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Utopia Talk / Politics / NH primary
the wanderer
Tue Jan 23 00:32:56
Nikki Haley has won all 6 votes in Dixville Notch

Tue Jan 23 14:17:24

It's over tumbleweed. There's nothing standing between Donald Trump and the White House now but Joe Biden and a possible heart attack.

I'm not sure Nikki Haley will make it to South Carolina.

Tue Jan 23 18:30:23
Haley is backed by the Koch Brothers so she probably isn't going to be running out of money anytime soon so long as she makes reasonable showings which she may do in NH. But trump is going to win. So the question left is how long does Haley want to stay in the race and potentially ruin any political future she has because taking it to the convention is a vain and selfish bid to somehow steal the election there isn't going to be seen as a good thing by anyone... except tw.
Tue Jan 23 19:01:36

Trump is already the projected winner.

the wanderer
Tue Jan 23 19:08:06
any informed & sane person will hope that anyone but Trump is chosen at the convention
Tue Jan 23 19:30:20
Looks like the MSM has learned zero lessons about calling races early.
Tue Jan 23 19:40:31

I am neither informed nor sane. We need Trump to win the Republican nomination.

Joe Biden wouldn't beat anyone else.

Tue Jan 23 19:41:01

"Looks like the MSM has learned zero lessons about calling races early."

What lesson? Trump won.

Tue Jan 23 21:08:03
Vivek and DeSantis could drop out knowing their better chance is 2028. Haley is staying in because no matter how long a shot it is this is the only shot she has.
She knows. That is why she started playing the I'm a victim of sexism card so heavy.
At this point she is like the Black Night in Holy Grail bouncing around on one leg shouting I'm invincible. It is all she has.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 24 04:06:25
She's hoping for a Trump a55a55ination by her new donor-friends in the military industrial complex.

And any informed and sane person knows that tw is a traitor to these United States and should be forever denied the franchise for his terrible errors and alliance with totalitarianism.
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 24 16:02:27
Mark Dice recap shows that despite coping leftists and commies saying that they’d prefer a Trump v. Biden election that New Hampshire Democrats were trying to “fortify” the primaries by infiltrating and voting for Nimarata Randhawa:
This is exactly why the totalitarian uni-party keeps pushing for open primaries: they want to pick their candidates *and* pick who they want to run against. This is what “choice” means to totalitarian psychopaths.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 16:26:11
the only way Haley would have a harder time against Biden than Trump is if Trump didn't tell his cult to support her (which he probably wouldn't... though that's one more mega reason that 'party' needs to dump the selfish toxic garbage)

Dems supporting Haley over Trump isn't to make it easier for Biden, it's to not play chicken w/ disaster

we already have proof Trump drives mega hate-Trump voting, hence why Biden got 15 million more votes than Obama, that IS the reason... a completely reasonable & believable reason... Trump is god-awful... (but of course the fucking idiot cult believes Dems managed to cast 15+ million fraud votes without a trace)
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 16:41:59
there's a slim chance Trump will be a convicted felon by the convention (for the felonies he definitely committed... he doesn't even deny, just says he was allowed to do all of it, which no Faux/GOPer repeats as its so clearly false)

so there's clear reason for Haley to stay in

and even though a conviction on clear crimes will just make his cult even more psychotically loyal & fanatical, his loyal cult is only 30-40% of the R 'party' which is only ~25%-30% of the population
Wed Jan 24 16:44:45
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 16:46:07
actually to the prior point, he's just basically saying it:

Trump counterfeit tweet:
"Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley can NEVER win in the General Election because she will NEVER get MAGA!"

so congrats cult/party, he's now your dictator whether you like it or not... he will burn you to the ground if you don't accept him as your overlord

(as he also celebrated in this other counterfeit tweet today:
"I have now beaten the once very popular sitting Governor of Iowa, and the once fairly popular sitting Governor of New Hampshire - and now BOTH are extremely unpopular within their States, and within the Republican Party!")
Wed Jan 24 17:02:42
Nicki would never win against biden because she has too many liabilities and is literally the typical moderate republican that doesn't get voters turnout. It's like the people claiming McCain could be Obama. No. Moderate Republicans do not win the presidency.
Wed Jan 24 17:15:55
Tumbleweed doesn't want a moderate Republican who can win. He wants a moderate Republican who knows how to honorably lose to the Democrats, taking solace in the knowledge that his opponent was more qualified for the office anyway. The winning Democrat in turn will, as the magnanimous victor, recognize the good character of his loser opponent and publicly laud him for his decency and love of country. Both sides can feel warm and fuzzy as the Democrats gain another four year term in office.

