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Utopia Talk / Politics / Should Trump be allowed to run
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Aug 09 12:42:45
According to Trump
George Washington secured the airports from the British.

People should clean their lungs with bleach

and now


Sun Aug 09 12:46:42
Better to mispronounce a word than to be a racist.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Aug 09 13:02:39
I said DEFEND YOUR ASSHOLE not attack mine.
Sun Aug 09 13:27:10
The disinfectant thing is taken oit of context.

I think we can all agree he was spitballing like one would do at a boardroom meeting.

And its like there isn't similar treatments used. Chemo is lethal to humans, amd routinely used to fight cancer.

As for the UV lights they have therapies that do exactly what he suggested. They kill an infection while not hurting humans, its experimental afaik and uses extremely specific wave lengths.
Sun Aug 09 13:31:14
"Should Trump be allowed to run"

The House attempted to stop him and failed. Maybe they'll have better luck in the upcoming election, or not. If he wins reelection we could experience another impeachment attempt.
Sun Aug 09 13:43:02
And it isn't like similar treatments are not used*
the wanderer
Sun Aug 09 15:57:48
he heard sunlight & bleach killed the virus on surfaces so his brain cell wondered how about when in the lungs?

there was no real thought involved, & it definitely should not have been speculated about at the national briefing meant to inform the entire populace... he shouldn't be there at all, especially w/ his track record
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Aug 16 19:09:21
Surpiss Surpise Rugian is as good at defending his asshole as a Bostonian altar boy.

Trump also thinks that cable TV is a bastion of talent.
Sun Aug 16 23:27:12
So, what exactly has trump done wrong beside tweeting while he shits and doesnt have an agent making sure its acceptable? What policy has he implemented that earned the hate he gets? Remember when you idiots were convinced he got golden showers and then it got proven to be a false report set up by russia?
the wanderer
Sun Aug 16 23:38:11
"Remember when... it got proven to be a false report"

Sun Aug 16 23:47:25
Oh, so you are going to argue that the golden showers report, proven to be full of shit, is true? Is that who you are?
Mon Aug 17 00:00:31
You, cukhat and ibty are fucking idiots. If you cant realize how dumb you are, and dont gulp when you are called out then you are dumber than i gave you credit. You dont want conversation. You want to lecture. But you are too intellectionally lazy to listen to other opinions. Because it scares you. I have no idea by hab bothers with you, you are too dumb to realize your idiocy so no argument works.
Mon Aug 17 00:01:18
Why* hab.
Mon Aug 17 00:08:10
"What policy has he implemented that earned the hate he gets?"

It'd be easier to list the policies he's implemented that haven't been complete shit.
Mon Aug 17 00:10:54
You didnt list a single thing.
Mon Aug 17 00:21:20
No, I didn't. Your question is so appallingly stupid it does not require any sort of thoughtful response.

You also seem to have conveniently forgotten about 170,000 dead Americans when you deign to ask what shitty policies Trump might have implemented.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 02:04:12
you said it was proven false

I've never said it was proven true

thus it's on you to support your claim
Mon Aug 17 02:25:56
Hood, "No, I didn't. Your question is so appallingly stupid it does not require any sort of thoughtful response."

Why respond at all then? The real answer is your too lazy to to even Google up some bad policies pr recite some from memory that will get picked apart and debated.

This is a big reason that while I routinely disagree with TW, I respect him. He will actively defend his positions in a coherent manner. Its just my personal belief that his hatred of Trumpism tints his view of The world.

Even your covid reference is vague and lazy. I really don't know why you would even post what you did, your silence would have been far superior.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 03:06:00
i don't see Trump as being involved in policy much, but i'll take a stab at the question

as to things he's actually been involved in:

the 'wall' - it's been almost entirely replacement fencing (not at all what was promised) & Mexico paid for none of it... presumably it's more effective than what got replaced, but doubtful worth the cost (& the almost certain fraud)

the china trade war - has been more harmful than helpful so far, no reason to believe it will be successful but maybe? (w/ of course him guaranteed to continue to lie to all Americans at every stage)

iran - no clear progress that i'm aware of, he harmed our credibility by breaking the deal w/o cause & not convincing any other nation in it to side w/ us (not that he ever seemed aware other nations in it, but i assume adults told him at some point)

