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Utopia Talk / Politics / official BS by delusional fraud POTUS#15
the wanderer
Sat Oct 26 18:05:53
In response to Gen Kelly's comments in last thread:

"I worked with John Kelly, and he was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great president."
~ current piece of shit press secretary (Stephanie 'the drunk driver' Grisham)

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sat Oct 26 19:48:53
You have to admit Trump only hires the best people.


August 2019 Grisham lost a job at AAA Arizona after being accused of cheating on expense reports, and another job at ad agency Mindspace over plagiarism charges.Her two arrests for driving under the influence included one while working on Trump’s campaign
the wanderer
Sat Oct 26 21:52:20

"Something very big has just happened!"
~ Trump

the nukes have been launched?
the McRib is back?

tune in tomorrow at 9am to find out

the wanderer
Sat Oct 26 23:04:01
rumor is its a military operation targeting ISIS leader al-baghdadi

Trump personally located him & carried out the operation alone w/ no help from the scum at our intel agencies
Sun Oct 27 03:08:52
But who is gonna fight Iran and Assad for the Saudis and Israel now?
Average Ameriacn
Sun Oct 27 03:19:18
If he really killed him then Trump should get a third term.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 27 11:26:14
i will guess Trump was not told about the raid til after it was over (too much risk of him tweeting)

they put out a photo of him w/ generals supposedly watching, but i'll guess was a taped version... (however they probably told him it was live)

there is some chatter that he was golfing at the time

i'm sure he would've insisted on the Obama-esque photo:


looks heavily staged, 'make sure that seal is right behind me'
Pence still managed to screw it up

yes, i will complain about everything :p
the wanderer
Sun Oct 27 11:37:03

how Trump described it:

No U.S. personnel were lost in the operation, while a large number of Baghdadi’s fighters and companions were killed with him. He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming. The compound had been cleared by this time, with people either surrendering or being shot and killed. Eleven young children were moved out of the house un-injured. The only ones remaining were Baghdadi in the tunnel, who had dragged three children with him to certain death. He reached the end of the tunnel, as our dogs chased him down. He ignited his vest, killing himself and the three children. His body was mutilated by the blast, but test results gave certain and positive identification.

The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, panic and dread – terrified of the American Forces bearing down.

i suspect Trump embellished, since he does so 100% of the time
Sun Oct 27 11:48:39

And seriously, compare these two pictures and tell me which guy looks way more presidential than the other:



Not even close. Best POTUS ever.
Sun Oct 27 11:49:24
Obama does look nervous while trump looks certain.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 27 14:29:24
Trump's all about professionalism and would never just put on a show
Sun Oct 27 15:15:15
It looks like Trump endangered the mission and placed American lives at an unnecessary risk. He is like a clown who comes in and break things and then takes credit for the work that other people do to fix his clowny stunts. Lol.

President Trump’s abrupt decision to pull forces from northern Syria disrupted planning for the raid and forced the Pentagon to press ahead with a risky night operation, military officials said.


But Mr. Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American forces from northern Syria disrupted the meticulous planning and forced Pentagon officials to press ahead with a risky, night raid before their ability to control troops and spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared, according to military, intelligence and counterterrorism officials. Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death, they said, occurred largely in spite of Mr. Trump’s actions.

the wanderer
Sun Oct 27 16:56:08
also recall Trump tried to pull all troops out last December after consulting only Erdogan

various tweets by dear leader:
Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden.

Obama deserves much less credit for the killing of Bin Laden. The praise goes to our brave military and intelligence officers.

When the military informed Obama that they had Bin Laden, is there anyone with a brain that would not have said "Ok, go get him"?

Admiral McRaven had full operational control of the Bin Laden mission. Barack Obama gave vague directions.
Sun Oct 27 18:08:58
It's really sad that you feel compelled to try and turn even this occasion into a negative stain on the president. There is literally nothing that Trump can do that you would ever be happy with.

As long as we're posting tweets, for comparison this was what Trump's Twitter said in the immediate aftermath of Bin Laden's death:

"I want to personally congratulate President Obama and the men women of the Armed Forces for a job very well done. I am so proud to see Americans standing shoulder to shoulder, waving the American flag in celebration of this great victory.
We should spend the next several days not debating party politics, but in remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those fighting for our freedom. God Bless America."

