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Utopia Talk / Politics / Florida elects president in 2020
large member
Wed Jan 15 01:04:38

What has changed in Florida since Bush gave Bush the election in 2000?

Well, I guess we can discount family favours influencing how votes are counted.

Anything else?
large member
Wed Jan 15 01:05:25
(Trump's 4 win variants all need Florida).
Wed Jan 15 02:22:26
Yeah Fla is a must, really so is PA.
Wed Jan 15 02:22:27
Yeah Fla is a must, really so is PA.
the wanderer
Wed Jan 15 11:46:05
i'm sure Dem heavy areas in Florida will again be waiting 4+ hours to vote... so accidentally...

and granted, that black guy might be standing around the polling place in Philadelphia

and of course rampant fraud voting will be alleged by Trump
Wed Jan 15 13:44:23
Florida fails to choose victor if the other party pulls the remaining five swings + Colorado

Time to deschedule marijuana
Wed Jan 15 15:04:40
Actually id see Trump being for that...but who knows.

Ive always thought the Republican support of national drug laws was retarded.Its a states rights issue, but Reps havnt been a states rights party for a long time.

I think PA will be more work than Fla foe Trump to take again.
large member
Wed Jan 15 15:21:18
I guess that is why Trump moved to PA.
Wed Jan 15 16:13:54
Well, Fla has 29 to PAs 20.

Im guessing sarcasm?
Wed Jan 15 16:13:55
Well, Fla has 29 to PAs 20.

Im guessing sarcasm?
large member
Wed Jan 15 17:31:27
To be serious.

It lacks consumer spending. Lots of reasons for that. Crap pension schemes would be one (once you leave the workforce you are done as a consumer)

But most of all, high income disparity.

Rich people invest most of their income. A Gini coefficient of 50 gives a service sector of 52%.

Better income transfers would see the service sector expand dramatically.
large member
Wed Jan 15 17:32:49
bleh, wrong thread.

Yah, sarcasm. Trump needs Florida. He may also need PA, but that is not certain.
Wed Jan 15 19:18:54
If the governor of PA is a true Trump ally, then PSU should be closed for the fall of 2020.
Wed Jan 15 19:21:54
Oh wait - governor of PA is a Dem.

Letting the negroes migrate north in the early 1900s was a major mistake.
Wed Jan 15 19:43:31
Jergul. Ok, cause I was rather lost on that post...im.guessing Mexico?

Fla and Pa IMO will be the deciding factor.

I know PA well having lived there over 30 years ( im 34)

Honestly his best bet is low voter turn out in the cities....Philly is not Trumpland, however thats more on tue dems to get someone to energize the vote AOC would help Bernie. Biden would do well in Philly but not great...tough call.

As for Tom wolf, he is a Democrat that I could* vote for...he is excessive on taxes but other than that I like the guy.

Reduced stupid regulations gor business. Infrastructure investment and his pot law is seems to be the best proposal ive seen anywhere making sure it doesnt get taken over by corporations, keeping it competitive and supporting small business.

Wed Jan 15 19:46:04
OR if Trump cam get a bigger slice of the black vote not a lot just a bit more he could do take PA.

PA and Fla would all but tie up the election.
Wed Jan 15 20:05:16

The town I grew up in got a lot blacker....it was 97.77% white when I left....well I was still local until this summer within 30 min drive at the most.
Wed Jan 15 22:14:23
Democrats can win without Florida. Trump cannot. He can't win without Wisconsin either.

This is the closest election where Trump wins: https://www.270towin.com/maps/mPdJD

It is very easy to suppress the democratic vote because they tend to be concentrated in cities. The GOP did so to great effect by closing polling places and cutting days to vote for almost the entirety of the 2010's.

The Democrats control Wisconsin's executive offices now so their chance of stealing Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania is almost zilch.

And Democrats are on the offense in Arizona, North Carolina, Iowa, and yes, Florida too.

