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Utopia Talk / Politics / More Evidence of Russian Influence in US
Renzo Marquez
Wed Sep 16 13:27:16
They obviously control our government.

the wanderer
Wed Sep 16 14:09:38
she's speaking to an Israeli group... fairly standard rhetoric... at least it's only lip service, Trump IS actually controlled by Netanyahu

Trump speaking to same group saying they have to vote for him as they love their money
Wed Sep 16 15:11:25
”If the US capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is the US aid to Israel.”

Wed Sep 16 15:49:08
Okay, I get that shes a politician and it's her job to pander to whoever shes speaking to...but wow at that line.
Wed Sep 16 17:38:07
I'd like to know how US policy on Israel might change, should Biden win. He'll obviously have the support of Pelosi and the house, so what can he do for Bibi that Trump hasn't done yet? Kill assad maybe?
Renzo Marquez
Wed Sep 16 17:55:23
Crazy thing is Trump was close to wacking Assad.


It's unfortunate that the corporate press and resistards have been so much more focused on Russia/Ukraine nonsense and mean tweets than the really fucked up shit Trump has done (illegally bombing Syria, assassinating Soleimani, continued support for Yemen war, inflating Wall Street bubble while doing essentially nothing for working class people, etc.).

Israel policy doesn't really change substantively either way with this election.
Wed Sep 16 18:03:33
“ Israel policy doesn't really change substantively either way with this election.”

Yep. I also thought that Pelosi words carry very little practical weight, in terms of policy.
Wed Sep 16 18:13:05
Remember how warmongering Hillary would definitely go for regime change in Syria, provoking a nuclear war with Russia, so trump is the better choice? Donald actually says the murdering assad part, what happened with inevitable nuclear mushroom over NYC, where are the russian missiles?
Renzo Marquez
Wed Sep 16 18:17:06
Her no fly zone plan would have inevitably led to another regime change war. At least Trump hasn't started one of those (admittedly due in part to luck).
Renzo Marquez
Wed Sep 16 18:38:18
I forgot the Assange prosecution in my 17:55:23 post. Another awful thing and a much bigger threat to freedom of the press than mean tweets but largely ignored because Assange is allegedly a tool of muh Russia.
Wed Sep 16 18:38:31
"Her no fly zone plan would have inevitably led to another regime change war."

what would Trump's plan to assassinate Assad inevitably lead to, as long as you are speculating?

"(admittedly due in part to luck)."

luck or deep state, since reportedly it was mattis who objected and presumably persuaded the peace candidate.
Renzo Marquez
Wed Sep 16 18:46:44
Member Wed Sep 16 18:38:31
"what would Trump's plan to assassinate Assad inevitably lead to, as long as you are speculating?"

Most likely a Libya scenario. Fortunately, he didn't follow through with it,
Wed Sep 16 19:12:00
"what would Trump's plan to assassinate Assad inevitably lead to, as long as you are speculating?"

Probably worse off situation.Its bound to have a power vaccuum that will be filled, unless you have a good replacement ready and capable it's a shit show, as the US has shown.

Pinochet is probably are best success, but we had a willing and very capable replacement authority.
renzo marQuez
Sat Oct 03 08:31:40
Good thing tw still checks under his bed every night for PUTIN!
Bipartisan bill would give Israel a veto on Middle East arms sales

Sat Oct 03 16:03:19
So Israel can veto who the US can do business with. Lol
the wanderer
Sat Oct 03 17:02:25
so we're writing laws just to deal w/ Trump?

& i'm not concerned about Putin... i'm concerned about Trump's reaction to information & how he acquires information... who he trusts/distrusts... how he's a fucking moron who is easily manipulated

him defending Putin for YEARS on election interference, both denying & smearing our intel community BASED ON NOTHING is fucking crazy

then lying to us all after even his propaganda network finally got upset w/ him siding w/ Putin at Helsinki
Sat Oct 03 17:58:10
I'm actually with Paramount on this.

I mean its ome thing to consult with our allies in the region, but you know me, I prefer dealing with the Kingdom tham Israel anyway.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 03 22:18:54
yeah it's stupid, but only way to stop Trump from being an arms dealer to anyone who'll pay I guess (cause obviously Rs can't ever confront him on anything)

iirc, this shit admin skirted congress on sales to Saudis already
Sat Oct 03 22:41:59
Why shouldn't we sell arms to SA?
the wanderer
Sat Oct 03 23:03:54
i was off... it even included UAE like he's trying to do again (& Jordan):

In May, the Trump administration issued an emergency declaration to push through an $8.1 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan without congressional approval. Proponents of the deal contend that a fresh supply of weapons is necessary to counter mounting Iranian aggression that threatens to destabilize the region and put U.S. security interests at risk. However, the declaration provoked anger from both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, who have criticized civilian deaths caused by Saudi-led air strikes in Yemen.
& there's a "Why does Congress want to stop the arms deal?" section


& bypassing congress was done by lying about an emergency... (just like the assassination)

a dictator arms dealer
Sat Oct 03 23:24:23
Bipartisan or not, make the sale.

Sidenote, Pat Buchannon thinks that the UAE deal was a precursor to a joint military action against Iran. He was thinking October but mabey later.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 03 23:27:59
so Trump has gotten the cultists to like arming muslims now?

he could've done amazing things w/ his cult leader powers if he wasn't a fucking moron
Sat Oct 03 23:35:41
I've never been anti Muslim , I even grew up with many Saudis who were all close friends of the family. Good people, one even lived with US during the Gulf war in our guest room.

I'm more concerned about Israel who IIRC got caught selling something to China they were not supposed to ( helicopters maybe?)

The Kingdom isnt perfect, but they are moving to a more liberalised society.
Sat Oct 03 23:36:31
My autocorrect for some reason capitilized "us".
the wanderer
Sat Oct 03 23:45:29
i was speaking more generally

the GOP used to hate Russia, then a marked improvement in opinion amongst R's ever since Trump entered the arena & praised them continuously

and i'd say the stereotypical Trump supporter would find 'muslim' & 'terrorist' synonyms, yet i'm sure they'd fully support any arms deals Trump does w/ them just like they fully support everything else he does

if he just adopted the liberal agenda we'd be fully united... he already got GOP to go along w/ paid leave & prison reform :p (not that either was his idea)
Sat Oct 03 23:51:46
I think Russia being looked upon favorably has more to do with the change in global power in the last 30 years. Russia is a minor 2ndary threat at worst.

All focus is on China who is rapidly expanding its military, economic power and throwing its wieght around against its neighbors.

Russia took Crimea, I care mote about Japan,SK and India than some piece of the Ukraine that does the US no good anyway. If it was really a threat the EU shud do something.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 04 02:18:56
it's a spike in graph (just for Rs) right when Trump came along saying we should be friends w/ them & always defending them


not some gradual thing
Sun Oct 04 04:21:28

This os pretty in depth. While it does.note Trumps influence playing a role, views of Russia have been rising since 2013 when there was just prior a sudden negative view ( Leading up to Crimea and shit)
Sun Oct 04 22:55:01
"so Trump has gotten the cultists to like arming muslims now?"

Kind of like how GWB was the anti-christ for ME intervention, but Obama's Syrian and Libyan intervention was cheered on by the left.
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