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Utopia Talk / Politics / UK bans assault hugs of war
Sat Jan 09 06:26:04
Man Arrested For Hugging In London


Oi, you got a license to engage in consensual physical contact with another human being? Off to the chokey with you!

Freedom is dead.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 11 02:20:21
That man is contagious! Like... those looked like some heart-warming hugs.

I think it's fine for governments to warn people not to do certain activities, but passing laws for things like that definitely shows a government out of its mind. In the UK, at least, it's no surprise.
smart dude
Mon Jan 11 02:37:21
"fictitious virus"

Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 11 03:03:41
If we can't protect our morons from police overreach, then we should at least have better schools.
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