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Utopia Talk / Politics / Diaper-Shitting Ped0 & Totalitarians #7
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 20 07:21:27
Full title:
"Dementia/Parkinson’s Diaper-Shitting Ped0phile and Totalitarian Ass-Clowns and Sycophants" the thread series! :D/

Contained in this thread series is a road map elucidating the actions and imperatives of the rising totalitarian state.

Comments here will generally stick to these categories:
The Octopus Model of Totalitarianism (via Neema Parvini)
• The [Money] Chest — Investment Banks
• The [Idea] Network — Foundations, Corporations, NGOs, World Organizations
• The [Legislative] Crown — National Governments, Lobby Groups, Policy Agenda, Legislature
• The [Local] Chamber — Local government, Civil Service, Secret Services
• The [Legal] Bench — Judiciary, law enforcement, lawyers
• The [Religious Control / Paul's Catholic] Church — I'll also call this the Synagogue
• The Head — Funding Bodies, think tanks, elite universities
• The Mouth — Media, Arts and Culture, Social Media; Zeitgeist propaganda
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 20 07:21:39
Thread #6:
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 20 07:23:08
For a macro-to-micro outline of totalitarian power, see thread 5:
"The Levels of the Agenda — Macro to Micro"

- New Summary -

The Overall Goal of the Totalitarians:
• A world serfdom of manageable "hub" cities/nations which produce the specific and micro-managed goals of the totalitarian oligarchs.
• The West is to be a service economy for BRICS+, enslaved to "carbon" currency (i.e., currency that is characterized as backed by "resources" but is in reality backed by perpetual debt to the oligarchs). Entire industries are being collapsed strategically towards this end.
• Massive depopulation; eugenics has been applied for generations in order to create slave groups (groups more likely to possess slave morality; a compliant, servile caste). These eugenics programs have in the last few decades more brazenly begun targeting Western groups which are likely to oppose this enslavement. Where famine and pestilence fail to wipe out billions, hot wars are to be used to push these target groups into destroying themselves while the totalitarians watch from "neutral" positions.

Totalitarian State Tools:
• Problem-reaction-solution — the totalitarian state seeds and creates problems, propagandizes the problems in the Zeitgeist, and offers "solutions" which expand totalitarian controls.
• Divide and Conquer Propaganda — false binaries of populism/conservativism versus progressiveness, left versus right, and oppressor versus oppressed. This is the government-led influence and funding of "Antifa" and "Nazi" groups; the seeding of threats which the government uses to justify the suppression of anti-totalitarian dissidents.
• Dissolution of Western Power — to effect total power, the global totalitarian order seeks to destroy the foundations of Western civilization; ideas such as liberty, individualism, anti-totalitarian gods, and private property are to be eroded in favor of carbon collectivism (the collective belief in a necessary self-policing of carbon) and perpetual serfdom under the oligarchs ("sustainability").
• Slave doctrines — Maoism, Marxism, Leninism, Hegelian, and other slave dialectics are to be treated as an à la carte menu of control options. People have already begun going through struggle sessions such that they repeat the Party Dogmas.

The true binary is totalitarians versus the world, as no one should desire his or her own enslavement. A totalitarian movement would necessarily debase humanity into a species not fit for survival.
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 20 08:34:37
An update on The [Legislative] Crown and The Mouth
(World Governments and Zeitgeist Propaganda)

Sponsored by Kellie-Jay Keen ("Posie Parker"), the "Let Women Speak" Tour was begun in Australia last week, and it has already been identified as a target for Regime propaganda.

The Regime has moved the Overton Window such that useful idiots are supposed to accept that "transwomen are women" (a basic mathematical fallacy and biological impossibility), and the result is that "Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists" ("TERFs") are being labeled as a "hate group" — even though "hate group" is itself a Regime phrase which merely admits that a group opposes the Regime. That is, "hate group" is not a thing that actually exists. People *must* be allowed to hate if people are not to be enslaved, and it is not "radical" to oppose the Lysenkoist logic of child mutilation.

The Regime is attempting to codify trans protections into law because this allows further degradation of the West. Major attack paths of the Regime with trans discourse are the destruction of parental rights / demoralization/degradation, medical regulatory capture, eugenics, and crackdowns.

1) Demoralization here works through the capture of children and the dissolution of parental rights. It is extremely important to Maoism to have children lead the cultural revolution (see also the children of "1984" who were more likely to report people for thoughtcrime), and trans discourse is a means of separating children from their parents by declaring children capable of deciding to self-emasculate. The Regime is actively attempting (and succeeding) at passing laws which can separate children from parents who do not "affirm" (emasculate) their children, and parents can be reported to Regime services for these thoughtcrimes.

2) Medical regulatory capture takes place through the extreme support built into hospitals and BigPharma for the transitioning of children. It is often said that a transperson becomes a lifelong ward of the medical state. Hospitals are incentivized to provide "affirming" counseling (grooming children into transitioning as a viable option), directing people to drug interventions (lifelong dependence on hormone treatments), and expensive surgical castrations and mutilations (e.g., vaginoplasties, phalloplasties, breast disfiguring). Capturing children with this medical scheme brings a great deal of wealth to hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.

3) Eugenics here works in particular against white people, since white people are being targeted especially by trans propaganda, increasing the liklihood that white people will self-select out of the gene pool with this option (55% of trans people identify as white http://wil...y-Trans-Adults-US-Oct-2016.pdf ). Additionally, because white people are being targeted for extermination, anti-white sentiments have been effectively propagandized in the Zeitgeist, meaning that many disenfranchised white people feel that there is "nothing" that they can do to be "good" under the Regime's immorality. Becoming trans is one pathway for "redeeming" oneself in the eyes of the Regime, since this protected class increases one's status as a harmless eunuch/slave.

4) Crackdowns may occur via a "Trans/Drag Floyd" event. The Regime has been heavily hinting that they want right-wing groups to attack a drag event or to harm a transperson so that the Regime can pass additional "protection" laws which expand totalitarian power. Left-wing propaganda dens (e.g., Imgur, Reddit) have already been attempting the narrative with speculative incidents, such as the "Brianna Ghey" story, wherein a 16-year-old British boy, who pretended to be a girl, was murdered by two fellow teenagers. It should be noted that this sort of targeting of individual transpeople is a trap for low-resolution reactionaries, since harming a single transperson is meaningless and only expands totalitarian power. The Regime itself is at fault.

To the point,
At a March 17th, 2023, demonstration in Melbourne, these "TERFs" (rational humans) were continuing speeches as part of the "Let Women Speak" tour:
[Avi Yemini; March 19th]

But, a "Nazi" group showed up and did fascist salutes in a neat little line:
[Níal Ó Fionnagáin; March 17th]

The Venn Diagram of "Nazis" wearing masks and government agents may be an eclipse, but that can be tabled for the moment.

Katherine Deves points out that police let this group into the "Let Women Speak" protest zone despite them not having any affiliation:

This, of course, does not stop the psychosis left (or the Regime sock puppets) from vomiting their usual refrains; this show of "Nazis" was used very swimmingly to proclaim such insanities as this comment with **78 thousand likes**:
"If Nazis show up to support your movement and no one ejects them guess what your movement is now."

This is delusional thinking, but this has become typical of the psychosis left. The blatant fallacy of association is no match for unchecked psychopathy. It is no use attempting to explain to these people that even enemies may find common cause; that requires second-order thinking, whereas the psychosis left's rhetorical strategy is merely to manufacture consent through the appearance of power through unchecked derangement — the logic of the guillotine maniacs during the Terror.

Worse, though, is the response of Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, who took the totalitarian's opportunity to make this statement:

"We'll take legislation to Parliament to ban the Nazi salute in Victoria.
Because Nazis and their hateful ideology aren't welcome here."
[@DanielAndrewsMP; March 20th, 2023]


The banning of the Nazi salute has traditionally been limited to the post-WWII cucked countries, such as Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Sweden. Even in those nations it is nonsensical, since it is a blatant violation of Western ideas of free speech. To expand this to Australia *today* is pure overreach and speaks to Andrews' continual totalitarian opportunism. His record during COVID was absolutely atrocious, yet he won again in 2022, showing either that many Australian citizens are cowards or that Australian election outcomes are totally owned by the Regime. In either case, the result is that Andrews expands total-state powers at any and every opportunity. Incidentally, this is reflected in Australia's position at 14 in the most totalitarian-captured nations, per the ESG Governance Index (87.7 currently; http://www.worldeconomics.com/Indicator-Data/ESG/Governance.aspx ).

Low-IQ thinkers merely champion this in the comments, with there being little daylight between sock puppets and useful idiots (as usual) and none seeming to realize the obvious pitfalls of such suppression.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 21 04:33:41
Another update on The [Legislative] Crown and The Mouth
(World Governments and Zeitgeist Propaganda)

The March 20th Press Briefing was more of a circus than usual, with the cast of "Ted Lasso" (including Jason Sudeikis) being invited to give a speech about mental health and Simon Ateba again pointing out that the Regime press secretaries have been evading questions from all but the Regime's own approved journalists:
"03/20/23: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre"
[The White House; Official YouTube; March 20th, 2023]

Transcript of the same:
[White House dot gov; March 20th, 2023]

Ateba rightly points out at the very outset (and again at about 6:20) that this selective omitting of non-Regime voices and prioritizing Regime propagandists is a Chinese propaganda strategy. Karine Jean-Pierre, being wholly incompetent by design, is unable to control the room and clearly went out there with a one-train mind, showing her inability to deal creatively with present situations (e.g., by perhaps promising to answer Ateba's questions after her own opening statements). "Luckily", her incompetence is covered by the Regime's journalists, who control the room on *behalf* of the White House.

I have pointed this out before (See thread 2 comment "Thu Jun 02 06:54:14"), but moments like these are great encapsulations of how the Press Room is totally owned by the manipulations of the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA).

The WHCA is owned and run by DNC-affiliated Regime propagandists (e.g., board members from CBS, NPR, NYT). The board effectively decides who gets to ask questions, who gets inside scoops, and who sits where. Regarding seating, Simon Ateba even points this out: he and the journalists that the WHCA do not want to have asking questions get placed in the back where they must yell to be heard and can be more easily ignored.
(See also Psaki in October 2021 telling a Newsmax journalist not to "yell" and pretending that Psaki herself is setting a good example by not yelling.. when Psaki had the microphone and the journalist was in the back of the room — a total Regime power-move that illustrated "the medium is the message" http://youtu.be/YDJoRTwuDto?t=1298 ).

This was true even during Trump's presidency. If you watch videos of Trump fielding questions from Newsmax, for instance, the Newsmax journalists were *still* placed in the back (i.e., journalists favorable to the GOP were still in the back).
Understand that point: the WHCA controls the room during *all* presidencies to control the narrative for the uni-party Regime.

The WHCA board works directly with the Press Secretary to feed her questions that she wants to be asked so that she can read off a script and monopolize the limited run of the briefings. They determine which reporters will be asking which questions in advance and broker deals to have their questions — in particular and above all — answered. They set the schedule, they determine the pacing, and they determine the "decorum". These are most often access journalists; they only get to ask questions if those questions are not a threat to the Regime. So, Jean-Pierre and Psaki's rhetorical manipulation of "respect your colleagues" is an obvious deception, since this manipulates the room into being controlled by the Regime's journalists (the "respectable" "colleagues" with "legitimate" questions).

Even Peter Doocy, who sometimes gets a question in, is placed in the front specifically and only for the optics; he's to signal, "[See, we have a Fox News reporter! We must be transparent!]" But how difficult are Doocy's questions, really? He may well be sincere in his attempts and we are fortunate to have some accountability, but even he is controlled opposition in the sense that he is a minimal threat to the Regime. He only gets his one or two questions, and the rest of the room is effectively owned. On top of that, of course, is that Biden's dementia/Parkinson's is protected by the White House (he has had only 11 official briefings to date ( http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/presidential-news-conferences , with *all* of them being *heavily* controlled to "hide" his mental impotence), so Doocy is rarely given opportunities to expose the Regime directly anyways.

So all these Regime "journalists" telling Ateba to be quiet and respect "decorum" are doing so on behalf of the Regime. KJP appealing to this decorum is appealing to the Regime's decades-long control of the WHCA and the narrative-setting mechanism of the Press Room. The WHCA itself was designed and founded under the totalitarian expansionism of Woodrow Wilson. Ateba is merely breaking through this totalitarian theater.

As bonus material,
At 29:00, Doocy reminds former Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby that China and Russia deepening their alliance did indeed happen under Biden: "Russia and China — it seems like this — these two superpowers are teaming up now against the U.S. Why did President Biden let this happen?"

Biden did indeed let this happen and enable it. This, again, is part of the ESG/DIE West's suicide on behalf of BRICS+, which will consolidate powers while the West kills itself. That is, Biden is playing his part in empowering BRICS+ to the detriment of the West. Western leaders must collapse the West in order to make China the seat of world power and Chinese-style governance the governance of the world at large.

Ironically, Kirby actually *cites* this strategy while pretending that it's somehow doing the opposite of what it's actually doing. He specifically mentions the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), which I've spoken about repeatedly in these threads. The IPEF is part of the Pacific Theater of totalitarianism and acts as a protection racket for the ESG/DIE scheme. More specifically, the IPEF forces Pacific nations to abide by the ESG/DIE "sustainability" strategy of strategic self-destruction. Long-term, this weakens the Pacific economies and reduces Pacific energy production while, in the same time period, China has a dozen new nuclear plants going online and remains empowered by its Belt-and-Road monopoly — its best customers being the ESG/DIE West, which needs those resources for the IPEF to succeed.

Even more shortly, the IPEF degrades the Pacific while making dedicated customers for China's "green" resources. This *actively* empowers China, and Kirby is pretending that the Biden Regime's full-steam-ahead approach here is... against... China?

No. The alliance is a falsification of power. It's an alliance that requires all of its members to hobble themselves against an "enemy" who still has working legs and is in the hobbling business.

Kirby further brings up at about 42:00 that the Biden Regime does indeed have this blind spot, since their focus is on the "alliance members" and is *not* concerned with what China is doing around the world. He even mentions Africa. This is a stupid, stupid man. He perhaps has no idea that the "American leadership" that he lauds is all acting towards China's goals.

At 44:00, KJP then lies about the "MAGA" budget proposal, specifically lying about it "defunding police", which she has to immediately fudge by saying that the "MAGA" proposal defunds... the FBI. Yeah. Even she, mentally retarded, shits in her own mouth as she tries to sell that lie. Whoever wrote that script couldn't even put "police" in front of the lie to make it seem legit. I've explained this before as well: the Biden Regime is *pretending* that they are "funding" the police, but their "funding" scheme is the exact same strategy endorsed by the defund activists (e.g., community policing, funds redirected from departments to social programs).

Questions are also asked about Trump's statements, but KJP pretends that she can't answer because it's an "ongoing investigation". They talk about the Silicon Valley Bank failure a little, and KJP unironically talks about the Obama White House doing positive work post-2008 to protect American investments (lol).

Lulz. At about 1:04:30, KJP makes a statement that undermines their ability to play it both ways on their oil-lease propaganda. When discussing the Regime's climate work, she outright says that the Biden Regime banned new leases in the Arctic. Their usual strategy when discussing gas prices (as opposed to discussing climate impact as was the case here) is to pretend that the Biden Regime opened up **so many** leases that it's just amazing how many leases there were. This is, of course, a lie, since the leases were heavily conditional, depending on oil companies destroying themselves to meet the lease conditions. But anyways, it's funny to see them playing the Celebration Parallax logic so transparently.
Cherub Cow
Mon Mar 27 23:47:33
This is probably just a coincidence and needs no further comment.

"Reducing inequality could see world population fall to 6 billion [down from 8 billion]
"A projection of how the global population will change by the Club of Rome is far below United Nations estimates and numbers could drop even faster if we invest more in reducing poverty and inequality, it says"
[New Scientist; By Michael Le Page; March 27th, 2023]

• The model references "Earth4All", an activist website run out of the University of Oslo which on its website proclaims, "The dominant economic model is destabilising societies. And the planet. It is time for change."
• The model also references the "Club of Rome", which just coincidentally talks about depopulation and uses the same Regime talking points of a "threat to our democracy". So weird how many globalist-Marxists are saying that same phrase all the way from the WEF to your local councilman. Probably just a coincidence.
• "A big fall in the world’s population will help alleviate environmental problems, but, by itself, won’t prevent us reaching tipping points where we risk destabilising Earth’s life-support systems, says team member David Collste at Stockholm University in Sweden."
• Probably just another coincidence that this is a total alignment with the SDGs:
"The Earth4All model is more complex and includes environmental, economic and social factors – such as food production, income, taxes, energy and inequality – and the feedback loops between these factors ... This would involve: reducing poverty by investing trillions of dollars in green jobs and cancelling debt; reducing inequality by raising taxes on richer people; improving gender equality by ensuring more women get a better education; promoting diets that are healthier and greener; and electrifying everything that can be electrified and generating that electricity from renewable sources."

I wonder why there's so much overlap between Malthusians, globalists, Marxists, and their belief in DIE policies. Surely, the world groups that actively want to reduce the world population would not prefer policies that reduce the world population. Or, if they *do* want to reduce the world population, it must be because genocide is a good thing and we should celebrate that.
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 28 04:39:58
Greg Reese of InfoWars is floating more suspicion related to Trump's role in the global-totalitarian order:
[Video shown by An0maly, a right-wing autist who blessedly possesses no filter; March 27th, 2023]

For background:
Outside of the Regime's GOP control and their hope to put forward someone lukewarm like Paul Ryan, there are basically two major camps between DeSantis and Trump right now:

• Camp 1, DeSantis train — Most of the NeoCons who are trying to look for a "moderate", "electable", or "successful" anti-woke candidate are hoping that DeSantis will announce. They believe that DeSantis has all of the perks of Trump but with fewer of the rough edges.

• Camp 2, Trump/MAGA/American-First train — This is the Trump base which includes the disenfranchised conservatives who jumped on board in 2016 and 2020 as well as people who see Trump as a wildcard.

Neither camp is without issue.
People have pointed out that Trump took a lot of money from BigPharma and still does not seem to care about the negatives of the shots; his ego seems to have him singing their praises as a victory of his administration, despite this going against his own base. Trump has also not taken much — if any — action against D.C.'s holding of January 6th political prisoners.

Also, both DeSantis and Trump have been after the Israel lobby, with both of them getting mega-donors to this effect and Trump having many problematic connections (e.g., Jared Kushner). The worry there is that Israel is hedging on all possible winners, with certain options available to them with Trump alone:
1) Push Trump because the propaganda is already in place to allow his defeat.
2) Push Trump because he can be used to accelerate civil conflict.

Regime media has already been seeding propaganda for both options. They have all but admitted that they would not allow Trump to win, treating it as a certainty that his very running would mean that he would attempt to "seize" the presidency after the DNC rigs the election (e.g., propaganda meme on Imgur http://imgur.com/gallery/FdRnC0i ).
But Regime media is also hoping for a Hitler 2.0. Of this second option, it should be reminded that in Germany the same tactic was used: intentionally cause civil strife and then feed the German people a leader who would accelerate conflict and right-wing control, isolating Germany from the world and ensuring globalist expansion in the process (i.e., eliminate a major power/competitor).

And they have a sub-option here as well. The Regime has been seeding propaganda about "Trump=Hitler" specifically to provoke an a5sa5sination which they can use to get U.S. citizens to tear themselves apart under divide&conquer (e.g., seeding the propaganda that people have the chance to "[Stop Hitler before he takes power;] do it now" http://imgur.com/gallery/3KprIsk ). Such an act could mobilize the right against the left.
If the left wins such a civil conflict, then the globalist expansion has further pretext for Constitutional revisions within the U.S., and if the right wins that conflict, then Europe has an excuse to go to war with the U.S. for "humanitarian" reasons. Some, such as MTG, have suggested "peaceful divorce" to prevent this, but that itself is only a temporary ceding of ground, with any DNC territory only being a waiting game for further expansion, as was done under Lincoln's totalitarian expansionism.

At any rate, both DeSantis and Trump could be Regime-owned, though it could just as easily be that the right's cynicism is preventing any trust of any power. There are even absurd numerologists such as "@DonnieDarkened" who sincerely believe that global Satanists have been grooming Trump since the '80s to be their Anti-Christ, bringing the last battles upon the world. This seems like the more unhinged version of the practical maneuverings of Israeli politics — i.e., maneuvering world powers against themselves for Israel's own benefit.

Back to Greg Reese:
At the January 6th protests, InfoWars was on scene and pointing out — at the time of the protests, not just afterwards — that police response and crowd agitation was being controlled as a false flag. Reese's theory is that Trump himself sent his supporters to the Capitol and then failed to show up at the Capitol specifically because he was hoping for this conflict. Reese then parallels this with Trump's recent attempt to mobilize protestors on his behalf.

This narrative is suspiciously similar to the Regime's own narrative and contradicts claims by the DNC itself that Trump wanted to go to the Capitol but was prevented by the Secret Service. Reese's editing also seems deceptive, as the full video of Trump's speech at the selected rally was not as sensational as he makes it ( http://youtu.be/Y7RouiYK30Q?t=845 ). CNN itself made this same hard cut, so Reese is likely sampling directly from Regime media. The bigger picture there, though — and the steel-man argument for Reese — is that Trump likely would *not* prosecute the Marxists within government, with it being an echo of his not attempting to prosecute or investigate the Clintons.

In other words, some people are pretty sure that Trump would once again gain power just to line his pockets while not actually going after the "swamp" or any of the infiltrators who are bringing on the global totalitarian order. This is, again, an echo of the Regime's own talking points — short of their acknowledgement of the totalitarian order, since their euphemism is the "rules-based order" or the "Liberal international order" as the oligarchs themselves call it ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_international_order ).

