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Utopia Talk / Politics / Biden takes 7 days
Sat Feb 20 14:22:45
To declare a state out of power during a once in a life time storm a national emergency. Lol. If trump took a week yo declare a blue state in similar circumstances the media would be calling for his head.

Fat Fag
Sat Feb 20 14:33:53
Note the date


President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Texas Emergency Declaration

FEBRUARY 14, 2021 •

Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. declared that an emergency exists in the State of Texas and ordered federal assistance to supplement state and local response efforts

Sat Feb 20 17:46:23
What help has the federal government delivered? Is FEMA there?
Sat Feb 20 17:48:49
I see he authorized FEMA, but what habe they done?
Sat Feb 20 17:50:32
Accepting FEMA help is socialist. Texans would prefer dying than having the feds apply socialist programs and regulations. Their governor said so!
Sun Feb 21 09:08:44
So I think he declared an emergency on the 14th, and a disaster after the fact.

Legally speaking I'm not sure what difference is.
Sun Feb 21 09:32:45
"What help has the federal government delivered? Is FEMA there?"

The power has largely been restored. The main problem now seems to be water systems that froze and burst their pipes. Other than hauling in drinking water and trying to distribute it, what would you have any President to do under the situation at hand?
Sun Feb 21 09:42:56
Patom, Was it FEMA that did those repairs?

I would want the president to call in FEMA ( as Biden did) perhaps send some troops down there and pass out water, set up temporary shelters etc.
werewolf dictator
Sun Feb 21 09:55:28
biden needs to stop acting like global warming is horrible crisis and worth abandoning fossil fuels over.. and realize cold weather is humanity's worst weather problem [not just this event but killing people with flus and covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses and heart attacks]
Sun Feb 21 09:58:57
Wwd, Ok, but more severe storms, acidification of oceans, rising sea level are things to be concerned about.
Sun Feb 21 10:59:44
werewolf, this year and each of the previous five or so years has been setting records for heat all across the world. This one storm is just that a storm. It is a disaster for Texans. One that could have been prevented. But it is just one storm.
Sun Feb 21 11:03:12
Tom, Wwd will present a case that cold weather is a greater threat to humans than heat, which is true actually.His argument is not merely about this one storm.
werewolf dictator
Sun Feb 21 12:34:21
good.. we need more heat on planet because humans are evolved for living in hot part of africa.. when confronted with chilly weather our cardiovascular and respiratory-immune systems tend to fail

look at this chart of usa average daily deaths by month in 2019


daily deaths are at a minimum in the hottest part of year.. higher in spring and fall.. and much higher in winter

2020 is not normal year but top scientists predicted cold weather would just exacerbate covid 19 deaths this winter.. and winter has indeed been catastrophic with coronavirus in both usa and europe

british government tracks winter excess mortality and it is consistently over 20,000 deaths every year [some years much higher].. unfortunately american government doesn't track excess deaths from cold or winter but multiple lines of evidence [including chart linked above] indicate ~100,000 americans dying of cold weather in typical year
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