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Utopia Talk / Politics / Compare Trump riot to BLM
Wed Jan 06 18:23:28
Well, since all the threads are devolving into that anyway, lets see how they stack up.


Some windows were broken

Cops supposedly shot some woman*lacking details as of yet.

Some hilarious guy walked off with a podium and selfies were taken.


Multiple arson fires

An actual Putsch tooknplace in Seattle resulting in a murder*( did we ever find out who killed who?)

Businesses were destroyed and looted who had nothing to do with floyds murder or mistreatment of others.
Wed Jan 06 18:28:43
BLM frozen bottles of water, bricks and other items were thrown at police. People with opposing views or even people who didn't want to vocally express BLM views attacked. BLM "protestors" wore masks to conceal their identities. Democrat mayors told police to stand down and refused national guard help. When told to disperse BLM "protestors" refused and instead burned more shit down.
Wed Jan 06 18:30:15
We don't know if this is a difference or not yet but BLM protests/riots lasted for months and had not one fucking thing to do with the original protest.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 06 18:30:39
so gonna compare all the worst things from dozens of BLM protests over months to this one event?

& who was the highest level person endorsing riots? the current Daily Show guy?
Wed Jan 06 18:33:24
None of the threads are devolving into that except for you and Karen here trying to make them into that.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Jan 06 18:44:39
Retard Rod 2.0 supports a group trying to overthrow a free and fair election. It's pretty telling to see where pieces of shit like him stand.
Wed Jan 06 18:44:56
Tumbles, Well, Trump has had othwr protests, but they didnt turn into the chaos like blm did.
Wed Jan 06 18:46:56
Woo supports pedophiles, and gives me shit for pointing out that todays riot was rather tame compared to the commie protests last summer...w/e.
Wed Jan 06 18:47:32
Woo supports pedophiles, and gives me shit for pointing out that todays riot was rather tame compared to the commie protests last summer...w/e.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Jan 06 18:48:50
You're an unapologetic Trump supporter and you buy into all his bullshit, just like the rest of his retard fanatics. And now you're here downplaying what your cultist group just tried to do. Fuck you.
Wed Jan 06 18:53:56
Downplayed from what? they broke windows, apparently rummaged through some shit and took selfies and a podium.

It's rather well directed frustration. They were mad at the government and stormed thr Capitol.

blm was mad at cops and destroyed their own neighborhoods
Wrath of Orion
Wed Jan 06 18:55:31
Yeah, like I said, you're a worthless piece of shit. Thanks for proving it.
Wed Jan 06 18:58:48
Coming from you Ill take that as a compliment.
Wed Jan 06 19:11:48
The most interesting thing just happened.

Trump and McConnell are talking about what occurred today at the Capitol. Neither has mentioned looters or BLM.

IMAGINE THAT, habebe and Karen
Wed Jan 06 19:13:58
reports are coming out that these riots were actually started by antifa instigators.
Wed Jan 06 19:14:47
"Criminal behavior will never dominate the United States Congress."

- Mitch McConnell

Hey habebe, do you think he was talking about the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone when he said that?
the wanderer
Wed Jan 06 19:15:53
"reports are coming out that these riots were actually started by antifa instigators"

how gullible are you, exactly?
Wed Jan 06 19:16:06
MT, I seen that, but its unconfirmed and last I checked* only coming from unreliable sources.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 06 19:17:01
no no... Lin Wood said it... a top lawyer for the President of the United States... surely a respectable person
Wed Jan 06 19:18:24
well, which side has constantly shown peaceful protesting and which side has literally burned down cities?

how gullible are you tw?
Wed Jan 06 19:39:58
the left literally set up their own country in seattle. it is so fucking stupid to assume the right isnt going to react as violently as the left has been. just be happy we arent looting nike stores.
Wed Jan 06 19:40:59
"so gonna compare all the worst things from dozens of BLM protests over months to this one event?"

Well there is only this one event and I didn't mention the occupation that took place in the snowflake zone nor did I mention the murders.

"Trump and McConnell are talking about what occurred today at the Capitol. Neither has mentioned looters or BLM."

Probably because they are not commenting on how the press is handling this today. My first comments about BLM were in relation to how the press covered both events but thanks for playing cuck.