Dickhead UPer
Sun Oct 27 18:52:49
"It's really sad that you feel compelled to try and turn even this occasion into a negative stain on the president. There is literally nothing that Trump can do that you would ever be happy with."

Ah yes and let us not forget just a few posts ago as you did the same thing about the previous president.

"for comparison this was what Trump's Twitter said in the immediate aftermath of Bin Laden's death:"

Then immediately erases those sentiments with the other tweets, but let's ignore that and focus on the initiative that was apparently stained with insincerity.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 27 19:04:58
that tweet sounds nothing like Trump... either someone else wrote it or is from before his many brain disorders took over
the wanderer
Mon Oct 28 02:21:25
Trump booed at baseball game

and that suck-up asshole Ratcliffe with him... i wonder what position he's trying to weasel his way into next
Dickhead UPer
Mon Oct 28 11:50:10
"And seriously, compare these two pictures and tell me which guy looks way more presidential than the other:"

The one that wasn't staged which apparently the photo op was. Lol
Mon Oct 28 15:44:21

How exactly does Trump getting booed by a bunch of drunken DC swamp creatures count as "official BS by delusional fraud POTUS?"
the wanderer
Mon Oct 28 16:00:15
so you wish me to create more Trump threads? noted
the wanderer
Mon Oct 28 16:08:55
one of those generals with the misfortune of having to sit at a table w/ Trump was asked to confirm Trump's "whimpering and crying and screaming" account & he didn't know where Trump heard that... (he gave benefit of the doubt Trump could've talked to unit members, which he himself hadn't done yet)

although anyone paying attention knows its far more likely he just made it up

Mon Oct 28 17:23:38
Even if he was using poetic license there (and you have zero evidence that he did), what exactly do you take issue with? That he libeled the mass-murdering fanatic who unleashed a literal reign of terror on two countries for years by calling him a bitch? Noted.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 28 17:28:10
my issue is you can't trust anything he says & it's annoying & unacceptable & unfit for office
the wanderer
Mon Oct 28 17:28:53
he provably has made things up MANY times, it's ridiculous
Mon Oct 28 17:32:42
You're right, it would have been far more presidential to call Baghdadi something dignified like "austere religious cleric" or whatever that horseshit WaPo title was.

I am giddy for the opportunity to be able to teach you about the concept of "rhetoric" though. Seeing as you clearly require an educational experience on that front.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 28 21:13:52
what about when he lies about progress with China trade talks and the market reacts?

all cool?
the wanderer
Tue Oct 29 02:15:51
The only crimes in the Impeachment Hoax were committed by Shifty Adam Schiff, when he totally made up my phone conversation with the Ukrainian President and read it to Congress, together with numerous others on Shifty’s side. Schiff should be Impeached, and worse!
~ completely unfit idiot liar

weird that Schiff committed a crime on video for the world to see & has yet to be arrested or even questioned
the wanderer
Tue Oct 29 11:26:21
A great new book just out, “The Plot Against the President. The True Story Of How Congressman Devin Nunez Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal In U.S. History.” Shows very bad and corrupt people on the other side. Check it out!
~ trash

i'm sure that book is chock-full of accurate info

and note Trump can't even spell the name of one of his capos right (it's 'Nunes')

the wanderer
Tue Oct 29 11:27:33
95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, a record. Thank you!
~ delusional fraud

he tweets that repeatedly w/ no citation... guess why no citation
the wanderer
Tue Oct 29 11:30:37
How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT! I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?
~ asshole

everyone who had a problem w/ what Trump did is a never trumper who is willing to lie under oath... no evidence required, just believe it, morons
the wanderer
Tue Oct 29 11:52:24
Pence, even when set up to give an easy answer (if it was true), works hard to deceive w/o lying... (see 8:41-9:14)

so clearly the answer is: yes, he did hear of the quid pro quo deal

just like Pompeo wouldn't answer simple questions on the issue

and how corrupt AG Barr misled on whether the OLC opinion was relevant to Mueller for that matter

so many deceiving pieces of shit orbit Trump

the wanderer
Tue Oct 29 15:41:03
so a career diplomat & a decorated war vet both contradict Trump's personal friend who had no business being involved in Ukraine to begin with (plus let's consider every Trump associate is a garbage criminal)

and we have Pence & Pompeo dodging simple questions

what to believe... what to believe...

