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Utopia Talk / Politics / rednecks are fucking retarded
sam adams
Mon Mar 23 21:56:15

sam adams
Mon Mar 23 22:00:09
And on the other extreme we have retarded liberals and sebs saying criminals and homeless people have the same value as hard working citizens.

Were people always this retarded?
Mon Mar 23 22:50:33
Well the biggest population in the prison system are people who are there for drug offenses, many of which are bullshit.

And homeless people are definitely a vector for this disease. They should definitely be put into camps for their safety and everybody else's.

The abortion ban is pretty bullshit too. You're going to get women fleeing the state to get an abortion which would fuck things up even more.

All that matters is controling the pandemic now. Republicans trying to score points with the religous nutters is nothing compared to Dems trying to prevent too many people from getting sick.
Mon Mar 23 23:46:28
Republicans trying to score points with religious nutters is much worse* than Dems trying to enact policies that slow the spread.
Tue Mar 24 00:49:51
Dukhat actually makes complete sense here.
Tue Mar 24 01:05:48
"Republicans trying to score points with religious nutters is much worse* than Dems trying to enact policies that slow the spread."

How about Democrats using a coronavirus relief bill as a vehicle to enact Green New Deal-type policies? How bad would you rate that, exactly?


"Democrats are following through on their threat to go rogue with their own stimulus plan, unveiling a more than 1,400-page bill Monday night, packed with policy differences compared to the proposal Senate Republicans laid out.


Here's what House Democrats have included in their bill and how it contrasts with the latest proposal from Senate Republicans:

‘Green’ rules for airlines

If airlines are going to get billions of dollars in loans under the bill, Democrats say they need to cut their carbon emissions in half by 2050. The House’s measure would also kick in $1 billion to help develop sustainable fuels for planes and create a program for the government to buy less-efficient aircraft, à la “cash-for-clunkers.”

Tue Mar 24 01:44:44
Abortion is still much worse than offering to pay airlines to make them more efficient and buy back their old scrap.
Tue Mar 24 01:55:37
If they cut their carbon emissions in half, it means we won't be beholden to fucking OPEC as much.

Rugian hates America so much, he would rather make our economy beholden to Saudi Arabia (who was always exempt from Trump's travel ban even though they sent most of the 9/11 terrorists).

And he hates future generations so much, he has doubled down on climate-change denial.
Tue Mar 24 01:58:06
You are failing to explain how GND bullshit has fuck-all to do with coronavirus shutdown relief. But that BS is just the beginning:

"The Pelosi-Schumer Coronavirus Contagion

Democratic leaders kill a rescue bill under pressure from the left

What a spectacle. Much of America is quarantined at home, the public is so panicked there’s a run on toilet paper, the country desperately wants reassurance, and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer decide to take a bipartisan rescue bill as a political hostage.

That’s the display of Democratic leadership in a crisis the nation received on Monday as Senate Democrats blocked a $1.8 trillion bill that has urgent money for workers, hospitals, small business and, yes, even larger companies threatened by the forcible shutdown of the U.S. economy. When America most needs bipartisan cooperation, Democrats add to the economic uncertainty by putting their partisan interests above the needs of the country.


Democratic cynicism was further exposed when Mrs. Pelosi released her 1,100-page bill Monday. House Majority Whip James Clyburn was heard last week advising Democrats to view the crisis as a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

The Pelosi bill follows through by including an ideological wish list that has nothing to do with the coronavirus. There’s a Green New Deal mandate on airlines to offset their “carbon emissions” and publish CO2 emissions for each flight. There’s the House’s failed “election reform”—requiring states to allow early voting, mail-in voting, and same-day voter registration.

The Pelosi bill would require any loan recipient to provide permanent paid leave and a $15 minimum wage. Borrowers would not be allowed to pay a bonus to an executive or dividends to shareholders. Companies would have to provide statistics on the “gender, race, and ethnic identity” of their board members. Nothing like a deadly virus to get the country woke."

Tue Mar 24 02:09:21
As for future generations of Americans, there is literally no greater threat to them than liberal abortion policies that allow them to be murdered before they are even born. If you want to go down that route.
Tue Mar 24 02:12:11
*yawn* Not even going to bother like normal. Just lie after lie.

