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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump letter to Turkey President
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Wed Oct 16 22:27:09
I thought this was fake but this dumb fuck actually sent a letter trying to persude a head of state with the words "I will destroy...Don't be a tough guy...." and "Don't be a fool!"


A week later the war continues..
Thu Oct 17 02:18:58
It's almost as if your country elected an idiot, narcissist, TV celeb with obvious shady connections, no background in politics, public administration, law, communication or any other skill set appropriate to a position of public office, who was obviously suffering mental decline, in order to "pwn the libs", after a significant section of the electorate became enraged by having a black man be President.

And now he's entirely predictably fucking up.

And having your ass handed to you by fucking Turkey.
smart dude
Thu Oct 17 02:26:03
Seb was on point up until the the non sequitur about Obama being black (Trump didn't run against Obama, and Obama won two terms). Trump won despite all those things because of muh Hillary and muh emails.
Average Ameriacn
Thu Oct 17 03:10:07
Trump writes in a way that the Average American can understand him, he is no elitist. I like it.

Also don't forget that Erdigan is an uneducated Muslim.
Thu Oct 17 03:39:18
and Seb he is still better than what the Democrats offered up. Looking at the shit storm the Democrats have going now best hope is majority wakes up and goes third party.
Thu Oct 17 03:44:23
Smart Dude:

Oh come on... why does Obama being a two term president and not on the ballot paper mean anything here?

Trump was a Birther during the Obama presidency, and have you checked out how much Maga stuff in the first half of his term was focused on Obama? A lot of it still is. Only a few days ago I was doing my trawl around the swamp to see what people are up to, and all the nasty little pictures of Obama with bones through his nose etc... All still there.

A great deal of the Trump supporters were utterly triggered by a black man being president and Trump totally exploited that backlash.

As far as any real strategy can be seen in Trump, it is to try to dismantle *everything* Obama has done.

Sure, hatred of Hillary was of course another important part, but you are kidding yourself if you think to many people, a great degree of Trump's appeal was a refutation of Obama and racial equality. Trump got the mysoginist and racist votes. That's his core and a big part of his electoral coalition. The sad part is mainstream republicans (voters and politicians) went along with it because they couldn't see it was them winning the presidency for Trump rather than Trump winning the presidency for them. Because they are idiots who have benefited hugely from a rigged political system and economic system and they couldn't conceive that Trump wasn't a creature of that system.
Thu Oct 17 03:48:10

Trump better than Hillary?

He's literally dismantling US soft and hard power. After betraying one ally, your armed forces are retreating under fire from a country you used to be firm allies with but which you allowed Russian diplomacy to drive a wedge between; while your actual enemy, ISIS, runs free.

That isn't something that I can imagine happening easily yet Hillary.

Thu Oct 17 05:46:26
”He's literally dismantling US soft and hard power. After betraying one ally, your armed forces are retreating under fire from a country you used to be firm allies with but which you allowed Russian diplomacy to drive a wedge between; while your actual enemy, ISIS, runs free. ”

Lol. Give him a break, Seb. He is still kinda new to the job.
Thu Oct 17 07:32:25
After all the years, US blood and trasure spent battling ISIS, a new american military operation is coming? USA must destroy PKK, you can't leave a terror threat worse that ISIS alone

"Trump, during a Wednesday press conference, had said that Kurdish allies who'd aided the U.S. in battling ISIS weren't "angels."

“The PKK, which is a part of the Kurds, as you know, is probably worse at terror and more of a terrorist threat in many ways than ISIS," he said, referring to the Kurdistan Workers' Party."

Thu Oct 17 11:49:32
When you put the letter in this format, I kinda like it...

Thu Oct 17 12:00:28
He wrote like he talks. It was probably dictated. Yet another thing the fringe left thinks average americans will be upset by.
Thu Oct 17 12:10:19
I don’t think anyone is upset. I think most people are just shaking their heads. Some people are laughing and is making fun of Trump because the letter is kind of stupid. And I think that makes the Trump supporters upset.
smart dude
Thu Oct 17 14:47:27

You don't need to Britsplain to me that much of the U.S. is racist. The point is that Mr. Black Man managed to get himself elected twice. Your saying that this groundswell of racial hatred manifested suddenly when a white person was running for president? Seems weird to me. Sure it was a factor, but seems like it would have been an even bigger factor when Obama was, like, actually running for president rather than your quintessential white establishment Dem.
Thu Oct 17 15:39:44
"Trump better than Hillary?"