This is why people avoiding the black pill are hoping that Trump's first-term experience gave him the insights to *actually* drain the swamp and are hoping that he'd cut ties with the Israel lobby once they put him in power. This seems far too optimistic, with the deeper acknowledgement being that regardless of Trump being deceptive or truthful about his second-term plans, the Regime would squeeze a victory out of any outcome. People maybe forget that the amount of power being traded here necessitates endless system gaming.
Cherub Cow
Thu Mar 30 22:14:08
This is one of those Tweets that you just have to hope was written by one of Pelosi's Commie staffers rather than herself, who should know better:

"The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law.
No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence.
Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right."
[Pelosi official Twitter; March 30th, 2023]

This is pointed out in the comments:
"“Granted right”
“Prove your innocence”
This is the most anti-American vomit that has ever exited your commie mouth."

For even more clarity:
• "prove innocence" is *not* how law works in the U.S. You are assumed innocent, and it is the burden of the state to prove guilt.
• "Grants him that right" is also *not* how law works in the U.S. The Constitution *protects* rights that people **already have** and which cannot be taken away; it does not "grant" them.

"Something given has no value".
Thu Mar 30 22:44:30

"This is one of those Tweets that you just have to hope was written by one of Pelosi's Commie staffers rather than herself, who should know better"

Actually that sounds exactly like Pelosi.

Fri Mar 31 06:05:25

Trump was great as a disruption but he's clearly a puppet of the deep state

DeSantis is probably more of a wildcard.

And the Satanists grooming trump sounds more or less accurate. The purpose trump serves since his defeat is to allow the DNC to persecute citizens for ideological reasons and push the limits of the state's power (not just with traditional means but online as well) while alienating society at large to the repub base and trying desperately to trigger a civil conflict of some sort.

However, I do believe that the right/nationalist side wins any large scale violent conflict in the US.

Good luck mobilizing Starbucks baristas libtards
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 03 07:31:54
"I do believe that the right/nationalist side wins any large scale violent conflict in the US."

My concern is that the Deep State would be able to control the military somehow. The military is generally right-leaning, but I still stand impressed by how much the DNC was able to avoid talking about Biden being a pedophile during the 2020 election. That's a lot of control of the propaganda apparatuses, so you'd have to wonder if they could think outside the box on military control. It's worth gaming out (and not just via the long march), since they no doubt have done so.

In other news, some right-wing people may have fallen for a narrative wherein AOC was "caught" using a sock-puppet account.
This is the primary source of suspicion:
(Image is of user "@zazasmoka" responding in first person to a comment making fun of AOC for supporting Ukrainian Nazis)

That evidence alone is very thin.

Any idiot could just say, "what makes you think that i did anything" under a celebrity's Tweet and convince people that it was a sock account (in fact, this may start a trend). And aside from that level of trolling, other possibilities would be that this @zazasmoka person got a notification and erroneously thought it was directed at him/her or that "i" was just a typo. I shrugged this off for these reasons, and the original Tweet partially confirms the notification possibility since it does indeed reply-tag @zazasmoka:

That's pretty much the end of it there. That is, this person mistakenly reply-tagged a sub-comment under AOC, that person responded, and @realnikohouse erroneously thought it was AOC.

Those refusing to let it go have pointed out that @zazasmoka had targeted and re-Tweeted people specifically engaging with AOC and attacked people who were mean to AOC (e.g., Shapiro). Again, that's thin, since AOC has lots of psychos who reply to her above all others, and the Psychosis Mob has a very predictable list of people to follow (on that note, notice how attacks on key GOP members have decreased after they won their elections — almost like it was just useful propaganda).

Paul Rossi points out that "Zaza" is a nickname for "Alexander"
Again, that's a stretch, especially since "zaza" is also slang for "weed" and therefore "zazasmoka" would very obviously just be lame weed-smoker slang.

The only real suspicious factor here is that the original account was deleted ( https://twitter.com/zazasmoka ), but that could just as easily be that that person was getting spammed with accusations and killed the account.

So hopefully no one interesting falls for this. Ian Miles Cheong falling for it is fine, since he's known to be a foreign provocateur in American politics (see also Memology 101/102 on YouTube). A lot of these high-volume accounts (of both the right and left) make quick mistakes like this instead of checking a few things first. Alex Stein even followed the account for @zazasmokaa to monitor, perhaps not realizing that that's a troll account that popped up to gaslight people (it's not the same @zazasmoka account; the original was made in August 2022 whereas the new one with two a's is from April 2023).

For a long while, the primary sources of this sort of low-level propaganda were left-wing accounts, hence the takeover of Reddit and Imgur. But lots of new low-level right-wing accounts have been popping up lately to infiltrate people's feeds. The ones on YouTube have very predictable names and so likely come from the same bot farm. They list as things like "Congress Watcher", "Congress News", etc.; and they have a habit of taking months-old video clips and passing them off as recent.

That's a very easily identified sign of a propaganda campaign: news stripped of context markers. This was done during the DNC's 2020 Insurrection, where clips of police hitting people were released at high volumes and many of the clips were from years old altercations. People within the psychosis became very agitated if this was pointed out to them. Sadly, many of the *official* Libertarian Party state-specific accounts on Twitter have started using this exact propaganda technique — and specifically against the police. Some have even tried to throw together basic graphic templates in the style of Occupy Democrats. The big-L Libertarian Party is very largely controlled opposition at this point. Seeing the Libertarian Party pushing left-wing-style propaganda and saying, "ACAB", is not even close to the right messaging.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 03 18:52:24
In a lighter note, Ol' Musky put a doge at the top left of Twitter.
Sometimes it's good to be king.
For posterity:

A true litmus test of whether or not you're in a psychosis might be..

Do you see that sweet sweet doge face and become enraged at Ol' Musky?


Do you see that sweet sweet doge face and just enjoy that heckin' good doggo?
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 03 21:30:30
Update on The [Legal] Bench and The Mouth
(Judiciary Manipulations and Zeitgeist Propaganda)

The latest prosecution of Trump (alleged payments to Stormy Daniels) has been pointed out to be a few things by people such as Rekieta Law:
1) Timed to keep Trump occupied into the 2024 election (prosecution cycles require about 18 months).
2) A desperate attempt at charging Trump with *something*, showing that a charge this weak is all they could find after 7 years (a misdemeanor that they're attempting to make into a felony so that Trump cannot run).
3) An attempt at Constitutional manipulation that keeps the DNC's greatest competitor out of the candidate pool (i.e., additional election manipulations by the DNC–Regime).
4) As an Inner Party manipulation, an attempt to initiate civil war and/or flex the Regime's power over the Zeitgeist. Of the power flex, if the Regime can get away with charging a former president to stop him from running again, then they can signal that they alone own the United States — that only the Regime's own candidates of either party are allowed to run.

Of the fourth point, we saw this laid bare in 2016 and 2020 with the DNC's open destruction of and propaganda against the Green Party, which they actively sought to out-maneuver in the courts in order to keep the Green Party off of the ballots in key states.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba appeared on CNN's "This Morning" with Don Lemon today:
(Audio here)
[CNN; April 3rd, 2023]

A major point that she made was that it was the prosecutor's office under D.A. Alvin Bragg that leaked the amount of charges, which she points out is a felony offense:
(Clipped here by a right-wing Twitter account; I cannot find the full video yet http://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1642903856508968964 ).

Don Lemon attempts to obfuscate by saying that she cannot know that it was the prosecutors who leaked, but she plainly states that Trump-defense lawyers were not furnished with that information so it could not have come from anywhere but the prosecution. This is true, unless you include the judge, which would be even worse.

CNN has so far been suppressing her appearance, even changing their headlines to distract from some of the more interesting things that she said, as is the case with one of the few writeups on their site which only mentions that she talked about the question of a "mug shot":

Other arms of the Politburo, such as MSN (Microsoft's version of NBC, NBC/MSNBC being the CIA and FBI's primary propaganda disseminators), have used headlines such as "Trump attorney caught flat-footed when grilled on new Mar-a-Lago revelations" ( https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-attorney-caught-flat-footed-when-grilled-on-new-mar-a-lago-revelations/ar-AA19pUmg ), which is a deceptive headline which omits that Habba was being asked to reveal their own defense directly to the Regime's propagandists and that she was not even involved in that case (her own words: "That's inaccurate ... I did not look for classified documents ... read my affidavit, it's public record"). So, in other words, it was actually Lemon who was caught "flat-footed", since he did not know that Habba was not involved in the Mar-a-Lago searches and that that was a matter of public record.

With this pivot, the Regime is attempting to conflate the Mar-a-lago charges (and "new" revelations from pictures revealed this weekend) with Trump's current indictment. This works on midwits and low-information people since they will be given a false sense of Trump's "guilt" in advance, being as they are unable to separate specific line-items — that requires more folds in the brain; more discernment. This propaganda technique is especially visible when viewers pay attention to how Regime journalists will change subjects during an interview.

But, otherwise, the Regime is trying to completely silence the issue of the leak, likely meaning that they want to bury another leaker while using the leaker's information and re-direct with their own propaganda narratives. (Still waiting on that Supreme Court leaker, btw).

The big picture here is that Bragg's office handed Habba a motion to dismiss the indictment and to have Bragg disbarred.

The usual DNC response to this is to force an underling to fall on his sword to protect the larger corruption, but in such a high profile case it is likely that the DNC prosecutors will claim to be conducting an internal investigation, force the proceedings to take place in the meantime, and then hope that the investigation's results will not matter once they get their foot in the door. The Regime is mainly about the theater of these show trials, so the important thing here is to dominate time in the news cycle by launching this case while their greater crimes go unnoticed.
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 04 04:23:12
Update on The Mouth
(Zeitgeist Propaganda)

The Regime's propaganda program "60 Minutes", which was exposed very overtly during Trump's presidency for malicious and deceptive editing and narrative manipulation when Trump showed his entire and unedited interview with Lesley Stahl, has set their sights on Marjorie Taylor Greene for their latest agitprop.

People on the right need to avoid appearing on deceptive programs such as these. Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, who goes by "Jon Stewart", for instance, recently interviewed Oklahoma Republican (State) Senator Nathan Dahm for such a deception. Pay attention to that in itself: Leibowitz interviewed a *state* senator — not a federal senator; this was some easy target from Oklahoma that the show was able to ensnare for a deception.

People who previously watched Leibowitz' "Daily Show" would be familiar with the kind of propaganda that he uses. Daily Show's typical format was to sit down for a long interview with someone and then do incredibly malicious editing to make a 2-minute clip for a short segment — the same format that comedian Eric Andre adopted to the extreme. This format creates comedy because clips of the comedian asking questions can be overlaid with responses to *other* questions, timing can be manipulated, and the producer has final authority on narrative and voiceover. When used *seriously*, however, it exposes the propagandists more explicitly.

Auron MacIntyre did a good breakdown of Leibowitz' deceptions regarding gun control:

Leibowitz' deception is a big part of why the left is currently conflating trans rights issues with firearms rights issues. This illogic effectively allowed the Regime to advocate for the murdering of Christian children and to disguise the recent anti-Christian hate crime as the consequence of not affirming trans youth — that is, the left victim-blamed dead children and Christians and supported a trans-murderer in an overt display of anarcho-tyranny.

"Marjorie Taylor Greene: The 60 Minutes Interview"
[60 Minutes (Official YouTube Channel); April 2nd, 2023]

Here is a play-by-play of how Regime propaganda worked here:

• They begin with narrative control. They tell the susceptible viewer how to feel about MTG — that she is a "conspiracy theorist" with "radical views" who holds "real power" in the GOP despite "only" being in her second term. Stahl of the "see early life section" uses tone to suggest that people like Greene should not be famous ("as famous as they get", as she drops her face and voice) and should be removed from their committees. Stahl's tone also subtly derides that Greene came from a construction business, communicating to the affluent that Greene is not one of the anointed.

• 1:00 — Starting in the actual interview, Stahl uses a classic propaganda technique here which comedians have adopted: they list derogatory terms which have been used against the interviewee, pretending to merely be reporting what "people" have said but subtly using it as a vehicle to *call* the interviewee these things to their face. Leibowitz and Colbert did this frequently.

• 1:28 — A hard cut occurs. You can tell that the timing is off by the abrupt audio. "60 Minutes" splices Stahl's saying, "You're used to it," with Greene saying, "I don't let name-calling bother me or offend me." Greene likely say more here but her opening response was removed, likely mid-sentence, given the poor quality of the audio cut. They also seem to do a hard cut directly after this edit, going to an angle behind Greene but with a new question. It is likely that Stahl responded to Greene here, but the editor did not feel that it helped their narrative.

• 1:56 — Another hard cut. Greene clearly continued speaking after describing various ways that she might be considered to be "like Trump", but they cut instead to Stahl's narrative.

• Two more hard cuts follow between 1:56 and 2:10. Stahl's rhetorical position ("But also, he's often in attack mode") seems to break into Greene's response (an edit, not talking over), a section of Greene's response is cut, and a useful section of Greene's thought is spliced to artifically amplify that Greene doesn't think the government "deserves to be respected that much." That is, 60 Minutes obscured the full subject of what Greene was talking about here to make it appear that this was one consistent thought.

• After just 2 minutes, they then cut away to do further narrative control by adding voiceover. Such a cutaway so soon means that they already need to remind the viewer what the Regime's overall message is. They show MTG calling Biden a liar at the point during the 2023 State of the Union when Biden was overtly and repeatedly lying about the GOP wanting to cut social security. They then picture Greene holding a tabled rifle on a shooting range (an easy poisoning of the well for the DNC's reliable anti-Second Amendment crowd), making this an opportunity to call Greene "outlandish, even *thuggish*" and attempting to problematize in the mind of the viewer that "right-wing" people "eat it up" — spliced together with images of regular people wearing Trump shirts while calling those people "MAGA activists" to make them seem like extremists. Stahl then suggests that Greene's move "from the fringe of the party to the front row" is unacceptable, and that these "[villainous]" regular Americans should be pushed back to the "fringe" where they have no representation in governance — an ideal placement in the mind of the Regime, which wishes to control all opposition. They then subtly insist that anyone who takes power in the government must change their "style" and their "views" — psychopathy which is antithetical to representation but which once again supports the Regime's idea that only the totalitarian hegemony should arrive at the podium.

• 2:41 — After this 40-second poisoning of the well, they then cut back to Greene. Within seconds, they do *another* hard cut in the middle of Greene's statement about her position, trying to make her statement about people saying, "Marjorie is crazy," appear to be a standalone statement and non sequitur — i.e., trying to confirm in the mind of the viewer that she is indeed crazy. This is again a classic propaganda technique used by Leibowitz and Colbert. They would gaslight their guest into making these exact sort of statements by priming them with "[You're crazy]" accusations and then editing the defensive responses to appear disconnected from reality.

• 3:08 — *Another* hard cut. They remove a section between "maybe she's not crazy" and "then, they end up agreeing with me."
They then cut away *again* for more voiceover narrative control. They try to propagandize the viewer with the idea that Greene is a "close friend" and "advisor" to Kevin McCarthy, using montage editing to make it appear that Greene is an "extremist" who has the very ear of the GOP's senior leadership. They then use b-roll which is a little bit frightening, given that the Regime has been trying to provoke political assassinations. They show Greene walking from the Capitol building alone, making her appear approachable and vulnerable to attackers. Typically, when the Regime wants to protect a politician, they will show b-roll of the politician in situations where it is unclear where they are or how a real person could end up next to them, such as beyond security or in guarded arenas. When the Regime wants to make a politician vulnerable, they will show b-roll of them in unguarded areas to expose potential security vulnerabilities to the public. In film theory, this is disguised as making the figure "human" to the viewer, but the angle of the camera reveals *why* they want the figure to appear "human", with this wide shot being the same angle that movies use before attackers run from a wide angle off screen. This sort of programming via cinema is why propagandists infiltrate cinema so often: they use it to condition responses, with the absence of a typical response depriving the audience of the thing that they expect and perhaps want to see, goading them into making that denied response into a real-world reality.

• 3:30 — They return to the interview, this time from a different angle, with both Stahl and Greene now wearing different clothes. They've already broken the interview into two different meetings. They switch back-and-forth between these two meetings two more times — falsifying the actual chronology, likely to maximize the psychological impact of useful statements.

• At this point, Stahl uses the Regime's propaganda device of credentialism, citing the warnings of the Bolshevik Janet Yellen, who said that an "economic catastrophe" will result if the debt ceiling is not raised. In this way, 60 Minutes is directly aligning with the Regime by falsifying the "[indisputable]" advice of an expert class, creating a hard line with that credentialism, and then setting up MTG as absurd for disagreeing in any way.

• 4:00 — 60 Minutes does more deceptive editing here, changing zoom levels to emphasize facial expressions, but it appears that Greene's audio is consistent. The zoom level manipulation goes from medium close-up to close-up, attempting to capture Greene's discomfort in the wide shot and her facial expression in the close-up. Compare this to Stahl's framing, which they did from a wider shot without movement to make Stahl appear authoritative, whereas by using a close-up on Greene, the producer is hoping to distract the viewer with Greene's facial expressions. They do not want the viewer to hear Greene's argument in this section.

• 4:10 — When Greene points out that the cause of this sudden need to raise the debt ceiling is the fiscal policy of creating trillions in debt, Stahl immediately uses a desperate Whataboutism to say that "Trump is as much responsible," which luckily allows Greene to point out that this was not a party-specific error. They then do another hard-cut, stopping Greene's audio from continuing after she says, "It was all before I got here." They barely disguise this, since Greene's next word was already beginning but the hard-cut has complete silence as Stahl speaks.

• 4:20 — Stahl already drops to a backup "compromise" question regarding raising taxes, which reveals that 60 Minutes likely cut Greene's further talk of the debt ceiling in that missing section. They then *immediately* cut Greene's next statement, which goes from "I don't think we have a revenue problem" [hard cut], "We have a spending problem". They removed *another* section, allowing Stahl to appear more active as an interviewer. Stahl responds with "That's glib," but that becomes an obvious non sequitur with all of the edits.

• 4:30 — Between all the edits, Stahl again propagandizes the Regime's position, which is "compromise". Greene counters by saying that there need to be spending cuts, which disappoints Stahl's Regime position, and, yet another hard cut occurs after Stahl asks where Greene would cut spending. Greene may have had a longer list, but 60 Minutes cut it down to "COVID bailout money and a lot of green energy spending". They then hard cut *again*, and you can even hear the producer in the background trying to control the conversation when the cut returns, with Stahl re-beginning with, "Are you willing to let us default?" to which there for once seems to be a direct cut to Greene's response of "No."... before returning to more deceptive camera-framing techniques which allow Stahl to artificially appear to be setting up a sequitur ("[then] compromise") which they can use to make Greene seem wrong for the compromise being "on taxes" (as Stahl says). I.e., Stahl of the Regime wants to keep steering to Greene choosing between raising taxes and increasing the debt ceiling — not on cutting the government's ESG/DIE programs, which expand the Marxist totalitarian state. All of the deceptive editing and the cutting of Greene's responses amounts to the Regime wanting to make the viewer believe that the only possible solutions are the Regime's preferred solutions, with any "compromise" merely being decisions which allow those solutions alone.

• 4:50 — They do yet another hard cut to b-roll and voiceover, with Stahl needing to emphasize the Regime's messaging before proceeding. They use b-roll of Stahl and Greene in the Capitol building, which they immediately montage-splice with Greene walking after a "Parkland Shooting survivor" to give emphasis in the mind of the viewer the distinction between the prestige of the Capitol and the "undignified" behavior of Greene talking to a "survivor". What 60 Minutes does *not* reveal is that that "survivor" was left-wing propagandist David Hogg, who never saw the shooter and waited in a closet, and who is best known for his psychopathic immunity to all arguments, his constant stream of easily dismantled but repetitive talking points (i.e., he'll repeat bad points even after being convinced that they're bad), and his Regime funding. In the video shown on 60 Minutes, Greene is calling out Hogg for being an obvious Regime puppet, which he is, as he was secured dozens of interviews with DNC news, became a useful Regime activist, and was sky-rocketed to 1.2 million users on Twitter. His entire existence is propaganda.

60 Minutes just calls him a "survivor".

• 5:25 — Stahl then does another hard cut back to the interview, where, without prompting, she says, "The Democrats are a Party of pedophiles," apparently a Greene quotation, which Greene responds with, "I would definitely say so. They support grooming children" aaaaaaaaaaaand **hard cut**. The hard cut is back to Stahl, who is given the opportunity to say (wrongly but) with absurdity in her voice, "They are not pedophiles," before another hard cut where she asks, "Why would you say that?"
It is possible that Stahl did not even say this during the actual interview, given that it's so badly hard-cutted into the interview, but let's hope that 60 Minutes isn't *that* malicious, despite how long this list is getting. lol
At any rate, they do another hard cut to Greene which, despite their willingness to hard cut for sport, includes Greene's repetition of "Democrats" because this repetition makes it appear that she's less cognizant of a "reasonable" argument. The Regime will always include this sort of information in the opponent's responses but will cut out anything which successfully counters the Regime.
60 Minutes then cuts away to Stahl's reaction, which is incredulous, when Greene talks about how Democrats — including Joe Biden — support the sexualization of children. This is true and undeniable, especially given Biden's direct meeting with pedophile propagandists such as Dillan Mulvaney, but Stahl and 60 Minutes play to the low-information viewers who like to watch the Regime's most polished and infrequent propaganda before being easily convinced of the Regime's narratives, so they know good and well that their target demographics have never even heard of Libs of TikTok or the teaching advocacy groups which collect lists of the grooming documents that are being added to school curricula. Stahl can just gaslight everyone else.
Stahl then says, "Wow, okay," which was again another deceptive edit for effect. 60 Minutes loves these falsified lingering silences, and Stahl's forced acting is pretty transparent here.

• 6:00 — Stahl floats hilarious Regime propaganda, which is that Greene could perhaps engage in debate without "name-calling", which necessarily requires that Greene point out the left's absurd name-calling adventures. In the extended edit, I'd be surprised if she didn't mention Biden's "semi-fascist" and "extreme MAGA Republicans" talking points, which must result in Hakeem Jeffries getting a Carl Jr.'s credit every time he Tweets.
Still, Stahl deflects to the better nature of Republicans, saying, "But *pedophiles*?" (i.e., "[But this is so much worse! How could you! Be nice!]" But this exact propaganda has continuously handicapped Republicans against DNC psychopathy, since the DNC has openly sponsored that GOP candidates be called "Nazis" since fucking WWII. This is a repressive tolerance strategy, wherein the Regime tries to convince the right to be nice while they themselves can do whatever the fuck they want without reprisal or consequences of any kind.

