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Utopia Talk / Politics / Make America Greta
Fri Sep 20 14:12:42
Dayum... so many people. I don’t think there has ever been ao many people on the streets of New York before. This must be world record.


Greta Thunberg tweeted the New York City strike is "looking huge" and posted a photo of packed streets in Lower Manhattan. She is expected to speak at the rally later Friday.

Demostrators held signs that read "climate change is real"; "there is no Planet B": and "if you did your job, we would be in school."

Manhattan borough president Gale Brewster tweeted video showing protesters filling the streets from Foley Square to Centre Street and Chambers Street and across Broadway.

Brewster is one of a number of local New York City elected officials who were attending the strike, which took place outside City Hall. New York City Council speaker Corey Johnson tweeted he had "never seen so many people before. So inspired by these young people! There are people as far as you can see!"

Fri Sep 20 14:17:29
Greta has inspired millions of people from all around the world to unite for the climate. Even in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

When did this happen last time? Not even Jesus Christ could reach out to Pakistan!!
Fri Sep 20 14:19:57
I bet even Trump is looking to get a selfie with Greta now.
Fri Sep 20 14:23:05
Oh fuck off with that useful idiot already.
Fri Sep 20 14:24:40
"So inspired by these young people!"

It's not exactly a wonder that students showed up when the government gave them the day off from school and pretty much told them to show up.

Mao would be proud.
Fri Sep 20 14:37:38
You can literally see how @GretaThunberg can’t understand how the chairman of the committee on climate change can ask her such a stupid question:

“Why should we listen to the science?”

This is from today’s testimony in Congress by four young climate activists.


Fri Sep 20 14:42:28
Smug, mediocre, Republican Congressman takes on @GretaThunberg—

Greta proceeds to:
-remind him she's a badass
-destroy the very premise of his question
-roast him when he misses her pt

Fri Sep 20 14:47:21
Quoting Eddie Cochran:

I'm gonna take two weeks
Gonna have a fine vacation
I'm gonna take my problem
To the United Nations

Well, I called my congressman
And he said, quote:
"I'd like to help you, son
But you're too young to vote"

Sometimes I wonder
What I'm a-gonna do
But there ain't no cure
For the summertime blues
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 20 22:42:54
Good to see Greta Van Susteren inspiring all these kids to accept an excused absence. Rita van Hayworth is truly a memorable activist, and I hope this can turn more attention to Rita Moreno’s film career or at the very least increase tourism to Moreno Valley. Seeing all of those people in the streets truly makes one appreciate that there are far too many people in NYC, which is an important talking point of Valley Kilmer’s character in “Top Secret”, which this event was ultimately promoting.
Sat Sep 21 11:30:44
What an amazing display of media manipulating idiots with a non story.
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 21 18:01:03
You don't think that Rita Ora is newsworthy??? She has a top 10 hit in the UK! Get with it, obaminated!! I mean, Katina Orca is a household name for anyone who knows anything about SeaWorld, so this was clearly an important event that highlights the things that SeaWorld is like, you know, whatever they do there.
Sat Sep 21 19:21:41
LoL. Cuckservatives so triggered. Not even really a political issue but the all the data scientists at youtube and facebook and twitter have fucked up your minds engagement algorithms.

Reactionaries are even more fucked up mentally than they have been historically.
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 21 19:40:47
lol, yeah, those stupid cuckservatives. They don't browse anonymously with cookies disabled, so when they visit YouTube they don't get the same enlightened media that we hybrid drivers get. You know, quality content like, "Making Hamburger Sized Skittles", "Brad and Matty Matheson Go Noodling for Catfish Part 2", or "Every Goldberg match since his return: WWE Playlist".

Get out of your bubbles, cuckservatives!! Eta Tunafish is super relevant. There was a *rally*, didn't you consume the coverage? It was about like, issues. Here's an excerpt from the interview with Ygritte Thunder: "We have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people."

