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Utopia Talk / Politics / wokeness is a security threat
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 29 22:18:07

The Army’s first openly transgender officer was indicted Thursday on charges of trying to provide American soldiers’ medical information to the Russian government.

A federal grand jury in Baltimore indicted Jamie Lee Henry and his wife, Anna Gabrielian, on charges of conspiracy and wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information. According to prosecutors, the couple met last month with an undercover FBI agent posing as a Russian diplomat and offered medical information from Fort Bragg, the home of the military’s elite Delta Force.

Gabrielian, an anesthesiologist at Johns Hopkins University, told the undercover agent during an Aug. 17 meeting that "she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail," according to the indictment. Gabrielian gave the undercover agent medical information on a spouse of someone who works in the Office of Naval Intelligence, and "highlighted" a medical issue that "Russia could exploit."
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 29 22:18:18
Pillz is that u?
Thu Sep 29 22:30:57

"she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia"

Maybe purge Russians from the US.

Thu Sep 29 22:31:14

And their agents.

Thu Sep 29 22:35:49

Wait! ...

"At another meeting later that day, Henry told the undercover agent he too was committed to Russia, and said he had even contemplated volunteering to join the Russian army."


So clearly insane or somehow unaware of Putin's views on queers and trans individuals.

I say we let him. The punishment would seem to fit the crime.

Sam Adams
Thu Sep 29 22:43:26
Maybe purge Russians from the earth.

Fixed that for you.
Anarchist Prime
Fri Sep 30 07:11:35

Fri Sep 30 07:41:10
Biden queering up the military and jumping into another war has led to recruitment shortages.

Now possibly treason. But, with the FBI involvement, who knows.
Fri Sep 30 08:14:29
The worst traitors to the US were all straight, white males. Some of them were also extremely religious.
Fri Sep 30 08:22:50

"Now possibly treason."

No you have to say it's entrapment. Those are the rules.

Anarchist Prime
Fri Sep 30 08:25:37
it is the fbi afterall...
and they do have an illustrious track record of taking advantage of peeps.
especially peeps with mental health problems.
Fri Sep 30 08:55:39
Murder, It very well could have been.

Fri Sep 30 15:56:51
Gay folks lobbied APA to be removed from DSM, meaning they do not want it to be considered a mental disease.

Trans folks continually lobby for more inclusion, more mention, etc, in DSM, meaning they themselves DO want it to be considered a mental disease.

The majority of Americans are not deemed fit to join the armed forces for this reason or that, in many of those cases it's due to a known pre-existing medical condition. Lots of folks with a broken leg fixed by metal pins or screws cannot join, for example. Within a few years, nicotine addicts will not be allowed to join. If it's known that you're depressed or antisocial, that could easily disqualify you (we have an example of that in this very thread, where some might argue the system "got it right"). Oh, you need an inhaler to function? Rejected.

It doesn't mean they are a bad person or any of that, it simply means it wouldn't be in the best interests of [ mission accomplishment first, troop welfare second ] to enlist or commission those people.

Not necessarily related to OP, but I believe that should be revisited.
Fri Sep 30 16:16:13
Member Fri Sep 30 08:14:29
The worst traitors to the British Empire* were all straight, white males. Some of them were also extremely religious."

Treason comes in various flavors. Selling out to a foreign power (even if a classic FBI sting stooge) is clearly worse than whatever bullshit you have on your mind.
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