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Utopia Talk / Politics / America the Beautiful
Thu Nov 04 14:30:06

Colin Dunlap @colin_dunlap

This is the Armstrong/Mars hockey game with the Armstrong students chanting “she’s a whore” at the Mars female goalie who plays on the boys team. And they chanted this repeatedly. Why didn’t one Armstrong parent/adult step in and stop it?

Thu Nov 04 14:31:19

Fragile male egos threatened by a girl playing hockey.

Sam Adams
Thu Nov 04 15:11:22
Oh no students used a naughty word


Thu Nov 04 16:16:18
Seriously, why is this national news, exactly?
Thu Nov 04 16:25:00

Because all those students and their parents should be burned alive.

Thu Nov 04 16:46:15
It really isn't national news. Yahoo, twitter and local news is what I could find.

The Armstrong coaching staff should have stepped in and put a stop to this.
Fri Nov 05 06:43:44
If you want to talk about how obnoxious and retarded sport fans can be, ok, they have been calling the male athelets all kinds of shit for ever, that you didn’t react to. If you suddenly woke(tm) up to this fact now that it was done to a woman and whine about ”fragile male egos”, then you are a sexist piece of shit.
Fri Nov 05 08:20:09

I am a sexist piece of shit. And anyone who thinks this is OK needs to die in a fire.

Fri Nov 05 09:06:50
"And anyone who thinks this is OK needs to die in a fire."

That would be you all those years you didn't react to this when it was done to boys and men, you flaming sexist piece of shit.
Fri Nov 05 09:13:12
Member Thu Nov 04 16:16:18
Seriously, why is this national news, exactly?"

Because it was a girl. Boys inherently have less fucks to give and socially we reinforce the "man up" stuff, for better and worse. It is really a hurdle for women if anything that because unless the red carpet is rolled out, gold plated invitations and additionally they _need_ to see other women do some activity like hockey or coding, then women don't show up, allegedly. Men don't need that stuff, they just do it or die trying.
large member
Fri Nov 05 11:43:11
Try calling males microdicks for the male equivalent of the whore insult.

Not done much because it is over the top.
Fri Nov 05 15:19:11
I don't think the point is that human beings get understandably emotional when insulted, it's just that for one gender it does not become a hurdle for entry to, everything relevant in society, that they need all kinds of special program to even participate, allegedly. Neither is a matter of national urgency when a man's penis size is ridiculed.
Fri Nov 05 18:56:42

That's what happens when one sex has a history of being victimized. And by "a history", I mean all of history.

Sat Nov 06 05:16:05
Actually that isn't at all what has actually happened, I even hint by adding "allegedly", because the truth is none of these things are a hurdle for women to anything. It is just how the feminist narrative goes that people like you have swallowed. I separate between "women" and "political narratives".

You should get to know some strong independent women and stop treating them like these fragile and useless creatures? That is sexist. You talked about respecting your mother and women in hispanic culture? I'll tell you, my mother instilled very different lessons in me, both by example and as life advice. My mother can kick your mother's ass, is what I am saying.
Sat Nov 06 06:14:16

Yes it's simply a narrative that even today the majority sex is perpetually the minority when it comes to power ... politically and economically.

I guess they just like being dominated.

It's 2021 and predominantly old white men are stripping women of their right to govern their own bodies ... while simultaneously crying like babies over vaccine mandates ... but it's all just a feminist narrative.
Sat Nov 06 10:00:13
You are confusing the narrative with reality. Reality is what it is, the narrative is why it is that way.
Sat Nov 06 12:09:27
"I guess they just like being dominated."

It is some part of it. That is just reality, more women than men approve of being dominated. Another part of it is that women are born with inherent value since they can bear children. Men have nothing of value when they are born, than an older and wealthier man can't already do all day every day with his testicles. So, unless they make themselves more valuable, they die childless and alone. Not the prospects a woman has, she only needs to wait, not for very long, and a guy will come and give her attention and stuff. What is that they say, necessity is the mother of all invention. Well being born a man is the mother of all necessities. We are born with an inherent value deficit and that is ultimately what drives men as a group to pioneer and dominate everything, we do it all to get laid.
Sat Nov 06 14:36:26
"I did it all for the nookie."

Prominent American Philosopher, Limp Bizkit
Sat Nov 06 14:47:27
But as for the salient point, feminism is a psychological operation designed to put more workers in the economy and more children in government ran programs (e.g. afterschool programs and day care). Like many psy ops (e.g. Black Lives Matters), feminism benefits the hyper-wealthy. Keeps the power structure intact and puts more bodies in factories/office chairs.

Women (as a whole) didn't even know there was a problem until they were told. They were perfectly happy staying at home, cultivating a household, and nurturing their children for thousands of years. Then the industrial revolution happened, and the ruling class didn't like to see all these bodies put to waste, so they did shit like throwing women in factories during war time and making them "proud" of doing it.

Now the stay-at-home mom is made to feel less than in modern society. Lazy. Entitled. Fuck off. Being a good stay-at-home mom is hard work. Lazy is lazy, whether they are at home watching Netflix all day or sucking their bosses dick to advance (don't mean all women-- the subset of women with the propensity for laziness. I'm saying the stay-at-home part is unrelated).
Sat Nov 06 17:07:33

"They were perfectly happy staying at home"

I beg to differ. They simply had no choice.

Sat Nov 06 18:28:08
Murder is such a little bitch

Like if Seb was a woman and didn't just dress like one.
Sat Nov 06 19:14:08
Murder has an alternate version of human history where the overwhelming majority of people, regardless of sex, didn't live in abject poverty had virtually no choices. The male farm hand was living dolce vita while the noble mistress was being oppressed and victimized :,(

The fact that it was "unequal" does not mean that woman where the one's getting the short straw. It was completely contextual, when it came time for war, which our recent history is dominated by, it was the men who had to go. Everything dangerous, men. Men and women had their roles, don't like it? Well you don't have to live according to those roles anymore, you can be unicorn if you want, nobody gives a shit anymore. But some basic facts about human biology and social dynamics remain. TL:DR Men are inherently useless, we don't even need that many men to maintain the population. So, that is a huge motivator for men (as a group) to go out there and do useful things, build all the cool shit, do all the awesome stuff and make all the money. Future is never going to be female, because there is nothing in the female nature that motivates them this deeply. Men accept this unfairness and soldier on. Feminist just whine and want everything served for free. As if men didn't fight tooth and nail, against the elements, wild ferocious animals and other men to domesticate the planet. Yea when all of that was tdone and all the office buildings had AC, that is when women decided they wanted equality. LOL :)
Sat Nov 06 19:32:02

"The fact that it was "unequal" does not mean that woman where the one's getting the short straw."

Yes it does. This thinking comes from backwards societies where they rationalize their oppression of women by saying that they are "protected" and "special".

Sat Nov 06 19:45:09
Was she a Whore?

But yeah, asshole move. If that was my little girl I'd be livid.

That said murder has his head in the sand.
Sun Nov 07 04:42:36

They were/are protected from the most henious and dangerous things, like children. But they are also treated like children, they were/are infantalized to a degree. You understand how two things can be true at once? Women and children and protected universally, but they were also not allowed to decide that many things. We had roles. You think that is backwards? Ok, like I said, we are socially and legally FREE, but reality isn’t this simple narrated version where ”men” oppressed women and ”men” had all the power. It was as it still is largely, a tiny minority rule everyone else.

Most losers in any society are men. And I mean that in a compassionate way. People who were born with some mental deficit, fallen into the abyss of addiction, are homeless. What power do they have you think? Who are they ”oppressing”? Those men outnumber the men in power 100 to 1.
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