(R) Ted Yoho's strategy is to not attend the depositions even though he's on the committee

Fox News / Trump's strategy is just to say everyone bad for Trump is lying (under oath)... even though we have his transcript & Giuliani's various confessions, plus non-morons know Trump's character

the wanderer
Wed Oct 30 00:58:26
guy who can't close an umbrella, also unsure how to give candy to trick or treaters:


the minion clearly has a bag (plus ignoring spiderman kid, perhaps as non-white...)

the wanderer
Wed Oct 30 02:03:56
a different Obama vs Trump comparison


...not easy to make Trump look good when not a staged photo
Wed Oct 30 07:01:32
Remember when late-night shows weren't just a front for the Democratic Party's propaganda machine? I miss those days.
Wed Oct 30 07:03:05
"guy who can't close an umbrella, also unsure how to give candy to trick or treaters:"

Holy shit, I'm convinced of his unfitness now. Impeach!

"the minion clearly has a bag (plus ignoring spiderman kid, perhaps as non-white...)"

Does it even register with you as to how obsessed you are? This goes way beyond over-analysis; it's outright delusional.
Wed Oct 30 08:30:44
Alas, America is too stupid, americans should have listened to Donald a long time ago, but they didn't. 3k poor bastards died

Trump claimed he had been prescient about the danger posed by bin Laden, having called for the death of the al Qaeda leader in a "very successful" book he published in the year before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Trump said that he knew the threat from bin Laden at a time when "nobody" had "ever heard of" bin Laden.

"About a year -- you'll have to check it, a year, year and a half before the World Trade Center came down, the book came out. I was talking about Osama bin Laden. I said, 'You have to kill him. You have to take him out.' Nobody listened to me," he said.

"Let's put it this way: if they would have listened to me, a lot of things would have been different," he said.

Trump said he still hears people marveling about his supposed declaration.

"To this day, I get people coming up to me," he said. "They said, 'You know what one of the most amazing things I've ever seen about you is that you predicted that Osama bin Laden had to be killed before he knocked down the World Trade Center.' It's true. Now, most of the press doesn't want to write that, but, you know -- but it's true. If you go back, look at my book."

Dickhead UPer
Wed Oct 30 08:53:37
Rugian talks about being obsessed where he has since the inauguration of Trump pushed every agenda of his while drinking the propaganda kool aid of his.
the wanderer
Wed Oct 30 11:37:34
all those people coming up to him saying he was so amazing about Bin Laden are probably the same ones asking for their son's remains back from North Korea

but constantly lying about every goddamn thing is fine in a President for ~40% of America, fantastic (or worse most actually believe his OBVIOUS lies)

& i didn't say his inability to hand out candy was reason for impeachment, just more for the pile of him being a barely functional idiot... if you took away his diet coke summoning button he might die of dehydration
Wed Oct 30 12:22:32
I have to see what standards for presidential behavior will be there after Donald is gone. Or for any US politician for that matter. Like, you know that, prior to donald, there was no future in politics for anyone who says that what trump said about his book, OBL and 9/11. This person would be ostracized and widely condemned, no party would want to deal with such baggage. Moreover, people would probably consider anyone saying such demosntrably idiotic trash as mentally ill. But donald says it and nobody cares. Will things change back to previous standards when the next prez is elected, or will it now be free for all, just say whatever the fuck
Wed Oct 30 14:30:55
CR, good question. I have the sick feeling that if he loses the election next year it will end the long string of peaceful transitions from one President to the next. If he wins, we will witness a National Emergency and he'll declare Martial Law , quickly followed by declaring himself King/Emperor of America.
Wed Oct 30 18:26:30
I may be wrong but I think that the Democrats needs to produce ”better” candidates in order to beat Trump. Better in the sense of being more aggressive and rude, someone who doesn’t give shit about his/her opponents, someone who can say outrageous and shocking things and kill without anyone caring about it.

It’s a show after all. And that is what the Americans seems to want right now. A clown is also always gonna win over a boring proper person who talks nice and follows the etiquettes. The only way to win over a clown is to be a better clown. Or, to convince the audience that ”okay that was the clown, but the circus really needs to move on to the next act now”.
Wed Oct 30 18:49:25
Maybe the Democrats needs an underdog who people will root for. He/she doesn’t necessarily need to be an actual underdog, just that people will have a strong impression of it.

