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Utopia Talk / Politics / Remember Jordan Peterson?
Wed Jul 29 15:57:31
He was always a right wing wreck


Jordan Peterson says 'I'm back to my regular self' after drug dependency
Published July 2, 2020

TORONTO -- Jordan Peterson, the controversial University of Toronto psychology professor and famed self-help guru, says he's recovering from a dependence on anti-anxiety medication after receiving treatment in Russia.

In an interview with his daughter Mikhaila for the June 30 episode of “The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast,” Peterson discussed how he started taking benzodiazepines in 2016, after a severe autoimmune reaction to food.

Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs used to treat anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, and other disorders.

He later developed a physical dependency on the drug in April 2019 when his dose was increased to help him deal with anxiety over his wife’s terminal cancer diagnosis.

By the fall, Peterson had disappeared from public life as he sought treatment in North America. His daughter revealed in February that her father went to Russia for an emergency medical detox after treatment attempts in North America failed.

Mikhaila Peterson said the treatment her father received in Russia successfully got rid of the benzodiazepines in his system, but the drugs had caused “significant” neurological damage, which is why they sought further treatment in Belgrade, Serbia.

Speaking during the podcast interview, which was recorded in Belgrade, Peterson said virtually all of his remaining symptoms have disappeared.

“I’m still weak if I get up and walk around, I don’t have my stamina, but I can think clearly,” he told his daughter. “I’m back to my regular self.”

Peterson didn’t go into specifics about the treatment he’s receiving at a speciality clinic in Belgrade, because he wants to wait until he knows if the improvements he’s been experiencing over the past two weeks will last in the long term.

The author said he’s been able to write every day and he has been able to enjoy music again.

“I can create, not just edit,” he said. “It’s a real relief to get my love for music back and that’s like a switch’s been turned on because it was gone completely and now it’s back completely.”

Peterson also took a moment to warn listeners about the dangers of taking benzodiazepines for a long period of time.

“People need to know this. It’s not good. Those drugs are for short-term treatment of stress-induced anxiety,” he said. “It’s quite shocking to me actually that I didn’t know, despite my professional speciality, that I had no idea how catastrophic benzodiazepine use could be.”

Wed Jul 29 15:59:24

Thu Jul 30 04:12:43
Lots of people on both sides are drug abusers. The right-wing always tends to elevate those that abuse though as long as they toe the line.
Thu Jul 30 05:09:41
He has had anxiety problems for a long time, him and his daughter both have some sort of auto-immune disease and last year his wife got a grim cancer diagnosis, basically she was dying. I wouldn't wish that even on Dukhat.
Turtle Crawler
Thu Jul 30 10:04:36
Uh, he's not right wing never was.
Thu Jul 30 10:30:45
He isnt right wing. He and i don't believe in the same political beliefs. But like nim said, he got on anti depress drugs because his wife was dying and he was responsible enough to recognize he was developing a problem. He is a good guy who focuses on personal growth. Cuckhat needs that. And not to be a complete dick but his daughter is pretty hot.
Renzo Marquez
Thu Jul 30 10:31:09
Doesn't she have the herp?
Thu Jul 30 12:49:48
No, he's certainly rightwing. You guys are rightwing extremists, complete and utter fascists.
Thu Jul 30 13:32:10
^Anti-fascist fascist.
Thu Jul 30 14:54:09
"No, he's certainly rightwing. You guys are rightwing extremists, complete and utter fascists."

Lol. Here comes the cliche "The default Overton window is that of European dialogue, anything else is far-right"
Renzo Marquez
Thu Jul 30 18:03:52
Peterson refused to use wtb's preferred pronouns.
Thu Jul 30 18:55:46
I love how Mr. Living On An Exotic Mediterranean Island thinks that working class people who vote conservative should be rounded up and shot. Check your privilege, WTB.
Thu Jul 30 21:19:32
Serious, go fuck yourself. The one thing he did was said freedom of speech matters and you cant legally enforce someone to say something. Meanwhile he believes in social medicine. But you are an ignorant dipshit.
Thu Jul 30 23:55:29
WTB isn't wrong. You guys literally don't have any meaningful relationships with women for the most part and are incels. Nim would be an incel but muslim culture forces women to marry their racists or be honor killed.

Extremists retards in every way. It's sad how you actually all regressed over the years. Enjoy spending your 30's and 40's in a shit economy and somehow blaming the Democrats for it.
Fri Jul 31 00:04:36
Let's go over the stupid one-by-one:

Foreskin - "The default Overton window is that of European dialogue, anything else is far-right" - And the American window has more in common with Bolsonaro and Putin right now. That makes us better how?

Rugian: "I love how Mr. Living On An Exotic Mediterranean Island thinks that working class people who vote conservative should be rounded up and shot." Versus Trump who thinks they should simply roll over and die to the Coronavirus if it interferes with his re-election. And when did "conservatives" hate success so much? You take all your marching orders from billionaire kleptocrats who own islands.

Obaminated - "The one thing he did was said freedom of speech matters and you cant legally enforce someone to say something. Meanwhile he believes in social medicine."

The one thing he did do was engage in an argument with a far-left idiot making himself look better thus feeding a narrative of white victimization to far-right idiots on the internet.

You don't have to be conservative on every single issue to be a right-winger a distinction lost in the age of Trump and idiot enablers on forums such as this.
Fri Jul 31 00:33:56
"And the American window has more in common with Bolsonaro and Putin right now. That makes us better how?"

That's a strawman, Cuckhat. I made no remarks on the inherent morality of general left v. right. I remarked on the cliche of Eurocucks acting like their Overton window is the default for the world, and again, that everything slightly right of that is far-right extremism.

Eurocentrism is only okay when it's to advocate for socialism. /s
Fri Jul 31 04:24:31
Actually cuckhat, i have had many relationships with women and unfortunately it is easy for me so in the past i took them for granted. My current gf is likely gonna be my last, we have been together since feb and she is patient and wise and i respect our relationship. Im sorry that your life is trash. But dont assume the people who disagree with you have the same problems you do.
Fri Jul 31 04:27:54
Also, wtb should know when he has cuckhat in his corner then he must be taking a wrong position. Thats a good barometer.
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