(Aka The West Wing fantasy)

Sorry tumbleweed, but real life Republicans aren't interested in playing the Vinick to your Matt Santos. We want to win, and we intend to do so with candidates that will uphold what we believe in.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 18:06:57
"we intend to do so with candidates that will uphold what we believe in"


R's once cared about fiscal responsibility... R's once cared about fixing social security... R's once didn't like Russia... R's once thought mishandling classified info mattered... no more

& what i want is a remotely fit candidate for office... do you actually not notice his toddler idiocy & -constant- lies? are you just hoping he puts adults in place again to do the things you want to happen & who will keep his craziness in check?
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 18:15:14
add 'free trade' to that list... prob numerous other things (just off top of my head)

also, lets recall one of many many obvious examples of his unfitness: how the dumb fucking idiot railed against NATO funding w/o ever learning how it worked... the dumb fucking idiot complained we spend too much on NATO compared to others (funding is % of GDP going to military)... while also always wanting to raise military funding... (IDIOCY) ... & i'll bet he can go another 4 years as 'president' w/o learning that simple shit

the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 19:07:02
and consider Trump's effect on 2018, 2020, & 2022 elections...

was it considered good? (by anyone except him)

yes, Haley/ANYONE is a better choice than Trump
Wed Jan 24 19:32:27

"Sorry tumbleweed, but real life Republicans aren't interested in playing the Vinick to your Matt Santos."

Rugian admitting that even he watched The West Wing as an escape from the Bush years. :o)

Wed Jan 24 19:33:53

"yes, Haley/ANYONE is a better choice than Trump"

Quit trying to help Republicans.

the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 21:37:01
not much chance of the cult noticing anything bad about Trump

Kayleigh McEnany merely noted the significant # of -R- voters who say they won't vote for Trump & how he should try to be more unifying & here's the toddler's response:

I don’t need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox. Just had a GIANT VICTORY over a badly failing candidate, “Birdbrain,” and she’s telling me what I can do better. Save your advice for Nikki!
the wanderer
Wed Jan 24 22:25:13
i may need an assistant to monitor Trump's fucked up comments... i missed this cult threat at the bottom of a rant:

...Anybody that makes a “Contribution” to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!

so good for the party...
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 25 04:38:11
[Rugian]: "Sorry tumbleweed, but real life Republicans aren't interested in playing the Vinick to your Matt Santos. We want to win, and we intend to do so with candidates that will uphold what we believe in."

Fuck yeah.

This "is the candidate electable?" bullshit is bullshit. Cultist faggots like tw shouldn't get what they want. They should get hammered and destroyed. I want a candidate who wants to deport piece of shit cultists like tw to some Global South sewer. Cultists such as tw have proven to be totalitarian sycophants with no conscience, no reason, and no willingness to consider that they are wildly wrong, so the candidate most likely to purge these Bolshevik scum has my vote. I want retribution so deep that these fuckers spend their twilight years pleading with machete-wielding psychos and throwing their wallets at thieves wearing biker helmets. If they have children, I want them to have to explain to them that they all kwashiorkor, live in mud huts, and can never return to the West because they spent their time in the West undermining its values and acting with nothing but resentment towards its traditions. I want leftists to fear tomorrow.

And this time, the DNC doesn't have a Chinese virus to justify all the commies defrauding the ballots. They'll need no less than a55a55inations and WWIII to not get caught. If you thought 74 million legitimate voters was a lot, I hope you like Trump's third term, the sequel, part 2, Electric Boogaloo, the Secret of the Ooze, the Expulsion of the Bolsheviks, the Great Deportation.
Thu Jan 25 07:01:41

Oh, I would encourage all conservatives to watch The West Wing.

Sure, it's a liberal circlejerk taking place in a fantasy world where "owning the cons" is as easy as reciting a few snappy one-liners that Aaron Sorkin thought up while sitting on the toilet. But it also provides a valuable insight into what the left considers to be an "honorable" Republican opposition.

Basically your ideal candidate is someone who:

-Agrees with the Democrats on 50% of the issues

-Secretly hates his right-wing base

-Willingly throws away any campaign advantages he may have had in the interest of fighting "fair"

Basically they someone who is only conservative in the sense that they want to give tax cuts to billionaires and bomb random countries (sound familiar?) but is otherwise so comfortable with the Democrats that he'd be willing to serve in a Democratic administration.

It's a lovely thought if you're on the left side of the political aisle, but for someone on the right this fictional world is absolutely hilarious.
Thu Jan 25 07:05:14
And of course, the flip side to that is that a "dishonorable" Republican is one who is actually conservative and plays to win. The "bad" Republicans in the show are the ones who actually try to keep the Bartlett administration in check and curb his liberal excesses.
Thu Jan 25 16:23:43

The Barlett admin would have a hard time understanding the current liberal agenda and would end up being moderate Republicans.
Thu Jan 25 16:34:47
And as insane as CC sounds. She is right. The left should be terrified of the future. If trump doesn't win, everyone on the right will know they were cheated again. If trump does win, retribution is coming and the best thing they can do for themselves is to move. We are done with cultural Marxism.
Thu Jan 25 16:38:01

Nah, we can trade you for immigrant labor. We'll be fine.

