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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trumps speech
Wed Mar 11 20:13:10
So far even the media seems to like it ( watching ABC/Stephanopoulos)
Wed Mar 11 20:14:46
1. Banning travel with Europe ( except the UK)

2. Giving 50 billion to workers effected.

3. Giving tax credits to small businesses effected.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 20:17:51
I object to calling it Trumps speech

also, fuck you Europe! Trump had it fully contained if not for you!
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 20:21:55
compare the tone of this to Trumps standard dismissive comments when he's not reading others words
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 20:30:41
any commentator praising Trump for now taking issue seriously is an idiot... how is it so hard to not notice TelePrompTer Trump has no connection to actual Trump
Wrath of Orion
Wed Mar 11 20:38:49
I have yet to see any indication he's taking anything except the economic impact seriously. It's a valid concern and needs to be dealt with, but it's definitely not the only concern.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 20:58:07
will be a bit tricky for Hannity and Ingraham types to connect their media-hoax-to-tank-markets theory with Trump banning travel from Europe
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 21:37:19
Trump said the Europe ban also applied to cargo/trade

White House has clarified that the Europe ban DOES NOT apply to goods and trade

oops... just a minor adjustment there...
Wed Mar 11 21:44:10
Habebe proving he’s a fucking moron yet again. Stock futures went down after speech. All the policies are fucking stupid d won’t stop the spread.

Need mass-testing at the very least. This is going to get really really bad ...
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 22:04:20
"Trump's claim tonight that health insurers "have agreed to waive all copayments for coronavirus treatments" seems to be news to them.

“For testing. Not for treatment.” a spokesperson for the major insurance lobby AHIP says."
~ some reporter

Yikes... just disregard everything he said as usual, I guess
Wed Mar 11 22:17:41
For someone with an open marriage Dukhat sure is angry all the time.Definitley sounds like he isnt the won getting laid.

Wed Mar 11 22:27:39
*yawn* You elected an idiot for president because of your hatred for hillary and libs. Just because you voted out of hate doesn't mean the rest of us live that way.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 22:35:38
the travel ban Trump announced also has had many clarifications

here's some info (i vouch for none of it):
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 22:38:11

The Trump administration explains that the "Europe" ban Trump announced does not only exempt the UK but exempts all countries not in the Schengen Area travel zone, such as Ireland, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and more.

i wonder what it would've been like if Trump had announced the travel & trade ban while stock market was open
large member
Wed Mar 11 23:44:42
I wonder what was unclear about the seriousness of the Chinese outbreak that cost the US two month in time to prepare.
Wed Mar 11 23:48:07
Trump being a fucking idiot and surrounding himself with loyalists.
the wanderer
Thu Mar 12 00:05:59
re: 'two months to prepare'

according to Trump they had it solved... but:

"The EU failed to take the same precautions & restrict travel from China & other hotspots. As a result, a large number of new clusters in the US were seeded by travelers from Europe"


that's in ^that video clip the White House has up even though full of misinformation (including the trade/cargo ban that isn't happening)
Thu Mar 12 01:35:19
” The EU failed to take the same precautions & restrict travel from China & other hotspots. As a result, a large number of new clusters in the US were seeded by travelers from Europe"

Well, Trump failed to take precautions and restrict travel from China, Europe and other hot spots. As a result a large number of people in the US are now infected.
Thu Mar 12 02:44:44
Too little, too late.
large member
Thu Mar 12 03:01:51
Talk about weaponizing the lack of test kits. The US tests very few people and uses the lack of confirmed infected as an argument for why protecting itself from countries that have done a lot of testing, so have a lot of confirmed cases.

Now that testing has ramped up somewhat in the US, you see its cases increase by 40% a day compared to Italy's 23%.

But sure. The infection is obviously coming from abroad. On direct flights from Italy to Seatle. If such flights even exist.
large member
Thu Mar 12 03:10:47
The actual infection rate is something around 15-20% a day without countermeasures. So even Italy is not fully up to date with its testing rate.
Thu Mar 12 05:17:46
Well Maine with a population of 1.332 million has their testing program up and running and so far we have NO positives. We have tested 47 and 42 are negative with the other 5 pending. So there I feel real safe.