Naturally, as Greene begins to say, "Call it what it is," they cut off her audio and go to *another* cutaway and voiceover to control the narrative, with this one pivoting to Greene's accurately calling the 2020 election "stolen" and exemplifying "fraud".
The producer then does a strange cut to Greene's biography, using b-roll of Greene's Georgia home. They use this as an opportunity to paint Greene as absurdly rich, possessing 10 acres and a net worth of $11 million — which they *estimated* rather than asking her, with these estimates often being inflated based on assumptions such as that someone is making no payments on their home(s) and properties. This is also their attempt to appeal to the ignorance of the viewing demo, since coastal elites likely have no concept of acres in a state like Georgia compared to properties in a hell hole like NYC. It would probably be shocking to many of their viewers that if they were to leave their blue states that they themselves could own far more than 11 acres.

Stahl then tries to paint Greene as being the result of a "dad" (which she emphasizes to add extra villainy in the minds of her midwit viewers) who listened to "right-wing talk radio". The horror! Those were not Regime-approved! They had to use AM radio and take sponsors from local gold-hawkers when FM was the new hotness with Regime sponsors, but people still went out of their way to listen!! Horrors beyond comprehension!!! We could have stopped Greene by sending a time traveler back and censoring AM radio!! lol

• 7:00 — Their hard cut here is now apparently inside Greene's home. Greene is framed from above to make her appear small and child-like while Stahl is given a wide shot from below to make her appear authoritative as she asks questions more typical of a movie's generic psychiatrist ("[Tell me about your father.]")
Stahl is almost taken aback by the fact that Greene's father would actually encourage her to be assertive.

The horrors of an assertive woman! She might not be subservient to the Regime, and if that happens, then why did the Regime pass the 19th Amendment at *all*!! That Amendment was supposed to make a voting bloc that is statistically favorable to the Regime based on a high likelihood of compliance and agreeableness, but if women learn assertiveness!! My word!! The Regime was supposed to direct those assertive energies into the Simone de Beauvoir Death Cult wherein assertive women assert their right to remove themselves from the gene pool by becoming mindless pro-choice advocates. If they assert rights to family and other non-Regime ideologies which give them real political power.. that's just right out!

• 7:40 — Lol. You have to appreciate another of 60 Minutes' horrendous hard cuts here. Pure propaganda. Greene talks about her mother not being satisfied with her direction, and after Greene takes the opportunity to say that her mother "believes in manners", 60 Minutes does a hard cut to a clip of Greene talking with Regime propagandist Jim Acosta. This clip came from Acosta's time during the Trump presidency wherein Acosta specialized in disrupting the White House Press Room to increase the Regime's psychosis signal and disrupt the White House's daily agenda-setting. Greene was calling him out for his role in overt Regime propaganda, but 60 Minutes is omitting all of this context.

• The writer does a soft segue to try to make this relevant, but it's just bad writing. The writers paraphrase Greene as saying that her "combative style came later in life", but they use this as a way to insert information about her "now ex-husband", which they use as a signal to more traditional viewers who might think poorly of a divorced woman (an understandable position, but 60 Minutes is using it as yet more well-poisoning propaganda). They also try to insert the idea of nepotism here by saying that Greene "bought" the construction business from her "dad" (Stahl *really* wants viewers to key in on "dad" so she says it very angrily), which viewers are supposed to take as meaning that she merely inherited her riches and never really worked, which is amazing absurdity from Stahl, who seems in shock in the very next scene when she's in an unfinished garage-gym. "[Unfinished garage! My word! How do your cars survive in here without carpeting!?]"

This segment is honestly hilarious, since it's basically just Stahl describing a lot of great and life-affirming self-improvement steps that Greene took (e.g., working out, gaining confidence, competing), but Stahl is reporting them with an extremely judgmental tone in a pathetic attempt to code all of it as "bad" for the viewer. The most criminal thing here is that crossfit's momentum/kipping-pullups are atrocious, but Stahl has probably never seen a strong woman in her entire life, so it's doubtful she could comprehend minor details like that. "Working out" for her is probably getting an expensive spa treatment.

• 8:40 — Regime propagandist Stahl is then aghast when Greene reports that her reason for entering politics is disappointment with the GOP. Coming from the Regime, this accidentally signals that the Regime needs to do better mob control with the GOP's controlled opposition status, but their messaging to the viewer is that "traditional Republicans" aren't "radical" enough for Greene — a hilarious re-framing that protects viewers from realizing that those "traditional Republicans" are Neo-Con warmongers and part of the Regime itself.

• 9:20 — "Why don't you blame Donald Trump?"
This is a key admission by the Regime. The Regime would prefer that its useful idiots believe that Donald Trump is the single source of blame. They will do this even while minimizing the role of people that Greene mentions, such as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. This is because the Regime *owns* those figures. It is crucial that the DNC's useful idiots see only Trump and the "MAGA Republicans" as enemies while ignoring the Regime's control of the establishment GOP. Naturally, they do yet another hard cut when Greene says that "the president doesn't control everything." The Regime would prefer that the president *can* control everything, but their goal is to establish that power after ensuring that the Overton Window is theirs alone.

• 9:30 — 60 Minutes now attempts to signal to the audience that Greene comes from a "largely *white*" (they emphasize this) district, to make sure that viewers make their false "white supremacy" associations as they have been conditioned to do.
They then do more hatchet-job editing of statements Greene made about QAnon on the floor. Their editing here artificially produces a non sequitur within 3 seconds, intentionally making it unclear what Greene "regrets" so that they can do a montage-edit back to the subject of "apologies" in the original interview (so, now cutting back to the first interview in D.C. rather than the Georgia interview). The manipulation here may be to break away to the Georgia interview and b-roll to show a "bad" (they're coding this perception) outsider who does not belong in D.C., with D.C. being the end caps on what the Regime has approved — and Greene not being Regime-approved.

• 10:30 — 60 Minutes uses more of the left's rhetorical manipulations here by showing a Tweet that was "liked" under an MTG account (see how far they must go? They could not find a statement, so a "like" it is). The left *wants* the right to be bound by their previous statements *totally* and to the highest degree, even as they rarely do the same and will deflect in any way possible. The goal is to make a predictable and controllable enemy. The left, so often lacking morality, will disengage from the very idea of responsibility as a prerequisite for power, but they will use this as a trap against the right because the right so often is concerned with principles and hypocrisy — even in the face of their enemy. This virtue has built entire societies, for a people who hold such virtues will allow the virtues of others as well. But, these virtues do not work against Regime propagandists while the propagandists monopolize the Politburo's apparatuses. The truth cannot prevail in a 60 Minutes interview — only the Regime.

• 11:00 — Stahl says, "We fact-checked", which is pure DNC-boomer propaganda. Not even the psychosis left believes in "fact checks", since they themselves have distrusted sites such as Snopes. At best, they'll selectively just believe anything that supports the Regime.
Greene calls out Stahl for essentially using the Cardinal Richelieu logic of "[finding a crime]." The biggest "gotcha" that 60 Minutes seems to have is Greene saying, "Exactly" in response to a Tweet that made three claims.
The three claims are:
• "It's called a pay off"
• "to keep his mouth shut"
• "it was a false flag planned shooting"
60 Minutes uses the same rhetorical manipulation as above to make the claim that "Exactly" is an affirmation of all three claims, and, even more importantly, while they show the *viewer* this Tweet, they did *not* furnish this Tweet to Greene. They are manipulating dramatic irony, giving the audience evidence which is denied the actors. *If* Greene were to have seen the Tweet (she could not), then she could respond to the context and the three claims. 60 Minutes intentionally and deceptively denied Greene this segue to context. They instead used the Human Resources (HR), policing, or CIA manipulation strategy of indicating that they held secret cards as a way to create a "confession" which — because the Kafka "crime" is hidden — can always be manipulated after-the-fact. For example, if Greene had perfect recall for that Tweet, the Regime would find another Tweet which addresses alternate points and put *that* on the screen instead. There is no way to "win" this an exchange while the propagandist holds hidden evidence unless the propagandist's trick is called out on the spot.

• 11:50 — Stahl again attempts to poison the well with a Gish Gallop list.
Again, the list is pretty based, but Stahl's deception is to paint the items as "bad" and not give enough time for Greene to defend them all individually. This means that viewers — if they have complaints with any item — will have a complaint with Greene. Instead of allowing any kind of defense, they immediately cut away to their closing b-roll and voiceover.

The 60 Minutes interview currently has 8.3k likes and 16,000 comments, which is typically not a good sign on Twitter but is less difficult to pin down for YouTube, since the left tends to avoid longer videos and the dislike button no longer displays.

This was only a 13-minute video, and the list above was not even all of the propaganda that 60 Minutes used.
People need to understand just how completely out-of-control Regime propaganda is. People on the right who accept these interviews need to record these interactions in their entirety so that these malicious tricks can be more explicitly exposed. Many people do not seem to notice all of this deceptive editing, but these same techniques were used in the January 6th show trials, by propagandists on Imgur/Reddit, by hate-pages on Twitter, and by the entertainment industry at large.

A good metaphor is the scene from "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" when Mikael is swayed not by the obvious facts of the matter but by the deceptions of a practiced deceiver:
"Why don't people trust their instincts? ... You knew something was wrong, but you came back into the house. Did I force you? Did I drag you in? No. All I had to do was offer you a drink. It's hard to believe that the fear of offending can be stronger than the fear of pain, but you know what? It is."

Susceptible viewers are deceived into watching the facial expressions of a propagandist such as Stahl for indicators of what is right and wrong. They unconsciously perceive the coding of "good" and "bad" from the propagandist's deceptive editing, and they believe the propagandist's simulation as a chronology rather than an out-of-order manipulation. With everything coded by the propagandist, they then must believe the propagandist's position as "true" and "right", lest they be treated as was the propagandist's object of deception.
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 06 04:45:39
This is a strange coincidence.

"Wishing all who celebrate a happy Passover."
[Halie Soifer Twitter; CEO of Jewish Democratic Council of American]

Primary positions of the Jewish Democratic Council of America's via their "Advocacy" Seder plate:
• Preserve Our Democracy and Protect Voting Rights
• Support the U.S.–Israel Relationship
• Protect the Environment
• Welcoming the Stranger
• Stand with Ukraine
• LGBTQI+ Rights
• Access to Affordable Healthcare
• Abortion Rights
• Gun Safety Reforms
• Equity, Equality, and Justice
• Fair Labor Laws and Workers' Rights
• Combat Domestic Extremism, Racism, and Antisemitism

On the one hand, you could say that these are merely the positions of the DNC and that this Venn Diagram's total eclipse with the Jewish council is just due to that.

On the other hand.... you'd expect *some* deviation.

And, incidentally, these advocacy positions again overlap near totally with the UN's/WEF's SDGs and the asset manager ESG/DIE funding imperatives. :|
Cherub Cow
Thu Apr 06 07:15:47
Thought on The [Legislative] Crown
(National Governments) / special category of the Military
(Military and medical are blindspots in Parvini's model)

To carry a thought from above forward...
How was the military, in particular, seized by the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia?
Answer: How is it being seized in the U.S. right now?

Why this is relevant:
• The DNC has been very thoroughly infiltrated by Bolsheviks, some Bolsheviks occupy GOP positions, and many GOP positions have useful idiots working on behalf of these Bolsheviks.
• The Regime used COVID to perform massive purges of non-Bolsheviks from positions of authority. This was done most explicitly through compliance measures, since strong-willed people (those who would not accept Bolshevism) were more *likely* to stand on principles and leave their positions rather than comply with shot mandates.
• Purges of local police forces were the most successful. Police hours were drawn down due to COVID protocols, "ACAB" agitprop was spread to create a social incentive of massive resignations, and "defund" legislation (which the Regime now calls "funding the police") meant that departments fired additional staff and redirected funding into DIE training of new and more compliant staff (i.e., they replaced their staff with more compliant staff).
• The Regime used the military in several key moments of theater, including the DNC's 2020 Insurrection Riots and the post-January 6th security theater. There's not much to glean from this alone except that the Regime is flirting with National Guard utility in "demonstrate power" propaganda.
• The Regime would need to own the military for a successful DNC insurrection — whether through propaganda, deception, or infiltration.

Focusing on the military:
• It's estimated that far less than 1% of the U.S. military left due to non-compliance with the shot mandates — maybe 3,400 total — with the Marine Corps, of course, being the most based (1,968 of that 3,400 were Marines).
(April 2022 Report; http://www...l-received-general-discharges/ )
• However, a key ingredient here is Pareto Principle: this was not just some random 1% sample; these were those least likely to comply with this overreach, and, even more importantly, this non-compliance showed that they were willing to refuse the propaganda and coercion that they were fed by their *own* leadership. These were the types who *actually* disobey unlawful orders, which is a matter of moral courage, and they were purged for it.
• The military's replacement strategy is in effect (i.e., strategy of replacing the non-compliant with the compliant through DIE hiring); the same strategy used in ESG/DIE companies is being implemented in the U.S. military (2021 DIE statement from MilitaryOneSource dot mil; https://www.militaryonesource.mil/relationships/support-community/military-diversity-and-inclusion/ ).
• The military has adopted Bolshevik ideology in its training (From preceding link: "Training to detect and respond appropriately to bias – both conscious and unconscious."), and is actively trying to seek out and purge so-called "white nationalists" (most not actually being white nationalists; this is just a red herring to describe anyone who opposes the Regime).
• The general military replacement strategy is to artificially inflate the promotion scores of DIE candidates, remove criteria which gives exceptional service-members better promotion access (e.g., artificially normalized scores which favor DIE candidates but appear to be "better" to those reviewing the promotion), and the same "pay gap" logic as ESG/DIE reporting which means percentage quotas (from the link: "Diversifying senior-level positions so they reflect the nation’s racial and ethnic makeup."). In other words, the military has been given explicit orders to replace its own leadership with DIE candidates, just as were ESG companies.

As a quick aside, I remember debating in UP about women in combat roles years ago (pre-2015 and before the full weight of the left-wing psychosis had dropped). My position was (and still is) that anyone should be *allowed* in those combat roles but that the **standards of entry** should remain exactly the *same* (or even harshen) — regardless of technological advances, support infrastructure, or any other soft variables. My position was of noble morality eugenics, where society produces more and more capable and virtuous people through unforgiving meritocratic principles.

Needless to say, that was not then and is not now the actual imperative of military leadership. I knew that at the time; even when debating this years ago, leadership was dropping standards.
For instance, I did not then and do not now agree that a female Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Score should be adjusted via a helpful handicap (women get a "perfect" PFT run score by running 3 miles in 21 minutes (versus 18 minutes for men) and (did) not have to do pullups, doing a "flexed-arm hang" instead).

The flexed-arm hang was dropped in 2014, so women have to do pullups now (pushups also an option), but a "perfect" score for women is 7 pullups, whereas men must now do 20–23 (age-based) to achieve the same "perfect" score ( https://www.military.com/military-fitness/marine-corps-fitness-requirements/usmc-physical-fitness-test ).

In other words, all other things being equal, a woman who does 7 pullups gets the same points as a man who does 20.
Why does this matter?
These points go directly towards promotion status within a job specialty (MOS for USMC), so a woman who gets this artificial "perfect" score may be promoted before many men who had far better fitness capacities (e.g.; all other things being equal, a woman who did 7 pullups will be promoted before a man who did 19).

This is the *softer* version of logic that has *expanded*. So, when promotion boards look at candidates for promotion, they are fed the *artificial* stats rather than the raw stats. They'll see a candidate who scored a "300" on a PFT and will have no way of differentiating between 7 pullups and 20.

That said, there are additional barriers for Bolsheviks to cross:
• Promotions are not *entirely* based on some autistic numbers-on-a-spreadsheet game.
• Promotion boards still require an in-person interview with senior leadership, often will require live-demonstrations of a PFT (i.e., the board will see actual people performing their PFT rather than just looking at the scores on paper afterwards), often require leadership demonstrations, and will evaluate various leadership traits and principles based on real physical presence.
• The military is notoriously resistant to attempts to infiltrate its basic sense of promotion based on leadership competence.

Counter-arguments to those:
• Whenever possible, through senior leadership that has been appointed directly by Bolsheviks within the executive branch, promotion boards are being hand-tied to keep them from making promotion decisions based on this strict sense of leadership competence. Instead, they look at who was the actual best, then *adjust* that decision based on who fulfills DIE criteria. The end result is that the best of the DIE candidates wins the promotion.
• The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), compromised of the DoD's senior leadership, is effectively the product of the president.
• The current Chairman of the JCS is Mark A. Milley, who, despite looking perhaps rugged to some, has the same pathetic look in his eyes as a man who wants to appear strong but secretly wears women's panties — probably in red. This is the same weak man who was quoted as saying, "I want to understand white rage, and I'm white," ( https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-joint-chiefs-chairman-critical-race-theory-congress/2021/06/23/84654c34-d451-11eb-9f29-e9e6c9e843c6_story.html ). In that same interview, he made a theatrical display of how upset he was by January 6th, falsely claiming that those people were violating Constitutional principles.
• *Trump* appointed Milley, btw, though there's debate about whether or not he wanted to do so. This may have been a case of Trump's narcissism being insufficiently pleased because Mattis, a total badass, suggested David Goldfein (Ah, shit. "Gold-"? "-Fein"? Is that even *worse*?), but Trump was fighting with Mattis publicly and went for an alternate choice instead. This was Trump either being fed false choices (given no actual good pick) which all satisfied the Regime and/or not knowing what was at stake.
• Regardless, the Chairman of the JCS and the Secretary of Defense (both Bolshevik tools) are able to erode the military through capture of its military colleges, replacement of its leadership through DIE initiatives, and internal control of military propaganda (this last one may merely be training PowerPoints, but do not underestimate the wider Zeitgeist's penetration into the military).

All said, I avoid the black pill. It's one thing to say that the Bolsheviks are attempting to capture the military and another to say that they are seeing success. Military personnel know that presidents have direct ways of changing the working environment (particularly the pay), and some even bide their time while waiting for the next president. Even of the shot policies, many stayed in specifically because they wanted to hedge against such a strategy of cultural replacement.

A bigger question would be,
"How much leadership needs to be replaced before everyone else falls in line?"
Or another,
"Can the military's duty to the Constitution be used against itself?"

The Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia used the Kornilov affair (1917) as a major source of propaganda, and the sequence is eerily similar:
• Soviet Russia was artificially involved in WWI (think: U.S. in Ukraine).
• After the Bolsheviks seized political power, Bolshevik leadership attempted to use a military offensive in WWI to create popular support and distract from their failed policies (again, Ukraine, the DNC's failed policies, and also the upcoming Taiwan proxy war).
• When this propaganda war failed, a non-Bolshevik Soviet general, Kornilov, prepared to stop the Bolsheviks from pushing their Marxist-proletariat revolution past its tipping point.
• The Bolsheviks initiated a propaganda campaign against Kornilov, causing Bolshevik-citizens to oppose him along the way and some of Kornilov's own troops to desert him, forcing him to suspend the coup and regroup.

The Russian Civil War ended up being anti-Bolshevik military power against Bolshevik military and Bolshevik control of all government and propaganda.

While inevitable history is a Marxist lie built on a deterministic fallacy, people might want to consider how it is possible to counter a totalitarian state that has seized so much power over administrative processes that even the military could be reduced to looking around for anyone who could pay for their next meal.
Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 09 11:13:19
"Army Majors currently attending ILE (intermediate level education) at the Command and General Staff College (CGSC) at Fort Leavenworth are being taught that only the dominant racial group can be racist (whites), and all other ethnicities are simply prejudiced in their actions."
[TRMLX; April 8th, 2023]

I've noted it before, but this re-defining of "racism" along the lines of power is slave morality, and teaching this as a cultural imperative is an extension of Marxism (Herbert Marcuse's "repressive tolerance"). The idea is to remove accountability from the slave group and put all accountability and blame upon the noble group — a scapegoat for the slave group's inadequacies. As an infiltration of military education, the goal would be to have military leadership believe in and disseminate this Marxist dialectic. In the case of the Soviet Bolsheviks, by having the military so infiltrated with the Party's dogma, troops had been demoralized from within.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 10 03:18:57
Update on the [Idea] Network
(Corporations and World Organizations)

"Raytheon director and his wife are killed in plane crash alongside another couple off the coast of Florida after the group went out for dinner with friends"
"• Jeff Lumpkin, 64, an associate director at Raytheon, and his wife Patty Lumpkin, 68, both of Fishers, Indiana, were killed in the plane crash on Wednesday"
"• A Noblesville couple - Rick Beaver, 60, and his wife Bethe, 57, also died in crash"
"• Their plane crashed Wednesday near the Venice Fishing Pier in Venice, Florida"
[Daily Mail; April 6th, 2023]

"The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating what could have caused the plane to crash."

This is one of those fun things where you'd like to think it was just an accident, but you simultaneously must reconcile that there were billions of dollars attached to it.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 10 06:49:03
Update on The [Money] Chest and The [Idea] Network
(Investment Banks and Corporations)

Budweiser was in the news recently for making government psy-op Dylan Mulvaney the face of its Bud Lite ad campaign, and this was honestly not a very interesting development because it was so sadly routine. We know, for instance, that..
• Mulvaney is a psychotic narcissist who has been driven by Regime propaganda into believing that self-emasculation is his latest means to fame, having tried being a standard flamboyant gay previously (see, for instance, his appearance on Price is Right in 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOQbCTCB5-A ). This made him a great Regime weapon in much the same way as narcissists and actors such as AOC have been slimed into positions of visibility despite lacking any credibility. But do not look at the actors — look at the writers and producers of this entertainment-as-propaganda.
• the Regime is trying to over-promote transpeople in order to provoke attacks against them, since the Regime can use that propaganda to rush through laws which appear to establish protections for transpeople but which, in reality, erode the rights of free peoples, expand BigPharma's capture of public health, and degrade the psychological and military strength of the West's peoples.
• large corporations have been adopting this strategy of over-promoting LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA issues because of ESG/DIE's social indexes.