I’m thinking Rocky, the movie, you know.

If Trump is that Russian boxer Ivan. Then the Democrat’s candidate needs to be Rocky.
Thu Oct 31 03:04:32
"Better in the sense of being more aggressive and rude, someone who doesn’t give shit about his/her opponents, someone who can say outrageous and shocking things and kill without anyone caring about it."

Hillary already lost twice.
Thu Oct 31 06:34:10
Lol, yes. But Hillary isn’t a clown as Trump is. She is a kind of boring and proper person.
the wanderer
Thu Oct 31 11:44:04
we shouldn't put up a clown, we want a contrast & to pray people aren't as stupid as they seem or America is lost regardless

plus being an ignorant lying idiot child only seems to work for Trump, probably related to his son-in-law being the devil

the wanderer
Thu Oct 31 11:44:20
“I wish my name was Hunter Biden. I could go abroad, make millions off of my father’s presidency—I’d be a really rich guy! It would be incredible!"
~ Trump Jr. (on Hannity)

the wanderer
Thu Oct 31 12:08:57
This president will be in power for only a short time, but excusing his misbehavior will forever tarnish your name. To my Republican colleagues: Step outside your media and social bubble. History will not look kindly on disingenuous, frivolous, and false defenses of this man.
~ Justin 'smart guy' Amash

the wanderer
Thu Oct 31 12:31:38
Less than a month after he was named President Donald Trump’s cybersecurity adviser in 2017, Rudy Giuliani walked into an Apple store in downtown San Francisco.

He wasn’t looking for a new gadget. Giuliani was looking for help.

He was locked out of his iPhone because he had forgotten the passcode and entered the wrong one at least 10 times, according to two people familiar with the matter and a photo of an internal Apple store memo obtained by NBC News.


“There’s no way he should be going to a commercial location to ask for that assistance,” said E.J. Hilbert, a former FBI agent for cybercrime and terrorism.


Anaya said protocols should be in place so White House staffers, not random Apple store employees, are the ones who help Giuliani deal with any technical issues related to his phone.


the best people
Thu Oct 31 13:37:26
Trump really is a child.

the wanderer
Thu Oct 31 14:31:11
Trump is all about 'we' not himself (according to total disgrace Lou Dobbs):

Don Jr. really making the rounds at Fox, maybe he can be the next piece of shit press secretary
the wanderer
Fri Nov 01 21:16:49
Trump says the stock market went up today because people got a chance to read the transcript and saw it was fine

it was released over a month ago

a fucking deranged moron
Fri Nov 01 21:27:33
People were busy.
the wanderer
Sun Nov 03 22:14:05
If Shifty Adam Schiff, who is a corrupt politician who fraudulently made up what I said on the “call,” is allowed to release transcripts of the Never Trumpers & others that are & were interviewed, he will change the words that were said to suit the Dems purposes. Republicans...
....should give their own transcripts of the interviews to contrast with Schiff’s manipulated propaganda. House Republicans must have nothing to do with Shifty’s rendition of those interviews. He is a proven liar, leaker & freak who is really the one who should be impeached!
~ stew of shit & trash

got that, morons? if anything damning in the testimony, it was falsified by the evil Dems
Sun Nov 03 23:15:12
Not the evil Dems just Schiff, probably the only person more obsessed with President Trump than you.
the wanderer
Mon Nov 04 02:22:03
so you believe Schiff would actually alter deposition transcripts?

add to the extensive list of why you are a crazy person

(& no, he didn't do that to the call transcript, despite the huge piles of bullshit by Trump & his propaganda team at Fox 'News')
Mon Nov 04 02:42:58
Sure, why not? You would and you are one and the same.
the wanderer
Mon Nov 04 11:36:10
i guarantee with 100% certainty he will not

this actually should go on the list of why Trump needs removed immediately... you don't seem as gullible as Hot Rod, yet a continuously lying idiot child suggests official under oath transcripts would be falsified & you say 'hmm, he could be right'

so no matter how much damning evidence comes out, he can say 'it's fake!', & you'll consider it possible

as i said before, America is lost if Trump re-elected...

a sad day for America... & kargen is particular
Mon Nov 04 14:01:46
I'm so thrilled that Trump has finally spoken to all constituents in California. He has offered, through the kindness of his heart to.......cut federal funding for fighting the fires there. Isn't he a wonderful human being :)
the wanderer
Mon Nov 04 16:12:56
they should have raked the forests like our leader of unmatched wisdom suggested


reporter: "What's your evidence Vindman is a Never Trumper?"