N.K. - again no clear progress that i'm aware of, he ratcheted up tensions then eased them... yippee... plus has given Kim more international stature... the in-person meetings yielded nothing except them signing an agreement pledging to do the thing they already had agreed to do in a prior agreement

Syria - the manner in which he decided to leave was crazy & should've gotten him yanked from office (taking Erdogan's word & not discussing w/ our own people & just tweeting it out)... & our adults then tricking him into somewhat staying (twice) is embarrassing... 'um, we gotta protect the oil, sir'... 'oh right, protect the oil!'
but at least we got the reputation of abandoning our allies, hooray

Israel - he's given them several major gifts that were of no benefit to us at all other than harming our relations w/ the UN (& the UAE agreement had nothing to do w/ him as was proven by him being unable to answer basic questions)

kids in cages - probably not his idea, but he & Kelly both seemed to approve of it as a deterrent (as he has no empathy)
[i am aware Trump defenders will say 'kids in cages' wasn't a Trump policy, but it WAS the Trump admin's 'zero tolerance' that led to all of it, so stop being misleading dicks...]

Covid-19 - Trump's personal contribution has been abysmal... taking it seriously for only a couple brief periods of time... otherwise totally bullshitting the public on it or just ignoring it, doing nothing to slow it down instead actually harming that effort by holding events w/ deliberately no precautions (if the Tulsa crowd hadn't been embarrassing he never would've stopped those rallies)

environmental - everything he does related to the environment is awful & will continue to be awful as he doesn't give a shit about it as it doesn't make money

that's stuff i can think of off top of my head that he's actually involved in

as to my complaints w/ his fitness in general, i have ~3000 posts on the matter elsewhere
Mon Aug 17 03:12:02
I thought I would remind everyone, don't vote. You are not taking part in democracy, you are playing an extra in a farce. Stop acting as fluffers for the ruling class and walk away with your dignity.

If you vote, you have no right to complain. If you voted for Trump the first time, I have already forgiven you, but god help you if you do that shit again. And to all the hopeful Bidenites, just stop it. Old white Obama with dementia ain't gonna solve what the young and healthy black Obama couldn't.
large member
Mon Aug 17 04:21:00
Well, it looks like old white Biden has a shot at the support of both the house and senate.


If not now, then at least almost certainly from 2022. A new census and a lot more GOP senate seats running, than democratic in that cycle too.
large member
Mon Aug 17 04:22:25
12 Democratic and 20 GOP senate seats running in 2022.
large member
Mon Aug 17 04:22:26
12 Democratic and 20 GOP senate seats running in 2022.
Mon Aug 17 05:20:08
Obama for a period had the support of both the senate and the house, didn't he? And he came in after the "dark age of Bush". Biden if he wins will be coming after the dark age of Trump. We have been on this roller coaster ride before.

I find all of this stupid, I wake up to the same nightmare every election cycle, be it in Sweden or the USA. Nothing changes and all the progress we make as a specie or country is despite governance, democracy and elections. These people, the ruling class, they are the problem. These kinds of career politicians that never actually had real jobs and have no idea what a real life is, we need to stop doing that. And I know I know Trump wasn't one of those people. There are exceptions to everything, but the majority of the political establishment have done NOTHING but politics, whatever inherent ills they have, becomes systemic. Diversity is a concept that exists in many shapes and forms.

Term limits! And I know this will not resonate well with alot of people, but age limits. I don't care how intelligent you are as an 18 or 20 something, you know jack shit about life, you have no business in politics.
Mon Aug 17 05:21:12
You know what, it isn't just them, it is also all the fucking idiots who vote for them.
large member
Mon Aug 17 05:44:40
For two years that were completely dominated by the 2008 financial crisis.
Mon Aug 17 08:06:16
Fair enough, but the coming cycle will be no different, it will be dominated by Covid and the implosion of the global economy. I have to admit, I am surprised by how similair the board is set up this turn.
Mon Aug 17 08:15:22
"Why respond at all then? The real answer is your too lazy to to even Google up some bad policies pr recite some from memory that will get picked apart and debated."

No, the real answer is that mt (and you, and most people on here) are really, really, really fucking stupid. Y'all think you make magnificent arguments. You are fucking stupid. I need only point you to the classism/racism thread to show just how fucking retarded you are, hot rod jr. mt is no better. You aren't worth a real discussion. You aren't worth effort.

