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Utopia Talk / Politics / Watchman HOLY FUCK
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon Oct 21 01:14:25
I've never been so impressed by a pilot episode. This seris was and is better than the movie.
Mon Oct 21 07:39:47
I thought watchmen pilot was awesome. Opening was disturbing, I actually googled tulsa massacre because I thought that biplane attacks were surely an excessive dramatization of events, but no, wiki says that stuff apparently happened. Anyway, it was great, watch it
large member
Mon Oct 21 08:02:03
The irony of this thread and "Guess the race" being neck in neck at the top of the forum.

Some things never change.
Mon Oct 21 08:03:29
I just read the guess the race thread and I didn't get the irony reference
large member
Mon Oct 21 08:07:25
Ruggy creates those threads if and only if he thinks we are looking for black or hispanic culprits.
Mon Oct 21 08:13:30
Yes, thats how it usually works. But what about the HBO show, how does it relate to guess the race?
large member
Mon Oct 21 08:17:01
The Tulsa massacre relates to guess the race?
large member
Mon Oct 21 08:18:00
I guess if I have to explain it, then the irony is not as striking as I thought.
Mon Oct 21 08:26:36
I see. Ok, maybe it is too obvious
Mon Oct 21 08:51:57
"Some things never change."

Like war? Does war never change?
large member
Mon Oct 21 09:17:37
Like the human condition?
Mon Oct 21 09:51:21
And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets and the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs
So the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the blacks givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up,
Crack you up and pimp smack you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
They get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool
My mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped
And I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
Some buck that I roughed up way back
Comin' back after all these years
Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh
2 Pac - changes

Amazing how that verse contain half a dozen UP relevant topics.
Mon Oct 21 10:11:21
I just cancelled my subscription to HBO. 5 minutes ago. I can still watch HBO for a month but... I don’t know.
large member
Mon Oct 21 10:13:20
You can also cancel your cancel
Mon Oct 21 10:21:28
Yes, I noticed. I also got an email where they begged me to come back. But I don’t know. What will they give me if I come back? They just raised the montly cost with 10 SEK from 99 to 109. Last year they raised it from 89 to 99. They just want to take more and more of moneys, but what do I get? Watchmen?

I got HBO because I wanted to watch GoT. But now GoT has ended. So...
Mon Oct 21 10:22:31
* more and more of my moneys,
Mon Oct 21 10:26:26
cancel your cancel, and pay for one more month, no big deal. If you don't appreciate watchmen, then cancle the cancel of cancel
Mon Oct 21 10:46:36
I guess it is a possibility to cancel the cancel of the cancel. But I wanted to make a statement, that if they raise the monthly cost then they are going to lose subscribers.

Say I remain for another year so I can watch Watchmen. 109x12=1308 SEK ($135).

$135 for the first season of Watchmen is kinda expensive.

Say it will have 6 seasons. That’s $810.

I recently got Netflix so I think I will try Netflix for a year or two instead.
Mon Oct 21 11:56:36
You can't just get a month or two at a time?
Mon Oct 21 12:22:20
Yes. I pay per month. I could pay for ..say 2 months and then cancel the subscription, and then subscribe again after 2 months or whatever.
The Children
Mon Oct 21 14:14:17
better than the movie? that aint sayin much coz the movie SUCKED.

Cherub Cow
Tue Oct 22 01:02:38
I really liked the movie.

This show may take off, but I'm not seeing how the pilot was "awesome". It was okay. Predictable plot so far. They seem to be taking the larger subject of the Watchmen story and narrowing it into a race relations issue.

They did go with the comic story as their partial-basis rather than the movie, so the giant squid still has a lasting memory via the squid rain..

Lead Regina King doesn't really have the physical presence to be believable as a good fighter, but her small height (5' 3"), detective skills, and "black and white" absolutist comment may be setting her up as a Rorschach successor. Hopefully that's the case, because if they're only erroneously saying that "Rorschach [was right-wing so he must have been racist; and anyone who believed his journal would be a right-wing, KKK, racist, copy-cat]", then this show is dead in the water. On the other hand, if Sister Knight (Regina King) mirrors Rorschach, then the show would be pointing out that that error is being made by this neo-KKK group of Rorschach-mask wearers. If the writers intend to connect things back at all to the source material, then Sister Knight's defeat of the neo-KKK peeps would lead her to finding out that Rorschach's journal was true, so she couldn't just dismiss them outright for being racist.

To be seen how much credit the writing can be given. It's not a good sign that this series was written and produced by Damon Lindelof — the hack who shat out TV's "Lost". I don't think he's written a single good thing in his entire career, so it would be a big 180 if he pulled this off.
Tue Oct 22 08:08:31
I watched the pilot again last night, not high this time, I again thought it was super. Also, the soundtrack reminded me of the original Blade Runner score. I never read the comics and I don't really remember the movie (although I remember liking it), so I am a bit lost, ex. who is Jeremy Irons character? I might need to read show explainers, like I do with Westworld
large member
Tue Oct 22 08:40:38
He is the watchmaker. tick-tock-tick-tock. And all those old, but deadly watch batteries tick-tock-tick-tock. And faulty robots (master me here and there).

Its funner not to read show explainers :).

I quite enjoyed notable presidents. Nixon really does not seem so bad these days. He was threatened over impeachment for what again? Sounded like fake news from the fake media to me.

US politics seems all about rehabilitating Nixon one horrible successor at a time.
Tue Oct 22 08:44:57
"Nixon really does not seem so bad these days."