Trump: "We'll be showing that to you real soon"

kargen: 'I totally believe him!'

Mon Nov 04 17:35:57
Kargen is a Trumpicantard
Mon Nov 04 21:02:12
I can't take your word for it, you are delusional.

I am saying Schiff is just as delusional as you are. He could see a Trump transcript write a summary of it completely get it wrong and in his mind he copied it word for word. Just like you do so many posts in these forums.

That is why I want open hearings and to see the documents. I don't trust Schiff at all. I don't trust most politicians out of general principle but he is especially not trustworthy. So basically I don't want to see his summaries I want to see the actual document.

By the way I feel the same way in that regard to President Trump. I would prefer to see the documents as take his word. I like making up my own mind.

"reporter: "What's your evidence Vindman is a Never Trumper?"

Trump: "We'll be showing that to you real soon"

kargen: 'I totally believe him!'"

see this is exactly what I am talking about. You have no idea how wrong you are because your brain is so fucking twisted right now. You are incapable of correctly reading and comprehending almost anything political. You just can't do it.
the wanderer
Mon Nov 04 22:43:47
"...completely get it wrong and in his mind he copied it word for word. Just like you do so many posts in these forums"

cite one example


"I don't want to see his summaries"

NO ONE mentioned summaries, we are back to the 'you just have to change Trumps words into different ones' defense i guess

speaking of using a summary & falsely calling it a transcript, see Trump's multitude of claims that the call summary was a word-for-word transcript (despite it saying right on it, that it is NOT... a fact repeatedly noted by media, & yet Trump doesn't stop claiming it... as usual)


"You have no idea how wrong you are"

there are 2 options

- you believe the continually lying fraud child

- you don't believe him, yet find it acceptable for -the President- to continuously smear people w/ completely made-up lies (including false allegations of crimes)

both ways, you are totally nuts
the wanderer
Mon Nov 04 22:54:46
Rand Paul fully corrupted, i guess he really likes hanging w/ the idiot but cool jock:

^Rand calling on the media to release the whistleblower's name (against the law)... also the whistleblower is totally irrelevant at this point even though Trump is obsessed w/ him

the witnesses being called have more direct knowledge & already confirmed everything in the whistleblower report, Trump wants the name only to harass & punish the guy
Mon Nov 04 23:26:05
"cite one example"

could. The word could is important in my statement.

And since Schiff is reluctant to share how the fuck would we know. We know you do this because we have access to the original message and your response on what you think you read. That is all I ask with this hearing. Let us see what is going on.

"there are 2 options"

go back and read what I wrote a few times. Have someone read it to you. Have someone else tell you what that person just read. Maybe then you can reply on what I typed instead of what your brain saw. I can tell you they are not remotely the same thing.

"By the way I feel the same way in that regard to President Trump. I would prefer to see the documents as take his word. I like making up my own mind."

What do you think that says?

the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 02:06:06
the transcripts are being released, they are not going to be forged... you have let a total obvious fraud & liar undermine your faith in so many things...

(& Republican committee members were allowed into all depositions, same as Democrat committee members, Schiff was not hiding anything... restricting access to just members is COMPLETELY normal)

& i was asking you to cite one instance of me lying about Trump's words

either start having a problem w/ Trump LYING ALL THE GODDAMN TIME, or else you are a Trump supporter, deal w/ your shame
Tue Nov 05 02:51:58
that is good.

and no I refrain from believing what CNN tells me.

"either start having a problem w/ Trump LYING ALL THE GODDAMN TIME"

He doesn't lie all the time. I happen to like some of what President Trump does and I disagree with some of what he does. Makes me a rational person.

You are hallucinating and irrational. If someone agrees with thing President Trump says your brain immediately begins to warp their words so that you believe everything that person says is wrong. You can't see it.
Check out Scott Adam's two movies on one screen theory. You are watching the wrong screen.
Dickhead UPer
Tue Nov 05 04:12:58
I am pretty sure you may have liked what Stalin, Mao, Hitler, had done in some aspects, but can clearly see the wrong they are as a leader of their countries and find them inept for the job.