Powerful stuff.
Get woke, [convenient buzz words*]!!
*You Nazis or whatever they're telling me to call you because I don't bother examining my biases anymore.
Sat Sep 21 19:47:53
^I always do appreciate me a good ol' American Psycho reference.
Sat Sep 21 20:04:17
Pretending you know how to avoid being propagandized is hilarious.
Sat Sep 21 22:44:11
Cuckhat is especially good at avoiding propaganda, that's why he sticks with Vice and Vox
Sam Adams
Sun Sep 22 12:10:29
Lol cuckhat went to climate strike with a bunch of teenagers and got fired from his job at taco bell
Sun Sep 22 19:34:15
SURPRISE! The Official Escort for 16-Year-Old Global Warming ‘Expert’ Greta Thunberg Is a Leftist Hack Funded by George Soros Org. — The Gateway Pundit


Could it be? Have we reached a point where Paramount is finally casting aside his rampant anti-Semitism? Where Paramount is finally learning how to throw his support behind a puppet of the Jews?

This is a potentially huge development. Can we trust Paramount to start supporting pro-Jewish policies? Can we trust him to support, dare I say it, pro Israel policies? If we can find a mentally retarded Swedish teenager to support Israeli annexation of the West Bank, will Paramount support it as well?
Sun Sep 22 22:52:20
Man, cuckservatives are going hardcore after Greta in the twitterverse. The kochs and mercers distribute some more propaganda to you idiots, and you all jump when told to like good little dogs.

Fucking imbeciles.
Sun Sep 22 22:58:56
Cuckhat thinks truth he doesnt like to hear = propaganda.
Mon Sep 23 02:06:07
Shut the fuck you stupid ignorant piece of shit. Go do something with your life dumbass.
Mon Sep 23 02:10:36
I'm sorry your ex-wife is happily married to Steve from corporate. Keep drinking cuckhat, not much else you can do.
Mon Sep 23 02:48:21
I'm not sure how "the kochs" are distributing anything these days, considering one of them is dead.

You need to update your boogeymen, Dukhat.
Mon Sep 23 02:49:56
(you fucking idiot)
Mon Sep 23 11:48:39
I like how Rugian connects Zionism and Israel’s occupation of Palestine to the climate crisis and Greta.

” Can we trust Paramount to start supporting pro-Jewish policies? Can we trust him to support, dare I say it, pro Israel policies?”

Never. Although, if they give me $1 million I may start to make pro-Israeli tweets.
Mon Sep 23 12:44:24
I cried

Mon Sep 23 13:10:56
After that speech everyone drove home in their cars and ate meatballs and steaks.
Mon Sep 23 14:22:03
This poor kid is clearly being manipulated. So fucked up. The left uses children to push agendas. And this kid genuinely got convinced the world is heading to mass extinction. She will grow into a basketcase and turn to drugs in a few years, bank on that.
Mon Sep 23 17:56:44
Greg Gutfeld today pointed out if a cult was making their children believe the world was ending in ten year the government would step in and take those children away claiming child abuse.

Mon Sep 23 18:17:36
^EXACTLY! The fact that this shit has been allowed to advance this far is the most alarming aspect of this craze. When ***elementary*** school students are being marshaled to protest in support of political causes, we've reached a point where we are in state-sanctioned cult territory.
Mon Sep 23 18:21:25
Here's just one example:

" Park Slope Elementary Will Have Its Own March For Climate Strike

Students from P.S. 321 will march on Seventh Avenue on Friday morning in support of the youth-led "Climate Strike" in Manhattan.

PARK SLOPE, BROOKLYN — A local elementary school is planning their own take on the youth-led "Climate Strike" that will descend on Foley Square on Friday, the principal said in a letter to parents last week.

Students at P.S. 321, a kindergarten through fifth grade school on Seventh Avenue, will take a march down the street with signs for their own version of the Sept. 20 Climate Strike which is expected to draw a huge crowd to Foley Square joining similar rallies across the world coinciding with the United Nations General Assembly.

The kids have been learning about global warming in their classes all week to prepare for the school-wide activity, principal Liz Phillips told parents. The lessons and the local march will help the younger students participate in the youth-led day of climate change action in an age-appropriate way, Phillips said."


Tell me how fucking KINDERGARTNERS are supposed to be independently arriving at a logical conclusion on climate change after an objective analysis of the evidence. This is a cult!
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 24 00:38:34
Those kindergarteners all have PhD degrees in climatology, duh.

Good catch by Victim! That video was hilarious. I wish I didn’t know how young and stupid Gertrude Thomper is now, but oh well. Worth it for how funny her “How dare you?” line was. Bad acting on the level of an “emotional” Jon Stewart and reminiscent of the artifice of that kid comedian who reads her dad’s jokes. It’s all the more hilarious that she was given a platform and led with a Panoptic statement. Social media is a failed experiment.
Tue Sep 24 08:07:42
Greta has met the Pope, Obama, Macron.... all the world leaders, and thousands of people. And millions of people support her and everyone is telling her that she is ”doing the right thing” and ”keep going” etc.