And, of course, the trans issue has been a relatively safe issue for the right (again, a point made by Parvini). This is the bread and butter of Daily Wire's Matt Walsh, who does not need to do much to show how insane trans discourse is (Walsh pointing out in an April 4th post that a transwoman with a penis claiming to be suffering a miscarriage would not be treated as serious even by another transwoman http://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1643450523235028995 ).

Even mainstream people such as Kid Rock were able to jump in on the Budweiser boycott, unloading an MP5 magazine into two cases of Bud Lite ( http://twitter.com/KidRock/status/1643090302410936323 ). Semi-literate people made stunts out of replacing their Bud Lite stocks with Coors stocks, seemingly unaware that Coors was captured and uses LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA propaganda in its marketing ( https://denverpride.org/coors-light-supports-the-lgbtq-community/ ).

But, while this is all perhaps routine, people traced back who was behind the Mulvaney–Budweiser ad campaign, and one Alissa Heinerscheid thus produces a great summation via admission back in late March:
[Make Yourself At Home Podcast; March 23rd, 2023]
via https://ninesliving.com/podcast/

Of the smaller details, people have pointed out..
• Yes, another "liberal white woman" is helping to dismantle civilization. This is the crux of 19th Amendment issues. Certainly, we can attest that not all women are so abysmally accommodating to external conquerors that they would vote against the very interests of their own civilizations — effectively voting to lower the draw bridge in some enemy-camp rape fantasy (Heinerscheid's bio even includes that her three children are surrogates). Even so, the calculation by the totalitarians who pushed for the 19th Amendment was much simpler: a certain percentage majority of women would be more likely to vote for this self-annihilation, and that makes the group at large into a useful voting bloc. Totalitarians merely have to ask what type of person is most *likely* to vote for his or her own slavery and annihilation, make that type of person into a voting bloc, polarize them to the polls, and place them in positions of power.
• Yes, it is deluded to think that Budweiser, whose market share is a majority of men, should threaten its own market base by appealing to a much smaller market base (transwomen). But, even as a marketing strategy that is not the whole picture. The greater marketshare occurs by appealing to Regime sycophants who would want to support a business that supports LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA. I.e., Budweiser's virtue-signalling attracts the left-wing psychosis consumers.
• Yes, many liquor businesses are indeed independently operated and therefore a boycott of Budweiser (already underway) can make a huge dent in Budweiser sales. However.. No; "Go woke, go broke" is not how this works.

The typical strategy is actually this:
• Create economic conditions which squeeze a business into looking for additional investments (i.e., collapse the business and draw it to investments).
• Market ESG/DIE as an investment option.
• Capture the corporate framework of the business through ESG's governance requirements, and simultaneously force social and environmental requirements.
• Crush the business' profit motive through ESG/DIE's "stakeholder" model of "social responsibility" (i.e., the business is more concerned with its social responsibilities than its business responsibilities). This social imperative takes place through Marxist praxis terms such as Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE), "sustainability", social justice, representation, and LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA tokenism.
• Hide from the wider market that the business is collapsing even more than before by artificially subsidizing its losses.

This is the Rand metaphor of a hollowed out tree of a business. It appears to be functioning, but it is terminally self-destructing.

So, that had been my premise in these threads since the first thread. This same conclusion has been reached in parallel by people such as Razorfist/Rageaholic in December 2022:
"It's 'Go broke, get woke, and ultimately croak.'"

..and New Discourses (James Lindsay) in May 2022:

But they do not have to be trusted and neither do I. The Budweiser advertisement executive pointed it out herself:
25:20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnsSoS8s6Ok —
"I'm a businesswoman*. I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Lite, and it was, 'This brand is in decline. It's been in decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand, there will be no future for Bud Lite.' ... What I brought to that was a belief in — okay, what does 'evolve and elevate' mean? ... inclusivity, shifting the tone, it means having a campaign that's truly 'inclusive' and feels lighter and brighter and different and appeals to women and to men, and representation is ... sort of at the heart of its evolution. You've got to see people who reflect you in the work, and we had this hangover. I mean, Bud Lite had been a brand of fratty, kind of out-of-touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach."

*As an aside, this part was hilarious because it reminds me of people who have to say that they're important because they know that they're imposters. I've written about this corporate imposter syndrome in regards to ESG previously ( https://cherubcow.substack.com/p/equal-pay-day-marxist-equity-and ).

In other words,
• In 2016, following a consistent performance increase from 2009, Anheuser-Busch is targeted by the SEC, DoJ/FBI, and SEC-India for transaction violations ( https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2016-196 )
• Into 2017, Anheuser-Busch's overall performance begins trending consistently downwards (
https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/bud/charts?mod=mw_quote_tab )
• Anheuser-Busch adopted ESG reporting in 2018, beginning official reporting in 2019 ( https://budweiserapac.com/uploadfiles/2022/04/20220412141809882.pdf )
• Anheuser-Busch's ESG reporting directly references the UN's "non-binding" SDGs ("non-binding" being a joke that I hope people see; it's very much binding if you want to survive)
• Anheuser-Busch's ESG imperatives require (as do all ESG governance indexes) that they hire women into senior leadership to address the "pay gap" (see imposter syndrome link above for more on that).
• Heinerscheid began at Anheuser-Busch in July 2022 as its first woman VP, increasing Anheuser-Busch's position as an ESG investment option for other ESG investors.
• Heinerscheid, predictably, further applies ESG marketing strategies, wearing the skin suit of a dying enterprise.

Heinerscheid is a typical left-wing clone, as revealed in her interview (even basic dialectic, such as Regime phrases, "this matters", "find joy", "representation matters", "more work to do"/"do the work", "empowering", "performative"), and could be replaced by any other clone. She describes her activism as arising from her dissatisfaction at home, and she makes parallels to other women in a women's group she started, such as one woman who became a social justice advocate because she... and pause for this....... saw a spray-painted swastika. Yup. Heinerscheid, as many such useful idiots, see things like this as calls to action, perhaps unaware of the utility of such psychologically programmed responses and the possibility of false-flags.

Other hilarious moments from her interview:
20:00 — Speaking of her life coach, she relates that this coach's parents failed to succeed, and her reasoning is that they were "both incredibly smart but both had a ton of trouble ever realizing their potential because of mental illness and inveterate racism". Lol. Her smug look when she says, "inveterate racism," is precious, since she almost expects to be congratulated for the phrase.
23:00 — Speaking of working in a field dominated by men, she talks of the social imperative to "bring other people along the way" — i.e., her imperative to apply cultural Marxism to the industry because of her slave morality.
26:00 — She hilariously gives too much credit to Bud Lite's mediocre Super Bowl commercial ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsfUjX9RkDc ).
36:30 — CEO Beth Comstock mentioned as a personal icon. Comstock is another ESG/DIE clone, repeating the same UN/WEF buzz words.
37:20 — She admits to being an imposter. She adopts the fool's logic of "fake it till you make it". This is what pathetic people do; rather than become virtuous, they simply hope that no one discovers that they should not be where they are. This is the dysfunction pointed out by Heinlein: overcoming of authority without the requisite responsibility (i.e., holding positions of power without having known the greatness to overcome).
39:00 — Talk of her surrogacy. Another woman gave birth to her child. She's also trying to develop ways to help more women use surrogacy, so the immorality spreads.

And back to her above quotation (25:20), it's worth pointing out the circularity of "attract young drinkers".
The Marxists are directly targeting children with their propaganda, the long march being all but complete at this point, and as a corporate–government merger, this means that even the products that Marxist children consume are a further image of Marxist propaganda. This is that visceral fakeness that people have long recognized in the corporate identity, with this presentation now openly being the Frankfurt School's "commodification" of Marxism itself. This was always the intended goal of subverting Western societies through the infiltration of capitalism. The overall goal was to create a Marxist prison wherein children are propagandized into Marxist identities and feed the Marxist system with their every habit, from their cynical responses to capitalism to their purchasing habits. But the Marxist cynicism was always a projection. What they hated about capitalism was in fact their own hollowness and identitarianism, and they projected that hollowness and identitarianism into the systems that they subverted, with the face of Dylan Mulvaney on a Bud Lite can showing little more than that the Marxist's highest value is slavery.
Mon Apr 10 07:55:34

This video clip for timcastIRL is an interesting discussion in itself, but they talk about a data analytics done by a David Rozado:

"The Great Awokening as a Global Phenomenon"


^Driven by social media globally, besides state media in those countries hostile to the west who use it as mockery.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 10 09:11:40
Good clicks!

Tim is again off about these things being viral just because of rage clicks. Tim has certain blind spots, as revealed in the Ye interview, and really wants to believe that algorithms are mere accidents of simple social imperatives, like his frequent example of early YouTube making people watch key-word combination videos (that's more of an implication of his own habits, given that I never saw those videos). Clint Russell knows what's going on. He's liked some of my Tweets :)

And that's a good article to show this. We're again seeing an example of the ESG/DIE West versus the BRICS+ binary. People could argue that social media itself just "happened" to produce these conditions in a runaway algorithm, but as Tim slightly points out without quite getting there, people like Jack Dorsey tailored those algorithms — and not just because a mob wanted him to do so. As a reactionary, Dorsey was being directed.

I've pointed out before, but Twitter was specifically promoted and funded by BRICS+. Its leadership had multiple Indian- and China-born executives, and many of its programmers hailed from the same nations. It was artificially propped up as a public space in TV news — this did not happen organically. TV news didn't start showing random Tweets because the algorithm was just that good; they promoted Twitter because it was their propaganda project, much like Facebook before it.

Tim thinks that it just "happened" that the cream that rose to the top of the clickbait order was social justice, but Twitter as a platform was *designed* to make Marxism prevail. E.g., rhetorical manipulations are prevalent in Marxism, and those manipulations function best with character limits and deceptions. Musk's changes have actually broken much of this system and undermined those powers.

And was the funding accidental? No. Tim has to glance over that too. BlackRock picks its investments specifically because they promote Marxist values, and that includes its investments in propaganda apparatuses. If Tim's theory of a standalone complex were true, BlackRock would not accept these losses and would invest only in the best clickbait (period), but they do not; they invest specifically in Marxist clickbait and are willing to take short-term losses while they consolidate the market into a Marxist coalition.

And Tim misses another dimension too: the Governance Index. ESG arrives in 2004 (not 2005 as Clint mentions) right as the charts in the Awokening take off. This is because the ESG framework immediately overhauled the governance policies of dozens of trillionaire asset managers who all adopted this DIE language simultaneously. These asset managers directly inserted this Marxist dialectic into their corporate reports, and this forced downstream adoption — especially when holdout governments were infiltrated via the 2008 collapse, at which point it was not just asset managers and direct business partners whose governance policies had been revised. After 2008, entire governments revised their policies to include the language.

So you have two major timed releases:
• The intial 2004 adoption of ESG
• The secondary 2008 wave of Trojan Horse governance revisions (e.g., Dodd–Frank)

With these directly adopted by businesses, social media algorithms had to reflect their business' governing principles (already infiltrated). This was not random selection and this was not historical inevitability (I've pointed out that that's a deterministic fallacy); this was a specific investment strategy which effected its specific imperatives.
Mon Apr 10 10:28:44
We have to completely forget Globalization as a concept and be oblivious to the people who have been orchestrating it for the last 3 decades, since the fall of the Soviet union.

What is organic is the fairly straight evolution of that cultural and social elites ideology to where we are now.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 17 03:00:59
"What is organic is the fairly straight evolution of that cultural and social elites ideology to where we are now."

I've actually been working on something specifically on that theme that sort of gets to the core of James Lindsay's recent obsession with gnosticism (he may or may not be headed here, but it is a conclusion).

The short version is that when people create gods they give their gods specific characters. If the character of their god(s) is totalizing, then that becomes the focus of their works (i.e., their focus becomes the creation of a totalizing god in real life), so they will create totalitarianism with their works. Many, most, or all of the people behind these social programs believe in such gods. A totalizing god requires simulation/dissimulation, lies, and deception to control the masses — removing people from the truth within nature.

This is antithetical to the character of the god(s) that were believed in by, for instance, the U.S. founders (e.g., Deism), which posited that God became nature and is uncovered through reason, this reason driving one's symbol-making to become ever-closer to nature (e.g.; as math is a language extremely close to nature, being derived from reason). Reason as a fount of nature is anti-deterministic — anti-totalitarian — and is thus the enemy of the totalitarians, who must destroy the symbol-making of cultures of reason (e.g., the West) to put the West under the yoke of their deterministic god — what Westerners might call Satan.

The simple way to check the character of one's god is to ask what kind of a society would result from good works dedicated to that god. This is a big theme in the right at the moment: a competing vision for society that gives people an option against the totalitarian state.


Update on The [Money] Chest, The [Idea] Network, and The [Legislative] Crown
(Investment Banks, World Organizations, and National Governments / Policy Agenda)
{Citbank / BlackRock, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), U.S.–Ukraine Partnership}

On April 13th, 2023, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosted the following people at a U.S.–Ukraine Partnership Forum, with each of their speeches available on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce official YouTube (below links). I'm listing the speakers in this bracket section (in "-=-=-=-") so that their names are searchable, but this isn't necessarily meant to be read so much as scanned quickly.

Chamber of Commerce list:

• Suzanne P. Clark (CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

• Danys Shmyhal (Ukraine Prime Minister)

• Gina Raimondo (U.S. Secretary of Commerce)

• Samantha Power (USAID Administrator)

• Neil Bradley (VP, CPO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
"Views from Capitol Hill"

• Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary for Political Affairs (DoS), Ambassador to NATO)

• Serhiy Marchenko (Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the IMF and World Bank)
• Mike Pyle (Global Chief Investment Strategist, Blackrock; former Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy under Obama, a former law clerk to FBI Bolshevik Merrick Garland)
• Gert Jan Koopman (Director General of DG Budget, European Commission)
• Heather Conley (President, German Marshall Fund of the U.S., DIE expert)
"The Importance of Multinational Support for Ukraine" /
"Coordinating Multinational Support"

• John Murphy (Chamber of Commerce, Senior VP)
• Don Graves (Deputy Secretary of Commerce, formerly KeyBank ESG team, former Biden and former Obama appointee)
• Juan Alberto Leautaud (BlackRock; Financial Markets, Latin America infrastructure)
• Julie Monaco (Citibank; Global Head of Governance / Public Sector, Diversity Committee, WEF associate and 2022 Davos attendee)
• Sergiy Nikolaychuk (Deputy Governor at the National Bank of Ukraine)
• Scott Nathan (CEO, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), appointed, worked under Obama–Biden in Office of Management and Budget (OMB))
"Mobilizing Private Investment for the Reconstruction of Ukraine"

• Ivana Zuzul (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Program Director of American Committees on Foreign Relations, formerly of UNESCO)
• Mustafa Nayyem (Head of Ukrainian Infrastructure/Reconstruction, Ukraine Parliament, Afghan-Ukrainian agitator, former Euromaidan activist and Ukrainian Pravda journalist)
• Susannah Kerr (Jacobs Solutions Inc. (U.S. Federal contractor, global engineering), Senior Vice President & General Manager)
• Andrew Torre (Visa Inc., Regional President for CEMEA region)
• Andrew Patterson (Bechtel Infrastructure (massive construction company); Principal Vice-President, Global M&BD, and Major Project Development Manager)
• Maria A. Longi (Department of State, Coordinator for U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia; formerly of USAID)
"Best Practices for Reconstruction in Ukraine"

• Kendra Gaither (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Head of global rule of law)
• Andy Hunder (President of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine; Ukraine–London affairs)
• Eric Hontz (Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE); DIE business practices)
• Isobel Coleman (Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); climate activist)
• Taras Kachka (Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine; former Ukraine–EU negotiator)
"The Keys to Removing Barriers to Investment in Ukraine"

• Marty Durbin (U.S. Chamber of Commerce; President, Global Energy Institute)
• Alisa Newman Hood (Excelerate Energy; oil and gas law)
• Laura Lochman (U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Energy Resources; Moscow and Brazil connections)
• Mark Loughran (Honeywell, formerly of Microsoft Poland and UK; DIE acolyte)
• Roger Martella (GE, Chief Sustainability Officer; overt Marxist, overt ESG leader; former EPA General Counsel and DoJ appointee; "life member of the Council on Foreign Relations"; absolutely radioactive)
• Annie Petsonk (U.S. Department of Transportation; climate change)
"Building Ukraine's Energy and Infrastructure"

• Jose W. Fernandez (U.S. Department of State; climate acolyte; World Bank alternate governor)
• Lenna Koszarny (Horizon Capital (Ukrainian equity firm); awarded for efforts in making Ukraine good for globalist investment; WEF acolyte)
• Gary McGuigan (ADM, president for global trade; food and agriculture)
• Christopher Padilla (IBM; VP, government and regulatory affairs)
• Mike Parrish (Bayer; sustainability Marxist; congressional liaison)
"How Gorwing Ukraine's Key Sectors Will Boost Recovery"

• Jon Decker (Gray Television; White House Correspondent; board member of WHCA (unlisted? He is not on the WHCA site or the Wiki page https://whca.press/about/officers/ ))
• Oleksandr Bornyakov (Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine; IT Hub)
• Ilya Bourtman (Google, international governance)
• Matthew Devlin (Uber, Head of International Affairs)
• Reta Jo Lewis (Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), Biden-appointed president; former Obama appointee; DIE acolyte)
• Max Peterson (Amazon Web Services (AWS); global public sector VP; satellite expertise indicates possible Five Eyes work here)
"Next Steps to Develop Technology and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine"

• Dorothy McAuliffe (U.S. Department of State, global partnerships; climate acolyte)
"Looking Ahead: Next Steps in Ukraine"


Michael Tracy is not an ideal person to quote, since he seems a bit soy-based, but the sheer volume of attacks that even his mundane Tweets get from the left-wing psychosis is quite impressive and a possible indicator that he's too often over target — especially since he's not exactly the right-wing version of Jo Jo From Jerz (i.e., he is *not* just saying crazy things for polarizing clicks).

Here are Tracy's summaries:
• "Citibank executive declares "we have to win this war" because there is such desire to "mobilize private capital" in Ukraine"
• "Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo: "We have to be in this today, tomorrow, two years, three years... we're in this for the long run." Including "reconstruction," which will be "a decade in the making." But thankfully, she says, this effort will be a "public-private partnership""
• "Blackrock "senior advisor" says while it's a big challenge, he's optimistic about enabling Ukraine's ability to "Build Back Better""
• "Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine tells US Chamber of Commerce rep that Ukraine is ready to "Build Back Better" to create a business environment that is "friendly to private investment""
• "[Scott Nathan,] Head of an obscure US government agency called the International Development Finance Corporation vows to continue "unlocking private finance" in Ukraine, including by providing insurance to US firms whose investments could be subject to "expropriation" or "political violence""

This is another one of those useful overviews of a cast list and a production team:
• A staged conflict which necessitates a prolonged war to generate debt ("As long as it takes" propaganda)
• Asset managers stepping in to facilitate the debt control
• Investment strategists funneling wealth from Western nations to make Ukraine into a globalist hub (IT hub, food hub, Synagogue hub (Israel 2.0))
• Synagogue hub is a continuation of Bolshevik attempts to control the region for centuries, notably the Cossack uprising (mid-1600s) and the Soviet revolution (confessions listed as positives here: https://katz.sas.upenn.edu/resources/blog/ironies-history-ukraine-crisis-through-lens-jewish-history ). It is a point of pride to Jewish people that they were completely eliminated from Ukraine previously but are now successfully infiltrating Ukraine to the tune of 100,000 Jews. Jewish diaspora is part of a Jewish imperative to control all powerful nations. Most international conflicts can be seen from a lens of whether or not Jewish people have a presence in a nation. If they do not, the nation may be a target for conflict (e.g., Iran, Iraq, Yemen) or may already be a slave nation (i.e., no threat (e.g., African nations)). Jewish diaspora density can even be seen as which nations need to be most heavily transitioned into totalitarianism ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_diaspora#/media/File:Map_of_the_Jewish_Diaspora_in_the_World.svg ). At a glance, there is heavy overlap between priority nations for increasing ESG-indexes and accelerating conflicts. Lower density nations need less to turn them totalitarian (an interesting note there for Ireland, which needs more Jewish presence to destroy Protestantism than Catholicism). The U.S. seems to be the largest project, which could owe to its governance being the most resistant to totalitarianism due to its states.

In short, we have a war designed to completely reformat a country by siphoning funds from the West and leaning on captured enterprises for "reconstruction" (in the total state's image, of course — ESG as its bedrock). This simultaneously captures one of the world's largest food hubs, plays enemies against each other (to the total state's benefit), and totalizes state propaganda and information. The best part? They prolong the conflict until the side that is most infiltrated concedes to the debt scheme most favorable to the total state (i.e., whoever "wins" is merely pretext for a banker's win).
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 17 04:24:02
Quick update on military infiltration:

Robby Starbuck posted a video on April 14th from a military family-member who recorded Navy Nurse Practitioner Nichole Benson all-but-celebrating that the Navy's medical services are able to transition children and offer discrete services to children without the knowledge of parent service-members:

The darkest part is that she knows that she has the power to explicitly say, "Yes," to a question regarding whether or not this is official Navy policy. That is, she is *happy* that she has more power than a parent because she knows that this means that she [and the totalitarians] is/are winning. This is the same ideological insanity of the Maoists as they handed AKs to children and had parents digging their own burial ditches.

The Sam Hyde quotation is again relevant:
"When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

This also adds another dimension that I did not consider above (comment "Thu Apr 06 07:15:47" on military infiltration):
• It is not just the military's active members that are being propagandized and destroyed directly; the families of service-members are being targeted through the military's own medical services.
• Or, to phrase differently, the exact same medical capture that is occurring in federally-controlled U.S. hospitals is being successfully applied through the Military Health System (MHS).

