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Utopia Talk / Politics / Pedo rape camp in the U.S.
Sun Jun 14 05:15:10
Thousands of migrant children were sexually abused in U.S. custody, HHS docs say

Washington — Thousands of migrant children allegedly suffered sexual abuse while in U.S. government custody over the past four years, according to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) documents released Tuesday by Florida Democratic Rep. Ted Deutch.

According to the documents, over a thousand allegations of sexual abuse against unaccompanied minors in HHS custody were reported to federal authorities each fiscal year since 2015. In total, between October 2014 and July 2018, 4,556 sexual abuse complaints were reported to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) — an agency within HHS in charge of caring for unaccompanied migrant minors.

An additional 1,303 complaints were received by the Justice Department between fiscal years 2015 and 2018, but it's unclear whether these complaints overlap with those reported to ORR.

The documents offer a fragmented portrayal of the allegations of sexual abuse. The overall numbers of the allegations reported to ORR do not reveal specific information about the alleged perpetrator, who may be someone unknown to the child, another unaccompanied minor or a caregiver in a U.S. facility. On the other hand, the data of allegations reported to the Justice Department does provide specific information about who the alleged perpetrator was.

The documents reveal that over the past four fiscal years, in 178 cases reported to the Justice Department, adult caregivers at U.S. facilities were reported to have sexually abused migrant minors. More specifically, there were 49 allegations of sexual abuse involving adult caregivers in U.S. facilities reported to the Justice Department in both fiscal years 2017 and 2018.

"The gravity here is a systematic concealment of children being sexually abused, children being exposed to those kinds of acts," Democratic California Rep. Lou Correa told CBS News Tuesday afternoon, as he left a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Trump administration's family separation policy near the southwestern border.

Correa said the government has the legal responsibility to prevent children under its custody from being abused or harmed and accused the Trump administration of a "systematic cover up." The California Democrat said the government documented these allegations but failed to elevate them to the highest levels of the administration. It was only when House Democrats requested the documents in January that the government revealed the statistics, he added.

"We're supposed to have transparency, we're supposed to work and make things better. If you make mistakes, you fess up to that and you move on," Correa said. "But to cover up something like this — child abuse — is just beyond my imagination."

Read all of it here: http://www...d-in-u-s-custody-hhs-docs-say/

Looks like Trump is trying to cover it up.

The children has to be freed.
Sun Jun 14 05:15:39
Look at this, USA keeps children in tiny cages:

Sun Jun 14 05:18:41
*shrug* Should have respected the law.
Sun Jun 14 11:42:40
^ Why Rugian is a piece of shit and his father is probably in hell and will be joined by his asshole son soon.
The Children
Sun Jun 14 12:23:03
an evil empire out for total world domination and control.

it has already 200 chemical virus disease labs around the world and another 800 military bases

it totally out of control and it set 4 total mindcontrol. it uses it media for fakenews and brainwash and propaganda while it listens in and profiles every person on da planet.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Jun 14 12:37:08
Obey the law or small government will rape your children. TRUMP 2020
Sun Jun 14 12:40:06
Small government for the citizenry. The rest of the world can fuck off.
Sam Adams
Sun Jun 14 12:56:26
Probably abused by other migrants.
Sun Jun 14 14:20:35
Daddy’s still burning. You’re next ruggy.
Sun Jun 14 15:15:08
If you want to believe the ACLU this was a problem in the Obama Administration. From the documents link the numbers are near equal in 2015. If I'm Not mistaken the greatest majority were minor on minor assaults. There is no excuse for all minors not being fully protected from any type of abuse.

Sun Jun 14 15:44:38
Its almost as if having huge numbers of migrant children showing up at your borders is a bad idea...
Sun Jun 14 15:57:27
How shitty is life, when you send your children alone like this.
Renzo Marquez
Sun Jun 14 16:54:29
Someone's doing the raping... and it ain't whitey.
Sun Jun 14 21:45:30
Illegal immigrants rape each other in holding?

White people's fault!

I remember in 2001, when thousands of Americans landed in Canada during 911. They were not raping each other.
Sun Jun 14 21:52:19
This is why we needed border reform. To bad the Democrats would rather play politics than protect children.
Oh and those photos are from 2014 and still the Democrats didn't want and don't want any reform.
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