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Utopia Talk / Politics / The end of Trump
Fri Mar 20 21:50:17
Just like everything else that the Trump hawks claimed was " the end of a Trump presidency"

From day one he has shown a skill to walk through the sewers and smell like roses.


Most Americans now* approve of his handling the pandemic.

Fri Mar 20 21:51:15
TW, May be right though about Trump having a deal with the Devil.
the wanderer
Fri Mar 20 21:57:35
you mean now that he 'changed his tone', his approval went up? not shocking

if stupid people want to believe he's a different person, they can be stupid

also 55% approval on just this issue is shit, and he was claiming 74% or something like 1-2 weeks ago
Fri Mar 20 22:08:53
RemindMe! 30 days

Like Trump, his supporters are shortsighted idiots. Just look at the stock market picture he signed one week ago.

Fucking idiot.
Fri Mar 20 22:29:09
Tw, It's likely not enough for say reelection. However many were claiming his early fuck ups would be his undoing, iirc you were not one of them.

Now there is still a lot to play out in this, so who knows.

Idk what he claimed but i thinknwe can all agree most politicians exaggerate , Trump even more than most.
Fri Mar 20 22:30:34
My favorite headline was " Trumps numbers are almost as good as the ones he seems to just make up"
Wed Mar 25 00:39:49

Jergul still thunksnits a slam dunk For Biden.
large member
Wed Mar 25 04:27:32
44.7 approval rating.

Do you want me to give you a new 10 000 universes forecast? Anything can happen, I no longer find it interesting to engage in speculation that Trump might win in 2020. But do have fun with this year's 5 trillion dollar deficit. ROFL.

The main change on the prediction is we may need to factor in elections not being held in November.

Wed Mar 25 05:41:47
Average Ameriacn
Wed Mar 25 06:57:08
Next elections should not be held until Dow is above 30K again because that would be the end of the crisis. Election during a crisis is unfair!
large member
Wed Mar 25 07:46:06
Lols@what exactly?



The heathcare system has not been overwhelmed. Social distancing is still in effect in November and elections will be extremely hard to do.


The healthcare system has been overwhelmed. Herd immunity gained after mass infections killed off 1-6 million Americans. Social distancing no longer has a function. Elections can proceed as normal.
Wed Mar 25 09:22:06

Stop it with the universe nonsense. Use percentages like a normal human being.

Anyway, to add to pillz's point:

"An ABC News/Ipsos poll released Friday reports that 55 percent of respondents approve of Trump’s management of the public health crisis, while 43 percent disapprove."


Getting tired of winning so much!
Wed Mar 25 10:05:05
Polls prove over half the country is stupid on a daily basis. Why is this one impressive?
Wed Mar 25 10:10:10
Jergul, Meh , 2 trillion sounds like a lot but it's comparatively on point, Denmark for example, Germany going through with a big spending bill. We normally run like 22 trillion dollar economy.
Wed Mar 25 10:10:39
Among other things, it undermines the establishment media's narrative that the president is completely failing at his job. The people see through the lies.
Wed Mar 25 10:18:40
He is failing at his job, regardless of coronavirus.

Everyone with half a brain has known that an economic downturn was coming and that fat reality tv hosting fuck and his buddies passed a budget with a $1.5 trillion deficit in it.

So now that the US actually needs deficit spending, instead of a reasonable amount, the budget this year is going to like $4 trillion in deficit spending. That is like me racking $200,000 worth of credit card debt in one year.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Mar 25 10:24:50
"Among other things, it undermines the establishment media's narrative that the president is completely failing at his job. The people see through the lies."

Or a lot of people are retarded fucking sheep, which is what is really going on.
Wed Mar 25 10:34:37

As misguided as they are, that's no way to talk about Democratic voters.
Wed Mar 25 10:37:26

I'm not sure how you could realistically get the deficit down in the age of divided government. Any real progress on that front would require entitlement reforms, which are DOA in the House.

Trump admittedly hasn't glorified himself on this matter, but theres plenty of blame to go around.
Wed Mar 25 10:42:58
Or raise taxes, especially on corps and the wealthy. Instead, they passed a tax cut despite a large deficit. He championed that.
Wed Mar 25 10:49:08
Just a reminder:
Corporations had ~1.6 trillion in liquid cash assets in November 2019. But they "need a bailout" and "pay too much in taxes."
Wed Mar 25 12:50:33

Not all corporations are the same. I highly doubt a company like, say, Apple needs a bailout any time soon. At the same time, low-margin companies probably should get one ASAP so they dont start laying off workers in order to cover April's rent.


Well, what else would you expect from the part of supply-side economics?