Thu Jan 25 17:11:44
To be honest, ai is gonna replace my industry job. Ironically the coaching job is gonna be the most irreplaceable job because it requires understanding and experience that immigrants and computers will never have.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 17:41:51
"If trump doesn't win, everyone on the right will know they were cheated again."

please explain how they'll "know" that...

it is 100% clear even a notable segment of your own 'party' can't stand Trump... (for obvious reasons to those not in the haze that infects you)
Thu Jan 25 17:47:32
Giving liberals a month to send in their mail in ballots is inherently cheating. You either take time to vote on election day or you don't vote. Period.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 18:02:23
only liberals can mail ballots?

also... you don't need to find a single instance of mass fraud in a single state to determine it occurred broadly around the country?

seek help
Thu Jan 25 18:40:02
Do you remember election night 2020?

In person voting was dramatically in favor of Republicans. Some how mail in is something democrats love to do. I wonder why.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 19:18:19
yes, and i remember for months Trump telling his cultists not to use mail (to the dismay of adults in the GOP) including making up total fucking lies such as ballots were not being delivered in red areas

plus obviously there was a major difference in how concerning each side found covid exposure

so you're establishing mass voter fraud out of exactly nothing... go take your 'evidence' to court, see how well it does

can you even explain how it was done? (Trump sure as fuck never did... except making up that 1000s of dead/out of state/underage voters w/ zero evidence of any)... you have to be a registered voter to cast a vote (yes, even by mail)... what was the source of these millions of fake registered voters & how were they completely undetectable even under heavy scrutiny including a cult-led audit?
Thu Jan 25 19:25:35
"Yes, I remember trump told his supporters to vote in person in case of mail in ballot fraud" - tw ironically making trump sound like nostradamus
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 21:51:39
yep... Trump claimed mass fraud/rigging was occurring (even before votes cast), just like he claimed in the 2018 midterms, just like he claimed in the 2016 general election, just like he claimed in the 2016 primaries (thus nothing to do with covid changes)... and he continued to say so after... thus he was right!!!!!!! (despite being demonstrated zero times in all those elections)

are you brain damaged?

Thu Jan 25 22:06:51
Do you think it is easy or difficult to fraudulently use a mail in ballot?
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 22:53:25
voter fraud is easy in person too, just change hats

mass voter fraud requires mass #'s of -registered- voters (you can't just drop 100s of ballots in a dropbox)... why can't you find the fake voters? a months long audit by the cult turned up none

voter rolls have been scoured by cultists & cult media and no one finding the thousands/millions of fraud voters that Trump merely claimed out of thin air (why was that acceptable again????)
Thu Jan 25 23:21:32
changing hats wouldn't work if we required a proper ID. Glad to see we are on the same page here. Time to get all states onboard with requiring ID.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 25 23:32:31
changing hats never worked as you have to be a fucking unique registered voter each time (as well as not be recognized)...

just one of the fucking idiotic claims the fucking idiot & -completely obvious- liar used back before he was gifted w/ mail in ballots to switch his made-up claims to
Fri Jan 26 01:58:31
This is hilarious and its why people like tw will be lucky to be given an exiled life in Mexico or Canada. In person voting, even in so cal where I live, requires you to show an id just to confirm you are who you say you are. Mail in ballots require nothing. And I wonder why the democrats don't want any of that.

Like that quasi nazi cc says. Let's just scrub you away. What use are you?
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 04:52:55
[obaminated]: "This is hilarious and its why people like tw will be lucky to be given an exiled life in Mexico or Canada."

Every time tw has a meltdown I am further convinced how absolutely essential it is to forever disenfranchise people like him. He will lie for sport and pretend "no evidence" exists in a massive smokescreen, whereas his only real action — beyond the smoke screen — is his support for a totalitarian state. If his only consistent principle is the destruction of the West to appease his death cult, then he is an enemy of the West and should be treated as such. Many such cases.
Fri Jan 26 08:19:57

"yes, and i remember for months Trump telling his cultists not to use mail (to the dismay of adults in the GOP) including making up total fucking lies such as ballots were not being delivered in red areas"

I remember Trump telling MAGAts to vote multiple times.

But not to commit fraud of course ... just to make sure. ;o)

the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 11:33:27
yep 'vote in person even if you voted by mail to make sure it counts!' ~Trump

...one of hundreds of an inexcusable indefensible things he has said, the state he was in had a method to check if your vote was received online (same as my state, probably most if not all)

& he'll do it again

there is zero evidence D's are fraud voting more than R's, and almost certainly R's are doing it more as Trump encourages it by that comment + just by claiming it's so easy + by the 'if they're doing it, i better do it too' mentality that definitely exists as that's what fraudulent voters for Trump have claimed + those who surround him are criminal-minded just like him


also, you've failed to explain:

"If trump doesn't win, everyone on the right will know they were cheated again."

but we all know that will be the view of every magat cultist & Trump will -obviously- also claim it & stoke the anger (one of the hundreds of an inexcusable indefensible things about him making him an unfit candidate)
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 26 15:55:16
“Zero evidence”