Is is plausible that all the attention and the support that she has got has affected her. She’s been told that she is doing the right thing. She is also backed by science. So when she gets to talk to the world is only natural for her to ”attack” the science- and climate change deniers.

She is relying on what the scientists are saying. It is the scientists who are saying that we are heading for an extinction. Greta is only forwarding that message. She does not mistrust science. She can not comprehend that there are science-deniers. With all of this mind – this speech of her makes sense.

So if you are saying that she is leading a Doomsday Cult you should go and talk with the leading scientists instead and explain it to them.
smart dude
Tue Sep 24 08:21:00
"Tell me how fucking KINDERGARTNERS are supposed to be independently arriving at a logical conclusion on climate change"

huh? How does an elementary school student of any age (or even middle and high schoolers) arrive independently at a logical conclusion about most things. Evolution? Thermodynamics? Universal gravitaTion? Why don't we throw these kids into a dark cell and let them figure it all out by themselves?
Tue Sep 24 09:35:21
The one constant of conservative "media" is climate-change denial because it is almost entirely funded by the Kochs and fossil fuel interests with some random crazy-ass Mercer money. Real conservatives can think about it and see that it's not really a left or right issue at all: it's just science.

But there is no conservative movement anymore. It's just low-IQ reactionaries in their social media echo chambers.

Fucking incel retards.
Tue Sep 24 10:20:54
How is your ex-wifes pregnancy going? Dipshit, no one denies the climate changes. We question (omg, to question things) if it is humans causing it. Which humans arent. History literally proves this. There is so permanent climate on earth. It changes. That's a proven fact.
Tue Sep 24 10:46:04
"Dipshit, no one denies the climate changes."

You know full well it would be really easy to pull up a bunch of sources of conservatives doing exactly that. But who cares.

"We question (omg, to question things) if it is humans causing it"

Also stupid. Humanity has had a huge and demonstrable impact. The fact that something changes in any case does not prove that you did not change it. This should be obvious.

Questioning the gravity of the consequences and if they warrant sweeping changes to society is the only sensible refuge. Which is actually an interesting topic.
Tue Sep 24 11:14:04
Climate change happens naturally. This is what the American right has argued for years. It's really not up for debate.
Anarchist Prime
Tue Sep 24 11:56:52
Tue Sep 24 12:49:39
"Climate change happens naturally."

Indeed it does.

That does not mean humans can't have a huge influence.

It's like being on trial for murder and basing your defense solely on the fact that death happens naturally.
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 24 12:59:23
"Humanity has had a demonstrable impact."

Fixed it for you. Cant call this warming huge. Its a degree. A few degrees at the poles and city cores. Its like standing on Titanics bridge and saying the bilge pumps are having a huge impact.
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 24 13:02:01
We are in theory increasing storm strength by some 2%. That theoretical trend, if there, is too small to be observed in real world data on wind speeds, precip rates, etc. Huge?
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 24 13:02:47
Anarchist Prime Tue Sep 24 11:56:52

Lol mann is a fucktard.
Renzo Marquez
Tue Sep 24 17:45:54
Member Sun Sep 22 22:52:20
"Man, cuckservatives are going hardcore after Greta in the twitterverse."

She's not gonna fuck you bro.
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 25 00:06:31
“With all of this mind – this speech of her makes sense.“

It makes sense that she’s a puppet, yes. All of those people talk in her ear and use her as a pathos argument — an emotional face to sell their own perspectives. They award her as she mirrors their opinions. She herself is meaningless; she’s a teenager whose life has been hijacked. Does it seriously make sense to any thinking person to suddenly drop all the arguments because a teenager is crying? (Or pretending to cry, since she’s not a good actress.) Is she even some kind of out-of-this-world genius who has completed multiple PhD degrees at a young age; or, is she some kid who read a bunch of pop-science blogs, agreed with popular-alarmist opinions, and gained a visibility that could be manipulated for the benefit of her handlers? It’s the latter, which makes Gene Tierney‘s name and messages spectacularly unimportant.
Thu Sep 26 12:22:53
Puppet or influencer. So if we assume that she is an influencer, what does it matter? That’s the whole point. She wants to inspire people to act to save the planet.