"Even your covid reference is vague and lazy."

Strange choice of argument here. Literally any policy Trump has employed regarding COVID has been fucking terrible. Pick anything. It's been the worst. That was my point in my first post: it's easier to list what he's done right than what he's done wrong. As such, it is extremely vague and lazy to pose the question "What policy has he implemented that earned the hate he gets?" Should not mt, you know, google and research himself to see all of the stupid fucking bullshit Trump has done to earn his hate? Or recall from memory everything people have picked him apart for over the years? Or am I the only one held to that standard?

or tldr: you are retarded and dishonest, and I don't really see the point in arguing with dishonest dipshits lobbing lazy, loaded, disingenuous questions.
Mon Aug 17 08:33:21
Once policy idea off the top of my head

Remember when we were told trump was gonna lead us into war with north korea. Then we were told he was bad for talking to kim jung. And now what is happening? No more bombs, no more nuclear tests. Trump fucking fixed it and you idiots cant acknowledge it.
Mon Aug 17 08:43:29

"no more bombs" he says, literally 2 months after "most serious provocation in years."

And you wonder why I don't bother arguing with fucking morons.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 11:53:37
i agree w/ term limits

& sort of on age limits, but on upper end... or instead an aptitude test to see if you understand current technology

avg age of House is 58... they recently voted on stopping the military from recruiting on Twitch, how many do you think had any idea what that bill was about?


as for NK, obaminated remains completely misinformed as usual

& it wasn't even 'no more bombs' was supposed to be 'no more missiles'... but missile tests restarted so Trump just lied & downplayed it (as he does w/ everything that looks bad)

as to nuclear tests, they've only done 6 total in history according to wikipedia... it's not like they were monthly & Trump got it stopped
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 12:19:31
...not that everyone needs to know about Twitch to pass, just have an understanding of the current tech at the time where they -could- easily understand what it was specifically

we're probably around peak danger time where tech continues forward rapidly while people who didn't grow up w/ computers fill the ranks of congress (+ total moron on tech & everything else in WH)
Mon Aug 17 12:23:07
Are we at war with north korea? Did the tensions stop after trump opened talks?
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 12:28:20
the only person who says we would be at war w/ them is Trump... i recall no one anticipating war in the 2015/2016 debates & it definitely would've come up if that was the atmosphere

did the tensions stop... in what way?

the fire-fury tension stopped, but he started it
Mon Aug 17 12:31:07
Thats hood, btw, intellectually lazy and refuses to acknowledge it. Never grows.
Mon Aug 17 12:32:17
Oh, so North Korea wasnt bombing and attacking south korean areas? They werent provocative at all?
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 12:48:59
i assumed you were referring to Trump's brags... missiles & nuclear tests were what he claimed to have stopped

then when more missile tests occurred we get articles like this:

As North Korea fired off a series of missiles in recent months — at least 18 since May — President Trump has repeatedly dismissed their importance as short-range and “very standard” tests. And although he has conceded “there may be a United Nations violation,” the president says any concerns are overblown.

Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader, Mr. Trump explained recently, just “likes testing missiles.”

Now, American intelligence officials and outside experts have come to a far different conclusion: that the launchings downplayed by Mr. Trump, including two late last month, have allowed Mr. Kim to test missiles with greater range and maneuverability that could overwhelm American defenses in the region.

classic Trump

& Trump tweeted this Aug 10, 2019:
In a letter to me sent by Kim Jong Un, he stated, very nicely, that he would like to meet and start negotiations as soon as the joint U.S./South Korea joint exercise are over. It was a long letter, much of it complaining about the ridiculous and expensive exercises. It was.....

....also a small apology for testing the short range missiles, and that this testing would stop when the exercises end. I look forward to seeing Kim Jong Un in the not too distant future! A nuclear free North Korea will lead to one of the most successful countries in the world!

Trump completely smitten by Kim it seems

(& those exercises were ended by Trump)

according to wikipedia, NK had more missile tests after that alleged apology on Aug 24, Sep 10, Oct 31, Nov 28, 2019 & Mar 2, 2020

as w/ China & Iran & everything, Trump will continue to lie to us -always- about any alleged progress or accomplishments
(& apparently you believe him)
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 13:19:51
also you have to live w/ this:

who else would ever say that? on any side

imagine Obama saying that...