Yeah, but the you recall things like this and how truly bad nixon was

Tue Oct 22 10:18:27
First off, HBO shows by default should be assumed to be hot garbage, as the clusterfuck that was GoT season 8 indisputably proved.

And secondly

Mon Oct 21 08:07:25
"Ruggy creates those threads if and only if he thinks we are looking for black or hispanic culprits."

As with 95% of everything that jergul posts on this board, [Citation needed]. Filthy liar.
Tue Oct 22 10:27:11
"First off, HBO shows by default should be assumed to be hot garbage"

do not watch Watchmen, tt is not for you, I think you'd be negatively affected.
Tue Oct 22 10:56:19
Yes, I dont need yet another HBO show preaching leftwing bullshit to me, you're right.

Cancelling that sub felt so good fam.
Tue Oct 22 11:01:25
I haven’t decided yet if I should cancel my cancel or not. I kinda want to see Watchmen now. It’s not too late for me to watch the pilot though.
Tue Oct 22 11:09:16
I heard on the the morning TV this morning, they were talking anout Watchmen, saying it was top notch, etc. They said it is about racism and terrorism, and that everyone is wearing a mask, and because of that you can’t see who is good/bad, black/white, they said. They further explained that the gist of the story is to show how stupid racism is.

So now when I know that, I might actually not need to watch it. Maybe Watchmen was made for people like Rugian?
Tue Oct 22 11:17:32
"Yes, I dont need yet another HBO show preaching leftwing bullshit to me, you're right."

I do know you well enough to issue my recommendation to avoid Watchmen, that is true
large member
Tue Oct 22 11:24:37
To be fair, I do feel some characters in the series would tug Ruggy's heart-strings.

But they seem to die off pretty fast.
Renzo Marquez
Tue Oct 22 17:17:56
It looks gay.
Wed Oct 23 19:34:03
Seems like a good show. I also wanna see that show with James McAvoy. That looks good.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Oct 23 19:54:51
It sorta seems like Rugian is attempting to become the next Pedo Rod.
Thu Oct 24 04:59:36
Did offer advances to suck that wrinkly cock. How do you not get this.
Thu Oct 24 07:02:39

In the Watchmen (comic book) timeline, didn't Nixon win the Vietnam war with Dr Manhattan and Watergate never happened?

Mon Nov 04 08:24:31
I like the show even more, after the third episode. I have very little idea of whats going on with some of the show lines, since i haven't read the books, but man, I am sitting in front of tv, and I get disappointed when episode ends
large member
Mon Nov 04 09:03:47
I dunno. I never read it. But the series infers that nixon did fine.

Right back at you :)
Mon Nov 04 12:32:11
Watchmens world building was Alan Moore writing about the plausible dystopia of persistent right wing rule wihin a democratic context. The way it would shape attitudes.

I suspect this Watchmen is trying to do the reverse and so far I think it's being a tad facile.

Peak TV is causing me issues - not sure whether to continue this given I stalled on preacher, man in high castle, and American gods.

Mon Nov 04 17:27:47
American Gods definitely lost a step in the 2nd season.

I like that this show is seemingly portraying authoritarian rule abusing their powers by claiming the people they abuse are racist so thereby it is justified. Its ballsy and prescient. Of course seb wouldnt like it.
large member
Tue Nov 05 04:30:28
Wiki suggests the series is a sequel. Perhaps read it as exploring the theme of what happens when an authoritarian systems flips from right to left?
Tue Nov 05 13:50:47
Jergul: Yeah it's definitely a sequel. The original was less about authoritarianism ofc the state in the sense of e.g. v for Vendetta; much more about what degenerating effects on society pervasive "neo liberal" politics and attitudes might have. Evil not flowing from a single source but an emergent effect of a society that's most its way. Ironically he was not extreme enough.

It's tempting to see Veidt as a left wing liberal and Rorshach the right wing conservative, but both I think were intended to be anti-heros driven by extreme individualism.

So far (1 episode in) I have a sinking feeling that it's a rather facile attempt at showing what the left wing equivalent is "Too woke" is the vibe I'm getting... conceptually the idea is good - I'm getting the feeling though that the showrunner isn't smart enough to pull it off.
Sun Nov 17 22:26:08
Pretty good episode tonight
Sun Nov 17 23:41:32
Outstanding episode
Mon Nov 18 19:14:39
So is this actually worth watching?
Mon Nov 18 20:18:02
It has a cthulu space monster. I think you'll like it. Just be aware it's very stylized but is confident and not shy about it.
large member
Tue Nov 19 01:00:44
Nice episode!
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 19 02:02:13
"So is this actually worth watching?"

I've been doing reviews in Movie Talk:
Short version is that the first few episodes have some big issues to the point that I thought I'd stop bothering to watch the show. The lead, Regina King, doesn't have physical believability. The pacing and developments can get vapid. The directors of the first three episodes (Nicole Kassell and Stephen Williams) were awful and had a tendency to overplay things that they thought would be big reveals when they really weren't. It gets better with episode 4 (Andrij Parekh directs), and episode 5 (Steph Green) was pretty good. Episodes 6 (this approaching weekend) will be directed by Stephen Williams again, so the show may regress. :/

So it's getting better, but I'm still not sure if it's a waste of time. If you haven't watched any episodes yet, I'd wait until the season finishes.
Dr Jekyll
Tue Nov 19 11:05:56
Good episode.
Mr Hyde
Tue Nov 19 12:19:17
Pretty nice episode.
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