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Utopia Talk / Politics / lord of da rings did not age well
The Children
Tue Sep 08 14:00:50
just rewatchin this shit. great cgi and everyones favorite moment, da balrogs fight with gandalf...

except it didnt feel like it did 20 years ago...

i watched it and first thing that came 2 mind was, why did da balrog step on that tiny narrowy bridge thingie knowin it wuld collapse...

lmao it makes no fuckin sense.

if it was a sentient being capable of thinkin, wuldnt it stand there and realize da bridge wuld collapse if he stepped on it...lmao. its coz its a shitty cgi created image and plothole armor demanded that it wuld fall along with gandalf coz recreatin an epic battle in full cgi was...


Tue Sep 08 14:15:55
There has been a lot of fantasy shows/movies since then and they've started pouring a lot more money and talent into them. I remember when sci to was almost synonymous with B movie with rare exceptions of course.

GoTs obviously had a huge impact showing that you could do hi quality fantasy TV shows for adults.

Again there are exceptions to that rule. but in short were spoiled now.

Something you and I actually agree on is just how great The Dark Crystal series was. This is because shows like GoTs have shown its worth putting up money and talent to support the creation of such great shows.

Now we have tv shows with puppets that can out do Massive Hollywood blockbusters like LoTRs.
Tue Sep 08 14:36:16
I tried to watch Dark Crystal but it was just full of dolls and there was something in it that I didn’t like. Maybe it was the way they were speaking. I don’t remember. But I might give it another try.
Tue Sep 08 14:48:32
Typical of TC to fall into the "if we can do it, we should do it" fallacy.

There was no need for a full-blown battle with the Balrog in that scene. The scene was epic enough as was.

TC would have had the Balrog fight looking like it came straight out of a cutscene from one of his shitty PS3 games. Gandalf would spend ten minutes making cartoonish superhero-style moves against the Balrog, and the camera would be making constant rotations around the battle in order to demonstrate to the viewers how competent the CGI programmers were at their job. The barrage of computer-generated excess would go on forever and by the time it finally ended its emotional punch would be completely ruined.
Tue Sep 08 14:49:53
That being said, the trilogy did have its problems with maintaining consistent perspectives. One scene that always bothered me was of the troll loading a catapult in front of Minas Tirith...in one shot, he looks completely gigantic, and in the very next shot he seems to be barely larger than the orcs surrounding him.

Tue Sep 08 15:00:50
Paramount, The movie or the Netflix tv show?

I loved the tv show ( TDC:Age of resistance)

But I think they should have done a better job at making the characters easier to Identify. Early on it could be confusing... all geldlings look alike I guess.

The first episode has to cover a lot so it does what a lot of shows do which is spend time introducing characters and setting the stage of the story.
Tue Sep 08 15:01:30
You may want to try watching it with a little weed. Pretty sure thats legal there.
Tue Sep 08 15:03:28
Not sure if it was a movie or a show. But I think it was on Netflix, and maybe it was the show.
Tue Sep 08 15:05:59
Yes it was The Age of Resistance. I have watched 4 episodes of season 1.
Tue Sep 08 15:10:20

that's the trailer for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Paramount, Yeah, I mean by that far I was already into the show and over two days binge watched...lol.
Tue Sep 08 15:17:21
Gandalf and the Balrog. If I remember correct, the bridge collapsed in the books too when Gandalf slammed his magic staff on it. Gandalf broke the bridge to prevent da Balrog from crossing, saying something like You shall not pass! And then he told the foolish hobbits to run and save themselves and then Gandalf and the Balrog fell into the abyss. There must have been an epic fight between them two but we didn’t get to see it. Not in the books either. Because Gandalf’s return later on was supposed to be a surprise.
Tue Sep 08 15:31:23
The story in The Age of Resistance is actually interesting. I remember it now when I see the trailer. I think I was watching it with Swedish voices, and that I didn’t like the bird’s voices. Gave me a headache. Maybe they aren’t as annoying in English.
Tue Sep 08 15:45:47
Paramount, Actually Akwafina did one of the Skeksis voices which I thought was the best one there.

It has a lot of star power. Awkwafina and Mark hamil ( luke skywalker) s two od the Skeksis, I think Eddie Izard as well.

Sigourney weaver narrates.

And plenty of people from Game of thrones, most Notably the actresses who played Queen Cersei and Misandei ( Dragon queens hot light skinned sidekick)
Wrath of Orion
Tue Sep 08 15:58:43
The TC multi's reasoning is as retarded and flawed as ever. The scene in the movie plays out very much like the scene in the book with one exception. In the book, the Balrog is fully on the bridge when Gandalf strikes with the staff.

Who knows what the reason for that change was, but it had nothing to do with cg limitations at the time. Blathering on about cg being the reason behind the change only highlights the limited mental capacity of whoever runs that multi.
The Children
Tue Sep 08 16:08:38
u fuckin retard, do u realize how stupid it is for a big azz demon 2 stand on a small bridge with infinite depth and tryin 2 fight there. its a plotarmor hole, u fuckin idiot.

Wrath of Orion
Tue Sep 08 17:37:02
I'm writing this more for people here that are interested in Tolkien's lore, not retard multis.

The Balrog stepping in to the bridge is not necessarily a plot hole, but if it is, it's one that exists in the books as well as the movie.

Balrogs are Maiar that were corrupted by Melkor. Keep in mind that Gandalf is also a Maia. We don't actually know a lot about how that level of intelligence functions, or how it might have changed when Maiar were corrupted into Balrogs. Tolkien does give indirect hints that Balrogs are intelligent (as we think of it), though, so it's a reasonable assumption.