And I have said that the rioters in all these events should be arrested. That includes the people that made it into the Capital Building today.

I'm at least consistent in my opinion of rioters and others across the political spectrum.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Jan 06 19:42:44
Now all we need is the third Trump fluffer retard in this thread to have the trifecta of idiot traitors.
Wed Jan 06 20:47:02
Its funny watching pbs news, not one mention of " mostly peacefull protests"
Wed Jan 06 22:39:42
"This failed insurrection only underscores how crucial the task before us is for our republic."

- Mitch McConnell

Hey have, any idea why "Darth Mitch" is calling the looting this summer a 'failed insurrection'?
Wed Jan 06 22:39:59
Wed Jan 06 22:48:40
Why would Mitch McConnell refer to the 2021 Inaugural Capitol Patriots Meet-n-Greet as an insurrection???

Typical Republicans and their liberal bias.
Wed Jan 06 23:20:25
Chuck,Would you feel better if quoted a black man denounce blm as commie terrorists?

I mean what do you want?
Wed Jan 06 23:24:10
At least Tumbleweed realizes that the BLM protests produced more damage than the Trump riot.

He just has a one track mind that the love of Trump is the root of all evil.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 06 23:25:34
no no no no no

Trump has done WAAAAAAAY more damage
Wed Jan 06 23:28:05
funny habebe mentions todays protest/riot and tumbleweed can't comment on that instead going back to what he has been doing for 4.5 years now.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 06 23:34:38
i've made many comments on today's terrorist insurrection
Wed Jan 06 23:48:10
Tw, Like Kargen said, I said the Trump riot/protest TODAY.

We all know that in your mind Trump has done more damage than anyone in history.
Thu Jan 07 00:03:33

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secret Service agents rushed President Donald Trump to a White House bunker on Friday night as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion, some of them throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades.

Trump spent nearly an hour in the bunker, which was designed for use in emergencies like terrorist attacks, according to a Republican close to the White House who was not authorized to publicly discuss private matters and spoke on condition of anonymity. The account was confirmed by an administration official who also spoke on condition of anonymity.

The abrupt decision by the agents underscored the rattled mood inside the White House, where the chants from protesters in Lafayette Park could be heard all weekend and Secret Service agents and law enforcement officers struggled to contain the crowds.

---This was back in May-june 2020.

But today was entirely unprecedented....
Thu Jan 07 00:07:22
> habebe
> But today was entirely unprecedented.

Exactly, now you've got it. I'm proud.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 00:10:08
yeah, today was entirely unprecedented

but if you want me to say the event today did less property damage than the collective actions of the criminals who took advantage during the hundreds of protests across the nation over the past few years then yeah... i agree...

...the criminals who were never seen in Biden hats
Wrath of Orion
Thu Jan 07 00:11:34
Retard Rod 2.0 is kinda outdoing his namesake. I have to admit, I don't think Retard Rod would have defended and supported what those cultists traitors did like 2.0 and his fluffer comrades are doing.
Thu Jan 07 00:33:52
We won't pick on woo, he is just a little slow...

tw, Why not add up all the Pro Trump protests then since your trying to paint this as comparing one protest to thousands/hundreds.

Oh and of course when self proclaimed communists burn and loot civillian property, they were taken advantage of by bad guys, really bad guys, not the peacefull protestors....

large member
Thu Jan 07 00:34:45
A democracy has more important institutions than the prisons you frequent habebe.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 00:38:45
i see absolutely no rationale for a comparison
Thu Jan 07 00:44:11
Sonthe difference between these two events was that today's they were successful at storming the Capitol, the BLM were contained by the SS/police.

It was still threatening enough leaders were evacuated to bunkers.

Also, blm probably would have looted more than a podium and taken selfies considering theirntrack record.

Now for those calling this a coup, wpuld you say the same of the actual coup in Portland?
Wrath of Orion
Thu Jan 07 00:48:41
"he is just a little slow..."

Ah yes, this coming from learned scholar who gave us "bowl weavil."
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 00:49:49
i don't know what Portland coup you're talking about, & when Trump was rushed to a bunker there was not nearly the same penetration

plus the IMMENSELY CRITICAL point... TRUMP is the sole person responsible here for all of this sedition... if Rubio or Cruz or Kasich had won in 2016 & lost to Biden, do you think 50 million people would think the election had been rigged? would those Rs even have suggested it once? rather than all year long?