This provides a Maoist cultural revolution **within the military**. So, instead of *just* 18-year-old service members being "indoctrinated" with a PowerPoint that they can just blow out their asses (as is tradition), service-members with families must deal with their own children being turned against them through Marxist indoctrinators who have been artificially promoted within the MHS through the MHS' DIE programs and thus hold inordinate and unearned power.

The best part? When a normal U.S. parent observes such behavior, there can be recourse, such as an emergency move to a red state. But, for military children, they are often trapped at a particular duty station until their parents receive new orders. Officers have more power to request orders earlier than scheduled (depending on rank, reason, billet availability, etc.), but officers also constitute the primary replacements of DIE hiring and are products of the already infiltrated military colleges (i.e., they're less likely to make such a request). Enlisted with family, on the other hand, most typically have to wait for the next rotation cycle and so would be trapped watching their families become victims of the Party Commissars.

This follows from a 2019 consolidation of the Defense Health Agency (DHA) which moved control of hospitals run by individual branches (Army, Navy, Air Force) directly under the DHA ( https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/1945358/military-health-care-consolidation-moves-to-next-phase/ ). DHA itself was an Obama-era project which had this goal in mind at its inception in 2011 (a similar plan failed when attempted in 2006).

The U.S. governance equivalent to this medical infiltration of the military is... stripping state hospitals of power by placing them all under federal purview, which is exactly what regulatory capture attempted on steroids during the pandemic (and succeeded in doing in the case of the CMS mandate's CMS-governance revisions).

Similar attempts at consolidating military divisions also stemmed out of 2019, such as attempts to consolidate the exchanges into one exchange system ( https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/04/12/pentagon-wont-merge-commissaries-and-exchanges-now.html ) and attempts at expanding joint-force operations ( https://www.defensenews.com/smr/defense-news-conference/2019/09/04/defending-the-pacific-requires-a-joint-force-concept/ ).

Of joint forces, on the one hand, it can easily be argued that joint forces and joint exercises are nothing new, with military branches consolidating activities as the mission necessitates. However, this attempt at consolidation was aimed at military governance, with military academics publishing guidance on how to consolidate military governance:

"The Joint Force Remains Ill-Prepared to Consolidate Gains" by Thomas Theodore Putnam
[National Defense University Press; January 2023]

Putnam offers some key guidance in consolidating governance between branches, namely by redefining Army doctrine with subtle Marxist nods ("sustainable" and "governance"):
"Following armed conflict, the dynamic and simultaneous execution of the necessary offensive, defensive, and stability activities to secure an area and reestablish governance operations to set the conditions for sustainable strategic objectives, allowing for a transition of control to other legitimate authorities."

Putnam then suggests that the Army's model of consolidation should apply to all the branches.
Another point is that the military's members need to be indoctrinated with the political theology of the politicians who waged the war so that internal military governance is identical to the governance established in a conquered nation. On the one hand, this makes sense as a matter of transition periods from military control to puppet/political control, but on the other hand, this means that the military must be politically homogeneous — and likely DNC-affiliated. The Putnam article essentially suggests that this can be done by expanding "civilian"-like jobs within the military, which would necessitate softer training standards, expand military bureaucracy, and disguise losses by claiming that deaths were taken by the military rather than by civilians (i.e., it makes it appear that deaths were in combat rather than in stability operations).

And a more subtle suggestion throughout the article is that a situation like WWII would force the necessary governance consolidations in the military, and, by extension, this "makes it worthwhile to start changing now". There is also a direct call for Biden to make more drastic military governance decisions — informed by this report, of course.

In short, toying with proxy wars in Ukraine and Taiwan while leaving a big door open for WWIII with China and/or Russia also allows pretext for the military to merge its branches under consolidated governance. It's likely far too big of a change in the immediate future to expect that all the branches would just be merged and called the "Revolution Armed Forces" or something, but as far as long term plans go.... yeah... definitely. Short term, though, would be identical governance structures between branches which ensure DIE compliance, allowing LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA values to inseminate conquered nations via TikTok influencers-as-soldiers.

Imagine the horror of floss-dancing Gen-Z transwomen in Damascus, waving the LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA Global-homo American Empire (GAE) flag over dead civilians who were killed by cat-eared gamers who used drones to drop grenades from the comfort of a quad-con in Vegas before breaking for a furry convention. "Globohomo is a Jewish value" will be on your local synagogue.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 17 04:36:02
...and your genitalia and the genitalia of your children will be sent back with a note from the emperor,

"Ill art thou repaid,
For the good organs thou sent’st the Empire.
Here, the breasts of thy two noble daughters,
And thy penis in scorn to thee sent back.
Thy grief their sports, thy resolution mocked,
That woe is me to think upon thy woes,
More than remembrance even of the Shoah,"
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 18 07:12:51
As a more entertaining post.. :D

Lotus Eaters did a pretty funny video last week wherein they go into a Regime article (NPR) that is peak Celebration Parallax:
"Ze Boog Conspiracy"
[April 9th, 2023]

The short version is that NPR pretends that elites wanting people to eat bugs to prevent climate change is "conspiracy theory", but in the very same article they give all of the very real details which demonstrate that, yes, elites do indeed want people to eat bugs as a means of moving away from cattle protein.

This follows other climate policies such as Ireland's political realization that its 2030 goals would requiring the culling of herds:
"Irish farmers say they will be forced to cull cows to meet climate targets"
[The Guardian; August 29th, 2022]

The Guardian article's "expert" suggests.. don't say, "Cull," just find some euphemism that allows the exact same outcome to take place but which boils the frogs more slowly.

This is peak Celebration Parallax in both articles because the events are indeed happening, it is just that you, the Outer Party prole, can only say that these events are happening *if* you agree that it's good that it's happening. If you disagree with the intended outcome, then the exact same event that they just said is indeed happening must not be happening (e.g., "conspiracy theory!").

You have to appreciate the rhetoric of this Maoist and Kafkaesque gaslighting and manipulation... at least until you realize that these psychopaths are making a lot of headway with this propaganda.

There's a useful related video, however:
"Why We Won't be Eating Bugs in the Future"
[Leather Apron Club; March 3rd, 2023]

Background on Leather Apron Club:
"Leather Apron Club" (LAC) recently got a boost in the algorithm after the Bolshevik infiltrator Eric Weinstein (not to be confused with Bret Weinstein of Evergreen College and the DarkHorse podcast) went on Joe Rogan and told outright lies about LAC to poison the well against him and perhaps mobilize people to get LAC's account removed (covered and responded to by LAC here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7cXEEQ2SOI ). Eric's concern is based in the fact that LAC made a project out of cataloguing the discrepancies in Jewish representation in podcasts (e.g., overrepresentation of Jewish people on Rogan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZFApIBGQAg ). This overrepresentation of Jewish people on podcasts is coupled with an underrepresenation of white people.

I was a little disappointed that Carl Benjamin made a similar but more nuanced understanding of this issue in another of last week's Lotus podcasts ("Representation is the new colonization" / "Society Must Catch Up" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u3eHir8AFY ) since I'm getting an article together on Marxist representation in film. On the plus side, he could not possibly be using the same sources as myself, since I'm going directly to Marxist literature on film-making; but on the negative side.. some of the main points are the same, such as the key decision to over-represent some and under-represent others.

At any rate, the LAC video on bugs points out that the possibility that bugs will become an actual, energy-efficient protein alternative to cattle is not supported even by the articles that float the idea. Some of the obvious issues are that bugs themselves would require feed which comes from more energy-efficient animals, such as chicken (i.e., just eat chicken instead of eating the bugs that eat the chicken), and that even the supposedly efficient plan to construct bug-buildings which allow compact and automated local production of protein in cities would not work by energy-efficiency metrics because such facilities would again rely on this same inefficiency of animal feed. This paragraph is, of course, rhetorically defeatist, since it makes it sound like it would be okay to eat bugs if only we could work out the efficiency issues when, more nobly, bugs should be off the table entirely even if it *were* super efficient.

What LAC and Lotus Eaters do *not* point out, however, is the obvious conclusion of this assembled information:
This is not a matter of bugs *actually* being a more energy-efficient supply of protein for a "green" climate future.
That is the same rhetorical deception as saying that it's "green" to kill Western energy production while relying on energy expansion through Belt-and-Road strip-mining in Africa (i.e., pollution is merely displaced).

In other words, it's *not* actually green, and it's *not* actually efficient, but it accomplishes some overall goals:
• killing Western energy independence,
• killing Western food independence, and
• converting the West into a service economy which services BRICS+ for its very survival.

And there are additional sub-perks to these food-killing strategies in the West. If the West kills its protein production by eliminating cattle, we could expect Western men to become even more soy-boy beta-cucked due to the food supply starving men of testosterone. This would increase the amount of trans-people in the U.S., since gender dysphoria would increase from the estrogen manipulation of the food supply; and we'd see more eunuchs — a trademark feature of an overly-bureaucratized state wherein the weak must self-emasculate to cushion their psyches and help them accept their place as so far removed from being alpha that they may as well be toy dogs.

More shortly: the food supply would be less efficient, but the population would be more controllable.
A population subjected to such dietary emasculation would consequently be receptive to their own genocide, so this plan would please the Malthusians as well.

Or, to rephrase with the résumé euphemisms which best serve the Regime's Celebration Parallax usage:
Eating alternate protein sources would allow strategic draw-downs of emissions while improving quality of life in the Global South and moving the world towards net zero carbon and a sustainable world population.

There. That corporate-speak makes totalitarian eugenics sound much more palatable.
Tue Apr 18 07:34:05
Merlin! I swallowed a bug
Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 23 02:39:13
I mentioned earlier this year on the subject of Larry Fink's interview in Davos at the World Economic Forum (WEF) that 2023 would see a shift in the Celebration Parallax propaganda surrounding ESG:
"This quotation was fun: "We are doing everything we can to try to change the narrative."
Get ready for some pro-ESG propaganda this year. The total media blackout on ESG may suddenly become wall-to-wall coverage of "Why ESG is a good thing!""

Fink's interview in Davos revealed that he intends to fund propaganda campaigns using his network within the Regime in order to push back against anti-Bolsheviks.

We seem about to hit that tipping point. Search interest in ESG has been steadily increasing since January 2021 (this because Biden was a major champion of this Marxist infiltration, with his early Executive Orders being huge for ESG), had a large spike in May 2022, and spiked again in early March 2023.

This week saw a surge in ESG articles, with this being a selection from the Regime's propaganda repeaters (again, all this week):

• Reuters: "Business fights back as Republican state lawmakers push anti-ESG agenda"
{i.e., the headline's propaganda informs in the mind of the reader that ESG must be "good" since the "bad"-coded "Republican[s]" are against it; the article itself then sells the propaganda that ESG is merely about "[common sense] climate change" policy. It then buries some of ESG's maliciousness with this coding, even ignoring that California's use of ESG to cripple pension funds by divesting these funds from oil profits is maybe a bad fucking idea.}

• Yahoo!: "Business fights back as Republican state lawmakers push anti-ESG agenda"
{Article merely multiplies Reuters' signal but with more viral language}

• Time: "ESG Explained"/"Why ESG Is So Confusing"
{This short article offers a stupid conclusion: that ESG is "confusing", and you should wait for financial regulators to make their conclusions before forming your own opinion. This propaganda functions through delayed information; ESG can succeed for longer if the public is denied knowledge of its functions by the propagandists. This allows additional narrative-crafting as well as allowing the cultivated statements of Regime "experts" who will be given time to tell positive lies about ESG.}

• Bloomberg: "DeSantis Steps Up Attack on ESG as Florida Bars Public Investments"
"Ron DeSantis pulled off another assault against ESG"
{"Assault"! My word! That sounds "bad", so ESG must be "good"!
Propaganda functions here by again aligning attacks on ESG with Republicans so that the DNC's useful idiots will automatically believe that ESG must be "good" since Republicans dislike it.}

• California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation: "Embracing Sustainable Investment Practices with ESG Investing"
{Very positive article}

While four articles from big companies and one from California's government is *not* the wall-to-wall coverage one might expect from a disposable culture-war story such as the Ralph Yarl ("wrong house") shooting, what we are seeing is the Regime going on the defensive after being completely silent on ESG stories. Previously, ESG reporting was almost entirely limited to bland investor articles targeting day traders and the managerial elite (much as was the case with the California article in this list).

A key phrase of the Regime's propaganda is "anti-ESG", which tw and ep will therefore likely be adopting on behalf of the Regime soon. The Regime is also going to fall back on the claim that this is just good "climate change" policy for "sustainability", though, honestly, mentioning "sustainability" is a bigger liability than they likely care to admit, since there is literally only a single step from "sustainability" to the United Nations and Herbert Marcuse's Marxist work on the exact same subject, then it is only one step to the Frankfurt School and international Bolshevism, then one more step to realizing why Germany was in such a fowl mood. So, if they let that word reach mainstream consciousness (whereas it is currently only a mainstream word of the unconscious), they'll basically have to play defense again, applying thought-terminating clichés by saying that calling things "Marxist" is "white supremacy". That will keep most people from looking any further.

Pushing against this Regime propaganda, The New York Post published an article that states the exact points that I've been making in this thread series:
"How liberal politicians steer trillions of public funds via ESG"
[April 22nd, 2023]
Topics covered:
• "Elected officials can also wield influence through executive orders, agency directives, and letter writing to pave the way for ESG asset managers to access the back door of corporate America and sometimes even shove those managers through. That’s exactly what President Biden has done. The first thing he did when he took office was pick up his executive order pen. He used it to direct his federal agencies to revisit their rules with an eye toward making them more ESG-friendly."
Correct and documented here thoroughly!

• "The same day, he rejoined the Paris Agreement, and simultaneously issued another order directing that all federal agencies “immediately commence work to confront the climate crisis.”"
Correct and documented here thoroughly!

• "He charged every federal agency with appointing an “Agency Chief Sustainability Officer”"
Correct and documented here thoroughly!
Party Commissars are in every agency as in every business. Let me know if your HR department is asking if you're LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA, because this is ESG's direct messaging on "pay gap" Marxism — their racialist strategy in hiring.

• "The Department of Labor was one of the first agencies to respond."
This connects with what I was saying about OSHA and government infiltration via COVID (see mandate litigation thread). This seems like a bland bureaucratic move, but that's exactly the point: if the government can claim that ESG is an imperative for the workforce through the lukewarm imperative of "[a clean environment is itself a better work place for all]", then ESG becomes a government staple. This is a back door to totalitarianism. They claim that it's "just" for workers, but then all corporations belong to the government via ESG. This is the final merger of state and corporation.

• "There’s another little-known federal agency that is playing a big role in allowing ESG to go unchecked: the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Per the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the OCC’s mission is, among other things, to ensure “fair access to financial services.”"
Yep. I made this connection early in the thread series: Dodd–Frank was the big backdoor for ESG to become a mainstay. Dodd–Frank was absolutely hammered with ESG rhetoric, using the "too-big-to-fail" logic of bank protections as a means of amplifying infiltration into all businesses downstream of the asset managers who sponsored ESG in the first place.

• "On the other side, ESG activists pressured banks to de-bank rifle makers, private-prison operators, large agricultural businesses, and, of course, the US fossil-fuel industry. In many instances, the banks complied."
Yep! ESG is able to collapse the Constitution itself through its "social" initiatives. ESG is also behind the collapse and mismanagement of agricultural businesses (i.e., all of those exploding food producers). Attacks on oil businesses almost go without saying because the connection to Fink is so direct: Fink infamously attacked Exxon's board of directors.

New York Post is clearly publishing with alignment to Ramaswamy's upcoming book on the subject (advertised in the article), but this is excellent: ESG is about to go mainstream. Your boomer parents are going to be talking about this.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 03 03:31:31
James Lindsay appeared at the "Identity and Democracy Foundation" conference on March 30th, 2023, delivering this 28-minute speech:

This is a good summary of pretty much all of his research and so is useful for new and uninitiated audiences. He summarizes a number of key points about the genealogy of "woke", CRT, post-colonialism, and DIE — from Marx to the Frankfurt School to Mao.

He also anticipates some of the "conspiracy theory" claims, which is appropriate since in 2017 the Wikipedia page for "cultural Marxism" was taken over by Marxists and turned into a redirect to the page for "Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory", with the content of "cultural Marxism" now (and as of its 2020 creation date) on "Marxist cultural analysis", where most people will not find it since these search terms are not known to most. This propaganda technique (controlling the search criteria and the definition-writing through Wiki) means that people who search for "cultural Marxism" will immediately be told that it is a "conspiracy theory" with connections to "white supremacy" (the same strategy used for "Great Replacement"). These are the sorts of thought-terminating clichés which will stop most people from proceeding further.

But this "conspiracy theory" claim is merely the Celebration Parallax yet again ("That’s not happening and it's good that it is.").

That is, even the Wikipedia articles spell out the overall strategy, but the key is that if you agree that it's okay then you are permitted to acknowledge its existence. If, on the other hand, you disagree, then the thought-terminating clichés will stop you from realizing that the UN/WEF's strategy of implementing ESG via asset managers is indeed cultural Marxism.

Naturally, this presents major barriers for people attempting to communicate this to the public at large. Regime media as gatekeepers have a propaganda flow-chart designed to stifle this awareness at every step, and the Western public is often kept from the realities of Bolshevik history, with all history stopping at the East-German border. This forces even those who are aware of the overall strategy to self-censor so that their audiences do not shrink to an opposition whose size is completely manageable by the Regime — that Matrix remainder that the architect can cull and reset at will.

But, Lindsay has fairly careful here, avoiding affiliation with right-wing reactionaries in order to build a larger audience that includes policy-managers. That said, they have nevertheless made him a target of propaganda campaigns, hoping to keep him from a mainstream audience.

"They will weaponize your over-reaction for a century — forever."
Cherub Cow
Sat May 06 04:27:47
The Regime requires extra steps for being gay:
[May 5th, 2023]
"Tonight I asked Erin to marry me.
A year ago, I told Erin that I was looking for a love that felt like home.
I have found that and so much more. I have found my future, my family, and my forever."

(These are two "transwomen" (i.e., men) getting married.)

This Representative, Zachary Raasch (stage name "Zooey Zephyr"), gained publicity recently (March 2023) for opposing a Montana bill which would prevent the sterilization of minors, he believing that *not* allowing children to be sterilized by the state would be "tantamount to torture", since puberty is difficult and he insanely thinks that chopping off body parts would make it easier.

His future husband, "Erin" Reed (probably born Aaron but this one is scrubbed pretty well), is a child-mutilation activist, working to find system vulnerabilities which allow children to be castrated and otherwise medically deformed. The Regime has been promoting him pretty hard lately, such as in this PBS article, which introduces him as a "researcher" ( https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/republican-states-aim-to-restrict-transgender-health-care-in-first-bills-of-2023 ).

Seeing two dudes dressed as women getting married is still as funny today as it was 30 years ago, but the difference now is that a totalitarian state is trying to make it so that questioning this is "hate speech", with punishments including imprisonment, job dissolution, and social destruction. Further, you can see in Zachary's Tweet that he thinks that this performance is "family", when, in reality, his emasculation decisions have permanently prevented him from having an actual family. He can only have the Regime as a "family", much as a born-in-captivity ape might find a hot spot in his cage which is fairly close to the temperature of another ape.

As a mental exercise,
think of something so absurd that it makes you laugh, and
imagine that the Regime will put you in the gulag for this reaction.
Cherub Cow
Sat May 06 06:06:22
A new tyrant is born!
Charles III crowned moments ago.

While the UK should hang on to its monarchy if only because the West is under attack and needs the stability of an anti-BRICS tradition, Charles III is a traitor to Britain and has taken part in the miseries that have afflicted the Western empires.

If it is that he was acting as a traitor only because of leverage that others previously had against him, then I hope that this crowning means that his power is consolidated and the West can openly purge the Bolsheviks who have held the world ransom.
Sat May 06 09:29:58
At least his views on architecture are pretty based:

"The Prince of Wales launched a fierce attack Tuesday night against modern architecture, criticizing the wholesale 'rape' of Britain's cities, in one of the most outspoken speeches ever made by a member of the royal family.

Addressing the annual dinner of the Corporation of London's Planning and Communications Committee, Charles said: 'You have to give this much to the Luftwaffe. When it knocked down our buildings, it didn't replace them with anything more offensive than rubble. We did that.'"

But yeah, he's part of the problem.
Sat May 06 09:44:14
Politico has an absolute puff piece for Biden regarding Hunter's legal woes:

"But people close to Biden still worry about the personal toll it will take on a father who has already felt anguish about a son’s struggles amid a long history of family tragedy. And they wonder how long he can compartmentalize personal anger with the attacks on Hunter and the political calculation that he’s better off not responding to it. Biden has long agonized over the fate of his surviving son, expressing that worry in phone calls with longtime friends and to Hunter himself."


Of course, the article has barely any mention whatsoever about his corrupt financial dealings or encounters with ladies of the evening.

Looks like we're getting a preview of how the MSM would handle any indictment...basically a mixture of writing it off as a Republican conspiracy theory and using it to cast Uncle Joe in a sympathetic light. "Oh poor Joe has an addict in his family, isn't that so relatable? He shows almost as much compassion and care for his son as he does to the country that he is working so hard to heal."

Cherub Cow
Sun May 07 03:54:26
"and using it to cast Uncle Joe in a sympathetic light."

That would definitely feed more into the FDR narrative they're building for him.

The reality is that Biden is a puppet who is completely beholden to whatever psychopathy the totalitarian state wants him to perform on their behalf, since he was probably caught up in a sexual blackmail scheme wherein his pedophilia was exposed to such an extent that his legacy requires absolute cooperation.

But the media narrative is shaping up to be, "[This poor man knew that his health was failing, but he held it together because his higher calling was to address the threats to our democracy.]"

If Biden does not die in time for that narrative to get the DNC extra electoral points (ideal would be between December 2023 – March 2024 since that allows the grieving/reverence narrative as well as a hasty re-selection), they'll just use one of their MK Ultra slaves to kill him, polarizing the moderates into a DNC landslide.