Even Texas and Georgia and Ohio would be in play if the economy hits a recession.
Wed Jan 15 22:15:32
The Democrats control Wisconsin's executive offices now so the Republican's* chance of stealing Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania is almost zilch.
Wed Jan 15 22:23:25
Dukhat, It reallu depends who wins the nomination.
Thu Jan 16 00:57:50
Trump is not winning anything more than a squeaker. He definitely won't win the popular vote with his approval rating but he may eke an electoral college victory again if the dems nominate someone that working-class voters hate.
Thu Jan 16 07:08:26
Yay! Election Fortune Teller Dukhat is by far my favorite Dukhat.

"Trump is not winning anything more than a squeaker. He definitely won't win the popular vote with his approval rating"

*bets life savings on Trump winning the popular vote*
Thu Jan 16 10:42:57
"Trump cannot."

As I said, there is a path to victory without Florida, but it is more difficult, as it involves capturing the other swing states and a traditionally blue-purple state.

Thu Jan 16 11:10:19
It becomes a lot easier to speculate when we know the Democratic candidate...until then its so let based on Trump.

I mean at this point I think it's either Biden or Sanders.

That said what is the Bloomberg factor. Trump/rnc has way more loot than either sanders or Biden BUT Bloomberg has a personal rivalry with Trump and has vowed to spend his ass off against Trump even if he is out of the race.
Thu Jan 16 11:10:52
So let = soley
Thu Jan 16 20:15:17
There's still that Starbucks guy or Gabbie to spoiler things. Trump-like candidates have been winning in Anglo countries by dividing the left and center votes. That's another way Trump wins.
Thu Jan 16 22:14:18
I hope it's Bernie.... Biden seems like it would all advisor work.

Maybe we could get single payer too.
Sat Jan 18 07:12:08
Up until Bloomberg stepped up with 200 million Trump was way ahead of Dems on fundraising.

Bloomberg spent so much they said he has raised the cost of ads in several mediums.

The funny thing about Trump is its hard to be in the media as much as he is, even more so than previous inucumbents.

Hillary way out spent Trump, something he even bragged about because of his use of free media attention even liberal news stations would cover more.... Estimates are Hillary got 2.2-3 billion in free media.

Trump is estimated to have gotten 5-7billion in free media.So much so he bucked the trend and actually reduced campaign spending from previous ones.

He will say some outlandish shit or mock a crippled reporter , call Mexicans rapists who will pay for his wall and bam people want to see it.

It makes me wonder about the Bloomberg effect. Spending 200 million is a lot for any candidate, and his ads are not really so much pro bloomberg as they are anti Trump. He knows he has little to no chance of winning but he wants to beat Trump ( they've had a rivalry for years) so.much so he has distorted the market, which got me thinking.

Hypothetically what would the Bloomberg effect have had on the 2016 election?

Well in spending

Trump-$400 million

Clinton-$770 million

Free media

Trump- 6 billion

Clinton- 3 billion

And that was with Obama in the White House giving a lot to Hillary in free media and I rounded all figures up giving a small net boost to her.

That said Bloomberg could actually hurt the chances of Democrats who other than him will have much less to spend than Trump in traditional terms and then having to pay even more for the ads since the costs have risen.

Doea anyone argue Trump will gain even more free coverage? I think Thats a given.

Sat Jan 18 07:12:10
Up until Bloomberg stepped up with 200 million Trump was way ahead of Dems on fundraising.

Bloomberg spent so much they said he has raised the cost of ads in several mediums.

The funny thing about Trump is its hard to be in the media as much as he is, even more so than previous inucumbents.

Hillary way out spent Trump, something he even bragged about because of his use of free media attention even liberal news stations would cover more.... Estimates are Hillary got 2.2-3 billion in free media.

Trump is estimated to have gotten 5-7billion in free media.So much so he bucked the trend and actually reduced campaign spending from previous ones.

He will say some outlandish shit or mock a crippled reporter , call Mexicans rapists who will pay for his wall and bam people want to see it.

It makes me wonder about the Bloomberg effect. Spending 200 million is a lot for any candidate, and his ads are not really so much pro bloomberg as they are anti Trump. He knows he has little to no chance of winning but he wants to beat Trump ( they've had a rivalry for years) so.much so he has distorted the market, which got me thinking.

Hypothetically what would the Bloomberg effect have had on the 2016 election?