& what Dem leader are you blaming collectively for all BLM-related burning/looting or that bunker event (that he only went to inspect of course)?
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 00:59:40
... i shouldn't say 'sole person responsible'... plenty of contributing traitors on Fox, Newsmax, OAN, Rush, etc & in congress... but Trump is the origin.. he's the root cause
Thu Jan 07 01:02:38
You know damn well Im talking about CHAZ where they actually overthrew a standing government for several weeks.Perhaps they also took selfies.

and again, Trump literally sent them home when it got put of hand...CHAZ on the other hand dems had a fit at the idea of even sending in the NG.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 01:12:02
they didn't overthrow anything... i'm unaware of them blocking any operations (although i didn't really pay much attention, as it was basically a boring peaceful hippy sit-in)

i do know Fox had to edit photos to make it seem dangerous...

Trump didn't say 'go home' tonight until it was already ending, plus praised them... do you really doubt that he was thrilled when he watched it begin & seeing it disrupt things?

and what Dem leader encouraged the CHAZ formation?

what Dem leader was the motivation for the tiny fraction of BLM who rioted/looted?

what is the basis for a comparison?
Thu Jan 07 01:18:06
"and what Dem leader encouraged the CHAZ formation?"

"Seattle Mayor Durkan: CHAZ Has A "Block Party Atmosphere," Could Turn Into "Summer Of Love"

the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 01:19:14
was it a coup when those Bundy ranchers seized that federal building for weeks?

seems odd use of 'coup'

& that would be much more comparable event as i've noted before... even was BLM related (bureau of land management)
Wrath of Orion
Thu Jan 07 01:22:38
Third Trump fluffer retard traitor sighted.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 01:22:53
"Block Party Atmosphere"

she's saying that after it formed... i see zero cause & effect by her

unlike w/ Trump cultists
Thu Jan 07 03:35:50
"BLM frozen bottles of water, bricks and other items were thrown at police"

This is not BLM:
Thu Jan 07 09:39:30
Anyone calling it a fucking coup attempt is an irredeemable retard.

That is all.
large member
Thu Jan 07 11:35:42
It was a coup attempt. What did you think stop the steal meant once all legal recourses have been used?

1. The coup could have bought states time to withdraw their accreditation.

2. The coup could have intimidated lawmakers to certify less than 270 electoral votes to Biden.

This according to Trump and stooges.
Thu Jan 07 11:50:29
The Boomers milling around on the Senate floor was a concerted effort to do one of the two?

You're a fucking idiot.
large member
Thu Jan 07 11:55:06
It was an effort instigated by Trump and his stooges.

That you find it incompetent does not change the nature of the coup.
Thu Jan 07 11:57:27
You seem to have a limited understanding of how coups fueld by popular unrest can start. Not that long ago a bunch of angry peasant were protesting in Hama, it all seemed innocuous st first, then some ”boomers” were seen ”rummaging” through the office of the Baath party HQ in Hama. Not a big deal.
Thu Jan 07 12:02:13
The instigation, or lack thereof, is irrelevant.

You seem to be grasping at straws, attempting to say that because emboldened protesters could eventually organize and make the leap to true rebellion/coup attempts, that idiotic trespassing and hearing disruption must be a coup attempt.

a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

This wasn't a fucking coup attempt. Words have meaning.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 12:02:22
coup leader:

I hope the Democrats, and even more importantly, the weak and ineffective RINO section of the Republican Party, are looking at the thousands of people pouring into D.C. They won’t stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen.

who invited the cultists to DC for that day & riled them up further that morning w/ a rally

+ repeated public & private claims Pence could stop the certification, + repeated public & private calls to various people to fuck with it in various ways

it was a coup attempt
Thu Jan 07 12:02:47
Inb4 jergul attempts to argue that disrupting a hearing was a "seizure of power". lol
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 12:11:50
if Trump wasn't a fucking moron who believes what any crazy nutjob says it would have been more dangerous

i'm sure Trump thought he had a decent chance of success, especially since he truly believed Pence alone could stop it

there were traitors in state legislatures like AZ & PA saying they would put in Trump's electors once it failed, he was believing it all would work
Thu Jan 07 12:13:57
Political violence is a fat-tailed risk. Not appreciating this and what that means is your deficit, not mine. The semantics isn’t relevant.
large member
Thu Jan 07 12:19:24
There is not doubt Trump has used a scattershot approach to overturning the election.