Really though, the entire budgetary process is throughly broken at this point. The majority of the budget automatically renews every year regardless, and there are few incentives to reduce the spending that is discretionary. Until debt ratios start causing investors to actually worry about US credit worthiness, things can pretty much continue on indefinitely as they are.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Mar 25 15:12:48
Rugian's posts look a lot like the bleating of a retarded sheep.
large member
Wed Mar 25 16:20:26
The 2 trillion comes on top of the 1.3 trillion you are already running. My guesstimate is that you will land on 5 trillion for this calendar year. Give or take a trillion.

Some austerity when the economy was strong. But no. Must inflate the stock market.

Wed Mar 25 17:49:24
Jergul, What specifically is ypur point? Its a world wide crisis people need help. If the US didn't help out the public you woupd be blaming them for that and calling it the fall of the US.

Norway with its great preparedness ( and im being serious) isn't fairing so well either with unemployment like that of WW2.All while oil which is 20% of the GDP is crashing.

Denmark has a package of 13% of normal GDP.That would be like 2.5 trillion.

The dax has fared worse than the Dow.
large member
Wed Mar 25 19:32:19
Norway has had huge budget surpluses for decades. People laid off (they are not fired) are getting about the same in benefits as they did in wages.

My point is that you entered the crisis with unsustainable debt accumulation due to Trump's policies before covid.

And you are building on that.
Wed Mar 25 19:57:57
Jergul, We had crazy debt before Trump.

Even now, it's bad but not impossible to fix.

Besides who better to find a way to weasel out of debt than Trump.
Wed Mar 25 20:46:39
"Besides who better to find a way to weasel out of debt than Trump."


Trump weaseled out of debt by pushing it onto everyone else he was working with. In this case, that would be the taxpayers.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 25 22:03:15
"We had crazy debt before Trump."

Trump -raised- the deficit... a lot...
which also suggests he's not great at fighting debt

and bankruptcy & screwing over banks were his tricks... such that no bank now will lend to him except the criminal enterprise known as Deutsche Bank
Wed Mar 25 22:21:27
Obama increased the debt a tremendous amount, as did GWB before him.

I know I know though, ots Trump he is pure evil etc. Anything that he does is horrible.

If he gives people money he, you notch that he is raising the debt, if he did not you would claim he is destroying the country and has no compassion for the people.

No matter what he does you will bitch and moan.
Wed Mar 25 22:36:16
"Criticism isn't valid because you don't like the person."

- hot habebe

Stroke out. Or at least just fucking leave. We were already rid of the senile version. Now you're just ruining the glory of rod's death.
Wed Mar 25 22:39:51
Of course hood comes in with his simple minded name calling and a complete lack of intelligent thought.

You would argue that fire was cold if cnn told you so.
Wed Mar 25 22:55:56
I don't watch CNN, but thanks for playing, tard.

I also don't bother arguing with people who refuse to acknowledge reality. But I'll certainly call them out on their absurdity and horrific stupidity.
Wed Mar 25 22:58:00
You prove my point further.
large member
Wed Mar 25 23:25:06
Not the taxpayer habebe. Debt accumulation by definition is spending above revenue from the tax base.

So the Federal Reserve for example. Or institutional buyers of treasury notes and bonds. Or skitish privat investors who charged into the fray for the glory of minus 0,13% interest (buy a short term note for 101 dollars. Get 100 dollar back when the note matures.

All this might work out fine. Or it might work out like it did for the Chavistas. Time will tell.
Thu Mar 26 00:01:51
Your only point is "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!"
Thu Mar 26 00:06:47
There there Hood, go to your safe space, it will be ok.

Jergul, Well, to that end I agree. Time will tell.

On one hand history teaches us all great nations fade eventually.You can hope the US will faulter in your life time.
Thu Mar 26 00:08:57
You're about as clever as hot rod too. It's really fucking uncanny. Are you related? Are you the child he kidnapped those decades ago? Did you... find his computer at a garage sale?
Thu Mar 26 00:11:49
Aren't you the actual homosexual? I mean all jokes aside.
Thu Mar 26 00:13:26
You're clearly confusing me with a different group you have irrational hatred for. I'm the jew.
Thu Mar 26 00:16:23
My mistake then. Surely ypur used to that though. I have no hatred of gays.
Thu Mar 26 00:18:37
As I said earlier, extreme deficiency in wit.
Thu Mar 26 00:20:20
Its ok.Im sure you have other qualities.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 26 00:20:57
Obama started w/ over a $1 trillion deficit, so debt would've gone way up no matter who was president

Trump raised the -deficit- (a lot, back up to $1 trillion), not just the debt (& that was before the corona virus issue... as i noted Trump fans will just ignore all the damage Trump did beforehand... you're already dismissing it entirely)
Thu Mar 26 00:24:00
Tw, I'm only partially dismissing it. I'm not thrilled about it, but no one is perfect, and there are no better alternatives.
Thu Mar 26 00:28:06
There are plenty, back here in reality.
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