There are also a lot of corporations who are using young people to promote their products. I doubt Greta is getting paid, though, like other influensers ...i mean puppets, who gets paid to promote a message, a life style, or a product. Greta do this because she herself believes that more must be done for the climate. At the most, maybe some people are paying for her travel expenses.

”She herself is meaningless”

I don’t think so. She has inspired millions of people from all the around the world. I think she means a lot to a lot of people.
Fri Sep 27 11:14:50

Hundreds of thousands of young people demonstrated on Friday in the second in a global series of protests to avert a climate catastrophe.

Waving signs and yelling slogans, schoolchildren and students in Italian cities were among those joining in the latest "Friday for Future" rallies.


"I have goose bumps today. It is really emotional. Greta has called us and we are there," a 17-year-old demonstrator in Rome who identified himself as Simone told AFP.


I wonder if Jesus Christ gave people goose bumps?
Anarchist Prime
Fri Sep 27 13:02:50
Fri Sep 27 13:24:37
That's not fair swordtail.

The Muslim 15-year old doesnt have a documented history of mental illness and disabilities.
Fri Sep 27 14:23:56
So, Greta is going to Montreal to tomorrow. And Arnold Schwarzenegger said he promised to lend his electric car to her. I don’t think Greta has a driving license but her father probably has. But maybe he isn’t allowed to drive Arnold’s car. It would be cool if Arnold drove her to Montreal.
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 27 16:24:13
[Paramount]: "Puppet or influencer. So if we assume that she is an influencer, what does it matter? That’s the whole point. She wants to inspire people to act to save the planet."

lol, thank you for making my point about what a bag of shit Frito Tostitos is :D — social media "influencers" are one of the lowest of the lows in the Internet shit show. It's vanity-casting to bait the lowest common denominator of fish. These are the Kendall Jenners; these people pose and falsify, collect subscribers, and offload the messages of their corporate overlords.

"[By the way, this natural-look make-up is by Revlon. Please enjoy my GQ cover (buy GQ! A magazine printed on high-quality paper!). I traveled via the Malizia II, which is "carbon neutral" (once it's been constructed, at least — it sure as fuck cost a lot of carbon to be made). It only costs an easy 1.5 million USD to be as carbon neutral as I was on this trip, which should send a positive message to other teens that all they need to do to be carbon neutral is say what your ultra-rich overlords want you to say and hope that they can lend you their private yachts. Famous comedian Arnold Braunschweiger will also be giving me free stuff, and I'm a fucking nobody from Sweden! It's great! ♫ Sell out! With me, oh yeah, sell out! With me tonight! ♫"

[CC] "She herself is meaningless"
[Paramount]: "I don’t think so. She has inspired millions of people from all the around the world. I think she means a lot to a lot of people."

"Inspiring" people on the Internet is what fat people who lost 5 pounds of water weight over the weekend do on Facebook. It doesn't negate the status of the useless person who found a popular message; what makes her a puppet isn't negated by her "inspirational" position. What makes her a puppet is that she doesn't even have a message with an edge or any kind of original thought. She is an ingénue for climate Harvey Weinsteins to parade around their parties; feigning purity of thought while reading their lines, speaking their messages, and claiming the importance of obeying their positions. Would she tell other teens to stop upgrading their cell phones every year? Would she tell them to take direct action instead of embracing the Panopticism of the social media lynch mob? Nope! Just get selected like an American Idol contestant. *That* is truly "inspirational" to a mob of would-be heroes. Let those with money tell you your worth to the world.
Anarchist Prime
Fri Sep 27 16:39:47
"So, Greta is going to Montreal to tomorrow."

she's already here
Sat Sep 28 01:25:48
Yes, I didn’t realize until I had posted that the tv-show I was watching where she said she is going to Montreal was not a live show. It was pre-recorded the day before she went to Montreal. Anyhoo... I wonder if she got to travel in Arnold’s electric car or not. Probably not.
Sat Sep 28 17:21:51
Maga hat kid and Greta need a televised debate
Sat Sep 28 21:23:16
Greta has proven to be utterly incompetent when she goes off the script.