Well in spending

Trump-$400 million

Clinton-$770 million

Free media

Trump- 6 billion

Clinton- 3 billion

And that was with Obama in the White House giving a lot to Hillary in free media and I rounded all figures up giving a small net boost to her.

That said Bloomberg could actually hurt the chances of Democrats who other than him will have much less to spend than Trump in traditional terms and then having to pay even more for the ads since the costs have risen.

Doea anyone argue Trump will gain even more free coverage? I think Thats a given.

Sat Jan 18 07:14:33

Some general numbers.

Thu Jan 23 13:26:15
Sanders nationwide takes the lead in the polls. Biden polling at 24 and Sanders at 27 percent of democrat or democrat leaning voters.
large member
Thu Jan 23 13:30:31
Takes the lead in *a* poll. The result bare budges his polling average.

You seem happy because you think Sanders is unelectable, right?
Thu Jan 23 13:39:10
All of the Democratic candidates are unelectable except for Biden, and he's senile.

People may not like Trump, but they'll take it over candidates who want to indoctrinate your 4 year old children to hate white people and want to chop off their genitals.
Thu Jan 23 13:48:47

Jergul, Actually if Trump were to lose I would rather have Sanders than any other.

Biden is an idiot and a puppet.I don't despise him though.

Warren is a scumbag on par with Hillary imo.Bloomberg is to.

I agree that single payer HC is better than our current system. Just as a person I like Bernie, he is genuine.

I personally think that Biden or Sanders will lose to Trump but that Sanders would actually do better and heres why.

Most of these polls ask peoples opinions, its much more important to see who is exciting, no one is excited about voting for Biden, Sanders can excite the base.

Thats Trumps ace in the whole though, his base loves him and will turn out in droves. Thats a lot of the reason reps are lock in step with him, he is much more liked than the tepublican party on the whole...his approval rating is almost double that of Congress.

large member
Thu Jan 23 13:56:12
An effigy of Jimmy Carter could beat Trump if he does not learn to shut up.

He just announced a willingness to "look at Social Security" while at Davos of all places.

Global Elite, much?

My bad.
Thu Jan 23 14:15:23
Jergul, No offense was taken.I think it would surprise a lot of people who are Trumpers who are more ok with Sanders than anynof the others on the list.

A big draw for Trump is that ( to me and many others) he is genuine.

I know that seems odd for most of the left but I think Dennis Miller comparing Trump and Hillary explained it well.

As crude as Trumps outside voice is i think its the same as his inside voice, he always tells the truth, even when he lies.

Hillary's in side voice hasnt ever even had a cup of coffee with her outside voice.

Sanders has that same sort of genuineness.

Ive given up on federal voucher system HC in the US, the next best thing is single payer....even Milton Friedman claimed this.

Ive also favored major changes in education, reigning in these BS degree factories and free/ affordable college...

The specifics on both of these .eed there own thread to get into any more detail.

Thu Jan 23 14:16:17
That a lot of Trumpets would.be more OK with Sanders than the others.
Thu Jan 23 14:21:28

You still fail to understand Trump's genius.

"“KERNAN: Entitlements ever be on your plate?

“PRESIDENT TRUMP: At some point they will be. We have tremendous growth. We’re going to have tremendous growth. This next year I— it’ll be toward the end of the year. The growth is going to be incredible. And at the right time, we will take a look at that. You know, that’s actually the easiest of all things, if you look, cause it’s such a—

Trump then wandered off into a string of false and incoherent claims about the economy."

The Fake News LA Times says "incoherent;" I call it brilliance. He simultaneously managed to placate Republican mega-donors by expressing support for entitlement reform, and at the same time gave the Democrats nothing solid to use against him (try getting a TV-friendly soundbite for Democratic attack ads to use out of that, I dare you).

There's truly a method to the madness, I tell you.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 23 14:25:39
the secret is having no idea what you're talking about

Thu Jan 23 14:26:59
Well, he's POTUS and you're a guy who's devoted 23 threads to him. Seems to be working out for him just fine.
Thu Jan 23 14:32:29
Trump can work a room, no doubt.
the wanderer
Thu Jan 23 14:35:29
there's a connection between the President being an ignorant fraud & me having 23 threads about him
large member
Thu Jan 23 14:55:48
Thing is, you don't need a soundbyte when it comes to SS.

