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Utopia Talk / Politics / The Coup Attempt 2
Thu Jan 07 23:10:29
Continue discussion here
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 23:13:28
[Forwyn:] "Dozens of demonstrators on Thursday took over the office of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) to protest President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. "

they are sitting in a room w/ multiple sofas & a TV... looks like a waiting room to me... where people are supposed to sit & wait to see the Senator

where is the broken windows & attacked security officers?


CHAZ has no similarity... i don't know how to make it more clear

there was definite urgency for assistance at Capitol Hill, there was definitely not at CHAZ
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 23:17:36
also the coup wasn't just the attack on the Capitol building, it's been all of what Trump's been doing collectively

he was never merely exploring legal objections as his defenders pretended
werewolf dictator
Thu Jan 07 23:24:16
who believes that russia tampered with vote tallies in 2016.. 66% of democrats.. that's who

Thu Jan 07 23:27:05
Thank God, presumably no broken windows

the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 23:32:02
A cop has now died from injuries sustained during the siege.

that count as anything?
Thu Jan 07 23:36:05
"he was never merely exploring legal objections as his defenders pretended"

Reading minds again! Nice. I was afraid you lost your super power.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 23:46:20
if you disagree you are a fucking moron... not only was it obvious all along, it's completely so now as he said various crazy plans out loud

like saying Pence could just reject the vote himself

& kept repeating proven false claims... although that's kind of his thing... part of the adorable 'Trump being Trump'
Thu Jan 07 23:52:07
Trumpers I follow to see how they think are still repeating the infiltrated-by-Antifa lie. The pictures they use even have the guy holding up a Q sign. FFS, the stupid is strong.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 23:54:46
the dead woman will be hard to explain... although maybe she was a deep cover antifa agent just posing as a major cultist for a long period just waiting to frame them
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 23:55:14
not that anything matters, the cult is like Trump, choose your own truth
Thu Jan 07 23:55:51
tw, ok it looks like this is the poll you are referring to (YouGov). Looking at the tables, n = 501 for the Dem respondents. 538 had it as a B rated pollster. Seems somewhat reasonable in terms of pollster and respondents but I question whether it might be an outlier.

Thu Jan 07 23:56:22
Fri Jan 08 00:05:09
Brian Sicknick, killed by his own


Brian Sicknick was a Trump-supporting U.S. Capitol Police officer and military veteran who has died of injuries suffered during a pro-Trump riot on January 6, 2021, at the Capitol building, authorities say. Sicknick was injured while “physically engaging” with rioters, the U.S. Capitol Police Department said in a statement. He died at 9:30 p.m. on January 7, the department said.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 00:06:10
note how 71% of R's think Russia didn't do shit

maybe as the fucking traitor & cult leader spent his first two years defending Russia (against our own intel agencies) in claiming their innocence (using only info he got from Putin & his own ass)
Fri Jan 08 00:06:41
" The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear. Nexstar Media Group, which owns several local news stations, reported he was struck in the head with a fire extinguisher and suffered a stroke. Sicknick, 42, was a New Jersey native."
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 00:22:05
"Far-right streamer ‘Baked Alaska’ stormed Capitol while COVID-19-positive"


another deep cover Antifa member...

maybe there are no Trump supporters, all just undercover Antifa pretending to support him to make him look bad

oddly, that would bring sanity back to the world
Fri Jan 08 00:28:49
i've heard all these names before; it is the scum of the internet that always get a pass and always cry censorship or cancel culture. fuck them, it is time to cancel these losers.
Fri Jan 08 00:34:46
It mist be bittersweet for TW. What is batman without the Joker?

Trump is sprt ornlike Obi Wan though, if they strike him down now he will become more powerful than they ever imagined.

Fri Jan 08 00:38:45
I'll give you the " infiltrated by antifa" is 99.999% chance of being BS.

But again with my "two sides" I will point out that him swore that white people/white supremacists ( same thing to them) were causing all the damage at the otherwise peacefull protests.Not coloreds, not communists.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 00:39:44
he just sold out his cultists in the face of criminal liability so we'll see how well that goes over

plus i think even they will get sick of just hearing him whine & brag on TV

plus his team of propagandists on TV will no longer be just propping him up daily & re-interpreting his craziness into acceptable thoughts
Fri Jan 08 00:47:42
Only time will tell.
werewolf dictator
Fri Jan 08 02:16:04
cnbc identified these as the biggest fake news stories of 2016


creation can be respectively traced to..