Like a more angry and aggressive Hot Rod.
Tue Mar 24 02:14:02
Point out one lie, troll.
Tue Mar 24 02:15:16
How quickly 1 trillion turns to 1.8 and conservatives don't bat an eye. Why? Oh, because they're the ones spending it.

Quick math: 200,000,000 adults getting $2000 is only $400,000,000,000 (that's 0.4 trillion). The fuck is the other $1.4 trillion for when the Fed is covering wages for everyone?
Tue Mar 24 02:15:43
Speaking of angry and aggresive. How's the gun-buying spree going, Dickhat?
Tue Mar 24 02:18:00

"Majority Leader Mitch McConnell last week asked his GOP committee chairs to work with their Democratic counterparts on planks of the complicated legislation. Republicans sought about $850 billion in liquidity for businesses to prevent credit defaults and mass layoffs, and roughly the same amount on Democratic priorities—including enhanced unemployment benefits, direct payments to households, and a surge in medical spending. By Saturday night, Mr. Schumer was expressing “delight and surprise” at the “bipartisan cooperation."”
Tue Mar 24 02:21:11
Hood, In all fairness the liberals are not trying to keep the bill down.
Tue Mar 24 02:22:46
Throwing money at corporations is fucking stupid when the government is also looking to pay wages for said companies.
Tue Mar 24 02:24:53
Hot rod Junior,

They're also focusing on spending money on people, not imaginary constructs.
Tue Mar 24 02:28:47
There really is nothing to say. Rugian's brain is as empty as Hot Rod's was. He'll go along with anything as long as it "gets the libs!"

Nobody really defends Trump. They just always act as if any other option is worst.

It's a life completely devoid of constructive thought.
smart dude
Tue Mar 24 02:34:48
smart dude
Tue Mar 24 02:38:19
"Well the biggest population in the prison system are people who are there for drug offenses, many of which are bullshit."

Yes, they are bullshit.

My good buddy's fiance just had her surgery cancelled because it's not "life-threatening." I'm sure the retards who don't know how to use birth control can manage for a few months without sticking clotheshangers up their snatches. Of if they want to give it a shot they can do it themselves without burdening the healthcare system? I know, I know, responsibility is a radical concept to begin with. During a pandemic, though? MY GOD.
smart dude
Tue Mar 24 02:41:13
In other words, this person can't get surgery for an injury. But while people are dying by the thousands let's prioritize abortions for some reason. Durrrrr. I'm as pro-choice as anyway, but stop being retarded. FFS.
smart dude
Tue Mar 24 02:42:41
smart dude
Tue Mar 24 02:44:31
"Sorry, but you can't have surgery today. Next patient, please."

"Oh, hi, dumb slut. Right this way and let's kill this fetus."
Tue Mar 24 02:45:21
They should be able to get abortions. It's an investment in the future because there will be one less Rugian in the future that way.
Tue Mar 24 02:45:30
One less moocher.
smart dude
Tue Mar 24 02:50:28
You're right that abortions are an investment in the future. But where do you draw the line? How is wasting resources on old people an "investment?" How is giving treatment to uneducated Trumpers an "investment?" Releiving morons of their responsibilities vs. saving the lives of worthwhile people. It's not such a simple problem.
Tue Mar 24 03:05:21

Giving money to companies that may otherwise run into cash flow problems is hardly "fucking stupid." What happens if those companies start having to lay off workers en masse in order to maintain liquidity during the shutdown?


As I thought. No argument, no substance. How about you hit me with a "you have no empathy" burn and show yourself out before you completely embarrass yourself.
Tue Mar 24 03:12:59
Dickhat is so brainwashed by the pro-choice lobby that he actually thinks abortion clinics are "essentiap" services that should continue running despite the rest of the world shutting down over a global pandemic. Lol

Dont pretend for a second that you give a shit about future American generations, you gook cunt. Your hatred of personal liberties and gushing admiration of Communist China prove that you have nothing but contempt for the US, its people and its values.
sam adams
Tue Mar 24 04:09:22
It is fairly essential for most abortions to happen within a few months. The bigger the fetus gets the more complications.
Tue Mar 24 08:25:38
Shitty businesses should not be propped up by the government. Especially if those businesses cannot afford to stay in business when the government is paying their employees' wages.
Tue Mar 24 08:52:47
Hood -

How can you seriously claim that most businesses that rely on uninterrupted operations in order to remain a going concern are "shitty?"