We will see what Bloomberg makes of it.
Thu Jan 23 15:25:31
Bloomberg will never be president.

1. He has no charisma.

2. He has too many negatives.
large member
Thu Jan 23 17:22:09
He will however be signing off on full-blown negative advertising campaigns.
Thu Jan 23 17:34:48
100 mill isn't enough to beat Trump....who as i stated earlier in this thread got liken6 billion in free advertising...as an incumbent probably much more....plus his approval ratings are not that bad at this point in the game.
large member
Thu Jan 23 17:45:19
Only the worst of any president ever at this point in time. Johnson did not run for a 2nd term due to crap ratings. And his were better than Trump's.

Are you optimistically suggesting Bloomberg will limit himself to a mere 100 million?
Thu Jan 23 17:54:38
The worst by what 1, 2%?

Bloomberg is no great w
Liberal hope.

So far him and steyer have had dismal returns on investment.
Thu Jan 23 18:11:03

So this is the poll. Data that many of these articles " worst ever job approval" articles were written citing.

Obama was at 44.5% and Read an at 44.9% at this time in there terms.
Thu Jan 23 18:16:20
Also his approval rating is at irs highest ATM. Quarterly at 43.3% exactly tied to Obama as a matter of fact.
large member
Thu Jan 23 18:28:29
His approval rating is currently 41.9%.



I just learned 263 school shootings have happened since Trump came to power.

Thanks Bloomberg. I feel more informed now.
Thu Jan 23 19:38:53
Well gallup says 44%

large member
Thu Jan 23 23:39:28
Within the margin of error then. I like the way 538 does it because it gives consistency for comparison.

We are after all discussing if Trump the least approval, or merely almost the least approval of all presidents.
Thu Jan 23 23:47:14
Either way, its all within a few %.

I am anxious to see whether it. Will be Biden or Sanders....from there we will start to get a real estimate...although still too early.

Especially with Trump in the mix who knows whats gonna happen...one thing is for sure, it will be entertaining.

large member
Fri Jan 24 00:21:57
"Mike Bloomberg is attacking President Donald Trump in his safe space.

On Thursday morning, the Democrat premiered his newest ad attacking the president on “Fox & Friends,” Trump’s favorite program that frequently lavishes praise on him. Adding insult, the show also interviewed Bloomberg’s top presidential campaign adviser, Kevin Sheekey.

Story Continued Below

Trump, who’s known to record the show and watch it later in the morning, exploded an hour-and-a-half later, at 8:25 a.m.

Story Continued Below

“Mini Mike Bloomberg is playing poker with his foolhardy and unsuspecting Democrat rivals. He says that if he loses (he really means when!) in the primaries, he will spend money helping whoever the Democrat nominee is,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“By doing this, he figures, they won’t hit him as hard .... during his hopeless ‘presidential’ campaign,” Trump wrote. “They will remain silent! The fact is, when Mini losses, he will be spending very little of his money on these ‘clowns’ because he will consider himself to be the biggest clown of them all — and he will be right!”

It’s the latest example of how a plank of Bloomberg’s campaign revolves around agitating the president, who has increasingly begun criticizing his former mayor from New York, a self-made billionaire who has spent years belittling Trump as a bad businessman and reality TV star.

Bloomberg also made sure to match Trump in advertising during the Super Bowl, a roughly $10 million endeavor for both campaigns.

And when Bloomberg first announced, one of the first places he bought ad time was in the West Palm Beach, Fla., media market so Trump might see the ad as he visited his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach.

Bloomberg’s ads are hard to miss. He has so far spent a jaw-dropping $250 million on TV commercials, many of them attacking Trump. In a primary that’s focused on defeating the incumbent, being on the receiving end of Trump’s ire is seen by many Democratic voters as a positive. As a result, Bloomberg has started to climb in polls of both the crowded Democratic primary and in general election matchups against Trump.