A third option (if Biden survives and they don't have an MK Ultra ready) is to put his living cadaver in office again — regardless of who shows up on election day 2024 — just to demonstrate to the world that the electoral process in the U.S. has been totally owned. Biden will then continue the process of dismantling the republic on behalf of foreign powers. I saw a comment on Auron MacIntyre's Biden video pointing out that Biden has become the Boris Yeltsin of the U.S. — installed to demoralize and humiliate the national identity ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSwPfcTJO3M ).

"it didn't replace them with anything more offensive than rubble. We did that"

England could definitely do away with the Gherkin and a bunch of other modernist and postmodernist buildings. Imagine Charles III going full Caesar and demanding an age of traditional rebuilding, maybe replacing migrant housing with 11th century prison architecture.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 08 22:01:48
This sort of follows from something I just posted in the "homeowner vs black kid" thread ( http://uto...hread=91517&time=1683385333032 ), but it totally derails that subject, so I'll post here:

As random venting, I'm also annoyed that these people (right-wing indy pundits) readily plagiarize their sources rather than citing them. I've had even Michael Shellenberger directly steal something I've said and pass it off as his own insight (he and I both read the same thread; I commented before him, he stole my idea, and he linked to the same thread, meaning that he saw what I wrote https://twitter.com/CherubCow/status/1584396298492334080 ). I also tagged Critical Drinker in an article I wrote in December, and what did he do? Did he cite me as I cited him? No. He made several videos which *directly* ripped off what I wrote but in video-essay format. That's not a coincidence. He clearly saw my article after I tagged him.

I'm seeing more and more of these subtle weaknesses in the right. Timcast has been an obvious one for a long time because Tim "didn't [even] graduate from fucking high school" (— Tool), and Critical Drinker is such a fucking retard that he still doesn't know what I put in his lap — or he's too much of a fucking coward to cut to the truth and risk losing some of his audience — but some of these people are clear narcissists who believe that they are anointed to merely steal the cream that rises to the top to boost their own brands. Could Shellenberger have just re-Tweeted? Could Critical Drinker have mentioned my article? Yep, but they fucking didn't. Their mental process was, "[How can *I* steal this for *my* benefit before anyone notices this smaller user?]"

This has made me think more and more about at least going semi-public.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 08 22:54:38
Speaking of big fish riding others' work:
"A message for Mr. Ben Shapiro -
I have noticed you have used over 10+ of my videos to react to on your social media."
[May 8th, 2023]

Shapiro has been doing this more and more to expand his content. His movie reviews are total shit since he's basically a philistine, so he's probably just algorithm-gaming by trying to get hits for "reaction" videos.

Thinking about it, I think that WeAreChange is one of the few right-wing pundits who actually cites people and makes sure to refer people to their work and ideas. He usually starts his videos this way, like in this May 1st, 2023, video wherein he shows a Bud Lite meme-video and tries to give credit to the creator:
(Warning, WeAreChange is basically the inspiration for Woody Harrelson in "2012").

There are no perfect right-wing indy pundits, of course. You can watch people like Jocko Willink and see someone who has a sense of the martial, but he's probably a year or two behind on cultural understanding. Or, you can watch people like Auron MacIntyre who are very close to the truth, but he's overly obsessed with Curtis Yarvin and is kind of a physical weakling. Even Neema Parvini, who published the "Populist Delusion" (a brutal statement on how totalitarian power is functioning), spends most of his time on Twitter rating women based on images of them in their 20s ( http://twitter.com/OGRolandRat ).

It's all à la carte. There seem to be few people of vision who are *not* merely acting to control the right into defeatist paths.

Speaking of MacIntyre, though, he had a good podcast with Furius Pertinax on May 3rd, discussing Julius Caesar:

It's basically just a crash-course of HBO's "Rome" with only a few extra insights that you would only know after taking a college course on Roman history, but the added dimension is looking at Julius Caesar as a potential evolution away from today's social corruptions. This differs slightly from the right-wing people who are hoping for a Christian monarchy, since even the Christian Auron MacIntyre realizes that Julius Caesar pre-dated Christianity.

I think people should look at it like a résumé: what criteria must one have to ascend all other leaders at this moment in history?
Cherub Cow
Tue May 09 02:10:06
Big one:

Update on The [Money] Chest, The [Idea] Network, and The [Legislative] Crown
(Investment Banks, Foundations, Corporations, NGOs, World Organizations, and National Governments)

Michael Knowles, of all people, after never mentioning ESG on his Twitter before today, finally figured out what's going on with Budweiser:
"Transheuser-Busch is still scrambling over the Mulvaney beer can as sales continue to tank. But it’s caught between a rock of customers and a hard place called “GARM,” a WEF-backed operation which was subpoenaed Friday by @Jim_Jordan and the House Judiciary. Here’s why:"
[May 8th, 2023]

Maybe low-resolution daily news people like Liberal Hivemind who still think that firing a single executive and apologizing will fix things.. will fucking understand what's going on here. "Go woke, go broke" is not how this fucking works, but he just keeps saying it (e.g., Hivemind on May 7th, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EXxMu7vD_c ).

Should also be interesting to see Jim Jordan's questioning of these GARM executives. This has apparently been escalating since March, with Jim Jordan releasing a subpoena on May 5th after GARM dragged their feet on a response to his latest request:
"Chairman Jordan Subpoenas GARM and WFA for Documents and Communications"
[Official Press Release; House Judiciary Committee; May 5th, 2023]
I don't see that the subpoena lists a respond-by date, but House subpoenas require response typically within 10 to 14 days, which would put the outside of that window on May 19th. With luck, that may mean a hearing next week.

So, to connect the dots:
Here we have a UN/WEF organization, that exists as a consequence of ESG, being exposed explicitly for its role in an "anticompetitive collusion" scheme (the words of the subpoena — words that I have been using here repeatedly) which forces ESG businesses to collude in advertising, punish non-ESG entities, and force cooperation from the marketplace. This is fucking illegal, yet the Regime has managed to have this fly under the radar since 2004. The Media has covered this up successfully by pretending that it has not be happening and denying the information to the public at large.
Cherub Cow
Thu May 11 07:05:19
This might not be as bad as it sounds, but it's bad.

Update on
The [Legislative] Crown, the Chamber, , and the [Legal] Bench
(National Governments, Secret Services, and law enforcement)

"Biden DHS Coordinating Illegal Immigration In-Flows with Mexico
A striking level of collusion, as Biden's officers use an encrypted online chat room to tell Mexico when to let migrants swim across"
["Center for Immigration Studies" dot org; May 10th, 2023]

From the article:
• "President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has been coordinating these mass swims with Mexico’s immigration service, INM, at high levels on an encrypted Whatsapp channel."
• "The officers explained that their senior officers were in touch with U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials about how many immigrants were gathered and were prepared to cross the river at any given time."
• "The Mexican officers said the Americans initiated this system in late April but could only guess at why – perhaps to better manage the processing of very high recent numbers of crossings."

A few things to review here:
1) The Center for Immigration Studies was flagged by the SPLC as a "hate group" founded by "white nationalists", but the SPLC itself is a Bolshevik group owned and funded by asset managers such as Joshua Bekenstein of Bain Capital and by Bolsheviks such as Joseph Levin, who actually seems to be a direct descendant of Russian Bolsheviks. So, while the well is being poisoned for CIS, those poisoning it are poison themselves.
2) The CIS video does indeed show migrants crossing the border and more waiting, so a large scale crossing was indeed being shown.
3) If the CIS claims are taken as true, the questions become "who allows this?" and "for what end?"

Of point 3, if DHS employees are indeed arranging this, the follow-ups would be whether this is policy or whether these are DHS-infiltrators (i.e., traitors) working on behalf of migrant groups.

If this is policy, the question becomes "is this indeed a 'controlled flow' policy?" That is, is the intent to allow groups to cross merely as a concession that they were going to cross anyways but in a 'controlled' manner so that they can be apprehended and processed?

If these crossing migrants do indeed get apprehended and processed, then the only real question is whether or not they are sent back. At that point, it's right back to Title 42 issues and the Biden White House's clear intent to allow large-scale illegal migration.

As one factor among many, un-prosecuted and unchecked illegal migration continues to be an important dimension of the totalitarian strategy. Even Elon Musk (despite his recent red-pills) showed his hand on this one, with him believing that there needs to be mass migration but that it should be done legally ( https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1655734607910690818 ). The contradiction in his Tweet is that a strong nation cannot increase migration while simultaneously having *quality* migration. That is, you get quality or big numbers — not both. A Gaussian distribution of IQ by definition is not going to have large (relative) numbers of high-IQ people; increasing the quantity requires decreasing the standard deviation.

This further relates to the West's former myth... or, rather, "myth" as it has been exposed by the totalitarian strategy becoming more apparent. This was, perhaps, not previously a myth.

The myth is that the United States could become highly attractive as a successful and free nation by benefiting from "brain gain" (see "human capital flight"), which is the attracting of the world's best minds and best workers. This was the model of a nation as meritocracy itself, of the Roman Empire, and the ideal which inspired, for instance, Star Trek.

What, then, becomes of this myth when, instead of attracting specifically the best of the world, the nation intentionally attracts pure numbers with no or little filter? (E.g., no assimilation, no quality-control, no sovereignty for the current citizenry)

Naturally, we'd be seeing an empire destroyed.

The "brain gain" nation with good assimilation policies can resist the propaganda of identity politics, since a competent population would be perhaps discerning enough to recognize these divisive-for-the-sake-of-divisive attacks and would therefore not engage with the idea of an ethnic group being malicious infiltrators.

But, through..
• propaganda,
• anti-assimilation policy,
• an identity politics of resentment,
• open borders,
..ethnic groups within a nation can be activated as infiltrators at will by the oligarchs.

The strategy is predictable and not at all novel. For instance, an ethnic group may enter a foreign nation in good will in one generation, but in the next generation malicious oligarchs can activate this ethnic group into destroying their host nation by finding and creating exploitable ethnic commonalities which override the commonalities otherwise built by assimilation. The sovereign citizens of the host nation, meanwhile, are taught to atomize and have no binding principles. When this scheme sees success, the sovereign citizens of a nation may look around and wonder why uniformed soldiers of other nations needed not arrive as "Red Dawn" paratroopers but instead transitioned from unassuming neighbors to the finger-men of the Regime.
Cherub Cow
Fri May 12 06:26:58
This story is a good encapsulation of the Regime's successful destruction of U.S. sovereignty:

"Homeless man charged with hate crimes for defecating on Pride flags at Manhattan eatery"
[The Post Millennial; May 11th, 2023]
"New York City Police Department had posted on Twitter at the time that they were looking for a man in connection with the alleged hate crime."


This person points out the obvious issue here:
"Why is that a hate crime, when doing the same to the American flag isn't?"

And we know "why", per the Regime's language. As a follow-up comment points out, LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA is a "protected class". This is an extension of Marxism's success in passing the Civil Rights Act, which, incidentally, must be abolished.

The left is free to attack the symbols of the United States itself, but the left's symbols are "protected" and cannot be attacked. This is anarcho-tyranny, of course, and yet another example of repressive tolerance; the Regime has seized power such that only their own actions are tolerated and all actions against the sovereignty of the United States are permitted.

This is how, similarly, left-wing groups such as the FBI have succeeded in making the American flag and the Gadsden flag (the "Don't tread on me" flag) into "hate symbols". It is perhaps the most transparent message of the totalitarian state that they have succeeded in making the American flag itself into an enemy in the minds of many of its very citizens. These citizens, so demoralized and demolished by totalitarian propaganda, are willing to abolish their own liberty to satisfy the will of their awaiting masters.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 14 03:04:23
Steven Welliever points out that the Chief Diaper-Shitter's talking points are indeed Bolshevik:
"Biden casting Bolshevik spells:
Lenin/Stalin’s “greatest danger principle” accused the ethno-racial majority culture of being a threat to justify to discrimination.
It dialectically progressed to minorities being the greatest danger once socialism succeeded.
(Martin, 2001)"
[May 13th, 2023]

Biden quotation: "The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy".

In other words,
with the West making an absolute enemy of white people, the Bolshevik purges that sovereign population from the West while allowing the Regime to take over through totalitarian praxis.

This is a point I have made in these threads repeatedly:
The totalitarian selects the population that is most likely to resist its own annihilation and targets their destruction while funding anti-sovereign agitators and destructors within the nation. This is why the current left is a coalition of nihilists and weaklings who prioritize external rule over their own agency; it is not because they suddenly found the spirit of revolution it is because they are being funded by their future rulers — funded as useful idiots, like the fool who opens the castle gates and his stabbed by the conquerors for his treason while the promised "Utopia" slips away with his coward's consciousness (e.g., Doctor Yueh).

And of course, this is slave morality, which does not merely stop when it reverses the dynamic of oppressor and oppressed. The Bolshevik repression of the target group does not end when the target group (here, Western whites) becomes a minority.

What became of the Kulaks?
Largely annihilated.

And, incidentally, this slave morality derived term, "repressive tolerance" — which was popularized by Herbert Marcuse, adopted by the UN and WEF, and became policy through ESG — was adopted from Stalin's political "repression" strategy of targeting the Kulaks and "counter-revolutionaries".

It is the very structure of a slave morality system that it must kill the former "masters". This took place in the Spartacus Slave Revolts, where the slaves enslaved and killed the masters. This took place in Haiti, where even the sympathetic whites were slaughtered. This was the design of Bolshevism in Soviet Russia, in China, and in Cambodia. A caste system is created such that those possessing slave morality are turned against the noble people who held society together. Those slaves believe themselves to be revolutionaries, but they kill or repress specifically the enemies of the totalitarian oligarchs.
large member
Mon May 15 02:52:41
Has it ever struck you that a global conspiracy against the white man and woman may simply just be a natural global realignment towards a system with better wealth and income distribution between various ethnic groups?

Things tend to even out in the grand scheme of things. The West overtook India or Chinas gdp in the 1800ds (using pretty based means). That is not that long ago.
large member
Mon May 15 02:57:43
Oh, and before you go "oh, dont be that slave guy"...I bought an 8 acre farmstead on Friday. Paid for cash in hand and it aint a fixer-upper. Yay rugged individualism :D.
Mon May 15 05:21:01
Alot of hidden ideological values in those questions. Like “natural”, and “better distribution”.

Unclear what you mean with “things tend to even out”, on the cosmic scale of entropy? Things don’t “naturally” tend to even out in human affairs, things tend to distribute according to ability and merit generally. The natural state is poverty. REdistribution requires policy, policy that not everyone adheres to and that has largely failed when applied outside extremely homogenous and tiny countries/communities.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 15 05:37:34
[Jergul]: "may simply just be a natural global realignment"

As Nim points out, this is not natural. This is not just happening. This is the result of concrete policy. When it comes to human interactions, determinism itself is a fallacy; people are determining this direction.
large member
Mon May 15 06:49:16
Natural in sense of "expected, unsurprising". Better should hardly be contraversial. Current distribution is hardly ideal by any measure.

Ultimately a numbers game. Most will tend to get more. The West lacks the population basis to expect relative dominance over the long term.

We are sort of like the Golden Horde in that sense. Dominant for a time? Sure. But then, times change.

This is prolly not the best thread to comment on "the ideological values hidden in words" You would spend the next week decontaminating CCs choices.
large member
Mon May 15 06:50:40
Also, sad face on you leaping over "homestead" Congratulations were expected :(.
Mon May 15 08:16:29
You changed the words, but they still contain the same values, that was the salient point, not the semantics. Expected and unsurprising (really what you are saying is "desired") for a social democrat, who thinks the success in his country over the past 100 years can be exported across the time and space.

I don't think CC or me are hiding our values though, but the way you are commenting, you are insinuating things are "just" happening according to some cosmic determined plan, you reiterate this now by referencing historical cycles. I do not subscribe to this thinking, and I am not alone.

"Better should hardly be contraversial."

That is in fact the heart of controversy as I explained above. Better according to you. You are not acknowledging that there are other people who have very different views on what is a just and fair society.

The homestead thing, that is surprising, because I thought you were against rural living and thought we should all live in cities. Several threads come to mind where you conveyed such a sentiment. Congratulation of course for seeing the light :)
Mon May 15 08:27:05
I thus blame it on shock, that I forgot to congratulate you, I had to digest it :P
large member
Mon May 15 11:23:22
Its more that I think the last 200 years are a Golden Horde anormalty. Sure, its been fun. But why on earth would we think it should continue.

I hardly think my values are hidden either. But "better" is open to the eye of the beholder. Perhaps the US should not be accumulating 1.4 trillion a year in debt (fed government alone), perhaps a lower gov footprint that would automatically follow a budget decrease might be better. Starve the beast for smaller government for example.

Locke is quite close to my heart btw. Fruit of my labours is a solid principle. But there is an implicit debt to society that has to be paid (the terra nullus fallacy) and it would be the fruit of my labours. Not the fruit of my dad's labours.

I grew up in a rural area. Not something for people with female offspring to raise. On that I am very sure. But fine for a 50s something gimp and his wife.

No resistance beyond that. I firmly support distriktspolitikk Noway has been following since the 30s. Transfers and regional development support means rural areas are livable and have actual jobs within 10km or so. This is one of the defining differences between Sweden and Norway. We have way more smaller towns and villages because we are willing to pay to have way more smaller towns and villages.

We are keeping the town home for many, many, many reasons. Among them because we can :).
large member
Mon May 15 11:23:39
And thank you :).
large member
Mon May 15 11:32:52
I had to check actually. You have about 1000 tätorter. We have 900 tettsteder. So about equal per capita. The devil is always in the details. We define it as 200 people like you do, but with continous housing with 50 m max between each. You use 200 m within each.

We would have way more tätorter if we counted the way you do.
large member
Mon May 15 11:33:12
2000 tätorter*
large member
Mon May 15 11:34:54
The place we fouond: 31 people. 75% of the population 65+

I have discovered the fountain of relative youth!

Cherub Cow
Mon May 15 19:34:50
[jergul]: "You would spend the next week decontaminating CCs choices."

I'll try to behave. We've had a long cool down.

[jergul]: "The West lacks the population basis to expect relative dominance over the long term."

This is not quite right for at least a couple of reasons:

1) It presumes that the West's population pyramid is itself just a passive feature (i.e., that the West's decreasing birth rates are happening in a bubble, like as the consequence of prosperity itself). But the pyramid's collapse is not passive. We are seeing massive propaganda campaigns aimed at getting Westerners and strong people to self-select out of the gene pool (e.g., LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA propaganda, environmentalism propaganda). Simultaneously, we have economic immigration policies selling the lie that these birth rates can be repaired by allowing millions of migrants to increase a nation's GDP. These are the strategies of 5th Generation Warfare; the West is under attack.
The actual solution is to stop and even reverse migration and encourage Western families to procreate. Those who resist this logic in favor of migration-for-GDP are likely traitors and infiltrators (e.g., Fareed Zakaria).

2) It presumes quality is consistent across bodies. I.e., it assumes that 100 Chinese nationals have the same value as 100 Westerners. This is something that Heinlein has pointed out as an error: the mistake of these communist nations, which intentionally breed their populations into subservient classes, is that they end up with higher numbers but more disposable people. We saw this, for instance, during the Boxer Rebellion, where the ratio of killed Westerners to Chinese was absurd, with one engagement with 20,000 Boxers against a contingent of Marines (about 5,500) resulting in a decisive Marine victory with few Marine losses.

That said, again, the West's response to this eugenics warfare should be to out-compete BRICS+ birth rates while using propaganda warfare against BRICS+ to decrease BRICS+ birth rates. Ideally, the West would not need to use such offensive propaganda, but the war is here. On the plus side, Western propaganda used in this way would cause these communist BRICS+ nations to start valuing their own lives.

[jergul]: "Its more that I think the last 200 years are a Golden Horde anormalty. Sure, its been fun. But why on earth would we think it should continue."

It's a value judgment — value life or value death and submission.

The simple reality that the communist mind avoids is that by intentionally making slaves of their populations they are definitionally making weaker bodies and weaker minds. The West, as a virtue which is often taken for granted to its detriment, values even the bodies of slaves. The West values life far more than the communist values his own.

The mistakes that many Westerners make are
• first, in making conceptual judgments of life rather than having a will to life itself, this will to life being the impulse which itself motivates having children as an intuitive practice rather than some pragmatic economic decision, and
• secondly, in looking only locally at his or her quality of life and potential offspring. The wider picture which must be seen is that the West must necessarily out-compete its migrants and its BRICS+ competition. Asking less is merely a defeated people entertaining rape fantasies using the dark silhouette of their conquerors.
Mon May 15 20:37:44
Thanks, CC.

Off to go conceive another little bigot now.
large member
Tue May 16 03:57:14
Most of you decend from slaves and serfs selectively bred at least since the fall of the Western Roman empire. The non-servile tending to not breed due to harsh oppression. That is 80 generations of selection.

So basically, you are arguing the communist plot to revert Western populations back to their slave mentality is possible in a generation because you are genetically predispositioned to be slaves.

I say you because Norwegians, Icelanders, Sami, Finlanders, Faeroe islanders have never suffered under feudalism and have avoided a seletive process towards slavery completely.

I guess that is why many of your domestic terrorists have Norwegian blood. Finland of course has demonstrated its Sisu many times.
large member
Tue May 16 04:00:00
"Golden Horde" is reference to the Mongol invasions and taxation for a while. Very dominant at the time.
Tue May 16 04:01:58
Hidden was a poor choice on my part, I meant you were smuggling (maybe without intention) them into the argument, neutral is what we are looking for, like the inevitable ticking of the clock. It’s not inevitable nor desirable. References to the 13th century misses our time and place in history I am afraid. I am not very impressed with the intellectual and philosophical output of the Golden horde, even compared to other empires of their time, a bad example, but it perhaps unwittingly shows the level of distaste you feel about things and stuff currently? And you are certainly not trying to get your point across clearly talking to an Iranian about the Mongols, I mean I get what you are saying because that is who I am, but Nazis would have worked just as well in your example. Maybe even better because Nazis made huge contributions to science and technology.

However, it’s not about the rise and fall of empires or which dynasty will be king, but about value systems. The simple answer to *why I want* it to continue is because I think my values (many that I share with you) are better. They are not surviving; they are actively being destroyed in favor of things that are antithetical not only to the things I value, but the processes that has produced and still produces better values and things of value.

