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Utopia Talk / Politics / Will Twitter ban Trump now?
Mon Jul 15 00:53:13

Trump got a lot of criticism for this tweet. People says it is racism (telling people to go back to where they came from) and that if Trump had said it at Wal Mart he would have been arrested.

Twitter’s rules and code of conduct does not allow racism, right? So will Twitter ban Trump now? Maybe people has to report him to Twitter Abuse first?
Mon Jul 15 03:35:50
Imagine the following trump brought on to Twitter. And the backlash for banning the president.

No way
Mon Jul 15 04:17:43
What you are witnessing is the inuring of America. If Obama had said half the shit Trump lets fly on a daily basis, he would have been tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a rail.
Mon Jul 15 05:47:15
Twitter already said basically that Trump is unbannable. He has done much worse, like threatening war and mass violence, in terms of twitter policy. This is all within the expected behavior of someone in his position.
Mon Jul 15 06:13:05
Maybe the Trump mafia sent death threats to Twitter. So now they made him unbannable.
Mon Jul 15 06:18:13
Why would Twitter ban Trump? He said nothing wrong.
Mon Jul 15 06:23:22
Twitter is actually a strange place for many reasons. The principle is, national leaders will conduct communication on twitter, inwards to their own nation and outwards. That includes aggression and war, so it is permissible when they do it. It is in that context normal behavior and of value to the public. While if you and I were to do it, it is illegal and nobody cares. But also he brings traffic.

Anothe example is that some porn is OK on twitter, when pornstars do it in their own feed for their own followers. However if you were to post porn in Donald Trumps feed, you will get banned because his followers will be offended and report you.
Mon Jul 15 16:24:18
deport them, ihan married her brother to scam their way into our country. fuck them all.
Mon Jul 15 16:24:56
that goat fucker just claimed trump worked with russians to rig his election, seriously, fuck her.
Mon Jul 15 16:43:54
Rapist judging goat fuckers? Sorry bro, you're still more despicable.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 16:57:39
that pussy grabber claims Omar "speaks about how wonderful al Qaeda is", seriously, fuck him
Mon Jul 15 17:21:33
A good goat will do that.
Mon Jul 15 17:27:34
I still don't get what is racist about it though.
Mon Jul 15 17:30:31
What a classic jew move by hood. Side with the people who want to wipe you out.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 17:37:45
could you cite where

1) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested she wants to wipe out the jews
2) Ayanna Pressley suggested she wants to wipe out the jews
3) Rashida Tlaib suggested she wants to wipe out the jews
4) Ilhan Omar suggested she wants to wipe out the jews

take all the time you need
Mon Jul 15 17:39:16
Who has to side with anyone to point out that a rapist is undeniably worse than a goat fucker?
Mon Jul 15 17:40:14
Why do people keep bringing up Pressley? Has she been specifically mentioned?

Like I've seriously never even heard of her until this tweet that leftists are just assuming includes her
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 17:48:35
Pressley is one of the four known as 'the squad' who Pelosi had a spat w/ & whom therefore Trump was -definitely- referencing... i can't express how definite that is...

plus the unhinged moron recently tweeted:
"The Dems were trying to distance themselves from the four “progressives,” but now they are forced to embrace them. That means they are endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel and the USA! Not good for the Democrats!"

so yeah, she's included

the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 17:55:30
so if anyone wants another challenge, could you cite where

1) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested she hates America
2) Ayanna Pressley suggested she hates America
3) Rashida Tlaib suggested she hates America
4) Ilhan Omar suggested she hates America

...and i think i'm being generous with use of 'suggested'

note: hating Trump or the Trump administration is not hating America

i skimmed Tucker's tirade on Omar, didn't actually see any comments by Omar but it was a brief skim
Mon Jul 15 18:02:49
Member Mon Jul 15 17:40:14
"Why do people keep bringing up Pressley? Has she been specifically mentioned?

Like I've seriously never even heard of her until this tweet that leftists are just assuming includes her"

She's actually my congresswoman. She is black, and a woman, and the reason I mention those things is that she came to power by primarying a 20-year incumbent who had one of the most progressive records in Congress, but who made the fatal error of being a white male in the post-sanity Democratic Party.

