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Utopia Talk / Politics / Hillary's emails, new ruling
Tue Mar 03 12:06:50
She must open them up. Also since she can't be prosecuted due to statute of limitations she can't plead the 5th and noy answer.

large member
Tue Mar 03 12:08:08
She can just plead executive privilege covers it and let the higher courts decide in a year or so.
large member
Tue Mar 03 12:09:33
Did you even read your link? She is supposed to talk about here state of mind, not "open them up" or whatever that means.
Tue Mar 03 12:20:24
Well she has to explain them/ dig into them.

She can appeal, but she would have to go through Barr, you know that , right?
Tue Mar 03 12:32:08
And there very well could be more new emails, the big complaint from the judge was that the emails "trickled out"

Bottom line, as much as I despise her, she isn't stupid.

She knew what she was doing, she was trying to hide shit.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 12:37:24
just another stupid effort by piece of shit "Judicial Watch" whose only member you ever see is Tom Fitton (a frequent Trump-twitter/Fox-'News' guest as he feeds them what they want to hear... baseless anti-Dem speculation)

they are fishing for more molehills to turn into mountains
Tue Mar 03 12:41:11
I have no reason To argue this is not politically motivated.

I doubt there is anything earth shaking left to discover.

However Google has been subpoenaed to turn over any other emails it may have that have not been turned over.
Tue Mar 03 13:28:04
'piece of shit "Judicial Watch"'

lol @ tw ramblings
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 13:29:45
i see Tom Fitton (aka Judicial Watch) on Trump's timeline... he/it is indeed shit
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 13:34:17
and apparently Tom has heard my frequent criticism of him as i just checked his twitter to show examples but found i'm blocked :p

Twitter should tell you when people block you
Tue Mar 03 13:36:28
His bias does not undermine his generally valid cases against Democrat corruption.

Nothing wrong with a left-wing analogue, either
large member
Tue Mar 03 13:39:33
She can just refuse and say she was protected by executive privilege. We will then see in a year or so if she needs to give a disposition.
large member
Tue Mar 03 13:40:13
Anyway. Corona. None of this small stuff matters. Teflon is back.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 13:49:53
his obvious bias -does- undermine

this might be what got me blocked

Trump tweeted out video of Tom Fitton on Lou Dobbs (3 pieces of garbage):

Fitton saying: "[The Deep State] is concerned that AG Barr might do the right thing and they are desperate to do everything to stop him from prosecuting the criminal gangs that targeted Donald Trump and other innocent Americans.”

i questioned the use of 'criminal gangs' (TOTAL NONSENSE) & noted just another of the constant disgusting false accusations by this propagandist & his group

'Judicial Watch'(Tom) totally accepts the notion the FBI/DOJ corruptly went after Trump even though NOTHING shows that, they also went after the Uranium One 'scandal' (which could NOT have happened, thus it didn't happen, investigation closed)... i'm sure involved in nearly every 'scandal' Fox has ever mentioned

and Fox News happily invites him on to make these claims, & Trump happily tweets it out, a nice circle-jerk of misinformation

Tue Mar 03 14:02:36
The year is 2075. Congress has finally found inconclusive proof that Hillary Clinton fucked up on her e-mails. Her remains will be dug up from the Clinton library and buried at Maro Largo.
Tue Mar 03 14:05:36
The year is 2075. Congress has finally found inconclusive proof that Hillary Clinton fucked up on her e-mails. Her remains will be dug up from the Clinton library and buried at Maro Largo.ZZZzzzzzzzzzz
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 14:12:29
also, let's note this ruling will be enough to get Tom booked on all the typical Fox News shows, where he will recklessly speculate about all the scandalous things that he might turn up... it doesn't even matter if she never sits for the depo or if nothing comes out of it (as it won't)

in the age of Trump (& the garbage of Fox), the speculation is good enough

just like how Trump was most interested in -announcement- of Biden investigations rather than actually doing the investigations
Tue Mar 03 14:12:29
I'm glad [The Deep State] has you to shill for them, tw, against "constant disgusting false accusations".
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 14:17:31
what is your evidence of 'criminal gangs' in the FBI targeting Trump?
Tue Mar 03 14:25:24
These are politically motivated, much like Mueller and Impeachment.

This is nothing new.