Earlier this month, another Bloomberg ad prompted a testy and inaccurate response from Trump over health care, a sore spot for the president in his own internal polling.

“I’ll be honest, we wish he wouldn’t do that and give Bloomberg a platform. We shouldn’t give him relevance,” said a political adviser to Trump who did not want to be identified criticizing the president’s Twitter use.

A consistent theme of Bloomberg’s ads about Trump revolve around his stability, with the latest commercial pointing out how the president recently lashed out at military advisers. When Trump angrily responds, Bloomberg’s advisers say, it helps drive home the Democrat’s message.

"Less than an hour after releasing an ad calling out Trump's erratic behavior, he responds erratically,” Bloomberg spokeswoman Galia Slayen said. “So yeah, I'd say we're getting under Trump's skin.""

Fri Jan 24 09:13:59
Oh no, politico said Bloomberg went to his safe place!
large member
Fri Jan 24 11:20:47
Targeting Trump on advertising in fox'n'friends slots is quite lulzy.
Fri Jan 24 11:52:18
Almost as funny as Bloomberg wasting hundreds of millions.
large member
Fri Jan 24 11:57:21
I think Bloomberg is having fun. What is the point of having money if you can't enjoy spending a small bit of it?

Trump will be in real trouble if Bloomberg decides to liquidate a significant portion of his wealth.

And ironically, is not Trump paying for it? Has Bloomberg come even close to dipping into the windfall Trump's tax breaks gave him?

Fri Jan 24 12:03:29
I suppose, Those two have had a rivalry for years.
large member
Fri Jan 24 12:10:55
My source incorporated new polls, so Trump is up to 42,7. His disapproval is climbing proportionately, so all we are seeing is a polarizing effect.

Fri Jan 24 13:13:31
The gallup poll was within then last 2-3 days, your poll and gallups are within 2%....so I'm not really arguing anything within 4% is still in the margin of error...
Sat Jan 25 06:43:54
Bloomberg's net worth has risen by over 10 digits since Trump has become president. His spending is a drop in the bucket compared to this and his overall net worth.

And Bloomberg is actually a billionaire unlike Trump who is always so fucking chummy with Russia and still won't reveal his tax returns despite promising to years ago.
Sat Jan 25 06:49:46
It'll be a turnout war. Trump stays in the band of 40-42% and 52-55% disapproval. Let's be generous and says there is a shy Tory effect and his real approval is basically the same as his topline from the 2016 election: 46%. There are paths to victory with that kind of topline and it'll basically be the same kind of narrow victory he won in 2016. He's way too underwater in Pennsylvania and Michigan to win them again. This election's focal point will be Wisconsin and Iowa.

The bottom might fall out too if the dumbass Republican senators acquit him and then he gets caught in obvious criminality again.
Sun Jan 26 08:56:43
8 days away till Iowa...so far Sanders has a commanding lead.

On the one side Sanders is the best person running for the Dems.

On the other side I dont know how much his appeal will be in Fla, Midwest ( well he will take Illinois)

It really depends if he can excite people like Obama did or not.

But perhaps this will bring some Scaninavianesque ideas into the mainstream. Perhaps we will see some more states pass such ideas into laws.

Sun Jan 26 10:30:12
Bloomberg is a fascist piece of shit and all the money in the world cant hide that fact. The only reason his ads are even kind-of working is that none of his opponents are really fighting back at the moment.

The second he manages to become a serious candidate, he'll get leveled so hard on his past policies that neither progressives nor conservatives will touch him with a ten foot pole.
Mon Feb 10 21:29:33
Any news on Fla?
Wrath of Orion
Mon Feb 10 21:32:15
Giant Meteor 2020!
Mon Feb 10 22:42:41
All hail the obelisk
Sat Feb 15 12:06:45
I heard Bloomberg was considering Hillary as vp just shlwing more how out not touch he is.

His big test will be if je can recover from this first hit and make a good showing on ST.
large member
Sat Feb 15 12:17:23
I have heard that Trump was considering Adolf Hitler as vp just showing more how out of touch he is.

Wrong on so many levels. I hope Trump can recover from this first hit.
Sat Feb 15 12:20:48
I'd vote for Hitler over Bloomberg.