* openly satirical site [like the onion]

* sean hannity

* 4chan collaboration

* unsure.. but irrelevant since it wouldn't really help either candidate

* unsure.. although hillary did sell weapons to jihadists in timber sycamore who transferred many to isis

* denver guardian operated by Jestin Coler of los angeles

* breitbart

* another openly satirical site

* macedonians as clickbait

* another satire site [that would help hillary if satire overlooked]

not one of them seems created by russia.. but lots to america
werewolf dictator
Fri Jan 08 02:18:51
all the major countries spy on each other.. russia probably released some of the entirely authentic emails because [1] it shows hillary cheating against bernie and [2] hillary is a monster as a basic objective fact
werewolf dictator
Fri Jan 08 02:25:07
as long as we are believing clapper and brennan etc amid deep state intel community.. i guess iraq really had wmd in 2003.. the nsa doesn't collect data on americans.. not a single drone strike killed an innocent civilian under obama.. and the cia didn't hack into congressional computers to hide torture

and oh yeah.. russians opposed the west because of their genetics.. yeah you get a real unbiased view of what happened in 2016 when some racist like that organizes the investigation

werewolf dictator
Fri Jan 08 02:34:59
latest bs by clapper and brennan was that nypost further showing hunter biden is pos was "russian disinformation".. which tech companies all then censored [conceivably costing trump the election]
Fri Jan 08 05:54:58
"Brian Sicknick was a Trump-supporting U.S. Capitol Police officer and military veteran who has died of injuries suffered during a pro-Trump riot on January 6, 2021, at the Capitol building, authorities say. Sicknick was injured while “physically engaging” with rioters, the U.S. Capitol Police Department said in a statement. He died at 9:30 p.m. on January 7, the department said."

Well, based on what I have heard, in my opinion, he was an Antifa-cop who was killed by one of his own Antifa-friends to unfairly blame the freedom fighters who are only looking for freedom, the freedom to have Trump as their leader.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 14:34:29
one of 'em being rounded up by FBI:

the grandmother seems to blame Trump... probably as he's 100% responsible

a Charles Manson who sends his cultists to do his crimes
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 14:58:51
now circulating amongst the cult is that Trump's video calling it a heinous attack is a 'deep fake'
large member
Fri Jan 08 15:06:54
Trump has about 35% of the population. That is enough (support for the American Revolution was about at that level. with another 1/3rd loyalists and the last third indifferent).

This could have played out in a way that left Trump in power.
Fri Jan 08 15:09:22
Dems going to impeach on Monday


Just one article: Incitement of Insurrection
Renzo Marquez
Fri Jan 08 15:21:50
the wanderer Fri Jan 08 14:34:29
"one of 'em being rounded up by FBI:"

Notice how federal law enforcement tipped off the press. The propaganda campaign is underway. This pretty much sums up what tw et al. are useful idiots for http://twitter.com/TurncoatD/status/1321986358701780992

Lulz. Still can't believe he actually posted the Bill Kristol video though.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 15:25:55
& you fault the video in what way?

also, add smearing feces around & stealing a laptop to the actions of those patriots visiting the Capitol bldg
werewolf dictator
Fri Jan 08 15:36:41
trump has around 50% of the population on this impeachment/incitement/coup nonsense


grounds for impeachment
49% yes
51% no

should pence invoke 25th amendment
49% yes
51% no

capitol break-in incited by trump
45% incited by trump
55% mostly actions of mob

Fri Jan 08 15:41:39
The American population, comrade.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 19:02:32
a guy whose office broken into & vandalized says he doesn't think he was targeted specifically as every door in hall was damaged

why would security need more assistance for such a peaceful protest...
Fri Jan 08 19:36:52
"note how 71% of R's think Russia didn't do shit"

Going by liberal thinking they didn't. After all if it didn't affect the outcome of the election it didn't happen just like all the liberals are claiming with the accusations in this election.

