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Utopia Talk / Politics / Donald Trump saved the world
Thu Feb 13 00:28:49

US had largest CO2 decline on a country basis in 2019

Thu Feb 13 07:44:14
Now that's a monumental spin job. Let's bring in actual facts:


The report that your article referenced provided raw numbers. Considering just how much CO2 the US produces, we easily have the most opportunity to reduce said emissions. Raw numbers is cool, but not really noteworthy. The US decline was below the world average, which kinda muddies that picture. Whoops.

The article you provided gave Trump the credit, yet the report it referenced noted that the massive decrease in coal use within the US was the main driver of our reduced emissions. Considering Trump's extended campaign of trying to save coal jobs and coal powerplants, it's incredibly disingenuous to suggest that it was Trump's doing. In fact, it was by actions exactly opposed to Trump's plans that were at the heart of this decrease. Industry and market forces is responsible for the decrease, not Trump's attempts to give coal a lifeline.
Thu Feb 13 08:44:07
Nobody has done more for the climate than Trump has. Trust me nobody understand climate like Trump does. This is 4D chess my friend.

Thu Feb 13 09:39:29
Also lots of pollution is no longer tracked because Trump's administration is so short-staffed in key areas and Trump also relaxed regulations in general.

Idiocracy at work.
Thu Feb 13 13:10:39
Hood, Admittedly intitled the thread as an attention grabber.

The article doesnt even technically mention Trump getting credit , but it does hint at it with his pic and the paris agreement.

However, I will say this Trump has pushed for NG ( and oil) and has eased restrictions allowing the US to produce some more (even though we were headed that direction already)

So I would say that in reality he may have helped some, but probably in the ball park of 5% in reality.

For shits and giggles id like to compare stats from Paris accord nations and compate it to market forces ( coal isnt as cheap ad NG)

Shale gas did play a large role from what I gather.
Thu Feb 13 13:30:36
"The US decline was below the world average, which kinda muddies that picture. Whoops."

According to the article outside of the US and countries in the EU only Japan reduced emissions. Asian area countries increased emissions to offset reductions in the US and EU so world wide there was not a reduction. I'm thinking that means US in fact was not below average.

THe US isn't near the percentage of reduction the EU has managed but this does show there is no reason for the US to be in the Paris Accord.
Thu Feb 13 19:13:34
More cuckservatives cherry-picking data to fit the conclusion they already arrived at. If the US is already meeting targets (and only short-term targets at that because of a natural gas boom that will pass), then it should be in the agreement to help lend it credibility and pressure noncompliant countries to meet their targets better.

The US has huge regulatory and monitoring holes still because of Trump staffing the EPA with cronies. So we may not actually be meeting our goals anyways with regards to things like natural gas leaks not being flared off at fracking sites.
Thu Feb 13 19:29:07
The agreement was pure shit. The last thing we need is for other countries to think it was somehow legitimate. If all countries followed their commitment (and there was zero reason to do so) pollution would increase.
There are better ways to get other countries to start reducing emmissions.
Thu Feb 13 20:03:07
"Considering Trump's extended campaign of trying to save coal jobs and coal powerplants"

Honest question, has Trump actually submitted any proposals or backed significant legislation towards such goals, or has he just blown smoke up the asses of coal towns?

"then it should be in the agreement to help lend it credibility and pressure noncompliant countries to meet their targets better."

How is handing out money with no strings attached pressuring them?
Thu Feb 13 20:40:28
Depends on the article you read Forwyn. Some say President Trump is saving the coal industry and some have a headline saying he has done basically nothing. One from several months back has a headline that the president of the labor union says coal is not back and the article goes on to say President Trump hasn't done as promised. THe full statement is if you are talking about the job numbers we had ten years ago then no coal mining is not back. he also said rolling back some of President Obama's regulations has helped the coal industry.

So basically if you like President Trump he is doing something and if you don't like him he isn't. Most the coal industry is frustrated with President Trump that he hasn't supported a bill that would guarantee pensions.
Thu Feb 13 21:55:14
"Honest question, has Trump actually submitted any proposals or backed significant legislation towards such goals, or has he just blown smoke up the asses of coal towns?"

He's tried and failed.
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