Let's not forget, the only reason that any businesses are in a state of distress in he first place is because of government-ordered quarantines. To then turn around and say that the government should let these businesses rot because of the government's own decrees is simply unfair.

Bottom line, this isn't a repeat of 2008 where companies bore culpability for the recession.
Tue Mar 24 08:56:17
Sam -

Birth control, prophylactics, morning after pills, abstinence. I'm rather unsympathetic to those getting knocked up with unwanted pregnancies when there are so many ways to avoid it. Especially when almost everything else is currently shut down.
Tue Mar 24 10:26:26
How about the companies that were bailed out in 2008-9, like banks and other financial institutions, ponying up and returning the favor. They could give a time break until things normalize to some of these corporations. How about they do the same for people with mortgages until they are back to work.
Tue Mar 24 11:02:44
If airlines don't have to pay employees and aren't spending money on fuel, what the fuck are their expenses? Paying off planes? Default for a few months, it's what the rest of us do.

Same goes for the litany of other large and small businesses. If you aren't operating, your expenses are minimal. If you are operating, then you're pulling in revenue, are you not? If you can't survive a slow month or 3, bye. Or, like, get a loan from a bank with those rock bottom interest rates.
sam adams
Tue Mar 24 12:05:33
"If airlines don't have to pay employees and aren't spending money on fuel, what the fuck are their expenses? Paying off planes?"

I think the whole point of the bailout is that more employees will still get paid. Also some flights have to keep flying at a loss for national defense/infrastructure reasons.
Tue Mar 24 12:21:46
"I think the whole point of the bailout is that more employees will still get paid."

I'm all for employees getting paid. But the bailout has that covered by the effort to literally send checks to everyone (which shouldn't be based on paying taxes, it should just be every adult that can feasibly receive a check).

The last estimate of US adults was right around 200,000,000 (200 mil). Sending each one $2000 each only brings the bailout up to $400,000,000,000 (400 bil). What the fuck is the other $1,400,000,000,000 for?

"Also some flights have to keep flying at a loss for national defense/infrastructure reasons."

National defense can be paid for at cost by the Fed, no need for a bailout. No reason for those flights to be a loss. Infrastructure pays hefty fees to use air transport. No reason for that to be at a loss either.

As for the greater argument, it comes down to:
Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I don't remember the last time a business ever gave a shit if you couldn't pay. You either give them money or they make your life uncomfortable until they get their money; financial ruin is completely possible. I see no reason to offer solace now that they are the ones who cannot pay. There's also the issue of corps hording record amounts of cash, spending tax cuts meant to help them pay employees on stock buybacks, and general fuckery at the expense of the taxpaying public. Again, live by the sword, die by the sword. Fuck 'em.
sam adams
Tue Mar 24 12:28:36
"There's also the issue of corps hording record amounts of cash, spending tax cuts meant to help them pay employees on stock buybacks, and general fuckery"


"Infrastructure pays hefty fees to use air transport."

Nah. In the previous world flights were barely profitable full of passengers and cargo. Now you only have cargo and a few important pax. But those doctors and masks still need to get to new york. So you have a 737 with 18 passengers and 2 million masks flying from dfw to jfk. At a loss for the airline but still very necessary.
sam adams
Tue Mar 24 12:39:10
On the subject of redneck retards liberty university wants its kids back in classes. And the texans want to reopen everything.

But not to be outdone, coumo is complaining about lack of supplies. While using cases of medical supplies as background props and helping his shitty state drive manufacturing away for decades.
Tue Mar 24 12:49:03
Cuomo is only concerned with NY.


Tue Mar 24 14:58:27
Cuckhat is probably just as pissed that "life-saving" dick amputations are put on hold.
sam adams
Tue Mar 24 15:21:44
Retardation in France.