Trump's brain is not right
Mon Aug 17 13:26:12
"Did the tensions stop after trump opened talks?"

You kind of need to provide an argument before one can point the massive flaws and dismiss your bullshit. You know, like I did when you foolishly claimed bombs had stopped.

Now you're claiming "tensions" stopped. Cool. Define tensions. And then square whatever bullshit muddled in your mind with the largest provocation in recent history occurring in June 2020 against our ally, SK.
Mon Aug 17 13:27:32
And ah, sweet irony:
"Thats hood, btw, intellectually lazy and refuses to acknowledge it. Never grows."

Says the guy throwing bullshit into the wind and not even bothering with evidence. Kindly project your character defects elsewhere.
Mon Aug 17 13:39:55
"So, what exactly has trump done wrong beside tweeting while he shits and doesnt have an agent making sure its acceptable?"

He makes fun of retarded people. He makes fun of war heroes with terminal cancer. He makes sexist remarks and has been accused of sexually assaulting like a dozen women. He has been caught on tape talking about how he likes to sexually assault women and how they can't do anything about it because he is famous.

" What policy has he implemented that earned the hate he gets?"

He championed and then signed tax reform that increased the national deficit and lowered corporate and wealthy tax rates, increasing the wealth gap in America and providing for long-term economic instability in the United States.

He loosened restrictions on water quality and air quality.

He ended restrictions that make federal contractors pay fair wages.

He has actively tried to prevent any climate change mitigation measures.

He tried to undo the designation of several national monuments.

His attempt at reconciliation with NK was a failure.

He betrayed US allies in Syria, mainly the Kurdish defense forces.

" Remember when you idiots were convinced he got golden showers and then it got proven to be a false report set up by Russia? "

Why would Russia set this up? They wanted him elected?

Mon Aug 17 14:01:17
Hood, If we are not worth the effort than why respond at all? With the multiple paragraphs you typed responding to me you could have posted something lile TW did with clear arguments instead you choose tonspend your effort into bickering and name calling.

Tw, With respects to NK. Trump made an effort to negotiate, which is admirable. However a good reading of them as people would say they will never abandon Nuclear weapons, Putin actually gave a good response to why referencing Saddam's regime.

Seriously, Id say our best bet is to find a way to neutralize there nuclear threat and slaughter the entire regime as quickly ad possible.

Iran I'd say we are in a better position. Killing there General and strong link to Hamas was a minor success. But increased ties of the UAE and Israel and more coordination with SA. Economically and politically Iran is definitely in a weaker position.

Venezuela- Well again, Trump is probably better at tearing shit down then building it up and just like Iran, they are considerably weaker in respects to economic and political power.

We want regime change without getting our hands dirty. It must be by Guiado or similar. But he has squandered his political clout.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 14:12:37
do you appreciate Trump lying about everything always? that we'd be at war with NK if not for Trump, that Obama repeatedly tried to get meetings w/ Kim but Kim wouldn't do it, that they were still returning remains long after they had ceased, that the missile tests may violate agreements but 'meh, he likes testing missiles, whaddya gonna do'

if you go by Trump, you'd never have any accurate idea about anything at all (& it's not just typical political spin)

it shouldn't be that way
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 14:14:33
“I don’t want to speak for him, but I believe he would’ve gone to war with North Korea. I think he was ready to go to war. In fact he told me he was so close to starting a big war with North Korea”
~ Trump on conversation w/ Obama

that didn't happen
Mon Aug 17 14:28:37
Tbh, I'm numb to politicians taking liberties to set a narrative.

IIRC* Obama boosted grsnts to increase females going to college and said something about we need to encourage them to gonto college more for equality. Mind you thats a false narrative women already outnumber males in going to college. Where is the outrage?

Bidens claim of mining the GC.

Obama's " Overseas contingency operation"

Or how about " If you like your HC plan you can keep it" intellectually dishonest or misleading at best.

Remember when debating small biz taxes and he said that Rommeys plan was for the super rich so much so that Donald Trump would.be considered a small business. The lie detector determined that was a lie.