Sat Feb 15 12:43:45
“What a bunch of misfits – a gay, an architect, that horsey faced lesbian, and a kid who gave up Koo Stark for some fat broad.”

Bloomberg strikes again...in his defense though these remarks were 30 years ago unlike his " throw black kids on the wall" comment.
large member
Sat Feb 15 12:44:13
Drudge report and daily mail.

Florida poll


Joe Biden: 25.9%Michael Bloomberg: 27.3%Pete Buttigieg: 10.5%Amy Klobuchar: 8.6%Bernie Sanders: 10.4%Tom Steyer: 1.3%Elizabeth Warren: 4.8%

Hispanic 432 responsesBiden: 19.7% Bloomberg: 35.4% Buttigieg: 9.3% Klobuchar: 5.6% Sanders: 12.7% Steyer: 2.1% Warren: 4.9%

Black, Not Hispanic 878 responsesBiden: 41.5% Bloomberg: 22.7% Buttigieg: 4.6% Klobuchar: 3.8% Sanders: 9.8% Steyer: 0.7% Warren: 4.3% Undecided: 12.8%
Sat Feb 15 12:45:06
”The second he manages to become a serious candidate, he'll get leveled so hard on his past policies that neither progressives nor conservatives will touch him with a ten foot pole.”

Isn’t this similar to what people said about Trump also?
large member
Sat Feb 15 12:46:47
Bloomenberg is polling quite well amongst black democrats even before Biden withdraws and Bloomenberg announces that Stacey Abrams is his running mate.
Sat Feb 15 12:48:56
Paramount, Bloomberg is no Trump.Day what you will about Trump, he is a great showman/ marketer.
Sat Feb 15 12:52:03
Jergul, What are new polls saying about bloombergs support?
Sat Feb 15 12:53:31
Yes, Trump is a good showman. He should be the main attraction at any circus.
Sat Feb 15 12:58:01
Never underestimate the man who over estimates himself.

When Obama did it liberals said " hes a great speaker, inspirational etc.
large member
Sat Feb 15 13:28:53
That was a new poll. I learned something. I did not know Buttigieg is gay. I did not know Sanders is Jewish.
Sat Feb 15 13:30:55
Bloomberg is Jewish too.
large member
Sat Feb 15 13:49:56
That I knew. I was listing things I learned.
Sat Feb 15 14:15:06

This kind of stuff is news to you? In that case, I can't wait until you find out who Elizabeth Warren's ancestors are.
Sat Feb 15 14:30:36
Rugian, You made me crack up.

Pete is not only gay but married. That's his downfall in Fla.
Sat Feb 15 14:30:42
Why are so many candidates Jewish, or gay?
Sat Feb 15 14:47:12
Well, thats the democratic base ( jews less so, but they tend to gravitate towards positions of power)
large member
Sun Feb 16 06:46:08
Gays and Jewish people have a higher sense of civic responsibility than the norm in other words?

Makes sense. A combination of historic discrimination and high education levels would realize relatively high levels of government service.
Sun Feb 16 17:22:42
Well, really the premise that one openly gay man is a lot seems an exaggeration.
Mon Feb 17 06:49:16
Jews just naturally gravitate towards positions of power (doctors, lawyers/judges, politicians, bankers, entertainers, etc.). It's a function of their innate drive to get revenge on the Gentiles by hijacking control of our countries in order to replace native Christian beliefs with their Judeo-Marxist values.

Gays are attention whores who think the universe revolves around them (oh you like getting a dick in the butt? We need to celebrate you for being so brave and progressive!). That sort of mentality works well with professions like celebrity and politics.
Tue Feb 18 21:50:12
Hard to tell when Rugian is trolling since his views are so deeply reactionary normally.

jews tend to occupy positions of power because:

1) Social Selection: Dumb Jews and Jews in rural areas get either killed or excluded historically. Cities tended to put them in ghettos which limited their occupations to lawyers, bankers, etc ... Any job you can work inside a city with a lot of people where competition ensures you only care about the best person for a job and not what their fucking background is.

Not touching the rest, it's just racist moron garbage.
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