French local authority bans sale of alcohol during coronavirus emergency measures
From Ya Chun Wang in Paris
Tue Mar 24 15:24:03
The constituent Islamic population is pleased
Tue Mar 24 15:52:07
Cuomo is the Governor of NY. He should be concerned with his state. Apparently their infection rate is doubling every 3 days.
Tue Mar 24 16:23:04
"Cuomo is the Governor of NY."

Yep, and he is competing against 49 other Governor's concerned with their States.

Tit for tat does no good in this situation.

No one is a genie, but since NY State is highly infected additional support seems justified atm.

It is impossible to quarantine NY in place.
Tue Mar 24 18:45:51
"Shitty businesses should not be propped up by the government."

translation: businesses that were successful when they were operating shouldn't be helped by the government after the government forces them to close indefinitely.

you act as though the only overhead a company (A) has is payroll. you ignore product that needs to be moved or else it sits on shelves collecting dust or worse is a perishable item that goes completely to waste, you ignore electricity bills, mortgage bills that need to be paid. you ignore that the company (B) that provides company (A) with the product is not sitting on product it needs to move and is further screwed once businesses do open up again because are making jack shit until company (A) needs to order more product all while still having to pay their mortgage bills and electricity bills etc.

you aren't stupid hood, you are just intellectually lazy as fuck.
Tue Mar 24 18:47:46
as an aside, i would also state that business will not resume to it's booming self it was a month ago. it will take a long time (if it ever does) for people to be comfortable shopping in brick and mortar stores once the virus is contained. hell, this virus might end pretty much all brick and mortar stores as everyone is finding out how much easier and now safer it is to order online.
Tue Mar 24 19:36:43
Product sitting on a shelf has minimal expense. It was already paid for, it still has worth. Even the shittiest of run businesses (that are actually viable, obvs) has covered the cost of obtaining the product (or making it themselves). There's theoretically no issues whatsoever with putting a business on freeze for a month if the employees are obtaining money to survive from an alternate source (like the govt sending everyone checks). If what you make has no demand during a pandemic when people don't want to go outside, just fucking wait. The biggest reason businesses so often need to operate on a money-in-money-out basis is because they DO need to pay employees. But if that aspect is covered, just about everything else can be paused.

"needs to order more product"

Again, that's only if they're operating. If nobody is buying, there's no reason to keep supplying. You don't have to order more if you still have inventory. You just have to be able to wait.

And if you are so incompetent in running a business that you can't rough it for a few months, you should be out of business. If you can't afford a loan from the bank to keep your floor space yours, you should be out of business.

"i would also state that business will not resume to it's booming self it was a month ago"

I would argue that business wasn't booming a month ago. It was operating as usual. The stock market was the only thing that was booming. All of the shitty temp jobs, part time jobs, contract work that people were taking that had artificially lowered unemployment is evaporating.

I'm really just amazed at what you'll spend your money on. Making sure the rich fucks abusing 95%+ of the US stay rich? Pile on the cash! Helping 95%+ of the US live with a minimum respectability? Nah, fuck 'em.

If business wants a bailout, they should pay more in taxes and stop hoarding.


Corporate cash holdings are literally larger than the rough estimate of bailout that would be slated for business. And you want to shovel more money their way? Why?
Wed Mar 25 01:05:15
Hood, "
They're also focusing on spending money on people, not imaginary constructs."

I have agreed that the corporate welfare in this is BS. That said to give 35 million to the Kennedy Center isn't any better. Right now the people need help, this is not the time for either to add pork barrel bs.
Wed Mar 25 10:16:26
On rednecks and their stupidity, I got a tip that the local Walmart south of me in a shittier part of town had paper towels, so I went there last night.

No paper towels, but I did see a group of armed rednecks buying groceries together. I guess they felt the need to stick together in case coronavirus attacks?
Wed Mar 25 15:02:39
"But if that aspect is covered, just about everything else can be paused."

I have yet to see any states or localities suspended property taxes.

Don't see banks suspending commercial mortgages or leases, either.
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