A person will claim they saw ballots being counted wrong and the response is well it wasn't enough to change the outcome. They follow this by then saying fraud didn't happen.

werewolf dictator
Fri Jan 08 20:27:21
this is "coup" like reichstag fire [but without the fire]

afterwards nazis [= democrats] pretend like it was some well thought out coup conspiracy instead of random dumbassery.. and use it to consolidate authoritarian power.. by acting like they are suffering from grave attack ["pearl harbor"].. and there are terrorists all over.. and we need patriot act extensions [an act which biden claims he wrote in the first place in 1994].. and needing loss of more civil liberties and use of more domestic spying.. and anyone [even president] guilty of wrongthink gets purged on monopolistic social medias.. and any wrongthink tolerating app [like parler] gets kicked off google play and apple stores before it might challenge authoritarian democratic monopolistic consensus.. etc
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 22:39:05
kargen, you have really dumb crazy views, we've been over this before

Russia DID interfere in 2016, whereas no mass fraud shown... zero, not 'well some, but not enough'

and the ONLY reason R's don't believe Russia did anything is the totally obvious KING OF LIES (& traitor to the nation)
Fri Jan 08 22:45:30
"Russia DID interfere in 2016"

But not in 2020?
the wanderer
Fri Jan 08 22:48:56
yeah 2020 too... why the fuck wouldn't they? a friendly admin & a DNI who wouldn't care & a dream candidate to support
Fri Jan 08 23:48:39
Pretty sure foreskin didn't bother to read about the huge data breach accomplished by the Ruskies in 2020 that Trump just ignored.

The only facts that matter to him are things that reinforce what he already believes.

Sat Jan 09 01:19:50
Which is...what? That it had a negligible impact on the election?

Or...sure. Show me how the data breach secured a Biden victory
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 02:33:54
"why the fuck wouldn't they?"

under trump administration russia gets round after round of added sanctions.. and arming with weapons of the kiev entity which obama did not do.. and secretary of state boasting about killing hundreds of russians in syria

also.. while biden will likely be horrible president for russian [and american and global] interests he is still not the monster that hitlery was [eg he was against her libyan war and arming of syrian jihadis]..

there is also "only nixon can go to china" possibility with biden restoring better relations.. whereas trump is so cornered and unable to maneuver that americans still talk about peepee tapes when he wishes better relations with russia
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 02:38:21
so data breach automatically equals election meddling..

in that case nsa must meddle in every election on earth.. because they hack everyone on planet [save maybe other 5 eyes anglosphere].. and are proud of being #1 at that ubiquitous hacking
Sat Jan 09 02:39:31
Noone gives a shit about better relations with Russia. We should crush them for fucking with us. They aren't a super power anymore just a has been that needs to learn how to stay in their lane and go into the night with a whimper instead of a roar.

Their economy is shit now because of the collapse of oil. Their military is shit because their population is rapidly decreasing. And Putin is about to finally step down soon anyways.

Fuck Russia.
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 02:45:06
russia can nuke with impunity up to 170 million americans any time they like.. and america can't do a damn thing to reciprocally hurt 150 million russians or else usa loses an additional 160+ million americans and loses even worse

americas military is shit because they lose war after war [with only exception of isis war when effectively allied with russia and syria]
the wanderer
Sat Jan 09 02:55:21
"under trump administration russia gets..."

...reflexive defense by the 'president' of the United States on any and all criticisms, including attacks on us

poison & hack away, not once a problem & Trump always doubting it happened
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 02:57:49
and even if americans don't realize that in nuclear war [as in cyber] that the side with more to lose is the side that is the more vulnerable target.. then you'd still think they'd at least know about this shit and how it applies to the present

werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 02:59:03
doesn't matter tw.. as i said trump is cornered and has no options to go along with more and more sanctions and arming kiev etc
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 02:59:38
no options *but* to go along
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 04:39:17
russian military record since 2000..

victory in chechnya.. victory over georgia.. victory over isis.. winning vs syrian jihadis.. winning vs the entity occupying kiev..

so 3 "victories".. and 2 "winning" [eventual record can be expected to be 5 wins and 0 defeats]

[and that's not even counting all the victorious "electronic pearl harbors" that democrats and neocons keep crying about]


american record in wars involving usa since 2000..

still losing in afghanistan.. still losing in nw pakistan.. lost iraq war.. still losing in somalia.. victory over somali pirates.. defeat in turning libya into failed state "shit show".. victory in uganda.. victory by trump over isis.. losing in support of jihadis vs assad.. losing in supporting genocidal saudis in yemen

so 3 victories and 2 defeats and losing like another 5.. [so eventual usa record can be expected to be 2 wins 7 losses]

usa better stay in their lane and out of russias sphere of influence.. unless they want to lose vs superior conventional and nuclear opponent
large member
Sat Jan 09 04:40:35
That is like saying a hamster is more ferocious than a wolf because it never bites over more than it can chew.
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 04:41:38
With a population of 142.8 million according to the 2010 census,[10] which rose to 146.8 million as of 2020,[9]

so not declining population
Renzo Marquez
Sat Jan 09 07:50:42
Member Sat Jan 09 02:39:31
"They aren't a super power anymore"