Get fucked, you fucking liar and traitor and cultist. *You* are the evidence. Imagine millions of cowards such as yourself placed in power across the nation and just guess how they’d behave. I realize that you will tell any lie and subvert and destroy in any way you can to make sure that these Unites States are left in ruins since you are in a death cult. I am merely here to make sure that if you drink your Flavor Aid that you do not take anyone else with you. Leftists always want to die with the world instead of facing oblivion alone since they fear their eternal cowardice and the thousand deaths that their cowardice brought them while living. Perhaps if you’d been a better person and not embodied political poison you might instead have made choices that you would have the will to make a thousand times again, but your cult’s celebration of annihilation as evidenced a thousand times by their open want to destroy everything upon which the West was founded shows only your perpetual evasion of the consequences of your unearned authority. You should never know power again.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 26 16:19:52
was that tirade at Trump? it fits... certainly way better than at me...

i am certain i am not evidence D's fraud vote more than R's.... (a mind-boggling assertion by you)

i also have not lied at all about Trump or anything & you won't be able to prove otherwise

but obviously you are insane, so no real point to continue
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 28 01:45:02
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "was that tirade at [me]? it fits... certainly way better than at [Trump]..."


[tw (TDS Bot)]: "i am certain i am not evidence D's fraud vote more than R's.... (a mind-boggling assertion by you)"

You are indeed evidence.
I have said this many times: the DNC's remaining dogmatic supporters are by definition immoral actors. Immoral actors are far more likely to cheat than moral ones.

Which party is the party of criminals and destroyers?
The DNC.
Or do you pretend that the DNC does not actively champion criminals such as Trayvon Martin and George Floyd while punishing law-abiding counter-terrorists such as Daniel Penny and Kyle Rittenhouse?

As a reminder, this list should be familiar to you, since these are the polices of the global totalitarian Regime, whose U.S. chapter exists most cohesively in the DNC:
• limit, control, and abolish the First Amendment / free speech,
• abolish the Second Amendment,
• abolish the Electoral College,
• abolish the Senate,
• Pack the Supreme Court and/or make the court elected by the propagandized mob,
• control D.C. directly by making D.C. a state,
• control all elections at the federal level (uni-party control of elections)
• establish a federal police force to replace the local authority of state police (FBI 2.0 / FBI Lite),
• expand the purview of the Capitol Police to become a weapon of the House majority, etc.
• use violence, political intimidation, and infiltration at all levels to achieve their ends,
• riot in cities around the U.S.,
• actively change U.S. laws to destroy election integrity,
• remove competing parties from the ballot,
• intimidate Justices at their homes, and (but not limited to)
• threaten and plan to murder Supreme Court justices.

If that list is too complicated for you, let's make it even simpler:

Q: Which party openly declared that these United States are "systemically racist" and "founded on white supremacy" and therefore need to be "dismantled" at their "foundations" for the progressive worldview to emerge — without competition — in a singular and unassailable party from which the "dinosaurs" and "threat to our democracy" of conservativism disappear forever so that the remaining people can be "on the right side of history"?
A: The DNC.

This is the exact rhetoric of Bolsheviks.
They told you what they are.
They told you what you support.
They want a single-party nation wherein their political rivals do not even exist and all disagreements are resolved internally by the exclusive Overton Window of the Politburo.

This is totalitarianism.

Whether or not you agree with "systemically racist" or "founded on white supremacy", they told you that their explicit goal is to undermine the foundations of these United States. They outright told you that their goal is the abolition of Western values. They told you this explicitly. They told you this, and you still champion the dementia pedophile puppet resident that they kept in a basement during "his" campaign because all you could do is stare at the Two Minutes Hate "Emmanuel Goldstein" stand-in that is Trump.

You merely blinked as your annihilators seized the reigns of power.

The type of person who can support these policies cannot simultaneously claim to care about election integrity.
The type of person who can say that Trump is "literally Hitler" is the same type of person who will do anything to stop "Hitler".

You cannot have it both ways.
Either Trump is Hitler 2.0 and you will do *anything* to stop Hitler 2.0 — including cheat for power even in the tiniest opportunities that present themselves to your purview (as would millions of DNC-leaning election workers) — or he is *not* Hitler 2.0 and therefore does *not* deserve 40+ threads dedicated to your hatred of him and therefore does *not* necessitate your cheating.

But your 40+ threads show your true immorality.
You truly believe that your TDS is justified and therefore believe that any action which purges your obsession (i.e., purges Trump) is justified. You have admitted to us already that you and those like you would and did cheat, so you are simply lying to us that you wouldn't cheat — because it is not strategic for you to tell this truth.

There is no act too immoral for you to avoid perpetrating if it leads to your goal.
There are many more like you.
the wanderer
Sun Jan 28 11:50:29
"There is no act too immoral for you to avoid perpetrating if it leads to your goal."

like pressuring State legislators to just change the electors claiming there was mass fraud but unable demonstrate any & in fact presenting proven false claims as well as zero evidence claims that WOULD have evidence if a moral person made it (such as 1000s of dead/outofstate/underage voters... how can you make these claims w/ no evidence... it makes NO sense...)?

like pressuring the DOJ heads to -lie- that they did suspect mass fraud to help above scheme, & plot to install a cultist who would do so when they kept refusing?

like pressuring Pence to create powers he definitely didn't have & to just trash votes single-handedly & cause no one to get to 270 so the backup method appoints Trump right there (Trumps preferred plan), or minimally to return the votes to the states to continue his above plan of just reversing election results w/ no proof of anything?

like being on board w/ having fake electors sign forged docs & send them in w/ expressed purpose to help create confusion for Pence?