Seriously, that's why she's in office. She's a black woman, and her opponent was a white male.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 18:58:20
she's able to speak like an adult, so she's got one up on the President
Mon Jul 15 19:02:56
After a cursory search: rich private school girl that's probably more privileged than any poster here, lulz

But hey, she's a well-spoken black girl from Chicago. That's enough checkmarks for the Ds
Mon Jul 15 19:11:38
aaaaaand tw falls for it.

anyways, ihan has made it clear she sides with islamic terrorists and minimizes victims of terrorist attacks and doesn't like israel. that really isn't a debate worth having.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 22:09:49
falls for what?

the President (& Lindsey Graham* say 'we all know they hate Israel & Jews'... specifically name-checking AOC, so not just Omar... as was always clear...)

however, these claims are not established facts... and you will be too chicken to try to prove them

*i envision him as having glowing green spots all over him now, but technically it's still Lindsey i guess
Mon Jul 15 22:48:42
yeah a bitch who talks about 911 in the terms of "some people did something" clearly isn't downsizing terrorist attacks. you fucking nut.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 22:53:41
it's not like she was asked 'what happened on 9/11?'

iirc, she was referencing how all muslims get blamed for terror attacks which i imagine gets quite annoying

out of curiosity, do you feel opposing Israel (on a policy level) would make them unAmerican?
Tue Jul 16 04:18:34
duuuuur I saw duuuur tw is triggered but duuur i am the one duuur triggered duuuuur I can't duuur understand duuuur context duuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr muh duuur 911 duuuuurrrr
Tue Jul 16 04:19:35
duuuuur if you duuuur say duuuur anything duuuur negative duuur about Israel duuuur you're unamerican duuuur and you hate duuuuur jews duuuuuuuuurrrr
The Politician
Tue Jul 16 04:43:18
"yeah a bitch who talks about 911 in the terms of "some people did something" clearly isn't downsizing terrorist attacks. you fucking nut. "

Well if you are an imbecile and want to take what was said out of context yes, it sounds like "downsizing", but when you have the full quote and the context of which it was said, it's harmless. Hey, but continue your fake outrage just because she is a muslim and feed of fake rumors just because you need an excuse to hate her.
Tue Jul 16 10:46:46
my outrage isn't fake you unknown poster on UP. i rarely get pissed over issues. but some muslim bitch downsizing 911 does piss me off. i hope she gets her ass deported for her brother marriage scam. hopefully sent back to somalia where she gets forced into marriage, raped and then murdered. because that is what those people do.
Tue Jul 16 11:21:05
She also lied about CAIR being founded to protect muh Muzzie civil liberties following 9/11. It was founded seven years prior
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 11:41:39
The Democrat Congresswomen have been spewing some of the most vile, hateful, and disgusting things ever said by a politician in the House or Senate, & yet they get a free pass and a big embrace from the Democrat Party. Horrible anti-Israel, anti-USA, pro-terrorist & public shouting of the F...word, among many other terrible things.

should be easy to find some of these quotes if the most vile things ever said... please post

(& add complaining about the 'f word' to his warehouse of hypocrisy)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 12:05:26
in fact, should be trivially easy really as Fox News undoubtedly digging up every sentence fragment... so just direct me to their findings if you like
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 12:28:19
on camera just now... Trump said he has a list of stuff they've said, but it's so bad that he doesn't even want to read any of it out loud

obaminated: "i totally believe what he just said!"
The Politician
Tue Jul 16 13:17:41
"my outrage isn't fake you unknown poster on UP. i rarely get pissed over issues. but some muslim bitch downsizing 911 does piss me off. i hope she gets her ass deported for her brother marriage scam. hopefully sent back to somalia where she gets forced into marriage, raped and then murdered. because that is what those people do."

So you admit that you ignored the context of what she said and the implications of her comment which include how proud she is to live in this county and to be an American. Got it.
The Politician
Tue Jul 16 13:28:45

But don't worry, you're still free to continue your fake outrage.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 13:29:06
he requires being told the comments are outrageous

"some people did something" is not enough words to be outraged, but i'm certain those are the only words he knows that she said
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 13:46:12
profile in courage Mitch McConnell says all sides need to tone it down... citing only examples from the Dems... but noting it's 'everyone' who has to work on it

hopefully the moron realizes McConnell meant his stupid ass self who frequently says stupid shit & will continue to do so with no expectation of it ever stopping... seriously, do these R's think Trump will ever change?

like Romney put this out:
"The president’s comments were destructive, demeaning, and disunifying. The President of the United States has a unique and noble calling to unite the American people – of all different races, colors, and national origins. In that respect, the president failed badly."

