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Utopia Talk / Politics / Biden's outburstt
Wed Mar 11 11:20:14
Now me personally? I kind of liked it, it was a real human moment.

If Trump had physically threatened a voter the Trumpers would have downplayed it and the left would need a safe place and claim Trump was trying to go out and beat up voters and was deranged and dangerous.

Does anyone have the written full script?
large member
Wed Mar 11 11:26:02
Trump tried to get a mob to punch someone in the face.

Your memory is horribly selective.

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump lashed out at a rally in Nevada on Monday night, telling a crowd he wanted to punch a protester in the face. “The guards are being very gentle with him,” Trump said of a protester who was ejected from the event. “I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you that.” Trump continued that he missed the “good old days,” when a man like the person escorted from the event would “be carried out on a stretcher.”

The web.
Wed Mar 11 11:40:38
He never directly threaten3d physical violence at someone such as

"Shut up or else I will kick the shit out of you"

They are different.

Biden literally said

“This is not okay, alright?” the worker said, to which Biden responded, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face.”

Also. When Trump did that. The left wemt nuts.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 12:00:34
Trump would never threaten to attack someone as he's a chickenshit coward... he asks his cultists & henchmen to attack people
large member
Wed Mar 11 12:02:55
You are right. It is different. Encouraging mob violence is far, far worse.

Anyway, pick your lane. Is Biden old and decrepit, or is he someone who will follow through with violence?
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 12:05:52
also, i don't see Biden ever saying the 'go outside/slap you in face' part so no threat of violence... what are you citing?

i see some headlines that he did, not backed up by anything, claiming he said it right after "full of shit"... but he doesn't say it if you watch video
Wed Mar 11 12:06:54
So you two would prefer that Trump physically threaten more voters?
Wed Mar 11 12:13:17
The media has gone into full Biden Protection Mode now that hes the presumptive nominee. From now to November they're not going to cover him in any way that might damage his chances of winning. If they have to ignore his obvious senility and outbursts, well that's just the cost of getting Orange Man out of the White House.
Wed Mar 11 12:19:36
My point is that neither behavior is the best behavior.

Both sides will downplay it when it favors them to do so and hawk it when they see it as the " other side"
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 12:34:43
i see no evidence of Biden threatening a voter at all... so not downplaying anything
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 12:36:49
Trump never speaks directly w/ people of opposing views or maybe you'd see him have outbursts too

he's known for violent rage w/ his staff who tell him not to commit crimes or who note reality
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 13:18:09
Trump repeatedly assaulting an American businessman
and then Trump forced the guy's wife to work for him, perhaps under threat of more violence
Wed Mar 11 13:27:30
Tw, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face.”

Isn't threatening?
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 13:37:33
do you have video of that happening?

i can hear maybe a 'come outside with you' portion when he's upset, i see absolutely nothing about a slap

so ok, he should work on his anger a bit, but it didn't seem like he was just about to strike the guy

it's hardly comparable to Trump's problems

but if you want some mild criticism, there you go
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 13:43:24
best clip i've found (seems complete)

0:50 some indication of the 'outside' language, but no slapping threat... and doesn't seem like a serious attempt to fight, all temper issue

the better criticism would be Biden not knowing enough details about guns
Wed Mar 11 14:29:12
I'll look around for vids/texts , some of them are difficult to hear, I believe its from a phone cam.

And I agree, in my view it was more of an aggressive tone in his defense of the issue than actually planning to hit him.

That said I think the same of Trumps " Id like to punch him in the face"

I chalk this up to there age more than anything they dont come.from am era of safe spaces.

If anything it makes me like JB a little more, he comes off as more grandpa like.
Wed Mar 11 14:34:44
Editor's note: An earlier version of this article quoted Biden as saying, "Don't tell me that, pal, or I'm going to go out and slap you in the face." An alternate angle of the interaction shows Biden instead said, "I'm going to go outside with you, man."

So, possibly miss reported, finding conflicting articles.

But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
the wanderer
Wed Mar 11 14:37:38
if protesters of Trump were harmed he would laugh & cheer (probably w/ attempt to only do in private)... there would be no instinct to criticize the behavior... a staffer would have to write a tweet for him

same is not true for Biden (or any other presidential candidate i can think of)
Wed Mar 11 15:54:46
Habebe> "If Trump had physically threatened a voter the Trumpers would have downplayed it and the left would need a safe place and claim Trump was trying to go out and beat up voters and was deranged and dangerous."

LMAO, Trump doesn't confront anyone directly. He always has a crowd of his fans and body guards between himself and his targets before he runs his mouth.

Wed Mar 11 17:24:49
"He always has a crowd of his fans and body guards between himself and his targets before he runs his mouth."

That is simply good planning and shows he is in control of his outbursts. Biden by comparison just goes off without any planning or thought of consequence.
Wed Mar 11 17:49:10
The gun guy reminds me of Plumber Joe when Obama was running for office.
Wed Mar 11 18:51:39
Patom, If this guy wasnt a plant how much do you want to bet je will be used like Joenthe Plumber now, Fox already has him doing interviews.
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