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Utopia Talk / Politics / Iowa
Mon Feb 03 14:31:47
Any predictions?

Feeling the Bern?
Renzo Marquez
Mon Feb 03 16:30:53
Can't gurney the Bernie!

But only because Tulsi has not shot.
Mon Feb 03 16:46:46
Bernie has had a problem in deciding if he is an independent, democrat, socialist or all of the previous.

I will say he has been relative consistent in his governmental philosophy and has a strong position in the primary. He seems to be a threat to the Democratic Party at minimum.
Renzo Marquez
Mon Feb 03 17:05:09
Tulsi and Bernie are the only opponents of the military industrial complex.
Mon Feb 03 17:06:16
I still feel the Bern.

TJ he has been consistent in his trying to help his constituents which probably explains why he wins re-election with a big majority every time he runs. You can't fool that many people for that long.

I hope he wins and keeps building momentum in N.H.
Mon Feb 03 17:12:37
Bernie is the only Democrat running that can really excite voters.

Also all the other supporters have polled saying they would vote for anyone to beat Trump but not Barbies, there was like a 20% gap.

Imho that's for two reasons.

1. People who like Bernie are Bernie supporters notnjust anti trump.

2. I think there is a lot more crossover in Bernie/ Trump voters. If bernie doesnt make it many ofnthose voters either wont vote or will vote Trump.

I hope some of ideas get a better look at atleast. We need HC.We need cheaper 2ndary schools.
Mon Feb 03 20:15:56
No surprise here...Trump wins Iowa.

the wanderer
Mon Feb 03 21:17:28
a large group of Yang people also don't want anyone but him, not that it's as large a group as Bernie people

Buttigieg seems to be doing decent, hopefully people will pay more attention... make having intelligence great again
Mon Feb 03 21:48:12
Buttigieg isnt my cup of tea but he isn't awful, Yang is one of the only people making the coming job crisis/automation.
Mon Feb 03 22:09:02
Sounds like it is a huge cluster fuck right now.
the wanderer
Mon Feb 03 22:55:57
a 99% chance Trump will baselessly claim it's an effort to screw Bernie
Mon Feb 03 23:51:20
The Rep. Caucus went well. 97% Trump 1.2 , 1.3 and 5% random write ins.

Well, there dors seem to be a segment of the Democratic party putting up a concerted effort against Bernie.

Maybe its secretly a plan from the "vast right wing conspiracy"....

Tue Feb 04 00:40:35
Lmao wtf? Dems looking kinda dumb right now.
Tue Feb 04 01:06:21
What you need to know

MAJOR DELAY IN RESULTS: Iowa Democratic officials say they're going over the paper trail of results from the caucuses after finding "inconsistencies" in the reporting.


I guess it takes longer than expected for them to fake a result?
Tue Feb 04 01:09:07
They have to "count" the votes "appropriately" *eyewink*

Probably making sure Biden wins.
Tue Feb 04 01:09:07
They have to "count" the votes "appropriately" *eyewink*

Probably making sure Biden wins.
Tue Feb 04 01:19:46
Cuckoo conspiracy theories and today's "conservatives." Name a more iconic duo.

And the reason this happens is because there is a paper trail so people's vote can be tallied accurately. Something that Republicans have been trying to destroy in every state they control so they can cheat more easily.
Tue Feb 04 03:09:54
And yet this paper trail did not match...hmmm

The dems are a hot mess, they blunder an impeachment and Iowa in the same week.

Must be that vast right wing conspiracy that Hillary went on about....but conservatives are the cuckoo's?Remember the last Sen. presidential candidate rambling on blaming her woes on this VRWC.

Tue Feb 04 03:34:57
Also, I couldnt imagine why anyone would be against a broken non-working voting system.
Tue Feb 04 03:34:58
Also, I couldnt imagine why anyone would be against a broken non-working voting system.
large member
Tue Feb 04 03:58:53
16160 small crowds had to be counted, then recounted as any small group with less than 15% at any of the 1600 locations are moved to form bigger groups amongst those remaining.

Seems easy enough to tabulate. Why is it taking hours?
Renzo Marquez
Tue Feb 04 04:22:09
the wanderer Mon Feb 03 21:17:28
"Buttigieg seems to be doing decent, hopefully people will pay more attention... make having intelligence great again"

LOL. I hope this was a joke. But based on your penchant for Russia conspiracy theories...
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 07:57:20

Dems cant even make an app to count votes! What a comete clusterfuck.

But what do you expect when you hire based on diversity rather than competence.
Tue Feb 04 08:07:05
Member Tue Feb 04 01:19:46
Cuckoo conspiracy theories and today's "conservatives." Name a more iconic duo.