Certainly Balrogs are twisted and filled with hate toward anything of the Light that would stand against Melkor (Morgoth). It's a reasonable assumption that Durin's Bane would see Gandalf as a force that must be extinguished before anything else. Viewed in that sense, stepping into the bridge is not necessarily a plot hole.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Sep 08 17:41:08
But back to my initial point... Durin's Bane stepping into the bridge in the movie after it had been weakened had nothing to do with cg limitations at the time. To suggest anything like that is utter retardation.
The Children
Wed Sep 09 00:20:27
g damn, u fuckin tolkien nerd, just admit how stupid it is just like da trolls arguin and turnin into stone when sunlight hit them.

The Children
Fri Sep 11 06:37:10
man this shit is so stupid. like in two towers, the warg riders are basically wolves heyena bred creatures.

they r clearly predatory types.

so they went 2 battle against equal numbas of horse riders and da horses won out over predatory orcs...

like, the plot is so stupid nowadays. like why 1 dude manage 2 kill 30 orcs when they all charge at them simulaneously.

that doesnt happen in real world.
The Children
Fri Sep 11 06:42:13
then theres da fact that da elves came 2 die protectin some human garbage. becoz u guessed it, some far away mythical alliance once existed 2000 years ago that nobody in todays LOTR worlds even gives 2 shits about.

but not da elves ofc, they come 2 die 4 that shit...

like everything 2 make elves look noble, selfless, honorable and glorious...

also how conveniently 2 always have that extra power ally pop out of nowhere and wreack havoc, like the ents and da ghosts armies in da next sequel...

The Children
Fri Sep 11 06:54:19
and is noone gonna comment how stupid it is 2 have pippin and mirin sit on da ent master while he goes 2 battle and war?

like basically isnt he like a glorified babysitter, like wtf is he thinkin takin da toddlers into da battlefield?

and how have they not been picked off by orcs 4 some magical reason?

The Children
Fri Sep 11 08:00:24
and what about da betrayal of grima.

did they not sweettalk him into comin down da tower promisin him that no harm will come 2 him.

then he stabs sauruman and before u know it, da elf shot a arrow and executed grima.

so all that shit about him comin down, tis all a lie. how has noone ever commented on this before lmao.

they offered him peace, safety, and then betrayed him da moment they get da chance.

Fri Sep 11 11:29:21
Was this week the first time you viewed the movie? What you are bitching about has nothing to do with the movie aging. The plot of the movie has not changed. If it sucks now it sucked when it was released.

I found the book and movie to be entertaining. Beyond that I don't much give a shit.
The Children
Fri Sep 11 16:43:05
u mad bro? what, did i just step hard on ur nerd lord of the ring fetish or something.

lmao who gives a fuck if it was in da books. if thats true, then it just means its outdated and didnt age well.

a lot of that shit is horrible in present day, thats 2020, 4 all u dumbasses.

The Children
Fri Sep 11 17:11:24
heres another one. that orc maggot general, u know, that tough one that literally stood his ground against a 2000 pound boulder being lunged from a trebuchet...what a badass! right, right...


except he was later shown cowerin from rohirim charge, epic music in da background, and all a sudden several thousand horseriders becomes a 50k army chargin 2wards da orcs...

and ofc nottin can stop them and suddenly every orc trembles includin badass orc general.

what a shitty writin.

Fri Sep 11 17:13:23
tc, your points would have more impact if you posted youtube links to the scenes.
Fri Sep 11 17:39:21
No they wouldn't.

They are nonsense.He is comparing Lord of the Rings to the real world. Part of his argument is "that doesn't happen in the real world."

A movie based on a fantasy book has fantastic things happen, oh the carnage, how will we ever survive.

And don't get him started on how Spiderman never refills his web cartridges. In the real world those things run out of gunk.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Sep 11 17:54:13
Someone needs to archive this thread. It's rapidly turning into a classic TC multi retardation binge.
The Children
Sat Sep 12 01:16:52
hahaha so what should we compare this 2 then?

south park?

get outta here!

The Children
Sat Sep 12 01:18:37
cowarin maggot.

same orc maggot

The Children
Sat Sep 12 07:43:31
so obviously da ghost army is bullshit and everyone knows it.

anyway, how come 2 small hobbitses fit right in with orces when orces are as tall as humans. so those hobbitses should be children size.

so how come when frodo culdnt go on anymore, how come sam didnt just take da ring and ran it up da mountain himself. instead he carried frodo and da ring. "i cant carry it 4u but i can carry u" - lol BULLSHIT. says who, motherfuckers.

says who.

or at the end scene when sauron dies and da ground collapses and swallows everything, did u notice how it swallows all da orcs and towers and building but conveniently leave da heroes and other humans...lmao since when do sinkholes discriminate motherfuckerS?

The Children
Sun Sep 13 02:34:26
da hobbit.

shits so inconsistent. we all know later in da trilogy thorins company would battle huge numbas of orcs...

but right now in part 1, they r being chased by a bunch of warg scouts barely 10-15 and they were runnin away. why.

they culd easily take them out if 1000s of orcs cant even dent them.

shit like this makes tc shake his head...
The Children
Thu Sep 17 06:23:45
so just noticed legolas the gay in lord of da rings with his teenage voice.

and in da hobbit his voice is heavy and deep almost like he pretendin 2 be a man...

damn that kid cant act 4 shit. no wonder noone wants him in any movies.

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