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Utopia Talk / Politics / Colbert on Senate vote
Thu Feb 06 10:19:39
In my old age I can never stay awake this late and have honestly never seen this show. I have to admit that this guy nailed it in this monologue:

Thu Feb 06 10:20:06
Thu Feb 06 10:26:11

You cant simultaneously be a critic of Fox News and a fan of Colbert. The guy's entire show consists of preaching to the choir on politics every night.
Thu Feb 06 10:30:30
What? Colbert is a comedian. FOX is supposed to be unbiasedly delivering news. It's entirely reasonable to find a comedian funny, whether they're biased or not, and be critical of a news organization that presents opinion as fact.
Thu Feb 06 10:33:28
"Colbert is a comedian"

No. He's a pundit that hides behind comedy.

Seriously, did we teleport back to 2008 or something? The Daily Show excuse of "we're not political shills, we're just comedians" is so ancient that I'm flash backing to the GWB years.
Thu Feb 06 10:42:50
Your insistence that your illusory alternate reality be accepted as fact is pretty tiring.
Thu Feb 06 10:54:43

I think you need to learn to shut the fuck up when you have no idea what you're talking about.

The fact that the Daily Show and its spinoff programs are considered a serious source of influence for the political leanings of younger viewers has only been known since the early 2000s.


Jon Stewart is leaving the ‘Daily Show.’ Where will young liberals get their news now?

By Aaron Blake
Senior reporter
February 11, 2015 at 6:30 AM EST

Jon Stewart is leaving the "Daily Show" at the end of the year. Stephen Colbert left the "Colbert Report" a few months ago to take over for David Letterman at CBS.

And as they head out the door, so do leading news sources for many of the youngest, most liberal Americans.

A 2012 poll from the Pew Research Center showed the two Comedy Central shows had some of the most liberal and youngest audiences in the media.

While 43 percent of adult "Report" viewers were between 18 and 29 years old, 39 percent of "Daily Show" viewers were. No other program or outlet tested had such a young audience.

Similarly, 43 percent of "Daily Show" viewers and 40 percent of "Report" viewers were liberals. Both ranked in the top five.

And fewer conservatives watched each program (14 percent of each's audience) than any show or outlet tested except MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show."

Of course, just because their audiences skew(ed) so young and liberal doesn't mean they are/were the leading source for young liberals.

But it's pretty evident they are/were up there. A survey for the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution last year showed 17 percent of liberals said they trusted the "Daily Show" to give them the most accurate information. It ranked behind only the broad category of "broadcast news."

As for young people, the same poll showed 17 percent of 18-to-29-year olds cited the "Daily Show" as the most accurate, behind only CNN. A 2004 Pew poll showed they were already consuming comedy-show news about as much as broadcast news, a 2009 automated Rasmussen poll showed many young people thought programs like the "Daily Show" and the "Report" would replace regular news, and they've only grown in popularity since then.

Thu Feb 06 10:57:09
And speaking as someone who actually watched both Stewart and Colbert nightly for years on ends I think I'm qualified to give an opinion on what their shows were.

If you cant see that both guys were fully taking advantage of their influence and standing (as "legitimate" sources of news) in order to steer their viewers to a certain viewpoint, then you're frankly retarded.
Thu Feb 06 10:58:42
Stewart and Colbert organized a political rally in DC for Gods sake. Is that "comedians" normally do?
Thu Feb 06 11:06:46
Rugian, never said I was a fan of Colbert. This is the first monologue I have ever seen of his. The simple fact is that he was spot on.

Don't care whether he's a comedian or a pundit. If he is wrong on his assessments then please point out what he is wrong about and put forth an alternative fact to refute what you think is wrong.
Thu Feb 06 11:15:00

I admit I can't do a good job of refuting Colbert's claims. Mostly because your link leads to a NY Times page that makes no mention of Colbert.
Thu Feb 06 11:24:43
It was on a YouTube link or so I thought. Don't know where I fucked up.
Thu Feb 06 11:24:59
Your sandy vagina is leaking again, babe.

Political comedy is still comedy, no matter how influential it may be. There's still a clear distinction between a comedian making political commentary on a program clearly identified as comedy and a news organization supposedly reporting facts.
Thu Feb 06 11:39:37

Distinction without a difference. Google it.
Thu Feb 06 11:47:25
Only in your fantasy world does that distinction not matter.
Thu Feb 06 11:59:53
Yeah, you're daft. It's impossible to go into Hannity or Carlson and not know what you're in for. They're there to feed you political opinions for 30-60 minutes, and you're stupid if you expected anything else.

Colbert and Stewart do they exact same thing, except they hide it behind a veneer of jokes and audience reactions.

If anything, Fox is more honest in that they at least label their opinion hosts as opinion.
Thu Feb 06 12:04:26
I wonder if there's a specific term for mass shared psychotic disorder? Beyond the obvious one, "Republican," of course.
Thu Feb 06 12:38:05
Thu Feb 06 22:50:22
You mean the term your borrowed from the Bush Era that noone uses because it reminds everyone of how right all the criticisms of Bush turned out to be and how the criticisms of Trump might be right too?

Please continue using that term dumbass.
smart dude
Thu Feb 06 23:47:58
"You cant simultaneously be a critic of Fox News and a fan of Colbert."

What? LOL. No wonder your ex got plowed by some other dude. You're retarded.
Fri Feb 07 04:31:36
"You cant simultaneously be a critic of Fox News and a fan of Colbert."

That's sort of like saying on the rare occasion when Trump says something good, I can't agree with him.
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