he makes constant attempts to divide the nation every single day... i'm sure he's jusssst about to change
Tue Jul 16 21:32:45
REEEEE our prized muslim bitch has to be defended at all costs, even if she is trivializing the death of thousands of americans by islamic followers.
Tue Jul 16 21:34:22
prized muslim bitch about pearl harbor "some people did something"
leftists morons "that is totally not downsizing the death of thousands of americans, it is just racists who get upset about that!"
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 21:53:51
Kellyanne Conway added that they all hate the military & the vets... hey why not, no proof required for any of it

why can't you people post the huge list of vile comments? Trump had a stack of papers he said was it... (but too vile for him to cite)

i know of 'the benjamins'... so anti-semetic, surely no pro-israel lobbying exists

i know of 'some politicians have allegiance to Israel'... ooh, so vile & anti-semetic to suggest politicans have devotion to Israel (while we suggest these women opposing Israel demonstrates they are unAmerican... weird, sounds like devotion is mandatory)

i know of 'some people did something'... i don't even know how to be offended by it... although i think this is one of the funniest things ever:
...so maybe that one's on me

so aside from those shocking comments, what are the "most vile, hateful, and disgusting things ever said by a politician" that include hatred for the USA, jews, our military, our vets, and are pro-terrorist?

again... just cite Fox News if they made a list (which i'm certain they would've at least tried to do)... although i may criticize their choices...
Tue Jul 16 22:00:45
more rants from a deranged guy on the internet.
Tue Jul 16 22:00:45
more rants from a deranged guy on the internet.
Tue Jul 16 22:00:45
more rants from a deranged guy on the internet.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 22:11:03
^guy who believes COMPLETELY OBVIOUS liar
Tue Jul 16 22:26:55
I mean, do you love your Minnesota Muslim simply because she's on the opposite side of the aisle from Drumpf? Or has Twitter infected your mind? I'm honestly curious what spurred a Ron Paul guy to start playing defense for virtually every Democrat in office, it goes way beyond hating Trump.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 23:03:55
i don't much care for Omar (although the 'obvious' anti-semitism was not obvious to me)

mostly i'm criticizing Trump, as usual

the President of the United States claims these 4 congresswomen "have been spewing some of the most vile, hateful, and disgusting things ever said by a politician in the House or Senate... Horrible anti-Israel, anti-USA, pro-terrorist" things...

if this was a fit president this should be extremely easy to demonstrate (& the 3 examples i cited do not fit the bill at all... which is probably why team Trump isn't doing a lot of citing things, just claiming they happened)

...plus clear to me he doesn't see them as Americans, and that he doesn't see them that way because they have funny names & brown skin... my evidence: 'go back where you came from' 'fix your governments before telling Americans how to fix ours'... and i'm sure he didn't google to learn their ancestry (as he doesn't know how), nor did he do any other research, he has never shown interest in having accurate knowledge... brown skin/weird names - i'm confident that was it... but that's just my expert opinion that is almost certainly correct

if for some reason you think he knew exactly who was born where & which generation immigrants they were and carefully considered those countries & states of their governments... then you are wrong

though primarily i'm concerned about the -constant- lying & spreading of misinformation, not his white nationalism (& his defenders' constant 'oh he didn't mean what he definitely meant' gets annoying)

...and his inability to behave like an adult... honestly, consider ALL the weird fuck-ups he has made, no fit adult would struggle so hard to seem normal
Wed Jul 17 04:28:56
duuuuuuur I am duuuuur tooo reeeeee to duuur understand duuuuur context so I duuuuur will duuuuur just be duuuuur mad because duuuuur she is duuuuur muslim duuuur and continue duuuur just to be duuuuur mad duuuuur because duuuur of that duuuuuuuuur she used duuuuur words duuur "some people" duuuuur though I ignore duuuuur context duuur context duuuur what does duuuur that mean duuuur anyways duuuuuuuuuurrrr slurgle duuuur slobber duuur *fart*
The Politician
Wed Jul 17 05:01:07
" has to be defended at all costs, even if she is trivializing the death of thousands of americans by islamic followers. "

Who is defending her at all cost? I think you're completely missing the point, which is not all surprising considering it's you.

Pointing out a fact or a statement in it's full context that is not spliced up and/or advertised and put in a narrative you want it to be so you can invoke your excuse of hating her because she is muslim, is not the same as her having to be defended at all cost.

Wrong is wrong. Doesn't matter if other people do not care for her or not. It's of course your prerogative to dislike her because you disagree with her politics or what have you. But quit being a fool to use a phrase that is completely being taken out of context to once again fuel your fake outrage.

It just only proves the point that you're going to the extreme just like others who say that Trump is a Nazi. But, you're also a person who has a history of not understanding some of the most simplest of sentences, context, or have critical thinking skills.