Democrats spent two full years going around trying to convince the world that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election. You want to talk about people who believe in "cuckoo conspiracy theories," start there.
Average Ameriacn
Tue Feb 04 10:15:01
For comparison: Trump can count more than a billion.
Tue Feb 04 11:08:26
Is Iowa a 3rd world community? Even African countries are better at holding elections and counting votes. Lol
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 11:36:05
I mean democrats often hire third worlders because hiring white men is racist.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 11:46:06
probably young people made the app then handed it over to the very old people who always run elections

@Renzo which part are you disagreeing with? he seemed to be doing well in sample Iowa districts (results still unknown) & he is definitely smart

it'd be nice to have a president who when asked about an issue was capable of discussing it
(that would apply to all Dems... but i like Pete's ability & potential in particular :p)
Tue Feb 04 11:52:50
Its telling that tw would rather have a would-be dictator like Warren as president than a moderate (by deed) like Trump, simply because of his distaste for the personality of the latter.

I cant think of a more shallow reason to want to abolish our constitutional order.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 12:00:11
how much are you including in 'personality'?

a total lying fraud who knows nothing about any issues (while thinking he knows everything), has no interest in learning, won't read briefings, struggles to pay attention to oral ones, plus regularly makes things up, & decides what to say based on what makes him look good rather than reality -always-, never admits error, falsely smears others constantly including baseless criminal allegations (as HEAD of the exec branch), etc.

is that all 'personality'?

not 'shallow' reasons at all
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 12:07:45
i guess a 'coding error' being blamed, my apologies to the very old people who always run elections
Tue Feb 04 12:18:35

Sp basic, your view is that Trump is incompetent and has a mendacity problem. Which is wrong, but let's assume its correct...

...which would you rather have, a president that doesnt pay attention to briefings, or a president that earnestly pays attention and gives input on how to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College and Senate filibuster, federalize the voting system, require private companies to meet arbitrary demands from "stakeholders" (meaning federal officials), nationalize entire segments of the economy, and jail social media executives that dont censor content she disapproves of.

Westminster systems of government are sometimes called electoral dictatorships. A Warren administration at best would be a Westminster system on speed.

Given that, I'll take the incompetent instead.
Tue Feb 04 12:39:20
Party officials told campaigns on Tuesday that they would release the "majority" of the caucus results by 5 p.m. ET.


The majority of the results? Lol. Okay.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 12:55:55

you act like an idiot fraud child can't harm the country... i also object to his efforts to divide the nation, falsely undermining faith in media (there is now open hostility to media, people who think the news is plain false, not just biased), falsely undermining faith in intel community & elections & courts (note the -falsely- part even if you have your own issues), baselessly making criminal allegations (HOW IS THAT ACCEPTABLE, if idiot reTrumplicants keep getting elected or appointed, they'll start acting on his accusations... he wouldn't mind if Schiff got arrested based on his wild claims, he'd love it)

his ideal 'news' landscape is Fox opinion shows & social media, continually trying to steer Fox & destroy others.... plus i don't approve of his complete indifference to environmental concerns & how he's easily manipulated by dictators, & energy companies & anyone who can get on Fox News...

he's a clear & present danger to the country

however, not the right thread to continue this :p
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 13:36:42
meh, a bit more points...

i never even have advocated for Warren (other than her fitting the 'anyone but Trump' mandatory attribute), but at least Warren would work within the legal framework for her plans... Trump couldn't care less about it, if he wants something he tells people to do it... multiple times advisors having to tell him it's illegal (or ignoring his orders & hoping he forgets, as he's a petty vindictive child who doesn't like being told no)

and if you care about the filibuster, Trump's the one who multiple times has urged corrupt Mitch to 'go nuclear' to cram his agenda items through
Tue Feb 04 13:41:42
Faith in the media has been goimg down hill long before Trump. Big media is shady, there is a reason they are not to be trusted.

Do you trust Fox news? I doubt it, and to a degree you shouldnt its no secret that FN has an agenda to push.

What's gullible is to think that CNN and msdnc, politico etc. do not
Tue Feb 04 13:50:29
Tw, Tbh thats partially why people like Trump, he gets things done. Not always

( the wall, but id rather that not get done anyway)

Honestly I think its under reported that he has gotten several large bipartisan bills through.
Tue Feb 04 14:49:29
Some of my friends that are Bernie supporters are telling me Bernie has proof that Iowa was trying to screw him again. So now no matter the results Bernie comes out okay. If he finishes at top he gets some momentum. Not as much as he would have gained had things gone as scheduled but still a bit of a bump probably. If Bernie does not do well his supporters will go ape shit crazy and his donations will take a big jump up.
Tue Feb 04 14:54:05
Keegan, Sounds about right.
Tue Feb 04 15:45:25
The scuttlebutt from Iowan friends is that Buttigieg came out on top. That could or could not be a pun.
Tue Feb 04 15:57:18
So apparently cbs on Sunday interviewed troynprice the state aprty chairman and asked if they were concerned abput glitches.Hos response was that the Democratic party has never been so prepared......hahahahahahahaha

We're supposed to have some numbers in 5 minutes.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 16:05:07
62% of results finally reported... which isn't too helpful

Buttigieg winning currently w/ 26.9% though

Bernie winning in popular vote a bit above Buttigieg
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 16:12:43
to Habebe

i don't trust Fox News as it's nearly all opinion shows, so heavy bias guaranteed

however, i don't believe they tend to flat out make up false stories (or didn't used to... they don't mind repeating things Trump says w/ no verification though, when he of all people -definitely- requires fact-checking)

Trump cultists have the impression CNN/others just make up false stories... he says 'fake sources', his 'fake' is not a synonym for bias, not sure why people keep acting like it is

plus there's been no daily press briefing in nearly a year, them saying 'he gets his message out other ways'... well, that's not the sole purpose to get out -his- total bullshit message

plus he tries to steer Fox News, threatening them just like how he keeps Republicans in congress cowed... Megyn Kelly would still be there, Shep Smith would still be there

plus recently an NPR reporter challenged Pompeo's lie, so he yelled at her & banned NPR from his next trip... just one incident of many in trying to squelch non-propaganda media
(w/ Trump celebrating Pompeo, where likely any other president would be apologizing for his behavior)
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 04 16:28:46
Lol that communist cuntrag bernie just got his shit redistributed.

