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Utopia Talk / Politics / Facebook bans Ron Paul
Tue Jan 12 03:40:17
"Facebook Suspends Ron Paul Following Column Criticizing Big Tech Censorship

On Monday, Facebook blocked former presidential candidate Ron Paul from his own page. The move came hours after the longtime congressman and libertarian hero shared an article he wrote criticizing Twitter and Facebook for banning President Donald Trump from their platforms.

“Last week’s massive social media purges – starting with President Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter and other outlets – was shocking and chilling, particularly to those of us who value free expression and the free exchange of ideas,” Paul wrote. “The justifications given for the silencing of wide swaths of public opinion made no sense and the process was anything but transparent. Nowhere in President Trump’s two ‘offending’ Tweets, for example, was a call for violence expressed explicitly or implicitly. It was a classic example of sentence first, verdict later.”

Paul shared the article on Facebook sometime around 10 a.m. EST. Hours later, on Twitter, Paul said he had been blocked by Facebook.

“With no explanation other than ‘repeatedly going against our community standards,’ Facebook has blocked me from managing my page,” Paul announced on Twitter. “Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified.”

Paul said the only material posted to Facebook on Monday was the article previously noted, his weekly "Texas Straight Talk" column, which he has published every week since 1976."


I know that Seb and Y2A and other authoritarian assholes will just celebrate this shit. At this point, if Kim Jung Un nuked Silicon Valley I would openly cheer it.
Tue Jan 12 03:43:43
Facebook Suspends Ron Paul Following Column Criticizing Big Tech Censorship

sad/funny.The irony of the statement did have me actuallynlol for a sec....censoted.for complaining about censorship.
Tue Jan 12 03:57:04
We were all shocked when Facebook and Twitter banned ISIS.

Particularly those of us who value free expression and the free exchange of ideas.

Btw, Trump can still tweet if he wants too: http://twitter.com/potus
Tue Jan 12 03:58:38
"‘repeatedly going against our community standards,’ Facebook has blocked me from managing my page,”

I haven't read Ron Paul's article but maybe he was repeating Trump's lies that the election was stolen.
Tue Jan 12 03:59:23
Paramount, Again, Ayatollah...etc.

Also, no they also banned the potus account.
Tue Jan 12 04:02:04
Comparing Ron Paul to ISIS...

...yeah, thats the level that leftists are operating on right now.
Tue Jan 12 04:04:18
I'm not sure Paramount knows who RP is.
Tue Jan 12 04:04:49
By the way, here's the actual article that got Paul banned. Feel free to point out which part warranted censoring him for "repeated violations of community guidelines":

Tue Jan 12 04:07:27
Member Tue Jan 12 04:04:18
"I'm not sure Paramount knows who RP is."

Of course he doesn't. Theres probably only been several thousand posts about Ron Paul made on this board over the years, but why would Paramount know anything about him..

Stupid autistic retards on this board can't remember anything if it hasn't happened in the last two weeks.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 12 04:13:46
"Because no army – not even Big Tech partnered with Big Government - can stop an idea whose time has come. And Liberty is that idea. We must move forward with creativity and confidence!"

Ron Paul 2012!!!
Tue Jan 12 04:18:22
Maybe he wasn't blocked from Facebook because of that article. Maybe he had been posting ideas that the election was stolen or sharing posts that violates the rules of Facebook.

The only things in the article that may be a reason for why Facebook blocked him may be this:

"“Big Tech” long ago partnered with the Obama/Biden/Clinton State Department to lend their tools to US “soft power” goals overseas. Whether it was ongoing regime change attempts against Iran, the 2009 coup in Honduras, the disastrous US-led coup in Ukraine, “Arab Spring,” the destruction of Syria and Libya, and so many more, the big US tech firms were happy to partner up with the State Department and US intelligence to provide the tools to empower those the US wanted to seize power and to silence those out of favor."

^He is leaking secret information. Exposing the USA. It's on the border of treason.

"Because no army – not even Big Tech partnered with Big Government - can stop an idea whose time has come. And Liberty is that idea. We must move forward with creativity and confidence!"

^ And this. It's sedition. He is saying that the Trumpism idea of insurrection and overturning the result of the democratic election can't be stopped and has to move forward with creativity.
Tue Jan 12 04:19:22
"I'm not sure Paramount knows who RP is."

I have heard his name before. Years ago on this board. I don't remember much about him though.
large member
Tue Jan 12 04:26:38
Easy enough. A dogwhistle call to arms for those wanting liberty and wanting to stop Biden's big government.

I think the era of cutsy footing is over.
Tue Jan 12 04:32:07

Oh fuck off. Being opposed to the administration in government is not grounds for being censored.

As a non-autistic non-retard, I can actually remember the last four years and how Democrats spend all four of them stylizing themselves as the "resistance." It didn't get them banned then and Paul's words certainly don't warrant it now.
Tue Jan 12 04:35:23

Can you explain what its like to have the memory of a goldfish? What is day-to-day life for you like?

Someone whose political opinions are wholly shaped by what they read on CNN in the last 48 hours has no business in lecturing the rest of us on complex issues like freedom of speech.

Tue Jan 12 04:43:53
I had a memory of that I kinda liked Ron Paul. Now I remember more...

Ron Paul in 2009: Gaza a concentration camp

WASHINGTON - In an interview with Iranian television in 2009, Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul referred to Gaza as a "concentration camp."

Paul's former aide, Eric Dondero, recently claimed the elderly congressman "wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all."

The congressman's view, he said, "is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the America taxpayer. He sides with the Palestinians, and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs."

I guess he wasn't allowed to speak any more in the mainstream media after that, and that I was why I didn't hear about him until now when he got banned by Facebook. lol
Tue Jan 12 04:45:27
Tue Jan 12 04:46:50
,^He is leaking secret information. Exposing the USA. It's on the border of treason."

Para, Are you trolling or serious?

Anyway, as for knowing RP the extent of your knowledge is about what I figured. He isn't really an internationally known figure like many other US politicians.
large member
Tue Jan 12 05:23:02
You should have thought a bit more about free speech before engaging in active insurection.

You country has a rocky couple of weeks to make it through.

Paul's article offers comfort to the enemies of the republic. It also supports a black swan even that is a serious threat to facebook and other corporate interests.

I am pretty sure that the age of the dog whistle (intentional of not) has passed.

Paul was blocked. I see why. End of story.
Tue Jan 12 05:32:49

You are literally calling for the banning of speech that calls for opposition to the governing administration.

We're done here. There's no point in conversing with you further.
large member
Tue Jan 12 05:44:31
My position is actually that the US is the midst of an insurection and as little oxygen as is constitutionally possible should be given to flame it.

Banned from FB for offering comfort and support to insurectionists? Damned yah!
Tue Jan 12 07:12:30
How sensitive you are... a private company banned speech deemed violating its rules.

Tell me Rugina, when did you hold facebook in such high regard impersonating the government?
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 12 09:45:14
[jergul]: "Easy enough. A dogwhistle call to arms for those wanting liberty and wanting to stop Biden's big government."

lol! Okay.. that was good :D
I mean, if it was a joke meant to take on the most absurd idiocy imaginable. If it was serious, then, of course, Jergul is the completely irredeemable fucking idiot we all know. But if it was a joke, that was good :D
large member
Tue Jan 12 09:48:46
You are talking to an audience about as large as it was when you muttered those sentiments to your cat.

My views are generally quite considered.

Only morons think I am a moron.
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