(oh wait... your answer to all those factual events is.... HOOAAAXXX! despite Trump not denying any of it & publicly acknowledging much of it, & total proof of all of it)


"There are many more like you"

like the deluded cult mob who attacked the Capitol with same goal?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 28 19:24:16
Even now you lie and project. I have plainly defeated each of your above-listed delusions in past threads, but you were and are too cultish to accept the actual stated positions of these people and the actual realities to which you refer through your lies and distortions, such as the actual realities on the ground during the protest. This, again, is because you are in a cult and are therefore unable to reconcile the additional information and instead ignore it altogether.

But I need not itemize against your re-stated lies. I need only point out this one thing: what would Trump do with power versus what has the DNC done with power?

The simple reality is that the puppet Biden and the DNC have actively pursued the treasonous Bolshevik criteria I listed above since their actual stated goal is the destruction of the foundations of these United States and the institution of a totalitarian state on behalf of global totalitarian Marxists.
the actual stated goals and positions of Trump include restoring the Western values of these United States, purging the illegal invaders, and purging the Bolsheviks from the bureaucracies.

Trump is your enemy, but Biden the dementia-ridden pedophile resident totalitarian puppet is your cult god. That is the only argument of yours worth recognizing. You are in a totalitarian death cult, you cannot be freed from your cult, and you are therefore an absolute enemy of these United States. Your justifications for why you support totalitarianism are irrelevant since you did indeed support totalitarianism. I have and always will support liberty.
the wanderer
Sun Jan 28 21:44:48
“I have plainly defeated each of your above-listed delusions in past threads”

nope, you haven’t defeated factual reality

also, bringing up DNC or Biden is of no relevance as I don’t advocate for them, I advocate against Trump... I will be voting for the highest polling candidate opposite Trump (though still hoping you fucking idiots come to your senses and don’t nominate him)... if it’s RFK Jr fine... if it somehow was DeSantis, fine... I can’t think of a person worse than Trump, I’d take Marjorie over Trump
the wanderer
Sun Jan 28 21:50:57
...although if Trump & Marjorie were the top two leading candidates, i'd probably just be looking for a new country to escape this rapid onset Idiocracy
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 28 22:27:21
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "nope, you haven’t defeated factual reality"

I have, actually.
For instance, in the case of Pence, I explained exactly what the legal strategy was and how it is constitutionally allowed and possible — so much so that DNC Bolsheviks such as Raskin are trying to change the law so that it will not be possible in the future. Your response was some mind-reading bullshit about Trump's missing activity for an hour. It is as I've pointed out repeatedly, which I'll simplify even further now from tumbleweed's psychosis thread #39 ( http://uto...hread=92288&time=1698652983398 ):

The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
3) Claim that there was no evidence
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.

[tw (TDS Bot)]: "also, bringing up DNC or Biden is of no relevance as I don’t advocate for them, I advocate against Trump..."

This is an absolutely unhinged defensive-voting red herring.

Firstly, your TDS Whataboutism is such a meme that people here have openly mocked how you'll turn *any* subject into Trump. This very fact shows how much of a cultist psychopath you are and how much your very consciousness is merely a product of the global totalitarian Regime, which has the exact same talking points that you have (coincidentally!).

Secondly, you know fucking well that you wouldn't vote for any GOP option, you fucking liar. If it were DeSantis, you'd be voting for the DNC. Even if it were DNC plant Nimarata Randhawa against "Bag of Rocks" (D), you'd vote for "Bag of Rocks" (D).

Thirdly, voting *against* someone does not relieve you of the responsibility and conscience of voting *for* someone. Biden is a dementia-ridden pedophile resident totalitarian puppet — and you voted *for* him. There was no option on the ballot to vote "not Trump" — only to vote "for Biden". Voting "against" is anti-FPTP psychological propaganda. Biden's politics *are* your politics since you *supported* them openly with your vote and your TDS Whataboutism. Saying you merely voted "against Trump" does not relieve you of this political reality. You directly support totalitarianism and the annihilation politics which it offers.

Your very name was signed to this Black Book for all of history.
You are a totalitarian sycophant.
You are a cultist of the leftist/slavish death cult.

[tw (TDS Bot)]: "...although if Trump & Marjorie were the top two leading candidates, i'd probably just be looking for a new country to escape this rapid onset Idiocracy"

This perfectly encapsulates what I've said about leftist cowards such as tumbleweed.

From totalitarians thread #9:
"More simply: in the "Starship Troopers"/Heinlein test,
• Who would not merely flee the West to another, "safer" nation during conflict or turmoil?
• Who is most likely to fight for the West?
• Who would actually risk life for the West?
The answer to this is explicitly defined in the racial categories which serve in Western militaries — in particular in their infantries.