Neither is the US. Superpowers don't get rekt by a bunch of obese retards who believe QAnon. US is a paper tiger.
Sat Jan 09 08:33:56
Russia Predicts Highest Population Decline Since 2006 Amid Pandemic

Sat Jan 09 08:57:54
Coup the RPG:
werewolf dictator
Sat Jan 09 09:13:49
deaths per 100k from coronavirus..

112.72 united states
41.58 russia [much lower than germany which seb praises as wizards at stopping pandemic]

Russia: National debt from 2015 to 2025 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
National debt to GDP ratio
2020* 18.94%

$27 trillion
Since 2008, America's national debt has surged nearly 200%, reaching $27 trillion as of October 2020.
2020.. 127.5% of gdp

america is set to collapse on sooooo many fronts lol
Sat Jan 09 09:20:09
"deaths per 100k from coronavirus..

112.72 united states
41.58 russia [much lower than germany which seb praises as wizards at stopping pandemic]"

You did not get the new memo:

Russia's deputy prime minister has revealed more than 80% of excess deaths this year are linked to Covid-19, which would mean its death toll is three times higher than previously reported.
Anarchist Prime
Sat Jan 09 09:33:46
Sat Jan 09 16:51:36
"Russia DID interfere in 2016, whereas no mass fraud shown... zero, not 'well some, but not enough'"

I know they did and I have admitted that from the beginning. We simply disagree on the reason they interfered.

I am saying if we use liberal logic it didn't happen because it didn't change the outcome. That isn't my logic that is a logic that resides almost exclusively on the left but only when it suits their purpose.

the wanderer
Sat Jan 09 17:16:45
"it didn't happen because it didn't change the outcome"

no one is using that logic

a) there is zero possibility of ever determining Russia's impact on 2016 votes so doesn't apply there

b) the only thing close on 2020 fraud is people saying individual incidents of fraud may have occurred... that's not what's leading to the conclusion it didn't change the outcome... it's that NO MASS FRAUD found... NONE... not a portion here, that wasn't enough to change the results... NONE

& even though Trump claimed publicly they had proof over & over & over, Lindsey admitted they couldn't cite anything to him when he asked & we have Trump asking in private calls 'let us find the fraud'... same for Giuliani... 'we -will find- fraud with more time' thus admitting they didn't have anything... not that cultists will ever notice
the wanderer
Sat Jan 09 17:23:08
for example there were 2 or 3 people in PA caught trying to vote fraudulently for Trump... that is ZERO evidence of an attempt by Trump to rig the election

mass fraud is entirely separate from isolated individual fraud
Sam Adams
Sat Jan 09 18:52:51
Unable to allow the republicans to go more than a few days without matching their stupidity, pelosi the retard had to chime in and blame all white people for the riots.

AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is accusing the President Donald Trump supporters who rioted in the Capitol this week of choosing “their whiteness over democracy.”
Sat Jan 09 19:06:49
"no one is using that logic"

oh yeah they are. Just doesn't register with you because your brain is on a trump loop.
the wanderer
Sat Jan 09 22:38:32
odd you didn't provide an example

actually, people don't believe mass fraud occurred as there was never any actual evidence that remotely held up... with probably a more extensive look than ever before, especially in Georgia which went way beyond the legal requirements in reviewing & yet found NONE of what was being alleged

people being skeptical from the start probably was because Trump has claimed mass fraud every single primary & election with never once any proof & was claiming mass fraud this election months before any votes cast... thus when he claimed mass fraud after the election with absolutely no proof, even half-wits should've known not to put any value to it

then after 60 failed court cases & extensive investigations yielded nothing & constant nonsense disproven, it kinda confirmed it was all bullshit

although not for you i'm sure, who remains unsure if Russia preferred Trump
Sat Jan 09 23:27:26
There were discrepancies in voting. For example in certain states laws were illegally changed.