Thats funny as hell.
Renzo Marquez
Tue Feb 04 17:34:18
the wanderer Tue Feb 04 12:55:55
"falsely undermining faith in media (there is now open hostility to media, people who think the news is plain false, not just biased), falsely undermining faith in intel community"

The best thing about the Trump era is the decrease in faith in these institutions. Corporate press and "intel community"/MIC are both awful and worse than Trump to anyone rational.
Tue Feb 04 17:52:28
muh poor spooks and legacy media :'(
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 18:10:09
wouldn't you rather it be true arguments?

Trump picks & chooses who & what is bad/wrong based on how it affects him personally
Tue Feb 04 18:24:51
"Trump cultists have the impression CNN/others just make up false stories..."

Not just Trump cultists... anybody with a functioning brain cell. The press has been lying for more than a century but CNN has taken it to a whole new level.

"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are."
William Tecumseh Sherman
Renzo Marquez
Tue Feb 04 18:32:34
the wanderer Tue Feb 04 18:10:09
"Trump picks & chooses who & what is bad/wrong based on how it affects him personally"

So do the corporate press and intel community/MIC.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 19:10:59
kargen, go to CNN.com & tell me which stories are false (should be most, right?)... even limit to Politics section if you want


"So do the corporate press and intel community/MIC."

so by transitive property, you should also hate Trump (& maybe you do)
Renzo Marquez
Tue Feb 04 19:13:58
He's awful. His enemies are worse.
Tue Feb 04 19:14:21
Noone can defend how trump is a horrible person or how their side lies so much so they have to whine about how all sides lie because their brains can’t discern the reality of their own naked dishonesty.
the wanderer
Tue Feb 04 22:30:31
still only the 62% reporting... how hard could this be...
Tue Feb 04 22:44:28
Now this is just annoying.
the wanderer
Wed Feb 05 17:18:36
86% reporting...

1st Buttigieg
2nd Bernie
3rd Warren
4th Biden

seems at this point some people must simply not have recorded something...
Wed Feb 05 17:34:05
I guess the DNC has gone with pete....idk

They don't seem to know what they're doing.....
Wed Feb 05 17:42:44
Seems at this point my Iowan friends were correct.
Wed Feb 05 22:19:34
haha they are still counting votes. the democrats have had a rough couple of weeks.
Thu Feb 06 21:19:07
Now I fully understand why I was told that Buttigieg came out on top rather than saying he was the outright winner. 1/10%
the wanderer
Thu Feb 06 22:16:48
final results (for delegate purposes):
Buttigieg: 26.2%
Sanders: 26.1%
Warren: 18.0%
Biden: 15.8%
Klobuchar: 12.3%
Yang: 1.0%
Steyer: 0.3%

w/ popular vote (has no effect):
Sanders: 45,826
Buttigieg: 43,195
Warren: 34,771
Biden: 23,691
Klobuchar: 21,181
Yang: 1,780
Steyer: 413
smart dude
Fri Feb 07 00:08:58
Fucking Trump will win in 2020 and I will gladly take any even odds bet of any dollar amount. The Democrats are fucking retarded. Their only options are two geriatrics, a womon, and a homosexual. I DGAF about gender or sexual orientation, but FFS there are so many morons out there who do, and they will vote for President Cheeto dispite his being functionally illiterate and a national embarrassment. I will vote for any goddamn frog sitting in any goddamn tree, I don;t even care if the frog is Republican. I'll vote for Romney if I have to.
smart dude
Fri Feb 07 00:15:20
^woman, *despite

I'm voting Bloomberg.
Fri Feb 07 02:37:37
So they finally finished what the republicans had counted Monday....

The DNC is either corrupt, retarded or both.... The people who call Trump unfit for the office not only fucked up impeachment ( yet still want to investigate more and try again) and couldnt even pull off an iowa caucus.

Never underestimate Trump to self sabotage I hear all the time...and there is some truth to that.BUT he pulls himself out of it every time.....

The current Democratic party cant even look competent next to Trump..... Let this sink in dems

The guy who rants about toilets and windmills has his shit together than your party/leaders......bwahahahaha
large member
Fri Feb 07 03:03:35
75% of either no majority, or Sanders.


And this is before Bloomberg is factored in (the polling cannot capture Bloomberg's impact).
Fri Feb 07 03:56:37
Jergul, Your link just goes to a list of articles/ main page.

75% of what?
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