However, completely refusing to acknowledged the constant lies, that's been verified, and his attempt to disrupt all that he can and by-pass protocols, been verified, and all other issues that have arose from his presidency, clearly marks him as an inept fool.

But I understand, he isn't a democrat, its all good for the kargen. I just want to make sure that is clarified instead of you pretending to be some independent thinking, 'rational' person. Which based upon your history is clearly bullshit.

What exactly have you been critical about Trump? Oh "I don't like his tweets." That's about it.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 11:42:17
Nancy Pelosi knew of all of the many Shifty Adam Schiff lies and massive frauds perpetrated upon Congress and the American people, in the form of a fraudulent speech knowingly delivered as a ruthless con, and the illegal meetings with a highly partisan “Whistleblower” & lawyer...

....This makes Nervous Nancy every bit as guilty as Liddle’ Adam Schiff for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and even Treason. I guess that means that they, along with all of those that evilly “Colluded” with them, must all be immediately Impeached!
~ kargen's object of lust

point out the factual info in that pair of tweets... defend every fragment

and yes, tweets are EXACTLY the same as him saying it out loud... plus his first piece of shit press secretary declared his tweets are official statements by the President... plus Trump himself says it's how he gets his message out (more than once giving orders to his admin through it... as he is unfit for office & an idiot)

and no, he doesn't lie like all politicians... politicians spin & mislead, Trump just -makes shit up-... regularly... it's CRAZY

the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 13:43:43
Sondland (Trump's personal friend) who was the only one casting doubt on no quid pro quo, upon noticing other witnesses were being honest, updated his testimony to say 'oh yeah, my memory is now refreshed & i now recall the quid pro quo that there was no chance i would've forgotten, but please don't charge me w/ perjury'*

so now everyone is saying quid pro quo, even snake Kellyanne Conway wouldn't deny it, just said she didn't know

Trump's word vs everyone else's... who to believe...

*see pages 375-379 for Sondland's 'refreshed memory' testimony

Tue Nov 05 15:35:26
Dickhead you haven't been paying attention over the past few years. If you had you would know I don't care what party a person belongs to.

"and yes, tweets are EXACTLY the same as him saying it out loud"

maybe but then it still matters where and when it was said. His tweets are just the same as any other unofficial comment he might make. You accepting it as official or policy is silly. Nancy doesn't seem to give a shit about them why should you.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 15:46:40
“In answer to the Court’s question, the government is treating the President’s statements to which plaintiffs point — whether by tweet, speech or interview — as official statements of the President of the United States”
~ the current Justice Department

"The president is president of the United States, so they are considered official statements by the president of the United States."
~ original piece of shit press secretary

also, who fucking cares if they are official statements... point to the daily lies said by Obama, or any other President (even in other countries), or any other politician... be sure they include ones with absolutely no basis in fact (completely made-up) and also include false accusations of crimes

you are hopeless & crazy
Tue Nov 05 15:52:35
You do realize/remember my entire point through all these arguments has been so far there is no proof President Trump has done anything illegal? Still my argument. I've often said I don't like what the president tweets. I just don't let it destroy my whole life like you do.

Schiff said they have the evidence (again) and this time they finally really got him. If that is the case then the inquiry in the house should be done. Get that vote going and send it over to the Senate where the real investigation begins. If they have proof he should be impeached then they should impeach him. Why drag it out?

Most of us know the answer.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 19:12:47
Trump is the one dragging it out by stopping as many people as possible from testifying

being ridiculously unfit for office is ample reason to want to remove him

& abuse of power is actual grounds for impeachment

"no proof President Trump has done anything illegal"
...see Mueller Vol 2, or all his fraud in literally every aspect of his life
the wanderer
Tue Nov 05 21:05:22
Trump has retweeted 4 different articles about a Florida county no longer allowing a library to carry the New York Times based on heir Trump's decree

next up, book burnings
Wed Nov 06 02:17:01
Why should they testify? Schiff says they have enough evidence to impeach him now. If Schiff is telling the truth why waste time? Get this to the Senate where the actual hearing to determine guilt or innocence will take place. Democrats don't want to impeach. They just need an excuse to continue doing nothing until November 2020.