PA iirc was one. The problem was that to cancel out all the votes effected by it could cause more damage.
Wrath of Orion
Sun Jan 10 00:10:28
Ah yes, all those cases tossed out of the courts. Hmm.
Sun Jan 10 00:41:29
Of course woo couldn't have been bothered to actually read....
the wanderer
Sun Jan 10 02:27:19
& the changes indicated no rigging of the election

they fought them in court & lost, while Trump spewed constant claims of mass fraud by every conceivable means w/ his completely typical zero concern for facts or trustworthiness of sources or information contradicting the claims

totally unacceptable behavior daily from the 'president'

Sun Jan 10 02:44:02
tw, Correct me if I'm wrong, and I may be. But I thought a judge had said that yes inly legislature may change such election laws, however that the remedy they were seeking, which was to invalidate the votes would

1. Cause more harm than it fixed.

2. Should have been challenged prior to the election.

Again I could be wrong, I'll look around tomorrow for the judgement if no one else finds it.
Sun Jan 10 05:47:55
”The relationship between Trump and Pence is fractured -- they haven't spoken since Wednesday, when a violent mob stormed the Capitol, and the President never bothered to check on Pence's safety.”

So they are not friends anymore?

” Republicans haven't strayed too far from Trump

Shortly before CNN reported the vice president is keeping the 25th Amendment on the table, Texas Rep. Kevin Brady rejected it -- along any move toward impeachment -- and suggested, ridiculously, that doing so was no different from Trump's incitements.

"Those calling for impeachment or invoking the 25th Amendment in response to President Trump's rhetoric this week are themselves engaging in intemperate and inflammatory language," Brady tweeted, "and calling for action that is equally irresponsible and could well incite further violence."


If there won’t be consequences, if those who incited and instigated the insurrection/coup attempt won’t be held accountable then this sets a precedent. After every election there will be insurrection and the losing side will try to take power with force. So you might as well skip having democratic elections. Is this a door that the Republicans wants to open?
Sun Jan 10 06:18:05
Arrests have been made, more to come.

The liberals were released byntheir politicians to re offend. Trump calls for those who broke the law to "pay" for their crimes.

Notice the difference, responsible leadership.
Wrath of Orion
Sun Jan 10 10:05:10
Well Retard Rod 2.0, if you can find an instance of a judge dismissing a case where they believed election laws were illegally changed and it would have affected the outcome of that state's EC votes, please let us know. Because, you know, I did read and I'm still waiting for your evidence.
large member
Sun Jan 10 10:15:56

Of 10k BLM protests, 93% were entirely peaceful.
the wanderer
Sun Jan 10 12:27:19
to habebe, yes some judge could have said that in some case, but it's no indication of rigging the election / mass fraud... and OF FUCKING COURSE it should've been settled BEFORE election

millions of people honestly cast a vote under the system they were told to use

then team Trump wanted to retroactively trash all their votes w/ the full knowledge it heavily disproportionately affected Dem votes
(& was not because mail-in inherently favored Dems, just because fucking moron discouraged his cultists from using it)
Wrath of Orion
Sun Jan 10 20:57:47
Still waiting for that evidence, Retard Rod 2.0.
Sun Jan 10 21:05:55
the evidence is that some magas filed sworn affidavits that they saw black and brown people at the polls.
Sun Jan 10 23:06:04
"although not for you i'm sure, who remains unsure if Russia preferred Trump"

I'm not unsure at all.
Sun Jan 10 23:27:23
woo can wait all he wants...see he always adds in things I never said

Where did I say that a judge said it would have handed Trump the election? please quote me, it should be easy enough to find if you didnt just make shit up all the time.
Sun Jan 10 23:43:11
Woo, So where the proof of that Chinese base on Mars? using your method demanding evidence for randome shit.
werewolf dictator
Sun Jan 10 23:43:32
russia would have preferred almost anyone to hillary in 2016.. and that included trump

unclear if russians [or putin] really preferred trump to biden

*all through trump presidency he was overridden any time he wants to be friendly with russia.. lindsey graham and mitt romney and half of republicans already hate russia and always want more sanctions and arming of ukraine etc.. and 98% of democrats howl any time trump is "insufficiently tough" on russia..

* otoh biden if he wants to be reasonable and improve relations with russia can probably do so while bringing dems with him.. without being accused of being "soft on russia".. much as "only nixon can go to china" without being accused of being pinko "soft on communism"
Wrath of Orion
Mon Jan 11 00:31:04
So you're bitching about rulings that would not have affected the election results. I figured, but I just wanted to make sure.

Of course, this is the bullshit you always pull.

