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Utopia Talk / Politics / Afghan daughters for sale
Sun Nov 07 18:01:33

There are several stories of this here but the main one is a guy who now sold his 2nd daughter, a 9 year old to a 55 year old man.Most likely to rape for $2,200.

Now they claim he HAD to do this to survive.

TBH I just don't buy it.Robbing or even killing the 55 year old man seems like a way better solution.

Someone brought this up in a recent thread (murder?) , apparently it's all the rage over there.
Sun Nov 07 19:41:59

They also prostitute young boys.


Not our problem. Afghans had 2 decades to organize and learn to fight. They chose this instead.

Sun Nov 07 22:18:18
Absolutely not our problem.
Mon Nov 08 01:02:10
You can buy a child in the US too. They even put them up on sale on websites. You can just scroll through and click on a child you like. It’s like a dating site.


Maybe you want a young boy?

Justin is a cheerful boy who always has a bright smile on his face! Justin loves listening to music, singing along to nursery rhymes, dancing, and being read to. When Justin hears a familiar song, he will clap his hands and cheer!


Mon Nov 08 02:48:34
Paramount, Yeah it's crazy, they are trying to make it part of the lgbtq group calling it a sexual preference and opened an office across the street from a school.

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