Most of it was just repugnant. Creating and inciting the mob was a coup attempt.
Thu Jan 07 12:28:27
Still looking for the political violence perpetrated.
Thu Jan 07 12:35:36
Jergul,Was Chad an actual Coup?

This " coup attempt" was pretty weak.The supposed leader of the coup told everyone to go home, and they did.

You would think someone with his resources would mount a better attempt at a Putsch, and not tell people to go home after they broke a window.

This was a political statement gone too far.Not even that far really, this is on the level of school prank.

Trump will not be president in a few weeks. However he will likley be the most powerful singlenpolitical figure in the country and a thorn in the side of President Harris.

Bottom line he is loved by many, hated by more.Obama is still a powerful political figure and never fornthe support that Trump did.
Thu Jan 07 12:36:12
large member
Thu Jan 07 13:05:38
Incompetence is not a defence.

Bottom line is that he is going to jail. Federal jail unless he cuts a nixon-ford deal with Pence now.
Thu Jan 07 13:06:05
Member Thu Jan 07 12:28:27
Still looking for the political violence perpetrated.

People with guns storming the Capitol building to force a different political outcome, would be political violence. Through out this discussion, I feel you are either purposefully or unwittingly constructing impossibly narrow definitions of what constitutes different things. Subversion, coup attempt and now "political violence". Yes, this was political violence, just like all the BLM riots of 2020 CHAD and CHAZ and Oregon and Washington, 2020 was an explosion in political violence in the USA. I am actually familiar with the definition since discovering Peter Turchins work. This event will be recorded as an instance of political violence, you can take it to the bank.
Thu Jan 07 13:07:59
Jergul, What will he be charged with?
Thu Jan 07 13:08:42
Also should I take yournlacknof.a response to mean you agree chaz was an actual Putsch?
large member
Thu Jan 07 13:15:09
Mueller stuff would be the start off point. I would guess anywhere between 10 and 20 federal charges.
large member
Thu Jan 07 13:18:43
Yah, it looks like they are ramping up to force a resignation.

It is after all the only option not being mentioned by Congress.
Thu Jan 07 13:24:23
"People with guns"

What guns? It's a pretty serious charge to open carry in DC, especially on federal property. The only guns I saw were in the hands of police.
Sam Adams
Thu Jan 07 13:27:56
"Creating and inciting the mob was a coup attempt."

Borderline. Normally id agree, but with dems creating and inciting mobs over the last few years, it becomes less offensive.

Certainly trump is a dumbass for doing it.
large member
Thu Jan 07 13:31:28
Yah, I am certain that is the game plan. Stampede Trump into resigning.

The focus on keeping white house council from resigning convinced me.

Someone needs to whisper into his ear how vulnerable he is to federal charges.
Thu Jan 07 13:52:42
Sam, That's sort of my point. This was a bad idea however acting liken this is not in the democratic playbook is disingenuous.

And competitively this was pretty mild They stole a podium and took selfies sitting at desks, they didnt start any fires and destroyed the place.
Thu Jan 07 14:33:50
Apparently police officers were posing for selfies with the protesters....hahahahahaha

But please tell me again how Im downplaying this? these " rioters" were so horrible that the cops were.taking selfies with then...lol

Oh the horror.
Thu Jan 07 14:33:51
Apparently police officers were posing for selfies with the protesters....hahahahahaha

But please tell me again how Im downplaying this? these " rioters" were so horrible that the cops were.taking selfies with then...lol

Oh the horror.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 14:38:06
"The supposed leader of the coup told everyone to go home, and they did"

the coup attempt has been in progress for months, this was his latest effort... & he watches TV all day long, he would've especially been watching that day, he did no rush to discourage, 'go home' calls were well past the peak & definitely from pressure & he still praised them for it

disrupting the vote WAS his desire, made crystal clear plus him tweeting how states wanted to change their electors (which some traitors in legislatures DID... he posted a letter from them... highlighting signatures)

just things didn't go as well as his delusional mind hoped

read his tweets for the last 2 months... will take you many hours, but quite clearly has been an attempt to overturn the election and WITHOUT caring about facts in the slightest
Thu Jan 07 14:38:08

Doesn't even sound like trespassing, the cops OPENED the gate....
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 14:49:21
did they smash the windows?
Thu Jan 07 14:56:37
Reality is truth, however, it is not always a known, which is where perception plays the part of destroyer.

