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Utopia Talk / Politics / Xbot chief admits defeat
Fri May 12 17:07:26
I am very disappointed in TC for not having created this thread, I question his loyalty and commitment to Sony. *I* have gone all in and even bought the VR2. It's awesome, though lacking in gaming library currently.



Fri May 12 21:07:07
I don't really understand his argument. He is claiming that digital sales are the primary reason people won't switch consoles.. but that doesn't make sense. When you switch consoles you have to start a whole new gaming library, ps games don't work on Xbox and vice versa.
Average Ameriacn
Sat May 13 03:49:13
This is all the fault of the UK because they did not allow us to buy Actidivison! But if UK wants to side with the Japs then we will no longer treat them as our best allies!
Sat May 13 13:21:14
His point is that Xbox lost the previous gen battle, that was the most important battle. If you remember how console evolution has gone, every game that you bought for the previous generation was useless when the next model came. That is until the last gen when everyone realized that this was fucking stupid (also computer architecture has evolved to allow this) and that people were not going to buy a game a second time for a new console. A lot of old gen games got next gen face lifts this time, many of them for free. Last generation was like year 1.

Unfortunately Sony didn't or couldn't do this for their VR library. None of the old VR1 games work out of the box for VR2. So that library is a bit anemic at the moment.
Sat May 13 13:24:14
Oh yea, at this point no single Xbox game or acquisition will turn this tide, they needed to have won previous gen, because no PS5 owner at this point will sell their PS5 with their massive collected PS4 library for an Xbox, they could have done that during the last gen though, that is his main point.
Sat May 13 22:26:50

"Oh yea, at this point no single Xbox game or acquisition will turn this tide ..."

Just sprinkle some AI on it. That will sell anything right now.

Tue May 16 11:11:34
da bot console has been doomed ever since da 360 era...

tc has chronicled its demise and da shippin ship saga for over decade.

nobody can deny that nostratcmus has predicted everything to da tiny detailz of da bot consoles doomed future. it never stood a chance.

furthermore tc has been enjoyin jedi survivor for da past 2 weeks. tc got no time for u peasants. da game is da shit right now.

uncharted meets mass effect, meets tombraider, meets super metroid, my bitches.

triple AAA, foolz. only da best of da best games for tc. i am a legend.
Tue May 16 13:00:25
Speaking of games, anyone else find it annoying how big and long games have become? I have zero chance of ever finishing assassins creed odyssey. Who the hell has 100+ hours to finish a game? It took me close to a year to finish red dead 2. And that 100 hour play through seems to be the norm. I'll never finish witcher 3 (including the dlc), I'll never finish that avengers game that came out a few years ago and I'll never finish mass effect Andromeda. Games are too Damm long and there are way to many of them.
Tue May 16 14:24:05

Awww ... you're getting old. :o)

Tue May 16 14:35:29
There are games for old people too. Hot Rod used to play Civilization IV.
Tue May 16 18:35:16
I'm playing Elder Scrolls Online and with the rate they release new content I'm always behind.
Tue May 16 23:58:33
thats why tc watches games sometimes...

much easier and faster, although sometimes da player is a fukin retard. find a good channel of a non retard player and watch da game instead of playin it. saves u some hours.

tc has a tier list. only da best games will be played by tc. mediocre games that dunt make it 2 da list, but r still "decent" enough games that tc is interested in, will be watched instead.

Wed May 17 07:07:12
I feel you, The Witcher 3 was the last big game I finished. It's even harder if you have console subscriptions and they just keep giving you 100+ hour games and the library of great and massive games is huge, so there is a supply side inflationary effect.

For now I find GT7 an easy play, it is casual, races are short and it and works out great in VR. I have started Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon forbidden west, awesome and beautiful games, but the chances of me finishing them is low.
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