Did that bother his supporters? All politicians lie. Maybe with the exception ofnthe Dalia Lama.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 17 14:35:26
i don't know why you can't see the difference in magnitude & breadth

Trump lies on EVERY thing EVERY thing, big / small / important / trivial

& he's giving covid updates by himself... yet nothing he says can be trusted in them

that shouldn't be political spin time
Wrath of Orion
Mon Aug 17 14:37:56
"i don't know why you can't see the difference in magnitude & breadth"

To be fair, I'm guessing it's a difficult thing to see while you're fellating Trump all the time.
Mon Aug 17 14:48:46
Tw, Did GWB, Reagan, Ski ton and Obama lie to the public more than William Taft, or Washington? Absolutely. Why? Likely because they spoke to public more.

Also Trump is nitpicked so much more than previous presidents and the next potus whomever that is will be scrutinized even more.

He does speakna lot more off the top of his head which will lead to more discrepancies, I would prefer that to a potus who mostly reads off of a teleprompter prepared statements that will be technically more correct.
Mon Aug 17 14:49:18
"Hood, If we are not worth the effort than why respond at all?"

2 very simple reasons:
1. I respond when it amuses me. If I do not gain anything from a response, I don't bother.
2. Blatant and retarded lies should be pointed out, on the universe-forming-rare chance the speaker realizes their error.

"To be fair, I'm guessing it's a difficult thing to see while you're fellating Trump all the time."

Not according to Stormy Daniels and her experiences with toadstool. I would guess eye contact is at a maximum. (I'm slightly grossing myself out with this one)
Mon Aug 17 15:15:34
Now as for foriegn policy accomplishments that I personally support is best expressed with his China policy.

Mind you by others Id likely be reffered to as a China hawk.

Again as far as tearing shit down China is definitely in a weaker position than they were pre Trump and a great deal of that has to do directly with his actuons and rhetoric.

People often day rhetoric is useless. But if that is true thenphrase the pen is mightier than the sword wouldnt exist. He had helped in my belief turn the tide on China by blatantly calling them out for there BS and coupled that with real actions.

Would the UK, India and Australia have banned Huawei without his pressure? He had extended a helping hand to Taiwan and is garnering support for a strong counter balance.to China while we still can. Some are calling for the quad to become the D10 ( Democratic 10).

Huawei is no longer the powerhouse it was.

As for his tarriffs, theyve helped spread the wealth away from China to other nations is SE Asia as well as Mexico. This is a good thing, we want that power spread out more instead of vassal states tonthe CCP.

He'll Ive been saying for years we should help Mexico more to become a wealthier nation. Its strategically a good move.
large member
Mon Aug 17 16:07:45
Huawei is more of the powerhouse that it was. It overtook samsung for top 1 slot after Trump started his crap.

I get that you want more expensive cellphones and internet connections, but why do you think that embargoing Huawei is a good idea beyond that?
Mon Aug 17 16:28:27
Jergul, They also just said that they will soon not be able to produce 2 flagship products that use the Kirn processors. They also are about to lose there use of Google (android)

So they sold more shitty phones. The company is still in a worse position.

Why do I support it? I don't want China to get a head start in 5g amongst other things. They use unfair trade practices as the standard which is why there is no Facebook or google.search in China so I thinknits reasonable to fight back in a simlar manner.
Mon Aug 17 17:18:28

Here is a good article on the effects rhese policies have had on Huawei. Which lets face it, outside of China who would buy a smartphone without IOS or Google?

The small few who would use a form of Linux.
Mon Aug 17 18:23:48
It should be noted that Trump tried many times to ease the sanctions and bans on Huawei and that actions were originated in Congress and various government agencies. Basically, Trump didn't do anything to Huawei until everyone else forced him to.

But yeah, it's totally Trump's Huawei ban.

Mon Aug 17 18:31:15
Was Obama the first person to try and kill. bin laden? Dors he get credit for it?
Mon Aug 17 18:32:05
Should we give credit of Obama care to Sanders for that matter?
Mon Aug 17 19:59:20
Agreed. So it is Congress's, the CIA's, and the FBI's ban on Huawei.
large member
Tue Aug 18 00:24:38
Will have on Huawei. But that is speculative and for the future. It has not had that effect so far. Huawei is the world's largest cellphone AND 5G producer.