As I said before it's fine to continue your fake outrage, just own it.
Wed Jul 17 06:37:59
Maybe beanerbaby should go back to Mexico.
Wed Jul 17 09:13:39
i like that i am being hit on my race by people simply because i get frustrated that a dumbass trivializes a major terrorist attack. also, TP, its cool you took the time to write out a long, thoughtful post. but you are still a fucking moron. not everyone needs a lot of words to make their point. Ihan clearly said something stupid as fuck, you and your ilk defending her just shows what you guys actually consider important.
Wed Jul 17 10:00:32
Gotta love racist rapists whining about being called out over their race.
The Politician
Wed Jul 17 10:24:55
Ah yes, I see. Because I took the time to address the matter that you have clearly demonstrated to have taken out of context. It's me or others defending her because you have the opinion that it was "stupid." Where I haven't brought up the issue of the level of intelligence or even if it could have bee articulated better. However, it does not negate the fact that what she said in its entirety had been taken out of context. Which on this topic you haven't even attempted to address one simple question...how?

Oh and because one poster in this thread called you a "beaner" its "people." Which lends itself that on a consistent basis you take things out of context or have a limited comprehension skills.
Wed Jul 17 10:32:41
Who called mtard a beaner? I made a general statement that beanerbaby should go back to Mexico. How is that offensive?
Wed Jul 17 13:47:14
i am not whining about being called out over my race. simply pointing out that my race (actually not my race) is called out by leftists. it's pretty funny and revealing that the left leans into racism when they have nothing to actually say.
Wed Jul 17 14:08:50
Yes, it's totally racism and not taunting a racist with race.
Wed Jul 17 14:21:37
eh, you are also the unwitting moron who keeps calling me a rapist, simply because i acknowledge that women use sex in the workplace to get ahead. you tend to see rapists, nazis and racists a lot in your little world, don't you?
Wed Jul 17 14:31:08
So there's 2 things here:
1. Clearly calling you a rapist for your views on women in the workplace isn't "seeing rapists I'm my little world." It may fall under mocking, name calling, etc.
2. Your attacks on Omar simply for being Muslim is extremely similar to Trump calling Mexicans in the US the bad ones, the rapists and murderers. Bring that you're half Hispanic, it seems very fitting to use your own rhetoric against you.

Or more appropriately: you're really dumb and should stop trying to be clever. You fail. Every time.
Wed Jul 17 14:38:46
Would this forum abstain from mocking a Bible-thumping Alabama Christian?
Wed Jul 17 17:53:36
"i am not whining about being called out over my race."

Looks like you're whining.
Wed Jul 17 17:56:35
...but was making fun of your race in here?
Wed Jul 17 18:01:54
duuur I hate duuur muslim woman duuur because duuur she sayd duuur sum ppl duuur and I duuur take it duuur out of context duuur to have duuuur an excuse duuur to hate her duuur but duuuur don't call me duuur racist duuur or Nazis or beaner duuur because it bothers me duuuuuur
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 18:05:27
Trump today:
"When you look at some of the things they've said, they're unthinkable. If somebody else or me or anybody else said things like that, eh, it would be historic. So you ought to look at some of the horrible statements because there's never been statements like that."

it's like Jaws i guess... no need to actually see it...
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 21:57:06
Vile. Omar is awful. She is a radical anti-Semite with terrible views. She is also an American citizen and chanting for her deportation based on her exercise of the First Amendment is disgusting.
~Ben Shapiro's reaction to the 'Send her back!' chants at Trump's (klan) rally tonight

conservatives love Shapiro, right?

...but i'm sure Trump is jusssst about to change
Wed Jul 17 23:52:59
well, like i said, i recently found out im not half mexican after all, more apache. also 3 percent black.
the wanderer
Thu Jul 18 12:14:18
Trump claims he was not happy w/ the "Send her back!" chant... after fairly universal backlash

yet at the time, he stood there basking in it (for 13 seconds) as his toadstool stiffened

he sure is a courageous man... for making no effort to shut it down & completely disguise his disgust
the wanderer
Thu Jul 18 13:02:10
"I'm not happy with chants like that, and I've said it many times"
~dumpy mcLiarface in his toilet stance

yeah... except at the time... or ever before...
Thu Jul 18 13:03:13
Maybe negro should go back to Africa
the wanderer
Thu Jul 18 15:07:16
...and he claims he started speaking very quickly as effort to shut it down

just in case kargen or obaminated want to admit he's a constant fucking liar by now or anything
the wanderer
Fri Jul 19 16:02:40
well, Trump has started finally citing quotes...

"That's what they say, evil Jews" & "call our country and our people garbage"

didn't actually happen of course... we'll see if he gets in trouble yet... i'll guess no

but if he keeps inventing quotes, one can hope

absurdly unfit
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