At least she can blame youth and a diagnosed mental quirk, unlike others.
Mon Sep 30 05:14:59
I will repeat:

Having a 16 year old girl with autism and a history of anxiety attacks as some inspirational role model or "influencer" to solve complex global problems is not healthy nor advisable. When she tells you to panic and give simpelton solutions you know where it comes from. It comes from the brain of a 16 year old girl with autism and a history of anxiety attacks prepped by a team of climatards.
Mon Sep 30 09:40:16
Wait she has autism? Are you fucking kidding me?
Mon Sep 30 09:43:45
God damnit just looked it up. God damn her handlers and soros. Seriously. This poor fucking kid needed help.
Mon Sep 30 09:50:51
The fact that she's doing this despite having autism should be a feather in her cap. One should also temper that claim, as I highly doubt someone as functional as her is actually full blown autistic. Spectrum, sure, but not all the way.
Mon Sep 30 10:02:19
I was gonna play game with you. But no. Fuck that. This is a kid who has mental problems who was convinced the world ends in 10 years. Go fuck yourself if you think that's how she should be treated.
Mon Sep 30 10:06:29
What? The only support I'm offering her is that she's very well adjusted for someone on the spectrum. There's no need to flail like a whining vagina over this.
Mon Sep 30 10:20:42

By her own account, she suffered from severe depression as a pre-teen because she couldnt handle the thought of climate change. And just a few days ago she went before the UN and literally said that her childhood had been destroyed over the issue.

This is not a mentally well person we're talking about here. Normal people dont ruin their lives over obsessing about melting polar ice caps or CO2 emissions. When people call her mentally ill, they're simply being factual.
Mon Sep 30 10:43:36

Please cite where I disputed her having a mental irregularity. When you cannot, go fuck yourself.
Mon Sep 30 10:52:52
No hood. Go fuck yourself. You are siding with soros who used a mentally ill child to push an agenda. This is something I said and many other said was clearly fishy days before it came out she was autistic. Go fuck yourself. You are a legit shithead. Quit finding angles to justify your idiotic opinion.
Mon Sep 30 10:56:40
Please find an opinion I've stated beyond "she's pretty high functioning for someone on the autism spectrum" and tell me whether it has been in support or against her.

Or I'll save you the effort:
I give no shits about this girl. Her retort to a senate hearing was amusing, but only that. I just don't care at all who she is or what she does. My only comment on her to date has been that she's well adjusted for being on the spectrum.

Suicide is a cure for chronic stupidity, mt. Just a thought.
Mon Sep 30 10:59:01
Oh wow, Hood is losing it here rofl.
Mon Sep 30 11:01:08
You have an odd definition of losing it.
Mon Sep 30 11:21:41
”Normal people dont ruin their lives over obsessing about melting polar ice caps or CO2 emissions.”

Her life is hardly destroyed because she skipped school for a few months. She’s 16 and have all the time to catch up.

But she was correct though, if the adults had done something for the climate earlier then she could have skipped striking for the climate.

Technically, she is diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. For her it means (she said) that she has a social phobia, she is a shy person and she does not like to talk in front of many people.
Mon Sep 30 11:30:40
Hood dude... okay man you do you it's kinda scary how detached you are.

And parafag does dumb shit. At least he has a reason to justify it. Hood just goes full bore on being a psycho.
Mon Sep 30 11:31:41
But hey, hood will call me a retard because he doesnt realize everyone in his social orbit wonders about him. Seriously. What a psycho.
Mon Sep 30 12:04:27
The sweet smell of goal post moving. When all you've got is lies and assumptions, I guess the only out is calling someone a psycho? I wouldn't know. I'm not so fucking retarded as to walk myself into a situation where I'm literally having to assign someone an opinion to argue against a throwaway, meaningless argument like "she's functional for being on the spectrum." I don't sling vaginal sputum over the slightest of statements.

I'm also amazed at how mt's hysterics has somehow made me the psycho. Consider the actual conversation:

Member Mon Sep 30 09:50:51
The fact that she's doing this despite having autism should be a feather in her cap. One should also temper that claim, as I highly doubt someone as functional as her is actually full blown autistic. Spectrum, sure, but not all the way.

A subdued comment about how the girl isn't full blown autistic (which mountme seems to confirm).

Member Mon Sep 30 10:02:19
I was gonna play game with you. But no. Fuck that. This is a kid who has mental problems who was convinced the world ends in 10 years. Go fuck yourself if you think that's how she should be treated.

Straight into "go fuck yourself" territory over a subdued statement about how the girl is functional and not fully autistic.

