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Utopia Talk / Politics / Can Biden unite the country?
Fri Jan 08 14:33:00
Its a difficult task, but I think he can do it.

I think the best way to do it is a Marshall plan for the South, seriously.

We need it anyway, massive infrastructure upgrades, hurricane preparations up the coast. fix the roads, wiring/internet and drainage.
Renzo Marquez
Fri Jan 08 14:38:39
He could if he wanted to. UBI and infrastructure projects.

He doesn't want to. He's going to pursue domestic anti-terrorism laws, tax cuts for rich people, more woke BS, and hostilities with eastern Europe.
Fri Jan 08 14:46:20
Of course not. The problem is with how Democrats define the word "unity" - it means they rule and Republicans submit.

Conservatives are meant to exist as West Wing-style controlled opposition - every once in a while they raise a fuss and maybe score a point or two, but at the end of they day even they acknowledge that they're on the wrong side of things.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 14:46:35
he can't... Fox / Newsmax / OAN will stoke hatred & keep up the poisoning of the atmosphere

(which is not the same as how Trump treated by the rest of media... Trump was just objectively a lying piece of shit, it wasn't about his political ideas)
Fri Jan 08 14:49:19
It's like how Obama's speeches used to go - they start with lofty unifying talk of "there are no red states or blue states" and end with declaring that progressive politics are the way of the future.

Its a charade, and Republicans can see through it. Unity isn't happening.
Fri Jan 08 14:50:26
He can't do much worse than Trump. Hell Trump blew his one chance to really unite this country.

All the stupid ass had to do was recognize the Covid 19 Pandemic for what it is. Beg the American people to unite in the battle to defeat this disease. Follow the recommendations of the CDC. Be honest with them that there was a lot of unknowns and that every scientist in this country and the world is working to solve the mystery.

This was his chance to be a FDR Dec. 7 1941 or GW Bush 9/11.

I'm not going to list what Trump did with his one chance. You either know or are willfully blind.

I somehow don't picture Biden making the same kind of mistake.
Fri Jan 08 14:51:22
Marshall Plan was to defeat communism in Europe, not throw a bone to redneck retards.

If your states need infrastructure then build it yourself.
Renzo Marquez
Fri Jan 08 14:54:13
Member Fri Jan 08 14:50:26
"Follow the recommendations of the CDC."

Retarded take. The CDC (and I'm not talking about political appointees) was a complete disaster. WHO was as well. Both were putting out bad guidance regarding masks, travel restrictions, etc. when it actually mattered.
Fri Jan 08 15:10:21
” I think the best way to do it is a Marshall plan for the South, seriously.

We need it anyway, massive infrastructure upgrades, hurricane preparations up the coast. fix the roads, wiring/internet and drainage.”

Isn’t that communism? And why didn’t Trump do all that?

Biden probably can’t unite the country because the Trumpsters does not want to.

Biden can leave the door open of course, but I don’t think that many will step through it. They are afraid of being accused for being radical leftist and communists if they do.
Sam Adams
Fri Jan 08 15:34:21
Too many retarded sjws pushing him to extremely stupid far-left ideas i think.
Fri Jan 08 15:40:37
"Can Biden unite the country?"

If I were to visually experience Biden passing through the crack of Al-Naslaa, I'd say yes.

Fri Jan 08 15:54:02
paramount, Infrastucture plans are communism?

"Biden probably can’t unite the country because the Trumpsters does not want to."

The whole point is to win them over.Reagan won over democrats.

Your argument is sort disregards any attempt to do such. Compromise and mutual concessions.
Fri Jan 08 16:32:48
We already have a Marshall Plan for the South, it's called Federal Taxation.
Fri Jan 08 16:43:17

” paramount, Infrastucture plans are communism?”

Why didn’t Trump do all those things for the South? When there is a Democratic president then suddenly all the Southern states needs a marshall plan? But when Trump was president everything was cool?

” The whole point is to win them over.Reagan won over democrats”

Why didn’t Trump try to unite the country? The only one he cared about was himself, and maybe some of his friends. He did more for Netanyahu/Israel and Muhammed/Saudi Arabia than he did for the American people including the Southern states.
Fri Jan 08 16:50:24
Listen, much of this has to do with my complaints about how FEMA spends money too. Tgeybpay to helpnrepair but not pre emotive. The South needa better protection against hurricanes and CA needs better forest management.

We can sit here and point fingers all day long, but that's not going to unite the country and in 4 years we could end up with a mote divisive country than we do now.
Fri Jan 08 16:52:52
Paramount, If you have read my complaints against Trump, #1 was no infrastructure bill. Ive literally posted about it at least a fozen times.
Fri Jan 08 16:55:27
Trumo actually did win over plenty of traditionally democratic groups. He was supported by more poc than any other modern Republivan figure.He even was endorsed by labor unions.
Fri Jan 08 17:16:53
I’m not against a Marshall plan for the South, or infrastructure investments. It is not up to me to decide or have a say on because I’m not an American :P

But yeah, infrastructure investments are usually always good. I think Biden should do what China did/is doing, end poverty. You can do it. And invest in schools and education.

But this is never going to happen. Because the rich (except Bill Gates (who the Trumpsters and Qanons hate and villify)) does not want to pay taxes and contribute to America. They rather hide their moneys off-shore somewhere and buy a second yacht and airplane.
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