Yes. I thank the powers that be throughout the universe that we dodged the wreck and ruin Hillary would have brought down on the world.
Thu Oct 17 15:43:10
Seb is retarded.

The Kurds are worthless allies. Turkey is not. ISIS is gone (except the bits hiding in Idlib under Turkish protection).

What does the US gain by continuing to alienate turkey by supporting & propping up the kurds? Nothing.

ISIS is gone. The kurds served their purpose (which was to act as a check against Turkish and Saudi terrorists).

US isn't losing fuck all to turkey. Trump is fixing relations with an (unfortunately) important ally by giving them what they want. At no cost to the US... Since the kurds are worthless.

The public show is inconsequential. Erdogan is probably as giddy TC on tuna sandwich day at his local food kitchen.

But trump needs to act tough, for his base, and Erdogan needs to act like a sultan for his.

Kurds get btfo and nobody on earth is going to shed a tear but Seb.
Thu Oct 17 16:23:20
Smart Dude:

Trump capitalised and fed it in a way McCain and Romney didn't. Because Trump had been a Birther and his campaign built on the dog whistles etc to that group, they came out and voted for him.

A poor white racist isn't necessarily going to turn up and vote for Romney just because he's *not* Obama. But he will turn up to vote Trump because he knows Trump stands for everything against Obama and had demonstrated he shares exactly those values.

There's a huge difference.


You throw an ally under a bus like that, then everyone knows America doesn't have allies. It has tools.

Also, if Turkey is your ally, has Trump cemented that ally, or allowed Russia to completely prise then away? Remind me, didn't you just have to kick them out of f-35 because they've bought Russian sir defences which will let the Ruskies build up detailed radar models of the f-35?

Great ally there, threatening to render your main aircraft obsolete before it's even rolled out.

ISIS is gone like the Taliban was gone in 2001. There are prisons full of them which the Kurds were guarding until they had to run off to defend their towns, and now hundreds of ISIS fighters are out again.

You haven't fixed relations with Turkey either - you've just shredded your capability. After all, what Turkey knows now is you will throw your allies under a bus.

the wanderer
Thu Oct 17 16:25:50
you're missing Trump's hatred of Mexicans & Muslims... very appealing to the white supremacists who ALL supported him (except that guy in California who Fox found... always gotta note him, he was surely being genuine)
Thu Oct 17 16:30:36

Were the Kurds ever promised an enforced autonomous region? Were they ever promised anything?

They got the same thing the rest of the Islamists and "moderate rebels" got - arms and training and logistical and information support.

Are we supposed to leave boots on the ground to protect Al Zenki from Assad?
Thu Oct 17 17:23:04
He doesn't hate Mexicans, he lets them work at many of his resorts and hotels.

Maybe the white supremacists voted for him because they didn't want a woman president. You know that whole in the kitchen thing. After all President Trump got along fine with Al, Jessie and a lot of other black people until they decided him becoming president made him racist.
Thu Oct 17 17:29:12
Seb is completely full of shit and it's shameful that not everyone in this thread immediately jumped on him for it.

Hey Seb, newsflash. Trump won in large part because of former Obama voters who defected to him in 2016. That's not because they suddenly turned racist between 2012-2016, it's because the Democrats ran a shitty candidate who was mired in controversy and who started endorsing some of the far-left policies that completely dominate the party today, such as hatred of cops and white people.

If you want to accuse one party of being racist, try the one that abandoned the whole philosophy of "skin color shouldn't be important for determining your success in America" to "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AKA THE LARGEST SINGLE DEMOGRAPHIC IN THE US! WAIT WHY AREN'T PEOPLE VOTING FOR US ANYMORE?!!!"
Thu Oct 17 17:31:08
Hillary: Endorses BLM, aka the group that thinks it's acceptable to chant shit like "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!"