I wouldn't want people around me testifying either if it were a closed session and the person that despises me most is the one that gets to decide what is released. Whether I did anything wrong or not would have no weight on my decision. If you are not being treated fair you do not cooperate.
large member
Wed Nov 06 07:06:27
It could also be that the democrats know the Senate will not convict before the elections.

Republicans have 23 to democrats 12 next cycle.

The Senate could flip and Trump could win, then face an immediate Senate conviction.
large member
Wed Nov 06 07:10:45
(ie Republicans need to win 20 seats and the democrats need to win 15 for either to gain a majority).
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 11:32:30
"Why should they testify?"

because they are legally obligated to as the courts will tell them (& they will face no punishment for dragging this out which is annoying)


"Get this to the Senate where the actual hearing to determine guilt or innocence will take place"

ha ha, funny

overwhelming & precise evidence is what the House should do, as the Senate will do NOTHING


"They just need an excuse to continue doing nothing until November 2020"

that explains their rapid movement on depositions, right? they specifically don't want this dragging til Nov 2020. It's EXTREMELY clear which side is trying to drag this out, yet you as a crazy person can't see it.


"I wouldn't want people around me testifying either if it were a closed session and the person that despises me most is the one that gets to decide what is released"

depositions being public is not normal procedure & Republicans are in the depositions & get just as much time to ask questions... also it's not like the people are saying they'd testify if it was public

+ let's circle back to it's their legal obligation, not whether they feel uncomfortable or not

you have Sondland saying 'yeah, i told Ukraine they had to do this to get the aid', & R's saying 'well, you don't have Trump saying it yet' (even though we basically do in the phone call)... so we have people at the end of the chain saying quid pro quo, & the people in the middle refusing to testify (& dodging questions when asked by reporters, like Pence & Pompeo... both needing to reword simple questions before they'd answer)

a criminal administration
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 11:52:30
Lindsey Graham is (now) going w/ the "Trump admin is too incompetent" defense

kinda stupid to conclude it's all a sham since he can't even identify the truth

but Lindsey Graham is a tortured soul who spins a dial everyday to determine his beliefs
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 15:24:01
some version of Lindsey Graham also claims they can't move forward w/o knowing who the whistleblower is

i'd like a detailed explanation of that... i can't think of a single thing the whistleblower provides at this point, yet for Lindsey it's the only thing that matters

so much nonsense emanating from the Trumposphere
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 15:26:21
...the most likely reason is they want to smear the guy for any Democrat connections he has as if that changes anything... but Fox News will bathe in it

so solely for deception, standard Trumpian behavior
Wed Nov 06 16:29:45
"It could also be that the democrats know the Senate will not convict before the elections."

If there is obvious evidence of a crime getting it to the Senate should be top priority. Feelings on what the Senate may or may not do shouldn't matter. And you would think it would be bad for republicans if they refused to convict after seeing obvious proof of guilt.

Democrats don't want to send it to the Senate because they don't want to lose the narrative. This was never about removing the president through impeachment.

It takes a two thirds majority to convict on impeachment. Democrats even in their wildest hopes and dreams aren't thinking of gaining anywhere that number of seats. Again this isn't about removing the president. This is the Democrats fucking off instead of working.
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 19:14:55
"This is the Democrats fucking off instead of working."

they have passed plenty of bills, which Mitch McConnell ignores as he's a corrupt piece of shit like so many R's

how you can say the Dems are moving slowly is simply bizarre... but you are a crazy person
Wed Nov 06 19:30:07
I didn't say they are moving slow. I said they are dragging it out. There is a difference. They are calling "witnesses" as quick as they can so they can then spin the testimony and have the press present the spin as gospel. How quick they move has nothing to do with an end date nor their end goal. They want this to have an affect on the 2020 election. Actually impeaching and removing President Trump would be a most stupid move by the Democrats. President Trump is a moderate compared to the VP.
Democrats are looking to cause President Trump to lose in 2020 and this silly attempt to impeach is the only plan they have.
Wed Nov 06 19:31:09
Oh and passing shit knowing full well it has no hope in the Senate because you purposely load it with shit isn't working. It is more fucking off.
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 20:47:12
Why won't Mitch let the Senate vote on the bills then? If it's clear garbage they have nothing to fear

and the impeachment will be done well before election... your 'dragging out' theory makes no sense at all
Wed Nov 06 21:14:41
"they have passed plenty of bills, which Mitch McConnell ignores as he's a corrupt piece of shit like so many R's'

This is so absolutely ridiculous. Passing bills that are so blatantly partisan that no Republican could ever reasonably vote for them isn't "being productive," it's just virtue-signalling to your base.

