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Utopia Talk / Politics / Tweet: Just crazy enough to work
Mon Nov 22 19:53:41
Paul Ghost @pablo_honey1

Replying to @willsommer

Has anyone tried unplugging America for 30 seconds and then plugging it back in?

10:50 PM · Nov 15, 2021


Mon Nov 22 19:55:02

That tweet was in response to this tweet ...


Will Sommer @willsommer

Hundreds of QAnon supporters are back in Dallas's Dealey Plaza awaiting JFK Jr's return and singing "We Are the World."

10:45 PM · Nov 15, 2021



Mon Nov 22 20:05:35
Too many idle hands.People have too much time on their hands.

But honestly, it looked more like people going as a gag joke.
Mon Nov 22 20:06:13
Mon Nov 22 20:28:05
fuck... and I thought my friend was nuts when he told me that MSNBC is a front for the CIA.
Mon Nov 22 20:51:06

"But honestly, it looked more like people going as a gag joke."

They are still there. They've been there for weeks now. They were blocking traffic today and cheering at the spot where JFK was assassinated.

These people are full on mental.

There is a mental health crisis in this country, but no one wants to fund mental health care, and good luck trying to talk these yahoos into therapy.

Mon Nov 22 20:56:48
Bread and circuses. The people are providing their own circus.

I think if they went there as a gag joke like stopping off at the world's largest rubber band ball makes a huge difference compared to they think JFK is actually coming back to life.

It seems comparitivley harmless.
Mon Nov 22 21:07:05
"After a few hours of standing on the Grassy Knoll, waving at passing cars and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the crowd retreated from heavy rains. Some said they expected a revelation Tuesday night at the Rolling Stones concert in Dallas. Others vowed to return at midnight to the Grassy Knoll, where they believe JFK Jr. will appear."
the wanderer
Mon Nov 22 21:36:50
this George Carlin quote was in one of threads on these cultists: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are stupider than that.”
Tue Nov 23 05:33:27

These people aren't just stupid. They have fallen under the spell of a poorly organized cult. When faced with unappealing reality, they chose voluntary insanity instead. These people are waiting for the "resurrection" of people they claim never died and faked their own deaths. And these heroes that are supposed to come along and save the day are people that they despised in real life.

And the worst part is that American society is just as insane as they are, because at the very least any sane society would be confiscating any weapons that these nutballs own and revoking any firearms licenses they may have. At minimum. Because if "Q" posts that tomorrow is killing day, there's going to be a bloody mess.

Tue Nov 23 05:39:37
"When faced with unappealing reality, they chose voluntary insanity instead. "

You sir have stumbled into the pillar that religion is built upon.

These acts CAN be dangerous, look at the Alex Jones thing where a guy shot up a pizza place he thought was hurting kids.

But Id venture that 99% of the followers are like these people and are bored and found a goofy event to dress up and take selfies with people.No more dangerous than a cosplay event.
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