Member Mon Sep 30 10:06:29
What? The only support I'm offering her is that she's very well adjusted for someone on the spectrum. There's no need to flail like a whining vagina over this.

Translation: calm your tits, dude.

Member Mon Sep 30 10:52:52
No hood. Go fuck yourself. You are siding with soros who used a mentally ill child to push an agenda. This is something I said and many other said was clearly fishy days before it came out she was autistic. Go fuck yourself. You are a legit shithead. Quit finding angles to justify your idiotic opinion.

An unfounded accusation that I'm "siding" with anyone simply by stating that Greta operates better than someone with full blown autism (which appears to be true; she is not fully autistic). It also assumes that I'm something approving the manipulation of an autistic child for some grand scheme I haven't offered any support to only because I pointed out that she probably wasn't fully autistic (which, again, appears to be correct).

So I'm psycho because you exploded with unfounded accusations and emotion simply because I pointed out that this girl wasn't fully autistic? Or am I a psycho because I defended the actual words I actually said from your imagined slights? Or am I a psycho because I don't really pay attention to or put much stock into a girl from another continent going on a world tour to support a cause she truly believe in?

Did it ever occur to you, in your small and shallow mind, that this tour could actually be helping her? That it could be soothing the chaos inside of her that fixates on global warming? Likely not, as you view mental disability like it's the same as being paralyzed.
Mon Sep 30 12:53:51
Lol hahahahjaja yes hood. Convincing a mentally ill child that the world is ending and that traveling the world would be good for her. You really are a psycho. You can rationalize anything.
Mon Sep 30 12:56:00
Not only that, but its bizarre how hes willfully ignoring the mentally I'll child's effect on politics just because he himself doesn't care about it.

It's great and all if Thunberg is finding this all to be therapeutic (although I highly doubt that), but her idiocy is not constrained to just herself.
Mon Sep 30 12:58:56
You have a mentally ill President, that's what you should care about.
Mon Sep 30 13:02:00

My executive leader isn't the one that's manifestly ill. Shake shake shake.
Mon Sep 30 13:19:07
What effect on politics? Some kids skipping school? A few people using new arguments for the same position they already had? What minds has she actually changed?
Mon Sep 30 13:22:55
Rugian, Merkel is no longer shaking:
Mon Sep 30 16:47:02
"What effects on politics?" Asked the psycho who apparently doesnt want to admit how much this autistic child has had an impact on political discussions. She only spoke at the UN.
Mon Sep 30 17:14:56
duuuur there has been duuur at least duuur a half a duuuur dozen duuuuur preteens or teens duuur to talk about duuuur varying duuur derp duuur topics, which duuuur some include duuuuu derp climate change duuuuuurrr, but duuur I contribute duuur to dicksuctions duuuur
Mon Sep 30 17:48:20
"She only spoke at the UN."

Since when did you give a shit about the UN? Now that it's (not actually) valid to your point?

I ask again, what actual effect has she had on politics? Have any policies been changed? Has anyone actually done anything? Have any opinions been swayed? Or is she just a fancy prop?
Mon Sep 30 17:51:01
Oh you idiot... there is a difference between giving a shit about the UN and acknowledging that speakers there get news coverage and attention. And you double down on your idoicy. You expect policy changes on the week since she spoke? Hood, shut the fuck up or admit its fucked up to use an autistic child to push a political agenda.
Mon Sep 30 19:33:22
"Hood, shut the fuck up or admit its fucked up to use an autistic child to push a political agenda."

It's really hard to take you seriously considering the current US president. Do you actually give two shits? Or is it only because she's voicing opinions you don't like?

"acknowledging that speakers there get news coverage and attention"

Coverage and attention does not equal any noticeable change in opinion or policy. Nobody is changing their opinions over Greta. Nobody is reshaping policy proposals over her.
Mon Sep 30 19:56:36
Lol, oh hood

And yeah, I dont like using mentally handicapped kids for political purposes. Especially when they are brainwashed to think the world is ending.
Mon Sep 30 20:12:36
From your article:
"In the two years since the 33-year-old Kurz won his last national election, global warming rose 11 percentage points to become the top concern in the minds of Austrians, according to the latest Eurobarometer data. That’s about the same increase in support Austria’s Green Party received on Sunday."