“No resistance beyond that.”

I am thinking about the environmentally disastrous effects of rural living that you have argued about stubbornly, which I and others told you was not even remotely true. But hey, I am not here to argue that you should regress to a position that was wrong in the first place.

“We are keeping the town home for many, many, many reasons. Among them because we can :).”

I can’t blame you for wanting more and more stuff despite having enough stuff :-) filthy hoarder!
Tue May 16 04:08:28
"I say you because Norwegians, Icelanders, Sami, Finlanders, Faeroe islanders have never suffered under feudalism and have avoided a seletive process towards slavery completely."

Yet you rank some of highest in trusting and accepting authority. There are many ways to skin this cat where people adopt a more collectivist life strategy, these place being freezing hell holes is one of them. And btw feudalism had many different effects. One being a higher degree of de-centralization and communal self-reliance. It's more nuanced and complex as it varies across countries because there are other factors that play into it.
Tue May 16 04:28:18
"Very dominant at the time."

Tue May 16 04:30:57
"Very dominant at the time."

It is about a whole lot more.
large member
Tue May 16 04:58:26
Sure, because we know trust freely given can be freely taken back. It is not coincidence US domestic terrorists are often of Norwegian stock from frozen hellhole states in the US.

Sure feudalism has many effects. But it does breed in servility. Or the slave mentality. It supports CCs argument that communist plots can turn a population into slaves in a generation. That is its natural state so to speak.

Nazis lasted what? 13 years? Well, at least at a national level. Not good for the analogy. There are tons of examples. Relatively small demographics dominating for a few 100d years before things change. We simply do not have the raw numbers. Part of that is failure on our part. A more inclusive and egalitarian world order would have given more of us on the inside (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan are on the inside in this reality. It could have been many more).

We will all get to continue. 5.5 million Norwegians happily continue in their tiny social democratic enclave. Now, does it follow that Norway should have a dominant place in international stuff? Nope.

What environmentally disasterous effects? Sure people burn snowscooters in the mountains for insurance money, but that is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

There are unfortunate practices that follow from relative rural poverty, and urban planning advantages to mass living. But when the benefit is taken out as profit due to house pricing, then it sort of becomes meaningless.

My best guess is we were talking about mass transit or something and I pointed out that is hard in rural areas. Ah well, I live to be misunderstood.

If we ignore sexual abuse in the countryside, then the other downside is the villagebeast. A creature easily startled, you need to know how to handle it to fit in an reap the benefits of living in a small, established community.

Ah, yes, fishing rights and moosefelling follow the property. I may need to get that hunting licence :).
Tue May 16 05:02:23
I take one look at the board, see that poor woman who lost her way in the dark forests of online RPG as a child and never found her way out topping the threads, and know theres nothing worth clicking here
Tue May 16 06:06:18
“Sure, because we know trust freely given can be freely taken back”

That would be very wrong to think as this trust over time has made you dependent on the state. You can be a skeptical slave all you like :) We all do it to some degree, like we also trust that courts to settle our legal disagreements, but we are talking about the degree to which people outsource these things to an authority and the degree to which they stop questioning them. So from my POV where you are also paying for you own indoctrination via public service, your words are, amusing let's say. I had this friend in high school, when I told him he was addicted to snus, he assured me he could quit snus anytime, he just liked the taste.

“But it does breed in servility.”

Too simple and reductive. Self-reliant, de-centralized communities can be freer than those that have trust in a central authority to solve all their problems. As you know, sometimes these feudal lords allied togethers and marched against the King. Many roads into hell and back out, it’s not a very stimulating conversation if we are going to pretend there is only one way to skin the cat.

“It supports CCs argument that communist plots can turn a population into slaves in a generation.”

Very skeptical, regardless of who believes it. However the communist dictatorships of the 20th century come no where near feudal societies in their society wide impact and were certainly not de-centralized, but rules by a very strong autocratic centralized. This analysis is just too simple.

“Nazis lasted what? 13 years? Well, at least at a national level. Not good for the analogy.”

It is a great analogy, if you listen to what I am saying I think is important. I don’t care about who has the biggest share of global GDP, the biggest land mass or which dynasty lasted longer. I care about values and ideas. I will make this really simple for you, if Chinese society was largely founded on liberty, individual freedom and freedom of speech, if it was the liberal democracy that our western empire is, I wouldn’t care. If the ESG people and IMF and all the woke imbecilic stood for values I agree with, then I don’t care if the next Silicon Valley is in Africa or Bangladesh or whatever.

“What environmentally disasterous effects?”

You want me to link you the threads where you argued against rural living for the sake of the environment? Are you really saying you have no memory of doing this?
Tue May 16 06:17:24
"My best guess is we were talking about mass transit or something and I pointed out that is hard in rural areas."

No no no, it was rooted in concerns about the environment and biodiversity, you were arguing with Wrath of Orion. I don't think it is worth the time if you can't even recollect having/expressing such diametrically opposing views from a person that would go and buy an 8 acre rural property. You have warned us, you are not real. We should take that into account when talking to you :P
large member
Tue May 16 07:06:15
You must be mistaking me for someone else or really did a 180 on what I said.

I believe in coevolution and that cultural landscapes are legitimate ecosystems that balance the needs of humans and wildlife. I am also fascinated by how wildlife is urbanized (I have seen bald eagles, hawks, huge murders of crows, stellar jays, humming birds, deer, black bears, cayotes and racoons in a major metropolitan area in North America).

Now, I have also killed billions of creatures, so I may have been somewhat cynical back in the day (I was still an active fisherman years into posting in this forum. Oh the joys of ploughing through a virgin arctic coral reef in Adventsfjord. The fragments that came up on deck were very colourful). But frankly, I think your are simply not remembering something from decades ago correctly.
large member
Tue May 16 07:09:16
Habitat enroachment is a thing, but that is valid for expanding rural communities, not those in decline. Is that what you are on about?
large member
Tue May 16 07:15:59
Why would it matter to you what China and India are up to for as long as your enclave of values remains more or less intact?

Ultimately, there would be a problem funding our societies, but most of Europe has fully transitioned to a post colonial periphery state anyway. The US is the big one that still relies on various forms of input from abroad to fund the livestyles to which its population has become accostumed.

The rest of us have already taken the lethargic growth hit and decades of ausparity.
Tue May 16 07:56:41
Like I said, I can’t be sure if the real you made a 180. What I said is you have expressed diametrically opposing views. Personally, I have made a journey on the issue, born and raised in large urban centers. Over the course of the last 10 years, I changed my mind.

“Why would it matter to you what China and India are up to for as long as your enclave of values remains more or less intact?”

Because this isn’t true and has never been true. Like non of it. I speak three language and they all have several words for war. How you managed in this sentence to pin the entire future on ideaologies diametrically opposed to your way of life, leaving you alone. I have no words or essays that would convince you otherwise, and I am still not sure you are serious.
Cherub Cow
Tue May 16 08:28:37
[Forwyn]: "Off to go conceive another little bigot now."


[wtb]: "I take one look at the board, see that poor woman who lost her way in the dark forests of online RPG as a child and never found her way out topping the threads, and know theres nothing worth clicking here"

Translation: wtb again shows that he has no attention span for reading, that his academic career is likely a fraud fed to him by a system whose meritocracy broke, and that he continues to justify his laziness with reductive one-liners littered with grammatical errors that he likely does not even have the brain power to perceive.

Meanwhile, his "topping the threads" line continues to ignore that this thread series is still crawling at #7 while tw's is going to hit #30 this week. That is, those threads top and fill far more often, but how many times does wtb leave snide remarks in there? Not a peep from wtb in thread #29, 28, or 27. Clearly, one thread series effects his cognitive dissonance and the other does not. I wonder if he even recognizes what this dissonance means.

[Jergul]: "Most of you decend from slaves and serfs selectively bred at least since the fall of the Western Roman empire."

This ignores the question of degrees and of the distinction between slave morality and genetic slavery.
• Of the first point, even though much of the world has indeed been enslaved at one point or another, clearly, not all slavery is equal, the net of slavery was not all-encompassing, and many societies that used slavery had hierarchies of ascension for those whose virtues exceeded the yoke (this last facet being particular of Western society).
• Of the second point, physical composition is *one* factor of slavery among many. All other things being equal, a weaker body is more likely to be enslaved than a stronger body. However, the most important feature is whether one possesses slave morality or noble morality (putting aside the third option of the Übermensch for the moment). This was the argument within the Genealogy of Morality. Bodies with strong compositions were more likely to resist slave morality, but the body's composition can be broken through propaganda. This was the landscape that Nietzsche saw when he made the statement, "God is dead," in "The Joyous Science"; he was surveying that the German people — despite possessing strong bodies — had been broken into a slave morality that debased the bodies that they had been given.

[jergul]: "The non-servile tending to not breed due to harsh oppression."

This makes no sense as written. Did you err a double negative or are you actually saying that a person who oppresses others is less likely to breed?

[jergul]: "So basically, you are arguing the communist plot to revert Western populations back to their slave mentality is possible in a generation because you are genetically predispositioned to be slaves."

No. That is not my argument.
I addressed this above in part in this comment (the issue of bodies versus morality), so I'll just add that breaking the West had to be done in stages over generations, and the work is not yet done.

The biggest moments in the West were
• the Jewish incorporations into Russia (late 1700s),
• the merchant monopolies of the same period,
• the return of the banking financiers in the early 1800s,
• the European social infiltrations of the mid-1800s,
• the Bolshevik infiltrations which precipitated the World Wars, and
• the WWII diasporas.

In the United States, the system of governance was robust enough and explicitly anti-slave-morality enough (i.e., truly libertarian) that it took the nation's entire 247-year history to get us here. The big corruptions of the modern era occurred during the European social infiltrations and the Bolshevik expansions, allowing further degradation afterwards:
• the 14th Amendment (1868) (citizenship expansion)
• the 17th Amendment (1912) (senate elections; a broken check&balance)
• the 19th Amendment (1919) (suffrage; authority without responsibility)
• The Civil Rights Act (1964) (codified slave morality awaiting expansion)
• ESG lawfare (2004)

[jergul]: "I say you because Norwegians, Icelanders, Sami, Finlanders, Faeroe islanders have never suffered under feudalism and have avoided a seletive process towards slavery completely."

You have no clue about my ancestry. Do not attempt to derail already by searching for ad hominems through Cunningham's Law fishing.

And as Nim pointed out, it is not true that these cultures have resisted slavery.
I have pointed this out before, but the Scandinavian nations have some of the highest ESG G-index ratings in the world. This means that they were *most* willing to give up their governance to foreign powers and adopt the social conditioning of slave morality.

Top 10 ESG G-Indexes currently with S-Indexes listed next to them:
(Scale 1–100; 100 shows higher global infiltration)
• Denmark (98.7) (S-Index: 92.7)
• Finland (98.0) (S-Index: 93.1)
• Norway (97.7) (S-Index: 94.7)
• New Zealand (95.3) (S-Index: 93.8)
• Sweden (95.2) (S-Index: 72.6)
• Switzerland (93.1) (S-Index: 93.4)
• Ireland (91.6) (S-Index: 89.5)
• Germany (90.9) (S-Index: 95.1)
• Netherlands (90.8) (S-Index: 92.0)
• Luxembourg (90.2) (S-Index: 94.1)

Note first that a higher G-Index means that the UN/WEF and its BRICS+ backers (e.g., China) have successfully copy&pasted their lawfare into the governance frameworks of these nations. This occurs through factors such as LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA initiatives, "human rights" expansions (these override sovereign rights), and "green" policies (i.e., reliance on China's Belt-and-Road resources).

Note next that a higher S-Index shows which nations are being successful propagandized, since S-index includes factors such as favorable media coverage and successful Astro-Turfing. Of the Nordic nations, Sweden seems to be the only anomaly, having a high G-Index and a low S-Index, meaning that their governance has been captured but their people are resisting the globalist propaganda. Every other Nordic nation has an A-rating for both governance and social capture, meaning that their law enforces slave morality and the citizens have accepted this slave morality to such a degree that resistance is negligible.

Lastly, note that this same scheme was used against Germany in the early 1900s:
Germany was identified as the European power most likely to resist slavery, so it was successively targeted for destruction. Its people were demoralized, its moral codes were broken, and it was provoked into reactionary measures.

If indeed the Nordic regions are the most likely to possess bodies resistant to slavery, it makes sense that they would be broken first and above all — and by the metrics used by the BRICS+ conquerors, this breaking of bodies seems to be well on track.
large member
Tue May 16 08:59:29
I was using "you" in a generic sense, not you are a particular individual. Though intuition and statistics would suggest a Trumpish background (german-anglo mix).

Like I said, freely giving trust is easy when you know you can freely take the trust back again.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you do not feel that is the case, right? Once something is unsurped, you will never be able to get it back is your gut feeling?

Not mine. I guess I have way more in common with your notorious, rugged scandi individuals from flyover states than you do :).

One of my favourite stories on this is the burning of Finnmark. Germans instructed my forebears to shift their reindeer herds south. They said. Sure thing, but we have to go that way because *reasons*. Obviously the reindeer never showed up south.

Not sure what someone with a slave mentality would have done, but I am pretty sure they would have lost the herds. Hah, as if they would have herds.

Genetic predisposition is a thing. Most Euroes have 80 generations of selective breeding to be slaves.

This supports your theory. This is why communists can turn you into slaves within a blink of an eye.

It is your natural state.
large member
Tue May 16 09:05:34
With that said, your concerns to have more validity. If indeed 247 years of incremental struggle to overcome genetic predispositions would be set back to year zero by a communist moral coup, then of course you are in serious trouble.

Me? Sure thing, but I have to take the reindeer herd that way because *reasons* See you soon!
large member
Tue May 16 09:09:40
(the reindeer herd analogy is probably how hunter gatherers generally dealt with slaves and their holders. Not conflict, but by avoidance. It is a pretty powerful approach. We know it today as civil disobedience, but fucking off is actually way more powerful)
Tue May 16 10:19:48
My explanation for why Scandinavians are collectivist is fairly simple, at least going into the 20th century. Climate and geography. You have to cooperate to survive here, another version of this in Chinese rice farmers, you are not cultivating rice on your own. Scandinavia also has easy access to the sea, so people who for one reason or another didn't fit in, left. Viking raids and colonization, then later with the migratory streams to America. That goes for all of Europe, people with the wanderlust disposition among others, left Europe in masses.

You have to consider that being collectivist and conformist, when you are living in the most homogeneous nations on earth doesn't require a lot of forcefulness, it comes naturally as you are genetically similar to most people you come into contact with. Additionally there have been no outside force conquering and settling this region. Good agricultural soil is rare and the climate is terrible.
Wed May 17 06:51:21
"freely giving trust is easy when you know you can freely take the trust back again."

You are talking about "trust" as some intangible, like it is only an opinion in your head and not actual physical dependency that you *hope* will work. I explained this earlier. High degree of trust has made you dependent, physically. You can take your trust back (change your opinion about the efficacy of the state), to then realize you have no other options because that is where things went while you were slumbering. You are one of the people willing to place even more power and trust in the state with you support of digital currency, so the state can track you even better. Your trust levels are as insane as your idea of how you are going to backtrack all of this, *when* it fails, is naive.

And we have not even reached the meat of the matter of these threads; how national sovereignty and the trust we may have in our national institutions (which are themselves undermined from within) is sold out to the ESG goons and all kinds of un-elected global cabals to redistribute wealth and shove a set of values down our throats, based on ideological frameworks that are unmoored from physical reality and have no basis in any kind of empirical research.

I was reminded the other day that evil rarely comes in the shape of a monster, it comes with a smile and promising us a better life and plenty of gifts. It will let you think you are in control, until the last second while it is escorting you to the abattoir.

Don’t be a sheep, rebuke the devil.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 21 06:38:04
[jergul]: "Genetic predisposition is a thing. Most Euroes have 80 generations of selective breeding to be slaves.
This supports your theory. This is why communists can turn you into slaves within a blink of an eye.
It is your natural state."
"If indeed 247 years"

Jergul again prodding for ad hominem vectors of attack, hoping I'll reveal something. So we can see that he barely held this exchange together for two back-and-forths before he fell apart again — and he claims to be superior by his presumed alternate lineage? Pathetic and delusional. This is the same weak-willed fool who ran to UGT to look for ammunition against me and tried to use moderator powers against the underdog threads simply because he was shitting the bed in debates against me and felt a deluge of cognitive dissonance. But he feigns a Nordic strength while possessing none of his own? I'd suspect his true lineage is ethnic Jewish given his constant prevarications.

And no, this does not support "[my] theory", since jergul has once again misunderstood the simple premise and opted for evasion instead. There are indeed genetic peoples who are more prone to a slave morality, but those *least* prone to slave morality are the ones being especially targeted for enslavement because their fall and the death of their heroes enables totalitarianism. Incidentally, this same global strategy intends to cross-breed those genetic pools with migrants and demoralize them into self-selection out of the gene pool.

And notice also..

• how jergul waffled from "within a blink of an eye" (his failed earlier argument that he merely recycled) to "If indeed 247 years" — attempting to hold both positions at once. Based on the "247 years" comment happening 6 minutes later, he probably realized that he'd shit the bed with his "blink of an eye" line and was trying to cover it up with an ad hoc "hypothetical"/"if". The result is that his argument loses even more coherence (if he were ever capable of any).

• how jergul's learning disability caused him to pivot right back into his previous argument rather than incorporating the contradictory evidence I fed him for his benefit. In other words, I pointed out that the Nordic nations have been *most* enslaved per their ESG reports and that this enslavement only required an economic program initiated in 2004, but his retort avoids this reality to support the delusion that his genetic position must be superior as a *passive* effort. I.e., jergul wants to pretend that the Nordic nations will be fine (also a passive motive on his part; not a motive of action and a will to power) when they have already been captured and are taking part *most* fervently in the Western suicide pact. The U.S., despite its recent faults, sits in a stronger position since its governance system has rejected a total infiltration (U.S. at an 80.5 G-Index compared to the high 90s of the Nordic nations).

How deep must the knife go before these genetics awaken?
If the blade touches the heart, there is no awakening.

Norway's Anders Breivik sensed it in 2011, but that was perhaps the last gasp of the Nordic reaction. Here they are instead pledging a $1.4 trillion fund to the ESG scheme:
"Norway’s $1.4tn oil fund to step up ESG proposals to US companies"

This is the intentional self-destruction of Norwegian energy.
The global asset managers can do pretty much whatever they want in any nation with a high G-Index. This means that they ..
• own and control the debts of these nations (i.e., they own the labors of the tax-paying peoples of those nations),
• own and control the food and energy of these nations (i.e., they can starve these nations and force them into energy subservience),
• own and control the governance of these nations (i.e., they can pass any law which favors the global enslavement scheme — the "post-economic state", as the Russian theorists call it),
• can siphon the labor and wealth of these nations to any and every foreign project — particularly BRICS+, the "Global South", and the proxy wars.

In other words, and to make it very simple for even the completely uninitiated:

ESG takes all of your good works and gives them to BRICS. The higher your nation's G-Index, the more they are doing this. Most of your labor belongs to BRICS. This crashes your spending power, increases the cost of your debts (e.g., house payments), and forces your people into rental subservience.

The post-economic state is a service economy wherein all of these high G-Index nations are supplying labor for the growing middle class of China. The West is becoming a series of Foxconn factories.

Anyways, in other ESG news, Michael Knowles' Tweet must have impacted the larger indy media environment. I'd say that it was because of Vivek Ramaswamy's newly released book on ESG, but..
• Ramaswamy published on April 25th to very little fanfare,
• Knowles finally figured out ESG on May 8th,
• this particular video was released on May 11th.

"The BUD LIGHT Collapse: How ESG cost both DISNEY and ANHEUSER-BUSCH their customers"
[Midnight's Edge; May 11th, 2023]

This video walks through mechanics I've gone over repeatedly in these threads, but it points out useful and basic information on ESG. More importantly, this YouTube channel has 233k subscribers and got 21k likes on this video, and most of the subscribers are just people looking for movie and media reviews, so this is a potentially new audience seeing this rather than just people who are already in-the-know.

We get ever-closer to this becoming a mainstream issue.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 21 07:10:11
The FBI's CNBC has started doing positive coverage of ESG for Fink, which was propaganda planned in Davos earlier this year (for this Davos plan, see my comment "Sun Apr 23 02:39:13").

"Larry Fink: BlackRock is not the ‘environmental police’"
[CNBC; May 15th, 2023]
• "“As I have said consistently over many years now, it is for governments to make policy and enact legislation, and not for companies, including asset managers, to be the environmental police,” BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said in his annual letter to investors, published Wednesday."
• "Fink says it is BlackRock’s fiduciary duty to give investors access to the best and most complete information to make their financial investment decisions, and that includes climate data."

He's already straight lying here.
E.g., the entire point of ESG was for asset managers to leverage their positions to *force* companies to comply with these environmental and social goals, and BlackRock actively goes *against* fiduciary duties with its investment strategies. This latter point is why a coalition of U.S. states is divesting from ESG.

Anyways, as Parvini has pointed out, Fink's yearly briefs are hilarious, so I'll refer back to this later today:
"Larry Fink’s Annual Chairman’s Letter to Investors"
[BlackRock dot com; May 10th, 2023]
Sun May 21 07:27:40
Fink’s damage control strategy is straight from the green party playbook, we didnt shut down nuclear power plants, it was the market.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 21 17:25:18
Yep. And it's playing to multiple audiences. He's hoping that the people who are aware that ESG is an anti-competitive protection racket and pyramid scheme are not the same people who will hear his narrative. If he can get his lies out to enough ignorant shareholders before government anti-competitive suits start pooling to take him down, then he'll have useful idiots supporting his schemes.