"This leads to the deeper issue: the weaponization of slave morality to grant undue sovereignty to those who would not even defend the West and who would instead destroy it."
(Sun Oct 22 07:18:14; http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=91952&time=1698066193034 ).

In other words, cowards such as tw would flee the nation for another, where they would take their same coward's politics to destroy that nation as well. It does not occur to these cowards that a greater people's very life might be absolutely bound to their nation and that they will defend its principles relentlessly against the most impossible odds. Some know that there is nowhere to flee to. Some know that no ground should be ceded to totalitarians and commie scum, and that those who would flee should never have known the franchise in the first place.

"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 00:20:06
"For instance, in the case of Pence, I explained exactly what the legal strategy was and how it is constitutionally allowed and possible"

no you didn't... there is no fucking way Pence was allowed to disrupt the electoral process on his own... (& why did NOBODY back him... not the GOP, not Fox... including not even Hannity...... oh, as you're definitely wrong)

but please just copy/paste it here rather than posting whole threads... i'm not going to read whole threads trying to find the psychotic words you put down that you think proves something

as to whatever else you said... whatever... i'm just really interested to see what you think is proof Pence could legally do
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 00:32:07
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "no you didn't..."

Yes I did.
You are definitely wrong.

And lol! Tumbleweed even started the Tumbleweed Method! :D

1) Demand evidence
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "but please just copy/paste it here"

2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "as to whatever else you said... whatever..."

3) Claim that there was no evidence
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "no you didn't..."

Just waiting for tumblefucktard to start another Gish-Gallop.
Go ahead, faggot. Do it. :)
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 01:08:57
YOU can fucking copy/paste the comment... YOU posted the thread so YOU know it's in there & YOU know exactly where

i searched for "Pence", you never say his name... that's more than enough work on my part

you have nothing
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 01:11:44
...and i KNOW you have nothing, as it's fucking absurd to think Pence had the powers Trump wanted him to use (& no, they didn't try to remove them... please show text changes where anything close to it is being removed)

oh no, gish gallop!!!!!!!!!! such unreasonable demands! hoooooaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx!
bolshevik marxist yadda yadda
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 01:16:38
The Tumbleweed Method
1) Demand evidence
"YOU can fucking copy/paste the comment... YOU posted the thread so YOU know it's in there & YOU know exactly where"

2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
"i searched for "Pence", you never say his name... that's more than enough work on my part"

3) Claim that there was no evidence
"..and i KNOW you have nothing,"

You are in a cult, tumblefucktard. :)
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 01:24:17
and to slam dunk this, let’s assume Pence could do the mildest idea of sending it back to the states to vote (though not mild at all)

Why would he wait until Jan 6? He’s doing it singlehandedly and Jan 6 actually -is- noted by law as when congress certifies (thus you and Trump wrong, but no one else as no one else backed it)

and how many days do they have to respond? It would definitely be noted if it was a thing but it’s not (thus you and Trump wrong, but no one else as no one else backed it)

what happens if they don’t respond? It would definitely be noted if it was a thing but it’s not (thus you and Trump wrong, but no one else as no one else backed it)

if they do respond, can Pence just reject them again and send back again? nothing says he could do it the first time but you & Trump say he can, so why can’t he do it a second time?

anyway, you and Trump obviously wrong (you a nutbag, Trump a lawless dictator)... but the obvious in now obscured for the cultist nutbags
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 01:27:09
oh and gee look, CC has time to type a bunch of nonsense instead of taking 10 secs to copy paste some of CCs own supposed text from a thread CC already knows

thus almost certainly it’s not there, and CC a confirmed liar yet again... just like the claim of watching the hearings

how pathetic
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 01:27:26
4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
• "let’s assume Pence could do the mildest idea"
• "Why would he wait until Jan 6?"
• "-is- noted by law as when congress certifies"
• "thus you and Trump wrong"
• "no one else as no one else backed it"
• "and how many days do they have to respond? "
• "It would definitely be noted if it was a thing but it’s not"
• "what happens if they don’t respond?"
• "It would definitely be noted if it was a thing but it’s not"
• "(thus you and Trump wrong, but no one else as no one else backed it)"
• "if they do respond, can Pence just reject them again and send back again? "
• "nothing says he could do it the first time "
• "anyway, you and Trump obviously wrong"

You are in a cult, tumblefucktard. :)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 01:34:40
You see how tumblefucktard subverts?:
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "oh and gee look, CC has time to type a bunch of nonsense instead of taking 10 secs to copy paste some of CCs own supposed text from a thread CC already knows
"thus almost certainly it’s not there, and CC a confirmed liar yet again... just like the claim of watching the hearings"

I have explained already how the Tumbleweed Method functions, and a key aspect is that tumblefucktard will demand evidence and not respond to it. I already did the work typing out a thoughtful response on Trump/Pence previously, but tumblefucktard ignored it and Gish-Galloped it.