So it will be the next president that might, or might not cripple Huawei.
Tue Aug 18 00:33:55
Jergul, If you would that article from last year you will see that Huawei only saw growth within China and revenue declimed in every other region. They can no longer sell there flagship Kirns and very soon will have no Google apps or OS.
large member
Tue Aug 18 01:11:51
"Only saw growth within China" Feel free to name a more important cellphone market. They can still sell their flagship Kirns and can continue to do so until after the US election. They have all android apps and an app distribution system. They cannot use google store. Similar to getting stuff at cosco because wallmart closed.

Whatever real downside will take place on the next president's watch, not this one.

Rowing machine finally got here after a 4 month wait. "American made" with flag on box. First of all. Its been a long time since I have bought American made. Not because I don't want to. It simple is not available.

And it took 4 months to deliver. What the fuck. Seriously. I am not doing that again.

I will post presently when I rage. "Some assembly required".
Tue Aug 18 01:29:28
Jergul, I find it funny how you glaze over the fact that they saw a decline in revenue everywhere except China. Yes China is a great market for cellphones. What is better the rest of the world, where they have been doing poorly.

The temporary general license for Google mobile service ended August 13th. Now no it change im China, but outside of China who uses Huawei mobile services?

Perhaps under biden or Trump 2.0 it will get worse but the goal wasnt to destroy the company. But to contain it. Containment is a policy we are used to after all.

It will likley always do well in China.
Tue Aug 18 01:31:50
Congrats? On the rowing machine. I don't even understand how something takes 4 months to ship though...was it shipped by sled dogs?
Tue Aug 18 01:43:08
Also for the Kirin processors, September 15th is the last day they will be able to produce them.
large member
Tue Aug 18 03:23:10
US skilled labout fucked up. They drilled one of the wheel holes two mm too small. Not critical, but fuck me, how is that even possible?

It took 4 month because the US logistics network is extremely fragile and covid 19 shut it down in the case of the rowing machine.

I am not glossing over, I am simply saying that your thoughts on what has happened to Huawei have yet to materialize.

Google shut its store. The same android applications are available at a different store.

The only victims here are Western consumers. Yay, we now get to pay more for a slower roll-out of the G5 network.

Though I suppose we could just go to China to enjoy the new functionality a fully operational G5 network provides.

They will get it years before we do now. Yepp, we western consumers were indeed contained. Ty Trump.
Tue Aug 18 03:48:17
You are more than welcome to move to China. Im aure the thorough background check will be passed with flying, Well color. ( guess which one)

you say they havnt materialized, I say some.have ( loss of revenue outside China) and some more will be down the line.

South Korea is leading the pack in 5G rollout. No shocker theyve had the beat internet access for years.

China in January had a slight lead on the US. Its already in. All the major cities for both nations.

As for your rowing machine, it likely is a trojan horse to spy on your red activities.
Tue Aug 18 03:48:17
You are more than welcome to move to China. Im aure the thorough background check will be passed with flying, Well color. ( guess which one)

you say they havnt materialized, I say some.have ( loss of revenue outside China) and some more will be down the line.

South Korea is leading the pack in 5G rollout. No shocker theyve had the beat internet access for years.

China in January had a slight lead on the US. Its already in. All the major cities for both nations.

As for your rowing machine, it likely is a trojan horse to spy on your red activities.
large member
Tue Aug 18 05:13:18
An advanced CIA plot to spy on a nobody or skilled labour incompetence. What to choose, what to choose.

Nothing a drill with a bit of sandpaper wrapped around could not fix, but still, the hole was way out of tolerance.

Why would I move to china? I was thinking of it as more a tourist attraction. You know, like when Albanians visited Italy to enjoy the finer things in life for a bit.
large member
Tue Aug 18 15:44:20
Well, I took it for a spin (literally - flywheel water resistance system). 5k was fine. The swoosh, swoosh of water moving was quite soothing in a manner that kept boredom at bay. Its a good machine once you get over craftmanship and quality control issues (they also forgot to add the two complimentary anti-algae tablets).
Tue Aug 18 15:57:56
What brand/model did you get?
large member
Tue Aug 18 16:14:58
WaterRower Oak Performance
large member
Wed Aug 19 00:46:33
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