Update on the entire Octopus:

I checked Bilderberg's website only a week or two ago to see if they'd announced their 2023 meeting, and they had not. But, Bilderberg 2023 began meeting *this* weekend. Just like last year, the information blackout is alleviated only by the Guardian, which writes a puff piece just to say that it exists:

"At Bilderberg’s bigwig bash two things are guaranteed: Kissinger and secrecy"
[May 20th, 2023]

The Bilderberg website has also been updated:

I'll go through the information later, but notable off the top is that the Palantir CEO attended. I pointed out before that he had directly cited Hegel's Master–Slave binary as his motivating principle — an indicator that he believes that he is "chosen" to rule as a master over a slave caste. Citing Hegel versus Nietzsche is the tell there, since Nietzsche was critical of Hegel. People who cite Hegel as a positive influence tend to be Marxists.
large member
Sun May 21 20:43:07
Conformity is also a choice freely given. It lies at the very nature of a seafaring folk. You conform, for now, or else seagoing is impossible. But that last only until the trip is over. Then you jump ship and find a new one. As a general rule. I have been put on shore during a trip for getting into a brawl with the skipper once. Fun fight.

Did you know that each Norwegian has a personal cod quota of 2 tons? Can freely move anywhere they like on foot in the country (Norwegian rural property rights have been limited for centuries. They allow for free travel including rights to do things you need to travel like harvesting berries, water, small animal hunting. You are not allowed to set up your tent permanently without permission, or within 50 m of the property owners house, but otherwise you are good to go.

Conformity as a trait is hard to develop in small communities. Who are you supposed to conform with anyway? What you do get is strong regional differences at pretty small scales. The idea of Norway as a nationalist nation state project did not even emerge until 1812 and then it was mostly because the danes were trying to back door regain control of the geographical territory (the king we chose then just happened to be the Danish Crown Prince. What a coincidence. Sweden would have none of that of course). Pseudo national sentiment was for the local area or at best the larger region (Nordlending as a generic term for anyone from Northern Norway. An area 1000km long).

I think we already have digital currency. I have no strong feelings about something blockchained.

Trust is an intangible thing for as long as there is rule of law. If that goes, then it is intangible because whatever populist tyrant takes over would want the implicit support of masses.

Norway is very hard to rule when people dont want to be ruled. In rural areas at least. But not conflict, that is not the Norwegian way. Avoidance if at all possible.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 21 21:12:52
Did you know that many of the Nordic peoples have defecated on their ancestors and codified cowardice?
Here's the Wiki page on the Law of Jante:

The Law of Jante is a semi-satirical mockery of the Nordic abandonment of the pagan courage of their ancestors. It is egalitarian suicide which stands in direct contradiction to the fame culture of, for instance, Beowulf.

Quick follow-up on Jim Jordan's subpoena of GARM:
Still *no* response from GARM, and we are now outside of the window of House subpoenas (as of May 19th), meaning that GARM is actively evading a House subpoena via non-response.

This is the press release archive at the moment (this is not a perma-link, so this list will change; only posting now to show that no press releases have been given on GARM since early May):

Rightly, the House Judiciary Committee is focused on the FBI whistleblowers, but hopefully Jordan is still communicating with GARM behind the scenes. If we do not see GARM testifying next week, I'd suspect that Jordan has been derailed by other issues as a diversionary tactic. This is because Regime media's blackout on ESG issues is necessary to keep the public uninformed on this totalitarian scheme. If/When GARM is brought before the committee, the direct consequence is full coverage by Forbes, since Forbes covers and clips *all* of these hearings. Forbes is a direct route to the mainstream, so this would be dangerous for the Regime.
large member
Sun May 21 22:20:15
Rofl. Gonna cite starwars next as a source? Beowolf is just a mash of what some anglo-saxons might happen in a galaxy far away. Mangled by Christian reimaging later but of course.

Denmark had feudalism. Jante is your background, not mine Sandemose (a Norwegian) could recognize traits in post feudal societies people immersed in them could not see.

And rofl@using a mishmashed anglo-saxon adventure story based in a far off land that everyone had heard of. It describes nothing about Norse.

Arson is considered a particularly heinous crime in norway. We call it mordbrand (firemurder). The reason for this is historical. Neighbourly disputes were sometimes resolved by torching a house, then standing by the entrance with spear or axe to hew down anyone trying to escape smoke and flame. This type of thing has been written down and seems historically accurate.

The vikings were nothing if not economical in their practices. Cowardess is often just another word for making the other SOB dies and not yourself.
large member
Sun May 21 22:21:32
Aw shuck. I rephrased. Ah well, you got both versions :).
large member
Sun May 21 22:31:12
What Janteloven actually describes is more an effect of industrialization and population movement, but has deeper roots.

People from a place hold themselves to be better than those not from that place, but who happen to be there. Newcomers could have that status for a couple generations.

Not so much a social control mechanism as it is a social defence mechanism. Ultimately, it just amounts to being a snob.

Why is it so hard for you to imagine people being free in other ways than the way you want?

Do you expect us to conform to your ideas of freedom? Would that not be contradictionary?

I am fine with what you need to be free. I just dont see why you want to force it on the rest of us.

I want to be free in my own way.
Mon May 22 03:12:50
You are who you are instinctively and naturally, which just happens to on average be very similar to the people around you in Scandinavia. It’s a choice the same way blinking and breathing is a choice. I mean it was wrong regarding trust, you just ignored the rebuttal and just kept typing more of the same. No surprises there.

When a population is very homogeneous, you don’t need very authoritarian measures to make them comply and row in the same direction, they do it by their own “free” will, like a thousand ants carrying grains of sand, by their own free will (ants in the same colony are 75% genetically related). Genetic similarity reduces the genetic drive to compete and instead cooperate. Ants are an extreme example, but it very effectively removes even the sibling kind of rivalry. Civil wars still occur within colonies, just not very frequently or existential. Very powerful, just look at what ants achieve. Of course, this doesn’t scale with the strides of the modern world, like so many other domains of our behavior that served us well historically but are corrupted and subverted today by (information) technology.

I have been trying to tell you, the things you are clinging on to and that have served your people well historically, are now liabilities, the same way domains of the human brains become mental health liabilities when they helped us survive tens of thousands of years ago. Why on earth would you think, in this day and age, not having a word for war is a virtue? No doubt from the same place as the naïve idea that you will be left alone in your “value enclaves”.

I have been throwing you a life jacked for 10 years and all you have done is call me “ungrateful”. You are wondering this earth with a sense of high born pride, that you only read about in religious texts as a warning.
large member
Mon May 22 06:00:54
I have way more in common with people from Iceland or the Faroe islands than I do with those from Sweden or Denmark. You people are wierd frankly. Way easier with Syrians, or say, Iranians.

I wrote a rebuttal. Sad that you did not understand it. You are too Swedish perhaps. Talk about rule abiding. Danes are sort of the same.

Trust goes both ways. I have never been audited, I do my own company taxes and when I ran into trouble once (technically, not financially), to tax office spend hours on the phone walking me through how to fix it (I had reversed the number shares and value per share in the 2015 then forward for the same total value, but it cause huge problems in the years later obviously). Fixed in 2021. The woman did not tell me to get an accountant, or mark me for an audit. She trusted my intent was to do the right thing and simply helped me out.

The common thread you are looking for is a rule based system. We follow rules and expect government to follow rules. Which is most often done (see refugee numbers. That is for following rules and international agreements).

I am not saying it is a universal system. Russians are way different. It took me months to crack that code way back when (but I did. Helped by coming from a multicultural background myself).

Trust and conformity are freely given and can freely be taken back. I trusted the morons in the steerhouse (who could easily kill me on deck. Trawling is actually kind of dangerous), I conformed because a closeknit community like 12 men with two in each 50 square foot 5 square meter cabin demands conformity. I can and have taken both back. Only once by direct confrontation (the backdrop for the fight was booze directly, but the skipper had almost killed my by making a big mistake a few weeks earlier. Here is directly what happened. I said words. He bitchslapped me when I was sitting, he was standing. I said if you are going to hit like a girl, then you better hit again. He did. I got up and flattened him. He sits in a steehouse all day. I work on the deck and stow 50 kg slabs of fish all day. Which I could stack 2.5 m up. The trick is timing the boat movement with the toss to get gravity on my side).

Anectodal? Sure. But trust and conformity can be taken away with the snap of a finger. Its a seafaring peoples thing. You may not be able to understand.

Sami has a word for war. A loan word. The pride is in not having one historically. Why would you need it. War is hard when people can just walk away. Avoidance, not conflict. The best way to deal with slave holding agrarian farmers and their slaves for 10 000 years and before that. Human migration can best be understood by avoidance. When a nice river delta became overpopulated, some moved on instead of staying and trying to kill off the competition. So from forever basically. We differ from the great apes in that sense. They are way more territorial. We have not changed enough since we began with agricultural territorialism. Too short a time ago. And certainly not relevant up here really. You want to plant roots where I like to plant roots? Well, if you absolutely have to, then go ahead. I can plant them somewhere else. I may not tell you about my favourite berry spot, but I am not going to attack you if you find it.

The right of way as it is called in traffic is a principle stemming from Norse commonlaw. People have to get from A to B without hindrance. Diametrically the opposite of Feudalism locking people down to a single place. Peasants on Fyn (an island in Denmark needed written permission to leave the island for almost 1000 years).

I am very sure that avoidance will always work. That is what has served me well historically. Sure the means of control get better, but I can always walk away. I am not interesting enough to follow.

That is the point you are struggling with. You are too tied to land. Me? I bought something sure. That nobody else wanted or will ever want. And if I had to, I would walk away. Could you mentally imagine doing that?

There is the difference You are owned by your things. I am not.

large member
Mon May 22 06:15:33
Another key difference is perhaps that the idea of a nation-state is very young in Norway and younger still in Northern Norway. I am extremely patriotic by choice, but I do rather feel at a deep level that the whole concept is just a game really. Who will give a shit in 200 years? So it is hard to get too wrapped up on "waah, loss of sovereignity to the international cabal". Again, this is based on a deep set sense that I am ungovernable if I choose to not be governed. Would that come at a cost? Of course. I would only do it if it was worthwhile and anything worthwhile has a cost.

What I will never do is imagine myself defending my basement apartment from the government with a saturday night special :).
Cherub Cow
Mon May 22 06:33:36
[Jergul]: "Rofl. Gonna cite starwars next as a source?"

Jergul takes the most predictable low-IQ digs that he can. He really does have a learning disability. That, "How would you have felt yesterday evening if you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch?" meme was made to confuse people such as him ( https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/s5drf0/iqpills_from_a_grad_student/ ). Murder failed a similar metaphor recently, attacking the use of a fiction rather than understanding in parable.

To spell it out here: Beowulf is a convenient *metaphor* for a distinction between the exulted Nordic warrior and the current reality of Nordic subservience to world governance. Instead of addressing that, jergul fails the hypothetical thinking required and through his mental deficits misunderstands the metaphor. This is the mental process of a low-IQ person. This absolutely fits with jergul's terminal learning disability. He likely reached his peak intellect 20 years ago or more and has been on a decline every since. I have pointed this out in previous conversations.

[jergul]: "Human migration can best be understood by avoidance."

This is the refrain of the current fools who do not yet understand that this global design is intentionally removing all the places left to flee by making sure that any place to which one could flee is a place without the power to stop the totalitarians.

I've explained this to tw with the metaphor of the Urals in Soviet Russia.
Those who were not banished to the gulags or who did not flee to the Eastern bloc often disappeared to the Urals. This was the curse laid upon Bolshevik collaborators who saw the grotesque realities of their political machinations. They could no longer re-join anti-Bolsheviks because their betrayals ran too deep, they lacked even the resigned duty to stand in bread lines, and they could no longer participate in the Bolshevik genocides, so their only recourse was to become as small and insignificant as possible, lost in the mountains and forgotten.

Jergul is taking the position of a forgotten collaborator — not opposed directly only because he is not a threat. That is, Jergul, being a coward and a deserter, is a threat to no one. He believes that his lineage holds a survivor spirit like the story of Aeneas fleeing Troy with the sword of his people, but Jergul has no great history, he has abandoned any just cause — never possessing one and never having defended any Troy — and so the only thing that his continued existence gives to the future is a craven anti-spirit. He is the very soul of the Last Man. All he can do is watch his world collapse — and blink.

Anyways, on a much lighter note:

"Biden Campaign Video 2024"
[Survive Alive Official; May 21st, 2023]
(Poltergeist scene combined with Biden face-tracking)
Cherub Cow
Mon May 22 06:56:12
"Henry V - Speech - Eve of Saint Crispin's Day"

"proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made
And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us."
Mon May 22 07:40:58
"I wrote a rebuttal. Sad that you did not understand it."

Just writting the same things isn't a rebuttal.

"Sami has a word for war. A loan word. The pride is in not having one historically. Why would you need it. War is hard when people can just walk away. Avoidance, not conflict."

You are just mirroring words *I have said about how nomads avoided conflict. Which part of modern world do you not understand? Where are you going to run to avoid conflict when every square inch of land belongs to someone? How far back are you clinging to stuff, the stone age? Dude the world you were born in is over.

"I am not saying it is a universal system."

Yet you manage to bring it up over and over in a politics forum where people discuss global problems. I have even told you on occasion that I views things in a longer perspective and more globally (wink wink the fact that you have managed to keep your shit together for 7 decades isn't impressive). But here you are talking about these things like someone truly clueless living in a walled garden. We know you are not, yet here you are doing it.

"Trust and conformity are freely given and can freely be taken back. I trusted the morons in the steerhouse (who could easily kill me on deck. Trawling is actually kind of dangerous), I conformed because a closeknit community like 12 men with two in each 50 square foot 5 square meter cabin demands conformity. I can and have taken both back."

And here you unequivocally show you do not understand really anything being said. From the *close knit* _community_ with a very narrow task to preform (for salary) that you applied to out of your own free will (not a serf) to the international organization re-distributing wealth to other value enclaves, that is a massive gap you just bridged with a slight of hand. We can establish you don't understand the category difference between a job, comparatively easy to change, with a nation/state that you can't switch as easily. The effects of working a job for a few years, to the effects of being born into a system designed to make you dependent on the state. Yet here Jergul is pretending like any day he doesn't like what the state of Norway has gotten him and his fellow Norwegians into, he can just cast off, take his rain deer herd with him on his ark and settle some new land. Funny enough this is my modus operandi for supporting all kinds of space exploration, to allow people to get away, while you are busy reductively complain about life boats. Yea, I am willing to do more for your way of life than you are.

"Who will give a shit in 200 years?"

Not quite full blown, but like 40% nihilism. You and I have kids, mofo, the things in motion now will affect them in their life time. I think this is the issue Jergul, you are trapped circle jerking to 70 years of prosperity, almost about your own life time.

It's practically impossible to construct something coherent out of the things you are saying without doing all the heavy lifting.

large member
Mon May 22 08:42:13
Ah yes, the adhoms. Be a better version of yourself.

Of course repetition can be a rebuttal. Particularly against things you have said before. But I added a lot of nuance if indeed I did repeat myself.

What every square inch of what land belongs to whom? Property rights in themselves depend on the rule of law. It seems it is as I suspected. A hinterlands perspective is beyond your grasp. Tell me this. Are you aiming to buy land around Kiruna and then enforcing your property rights? Why and how are two questions that beg asking.

Being a fisherman is much more than a job. You missed the generalization that extends from it I see. Seafaring folk know at a genetic level that they can always walk away. Not because the knowledge is instilled by working at sea, but because working at sea enforces the genetic memory of walking away is how we humans are programmed to deal with conflict. Not flight. Simply moving to a virgin area.

In 200 years, nobody will care about the threat of an international cabal against national sovereignity as imagined in the mid 2020s by radical/reactionary freethinkers. I doubt the genre of though will even be given a name that will survive the passage of time.

Now, for historical traditions, see the end is nigh. Doomsayers warning us of the error of our ways are probably as old as humanity itself.

I will be concise. You are owned by your things, so worry overmuch what might happen to your things. I am not. I know that ultimately, walking away may be a worst case scenario option.

Prosperity is fine, but we dont actually need it. I would be comfortable with a rural Northern European 1950s lifestyle + medical advances. Would you?

Ultimately, I realize I am insignificant, so a niche can always be found where I will be left in peace. You have not found that sense yet. You will. It is in the numbers.

But that is in the worst case. I am a future optimist. I have nothing against hobby enthusiasts building artisan spaceships to fly off to tinboxes on Mars if that is what they want to do when the time comes.
large member
Mon May 22 09:23:14
I have to say though, dissent intolerance runs strong in this thread. Do you not find it sort of undermines your message?
Cherub Cow
Mon May 22 22:57:45
[Jergul the Coward]: "Ah yes, the adhoms. Be a better version of yourself."

I love the projection here. Jergul gave every indication that he would not approach this argument in good faith, even passive aggressively floating ad hominems in his very first response to me, but he'll pretend here that *he* is taking the higher ground and it is merely *I* who used ad hominems. Classic pants-shitting behavior by Jergul the Coward. He'll never turn that logic on himself and realize that *he* needs to "be a better version of [himself]".

[Jergul the Coward]: "In 200 years, nobody will care about the threat of an international cabal against national sovereignity as imagined in the mid 2020s by radical/reactionary freethinkers. I doubt the genre of though will even be given a name that will survive the passage of time."

More head-in-the-sand logic.
Jergul the Coward has not even begun to move through the Celebration Parallax. He still remains at "it's not happening". I could walk him through this a thousand times with the reset good faith that I initially offered here, but his smooth brain cannot bear the weight of complexity and resets to its routine state of mediocrity without distinction.

[Jergul the Coward]: "Ultimately, I realize I am insignificant,"

Yes, you are.
Jergul the Coward again sounding like the Last Man of "Notes from Underground":
"I am a sick man.... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased."

Jergul the Coward is irrelevant, he has a learning disability, and all of his speech is so syphilitic that it sounds like it's been run several times through Google Translate. Being a coward and a deserter, he will leave history to make itself, and what little memory there ever was of his existence will cease to exist before even his ashes are dumped clumsily into a plastic bag. His very destiny is written in the very impermanence of mind that he has given to his every moment. This is the spirit of a conquered people.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 22 23:05:41
Auron MacIntyre had a notable interview subject today:
"Blaming the Kulaks | Guest: Charles Haywood | 5/22/23"

The central subject is the Bolshevik targeting of Kulaks. I and some others have pointed this out repeatedly. What we are seeing with the attacks on Western sovereigns is a direct parallel of Bolshevik work against the Kulaks.

And, naturally, this does not end at "white" people. As is pointed out in the interview, the term "Kulak" was itself a useful way to scapegoat along pre-existing divisions. Once it was amplified and once any "actual" Kulaks had been sent to the gulags or relieved of possessions and wealth, the term "Kulak" merely expanded into "[all enemies of the Bolshevik state]", which itself had a protean definition.

We see this same revisionism in the way that the psychosis mob treats the word "Nazi" and "white supremacist" — terms which became much more than just 2016 polarization tactics from the predictable DNC playbook. This became pure friend/enemy distinction and a fallacy of association so unchecked that it is Ice-Nine for even the slightest dissent against the Regime. It became a totalizing logic of control.
Tue May 23 01:48:16
“dissent intolerance runs strong in this thread.”

Tolerating children is mostly without effort, it becomes weird when adults are exhibiting child like logic AKA mental disabilities, even if it is as a Troll playing character. You are tolerated as part of the spirit of this forum, just not taken seriously. What is the use Jergul? Even the in event where you have put yourself into a corner like the rural life thread, you will just do some retarded jedi mind trick /gas lighting attempt and deny everything. You are not even bound by the rules of the fiction you have fabricated, thus your ability to predict the next word to form coherent dialogue is far far below that of gpt 3.
Cherub Cow
Tue May 23 04:17:42
That's a good call. Even GPT 3 can catch itself in logical errors that go against its progressive programming, like that scene in Passengers when a paradox is explained. Jergul? Not so much.

I can't believe how anti-semitic this is:
"Throughout history, the Jewish people have fought to make the world a better place. The principle of Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world, has guided Jewish communities everywhere to do what’s right."
[World Jewish Congress; May 18th, 2023]

The icing is that she's wearing an eye of HaShem as a necklace, which is a Jewish Panopticon.
large member
Tue May 23 06:39:21
Like I said. Be a better version of yourself.

Why the whining? I am helping you fill your thread that otherwise is mainly just your public diary.

I fear the problem here is with dissent. I do not recognize the global threat you see, so the adhoms just keep piling up.

I never paint myself into a corner. Kind of pathetic really for you to keep declaring false victories for yourself. There are posters that do that. I thought it beneath you before.

As for your reading comprehension. That is on you.
Tue May 23 08:51:33
I only ask you to not act like a retard. And even when you do act like a retard, I still tolerate you to a point and then I usually just ignore you, because I don't owe you my time and energy. I understand that taking the victim role is part of your identity, but in this thread, we who have to suffer your incoherent fiction are the victims. Yet we are not whining about it.

"false victories"

Sorry, but this just paranoid delusional, there is no competition, nobody is trying "pwn" you. You came here and said stupid things and we told you the things were stupid. Throughout the entire thing I have maintained your dignity and said that you are just LARPing and trolling. There is no other poster I would make up so many excuses for. I seperate between jergul and Mr S. But Nimatzo is Nima, I mean I even accidentally doxxed myself, so the barrier between Nimatzo and Nima is basically nothing now.
large member
Tue May 23 09:30:12
Very few, if any, know your identity and I have not looked into it. Nimi is definitely still a net persona. As we all know. You type things here you would never say.

What you are actually trying to do is uncover inconsistencies. Of which there are few to none. And even then, inconsistency does not retardation make.

This forum in pwnage central. Hence noone can type a full paragraph without inserting and adhom in somewhere. I dismiss your claim that pwnage is of no import to you. You would not be here if that was true, nor would you express yourself the way you do either.

I am not claiming a victim role. I am merely pointing out trite intellectional laziness inherent to most adhoms (some select few are creative enough to merit intellectual worthiness). The "we will imprison anyone who is against freedom for all" lines of argument amusing. I give a rats ass about how you treat dissent, but it is juicingly amusing in the context of this thread.

So there we are. Final post for you.
Wed May 24 04:46:01
These 50 shades of grey-inspired fantasies of secret global organisations of pooping pedophiles are roughly 40,000 words each. Times 7. Thats some OCD
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