In other words, he *already* ignored it, but he'll claim that I should expend the effort locating the post and laying it again at his feet so that he can (again) have another Gish-Gallop parade of cultist nonsense.

But this is irrelevant. The Pence issue is complete theater.

The Tumbleweed Method would continue regardless of how much effort I put into a comment — whether I have the comment at my fingertips or whether it would take me some time to find it, tumblefucktard would ignore it.

This is the logic of the leftist/slavish death cult. They will subvert, destroy, deceive, and waste your time as do so many sebguls, and when you believe that perhaps you can apply some good faith with a formal argument, they will simply ignore it.

But again, it's all pure theater.
Cultist psychopaths such as tumblefucktard will do whatever they have to do to empower the global totalitarian state. There is no lie they will not tell. They are an absolute enemy to the West. Everything else they say is merely serving their status as traitors and destroyers.
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 01:50:21
ouch, that had to hurt... you having to admit you totally lied and your legal Pence explanation is nowhere....

and no it’s not theatre, it’s disgusting dangerous corrupt behavior, and just one piece of it from his multiple disgusting dangerous corrupt efforts to overturn the election

but we’re done here, you like your lists that say nothing and pretending you already disproved things, I get it, you’re insane
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 01:59:09
oh, I forgot another thing from the slam dunk.... even the architect (Eastman) knew it would fail if it went to the courts and hoped the ‘political question doctrine’ would keep them out of it

so it incredibly definitely obviously was not a lawful process... and I literally can think of no one who has argued it was (or at least who doesn’t distort what the written down plan entailed & what Trump has said out loud repeatedly)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 02:21:51
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "ouch, that had to hurt... you having to admit you totally lied and your legal Pence explanation is nowhere...."

Absolutely false, you lying piece of shit faggot. I have a far better memory than you, and I know absolutely and totally that I explained this to you at least once before. Your inability to neither remember nor find it is proof of the Tumbleweed Method at work since the memory simply was never formed in your cultist mind in the first place.

Checking for certainty, one instance was January 5th, 2022. You seriously cannot remember conversations that happened two years ago? Of course not because it's Tumbleweed Method step 2:
"2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")"

And in another conversation, I expressly linked you to and cited a legal website that discussed the true merits of the Pence move, and I cited the DNC measure which would remove the Pence move in an amendment to the Electoral College. You don't remember that either, do you? Of course not. Just like sebgul, you're too much of a coward to click links, and when evidence is in front of you, you return the the Tumbleweed Method.

[tw (TDS Bot)]: "and no it’s not theatre, [talks about Trump more]"

Yes it theater. You're a few comments away from making your 42nd psychotic thread. Your "you’re insane" comments have no power; they are clear projection by a totalitarian sycophant who merely wants to purge his resentment for the Regime's psychosis scapegoat.

[tw (TDS Bot)]: "and I literally can think of no one who has argued it was"

Of course you cannot, because you cannot even think of the keyword you would need to use to find that information. Because you are in a cult and think only in its terms.

[tw (TDS Bot)]: "but we’re done here,"

Oh, I know, tumblefucktard.
Your guilt has already been determined. The rest of your pathetic life is merely a sentencing hearing. :)

It is absolute and definitive that you are a traitor to these United States and that you wish its destruction. You do not even contest this! Just like I pointed out with seb, you are literally incapable of having a principle which would sustain the West. You are an obsessive cult psychopath whose 12-step "road to recovery" is completely contingent on the existence of one man.

You are in a cult.
You should never know the blessings of liberty or the franchise again.
Your family name is a smear upon the history books.
Please do not vote.
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 11:36:06
so for anyone not reading along (which is ~everyone i assume, & thus probably not reading this either :p), CC has yet to address anything about Trump's behavior, nor anything about how the Pence plan was legal, but keeps claiming it's out there & CC knows where but will only posts links where it's not there...

i do recall CC claiming the Pence plan was for Pence to have congress vote on ____ (doesn't matter what is in the ____ as already definitely provably false, it had to be Pence on its own, it's written down, Trump says it repeatedly)... so if that's the hidden shit CC is claiming means something, yeah ok... you're definitely provably wrong


anyway, more reasons i'm certain this legal defense doesn't exist: "the VP (who may well be on the ballot) can choose on his own to reject any electoral votes" would definitely be written down if crazily intended, "the VP can send ballots back to the State legislators to see if they want to trash the vote of the people & choose the winner themselves" likewise would be noted if intended...

-any- cultist argument for the Pence plan has been "well, it doesn't say he can't do it" as there is definitely provably nothing about doing it in law... and it also doesn't say he can't cross out the results & write in what he wants... so, is that legal by the "doesn't say he can't" principle?

