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Utopia Talk / Politics / Best description of Trump ever
Tue Nov 05 09:24:18
I don't are whether you are a Brit or any other nationality. This guy wrote a perfect description of Trump.

Tue Nov 05 09:43:31
Because if there's one thing that can convince conservative Americans of the error of their ways, it's some arrogant foreigner butting into our business and telling us what's what!
Tue Nov 05 09:49:04
Maybe you can post some John Oliver episodes next? I dont know about you, but I definitely appreciate it when that Brit tells off America for not voting in Democratic supermajorities and implementing European socialism. He's has an accent, so that means he's smart.
Tue Nov 05 10:09:16
"I don't like facts because one of those 'others' is saying then."

Tue Nov 05 10:12:40
What facts? OP is a bona fide opinion.
Tue Nov 05 10:16:05
Since when do we give a flying fuck what British people want us to behave like?
Tue Nov 05 10:31:43
"Ooh, I'm so sophisticated because I drink tea and masturbate to the Queen! I must declare my dear chaps, I surely do love socialized health care and getting arrested for my Facebook posts, and by jove people with freedom and liberty are such backwards peasants. Harrumph!"

-How all British people want Americans to act likr
Dickhead UPer
Tue Nov 05 11:15:19
The retard and his sister teaming up again
Tue Nov 05 11:22:22
I really don't care what Brits think. The accuracy of his points are dead on regarding Trump. Just because the author of the opinion piece happens to be a Brit is coincidental.

Trump is everything this guy says he is.
Dickhead UPer
Tue Nov 05 11:24:31
Let's not check the archives to see how many times the siblings posted articles written by foreigners about the previous president. Heaven forbid their hypocrisies get called out.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 11:26:45
excellent article

also it's barely opinion:

no class, no credibility, no compassion, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace

make an argument against any of those

He's not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat.

He's more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.

pretty spot-on too
Tue Nov 05 13:15:42
"no class, no credibility, no compassion, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace

make an argument against any of those"

100% of those are subjective
the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 19:07:06
do you disagree on any?
Tue Nov 05 19:56:48
"no class"


"no credibility"


"no compassion"


"no warmth"


"no wisdom"


"no subtlety"


"no sensitivity"


"no self-awareness"


"no humility"


"no honour"


(also it's "honor" you buck-toothed retard)

"no grace"

I'll concede this one...but man, is he graceful as fuck on the dance floor.

the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 21:44:19
my preferred humble moment
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 06 21:54:45
The OP article would have been clever around 2015 or 2016, but right now it’s just a rehashed opinion piece. I was hoping someone would step it up and say something insightful, but he’s just looking for an SNL writer spot.
Thu Nov 07 05:27:26
The OP is still current with those who haven't allowed themselves to cede their moral compass to Trumpism.
large member
Thu Nov 07 07:12:50
Its still pretty clever if it qualifies as a job application for SNL.

I am not sure how anyone could say anything insightful about Trump. He is pretty superficial.

The insights will have to be saved for gauging his impact on society.
Thu Nov 07 09:50:22
jergul, the thing that you may be around to witness will be watching the people who supported him deny all association with him. Like how many in Germany denied having sympathies with Hitler once the war was over.
I hate comparing him with Hitler, who at least fought for his country in WWI. The Trump family avoids the risk of physical harm at all cost.
Thu Nov 07 09:59:19
"who at least fought for his country in WWI"

Hitler was Austrian you know.
Dickhead UPer
Thu Nov 07 10:50:37
He fought for the Bavarian Army because of a technicality, ya know.
Thu Nov 07 14:42:09
He still fought, Unlike the Trump clan from Grampy on down to Donnie. I don't know if there is a long line of Bone Spurs in their DNA. But cowardice seems to be well defined.
Thu Nov 07 15:12:14
Ah, you guys care about fighting again. Oh wait, your party is currently busy defaming a combat vet as a Russian stooge.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 07 16:32:48
“The OP is still current with those who [need daily reminders of Trump’s obvious failings]” ;p

And I agree that rehashing is a very current practice. It forgoes even simple insights that the OP author lacks, like that the DNC does not have another Obama tucked away somewhere and that Bernie will (likely) be prevented from having the nomination by the DNC. Instead, it declares a victory via a distant yesterday's news: “[Obama was great! Not like Trump!]”

“Its still pretty clever if it qualifies as a job application for SNL.”

SNL’s political commentary isn’t particularly clever; it’s lowest common denominator jokes for a general DNC audience. It’s low effort because it’s $profitable$ — not worthwhile or artistic — to appease. Good writers do not write SNL political jokes.
Thu Nov 07 16:56:46
SNL doesn't need writers because the characters being mimicked are all that need to be looked at by the comic actors. Could be what you call art imitating life or the other way around.

I guess the hard part is making real life actions humorous.
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 07 21:55:55
Yeah, I think they just need to get better at finding weird angles. There was an old SNL where they made fun of Reagan by pretending that his spacey public behavior was a façade and that in closed meetings he was an over-active master strategizer, but for modern SNL Trump-smashing it’s just Alec Baldwin saying catch-phrases and side characters throwing serious (non-comic) jabs. Then they also can’t resist throwing in their own heavy-handed preferences, like Kate McKinnon last week basically making Elizabeth Warren out to be a winner already. They didn’t make fun of her, they just gave her campaign a free platform by declaring the greatness of her policies and making fun of her competitors. So yeah, they’re not after angles, they’re just doing imitations to sell their preferences.
large member
Fri Nov 08 03:09:18
I checked. SNL had some stunning talent back in the day.

Declaring Warren a winner is actually kind of funny.

Most things you know will discomfort about 80% of those watching is generally funny.

Comedy can be political (and often is). It can also have a clear bias.

I am still not sure why a character with a small mustache kicking a large inflatable ball around is funny. But it is.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sat Nov 09 17:42:45
Better description of Trump

Tue Nov 12 12:32:52
The writer says that Trump has never said anything even faintly amusing?!?!

So the Brit doesnt like Trump...well he probably has 5 more years of him in office cause, does anyone think he will lose?

Hes crude but effective...America loves him ( or hates him because he is a rich white guy...) But even those that hate him dont think anyone else has a shot at the office.
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