"There were discrepancies in voting. For example in certain states laws were illegally changed.

PA iirc was one. The problem was that to cancel out all the votes effected by it could cause more damage."

Your implication is that it would affect the election. Of course, we all know it would not have. And when you get called out on that, since you have no evidence, you fall back on, "I never said that."

Yeah, typical retarded bullshit.
Mon Jan 11 00:32:49
So no quote of me stating that?

typical lying pedophile shit.
Wrath of Orion
Mon Jan 11 00:34:16
And tomorrow you'll be back to bitching about "illegally changing election laws" and implying it would have affected the election, then folding with no evidence and falling back on how you didn't actually say it. Like I've said, you're a worthless piece of shit I'm quite confident the species would be better off without.
Mon Jan 11 00:35:08
Inimplied nothing of the sort. I I thought Biden only won because of fraud and violations of the law I would have called my my soon to be potus, which I have several times on these boards.

I wont be bothered to defend shit I never said but you feel Inimplied somehow.
Wrath of Orion
Mon Jan 11 00:36:25
It's the same bullshit you always pull because it allows you to feel like you're "right." It's what people who are pretty much always wrong have to fall back on.
Mon Jan 11 00:39:51
Daemon, Yeah, all offical numbers are probably off a little bit but Russias is one of those states where foreign intelligence probably has more accurate numbers than what the Ruskies put out officaly.
Mon Jan 11 00:40:37
woo, Not my fault you make shit up. Stop making shit up.
Mon Jan 11 00:40:38
woo, Not my fault you make shit up. Stop making shit up.
Wrath of Orion
Mon Jan 11 00:42:30
It's the same as how you claim to see both sides. Right. You're as much of a delusional Trump fluffer as mtardo and Rugian. You don't see both sides, you just claim you do to make yourself feel your position of retardation is a bit stronger.
Mon Jan 11 00:49:53
So you demand evidence for something you can't quote me as stating, true or false?

You don't even have to scroll through Google, it would literally be on this page.

Now, I do remember a case that said non legislatures can not change election laws. Perhaps I remember wrong, perhaps not, there was how many lawsuits over the 2020 elections? all together probably over 100, I'll look atound periodically to see if I did remember correctly or not.

Otger than that you can have the last word ranting about demanding evidence for shit no one ever claimed.....martian bases and whatnot.
Wrath of Orion
Mon Jan 11 00:51:11
Yep, you imply bullshit, produce no evidence, and then run off with your tail between your legs. The usual.
Mon Jan 11 04:59:49
I remember when HotRod started, he sounded a lot like Habebe.

It's a path you walk down.
Mon Jan 11 05:22:04
Oh. yes I went running from gangsta keyboard warrior.

Seb, I too remember hotrod. Your welcome have your opinion. All I simply did was to not provide evidence for something I never said, defended or support and have repeatedly on these boards said quite the opposite.

I have said there probably was fraud in this election, as almost all.

However I have adamantly pointed out that Biden did not win IMO by way of fraud and that what fraud did occur was too insignificant to change the outcome.

woo om thenother hand spent several threads defending kiddie porn...

Its a path you walk down.
Mon Jan 11 05:26:20
Also election laws were changed in numerous states.This is not disputed.

I do know that one issue was who can change election laws and who is considered part of the "legislature".
the wanderer
Mon Jan 11 12:16:56
i know for PA, the legislature DID approve universal mail-in voting... & in 2019 before COVID was an issue

team garbage decided AFTER the votes cast in 2020, & knowing heavily skewed Dem, to say that passage in 2019 violated the state constitution & wanted to trash those ballots & screw over all those people who were just following the rules given
(so TOTAL bad-faith bullshit)

fuck team garbage
Mon Jan 11 21:53:56
Update: two capitol police officers suspended, 1 is then selfie guy the other was wearing a maga hat and was guiding the terrorists.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Jan 12 02:28:15
Ah, Retard Rod 2.0 is referring to those threads where I would not follow the links posted by a drug-using, gun-possessing felon who wanted us to watch links he was calling child pornography? And where my only position was that it was impossible to determine the creator's intent without actually watching it, which wasn't something anyone seemed to want to do?

Now I get it. More retarded lies from the idiot vying with Rugian and mtardo for the dumbest poster on the board.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Jan 12 02:29:25
"I can't follow simple logic or make sound arguments in debates, so I just make shit up and...DERP!"

-Retard Rod 2.0
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