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Utopia Talk / Politics / Arizona and Georgia
Thu Jan 14 20:17:26
Since the clown and his terrorists took the ball off of this, it really is interesting to see these two states now have complete democratic representation in the Senate while pre-2019 they were both completely represented by Repubs. This combined with Nebraska-2 are 27 EVs compared to Florida's 29 EVs. Maybe now the dems can finally abandon Florida and tell the Enrique Tarrio vote to go to hell?
Thu Jan 14 22:41:56
Yes, let's write off states even though Dems lost those states by less than half a percent in recent statewide races.

Not only that, just let the far-right keep deluding your latino grandma on facebook without any kind of countermessage so she can become a recruiter for them.

Far-left liberals are so fucking stupid.
Thu Jan 14 22:48:08
they lost to rick scott and de santis, they lost this race back-to-back and the margin shifted -2% from 2016. it is a waste of time and wrt to your "latino" comment, it is alienating to the vast majority of latinos who vote for the democratic party to have the party capitulate to the Enrique Tarrio vote who will never vote for them.
Thu Jan 14 23:03:16
Dukhat just comes off as angry. I get his point though.

y2a IMO comes off as definitley crazier but it's more upbeat and positive. Which applaud, so many on this board just seem angry all the time.

Everything is " so.fucking stupid, retarded blah blah blah...I hate my life" and I just dont get it.

Anyway, Back the OP. This was such a wierd election with covid and all that Id wait and see how Biden is doing in those states before Id take them out of the swing category.

Fla. had R gains in Miami Dade which on the one side Id feel more confident about the R's keeping but Id also wonder how often they could.get these people to the Polls.
Thu Jan 14 23:48:52
“ Everything is " so.fucking stupid, retarded blah blah blah...I hate my life" and I just dont get it. ”

That’s cause you are so fuckin stupid and everything you say is so fuckin retarded, retard.
Thu Jan 14 23:50:13
I just had to say it, it was hard to pass. Like you asked for it. I don’t mean it
Thu Jan 14 23:58:44
Cr,I know ypur demeanor enough to get the joke.The apology was very Canadian of you.

But you know what I mean, there are certain posters on these boards that just seem so miserable and angry at the world most of the time.Like smoke some weed and get paid already.
Fri Jan 15 02:24:07
@Y2A - Probably should get offline, you sound like a liberal rugian with the black and white thinking.

Democrats can't win the same way republicans with only one message (because republicans are the party of white culture warriors). They need a bunch of different micromessages and they need not to take any part of their coalition for granted because any one of them switching sides is disastrous.

We already saw a preview of this in the Rio Grande Valley and Miami-Dade. These were areas Obama and Hillary won. You're just going to write them off?

With allies like you, the Democrats don't need the Republicans to defeat them in elections.
Fri Jan 15 08:12:38

"Maybe now the dems can finally abandon Florida and tell the Enrique Tarrio vote to go to hell?"

We're already there.

Fri Jan 15 08:12:49

"Yes, let's write off states even though Dems lost those states by less than half a percent in recent statewide races."

This is a red state buddy. All the swing state and purple state talk is straight bull. Republicans own the state.

The governor: red
State Senate: 60% red
State House: 65% red
US Senators: both red
US Reps: 60% red

We elected a massive Medicare fraudster (Rick Scott) governor ... and then Senator ... simply because he was the Republican candidate.

We're the state with the highest percentage of retirees ... and we elected a Medicare fraudster!
Fri Jan 15 08:43:55
Both Sinema and Kelly beat the same person, Martha McSally, who is not well liked in Arizona. Both ran on the same moderate, independent platform.

Dems should look at that as a recipe for victory in other states. No "defund the police" or other crazy shit, but a more conciliatory, moderate tone.

large member
Fri Jan 15 08:59:03
Is it not good to elect a politician with a vested interest in Medicare getting as much funding as possible?

The thing about retirees. That is a demographic with turnover.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Jan 15 09:05:56
Did most of the people who lost run on defund the police or other far left ideologies? Honest question, because I've read (though not looked very deeply into) that people who lost did not run on far left policies.
Fri Jan 15 09:34:02
I don't know, but if Dems expect to win in "purple" states, they need to be more moderate than Pelois, etc...

Wrath of Orion
Fri Jan 15 09:37:18
Well, that's sorta goes to my point. If what is said is true and the Democrats that lost did not run on far left policies, then there is another problem. And that adds traction to the idea that the national discussions and calls for that stuff are effectively being pinned on more moderate candidates despite them not supporting those policies.

And that is probably more of a problem with effectively fighting Republican efforts to pin those policies on any Democrat in sight during campaigns.
large member
Fri Jan 15 09:39:30
Its funny to me that "defund the police" is actually a union busting move, not a move to remove police forces.

Amuzing because union busting is usually such a right wing agenda.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Jan 15 09:40:45
Don't get me wrong, I agree that dialing back the national rhetoric on that needs to be done. However, I'd be willing to bet that's not enough because of how effective Republican tactics have been on pinning those far left ideologies on even moderate Democrats. That tactic needs to be effectively countered in some fashion at the local/state levels.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Jan 15 09:44:42
Defund the police should not be any kind of movement other than local and state governments looking at local and state forces to see if there are ways to improve them. It's a local and state issue with solutions that will vary at local and state levels.
Fri Jan 15 10:23:37
"However, I'd be willing to bet that's not enough because of how effective Republican tactics have been on pinning those far left ideologies on even moderate Democrats."

When prominent national democrats come out in favor of BLM protests and defund the police movements, it trickles down. No need for much action by Republicans. Dems running need to loudly denounce violence by BLM and show support for local law enforcement, or they will never make in-roads in traditionally republican areas.

Differentiate themselves from Pelosi, who is despised. Sinema and Kelly both did that.
Fri Jan 15 10:24:30
It is the same with Republicans in dem strongholds. They cannot be seen to support Trump or Trumpism policies(hardline immigration, religitard stuff, etc).
Wrath of Orion
Fri Jan 15 10:25:06
"No need for much action by Republicans."

Except apparently there was a LOT of action by Republicans. You can't, or shouldn't, just ignore that if you don't want the same to happen again.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Jan 15 10:26:01
Differentiating themselves is one of the tactics I'm talking about. But it probably would not be enough for most.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Jan 15 10:27:27
"Sinema and Kelly both did that."

Btw, did the Democrats who lost fail to do that? Again, honest question, but that is the claim you're making.
Fri Jan 15 12:46:35

"Murder: Is it not good to elect a politician with a vested interest in Medicare getting as much funding as possible?"

lol :o)

Fri Jan 15 12:48:10
Talking about the senate, where in AZ one seat was taken up by John McCain for like 40 years, so it did not matter what dem ran against him. Guy was beloved here and Jesus might have lost running against him.

Other seat, there is a history of moderate democrats winning, from DeConcini to Sinema. I don't remember much about the losers.
Fri Jan 15 17:07:19
"We're already there."

Will have to wait to see what the position on Cuba will be in order to determine that. the clown already listed Cuba as a "state sponsor of terrorism", have to see if/how quickly Biden reverses that.
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