Jergul, Cam she claim exec. Privilege with out appealing the ruling?
Tue Mar 03 15:14:40
Also, I dont know if EP powers are held by people not currently in office.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 15:31:53
anybody can claim it under this regime... in fact don't even need to claim it, just claim you theoretically could claim it even if you can't

see Corey Lewandowski
Tue Mar 03 15:40:38
Damn activist judges.
Tue Mar 03 15:49:17
He, Wouldn't it the sitting executive branch?

I'm no constitutional attorney. But I know EP stems from the separations of powers.

Is there any precedence?

At the end of the day, even if she could, doesnt matter as i think we all can agree this still serves its purpose which is to cast doubt on her credibility.

Im actually rather interested to hear her new podcast. She is a big believer in conspiracy theories.
the wanderer
Tue Mar 03 16:04:47
if this random dork can successfully subpoena Hillary over years-old / extensively-investigated shit, i wonder how many people will be waiting to subpoena Trump once his 'above the law' shield is removed
large member
Tue Mar 03 16:29:40
Corona is the new teflon. All the small shit matters no more. Except when ((someone)) who should be talking about Corona talks about small shit instead.

Tue Mar 03 16:29:45
He will be pushing 80 by the time he is out of office.
large member
Tue Mar 03 16:40:23
Thats nothing. Biden will be pushing mid 80s by the time he leaves office.
large member
Tue Mar 03 16:46:49
Corona will be too big for Trump to counterfactually declare victory on habebe.
Tue Mar 03 17:48:06
Jergul, How many times have we heard this about what will destroy Trump next. He has talent of turning a negative into a positive.
Tue Mar 03 17:49:59
So now your thinking Biden will win? Not BB anymore?

Just like i called it that his negatives once he was better vetted would.be his downfall.
large member
Tue Mar 03 18:08:27
Destroy Trump? He will get Pence to pardon him through adroit use of the 25th amendment if he does not pardon himself. He will be fine, but should eat better.

You cannot counterfact dying voters. He has to actually do a good job.

You should call your mom. Today's probabilities are valid only today.
Tue Mar 03 18:19:02
I honestly think he will.

I see both of my parents almost daily because my dad's health issues.
Tue Mar 03 18:30:34
Ive already been trying to keep them from going out as much as they normally do ( he still drives with one leg)

But he is 66, heart disease/enlarged heart, diabetes and one leg so if he gets a cold he will immediately have to be hospitalized because of the uncertainty of covid.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Wed Mar 25 03:45:53
Wed Mar 25 05:17:45
If he gets sick in the next 3 months, he will die.

He may not have Covid or be sick because of it but once he enters any hospital, he will get it because dumbshit Trump was playing golf instead of preparing this country with more ventilators or PPE (or making PPE/Ventilators to help the countries under attack at the time).

Wed Mar 25 05:18:10
Which is to say, healthcare workers will almost all certainly get infected from lack of equipment.
Wed Mar 25 05:45:12
Even in Italy, not everyone dies.

But cuckhat is going to keep fear mongering that everyone is going to die.

Politicians and anyone who advocated for quarantine is retarded.

Compare stats for H1n1 with this. We're going to see less than 1 million dead globally from this (about 4x the number from H1n1.

The entire global lockdown is bullshit to see how badly cuckhat wants big government dick in his ass

Wed Mar 25 06:45:14
Pillz coming in here with some more of his idiocy. Young and hateful. A devastating combination. One day he’ll wake up fatter, uglier, balder and wonder why he wasted his life being a hateful shit.

Or he will die alone in some ratty little apartment like hot rod.

Lets be honest, it’ll be the latter.
large member
Wed Mar 25 07:48:37
For that 1 million number of yours. How many people would have been infected globally to get that?

I trust you mean 1 million in 2020 btw.
Wed Mar 25 12:13:34
Million in all. Won't estimate case number now. Absolutely no consistency in reporting across districts or countries.

The final tally will come years later. But this ends in 2020
Wed Mar 25 14:13:12
Pillz has a Hunch
Just like Donald Trump
Wed Mar 25 17:50:21
I'm sure jergul's right, humanity will come to an end over a cold.
large member
Wed Mar 25 19:26:27
A number hovering around 1% of a population will not end humanity.
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