AKA, you're fucking stupid and the article's title lied to you. Try reading once or twice.
Mon Sep 30 22:51:56
So you think there is no connection despite widespread media coverage and people explicitly stating she inspired them? Are you that fucking stubborn?
Mon Sep 30 23:03:40
Data > anecdotes. The emotionally irrational (colloquially referred to as retards) will hook onto anecdotes like randos claiming some teenager inspired their vote. People who aren't intellectually crippled will actually accept what data tells them even if it doesn't support their previously held notions.

The data says this outcome had been coming for 2 years. One whiny illegal claims a 16 year old girl is changing the course of history. And yet I'm the crazy one?
Tue Oct 01 04:50:38
Dickhead UPer
Tue Oct 01 06:16:04
"She only spoke at the UN." She wasn't the only one, there had been others in the past. This isn't "groundbreaking." But just another movement to bring awareness and if isn't so much targeted in charger now, but maybe an inspiration who are coming up.

If you want to see when coverage occurred with others over the years, starting back in the late 80s, I believe. Maybe it would shed some light on your incredible ignorance and you jumping on the bandwagon to bash the girl think that she is mentally handicapped.

I guess these people are just incapable of making a difference, or doing anything with their lives because of their "handicap."


I share this in hopes this inspires you reach your goals. But it is remarkable that you are still a pizza delivery driver after 20 years.
Dickhead UPer
Tue Oct 01 06:17:17
*you think she is mentally handicapped. (challenging your brainwash assessment in other words.)
Tue Oct 01 10:11:24
"She only spoke at the UN."

She spoke in Congress also.
Tue Oct 01 11:56:06
”So you think there is no connection despite widespread media coverage and people explicitly stating she inspired them? Are you that fucking stubborn?”

How do you know that those people where not already on a trajectory to become climatards or that they will keep being one? One thing I am very sure of is that Greta has not and will not act as some unifying movement. She has since the early weeks here in Sweden unfortunately acted as divider and increased the polarization on the issue. And it only gets worse as it goes on, that is unfortunate since climate and environmental issues are very important.
Tue Oct 01 12:13:50
”She has since the early weeks here in Sweden unfortunately acted as divider and increased the polarization on the issue.”

40+ year old men have a hard time accepting that a girl tells them what needs to be done.
Anarchist Prime
Wed Oct 02 12:28:29
Putin about Greta Thunberg: I am sure she is a kind and sincere girl, but ...

Wed Oct 02 14:10:56
>>40+ year old men have a hard time accepting that a girl tells them what needs to be done.<<

No one should accept stupid advice regardless the age of the person giving them.
Cherub Cow
Wed Oct 02 23:01:24
Oh noes! Putin basically made an argument similar to mine: she is being used by her handlers as a pathos argument. Maybe I’m a Russian bot D:
Wed Oct 02 23:56:13
Luke, I has nyevar hurd ohv thees roashin boh-ats you speek ohv. We all ryed blueded Amehreekahns.
Thu Oct 03 01:10:41
”Putin said young people who paid attention to environmental issues should be supported”

Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 03 04:00:21
How about posting the rest of that?
“Putin said young people who paid attention to environmental issues should be supported, adding: “But when someone is using children and teenagers in personal interests, it only deserves to be condemned.

“I’m sure that Greta is a kind and very sincere girl. But adults must do everything not to bring teenagers and children into some extreme situations.””
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 03 04:44:57
Talking about the environment and bringing awareness about climate change; so, so extreme.

It honestly doesn't matter, because they are young people or teens and if they stand out to bring awareness about any subject matter. There are always about to be a core of people with their skepticism or cynicism about them. "they are a puppet," "being used by others or a prop." Then you have a forum in the butthole of the internetverse with forum participants butthurt over the concept of this. Even if it wasn't a young person that was being used as the mascot.

But that is the thing, they are used as a "mascot" because it is grabbing attention, but maybe for the time and should it really be that bothersome to you. And like earlier as pointed out, has it really changed the minds and caused immediate change.

Point is, you get people bent out of shape either in support or against. And it seemingly appears that the ones getting more bent out of shape are the adults "oooh she just a young girl, ooooh she has some type of mental disorder, ooh this means she is incompetent and is unable to think for herself."

But what really is sad about this whole mess and Nim referred to it, that a serious subject matter appears to be overlooked because of the messenger. (which could be a factor, but should it matter?)

Thu Oct 03 06:08:53
”How about posting the rest of that?”

Well you basically already said ”the rest of that” when you said that Putin made an argument similar to yours. So all I wanted to do was to post the rest of what he said :)
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