that money is not object if it is used to destroy society.

It's pretty clear that sycophants such as tumbletard would have to be actively retarded or violently malicious to simply vote "against" Trump. We also know that he is plainly lying when he says that he would vote for another GOP candidate if it were not Trump. He has never expressed anything but Regime talking points and has fallen for all of the Regime's other scapegoating tactics as well; He would vote "against" MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, McCarthy, DeSantis, Lake, and anyone else that the Regime told him was "MAGA" or "Trumplike". So his feigning of centrism is transparent deception.

It's pretty simple: evil destroyers such as tumblefag would advocate for voting "against" Trump to hide the fact that they are actively voting *for* totalitarian psychopaths and their puppets (e.g., voting for Biden). They want these United States to bankrupt itself bribing client groups with "reparations", or with welfare, or with promises of student-loan debt relief, or with "Dreamers" being granted citizenship, or a hundred other transparent ways to get useful idiots to ignore that DNC policies are causing the destruction of the West.

There is no contest. The DNC is actively trying to destroy these United States, and those suffering from TDS are merely showing us that they actively agree with the destruction of the West. Tumblefag has no good reason to vote for Biden because he is acting in accordance with the Regime's induced resentment-state. No policy that Biden or the DNC offers includes any vision for society except its destruction.
Sun Mar 10 14:54:37

"A good alternative to reparations is sending them all to Liberia. They can even keep all the bikes they stole. They'll be kings "again"."

Not racist at all.

Sun Mar 10 22:06:02
Cherub Cow is basically this forums Roseanne. Only Roseanne was at one time funny and successful and has the excuse of brain damage.
Cherub Cow
Sun Mar 10 22:55:41
Keep projecting, Dukhat.

[murder]: "Not racist at all."

Coming from you that is completely worthless. Your framing is worthless as you are worthless.
Mon Mar 11 06:08:32
Okay some, uh, interesting responses in this thread.

Patom, whose entire MO is to engorge himself on the fruits of a Social Security fund that was never built to be able to sustain the check sizes that it's now forced to hand out to him, is accusing me of having political views based on pecuniary interests. Lol okay

(As if opposing an insane $2.8 TRILLION spending package is suddenly a bad thing)


Jergul continues to display his absolute ignorance of the US on multiple levels...

1) CA politics are extremely influential on the the national Democratic Party and shape what they try to pass in DC.

2) Paying blacks reparations when CA never had legal slavery in the first place is absolutely insane, especially when there are other groups (in Asians) who have arguably suffered worse conditions in that state in the past.

3) He thinks that I have no problem with our current national debt, as if I haven't spent literally decades on this board complaining about it.


I believe that murder believes all of the insane shit he spouts.


Hrothgar at least has some productive comments but his conclusions are all wrong. The problem is fundamentally one of culture, not economics. You want to raise a family to sit comfortably in the middle class? Okay, a two-parent nuclear family that instills the right value in their children and keeps them on the straight and narrow is, by far, the best way to do that over the long term.

Higher education doesn't do shit. Getting a four-year degree in gender-queer theory isn't going to be the difference between poverty and affluence.

But I really have to disagree with the idea that you should still vote Biden over Trump despite the fact that his party is pulling shit that would literally bankrupt the US and turn white people into second-class citizens, because that's somehow still better than incoherent tweets and offensive ramblings from the orange man.

I mean, have some sense of perspective here.


And finally, Dukhat is his usual waste of oxygen.


Oh, actually of course we have tumbleweed, who pretends not to be a leftist, just an "objective" person who hates Trump purely on personality grounds, but is curiously never critical about all of the insane shit the Democrats try to pull, including the OP. Hmm.
large member
Mon Mar 11 06:22:10
Ah yes, the domino theory. Irrelevant to a state level discussion sadly. Also, what Californian state democrats do is irrelevant to the executive office in particular.

Reparations is for post civil war harm done. You really should have checked out what the underlying premise is. Lest someone claim you are ignorant.

Debt accumulation is something the presidental choice can actually influence. Trump's record there is horrible. So, you may care, but you do not care enough about the debt to let it influence what presidental candidate you will be voting for.

Mon Mar 11 06:48:17

"I believe that murder believes all of the insane shit he spouts."

So self-evidently good policy is insane.

Mon Mar 11 06:52:34

"But I really have to disagree with the idea that you should still vote Biden over Trump despite the fact that his party is pulling shit that would literally bankrupt the US and turn white people into second-class citizens, because that's somehow still better than incoherent tweets and offensive ramblings from the orange man."

And the dictatorship. You forgot the dictatorship.

But you didn't really forget, did you?

Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 11 07:50:58
[Rugian]: "Jergul continues to display his absolute ignorance of the US on multiple levels..."

sebgul's ignorance has never stopped him before, it certainly will not stop him now.

[Rugian]: "tumbleweed, ... is curiously never critical about all of the insane shit the Democrats try to pull, including the OP. Hmm."

Yup. Ask him if he'd vote for Kari Lake. It's just Trump that bothers him, right? (Get ready for his definition of "Trump" to suddenly expand.)

[murder]: "So self-evidently good policy is insane."

murder calls the enfranchisement of criminals (i.e., "[making illegal aliens citizens]") "self-evidently good policy". His judgment cannot be trusted anymore than an arsonist's as the arsonist holds a match over a trail of gasoline.

These leftists are emphatically working towards the cause of the West's annihilation. They cannot even hide it. Their words are poison.
Mon Mar 11 11:40:39
Rugian is a prime example of a Trump MAGA. Doesn't want to pay what contributors to SS have coming to them. Hell boy I worked more years than you have been on earth.
Mon Mar 11 14:20:18

"murder calls the enfranchisement of criminals (i.e., "[making illegal aliens citizens]") "self-evidently good policy"."

Maybe read it again.

Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 11 16:44:20
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Maybe read it again."

I did, and my comment still makes sense. I'll explain it to you in steps, since you're too retarded to understand paragraphs:

1) Rugian says this:
[Rugian]: "I believe that murder believes all of the insane shit he spouts."
I.e., the net here is cast to "all" of murder's insane posts.

2) One of the insane things that murder believes is this:
[murder (left-wing dogma bot; death cultist)]: "then lets stop the "invasion" at our southern border by increasing the number of work visas to meet the demand for them."
I.e., murder believes that making illegal activities legal is the solution to criminal activities.

3) Murder responds to "1)" with this:
[murder]: "So self-evidently good policy is insane."
I.e., murder believes that "all" of his insane posts are merely "self-evidently good policy".

4) Hence, "murder calls the enfranchisement of criminals (i.e., "[making illegal aliens citizens]") "self-evidently good policy"."
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