If perception is going to be changed proof is an absolute necessity.

This is not what we are as a country is a perceptual falsehood being played when our country has become exactly what it is at present. There was only one thing that could have changed that perception and it was rejected.

Unfortunately, unity is out of the question, the Country is in for increasing difficulty. The winds of time have eroded its foundation.

The is no compromise in sight.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 15:07:50
"There was only one thing that could have changed that perception"

Trump choking to death on a 'hamberder'
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 15:08:05
...5 years ago
large member
Thu Jan 07 15:38:26
The Nixon-Ford compromise is easily in sight.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 16:03:19
Trump will definitely pardon himself... probably privately, it doesn't have to be revealed until used as a defense.

His pride would never allow him to accept a public one from Biden, even if it would be more legally sound.

& i hope TJ will reveal what one thing that could've changed perceptions was rejected
Thu Jan 07 16:06:36

That is a hugggge stretch to think you believe a resignation is even possible at this juncture. Gotta hand it to you though for trying. ;)
Thu Jan 07 16:09:15

Nothing can change my perception, it is founded on truth, not bias. Biden will soon be President.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 16:15:07
you typed this:

"There was only one thing that could have changed that perception and it was rejected."

i figured you may want to defend it, i guess not

Trump getting hit in the head & becoming an honest person is all i can think of... i sure hope you weren't meaning the additional 10-day investigation Cruz wanted...
Thu Jan 07 16:24:01
The answer was in my original post. What could have been lost with the truth?
large member
Thu Jan 07 16:29:59
Well, it is a bit optimistic to assume Trump understands personal criminal jepardy.

But resignation is the price he will have to pay for a pardon. You know, since he put Pence's family in harm's way.

Or he can roll the dice without political capital against the full might of the federal government.
Thu Jan 07 16:35:25

Trump is the ultimate risk taker. It won't happen.
Thu Jan 07 16:37:37
TW, Afaik they smashed one window, possibly more.

This seems pretty much loke a peaceful sit in.

Windows cost even less than statues.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 16:40:59
so it was crazy of security to barricade doors & pull guns? the peaceful horde shoving & hitting cops clearly planned only to sit around all the congress people & sing?

(& obviously they smashed more than one window... you have multiple exterior windows, plus multiple interior windows on doors)
Thu Jan 07 16:51:00
there is video footage of police welcoming in and taking selfies with the protesters....

They shouldnt have broke the windows.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 07 16:54:44
there is also video of them fighting police...

& police aiming guns at them as they attempt to bash through a door...

& police aiming guns & shooting one as they successfully bash through a different door...

are you trolling or drifting more into the cult?
Thu Jan 07 16:59:16
bottom line, it went too far yesterday. They were wrong to break property.

But it eas relativley tame and caused less damage to oublic property than statuegate.
Thu Jan 07 17:04:04
Yes there is, because they took it too far. However is this worse than tearing down statues? no. It was a protest that got mildly out of hand.

Some statues were also protected by armed guards....yawn.

Its being blown out of proportion.
Thu Jan 07 17:06:18
Not trolling here.

Biden will be my legitimate potus in about 2 weeks.Im ok with that, Im actually looking forward to a reset.

Hopefully we can get those stimulous checks and a real infrastructure bill.

But I also dont think this was the calamity the news is making it out to do.
Thu Jan 07 17:09:50
Seen a few mention the difference being yesterday they were interrupting the federal government. Wasn't storming and laying siege to the federal courthouse for many days also interrupting the federal government?

"..the criminals who were never seen in Biden hats"

because they are chickenshit little pussies that hid behind masks hoping no one would be able to recognize them. And they are ashamed of President-elect Biden knowing he is just a figurehead with no real thoughts or ideas of his own.
large member
Thu Jan 07 17:18:34
Then the odds are that Trump will be going to jail for a long time. Without bail if you were thinking he might just play out the clock.
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