Cops: *vote for Trump*

Hillary/Seb: wHy ArE cOpS sUcH vIlE rAcIsTs
Thu Oct 17 17:39:39
Seb bought the farm though. In his eyes, the only reason race relations are the worst since the Civil Rights era is that there's a mystical surge in White Nationalism attributed directly to muh Trump
Thu Oct 17 17:48:03

No, other way around. You've had a surge in racism, or rather white nationalism as a backlash to a black president, and Trump is directly attributable to that.

You've always been a fairly racist culture, but a black president was too much for a section and voting Trump as a means of trying to reverse the trajectory became their primary political lodestar.
Thu Oct 17 17:54:17
Lol what a retard.

That's quite an unsupported claim there, likely. Maybe stick to watching your gf get railed by her Hispanic fuck friend and leave the politics to people who know what they're talking about.
Thu Oct 17 17:59:48
It's always amusing when a fucking brit, of all people, accuses others of racism.
Thu Oct 17 18:01:41
Why bother arguing with seb? He is always wrong but he never ever admits it no matter what evidence you show him. It's like arguing with a teenager. Why waste the energy?
Thu Oct 17 18:04:21
Also Turkey is letting the Kurds retreat to the greater part of their province. Now the narrative is "but that's where the Kurds live, they wont leave!"

Okay, then let them fight for their homes, we bought them time to escape to their Kurdish province, we owe them nothing else.
Thu Oct 17 19:53:46
Fail to see how kurds releasing prisoners rather than handing them over to Assad is trumps fault.

Kurds are a terrible people. They were never an ally. They were just people who could hold guns under an American flag. It looked good on TV. The kurds weren't going to get backed by anybody else. The US needed to support someone to fight Russia's interests.

Neither the kurds nor the US nor anyone else ever thought this was a long term alliance. It's not that different from other US alliances.

Or yknow, did siagon not fall and is the US not engaged in a 18 year long war against the taliban?
smart dude
Fri Oct 18 00:52:07
"A poor white racist isn't necessarily going to turn up and vote for Romney just because he's *not* Obama."

Yeah these anti-black people will turn out in droves to vote for a guy running against a white person but when its an ACTUAL BLACK PERSON, then durrrrrrrrr.

As someone else mentioned, it has more to do with Muslims and immigrants. Don't need the Britsplaining to explain to me the climate in my own country, THNX.
Fri Oct 18 01:43:52

Interesting factoid: during WW2 there was a skirmish between visiting US forces white officers, their black troops and the village that hosted them.

Britain has its racists, but your countries ingrained attitude to African Americans is horrendous - so much so it's startling even to a culture like Britain during the 40s - and for the most part you collectively just don't want to see it.
Fri Oct 18 04:05:39
"He wrote like he talks. It was probably dictated. Yet another thing the fringe left thinks average americans will be upset by. "

diuuuur he talks duuur like a duuuur retard duuuur i'm duuur happy about this duuuuuur
Fri Oct 18 04:27:14
Erdogan does not care!


“The letter written on Oct. 9 was rejected by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and thrown away,” Turkish media quoted a diplomatic source as saying.
Fri Oct 18 07:01:37
Seb, it's interesting that you need to go back to the 1940's for an appropriate anecdote. Meanwhile, in the reality we all live in where society hadn't been frozen for 80 years, brits are about the most closeted soft racists I've ever seen. They're legit worse than those fucking french Canadians that nobody should ever like. Sure, in their typically stuffy and reserved British way it requires one to be able to read a little into their mannerisms and behaviors, but the evidence is pretty obvious. Americans may be more loud and boisterous about their racist beliefs, but it is undoubtedly more pervasive within brits.
Fri Oct 18 07:41:48
"worse than those fucking french Canadians that nobody should ever like"

May I present four words that destroys this notion

Céline Marie Claudette Dion
Fri Oct 18 07:45:11
My point stands.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon Nov 18 22:18:20
American covers a large swath of people
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