Pelosi likes to talk of Congress being the "first branch" of government. Well, the Senate is also part of that "first beanch," and Cocaine Mitch's job isnt just to be a rubber stamp for the House's fuckery.
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 21:21:53
how is it a rubber stamp to hold a vote?

one should be shocked that he doesn't have to, not fine that he alone can obstruct all business
Wed Nov 06 21:32:20
Let's not pretend that if the Senate did vote down every piece of hackery eminating from the House, you wouldn't still blame them for the lack of legislative advancements.
Wed Nov 06 21:48:15
THe house wasted enough time. Why waste more in the Senate?

"one should be shocked that he doesn't have to, not fine that he alone can obstruct all business"

I agree with this. I also think bills should be clean. They shouldn't be allowed to attach unrelated amendments to a bill. But the house can send a dirty bill to the Senate and the Senate can ignore it. Being the case I see little reason for the Senate to waste time on bills that were created to fail.
the wanderer
Wed Nov 06 22:36:56
Lindsey again... he's really trying to earn his Trump points... he's got it all figured out why Sondland amended his testimony

He wasn't trying to avoid perjury charges after everyone contradicting him, nope, he must be corruptly working w/ the Dems & -now- is committing perjury (like everyone else is doing apparently)

(Sondland being a guy who got his job solely by being a Trump supporter)


and the Fox News host is all over the obvious nonsense...
the wanderer
Thu Nov 07 02:04:37
Years ago, when Media was legitimate, people known as “Fact Checkers” would always call to check and see if a story was accurate. Nowadays they don’t use “Fact Checkers” anymore, they just write whatever they want!
~ extremely obvious fraud & cancer on society
Dickhead UPer
Thu Nov 07 04:09:39
I'm sure Kargen will agree with Graham; that Sondland only donated money to Trump as a front perpetrated by the Democrats to infiltrate the Trump ranks. Only then patiently wait for the exact moment or when instructed to strike to add another blemish to Trump.
large member
Thu Nov 07 05:23:05
It is actually the house that impeaches. The Senate merely determines the punishment (removal, no removal from office).

I think your analysis is a bit off. Though I agree a supermajority is needed to remove the president from office, it still is about Senate control.

Trump is very divisive and has less than majority support.

Making the GOP pay the full price on that seems fair.

The Democrats could very well being playing for a full sweep in 2020 (control of house, senate, and executive office).
the wanderer
Thu Nov 07 12:05:54
can any of our Fox News watchers explain why it's so important to R's that the whistleblower is outed & testifies?

(assuming they don't agree w/ my definite reason for it... to smear him on Fox News as if it changes the facts)
the wanderer
Thu Nov 07 13:08:47
Dems are withdrawing a subpoena of one guy who's fighting it in court as they don't want to wait, plus say they won't subpoena Bolton for same reason... all fitting into the 'dragging out' theory by Dems in kargen's crazy mind, i'm sure

a shame this lawless admin will get away w/ defying congress in ignoring subpoenas & fraudulently claiming executive privilege to not answer questions while never really invoking it
Thu Nov 07 13:19:40
"Though I agree a supermajority is needed to remove the president from office, it still is about Senate control."

So about the 2020 election just like I said. You are saying it is for a Senate majority I am saying it is to undermine the Trump campaign.

President Trump was elected because of the divisiveness in this country. He is the result not the cause.
large member
Thu Nov 07 14:05:15
I am saying it is more to undermine the campaigns of every republican running for political office from now until after the 2020 election.

It seems fair to make the GOP pay the full price for Trump.

There is also the small thing of convenience. A lot of people that would be involved in a Senate trial are facing elections in less than a year.

They simply do not have the time to be tied up in Senate trial proceedings before the elections are over.
the wanderer
Fri Nov 08 16:52:05
Trump is super excited that his crush has invited him to a party
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