(& again, obviously there would be a timeframe laid out... Jan 6th is specified by law, inauguration day is specified by law... how could the VP just change the process or initiate an indefinite delay on J6?)

so many fucking reasons why this definitely clearly obviously was not a legal strategy as even the fucking architect acknowledged...

but an obvious idiot liar fraud cult leader says Pence could do it, so millions of fucking idiots can't imagine Pence couldn't do it & will fight to their dying breath to proselytize for dear leader (yet would go nuts if anyone but Trump attempted it)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 20:11:10
The Tumbleweed Method (latest proof-of-concept)
1) Demand evidence
2) Do not read or comprehend any evidence offered and even say that you did not read the evidence (e.g., "TLDR", "just skimmed it")
"CC has yet to address anything about Trump's behavior,"

3) Claim that there was no evidence
"more reasons i'm certain this legal defense doesn't exist"
"as there is definitely provably nothing about doing it in law"

4) Gish-Gallop information unrelated to the issue to obfuscate into new delusions which similarly cannot be defended and which themselves fall apart with even the lightest scrutiny.
[the entire "Mon Jan 29 11:36:06" comment]

5) Repeat the method while waiting for your psychotic Trump fixation to be purged by other psychotic — but more effective — people in the slave/death cult.
• [the entire "Mon Jan 29 01:24:17" comment]
• [the entire "Mon Jan 29 11:36:06" comment]

You still do not understand this, tumblefucktard, since you are in a cult and must obey rule number "2)" of your cult method, but let me try to simplify it once more:

You still think that this is a debate about Pence and that if you simply offer more of your disconnected thoughts about Pence that you will "win".
But this is not about Pence at all. That belief is your cult programming at work.

This discussion has nothing to do with Pence. This could be about floral arrangements, and you would still demonstrate the same cultist behavior by trying to make floral arrangements about Trump per the Tumbleweed Method's Gish-Gallop step. Any subject must "actually" — in your cult mind — be about Trump and/or some January... I want to say.. January.. 15th?.. protest debate (a day of such little importance outside of cults that its date isn't memorable).

This is your cult mind at work.
That is what we are actually talking about. We are not talking about Pence, we are talking about you being unable to demonstrate that your mind has not been totally captured by this cult thinking.

But you cannot demonstrate this.
You still think that if there were evidence that you would know about it already or that you could find it. This is not the case; you are in a cult and can only find what supports the cult. You still do not know what ESG is, btw.

So to simplify even further:
• Again, this is not about Pence.
• I have zero interest in re-engaging on that subject since the Tumbleweed Method would merely repeat fruitlessly.
• The reality is that we already had the discussion about Pence — whether or not you were convinced by it, we already had it. And despite your claims, I am not a liar and am not lying about these discussions having taken place since I actually have integrity and you should not project your lack of integrity onto me.
• What this is really about is your inability to locate or even remember the discussion(s).
• Your best effort is to claim that the discussion(s) never even took place; your best effort is to deny reality and claim that your TDS-based perception *is* reality.
• Because you are in a cult.
• You could never remember things which defy the cult's programming.

"Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia."

And more practically, you cannot "remember" these discussions because of Step 2 in the Tumbleweed Method: when they occurred (or more specifically, when I posted my replies) you skimmed or skipped the information because cognitive dissonance is incredibly painful for a cult member. I can read your every word without issue, but you, being in a cult, face tremendous pain in reading mine. You're likely not even reading this right now — because you are in a cult.

And some errors you seem to be making in searching:
• You may erroneously believe that this/these discussion(s) occurred in your psychosis threads. They did not.
• You may erroneously believe that you can find them simply by searching for "Pence", but this will fail you and is lazy.

I already told you how to find them:
• Search for references to the DNC bill which would create a law (retroactively) making your cult beliefs into a reality. (Do you even know the bill?)
• Search for references to a legal article which explores the merits of this question of the VP's powers. (Does it even exist for you if it's not from CNN or NYT?)

Again, this discussion happened. Your inability to locate or remember it is merely your "sentencing hearing" wherein your guilt is already determined per Step 2 of your Method. If you again fail this test by attempting to debate the Pence issue instead (i.e., by Gish-Galloping more of your thoughts on Pence's powers without realizing that this is not about Pence at all), you will again have demonstrated your status within the cult, and the book will close forever on your sad and sickly mind.

So the true recap here:

Tumblefucktard thinks this is a debate about Pence.
It is not.
This is about tumblefucktard's inability to break from the Tumbleweed Method.
This is about tumblefucktard being in a cult.
His cult is a slavish death cult, and the cult craves the death of Trump and any who support the principles of these United States and of the West at large.
the wanderer
Mon Jan 29 23:00:21
well, this has been as productive as always

i think we have again established at least one of us is crazy... possibly the one who thinks Trump is the heroic savior of western values & who thinks media brainwashing is required to believe Trump lies a lot & who believes the VP had the power to unilaterally disrupt the electoral process

but who knows... maybe your definitely wrong self is the right one...
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 29 23:35:55
[tw (TDS Bot)]: "i think we have again established at least one of us is crazy..."

Yes, and it's you, absolutely and irrecoverably. You failed your final chance to defeat the Tumbleweed Method and demonstrate that you are not in a cult. You are in a cult. You are an absolute enemy to the West. I hope you live forever and gain the faculties to remember all of your sins perfectly.
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