Was reading a little while ago what the symptoms are and I think me and my wife had coronavirus back in Nov. Dec. I had all those symptoms a couple of days before Thanksgiving and didn't shake it till after the New Year.
large member
Thu Mar 12 05:19:33
That would make you patient 0 for the global pandemic.

I trust main has a "healthy" bat population that fuels your view. :).
Thu Mar 12 05:33:46
We used to have a lot of bats, but they have taken a severe hit with some kind of disease that has been killing them off in the thousands if not tens of thousands.
I actually like bats because they eat their weight in mosquitoes and other bugs daily.

Damn, I always wanted to be a world leader :)
Average Ameriacn
Thu Mar 12 05:33:49
The virus is a foreigner. Without the wall and the mulslim ban we would now have much more foreign viruses in the USA.

Also we should make China and Europe pay for the medical bills of all Americans just like Mexico paid for the wall.
Thu Mar 12 05:41:14
At any one time, there are multiple flu and cold strains running around in any one area.

Because these viruses spread so easily, they also mutate easily and evade vaccines.

The Coronavirus may have already infected many but if we all just exercise good hygiene and consideration for others (stay at home if you feel sick, just avoid people in general), it will slow the spread and the pandemic will be manageable.
sam adams
Thu Mar 12 06:18:08
"they have taken a severe hit with some kind of disease that has been killing them off in the thousands if not tens of thousands."

White nose syndrome.
large member
Thu Mar 12 06:33:55
I am not embarrassed to say that I did check Maine's bat population after posting. Just to see if it was the bat capital of NA or something. So I learned of the white nose syndrome.

Never a day without gaining useful, new knowledge I say.

Words to live by!
Wrath of Orion
Thu Mar 12 07:52:44
I'm curious how you think knowing about Maine's bats is going to be useful to you.
large member
Thu Mar 12 07:58:50
I was being ironic. I doubt it will ever come in handy beyond the limited utility value I milked it for now.
large member
Thu Mar 12 08:00:45
Or did you mean how I would tease patom with it? I don't know. I was just checking out if there was more tease potential. There was none.
Thu Mar 12 08:15:06
So the travel ban doesn't affect the UK for some reason. Oh wait, all of Trump's golf's courses are there.

That can't be the real reason the UK isn't banned right? Because anyone in the EU can simply take a connecting flight in the UK and evade Trump's stupid travel ban.

Trump is a fucking retard.
Thu Mar 12 10:36:18
The bat population all across New England and some mid Atlantic states has taken a severe hit from the White Nose Syndrome. But I have a feeling that they are doing well around my house in that we have very little problem with mosquitoes. Even the black flies aren't that bad here.
We do have a very healthy dragon fly population which also eat mosquito larvae.
Now if we could take care of the deer tick population it would be helpful. Lyme disease is a bitch.
Thu Mar 12 10:39:37
jergul, I just discovered that "Lillyhammer" has been canceled by Netflix. I was just getting the hang of the Norwegian language and customs :(
Thu Mar 12 11:08:16
7% circuit breaker hit within minutes of the market opening.

Trump's dumb fuck speech accomplished nothing. Investors know that Trump's lack of action is close to what Iran and Italy did in the beginning.

Un-Fuck-ing believable how fucking stupid he is.

Trump is literally what would happen if Rugian, Pillz, and Forwyn all mixed their sperm in a bottle to create the perfect representation of toxic masculinity and willful ignorance.
Thu Mar 12 13:56:07
Well that speech went over like a lead balloon.
Thu Mar 12 13:58:50
Paton, I have a good Dragonfly populatuon here. But the mosquitos are terrible, ive been wanting to get some bats.
Thu Mar 12 15:35:43
Go on line, they sell bat houses that are supposed to attract them. When we lived on the lake and went out in a boat after dark we would use the spot light and shine it around. You would be amazed at how many of them were flying all around us.
Of course that was before white nose syndrome took its toll on them.
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